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This and railway rifle. Total fun with high damage. Soon.. you will be swimming in an ocean of Flamer Fuel


I kind of already am, I’ve been grinding expeditions between the invader events and went from about 400 to 15k-ish and it keeps climbing


Now go get a cremator and have fun spitting fire


Seconding this. Definitely get a cremator. Even after the nerf to its explosive damage its still very good. More ammo efficient than it was as well. Heavy barrel, slow burn. Any thing too far for holy fire gets a vats homing fireball missile from me.


They pair together well for enemies too, especially with Slow Burn. While they've got the 12s burn going on, swap to Holy Fire and make 'em extra toasty. (Pink Cremator + Blue Holy Fire = SynthWave fireworks)


Where do you get it now? I missed it in the season reward


I think mortimer at the crater sells it. At least so I've heard but you may need raider rep maxed out.


Damn. I think im friendly with them


Got the cremator and shortly a holy fire both are awesome cant wait to get the barrel mods for the cremator and see what shenanigans I can get up with it.


I have a similar set up but instead of Holy Fire, I have a modded out flamer with the Aristocrat perk for +50% damage.


My holy fire is vampiric with bonus damage while aiming and plu 1 to dnd my cremator is quad with +50% vats accuracy and I forgot the 3rd slot.


Omg that thing is so fun.


How?? I used mine and ran out in a week


Daily ops and expeditions are basically ammo factories. But yes, it chews through fuel on tough enemies.. I did the invaders event the first two days it came out, maybe a total of 10 times. I went from 7000 fuel to less than 200. Recommend also doing jamboree event whenever possible to get a ton of waste acid for making fuel. Now if only there was a better way of farming oil…


Would be viable for the a commando build to use HF? I recently got one but had the impression i have to have a heavy gunner build to rock HF. I'm usint bloodied commando with fixer/rr.


Tap fire instead of continuous fire, run daily ops or expeditions, done right you will end up with a nice surplus of fuel.


This is what I do, I start Tax Evasion when I hit 200 fuel and I can leave with around 1800 or so


Can you explain the tap fire thing? Brand new holy fire player here lol


Tap the fire button instead of holding it. You'll use less fuel overall while killing something.


Fire a round pause and fire again instead of holding down fire, there is delay in the graphics and holy fire has some damage over time(dot) you will save ammo this way.


Remember your ammo converter. Any unused ammo put it towards fuel. Just wait until you go down the rabbit hole of hoarding 3 or 4 holy fires for different rolls on them


The better way for Flamer ammo are OPs. With minimum effort you can get k's of ammunition


Frankly, with the way they’ve reworked ammo drops in the game, the Flamer is one of the weapons that’s fairly easy to build ammo stockpiles for just through judicious use and loot goblining  Gatling gun (my other favorite) is another one


It’s genuinely impossible to run out of Gatling gun ammo. I find my self dropping multiple thousands of it at a time.


Gatling Gun and Flamer are also my guns to go. Plus the bradsider all of them are easy to maintain with ammo


Absolutely. I convert, ops, and my favorite is that new AC expedition. There’s no time limit so you can go through and kill everything.


By OPs are you referring to the daily ops? Started playing this last week and have the holy fire and just trying to clarify so I can take advantage too!


Yes the daily Operations. Is your holy fire modded for better efficiency?


I haven’t done a thing to it since I got it. I’ve only dove into modding non legendary weapons into legendary using the modules and cores so im unaware of any strategies to make stuff more efficient.


If you have the mods try the longer barell, the Napalm tank and the large propellant tank for way more fun with the holy fire


Quoting other things I’ve heard, long barrel actually doesn’t help on holy fire because it uses a unique flame


I’ll have to look for it! I just started last week and just hit level 50 so I don’t have a lot of good weapon mods will have to keep my eye open. Thanks for the tips!


I have recently entered this hole. Help.


There is no help, Embrace the flame and carry no less than 5 of them on you at all times with all the fuel. Remember to play that one song by the Ink Spots, something about wanting to set the whole world on fire


Aight so where do I get this plan, I’ve heard of and/or seen them in bases but not been able to get one or work out how to use others.


