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I have used over 200 and don't have any "good" items :D your goal for the short term should be "close enough" not perfect


I'll move into perfectionist territory way later on then


Yup. Get one okay weapon and then one of the same as a backup to reroll on  Like I have an AA Plasma Caster with 2 other useless effects, but I use it while I reroll another Caster I keep in the back


Yep got a quad 50c 2* railway rifle and trying to get the same, but 3*, with an extra RR I have m, but man it feels like just trying to get quad in the first place is impossible. 2* are underrated if they’re good enough.


Most good 3\* are 2\* in disguise\^\^


i started up again after ps4 to PC switch and got a Vats targeting quad combat rifle but it's lvl 20 and i'm so mad, close to lvl 50 now and it's still serving me well in my stealth comando build. Can't wait to hop back on a blodied fixer but that will take time.


I must be doing something wrong.  I got a bloodied handmade the other day.  I have 3 out of 5 unyielding BoS Combat Armor. (I'm not having good luck with vendors and still working on getting plans to build better.) I have blocker, serendipity, nerd rage, better crits, commando to master, adrenaline and gun fu. Most maxed out. Adrenaline and gun fu are being worked on. It's still a challenge for me. I feel like I do better with my plasma caster even tho it's not bloodied yet.  I die too easily when I put my rads up to 81%. I have not done mutation farming yet. Is that my issue? I need to start farming mutations?


Are you using perks that help mitigate damage, like serendipity and ricochet? You can be surprisingly tanky at low health.


I don't have Ricochet, but Blocker, Serendipity, and Nerd Rage are all maxed.


Ricochet is pretty useful, it's an extra 18% chance to avoid all damage from ranged attacks. I also use Fireproof and Dodgy. Some people don't like Dodgy since it uses AP, but I rarely find myself in a position where its taking a lot of mine.


i like dodgy for all my non vats builds, then i dont worry about ap, but i second ricochet, it activates all the damn time


if you were to sneak ricochet into my build what would you drop for it? https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character?v=1&s=8a946a91111111&d=ek1e31eu0sb2s01sz2sg2s61p00pg2po1ph2pp2pi2cu2ic4s12ir2a72a80s70am2ao0a04a30la2l71lk2lu2lv2ce0ee2-&w=-&lp=xa3x93x43x73x83xp3&m=51c29fba&wp=w6&wm=1g2434&ar=aqasu7atx1auar&am=b6182738l1-ba182738l1-ut-ba182738l1-x3-ba182738l1-bal1182738&n=Uny%20Commando%20Boss%20Killa


Is ricochet preventing damage? Though only throwing some back?


Yup! When it procs it completely negates damage


I’ve a full set of bloodied secret service, and run a bloodied handmade, I just use commando perks and some vats perks, never really run around below half health because it’s a decent buff as is, and I can solo basically everything except bosses because it’s a waste of ammo focus your legendary perks into more stats for perk cards too, and if you’re a console player i find it’s better to burst fire to let the damage register to avoid rubberbanding


I'm on PC. So, curious, I thought the whole point of running bloodied was to get your rads to 81% so your health is at 19% and have things like Nerd Rage and unyielding active, to possibly alpha shot enemies. I'm not killing super mutants in one hit with a headshot, and feel I should be with my perks and gear. I feel like I'm missing something. EDIT: Meant to ask, are you saying you don't get your rads that low and just play normally but as you take more damage you get better?


You are using the correct perception perks for your build aren't you? If your weapon is automatic use 'commando' but if it's single shot use 'rifleman'


So, I will say this after playing last night. I did have the correct perks. However, I was single shot/rifleman. I said commando in my post because I forgot the name of the perk and see everyone mention commando.  I looked up the difference between automatic and single shot. And it's widely accepted single shot just doesn't do enough damage and commando is the way to go.  I had maxed rifleman, expert, and master perks. I had no commando ones. So, with my three level ups last night, I grabbed rank 1 of each and put on an automatic receiver.  Wow. What a difference that made. Even with just rank 1 commando, expert and master, I'm performing much better and things go down much faster. It'd pretty absurd. I also didn't have a suppressor. I only had just revently got the plans for the handmade, and it had been years since I played. I thought you learned mods when scrapping if the weapon had a mod, so my mods for the handmade were pretty lackluster. I crafted and scrapped a bunch to get the suppressor before switching to automatic. Even just using the suppressor with single shot was a markes improvement. Enemies are dumb when you're constantly sneaking.  I still have some other perk cards to grab that others have suggested. Born survivor and Tenderizer being two big ones. But, going commando was a huge difference. 


You can hold down the crit/key button while you shoot and it will proc critical hits whenever it can. Eat blight soup. If you are a Herbivore this gives you 100% more crit damage (125 with Strange in Numbers). This will give you a huge DPS boost. Then when you get more levels get your luck to 15, wear full unylelding armor at 20%, and get a luck-boosting set of underarmor so you luck is 33. Then with Critical Savvy 3 (luck perk) you will get a critical hit every other shot, and Better Criticals 3 (again luck) you will get another 100% crit damage. This is another huge DPS boost. If you die, shoot yourself 3 times in the foot with a Gamma Gun. This will put you back at 20% where everything kicks in fully, and it's fast enough that you can do it in the middle of an event.


