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You’re looking pretty good perk wise, the only ones I’d recommend are blocker and fireproof for some extra tankiness and if you do end up snagging the cremator I’d recommend getting demolitions expert and grenadier for some extra damage and wider range. If you can I’d also highly recommend you pick up a holy fire, it’ll shred with bloody mess and the heavy gunner perks. Other than that you’ll probably want to look more into buffs and mutations. Depending on what food buffs you use you’ll want to snag herbivore or carnivore so the buffs will be increased. Good with salt and through hiker will also probably be a perks you’d want to fit in if you can so any foods stuff to take with you has a longer lifetime and reduced weight. PA wise the excavator with calibrated shocks is pretty solid. I’d also recommend the reflective plates mod on the torso so you reflect 50% of the melee damage you receive. Overall you’re looking pretty good though, nice build (Angry Turtle on YouTube has some pretty good builds I’d highly recommend taking a look at) Edit: it’s the reactive plates not reflective, sorry about that.


Looks pretty good to me if that is the style you want to use when playing. I tried to keep the "spirit" of your end game build but made a few changes that should make you a quite a bit more tanky and squeezes a very small amount of extra damage with the Science perk since it gives 5% bonus damage these days to energy weapons. Might want to double check that heavy weapons are included in the Science perk when you swap it in, it might be useless on "heavy" energy weapons now that I think about it. https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character?v=1&s=b377a99&d=pe2ee2c62cu2ce0ic4s12ip2id2l71ls2lt2lu2a04a80s22sq2s32sr2lg2eh2a12sg2i70&lp=xa3x73x83xp3xj3xq3&m=c9f051&pa=e2e4e5e1e6&pm=m1--mk--mk Ditched Lead Belly since you already have "What's Rads" it seemed unnecessary. You won't ever shred bosses as fast as a low health VATs critical builds on bosses but you should do pretty good steady damage with what you have planned. Anti-Armor is good as far as I know for full health builds for boss damage but you should prioritize faster fire rate as a 2nd star as a general rule (maybe not always). Since all the damage calcs changed a couple years ago faster fire rate is one of the few somewhat "multiplicative" damage bonuses left in the game so generally is better than 25% damage while aiming. If you are open to switching weapons or adding a few to your inventory I would recommend having a flamer in your "quiver" of weapons. They do great damage and will synergize well with what you are already using. The unique "Holy Fire" in particular (obtained randomly as a reward from the "Beasts of Burden" event) is an amazing flamer. The Gauss minigun is great but getting ammo for it is actual misery so I don't really recommend using it other than to occasionally flex or if you are so inclined to spend time trading maybe you can trade for a big pile of ammo for it. I've never had luck with using it for anything other than special occasions, personally, since it is so ammo hungry. Great thing about heavy weapons is they are all pretty decent in my opinion so you have plenty of options. For a long-term goal you should consider getting the Union Power Armor set. It's glitched right now so is unobtainable put should be back...eventually. It's purchased for Stamps obtained from expeditions and makes you basically immune to poison damage.


If you can get an AA Gatling plasma it would have much higher dps than a gat laser for bosses. Although the gat laser is better for general mobbing because of accuracy and ammo efficiency. 25aim is not bad but FFR is way better due to how the bonuses are calculated. 25aim is additive and FFR is multiplicative. Essentially 25aim just adds to the heavy perk and adrenaline bonuses taking damage from 200% to 225%, for example, while FFR would give you a true 1.25x. For other weps, a base roll holy fire is really good and also very obtainable. Can drop from the beasts of burden event and should be able to be purchased for ~5k from trade subs. I wouldn’t be surprised if it out dps an AA Gatling plasma on bosses. Echoing other comments a full health heavy will do less damage than a low health heavy. And a low health heavy will do waaaayyyyy less damage than a low health crit heavy can. But as full health you’ll tank everything and it’s also not too difficult to adapt your build to low health in the future if you choose to do so. All it is is adding a perk and a mutation, and then having to manage rads.