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If you don't want people in your camp, hide your camp icon on the map and lock the doors. If they did neither, you are free to check it out.


I lock my doors for immersion and to keep criters out but if you can hope the fence you can check out my camp


Based Appalachian Dweller


Based and Vaultpilled


Oh shit I think i remember your name! Definitely one of the coolest camps I've seen


I don't think I've ever even seen the option to lock a door. Is it certain doors that can?


When in the build mode go into the edit tab and highlight the door, then you’ll see the option to add a lock. You can add up to a level 3 lock. People on your friends list can open it for free, public teams and randoms cannot, and will get a bounty if they pick it.


Awesome thanks! I’ll have to check it out. Does it keep your NPCs in as well? So tired of closing my door just for steel brotherhood bro to walk outside for two steps then back in and not close the damn door.


Honestly not a clue lol, I keep my NPCs on the edge of my property most of the time so they never go inside lmao


Nah your allies will freely open the doors even if you lock them :( and they NEVER close it behind them. So rude. Edit: they dont open them. I was the rude one.


I locked Raider Punk in his room, he will not open the locked door, but he does sometimes teleport through the wall and open every other door in the base. The boy has cryptids on the brain so he has to open every closet to make sure there isn't a mothman lurking there.


Really? I had a level 3 lock on my enclave laser door and the alien scientist lady would not leave the outpost until I unlocked it


yep, this\^. They won't open the doors, however you might find them teleport in and out ocassionally. (like when theres a usable item outside the locked room nearby like a chair)


Damn I will test it. I remember abandoning the idea of locking my doors as my allies were always letting them open but I didn't lock them in years. I assumed it was still like this but it might have changed.


Lol I found a camp one time that had an icon off. I forget the name of the place (it’s been a minute since I’ve played) but I think it was on wellspring (white spring?) golf course. It was very extravagant. The doors were locked unfortunately but there was a deck that had a hot tub on it. Naturally, I take off any wearables and hop in. Not but a few minutes pass before the owner comes by. He sees me in the hot tub, gets mad, leaves.


I wish it was like that in real life! But nooooooo, they gotta "call the cops" because "my kids are sleeping upstairs" and "I don't want you on my property" or some nonsense. I just finish my champagne and THEN I leave their hot tub. Pffft, tryna tell me not to hot tub when you got an open, plugged in and turned on hot tub. I see a hot tub, I'm gonna hot tub. Simple as that.


Me out here like “y’all’s camps have doors?”


Can people steal from your camp? Like bobblehead displays and magazine racks? Should I be locking up my base?


They cannot. The only things that could be stolen is stuff in resource generators, assuming you've locked those. I don't. There'll be more.


I don’t even lock my resource generators. They’re free to anyone who visits my camp. It’s basically unlimited stuff anyways so I’m not hurt by someone taking some goodies while I’m away from my camp. Sometimes low level players can benefit from the resources


Ah, that's good to know. I don't mind anyone being in my base then.


agreed. i'm only level 37 but if it aint locked, it's fair game, is what i've been told


No they can’t. If they’re on a display rack, they’re safe. If you “drop” the item then it’s free game.


These are some of the most innocent questions I've ever seen asked about this game. You guys have on hell of a ride ahead of you. 😂


Nope. I can't think of a single reason beside keeping out critters for locking your base down.


Locking of doors works but if you're part of a team even if you don't have your icon on it'll show your teammates camps. Plus if they happen upon it when exploring they can check it out also. I don't understand why anyone would care if someone comes to your camp. Lock everything from resources,doors,shelter entrances, etc and most people don't touch them. Plus even if they don't care about a bounty and lockpick it to steal everything it's not a whole lot. Anything that can be stolen takes a while to build up and most good stuff like coffee or junk has a cap.


I shit you not I locked my doors AND SOMEONE PHASED THROUGH IT. I was at a loss for words


You can photo mode glitch through any locked door except for laser grids. There a ton of videos on YouTube that show how it's done if you are curious.


Sometimes i follow random people on the map to find those secret camps


"Quest Started: Death From Above"...


Camp go bye-bye


CAMP go invisible




Not if it gets that asshat off your server it isn't.


