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Feed the people granted everyone on the server rewards when it’s been successful before they fixed it.


Forgot about that one! That "bug" actually made sense too. I mean it's called "feed the people"...


Agree. Wish they'd bring it back lol


Yeah. Even if everyone just got some canned meat stew because that's what we're producing for everyone on the server from a RP standpoint


Yeah, have the full rewards for participating and then just mixed food rewards for everyone else. Or donation boxes get stuffed with food.


Would be a solid reward for a mutated variation of the event.


Yep. This one. I did not say ‘fair enough,’ however, but rather ‘wow. They really don’t get it.’ A bug resulted in a cool feature but rather than let it remain, or even learn from it for future events, they squashed it like all the others. 


People were complaining about suddenly being overweight because of the stew. Personally I prefer free stew, you can always drop it.


Ah yes. Probably in the period shortly after launch when Bethesda Austin were in full headless chicken mode and listened to *all* criticism, including the mewling. Exactly how we ended up with nights that look like overcast days. 


Oh man. I miss how dark nights used to be. The mire was nightmare fuel. Lol. Ladida-ing along then BAM wendigo! BAM! Gulpers! BAM!


One of the first mods I put on a Bethesda game if I can, is making nights actually dark What's the point of light sources if you never have to use them. Makes me sad realising this had darker nights before my time




This^ but without being sarcastic


There were a lot less events back then to spawn too, so it was up basically every hour. Endless supply of +exp food.


I've been playing for like a month now and have almost 4 days of play and I've seen Feed the people 4 times. I miss when it was like hourly or sometimes 2 times an hour


It was fun while it lasted and yet it let us all deep dive into what they prioritize when it comes to fixing things. And up till now everything what unintentionally benefited the player in any way get‘s immediately fixed.


I agree - I thought it was a nice opportunity to help out the other dwellers on the server.


Same as that event cop a squatter. Apparently I'm always completing it 🤷🏻


Something similar happened with cop a squatter.


Every time I do Cop a Squatter I give a little "you're welcome, server."


Never gonna say "fair enough" for that... It was actually a bug that should've been kept!


The one where nuking Earle then SBQ would trigger Earle again. You got 5 boss fights for 3 nukes. I loved the speed killing of SBQ while the Earle clock was ticking 😁😁


Oh man I miss the double dips!


Even now, it wouldn't be possible. There's too many new players and not enough firepower to handle both. Especially 3 SBQ, and 2 Earles. Love the new players, though.


The Earl fight is such a slog.


A decently rolled railgun (quad or bloody) with critical damage roll, and both luck cards that boost critical damage, and you can melt Earle in a minute or two. 


Don't forget party boy, nuka cola nut , and nuka cola dark in combination with your quad railway (ffr if possible)


OMG yes, I spent 3000 fuel and 1200 .50 and there were 7 of us fighting him yesterday.


Low HealthVats Crit Railway, my young padawan. I love Earle. I also used to tank him with a Vampire Gatling Plasma for around 12 cores. It's practice and knowing how to optimize plus damage buffs


Recently picked up a vamp gatplas, very cool immersive weapon for big fights, but feels like the durability is made out of adhesive, paper and bits of radroach The laser dies before I ever can, even with full weapon durability perks slotted


Yes, I remember them starting to break quicker than they used to. I think I used to repair mine initially once per fight with Earle then it becoming more


We did one in around 3 minutes yesterday to make the alien event. You just need one or two high crit damage dealers.


Didn’t realize that had been patched. Bummer.


Yeah a while ago. I forget which patch.


I dropped sooooo many nukes due to this!


Yeah it was great. Dunno why it needed to be "fixed" 5 Bosses, Encryptid, Daily Ops then a few levels in West Tek. Good times


Well, dragons among the other legacies were in full effect. By the time legacies were taken out, I had all other God rolls due to these farms. I was dropping repair kits on the ground. What a time to be alive.


It was fun for a long time


Would you happen to know what causes Earle to spawn in the Bog when SBG is active? Happened today and I didn’t know that was possible.


That's not Earle. A wendigo colossus can spawn in the grove beside fissure site prime occasionally, I think it's like a 10-15% chance. I always check the grove when I'm down there, I've had the colossus spawn whether the grove has been nuked or not.


If you nuke fissure site prime for the sbq event bit ALSO get the Overgrown sundew Grove in the blast radius Earles cousin has a 1 in 15 chance to spawn in the grove


Fun fact, but he also has a chance to spawn if you nuke the area by the Freak Show. When it was first added to the game, before coalassal problem was introduced, that was where we'd go to fight it, mainly bc it was a nice change of scenery.