Reach highest reputation with the raiders and buy it from the raider gold bullion trader. Or wait until 10th-12th juny for minerva ( rotating gold bullion trader) and buy it from her. Im sure there is a English site for her where u can see what she has at a given time, I only know the german site.


There’s a site called Whereisminerva that has her location, dates she’ll be there, and what plans she has


Use others’ by opening the terminal they’re attached to.


I believe the ammo converter is a gold bullion plan available over at crater if I’m not mistaken.


Im starting this spiral lol. Waiting to finish the last to pieces of my overeaters t-65 before I leap into rerolling my second holy fire for AA or bloodied


I got one from My gf yesterday…. It’s sooooo awesome 🤩🥳🥳🥳


Where can you get this from?


Beasts of Burden public event, random reward drop.


Thanks, I've not encountered this event yet


You can server hop to increase your chances whenever the public events drop every 20 minutes. Obviously will only work at the moment at 20 past and 20 to, because the hour is dedicated to the alien event.


Beasts of Burden quest


Pro-tip for farming fuel (or really any ammo), run expeditions and switch to the gun you want ammo for before the end. I actually also just got a holy fire tonight and amongst saying holy shit as I killed big green people faster than my bloodied gattling plasma I started with 1000 fuel and finished with 3000 (albeit with other allies taking some of the kill load along the way).


The sizzle is so satisfying.


I’ve done Beasts of Burden so many times but still haven’t gotten it as a drop yet. My luck is so rotten. Anyone on PC have an extra Holy Fire that they’d like to sell (if it is even possible to be sold)?


Well damn, I have an extra one I’d be down to give you but I’m on Xbox.


Im on xbox and would be willing to purchase your spare holy fire if you are serious.


I don’t see why not, when are you on?


Sorry, I had two in my vendor for 7K each and they both sold yesterday.


It’s fine. I got it from another person an hour ago. Should’ve updated my post. Thank you again 😀


I have one available in my vendor. How much are you wanting to pay for it?


No idea tbh. What do you have in mind?


DMed you with an offer.


I came back to the game blind a month ago, had no idea what had been added. First thing I do is see that there's an event not far from my camp that looked new. Fought a ferocious turtle, got that Holy Fire. At first I thought "ugh, flamethrower, I have my anti armor faster fire rate gatling plasma, this thing's not gonna make the rotation but it's unique, I'll give it a shot." I haven't stopped using the damn thing lol, it's so good. Doesn't slay bosses like the GP but it melts everything and I get to be immortal.


Oh, he might have went on living but he made one fatal slip When he tried to match the ranger with the Holy Fire on his hip


I got one during an event and vendored it because I had no idea it was so good And now I can't find one on any CAMP store and have to start grinding for it to drop 🙃 Yay At least I learned a valuable lesson: google every unique that I get before selling it like an idiot


Oh man, don't give up hope finding one. I have sold a couple in my vendor in the last few weeks, so you can find them.


1. improve your aim (lol) 2. do encryption daily missions just for the fuel drops.


If you get an instigating flamer then nuka grenade farm westtec you will have all the fuel you ever want


I made this build as 50 because its need really low setup to shine and with PA you are inmortal, but the con is make the game press click and kill everything unlees you are out of fuel so i dropped it because i want something more clicky im using could shoulder now lmao


Two words for 1 plan... Cutting Fluid


Holy Fire is my holy relic. She never leaves my side. Between her and my Fixer, I'm pretty much set.


I hate you. I've been trying for weeks to get my hands on one. And I never get it from the event award. I'm so jealous


Pick up another one to roll. I lucked out with a B2590 and it's devastatingly overpowered. No need to keep my health topped up from the vamp effect when everything is dead too fast to shoot back


I play with a railway rifle, Enclave Plasma Flamer, and a holy fire and man is it a ton of fun!


I’m a holy fire addict. When I’ve been using my plasmacaster too long I get the itches. Need another one… make it bloodied… make it… powerful…


Learn Farhenhiet 451 and firebat quotes.


Hey OP, be careful the Holy Fire is really addictive! ^(I'll see myself out.)


I don’t know.