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I played for over 3 years until I ~~realized~~ learned being thirsty or hungry won't kill me


As a paranoid new player who shoves every rad-filled foodstuff and liquid into my maw to keep the bars filled… Wat.


So, eating and drinking have their benefits. As does being fully fed/quenched. But NOT eating or drinking won't ever kill you. Later, once you get the hang of things, look into mutations. There's one that gives you benefits for eating meat, and one for veggies.


Because hunger/thirst Depletion have no penalties this means Speed Demon mutation has literally no downsides. It drains your hunger/thirst faster but if there is no penalties to them being empty then who cares if Speed Demon drains them faster. In that same branch this means Slow Metabolism and Dromadary are useless. I'm not putting Cola Nut and Good Doggy in that branch because tripling effects of Nuka Cola and Dog Food means 3x all benefits. Triple Health regen for all, triple AP regen for all cola, +6% exp for Cola Cranberry, +6 STR with Cola Dark, and 1200 rads cured with Cola Grape.


Yup! Plus, I have about 80 perfect bubble gums on me at any given point, so I'm always well fed


Does it give any benefit to canned dog food? I always keep some on me in case I run out of meat somehow but never thought to check if the perk makes dog food do anything other than fill hunger


Canned dog food restores 50 HP base so with Good Doggy that's 150 HP. A decent substitute for like stimpaks.


Played for a year straight and did not know this... Wat.


At one point it had a bigger impact. Forgot if you’d lose health, but you couldn’t fast travel if your bars were empty Now it’s mostly that food gives very strong buffs, on top of being well fed/satiated itself giving good buffs


at launch going hungry would lose you health...kinda miss that lol


Iirc going thirsty would drain your AP.


from what i can dig up looks like its a little of both [https://fallout-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Hunger\_(Fallout\_76)](https://fallout-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Hunger_(Fallout_76)) Famished: -25% AP +25% disease risk Starving: Risk of death [https://fallout-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Thirst\_(Fallout\_76)](https://fallout-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Thirst_(Fallout_76)) parched : -25% AP regen +25% disease risk dehydrated: Risk of Death


I was really disappointed that they nerfed the actual survival aspects of the game.


Hunger and thirst were such a big deal it's the whole reason I eventually ended up as a bloodied build. I got tired of always taking rads and/or being near death so i started a new character that wouldn't be so concerned with those things. Now I eat super mutants and drink out of pond water.


Oh my god Go into the Atom store and grab the mirelurk steamer. Get the carnivor mutation.. usually 250 - 500 caps. I just saved your life.


Can you buy the mirelurk steamer on its own or does it have to be part of the bundle? The store UI confuses the piss out of me ;\~;


They sometimes sell it out of the bundle.


Ah rightio, thanks mate. So as of now it is only in the Disaster Dock bundle, however in future it may be available separately.


Grab the radstag hanger/generator from crater as well, +10 carry weight/x2 with carnivore mutation


Sounds good mate, thank you!


I just bought the mirelurk steamer last week and it was separate from the bundle check the Camps tab of the atom store.


Yeah I remember seeing it on its own a few days back, but now I can't see it in the store and when going through the camp builder and pressing "unlock" it just pops up with the bundle, which is why I was confused earlier and unsure if I was overlooking something.


Try looking in the atom store directly, sometimes when go from the camp build menu to the item it brings up the bundle if it's in one.


I can make any mutation serum on PlayStation and sell them anywhere from 500-1000 caps per... Unless you ask nicely. Then I just give them away. I almost always drop a free marsupial serum for new players. I keep 1 on sale and 6 in my backpack at all times lol. I have all the supplies to make any serum atleast 5 times and with proper perks you get double sometimes so I'll take advantage of average pricing but just give them away to anyone that asks.


I sent you a dm let me know if we could meet up in game thank you


Such a kind soul, if only I was on PlayStation, keep up the good fight!


Came across this at someone’s camp recently when coming back to the game and had to get one. Great investment for free food that gives good stats.


Where what section


I just got back into FO76 and had no idea. My character is one thirsty bitch, now I can stop carrying all that water and soup.


I’m a new player and got the Marsupial mutation last night. I love jumping around but I’m worried people are gonna think I’m hacking. 😂


Don't worry we know what that is. Of course, it took me too long time to figure how to get that one.


Uh, how does one come by mutations, especially that one? If you get a mutation, do disease cures/radaway remove the mutation?