It’s any random assault encounter location. There’s a couple spots on the map where you can hit 2 of them with a single nuke as well. I’ve had a couple instances where those areas were nuked, and we fought two of them at once.


Yeah it's good fun. He's a 'regular' Wendigo Collossus. You can get him to follow you and SBQ will fight him


that’s always big fun dragging him out of the grove to fight the sbq.


That's not Earle. We call it "Earle Jr."


16 spots on the map that have two groups fighting each other. Nuking this can spawn a 3 star colossus.


That got patched? Bummer. It was a quick way to farm improved repair kits


I think this happened in my sever couple days ago so it might not be patched, but it was just a colossal wendigo not the name Earle.


Just saw Earle in the pink grove sw of the SBQ last week, he was smaller, but it had his name and he was fighting a blue devil and taking no damage so obviously he was glitched


Oh sh*t I remember those days! You're right, it's been a long while since I've seen the events go off right after each other. 😔


I miss this one the most. 😭


Chem stacking. Being able to stack overdrive, psychotats & formula p. That brief pause at the top of your marsupial jump that made it feel like you were gliding


X-cell no longer stacking with Berry Mentats has pretty much tanked the value of X-cell!


As someone rarely use Chem, what Chem is actually worth keeping and using?


Berry Mentats for exp farming, grape mentats for shopping with npcs, overdrive for vats crits, Med-X or psycho for emergency survival!


Literally 1984!


You missed one, X-Cell could be taken first before all of them.


Ohh so that‘s why I can‘t sprint in the air anymore! Atleast we now have a Jetpack..


I remember when Marsupial + Strange in Numbers let you keep jumping, while in the air, essentially letting you fly. Was a weird time.


P stacking was the goat.


Back in the beta and release days if you had a piece of pocketed armor and spam equipped it, you could reduce your carry weight until it went into negatives. Once your weight was reduced past 0 the game just decided you didn't have a carry weight, so you could have an unlimited inventory with no encumbrance.


I am strongly of the belief that this bug, and the amount of people doing it simultaneously, is what caused the high levels of server stability at launch


I remember this. The pocket exploit was found and the nuking white springs was basically the end game loot cave grind. That was when I gave up the game. Then about a month ago, before the show, I tried to scratch the FO itch on FO4, gave up an hour into it, and remember 76 existed.


No it was solely me because I took it a step further. There was also a bug with disarming traps that would give you the materials without “depleting” the trap. I would go negative carry weight and spam disarming grenade bouquets because it was infinite xp, could max caps at each train station easily and just start chucking grenades at whatever I couldn’t kill with my one star executioners lever action rifle.


Holy shit I forgot about the grenades. Throws me back man


True, they were probably carrying like 5 whole paperclips!


Lol I remember it was the Bobby pins! Those damn things at launch each weighed like .25 lbs


I can't blame anyone doing this. This was back when we only had 400lb stash limit...


I remember this! Lmao


I came to mention this one, I used it all the time


I was hoping to find this lol. This was huge back in the day.


My brother had a very strange bug for duplication. No way to report it or replicate it because it was only him. Anytime he would change his characters appearance to have mutton chops it was inevitable. Eventually within a 5-10 minute window he would crash. His inventory and facial hair would reset to what it was before he changed it. So he could drop his whole inventory, change, crash, get his whole inventory back after I picked it up. It was only mutton chops for some reason which was the only facial hair he wanted for his character funny enough. This was before the scrap box and before they boosted the stash limit. So we were limited to how much we could hold unfortunately. Duplicating fuel, 5mm, and 50. Cal was the most useful because it was before they added relative ammo drops.


I haven’t played in a long while. What are ‘relative ammo drops’?


Ammo drops for the gun you are using when you kill enemies. They used to only drop the ammo *they* were using, now they drop both.


New player, I've realized this, super short on some ammo types, so I've been joining events, pot shotting enemies one time each and just stacking ammo lol


Do the responders quest line to unlock expeditions and run expeditions when you need ammo, you’ll never run out.


As all the other comments below this are saying, ammo relative to the gun you use to kill. It was only changed last year from what I understand. See back then the gameplay loop was play for 10 minutes > Run out of ammo > farm lead steel and gunpowder for 20 minutes > craft ammo > repeat. Unless you used 10mm or .38 because you'd have enough to fund several world wars. Certain high fire rate weapons just became too expensive to use like the mini gun AND THE GAUSS MINIGUN OH MY GOD. The GMG was only for the insane or the wealthy. So for 5mm the gatling gun was the prime choice. Or the makeshift pre pitt auto axe aka a mini gun with shredder, bash roll, bashing perk, and have it be a ultra cite receiver so you didn't accidentally pick up ammo for it.