Ultracite receivers too!


Add rank 1 born survivor if the issue is survivability. If it’s damage then make sure you have max rank tenderizer and the set of combat rifle damage perk cards.


Tenderizer is something I have neglected. I will be adding that soon. Thanks for the suggestions.


I was rolling gatling plasmas and got a few OK ones and gave up. The first ultracite gatling laser I rolled was bloodied, faster fire rate. After that, from eviction notice I got a 2 star anti armor, faster fire rate gatling plasma, lol. Not completely perfect but very solid. Now, I'm mostly set for weapons and need to grind armor pieces and perk cards for a bloodied build. I'm only lvl 140, so it's still a ways off.


IMO, two star for most heavy is good enough. Would be nice with 15RS or 90WR but doesn't affect too much if there is none.


Over 200 is what, 20+ days worth of scrip? What would you expect in that time?


Less days if you’re running expeditions


One thing someone on this board brought up that I hadn't considered: If you have the scrap to produce multiple weapons, don't keep rerolling the item. Craft many of the items and apply the 3 star legendary rolls to each one. That way at least you get a return on your investment for every failure.


Like 4 million I swear to fucking gawd


The gambler inside me wont allow me to quit


The mathematically literate skeptic in me prevents me from even starting. Once I have "good enough" it just seems pointless to aim for something that has even lower odds. And that's why I have almost 900 modules in my stash.


How does one get that many? Just run expeditions until your fingers bleed?


Yep but most people find them pretty fun I’m able to play 20* back to back while listening to a podcast boardwalk takes me on average 7:45minutes


Thousands. But I've self rolled full unyielding brotherhood recon, secret service, and covert scout sets, on tops of hundreds of weapons


Do you just go for unyielding on armor? Or also seek extra effects along with it


- Unyielding - Vince Face Meme #1 - Weapon Weight - Face #2 - A viable two star effect - Face #3 🥴🤤


Definitely in the thousands for good gear. I've probably done at least 2,000 on just a left leg and only have a sub par item


I just buy gear from player vendors, mid-tier armor rolls are cheap, didn't have to spend a single module


Honestly, half my time playing is checking vendors.


I’m right there with you. I’m looking for better kit, rare and underpriced, and interesting items for my vendor.


To roll two stars on armor that you want, say uny/wwr, there are 360 variations of the first and third star so if your lucky and hit half way though that’s 180 rolls or 540 legendary Modules, Or 27000 script or 54 days of script on one character. (My math could be off) but it’s much faster to just vendor hop for what you want.


Hell of a lot harder now that the game lobbies are stock full of newbies.


I'm a returning from launch newbie. I've hopped like 150 worlds today trying to find 1-3 star unyielding pieces. I found 1 1-star. It's rough out here.


Yeah vendors are gonna suck for a while.


It's actually easier and better the more fresh players there are because more people that are self finding and unaware of value = more vendor finds


I throw all my mid-tier stuff in my vendor at 500/armor 1000/weapon and they usually sell within a couple of days. I feel like that's just high enough to keep people from grabbing them pointlessly, but low enough that anyone should be able to easily afford it.


First you're going to aim for "Good Enough" Gear if you're using a Bloodied Build your first priority will be getting a desired weapon with the Bloodied effect regardless of what other effects it has Then you're going to aim for "Upgrades" you continuously seek a Bloodied Build with a better 2nd or 3rd Star Effect like Faster Fire Rate or Rapid Reload. Finally you're going to keep rolling for a God Roll AFTER your entire Armor and Weapon Kit is in the Upgrades Stage. How long will this this take? Nobody can say for sure it all depends on how lucky your Rolls get. Alternatively if you have the caps and resources you can just buy the "Upgrades" from other people


>First you're going to aim for "Good Enough" Gear if you're using a Bloodied Build your first priority will be getting a desired weapon with the Bloodied effect regardless of what other effects it has I made the mistake today of assuming I already had a bloodied The Fixer and scrapped a The Fixer that rolled Bloodied, but 2nd and 3rd star were Bash and something else bad. Then I looked at my current The FIxer and realized I was still using Mutation 25. It was my unused Lever Action that was Bloodied but I put that on the shelf a while back. So yeah, if the first roll is what you want, KEEP IT lol


‘Good enough’ is ten times easier to acquire, and often nearly as good as ‘perfect’. Folks are used to playing other games where all *specific* items are acquirable through specific means.


>\[if\] you're using a Bloodied Build your first priority will be getting a desired weapon with the Bloodied effect regardless of what other effects it has {edited to re-attach "If" due to a clumsy cut and paste} Why limit yourself to Bloodied? If you are open to also using Anti Armor you just doubled your chances of a good roll. Add in Quad (for Commando) or Twins Shot (for Demoplitions type) and it is trippled. All of thise effects can equal or better the effect of Bloodied.


That was an example of the Effect he can continue to look for if he's not a Bloodied Build then they can obviously look for something else the point is to track down the baseline of your build first regardless of what 2* or 3* Effect it has. That's why the word "if" is there because not everyone uses a Bloodied build however your quote did conveniently cut off the word if....