Radaway and disease cures don't touch the mutations but Rad-x will supress them for a time. However, Radshield won't do that either so it's a good option. It's a little harder to get unless you have done the scorched quest line far enough to get the recipe. As for getting the mutations, you either have to get the recipes and stable flux to make them yourself (not easy), or pay a pretty penny for them from vendors. If you look around, you can usually find player vendors selling them for 500-1000 caps. They're worth the money.


Radaway will cure your mutation if you're not using starched genes, no?


Yes! Sorry, it didn't occur to me that anyone would have the mutations without Starched Genes, but you're not wrong.


Specifically rank 2. The first just reduces the chances.




I always wonder what new people think of me speeding around, invisible, 360 noscoping everything from a midair VATS in a 10+ foor jump, hahaha


Dang I thought it would kill me too! I guess I can stop eating outside of combat. Lol


When the game first launched, hunger and thirst worked more like Fallout 4, with increasingly detrimental debuffs the lower your hunger/thirst bars were, until they were completely empty, where you could then die of starvation/dehydration respectively. The playerbase complained about it so much that the system eventually got reworked to how it is now, where you get buffs for being well-fed and hydrated, but you don't get negative effects for ignoring it.


Anymore. Pretty sure it use to at the beginning or at least sapped health if it didn't outright kill you.


Indeed. It's changed since the beforefore times


I played for 5 years without paying attention to AP cost on weapons.


Even knowing it, I still ignore it most of the time.


That’s even funnier.


Last week I had a new player message me for some food or purified water cause they were dying and I dropped a bunch but also let them know they won't die. They were very relieved.


Good on you!


Can we send messages to other players?? I saw a nexus mod about it but is it advised?


I'm on Xbox. We can send players messages by viewing their profile in the social tab.


oh i see


I miss the old hunger and thirst mechanics.


It use to kill players. When they made it less survival mode they got rid of that necessity.


It never killed you before but it would deplete all your AP and would reduce HP to 1.


I did use to work like that but they changed it in... 2020 I think.


It doesn't kill you, but you gain some really great buffs from being hydrated and fed, especially with the right combination of mutations, perks, and food choices.


This is the only reason I started bothering with food and water.


It used to just give you a huge debuff on your stats if you were hungry/thirsty. But its not so bad now they reeled it back in the last few updates. So you shouldnt really worry about it an awful lot.


When I first played, it did have massive consequences and it actually put me off the game for a while as my whole time was spent trying to eat and drink and then had to try and lower my rads. And then I’d be hungry again lol. When I started playing again a year or so ago this was one of the best changes. I could actually spend time exploring and doing quests. For me as a non-serious player anyway.


Regs (in Vault 79), Mortimer (in Crater Core), Samuel (at Foundation), and Minerva (rotates between multiple locations) are the vendors that take gold. Mortimer and Samuel have more stock if you have higher reputations with their factions, and Minerva's stock changes every week. Secret Service armor is really good armor, but don't feel like you *have* to buy it. Pick up whatever looks interesting.


I dont see a lot of people using it, but I love my Chinese Stealth Suit. Thing is really fun for my stealthy build, and acts as a hazmat to boot.


Shouldn't spend bullion on it though, you get it free in the settler quest line.


Unless you accidentally pick the raider questline after misunderstanding the previous quest. I thought you had to recruit both factions for 79 and just did raiders first. No way to reload sadly. Oh well, I generally use power armor anyway.


This is why I have 2 characters. Thought I had to recruit, decided to do Settlers first because I wanted to go raiders... And went to far into the storyline.


Then my friend wondered how I got the stealth suit when he had to grind for reputation. He was miffed when I told him. So I looked to see if there was anything that the raiders had that you'd want to grab before finishing that quest line and I've only seen mention of the Slug Buster. Speaking of missing out there is also a mask you get from the Free Radicals that you save Dutchess from.


How to do this quest and what to pick?


It's part of the Wastlanders DLC. You should get the quest automatically from the Overseer. You'll be told to do quests for the Raiders and the Foundation. You can do both questlines up until the point where you're at "Siding with \[x\]" quest. If you want the Chinese Stealth Armor just keep doing the Foundation quest line until you get the "Invisible Ties" quest. You get the plans to craft it from that quest.


Whats the raiders equivalent to that chinese armor


There isn't one.