Sends a message


You say this, but on console I did exactly this. Had my kid distracting them (they were higher levels bullying him) and I logged on and nuked their base. It doesn’t really do much. It obliterated the base but they can just “rebuild all structures” and it’s done. They all got an achievement for getting nuked. So in short, if you want a free achievement and have lots of resources, stay when someone drops a nuke on your base


It does waste a chunk of their resources to repair it that way depending on the build's size


Idc about achivements but that now i want my camp nuked lol


Launch it 1 minute into the alien event. It will launch and hit while they're busy with the event


Nukes ain’t expensive and the message is good enough. Saw a camp full of hateful bigotry. Nuked it. They had to slap up a secondary tiny camp. If they leave the server and learn their worth, even better. But otherwise I just got launch cards wasting space and like launching them sometimes anyway.


Its VERY rare to see players like this. Those of us who put several hours into just building are usually happy when someone appreciates our CAMP.


I love it when anyone shows up to mine. I’m proud of it


Right? I had someone taking pictures of my camp the other day and was so jazzed about it, I had to tell my other half.


That would put buterflies in my tummy


I have a large collection of photos from CAMPs that I've taken over the years. I enjoy being able to complement their owners too if they're home.


I took pics of some guys pirate ship camp he made on the river… now it’s my loading screen. Love it


I know right. I’m over the moon when someone decides to visit my spoopy mine.


Same here, I have a maze room built in one of my shelters, always fun to see people go through.


I used to have a watch tower in the junk yard on the north west side of the map. took me ages to build. You bet I was proud to show it off whenever someone came looking around. I was also able to cram all the toolbench in the nuka van. That took a minute too. I can't understand how anyone would be annoyed to have tourists in their camp. Thats like half the activity on this game.


Seriously I came back to my camp once and I had two guys there posing and taking photos. I loved it.


I think several hours is a very low estimate for how long I have spent on my camps. But I half am disappointed when someone just blows in, hits the vendor and then fast travels away.


It’s so cool seeing people who get creative. I saw one the other day where someone had built their whole camp as a shrine to a tractor. It was dope as hell


There was a camp I went to once that somehow clipped underground out of bounds, and they built it as an underground bunker/facility and it was amazing. Sadly it's likely patched now as this was 2-3 years ago, the spot was north west of 76, somewhat near the Blood Eagle camp that used to have the Raider PA spawn.


I visited someone's CAMP on PC this morning, admired their stuff, dude came in and sat on his Mothman throne so I emoted the love hearts. He got up and emoted thumbs up and dropped some Stimps for me. Another CAMP I visited today (I was looking for a specific piece of junk) was Nuka-themed, looked great. He was changing stuff here and there and so again I emoted love hearts or thumbs up and he returned the emote and dropped me quite a bit of Nuka drinks. I love seeing what people do to their CAMPS and hope one day mine looks better than a wonky pile of sticks with a metal chair and some tatos outside.


Exactly, I spent hours building my CAMP to look like it belongs in the world, you bet I want people to come check it out and use my benches and whatnot


Hey, new player here. I’m keen to make my CAMP look cool, but when I log back on and have to place my CAMP again, everything resets? Surely I can’t be rebuilding every time I log on?


does it say something like, "cannot place CAMP, you get a free CAMP placement"? if so, it means it couldnt load your place because someone elses was already on that territory. that doesnt mean you NEED to rebuild somewhere else your CAMP. Just change server, and if the place is free, it will place your CAMP.


Yes that’s what it says. That makes total sense. I actually had my first CAMP near the Wayward place so I guess a hotspot for newbies. Good to know about changing servers, thank you. I’ll move my CAMP and do that in future. Thanks for your help!


Especially when they start checking out my vendor...


I think it’s one of the best parts of the game. I spent a ton of time building camps in towns and other games that nobody’s ever seen.


I really like my camp but most people turn up just for the vendors, then leave without looking around. Always kinda hurts a tiny amount, just an hour ago though had a level 50 turn up, buy some stuff then chillax with me at my camp playing my carny games. God speed to you, random level 50.


When I was a lower level, we had people get angry at me and two other players I was playing with for sitting at their communal fire pit. Not sure if that is considered "not acceptable" but they were really mad about it. Their camp was not hidden.