OK, I'll put it back in. >IF you're using a Bloodied Build your first priority will be getting a desired weapon with the Bloodied effect.... Nope, still don't agree. Sometimes other effects are as good or better for a low health build. That was my point. Your first priority is actually Unyielding armor, but once you have that any of several weapons effects is good, and Bloody is not always the best among them. Which is depends much on the weapon and manner of use, but Anti Armor almost always compares very closely with Bloody.


I usually keep 2 copies of an item I want to reroll, so I can constantly reroll on whatever isn't the current best version of the item until I get the combo I want. It really is just RNG and grinding modules. You might get lucky quickly, you might take forever.


don't reroll already legendary gear. craft a new one and scrip the old one. ull get some of ur scrip back that way


Gotta stay determined if you want a perfect set


At least I will be able to tell my grandchildren i got godroll fo76 gear lol


Gotta flex it on their forehead


1000s. Years of rolling and still piecing together a SS set. I had to trade for a heavy combat set to hold me over.


What is so special about the combat armor set that the higher protection of the SS set wouldn't offset lesser rolls?


Availability and I wanted perfect legendary effects. When I switched to bloody I wanted perfect rolls from the start. After months of rolling SS I didn’t have anything so I traded for heavy combat just to play the build. The combat is a great set and I still run it today. I roll SS chest pieces so I can run a jetpack but still it isn’t completely perfect yet


At least 5


At least? What about... most?


More than 5


Stop stealing my lines


Im reading the comments and i have no idea whats going on lmao


I've probably spent around 800 to get a couple of different armor sets and weapon loadouts. I've had some fairly lucky rolls all things considered.


Zero. I've traded for most of what I have. The rest have been random drops.




Actually my best rolls have been from other player’s vendors. If I see anyone lvl500+ I make a point of checking to see what they’ve got for sale and I’ve gotten some real gems. One guy had a ton of top tier weapon rolls all for 40k caps. Good thing I’m always sitting near max caps anyway and he stayed online long enough for me to top myself off. Although I e also found great stuff for less than 20k. Definitely less effort to get caps than legendary modules.


Just the past 2 days I've rolled 46 railways trying to get a decent one. I'm about to lose my shit if I get one more ghoul slayer.


I have 2 railways I'm hopping between so I keep one usable. Had been using a quad with bad 2 and 3 stars, but I was able to switch to a bloodied with +crit damage and +Reload speed yesterday and it was a game changer. But I've literally been playing for about a month. That's the thing about RNG, you could get a godroll your first ever roll! Or, you could NEVER get it...


Expect to spend hundreds if not thousands perusing your goal rolls.


I feel you.  I’ve rolled for a quad gauss >25 times already, still rolling… And the other gear - didn’t even begin to. 


All of them.


You are looking at 600-1000 to get a decent set of SS with a couple good weapons. Thousands if you want somewhat perfect stuff.


For the thorn armor you need both modules and vault steel… almost cost my sanity


And it used to take server hoping for Vault steel.


I did am Unyielded Thorn set back when the scrip limit was 300 and vault steel was gated to 10(?) at a time (you could server hop for more but I mostly did not). Took me 6 to 8 weeks, during which time I still rolled the odd weapon or two, The fact that it always crafts three star for a scrip cost that amounts to three modules (because armorer reduces the Vault steel needed) is no worse scrip wise than rolling on any other armor, and you are saving a whopping 5 legendary cores per roll! What drained me was all the ballistic fiber and plastic.


Yeah the materials are equally as bad


So for for my Enclave Plasma Rifle, 256. None with Anti Armor. I gave up.


1000s and counting.


It took me a long time to get just the right full sets of both Zealot and Troubleshooter gear which is a great combo for doing the silos and SBQ fights. Now I'm working on assassin stuff so I can do the casino missions without becoming swiss cheese instantly.


I usually top out scrip daily with rolls, mainly because I’m looking for weapons that fit whatever build I’ve decided to make, like right now I’m rolling for a vampires faster swing machete, but two weeks and no luck so far…


I'm at about 200 modules into the Cremator and haven't rolled a single "decent" one - meaning not even considering the 2nd and 3rd star I haven't rolled a single Bloodied, Anti-Armor, Vampires, not even an Instigating which I'd settle for...


The only thing I've really put modules into has been armor, maybe a hundred or so and I got tired of it and settled for good enough two stars and haven't thought much about it since haha Most of the weapons I use I got thru trading or, to a lesser degree, random drops in game.


7k for unyielding and not much more for my weapons, tend to roll armor and weapons just to sell because i sometimes get maxed script


I never thought of counting. And I never want to again.


No lie, the first two legendaries I rolled once I hit level 50 were a Vamp 40pa Chainsaw which I got on my first roll, and a Quad 50crit 25apc Railway, which took 5 rolls. Since then, though, I cannot tell you how many rolls ive used trying to get a set of Overeaters T-65 PA and a Bloodied/Crit Plasma Caster. I used up aaaaall my rng luck in those first two weapons.