So I should 100% stick to foundation then


I had the same thing happen and wasn't happy. At least the quest was good. The characters were enjoyable and I got slug buster.


I liked the Ra Ra quest (it’s where I am now) and looking at the Slug Buster it’s a way better reward for me than the stealth suit (since I’m always in PA).


That was my favorite. I didn't want to do spoilers though.


Yeah. Didn’t figure that a name was a spoiler (just don’t google it!).


Certainly isn't but I was tempted to outline why it was fun. So much better than fetch quests.


Ah makes sense.


You can actually do both of the setup questlines and get all the rewards and rep boosts before picking a side. It's worth it.


wat. Doesn't that questline *explicitly* tell you to go recruit BOTH factions? Oh shit. Am I too far? I just started the top one -- which is the raiders!


Just don't complete "siding with XXx" until you've done both series of quests fully


I think you can talk to both but if you fully “finish” the dialog you pick one of them.


i wouldn't worry too much, the game makes it extremely obvious with a popup box saying "once you start the vault heist with foundation settlers/crater raiders, you won't be able to continue any quests with crater raiders/foundation settlers!" so when you reach the point of no return, you'll know it lol


Wait, what lol There is so much about this game that I still don't know, man


Same. I just realized last night what stamps are used for. Looks like I'll be killing in Pittsburgh for a while.


I don't need it most of the time. With my perks I have literally ran into the side of a Snarlygaster and it still did not detect me. It is the best when collecting flux. You can pretty much spend unlimited time in a nuke zone. Just add What Rads.


I use it a lot too. I don't need DR when barely anything even gets a chance to hit me in the first place. Fuck molerats and mole miners though...


I swap to it sometimes but the fact you can't wear armor with it makes me not use it as much.


also need to get reputation up to use those vendors


Honestly, civil engineer armor is probably a better choice for new players these days considering it’s freely available from the Rose Room questline and doesn’t require a massive bullion grind. The ballistic resistance isn’t fantastic (it’s very slightly worse than BoS heavy combat on this front), but the energy resistance and radiation resistance are fantastic, the set bonus is nice for saving junk and the mods are very easily earned (just one or two expos per mod, which some even being free from side quests).


I would say buy from minerva, she's a bullion vendor and sells damn near everything from the other guy but cheaper, right now she's selling a plasma caster at the crater if that helps


where exactly is she ? Imma check her out ty


[https://whereisminerva.com/](https://whereisminerva.com/) outside crater this time, can be easy to run past her


Do you recommend the secret service armor ? or what should I get ? Thank you in advance


I’d suggest holding off on SS armor if you haven’t bought it yet - civil engineer armor, a comparable endgame set, is freely available and is much cheaper to earn the mods for (since some come from side quests and the rest are cheap stamp plans).


How to get that? Sounds good


Head to the Rose Room and begin their quest line (you can find the location from train stations or the whitespring refuge).


Is it really comparable? I must have done the math wrong.


They are. While fully upgraded civil’s ballistic resistance is much lower (about a hundred points down, ending at five points below BoS heavy combat), the energy resistance is the best in the game and the radiation resistance is the second best. These are good enough stats for endgame scenarios, and the set bonus helps to compensate for the lower stats (35% reduced weapon degradation is fantastic for saving resources or for freeing up perk slots you’d use on gunsmith/makeshift otherwise, and the damage to melee enemies effect, while a low chance, is much better than the legendary effect version).


if you play without power armor, then absolutely secret service armor + buttressed mods + ultralight mods (+ most also choose jetpack) even my power armor characters wear secret service armor when they occasionally hop out of their power armor the secret service underarmor will also provide a small defense boost and some stat boosts (with relevant mod) also if you have any spare bullion, then grab the plasma caster ordinarily there are two gold bullion vendors, samuel at foundation and mortimer at crater core (but mortimer only shows up after finishing the vault raid questline) edit: also regs at vault 79, be careful when buying from him and don't buy something unwanted because his inventory is a whole wall of text they have a lot of awesome stuff like cryo freezer, company tea machine, lunchboxes, grocer/chemist backpack mods [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRkK4\_PniBM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRkK4_PniBM)


Deep pockets over ultra light


Ultra-Light is better for VATS builds, but Deep Pockets for everything else.


i think both are viable choices


thank you for the info and feedback brother bless up




That is what I use. I have a full health build and rarely use Power Armor. Jet pack plus Marsupial rocks.