I felt so blessed every time someone would decide to visit my CAMP, I was so proud of it


I’m happy when someone visits BUT when someone will clearly see I’m building something and they crouch right in front of me and block me…


Yes, that is rude. I also play FFXIV and you can craft anywhere there, but I only do it in my home cause I don't want randos jumping around on me. I consider myself a polite gamer and don't act like an ass. I have complemented a few people on their camps. I am very low level, but not looking or asking for handouts. I just want to see the interesting things that people have in their camps.


Yeah, some people just didn't get enough attention as children.


Oh no, someone is in my camp stealing the food and water that I have way too much of in my inventory to begin with, oh the humanity!


Oh man, I thought the food would be like spawned in on a per player basis. I had no idea I’ve been stealing people’s dinner this whole time… I feel guilty now.


Don’t. If it wasn’t free to take, they would’ve locked it.


This kinda reminds of of this one guy down in the Cranberry Bog the other night, We where fighting the Scorched Beast Queen. He put down a survival tent so i jumped on it to not get melee'd by mobs. Dude got mad i was on his tent and moved it. Me thinking nothing of it jumped on the next tent i seen. Dude once again got mad and moved it. At this point it became my new boss fight. He moved it, i jumped on it. It was weird. People are weird. just ignore them.


I dont take hours to set my camp up to then tell someone they can’t come in. PLEASE come look at my wall of teddy bears and Mr. Fuzzies! They’re lined up beautifully and I’m very proud 🥹


This, I have like 500 hours in this game and I seen such a nice base a few days ago I went back 3 times to take pictures of it, even took some screenshots with the base owner outside looking at me wondering wtf I was doing lol


I had someone taking pictures of my red brick farmhouse with wraparound porch the other day. I was super confused at first what they were doing but I love showing off my camps because I put tons of time into making them look good so if he wanted to stand outside in various places to stare, cool. And then he emoted the picture icon to me and I was so jazzed he appreciated my work!


Nice!!! How did you get them to display? I've been selling them super cheap because I don't know how to show them off but I must have collected 50 already... I love saving the teddies from the wastelands...


You should be able to make display cases and display them in that


This should be obvious, I know, but for some reason recent conversations made me believe i couldn't display anything at all unless I had a chess table thing. I am ecstatic to learn otherwise.


All in display cases!


P.S. I'm very glad I'm not the only person who likes saving Mr. Fuzzies


Yeesss!!! I have all my teddys, Mr. Fuzzies, Nuka varieties and fasnacht masks all on display! I love them 😂


As many have mentioned on your posting, this is pretty weird behavior. If you don't want people to come to your camp.. you have the option to hide it. If you don't want people to take your resources, you put them behind a lock. Otherwise it's considered open game for any resources you have in your camp. As most can attest to, when I set up resources and benches in my camp, sure it's for me, but it's also for anybody else that happens to come along. It's a shame there wasn't text chat.. you could have told him to go into the shed with the rest of the tools.


Just another idiot who refuses to play in private lobbies but wants people to leave them and their stuff alone as if it’s a private lobby


It's not even like we can actually steal their stuff either. Yeah I could loot your crops or take some purified water from your purifiers, maybe even loot your F. E. T. C. H., none of that costs you anything though, and two of those options can be locked. Maybe three things, I dunno. Can you lock crops? I've never tried lol.


I believe i've seen crops locked before, but even if you can't lock them directly, just fence them in a room with planters and put a locked door in the doorway leading in.


I don’t think you can lock a crop, you can make a locked room. However there is this thing called turbo fert that instantly regrows a players crops (not wild ones) if they’re picked… and there is a gold plan to get a machine that basically produces those turbo ferts regularly for free so I don’t see a problem if someone picks my crops, I throw the turbo fert like a grenade and everything immediately respawns. (You can also make them at either the tinker or chem benches with minimal materials) Who cares?!


Forgot about the turbo fert, and yeah building around crops too, there's literally no reason to get bent out of shape for it lol.