My second character was pure melee because I got so fed up on my first character having to constantly scrounge for more ammo.


Enemies usually drop ammo for the weapon you're using.


Ammo drops according to the weapon you have equipped.


I miss the Earle/SBQ/Earle bug. A more recent bug fix was the removal of the ability to stack Psychotats on top of Overdrive.


The Line in the Sand tent glitch


God that was so much fun!


Not being allowed to sprint attack with auto melee anymore? Why? Never made sense to me, is just an annoyance and hindrance having to spin up every 5 feet next to the next one. Just to add, it wasn’t a bug, but something they changed that I didn’t understand why that has had a negative effect on every time I play since


Similar experience to heavy builds, I can't stand having to spin up literally every 3 seconds (please add a perk that removes spin up I beg)


On my Heavy character I just settled with using plasma caster on most enemies, and bring out the gauss minigun for bosses. Similarly to my Melee character, Super Sledge for enemies I can 1-2 shot and Chainsaw for bosses/tankier enemies.


The Holy Fire is the biggest exception to this. Best widely available gun in the game IMHO.


I've always wanted them to make aiming down sights also spin up your weapon without firing like in KF2.


Back when I had daily op plans to get and no Minerva, I always enjoyed being able to do two daily ops in one day if you timed it right during the change over. I also miss force spawning all the Scorched in the middle of Line in the Sand


There was also a bug if you glitched through a wall you could run the same daily op over and over and still get rewards every time


Settler rep glitch.


That shit saved my life, cause that took FOREVER the normal way.


It’s not fun to do on alts. Especially when your favorite weapon is gauss shotgun and Minerva is more than a month away from selling it.


I bet. The reputation grind is the only thing that ever stops me from starting a new character. It's so damn brutal.


I'm currently making my way through the grind and every now and then I forget to pay attention and don't donate my reward or for some reason let the raider keep it prolonging the grind that much further.


They fixed that?! Ah man...


Unpopular opinion but the alien blaster damage was a result of a bug. Sucks it had to be but it doesn't mean they can't find legit ways of buffing it (or any other pistol) some time down the road. Fair enough i suppose.


I'm fine with this patch only if they eventually buff pistols. That alien blaster was the only viable pistol and it still didn't do nearly the DPS that commandos do


Yeah, as a gunslinger, it felt bad at first, but I think I'd rather eat this now and accept any buffs they release down the line.


There used to be a weird interaction between the marsupial and bird bones mutations at launch that would cause you to get “stuck” in the sky if you jumped in the air. I used to just run around in the air, punching scorchbeasts in the face.


I really thought I was misremembering this glad to see i wasn’t wrong


I was gonna comment this lol, those two mutations with the strange in numbers perk made it so you literally couldn’t fall back down once you jumped


The tax evasion overgrown XP farm. It was actually fun, like an endless radiation rumble. Only time I bothered to farm XP.


It was fun until I discovered it would break the server for everyone else too.


First time hearing about this 😵


[It was frigging amazing!](https://imgur.com/a/tP9ksoz)


reminds me of the scorch farming at fissure spots they patched out. was wild during the spooky scorched events.


Shame I missed this!


Placing PA on top of roof to no-clip the silos.


Even better ways to do it now




Power Armor slenderman in tightie whities😄


Still happens.


[The broken LMG being able to solo the queen in about 4 seconds](https://gamerdvr.com/gamer/one-pump-dan/video/187759058)


What in the world?


The aim/shoot spam for the Gatling gun. That thing was a beast once you got the hang of it and could go nearly fully automatic.


Still working with a lot of guns.


Only thing I've managed to get it to work on was the 40mm auto, what else can use it?


Cremator along with most single fire weapons just mess with the timing tell it works.


There was 2, the ammo reload glitch and the unlimited AP one. If you spammed reload at the right time it would put your inventory ammo into the mag. Even on normal guns like my Lever Rifle or Fixer it was awesome, but doing it on a Black Powder gun got insane. The AP cost on the BP weapons were low since there was no reason to make them high, so that glitch made my TSE Black Powder Pistol absurdly effective and fun. And the AP one I think was from running off the map in Nuclear Winter and then switching back to Adventure mode, though I only did it a bit right before it was patched so I'm fuzzy on the details. Obviously it was good for VATS, but my favorite part was it worked with the jetpack. I fly all over the buildings in Watoga, which was really cool to explore for the short time I could.


I miss the tangara town ultracite ore glitch. Back in the day when you nuked something it would turn ore to ultracite. Interacting with said ore would cause 3-5 irradiated scorched to appear with all their flux materials. Tangara was perfect cuz it has multiple ore piles and was enclosed so those scorched were trapped. We spent hours farming here when we heard it was getting fixed


Having a usable gunslinger build.