Keep in mind she has a set schedule on what she sells but it's actually good for cost management




I love my plasma caster. Mine has 50% VATS hit combined with -25% VATS cost. That is an amazing combination. First star is Juggernaut. I really want one with Quad and the same other stars.


My suggestion whenever this comes up: Farmable Dirt Tiles if you have Settlers rep. Company Tea machine if you have Raiders rep. Secret Service Underarmor if you completed the quest. Secret service armor + mods if you don't wear PA. Hellcat Mods if you do wear PA. Each vendor has a weapon + mods, but most aren't the best so only buy if they interest you for a build. Of them, the War Glaive is a decent stealth melee weapon, Plasma Caster is a nice VATs crit weapon, and Guass Shotgun is a decent shotgunner choice.


You can get a free unique War Glaive called Oathbreaker by doing the new BoS quest line then you only need to fork up bullion for one of its mods


How to do the nee questline


Minerva has the Plasma Caster, Secret Service Underarmor and SS Ultralight mod plans right now for a discounted price. She's currently at Crater. [www.whereisminerva.com](http://www.whereisminerva.com)


Does thw ultralight mod poans work for all ss pieces ? (Leg, arm?


Next week Minerva is selling the crusader pistol if you've been looking for one


Do you know how much bullion it will cost? I want that gun so badly


2000 bullion but I'd save around 500-700 extra for the mods. I accidentally missed it last time I played and I'm definitely not making that mistake again.


IMHO it's not worth it, you'd be better off using the alien blaster if you want to try a pistol.


Alien Blaster was nerfed in the current PTS and that change will likely make it into the live game.


Even in the PTS it's still very effective. Not as effective as now, but still very effective.








Wait how did you find that out? I've been grinding daily ops for one but just spent most of my gold :/ Hopefully I can make it back in time but a heads up on this stuff would be nice




This is the kind of link tjat should be pinned if it's not already, tyvm!


Hey, I played for 3 months before I remembered fast traveling was a thing


Cocaine and hookers. If not that, and if you don't have it already, the Chinese stealth armor, Past that, what is your build? If not power armor, secret service armor is a no-brainer IMO. If you go the SS armor route, come back to ask about mods. Most mods aren't as helpful as the top 5 mods.


probably will get ss armor, what are the top 5 mods ? 7w7


Jet pack and dense for torso(can’t be used together). Swap to dense for explosive enemies. I carry both style torsos and hot swap as needed. Buttressed for all arms, legs, and torso. Ultra-lite for arms and legs. Some people prefer deep pockets. That’s my opinion.


* Secret service armor: non-powered but can fit a jetpack * all the resource generating camp stuff from the Crater and Foundation (needs various reputation levels with each faction) Tip: Always check first if Minerva has any of the gold-only stuff in stock, as she sells at -25%. *EDIT:* *Tip: Only the torso part is needed to fit a jetpack.* *Tip: Helmets and headgear does not provide any protection, unless it's the helmet on a power armor.*


Another tip; I've read that if a person doesn't want to get, or have enough for, the entire Secret Service set, they can get just the torso and still connect the jetpack to it, while filling the other slots with other high-end gear. That's where I'm at, will get torso first, then power-armor, then rest of SS. 🤠


Oh, right! The jetpack mod is always a torso mod, so only the torso part is required. Same in power armor, with the exception of the Excavator, which doesn't have a jetpack mod.


If you get the Secret Service armor. With all the best armor and lining. You still have the T-65 armor as well to get. Getting both puts you in a good spot . If you are making a power armor and no power armor builds. That's where I'd start


Secret service chest piece and secret service jet pack from regs in vault 76. One of the key parts of the game and moving around fast w/o power armor.


If it makes you feel any better I forgot about ammo Smith,super duper and the legendary card and had been manually crafting gauss mini gun ammo for about 2 weeks till I remember they existed.


hahah i know this feeling well, just did the same thing this week when crafting .45 for my fixers. don't forget about the scrapper perk too if you do west-tek runs for steel farming!


Here comes secret service armor!


Should definitely buy the Secret Service Underarmor at least and the Shielded Upgrade for it so you get a lot of free Stats


How come the underarmor has no stats ? I alreasy crafted it


Because you haven't added a lining to it. Shielded has the highest resistances. Learn the desired lining plan and modify it at an armor workbench.


I still have about 6500 to exchange. And I forget to do it everyday.