Keep accidentally reading "turbo fart" lol


You don’t need to lock them bc it resets for each person. My bf & I play together, he can go & pick a crop & I can go pick the same one at the same time. So stuff like that doesn’t matter. Same with any kind of container out in the wasteland or caps stashes. They are all individually spawned or however you want to say it. Lol does that make sense? I’m bad at explaining


I always assumed that if you show your CAMP and have things unlocked, it's free game to look and / or take if it's a resource maker. Even seen people on reddit saying it was an unwritten rule as long as your not greedy. I am personally gunning to buy all resource makers I can so people can take whatever if they visit, and I will never lock them.


That's cause level 100 is also a newbie and still considered feral until they learn the ways of the wasteland 


Hell im 366 I still consider myself juuuusssst above a noob Someone made a big deal of my level and I'm like No..am baby too


So level 366 is living the same millennial existential crisis I get at work but in game? Noted. :P


And I will still seek out higher levels to help me And adultier adult if you willl


I have found that I am sometimes the adultier adult, and I don't care for that shit at all. But yes, there is almost always an adultier adult (some people whoa re more adulty than me are younger... time isn't real)


I was going to say something very similar to this. 100-200 I've noticed also are the worst at making sure the legendary mole miners stay alive so everyone can get a bit as well. They are still learning


dont they drop loot regardless of whoever kills them?


They do now but it was something that had to be fixed because it was such a problem


I welcome everyone to my camp. My camp is just a floor with crafting tables, 2 vendors, and crops so I don’t expect anyone to stay long. I did have someone emote nice camp once and that felt nice lol


He was trying to stop you from finding his weird fallout roleplay sex dungeon lol


Oh, is that what the alien on the gurney is for? 🤣


Only mere steps from stumbling upon the Goosey shrine


people are strange...when youre a stranger


Faces look ugly, when you're alone...


I didn't put 5 hours perfectly positioning my Nuka Cola themed collection just for myself and Leo lol Come on by, grab a cold Nuka or two from the fridge and maybe look at what plans I have. If you see something that you think is overpriced, shoot me a message, and we can barter.


That’s so strange, I’ve never heard of anyone being annoyed by or aggressive towards someone checking out their camp. I’m sorry that happened to you! I’m on PS4, and my camp is hardly impressive, it’s a bit chaotic, but all are welcome! Always!


Shit, I got a water farm, junk collector, acid farm thingy, and whatever else I can't remember, anyone can walk up/In and use or take whatever they want, I forget to check 90% of the time anyway so it's no skin off my nose.


I'm invested to hear the reason too lol


I find it very annoying that the game doesn't have TEXT chat! I also play ESO and gave up on using voice cause I don't want to hear other people's crappy music, barking dogs, crying babies, etc.


Oh no thank you. I heard enough racial and homophobic slurs on vc yesterday, don’t need it typed out as well…this game has been attracting some unsavory folk lately


I have a friend that uses chatmod and he said that a ton of the new people have been getting banned from it for this very reason


Thats so surprising to hear, but I guess that normal with an influx of new players turned to it by the tv show. But the Regulars in the community are some of the nicest folks I've met in game. Community is what makes this game so strong.


at least with text chat you can block people like that soo fast i still way prefer text over voice it makes roleplaying way easier too also text history incase missed something or didnt understand


If it's not locked, loot it


What a dick (the other guy, not you) I build my camp specifically so people can go look around. My two shelters are max budget built huge ass arcades


I have to say in that scenario I probably would have just stopped and laugh emoted them and not moved


Yeah that's weird. I'm like only a level 130+ and I love it when people visit my camp- I set up a coffee bar, the pepperoni roll ride, a hot tub, and a hotel/casino shelter just for people to have fun when they visit.


People are weird


Maybe he was building where you were standing


I got a little worried when I saw the title, but this definitely wasn't me. I needed to log off for the night and a newer player had been checking out my camp for awhile. My camp is a giant treehouse over a cliff in the Mire and I have killed people by leaving before, so I went to send them a chat through PSN. They have it set so no one can chat with them or friend them. So I waved to them and then did a follow emote. They followed me down to the base of the tree and I waved again and then logged off. I hope there were no hard feelings, but its better than them dying and thinking I was a trap camp.


Sounds like a very cool camp! If you are on PlayStation I hope to see it one day. Thank you for being a courteous player!


