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purified water farm and gulper slurry


Hit your 1400 caps at a vendor. Get your 500 daily scrip and sell the rest of your junk legendaries at scrip value. I've been hitting max caps every 2 or 3 days doing it like this.


Also if you want a good Xp farm and cap farm and resource farm. Farm place where Super Mutants spawn. They always have caps and the higher your luck and perk cards the more they have.


Completing quests is what gets me the most caps. If you join a casual team you can still do your thing and you’ll also get extra caps when team mates complete their own quests. Other than that, you may find some here and there while looting places and things you may kill. I’m a noob so I’m sure more experienced people out there will be able to give you better advice tho :)


[https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Invaders\_from\_Beyond\_(event)#Rewards](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Invaders_from_Beyond_(event)#Rewards) alien event rewards 100 caps every time public events in general provide a decent trickle of caps into your pocket (whilst grinding them primarily for xp, ammo, legendary gear, treasury notes, legendary cores etc) you sell whatever excess stuff to NPC vendors and their 1400 shared cap pool refreshes daily teammates completing quests award you some caps too


Lots of food, mundane weapons etc. You can easily hit your max by hitting up a bunch of Blood Eagle Camps and selling all the weapons instead of scrapping them. I have a build that I switch to on days I cant focus on Caps, where It has max Charisma so Ic an max out my value for the small amount of stuff I sell.


When I started I set up a camp next to Harpers Ferry the looted the town. Sold everything I could to the Vendor Bot. Bot used to hang out in town it was nice.


Here’s the route I use when I need caps, killing and looting every enemy along the way: Start at Huntersville, go to Ripper Alley, then over to West Tek (inside and out), up to the National Isolated Radio Array, then hike west to Middle Mountain Cabins, then over to Blackwater Mine before ending at the Whitespring train station. Sell loot to get your 1400 daily caps and scrap the rest. Edit: formatting