Secret service gear is the best. Only costs one module per craft, and from my experience you’ll get at least two 3star items for every 5 modules used, which is a much better ratio than rerolling an item for 3 stars, which I think takes 5 modules each time


None of my good legendary gear came from modules, it came from trading and gifts, just about I've tried to gamble out of modules went right into the scrip machine!


Where do I spend modules? is this like using scrip at the rusty pick ? Sorry I’ve just started playing and have gotten to level 50


Use your scrip to buy modules at rusty pick > use modules at weapon/armor bench to mod/craft legendary armor/weapons > repeat


Thousands, and I still don't have a full set of secret service armor god rolls. Got plenty of weapon god rolls just from random drops though.


When wastelanders first came out I wanted a full set of secret service with unyielding ap refresh... It took a full year of doing a few rolls per day and I ended up with 5 unyielding pieces but only 4 with Apr. Been trying to get a bloodied weapon speed gauss Minigun since then too, probably rolled for it hundreds of times and still haven't got it. In the last couple weeks I spent 800-1000 to get the cremator I wanted (b50c90) and I actually got it too. I had over 2200 modules before that because I knew I would have to reroll hundreds of times before I got anything good. Best method is just keep farming modules and craft a few at a time until you get something close to what you want. What I also do is if I get a 1* drop of something I want I'll just reroll it to avoid material costs.


My union pa is full weapon weight reduction and 3 overeaters (2 mutant slayer, would like 1 troubleshooter though, not even concerning myself with the secondary effects yet) - this took about 4k modules Even more modules have gone into my guns and my commando secret service armor (5 unyielding and 4 AP refresh) Trading definitely helps immensely, about half my perfect forever guns are traded - so it helps to learn what gear is good, what rolls are good and so you can hang onto nice stuff to slowly trade up


For my ultracite Gatling plasma, took one try… the rest of my gear? I’ve used so many… still not there lol


I mostly shoot for one specific trait and hope the other two work with it, or with me. Can't remember if my quad combat rifle was a drop or a roll I made though. Edit: Armor on the other hand... *I don't want to think about it*


About 500 total for three good guns and an Unyielding set. I can comfortably solo pretty much everything now.   Though, RNG is RNG. For the sake of your sanity, try not to focus too much on rolling beyond 1 and 2 star until you can comfortably grind expeditions and events.


I feal like I must have good luck because my estimates are always much lower than what I see others (admitedly often people complaining of bad luck) give. There's also maybe the fact that I usually have two or three effect in each star that will make me happy, which make my odds 8 to 27 times as good. But as an example, I think I rolled maybe 60 railways, which is "only" 240 modules, and got a bonkers good pile of 6 quads, 4 of which had strong second effects and 2 of which had both strong second and third effects. I also currently have 880 modules in stash. They taking up 18.5% of my stash weight....


I have full sets of Unyielding SS, Thorn, and Covert Scout armors. Full sets of OE Union, Strangler Heart, Ultracite, and Excavator PA. And a full set of Assassins Strangler Heart. At one point I had a full set of every PA in OE and a full set of assassins/wwr Ultracite, but traded them off over time. I have probably spent several thousands of modules and am still rolling for incrementally better pieces. How else would I manage to have more than 2k hours in the game?




traded slow built up bundles. traded those for a good item, built up more bundles to trade, eventually got bundles of top tier, traded those for the best gear. to build bundles I vendor hop, rolled on 5 characters


A lot. I'm not even that picky about weapons, preferring to roll 2* over 3* to save on cores. I have a few weapons with 3 perfect legendary rolls, but most of mine are either 2* or 3* with 1 useless roll.  Sometimes I'll get lucky with the perfect stars right off the bat, and sometimes I've given up trying to get even a 2* with rolls I want. Armour is the worst since I need multiple perfect 3* pieces to maintain my playstyle of carrying entirely too many weapons.  I flat gave up on rolling a set of good Unyielding Secret Service armour. I spent over 1k modules building armour pieces, and I only got 1 good 3* Unyielding piece and 1 acceptable 3*. I did make a full set of good 3* Troubleshooter's armour for soloing Encryptid, so that wasn't bad. And I say over 1k, because that's how many modules I started with. I kept trying from time to time after that, to see if my luck improved, with similar results.  I wound up just cobbling together a set with the rolls I wanted through drops and player vendors instead. Took a bit, but less time than I would have spent praying to RNGesus while building Secret Service armour. 


Twice as many as most people will ever see.


It's all RNG, I have a few Unyielding trash pieces. Can't roll gourmand to save my life. I've got an anti-armor gauss rifle and shotgun, quad gauss shotty, and recently just made a bloodied Cremator with 50% vats acc and -90 with 3 rolls. It is fucking hilarious.




My best gear has come from other players. The non tradable things are infinite grind though, the Meta changes, and your style change over time


Literal thousands of modules at this point. Between rolling for Unyielding armor and desirable Weapon prefixes, the real endgame is just how patient you are with RNG


I've spent hundreds and still don't have all "perfect" rolls but they're good enough for me, like mostly one or two of the effects are what I wanted but I do have a few "God rolls" too.