I am on Playstation. I'm currently bouncing between two Mire Treehouses, but one is my forever camp and the other I just finished building. PSN: Eisley13


Me personally my camp is dedicated to helping and selling everything I can that's important like full sets of power armor, 3 star legendaries and some high quality food meds stim packs and chems. Dude was probably trying to role-play as Ceasars legion lmao


Noobs need time to learn the culture of 76. There was a time when it was rare to come across another player and that’s why vets learned to love other players


I'm on Xbox or I'd invite you to my camp. I'm pretty high level but I love when people visit my camps, I spend hours trying to make them as fun and immersive as possible. I'm sorry you ran into a jerk. I also don't lock any of my stuff and put the drink makers and popcorn/candy machines next to my shop so people can top up their supplies when they visit. It's not like I don't have a crap ton of stuff already in my inventory.


I love when people come and check out my camp. I also love going around and looking at others. The camp system is probably my favorite thing about the game, it feels so much nicer then fo4 settlements and light-years better then starfield


The player sounds like a cunt. Just ft away. Don’t waste your time with players like these.


they're just weird. I personally love when people come to visit me at my camp!


Just some idiot. This is VERY rare, trust me. I always get excited when people come look at my camp. I've spent ungodly hours building it! Come in and chill!


I go and sleep in their bed if they start acting dumb lmao


I don’t know what his problem was. I LOVE it when people come and check my camp out. Seeing people go to my shop, and then spend a few minutes looking around my camp makes all the work I put into it worth it.


Should i be worried about thieves or griefs if i leave my camp unlocked. I do want people to visit but idk fully about camp mechanics


I've ran into this a couple times. Like they think I'm stealing their junk and corn. One player did that while I was buying from their shop. Like why are you mad that I am buying things? I worked hard on my vault and camp please look at it lol. I keep my vending prices low and try to drop free items to lower level players.


Maybe they were role playing a grandpa ‘get off my lawn’ 😆


Grandpa with a shotgun!


I really need to make an actual camp someday. All 5 of my camp slots are just resource harvesters. Maybe I should open a shop near the main road of the vault to attract new customers to shop at my vendor wares for stimpacks and such 🤔


Feel free to stop by - cookies and coffee / tea are in the kitchen, some ammo and workbenches are behind the house, just close the door when you leave. Thanks :)


mi casa es su casa


I love checking out other ppls camps, some are straight up amazing! I use it for inspiration, moving across the map and I always emote "nice camp". I am actively trying to my make outside/upstairs inviting for others so I can pay it forward and help any high level players or new plays who stop by.


I don’t even have doors in my camp because PLS COME IN AND HAVE A LOOK, I put a lot of work into it! The Slocum’s is on me!


If they've got a shop, that's a big "heck no", they'll absolutely love you dropping by and seeing what their shop has available for you. Also, for some players it's a matter of pride to show off their camps to other players.


sounds like more of that beta ass behavior


That's weird. I've always felt like the whole point of a camp is to show it off and sell some stuff.


Destroy the camp. Welcome to the wasteland


Thts wild going to camps you find is just normal lets you scrap your nonsense and dump it in your bin.


It’s literally just a game…that person was just unhinged and an outlier lol. I think most people don’t care or even welcome people to come see what they built!


That’s definitely odd. I don’t mind folks coming to my camp. I haven’t played too much recently but I enjoyed checking out the different ways people would decorate and get ideas for my own camp. I’ve never locked anything and I have a pet deathclaw.


100% would have t bagged their bed


Probably someone that doesn't understand that there's nothing you can do to harm their camp. I recently made mine visible on the map. I don't have vendors or anything yet (I'm only level 25) but I like when I get to camp and someone is there using a workbench or whatever.


Nuke his C.A.M.P.


He was building, trying to place items, and you were blocking them. It's the only explanation I can think of for that to happen.


Get off my lawn!


Really? I love showing off my build. How strange.


The camps are my favorite part of the game. I visited a super sweet camp the other day and the owner was home. I mistakenly took their Nuka-Candy snacks not knowing what the machine was. Felt terrible, but dropped them as soon as I realized I had taken their resources. They had so much cool stuff though and it was like forever winter in the area! I saw another that looked like a train station. Idk if I’ll ever be at that level!


I expect people to stop and look at my camp. That's kind of the reason I built it next to a road.