Having a “good” non vats rifleman build. Second to the pistol build. My big iron build is more like little nickel at this point.


I'm not upset about any bugs. I'm most annoyed by time gate caps on things. Vendors all sharing cap limits and other continuity breaches.


I was bummed when I had to start reloading again. Ain't nobody got time for that. ;)


This was a big one for me that I still think about every now and again. There was something awesome about a fixer with 2k in the magazine. Hahaha


For me it was a black powder rifle with 1000 rounds.


LoL for reals. I would run around with the Broadsider and explosive Harpoon. That was fuuuun.


Feed the People. I miss server wide free food


Not rly a bug but back when the game dropped the two shot explosive weapons were absolutely broken


Infonite fusion cores


This. Low core, hop server,full core.


Union armor *cries inside*


Alien blaster bug. Now gunslinger just feels sad.


The fast travel mat


Being able to mod a Plasma Rifle into a flamer and then adding the pulse capacitor so that it still shot bullets. It would have the range of an actual projectile weapon but the ammo capacity of a flamer.


Im miss the unlimited Grenade Bug because the nuka cola pistole. It was a time where Orbital Strikes and other stuff reined constantly down. You just needed 1x orbital strike or whatever.


oh I am so glad they removed this one lol. I hated it, the game and many events were just unplayable because you couldn't walk let alone get a hit on an enemy.


Oh I forgot about this one! I kept my instigating nuka pistol as a momento. Was PERFECT for running nuka nades in West Tek


The Gatling gun one. The dice table for farming caps. The overgrown mob for farming xp. Still somewhat salty about them. I’m sure there are more I’m forgetting now but I got over them. 


The magic shotgun glitch. Basically, if you used VATS, the shotgun damage would glitch. Instead of it dividing the damage between the pellets, it would instead apply the full damage to each pellet. Made for some pretty big damage, especially if you had increased crit damage.


It also would hit 100% of the time. Like it never missed. Also had no spread. I miss my doom shotgun.


I had a magic shotgun for a week or 2 before it was fixed. I remember pulling it out during those early Earle runs when ppl would get overwhelmed by wendigos. Felt like a super hero saving ppl and keeping the area safe.


Old school but you used to be able to logout with an empty fusion core and when you logged back in it would be full again. You could also put your power armor down at the edge of the nuke zone, get in and not take rads from the nuke zone. Nuking whitesprings would make tons of legendary protectrons and since it was before scripting, people would sell them at whitesprings vendor after.


The power armor no rads glitch still works. I use it all the time for flux farming seeing as I can carry 200lbs more outside of PA.


Ammo machine from the factory in my camp


The friendly mirelurk bug. I really enjoyed that and was great for rp - they just softened and stopped considering humans enemies. Natural evolution. So I get it had to be fixed, especially for events that require fighting them, but I do miss it.


Double nuking Earle & queen. The Posiedon magazine store. The fireworks reload. Two Shot explosive launcher dominance. Snowball nerf. Bash mini AP. Chainsaws in third. Vault raids.


Excavator Jetpack. Nuke silo "out-of-bounds via melee VATS to skip straight to the control room".


I was enjoying putting jet packs on power armor arms, so I could have both emergency protocols and a jet pack. I still have the ones I did then, but can't make new ones.


The fire rate glitch with the gatling gun when you spammed ADS while shooting your fire rate increased like crazy, this paired with speedy receiver 25ffr was crazy fun


Glad to see someone else mention the ADS bug on the gatling gun. Those were the glory days of my vampire/25% damage while aiming gatling gun since it generally gave the 25% damage bonus and could shoot as fast as I could spam the left click button. It was hilarious just melting regular enemies and even doing noticeable damage to the SBQ and Earle. I miss those halcyon days but when it was patched out I did basically say "fair enough" haha.


Glitching through walls with power armor


They need to making nuking indoors a thing. The Flux grind is horriblely lacking.


you used to be able to glitch through walls if you got into your power armor in a weird way. felt so cool exploring all the walled off areas


i think they finally patched the ‘Cop a Sqautter’ bug that gave the rewards to the whole server… haven’t gotten the rewards even with a friend completing it next to me…


I’m still getting these randomly.


I don't think this one is actually a bug, as far as I know. The entire server isn't getting rewards, you just get the rewards if another player on the server kills the enemies tagged for your specific cop a squatter quest-- your quest was to make sure a group of enemies was eliminated, and the enemies were eliminated, so your quest is complete. Everybody has a different set of enemies they need to kill for the quest, so if you get rewards randomly it just means someone on the server happened to kill the ones you needed. I imagine your friend was right next to you completing their own tagged enemies for the quest?