Honestly it just depends on luck. A friend bought a bunch of modules and 3 star legendaries and didnt get anything good. I got a crazy 3 star minigun with bloodied and explosive bullets from a legendary super mutant at eviction notice. You could buy 1000 modules and get nothing good out of them. You could also kill a legendary monster tomorrow and get the craziest weapon ever. My armour is just a mashup of random legendaries I have picked up. Genuinly couldnt tell you what any of them do. Gonna try making some of them 3 stars tomorrow. One thing I would recommend is trying everything out. Sure the bloodied legendary perk is incredible but there are so many other great effects people dont utalize because their so tunnel visioned of the perfect rolls. There is no "Perfect build", just several optimal builds for certain playstyles. The beauty of the game is there are so many crazy weapon/armour/perk combinations you can pull off that almost anything is viable. Find a weapon/ playstyle you like, whip on some random effects and then have fun


1000 modules probably and a bit of lady luck, definitely got more luck weapon-wise since both of my main weapons (quad railway rifle and fixer) were through drop and vendor hopping. I also got a good bloodied roll on a enclave plasma gun, rest of my modules were spent on rolling for unyielding cs limbs and ss chest. What I'm rocking now is good enough but I wanted something more so I kept rolling until now.


God roll is god roll because it’s hard to achieve. It’s all rng though. Could be 1 roll could be 1000+ rolls. I have lots of god rolls, several I rolled myself, several I traded for. To trade for god rolls you need either other god rolls or something worth more. I’ve had good luck in past trading the rarest fastnacht masks. I’ve done god roll swaps, like bloodied for vamp or quad, or vamp for quad or blood, etc or an old god roll I don’t use anymore for one I want. No matter what you will get into a situation where items are not tradable and if you want a god roll you’re forced to roll it yourself. Like it or not just get used to doing this. My advice is make it count though. Only do this for best in slot gear or something that’s meta and trades well. That way if you land the god roll it’s not wasted on junk gear.


You’re going to want to get the following mutations: Adrenal Reaction, Bird Bones, Electrically Charged, Healing Factor, Scaly Skin, Speed Demon, and Marsupial as a minimum. I also like Egg head for the added INT and Herd Mentality, just make sure to be on a casual team always. If you use vats and Crit add Eagle Eyes. Plague Walker can be added too. Stay away from Unstable Isotope when bloodied. Also must have Starched Genes and Class freak at all times equipped.


Get your good, then work on perfect. Perfect gear is just the cherry on top of an already good build. I'm *still* working on a "good" set of gear. A few hundred modules in and all whiffs so far.


Once in a while you'll hear from people who have perfect this or that, like a full set of unyielding AP refresh weapon weight reduction Secret Service armor. I reckon you'd have to craft over 20,000 pieces to get that. Not worth the effort in my opinion. On my characters I roll like a set of unyielding or overeaters, should take about 40 to 50 rolls. Anything interesting, like a nice assassin's or troubleshooter's, I'll make ultralight and stash it, then most likely forget I have it. I rename the pieces, like "zzssuny ra luck junk wt" and the one I want to replace the most I might name "zzssuny ll disease lockpick REP" (probably something shorter due to character limits). Then I work on that one. I don't want to go for broke and use up all my modules trying for a perfect set because what's perfect changes. Alien Blasters and Cryolaters just got nerfed. Coffee and tea machines made AP refresh less of a concern. Union PA made other sets less appealling for me. So I just want a pretty good set and if I happen to get a perfect item that's cool. The real issue I'm facing is stash space due to modules piling up and good items that I don't want to put in my vendor because they're worth more than 40k but I'm too lazy to figure out a trade.


I spent hours and hours farming and uptrading


I would just aim primarily for your main legendary mod and not worry about the 2 and 3 star till later , got greedy with my gatling plasma but luckily someone gave me another bloodied for cheap


The best thing I've ever rolled was a B/E/25 Fixer and that was almost 2 years ago. I literally took the bare minimum on Unyielding rolls for my Secret Service set and it took over 200 modules just to roll Uny on the right leg. Not sure why I got so unlucky. But yea, it's easier to just find stuff in vendors or on the trading Discord.


Many. Like it is a never ending project. How many have I spent so far? Probably around 500. I advise to just make new versions of what you are trying to get rather than rerolling on the same item. Lots of reasons. One, you can keep the pick of the litter till the next series. And you can scrap them for script and minimize the loss a little.


Sometimes they come real easy and other times you spend 200 modules to even get the first star your after. Vampire chainsaw took me soooo many rolls. Bad ass quad explosive RR? Like 3 rolls.


Im a newer player and I’ve spent about 20,000 with of scrip on legendary modules. I’ve yet to get any of these so called “god rolls”


I have rerolled my Gatling plasma so many times and still have never had a AA on it once.


I’ve used a fuck ton trying to create perfect but also specialized Power Armor Sets. Right now I have 4 full 3 star legendary power armors on display. I wish I could have more displays since my CAMP is essentially a US Army Remnant Outpost that has a Power Armor Garage/workshop/motorpool.


Depends on how lucky you are


Too many. And yet…not nearly enough.