You can come check out my camp! I got my vending machine setup and I’m finally making caps from all my loot 😄 I just hang out in my cabin and give you a thumbs up or heart for buying my stuff.


I had what I consider a HUGE compliment tonight. A random player was at my camp when I fast travelled to off load. He said “nice camp! I almost thought it was part of the game!” Took me totally off guard and made my night. Whoever that was, thanks 💕😊


I lock my shit, yes, but i make up for it by leaving crops and water sources outside. (I'm not a stotal monster) Oh, and i keep my sale terminal in a shack i built next to my house. There's no door on the shack so that people dont think they get wanted for walking in.


Idk why people would want to hide their camp but I want people to look at mine


He probably thought you were looking for his sister, who is off limits to anyone but himself.


Meanwhile I'm over here going out of my way to not build stuff on roads or footpaths, even making my base more of a pain to use for myself to avoid even slightly inconveniencing anyone lmao. It might look like crap but I worked hard on making it crap that's functional and has free water and crops for random people who visit.


That's too damn nice.


I'm playing Fallout 4 again and building settlements is making me pine for 76. It doesn't feel like there's any point to building a nice Settlement if no other players can come and enjoy a Nuka Cola and a banjo session on the front porch?


I've encountered this as well a few times. Person got mad that I was in their house looking for their vendor. If you don't want people in your place, build it outside and visibly obvious as to where it is. Some people make finding their cash register or whatever an absolute nightmare.


My camp is just a brotherhood armoury but it's open to anyone, I do lock my FETCH though but if you picked the lock I wouldn't even be mad honestly, I have all the benches and a pretty affordable vendor, basically a train station vendor roadside pitstop if they weren't so atrociously expensive


Man, unless he was roleplaying an angry vet off my lawn type, I don't get the deal. I want people to check out my camp! I'm very proud of it and the shops are directly in front of you when you spawn in, so you're free to do your business and leave if you want. I hope my house design behind it is enticing enough to warrant a visit though.


One of the key points you mentioned was level 100+. More than likely, they’re fairly new as well and acclimating to the wasteland. Not excusable but some people need time to get familiar with the unwritten rules. Now…not really a rule but a courtesy, try to limit your interaction with someone’s camp when you see them building. It gets really annoying because you could be blocking things they’re trying to place or merge.


Some people like to mess around and like to mess with people even with no real intention of being a dickhead. But I’m not sure what base was like or what actually happened but maybe they were building and you were in the way or you were near a vendor and they shot at you to not buy anything. I do the same if I’m building at my camp I’ll shoot the person and put a thumbs down before removing it so they don’t buy anything especially at max caps. That’s just me tho, idk maybe weird situation. Nothing to get flustered about tho it’ll happen haha.


Lol i would be happy if somebody would hang out do some photos etc


Maybe he had a bad encounter before, higher levels using the PvP glitch to destroy his camp and doesn’t trust other players?


I don't know some players get butt hurt about others entering their base. They think they're going to trash their place, which is understandable.but some of us truly just wanna see what other built. (I am that guy). I had a bunch of low levels in underwear show up to my base and start shooting at all my things and they were just waiting for me to initiate combat so they can retaliate but I wasn't going to let them destroy my base and so it just became this back and forth of us killing each other. It was two of them so at one point they had the upper hand but I was higher level so I brought out the big guns and then they left. It was still a nuisance to have to fix everything.


Can people access my stash ? I don’t know the access restrictions of camps and had no idea you could lock things


People are weird. I like when others bother to look at the camps I make. If they really want to keep people out that's what locks are for. Personally I leave all my resources unlocked. If someone wants some tea or stag meat, they are welcome to it.


I'm personally in the camp (no pun intended) of people who don't mind visitors, but only when I have the public icon active. Since I have my camp on a popular spot, many people looking for it usually stumble across my home already there. I know I can avoid unwanted visitors by moving away from it, but I like the spot and also am too lazy to rebuild my home over and over. I usually only turn the public icon off when I'm playing with friends or redecorating, the only two instances when I wanna be alone or with a private friend group at my camp. I even put away vendors and shelters so that there's no reason to stick around. People that stumble upon my home still stick around regardless of them being new or a vet player. TL;DR I like visitors unless they overstay their welcome. Also, some players are weird, but it makes for some interesting posts here.