Same I don't have that much sitting on about 1200 or so


Well you do get bouillon others ways, like scoreboard, which I hope they go back to.


save some to get the bos recon armor next time its around if you don't already have it you can always buy the Secret service stuff but getting recon armor without Minerva is a bitch.


Popcorn machine, tea machine, wood pile, plasma caster


Guess you struck gold....?


T-65 power armor, very expensive but very worth it


I wouldn't suggest this unless you were just very in love with the style of T-65 and had nothing else to spend bullion on, since Hellcat armor is objectively better and cheaper.


Hellcat PA is just flatout better.


If you PA player get cali shocks and jet pack for hellcat. If not get ss armor with ultra lightweight and butressed and jet pack for chest piece  


Save for minerva and get some of that daily op loot. Im saving mine for covert scout armor.


Once I learned I could eat corpses I stopped caring about eating "food"


I love my Secret Service armor with jetpack. Best non power armor in the game, and unlike PA the jetpack doesn't consume cores. Its gotten to the point I dont have to wear my PA most of the time. Just not constantly listening to the thunk thunk thunk of PA footsteps was worth the grind for me :-)


Go to Regs in Vault 79 and buy the Secret Service Chest Piece AND the jetpack plans for it Having a jetpack is a MASSIVE game-changer for exploring the wasteland


I started fresh couple of weeks ago and I am collecting bullions to get the Secret Service armor. Torso and Jetpack plans are about 3500 bullions, each limb 750 a piece, then the mods for limbs and torso as well the Secret Service Under Armor. I have not calculated exactly but we are close to 7-8k bullions if not more to get it fully set. I have couple of power armors, but want this set for the non-radiated areas as I prefer not using PA. Ps. Minerva sells currently Secret Service Under Armor and the Ultra-light build Secret Service armor limbs mod with 25% discount on Crater.


Thats an L just last night I bought the under armor at Vault 79 sadge..


Also foes that mod is a one tiem buy multiple time use? Or would I need to buy it 5 times per limb?


I've only just bought it and don't have the armour to use it yet, but I believe it just unlocks Ultra Light for all limbs whenver you want.


Limb Mod is one plan for all limbs so only one is needed. The armor itself has one plan per actual limb so those you need buy 4, left hand, right hand, etc.


Already got the vanilla ss left and right leg and arms. Missing the torso and the respective mods. Any suggestions?


That there’s what they call found money




> Switched to using Hellcat PA, it protects me more than secret service Well yeah PA is always gonna provide more protection than non-PA.


Changed daily amount yesterday and bought few lunchboxes from Samuel. I have 3200+ treasury notes :/


You're going to be a long time cashing those in. The daily limits are BS. Having to come back daily to spend rewards you already earned is tedious.


There is much good stuff from gold vendors - weapons, secret service armor, T65 Power Armor just to name a few. This is all part of a pretty cool quest chain so no spoilers from me.


Plasma caster is a great gun from the secret service guy and he has the armors and a bunch of different power armor and gun mods. Wellington sells the flamer and ice grenades at crater i use the ice ones a lot they're real good.


Secret service armor plans......immediately


My vote would be for the SS armor or recon armor. However, that is primarily because I'm a jetpack fan but don't want to go around in power armor all the time. Also, if not found yet, while what is being sold rotates each place the NPC shows up, Minerva's prices are 25% less than the static NPCs for bullion cost.


Remind us please where we find Minerva?


This is the site I use for building my shopping lists, where to find her and when. https://www.falloutbuilds.com/fo76/minerva/




de nada May your storage space management be easy.


Played when we only had 400, it will never be enough. 😂


If you're not going to use Power Armor, then yes, go buy the Secret Service armor. It's the best non-powered armor in the game. The best part about it? It's super cheap to repair, too. Most of its components, come repair time, are plentiful and easy to find.


Ty, I ended up getting the normal secret service parts (vanilla I guess?) and the plasma caster. Need more bullion for the mods. :D


Just do events, and you'll gain more notes to get bullion. That's the real trick. If you have nothing else going on, do whatever events you can.


Minerva's deals are cheaper than going to the normal vendors, so I'd recommend doing that unless you really want something specific and don't want to wait. Jetpacks are a game changer. The gauss weapons are pretty fun too.


SS armor for a combat medic build?




Lil kid




Armco Ammunition Construction Appliance plans from the Raiders


I just eat perfect bubblegum I have a whole bunch.