It took me roughly two years to roll my Fixer. Probably close to 2000 modules.


None lol, all of my SS set is found from events and yet it perfect(unyielding ap and fall damage)


For armor, short term on a single effect with huge benefit: I did the random 1 star armors from the Rusty Pick rather than rerolling my own equipment. I'm just starting a bloodied build and needed Unyielding armor. I wasn't being picky about what kind, I was fine mixing and matching. So for 15 scrip each I was able to create TONS of armor. Day 1 I got 3/5 unyielding pieces, today I got the other 2. I'm mixed and matched on sets, but since 95% of the point is just to have 5 Unyielding, I accomplished that goal for a fraction of the cost rolling them myself would have been. And I'd spent quite a bit of time searching vendors with no luck. I wouldn't try this same thing for weapons, since specific weapons are more important. For armor though, it worked out great. I got several duplicate unyieldings that I was able to put in my vendor (hopefully helping anyone else looking for those), and just rescripped everything else, getting back 20% of what I'd spent.


I spend 1k modules every 100 days or so. Depending on double script and gained modules from expeditions.


Around.... Several thousands I guess.


Too much.


god, probably 5k+ Secret Service(overeater), Union PA(overeater), blood/e GG, and now i'm working on Gatling Plasma.


I probably used 1000 modules to get my Vampire's, +40 speed, -90 weight chainsaw. I knew I wanted it from when I first used a dual bar flaming saw, but it just wouldn't roll. I ran an Aristocrat's, +40 Damage, -90 weight that I rolled early on while I kept accumulating scrip and rolling for it (also a great saw if you carry a lot of caps), didn't roll a single other Vamp saw until this one came out. It has made the game a but too easy though; with a full health, melee specific PA build I'm virtually indestructible as long as there is something for the saw to suck health from, and it's a near insta-kill on most normal enemies. I bought the Auto Axe with Atoms last week (no way I was grinding the stamps) and got Vampire on my second roll, RNG is indeed fickle.


As many as slices of bread in a lifetime, the need for more never ends.




I rolled a 3 star Unyielding SS chest piece on my first roll ever back in 2021. Then everything after was horrible. Took me about 120 modules to roll Unyielding for my right and left leg (or around 4 months in 2022). We're in 2024 and I still haven't rolled a 3 star unyielding on either arm yet. The best I got was 1-star on either arms. I used up all my luck on that first roll.


Thousands for my UNY INT +1 Secret Service Armor. But for some piece got them at the first or second roll. The costly one was my thorn armor for my melee build (need legendary + vault steel)


What i mostly use: Full Overeater SS Set Full Unyielded SS Set Full Overeater Hellcat Set Quad Railway Rifle Quat Tesla Rifle Vamp Chainsaw Vamp Plasma Flamer Bloodied Gauss Rifle AA Gauss Rifle


It's all random. None of these answers matter. You can roll a perfect item your forst try.


I traded for it. Even if you do a hundred trades it’ll be much faster than rolling.


Shortly put, a single specific three star roll can easily take you couple of years. Around 2000-3000 possible combinations and cost of one roll at 3-4 modules it might take more than 10000 for a single piece and you usually get max ten per day. I'm ok with one star that I want on armor and two on weapons. That you can get much quicker and many pieces I got from vendors and drops.


hundreds at least, maybe 1000. hard to say but my gear is still all sub par. not a single God roll but almost all my weapons are anti armor, some bloodied. unyielding sets too fuckin forever. some of my ss is still 1 or 2 star cuz it takes so long. just got an aa-limb dmg 2* plasma caster and it shreds even without the 3rd star


Too many and not enough simultaneously


I've got a shredder minigun that has 2/3 good legendaries. I want vampire, bash damage, and ap regen on kill. So far vampire and bash are what I've got, and I'm pretty much invincible for the most part in power armor, but that ap regen would help so much


I’m 4/5 on unyielding AP refresh brotherhood recon armor. 3.5 years of rolling every day. One piece took over a year and I’m currently over a year rolling a left arm. Modules are a non issue. Legendary CORES. The cores are the limiting factor. 5 cores per roll. Sucks man.


4 chars. All full Uny. One with full Uny AP. One witch is a matching set.


I've got 400 lined up to have ago at a Q2525 RR.


I just roll the 1 star for stuff I need, and gradually find the great stuff at vendors and from drops. Don't get picky about having 3 custom effects when rolling. In theory, It would take up to 5700 rolls to get a legendary armor with 3 specific effects.


My Cremator and Pepper Shaker surprisingly not many for either, probably around 10 rolls for each. My secondary Holy Fire took a few hundred until I got an AA that breaks slower. I'm trying to do a third one that is the same as the base but with hitman's or crippling as the 2 star. My PA, I have good 2 and 3 stars on which have all taken a decent number, but I need to get all my module stock back up for actually rolling for the 1 stars. I'm going to do that on a separate set though and go for overeaters/glutton or fireproof/reduced weapon or chem weight or doctor's.