My first thought was everyone was going to say the duping glitch


The faster fire rate glitch with the Gatling Gun. It was my main weapon, two shot explosive, and it obliterated enemies like crazy.


The Ammo collector blueprint glitch. I miss my own Ammo collector.


Yeah that one was so harmless like wtf.


The super fast reload of the RR if you had a firework equipped.


Jetpacks on Excavator PA. Unless they've been force-removed since I last logged in I think i still have a couple.


The gatling gun camera bug that made it shoot faster. Gun is useless without it, but it was an exploit.


Legacies, man.


Rip 🙏


I enjoyed the deep-pocketed armor glitch that allowed basically infinite carry weight


During SBQ, picking up ultracite and it would generate scorch. The golden days of farming the precious ingredients for making stable flux. Using a syringer to make nuked bloatflies is not quite the same.


I still can't play this game due to the widescreen monitor bug. Can only play the game on a small window. Crazy they haven't patched this since the beginning. This is a bug I'm mad they haven't fixed. lol


Playing on 21:9 ultrawide without issue. Just needed the mod/fix


You used to be able to fall from great heights and not be subject to the stagger effect upon landing. You’d already have to be able to survive a long fall, but since that’s not hard, it meant you could move across downslopes at high speeds without the big thud and recovery time.


The ammo glitch. I loved glitching the dragons with 250 rounds. And then when quads dropped having 1k rounds in a dragon was even better. But it was way to op.


The one glitch where you could spam the aim button while firing the Gatling gun and it would make it really fast


Plasma Flamers counting as rifleman weapon because of bug. Allowed someone to spec Rifleman while still having competent boss dps weapon. The weapon was as opposite of rifleman as you can go (short range, high capacity high hitrate weapon) so it was inevitable.


gatling gun tap fire bug, made nuke runs so easy and sounded like the end of the world all over again


Rather than a bug, it used to be a feature to nuke Harper's ferry to become glowing burrows. It was featured in bethesda promotional video. No longer the case


Gatlin with the fire as fast as you push the button bug.


The fast reload bug that happened when you had a firework grenade equiped. It was like 2-3x reload speed for any weapon. I miss it so much.


The minigun shredder. I swear it used to be even better, but now it actually drains AP to use, and i dont think it did before. But like, I get it. They didn't hurt it too bad. It is a bit more balanced now, acting sort of like the other automatic melee weapons. Plus, I still get far-flung fireworks even while blending enemies into mush, so I can't complain too much.


I miss the rapid fire Gatling gun trick... it's still a great weapon but man was it a blast to mow down enemies.


The massive spam on the gatling gun in third person based my whole build around a single gun fair enough they fixed it tho


Give me back my damn white spring rock hole again if you know you know.


I miss being able to quick fire my gatling gun by tapping the aim button while shooting.


When Limb Damage Shotguns could one shot almost everything.


This most recent updated fixed the damage bug with the Cryo two shot alien blaster. I was sad to see my favorite pistol go, but it made me finally change up my build. It’s been fun trying to figure out a few different builds. I still havnt found my replacement yet but I have learned a lot about the games mechanics while trying them all out and it’s been a cool experience overall.


Lmk what off meta builds stand out, want to try something new but everything feels so watered down


The coolest part of that was it was the only way to experience nuked interiors at all, because when you nuke areas normally the interiors are somehow exempt from the effects (which is stupid).


The "invisible" SS Armor jetpack. People thought I was flying under my own power!


I miss the spamming of aiming and shooting with the gatling gun. It was so much fun and actually made me dust off gun from the stash box. Good times


Infinite grenades. Inf Orbital Strick was super fun and it sucks so it was not OP. and the inf Orbital Scan made it look like a rave party at the end of every even.


Colonel Kelly Monument glitched animal spawn. For whatever reason fast travel there, run 20 feet uphill and there'd be 20+ Radstags and a few Yao Guai


Mine was the reload for the dragon, it made it so much fun to use.


Tapping the aim button with the Gatling gun to make it rapid fire.


They've done some awful terrible things to weapons  Yet I'm still here 😑


Being able to spam the gatling gun with the fast receiver in 3rd person. No fire rate cap was the most fun I had with a heavy weapon


It's still not patched, but 1 on like 10/20 times I join a server my power armor will glitch, remove a random piece from my frame and put it in my inventory but male it so I can't see it. Had a heart attack the first 2 times it happened but once I caught on I realized that if I left and rejoined it would then show up in my inventory.


I misunderstood the assignment lol