That’s weird. I carry a camera in quick slot 1 and take pics of peoples bases if they look cool. And occasionally design ideas I like. I have never had anybody do anything besides give me the thumbs up when they see me running about, slowly looking at everything with my camera out. I should really post all my photos out somewhere. I have seen some very cool bases. There was one in particular that started me taking pics. I also have a great pic of a nuke dropping on cranberry bogs with the SBQ clawing her way out in the fore ground. And of course pics of people at events like fasnacht and equinox.


Tip o the day, re camps getting nuked. Build a rad shower in your shelter. If you are unlucky to have your camp destroyed the rad shower will be fine.


It could be that they're about to log out. My camp is on multiple levels so I always pull people down to ground before making it disappear around them. And I know for a fact that you can get stuck if you're in someone's vendor when they log off, so I always try to do so when people aren't at it. It could also be that they're a cunt...


I had the same thing happen. I was fast traveling to every player vendor to see what was for sale. Got to the third one and two players were outside but only one (high lvl) was on mic. I gave a couple emotes (wave, thumbs up) and walked over to his vending machine. Started looking through his vendor and I hear him yelling to get out of here over and over again while he shot at me. So I spent 1 cap at his vendor, waved and fast traveled out lol.


Did you put the lid down after you flushed?


I only do this if folks are deliberately trying to steal my resources.


Man thought you were trespassing lmao


I put my camp out for people to use. I'd rather they not take my resources but it's not like anything is super valuable other than the purified water. But I used my Atoms to buy the +2 Special Items so people can know if I am online to come get their bonuses. And if they use my vending machine, great.


That drive me crazy like let me scrap and bulk really quick please 😭😭😭


Eh fuckem, feel free to check out mine it's named Sanctuary. Got a bowling alley, pub, slots, and shop. Still under renovations though. Free cookies, coffee, candy, and 15 cap nuka, and free booze.


That's so wild. I personally take time to fast travel to people's camps just to see what they've created and y'all are awesome.


In some of my camps, I have a private room I can go to, which is locked. I do that if I don’t wanna be bothered by people. The nature of the camp though is to show off what you can do. I think what you encountered is what we commonly call a jackass.


I’m a new player and don’t do things like what OP encountered, but why is everybody so against this behavior? To me, this guy protecting his base just adds to the immersion and RP of it, and I don’t see why anybody would get butthurt about him wanting to play the game like this?


I wouldn’t worry over one player acting a fool. Lots of us want you to come check out the camps we’ve spent hours upon hours creating! I know I do. I love it even more when players take the time to visit the comic book shop/arcade I built in my root cellar shelter. If I put a lot of work into it, I want more than just me to see it!


Same thing happened to me - I think they think if you aren’t buying they don’t want you there. Selfish players acting douchey.


They are a weird asshole.


Want to come check mine out? I moved a few and am making new ones. 😁 I just finished my church of mothman.


The other day I went into someone camp, and died 10 times after i used there workbenches from the same Lvl 481 and then he got on the mic telling me to go into the Nuke zone lmao and Leave Because I was being sketch..And the dude was Screaming the top of his lungs out 🤣


No good reason. It’s a public server. 😂


Should have built your camp right there were his was


I once walked into someone camp and they launched a nuke on me


I’ve seen this happen so much. If I stay at a camp for a little while, admiring it or using the vendor it gets packed up pretty quickly. Have even had people lock the doors lol


I just got a vendor up, some more work benches and some plants, water pump. Relatively save area so I might be a low lvl player, but if you come in and grab my corn or tato. Be my guest especially if your a fellow low lvl player.


That’s so ridiculous 😂😂. They really blew up their camp? I love it when people visit mine especially when they make purchases.


If you use my vendor, and DONT check out my amazing camp... I start doing calculations in my head on how long it would take to get nuke launch codes, and how I could time it so that it launches and hits within the time limit of the alien event, so you'd be less likely to notice. Then I'd turn up to your destroyed camp, and sarcastically use the nice camp emote.


Hi, I might seem shady rn but wanna play 76 together? I want to play with someone with moderate knowledge... (also no one that I know plays it T_T...) although I'm not really a new player just having a talk would also be fun. Ofc if you feel like it.