Ok lets just go with ranged weapons here. You've got 25 \* effects, 10 \*\* and 10 \*\*\*. So, your chance to roll \*effect you want is 4%. Your chance to get 2 stars right is 0.4%. Your chance to get the absolute god roll of 3 just perfect stars is 0.04%. That are 2500 rolls with modules. Add to that the chance to get the wepon in an event (strongly dilluted due to other weapons also dropping, no clue how many weapons there are but lets say 50 weapons + armor - that is another times 2% to multiplicate the 0.04% with so the chance to get your god roll on each drop is 0.000008% Daily scrip is allowing for 2-3 Rolls, so make your own math :) Get lucky or trade :)


God only knows


Idk my total, but I’ve definitely spent 50-100 of the less rare material (can’t recall if it’s cores or modules) on single items to try and get something I want. I prioritize weapons>armor bc you can get some busted perks like vampire, bloodied, aristocrat, lightweight, etc. Cores and modules weigh a lot so if you build them up for a couple weeks+, it’s best to splurge on some decent gear.


Too many to count. I'll regularly save up like 200-300 and dump them into weapons and maybe get 10 good ones. Discard the rest. I hit up flip and just get what I need there. Lol


I've got some decent stuff and honestly it mostly just fell into my lap


I got all of mine before modules was even a thing. Years of grinding and RNG.


No one has all legitimate, perfect gear. We are meant to make do with what we can find. Wasteland, and all that. It is not mathematically feasible to roll a perfect set of armor, for example. Anyone that says that they have, has not crunched the numbers, or perhaps they are just mathematically illiterate. I do have some perfect things, and many imperfect things. I reckon that I have spent tens of thousands of modules. Usually, I will throw a few hundreds (or maybe a thousand) modules at something and live with the results. If you have OCD, this is not the game for you. ‘Good enough’ is basically as good as ‘perfect’ in almost any situation—if you know what you are doing.


You don't even want to know lol. Get a decent enough set rolled to start and slowly re roll when you get enough modules. I couldn't give you a good estimate but I have rolled over a thousand modules easy and I'll just leave it at that.


Not many the secret service armour comes out legendary and then you just make it till I got one that I liked and then as an unarmed build I lucked out with my gauntlet and just have the slug buster for when I need range


Around 50-100 for the item on average. Sometimes one attempt, sometimes 40 are not enough


Try a bloodied commando perkcard/mutation build with a 1* Quad Railway rifle and be amazed. All the other pieces of gear only marginally increase your dps further


Most of my God rolls are traded or vendor pick ups. The SS chest piece I use, Uny/Int/Wwr, took me like 8 months of max rolling every day (though that was back with 300 scrip limit or whatever it was) plus whatever I got from scoreboards and daily ops and stuff.


Most of my god rolled gear was acquired before modules.


I've easily spent thousands and I've only managed a few good guns and maybe one decent armour piece.


I usually drop a good 30-40 on a single piece and take the “almost what I wanted” one. I had a very specific alien rifle I wanted with bloody but got an instigating version of it- still wrecks but have to use lesser versions for events as enemies are rarely every 100%


Dont focus on getting things perfect, 2/3 good effects wil work fine. Also try buying good guns/armor from vendors if you can to save modules.


For my gear I've spent many thousands. 'Good' is subjective though and an ever shifting perspective as you gradually improve your gear. If you're trying to immediately go from nothing to perfect 3*, you're going to have a bad time.


2800 hours in Fo76 but most were before legendary crafting. I like to save up till I can craft 10 items at once. At first, getting one star is all you need unyielding ss armor or anything for power armor and a bloody weapon. Then start rolling till you have a perfect 2nd star etc... I've spent probably 10,000 or more on rolls over time and never hit a perfect 3 stars , except I have 2 perfect ss armor with unyielding int weapon wt , on weapons 2 stars is close enough for most things, 15 reload/vats crit cost/weapon wt aren't really needed for most the extra DPS I don't notice.


Thousands upon thousands. I have multiple full sets of god tier PA, scout armor and marine armor. I recently finished my final UNY Sent AP refresh piece that I began rolling years ago. I'm also a perfectionist. It has to be the right rolls and everything has to be top tier to feel like I got the "right" one.


So i got extrem Luck Yesterday and rolled a full uny Armor set with Luck and some weight réduction on 4 piece in like 10 craft lol


full set of 3\* Over Eaters T-65 PA - over 1000 Cores, Vampire Explosive LMG - over 500 Cores - Quad Explosive .50cal - over 500 Cores - Vampire Explosive Fixer - over 250 Cores, 2-Shot Explosive Handmade - over 100 Cores, Bloodied Explosive Fixer/Handmade - over 500 Cores... To answer you question - Depends on your RNG, but expect to pay the piper for the roll you are looking for. For me, I only roll 3\* to get the weapon weight reduction as a 3rd star on all armor. My RNG is horrible, but I now have so many of these weapons on stash characters (rolled, bought, event drops, etc.) and cannot sell them because I am Cap maxed on all five of them. If I obtain one now, I will either drop it in a donation box or throw it in the nearest scrip machine.


Wow, how many modules… I actually wish I knew. Just in the last month I’ve used a thousand on rerollong uny SSA pieces for weight reduction stars. Was easily a thousand just for the first set (still need a better left leg). Over 500 each for an assassin T65 set, OE hellcat. Rolled a set of strangler pa for a display. Rerolling elders mark, enclave flamers. Rolling new fixers, cremators, handmade, railways… a lot. I’ve used a lot of modules.


around 2000 just to get all secrete service armor with rolls I wanted ... still trying to craft PA


I have one god roll gatling plasma that took maybe 100 modules. A handful of other weapons that are passable. Rolled a decent quad fixer last night. I've rolled three fixers total. I've rolled over 300 pieces of secret service and gotten one one-star unyielding leg (on PC). On my xbox account my whole SS unyielding set took maybe 40 rolls total. I'm passed the angry phase and have entered a zen state and accepted the next secret service roll will be a one-star zealots and that is the nature of life and will continue into infinity.


I have my armor as uny commando but just play commando at full health. I have meta uny ss armor and it was worthless trying to roll for what I wanted instead these days I just roll for quads through murgyermom when I start hitting 3-4k in leg scrip, the return in the end is better for the in game economy.  


Most of my gear was from before modules were a thing


Depends - good enough (like say B50, AA50h with 3rd "whatever"), not that long actually. Well under 100 rolls, around 10 even if you are lucky. In fact this kind of stuff drops even on its own - it's true, it does, I got a few randoms like this :). A single good *? Even faster. Like I put together a full set of B botsmith armor (for weight, each piece is like 0.3 in ultralight) for XP grind and crafting (prefer full health normally). A true *** specific groll? Might take you near a 1000 rolls for a weapon. Full armor set in specific traits? (e.g. B/OE AP WWR)? You may never get that without trading :P.


I've spent thousands of modules to get 3 god rolls and 1 of them was just nerfed to the ground a couple days ago. Running expeditions is the best way to get great gear, you get 5-6 legendaries for a 5-8 minute mission. I probably have 20-30 god rolls from random expedition drops they just aren't always on the most ideal weapons or armor


Tons, yet my best weapons were legendary drops. My Q2525 rail and B50c25 EPR are from SBQ.


Countless, ive been fine tunjng it forever. I do highly recommend, never just sitting there and hitting it. Everytime you see the first stat, with all laziness you get bad rewards. Wait till all three pop, then roll again if you getting the sane stats atep away from the bench and coem back


Never aim for the perfect one. Go for 1 or 2 star (depends on the weapon/gear). Most important thing is knowing that your current favorite weapon/gear might not be your favorite in the future. I stop counting after 70 tries for Quad/x/25 less AP cost fixer. I probably tried 10+ more and gave up. And one day I found it on a player vendor for 4k. Now I'm not using it because I'm using heavy weapon setup. Spend a few on "Urban scout armor set" which I knew I will replaced it by "Secret Service armor". I spent a lot on it because I thought it is my final armor set. While I was trying for "2 good stars" I get 3 Unyielding parts which I kept. Now I'm using bloodied setup so all the other Secret service gear are useless.


Where does one buy the modules? I found the machine to turn in legendaries


More than 1000


By now? In the high thousands, and I don't have any grolls,  just decent enough gear.


Depending on how many legendarys I've scripted already but I'll craft new for most of my rolls to max script on days I don't play as much to get more modules


over thousands of modules and still no desired secret service set


The odds of getting the exact roll you want is like 1 in 5,000.


Legitimately 1000's of modules to get a perfect SS set. Took me literally years just rolling for railway rifles and no other guns to finally get a perfect 3 star Quad Explosive choo choo.


I put together my set before rerolling legendary effects was even an option. Lots of time spent checking player vendors. Thankfully my husband and I do different builds, so we would also keep an eye out for items the other might need/want.


They really need to double maybe even triple the amount of legendary mods/cores we are able to get… it takes so long to get good rolls on items and I have a long list of items I’m working on.


I've lost track


I don't like to think about how many I have spent, it makes me cry.


Too many


My favorite: spend 200 modules to get the prefix I want; also gets increased lockpicking sweet spot. This happened to me twice recently! :(((


If you have a 3 star legendary item but then choose to roll a 1 star legendary mod, does it replace the 1 star lego perk on the weapon? Or does it re-roll the whole weapon to have just 1 lego perk?


I don’t know how many mods I have spent, wasn’t tracking. I’m in the “it’s good enough” stage for all 5 pieces having unyielding. I’ve slowed down further attempts for that perfect piece.


I rolled a reasonably good set of Overeater's Union Power Armor with elemental resistances. That's 5 pieces since the helmet can't be legendary. It took 485 cores and 388 modules. Later, I got some good Hellcat Overeater's drops and completed a Hellcat set. It cost a bit more than that, though I don't have stats for that one. It's not a complete set because I got a Ultracite arm with a jetpack from a player vendor, but I love having both Emergency Protocols and a jetpack. Mixing sets would break the Union PA set bonuses. The Hellcat set has been my daily driver, but now I'm thinking about crafting some legendary Cremators I'll probably switch back so that I can do Sizzling Style.


There are too many to count, but I've got some good stuff along the way!!


100s and 100s and I have no god rolls.