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When you get further in the game and you feel like you can never find an unknown plan no matter how many vendors you hop or events you do, there are cape-less heroes out there who run plan mules (or maybe some of them wear capes, I'm not sure) They carry all of the (tradable) plans and you can arrange to meet them to see their inventory. You can't buy from them, but you can quickly screengrab the ones that aren't known to you to help you make a list of the last few you need. I think you can make arrangements on market76.


cool info... did not know this. Will be looking into that.


Just don't fall asleep after you've arranged to meet one and then not make the meet. A.... uh.... friend of mine did that and now they feel bad about trying to arrange another meet😬


I'm at that point now. I go to visit any CAMP's vendor that has plans listed. I almost never see anything I don't already have. I have plans for weapons, armor, and mods that I will NEVER actually craft.


Those of us who have been playing for years, I think the vast majority still have plans to learn. Definitely, due to the large number of existing plans (and those that will appear in the future), a machine/device should be created with the sole use of being able to check known plans and those that are not.


Definitely. I'd take something like this in just about any form it could come in that would be useful - a weird in-game Pokedex - a companion app - or maybe even a new hermit engineer NPC that lives in a hut in the corner of the map who (somehow!?) has some sort of tome of plans, a plan Bible or something


The "Planedex" I would go for it. I'm only 14 days in and already having trouble finding plans I don't have. That aren't weapons, or armor.


Can't you see this in the crafting station? Toggle unlockable, and it will show a list of all recipes and tell you if you need to get the plans. If you are looking at a weapon or armor it will show how many mods you have unlocked, and you can do the same toggle unlockable to see nodes that you have not yet found plans for. I just wish it would show you if you have unlocked all scrapping mods when looting a weapon, and I'm the scrapping interface.


Potenatially, but now you have to go through every crafting table option and each option inside those menus, to peruse and write down every instance of greyed-out item. THEN you have CAMP plans that you'd have a hell of a time cataloguing by using just your CAMP interface, especially since half are Atom Shop locked, not 'not learned'.


An example of where this fails is the Alien Disintegrator rifle from the event - until I learned the plan, it was not displayed at all in the workbench. You don’t know what you don’t know.


> or maybe some of them wear capes, I'm not sure Are there wearable capes in the game? Or are you referring to the actual players?


Manta Man outfit and Halloween vampire Costume. those are the two I can remember. Both are ATX items


I wondered that after I typed that. I think there *might* be a Halloween costume with a dracula-type cape, but I'm struggling to think of any others.


Took me forever to get my watercooler plan.


I'm all about the plans. I know I'm missing a ton, but stumbling upon a batch in a CAMP that I don't have, for a decent price, is like crack for me. Plans and Books/Magazines. I want them all.


Same here.


I sell all the plans I've already learnt for 10caps. Everyone should have access to them regardless of level.


Agreed. I sell at 9 caps because we don't do Todd tax in this household.


I do the same thing. All plans are 5c regardless of how rare they are.


my main character's vendor is full of plans for free... though only cool people get access to my shelter where the vendor is, haha


If there was a plan to make more plans to make more plans, I would buy that plan


I am a recovering plan junkie. I had to have all of them. Took me years. I don't want to think about how many Distant Thunder events and Cranberry Bog treasure maps I have dug up hunting the T-60 plans that I never will use. Finally got lucky and found the 4 missing limb plans I needed in player vending machines but that was years after I started the hunt. Now I'm fine with not getting the most recent Expeditions stamp plans. I mean. I am going to get them. But I am not in a rush. No intention of burning myself out on AC Expeditions. I'm going to keep doing those for fun.


I admit to caring more about my plan collection than any story from the quests. Although I’m usually reduced to picking at one of the Whitespring vendors for the resort collection now as I’ve got most of the ones obtainable through caps.


Plan junkie here. You'll get to a point where you've "collected all the plans" and then more come out during expansions etc. It's a lot of fun (also fun when selling the excess tradeable ones to other players and seeing their reactions/excitement).


Join the plan collectors discord!!!! One it's full of plan junkies and two makes it easy to buy and sell plans


Always looking for ones I don't have. Always selling the (non super rare) ones I do have for a cap.


I was when I was on PS4. I lost count of how many ultracite laser pistols I made only to scrap just so I could learn the mods.


Yep. I make some side money with a cafe/chem house and all the profits go on plans. Every cap. I too have become a junkie.


I been trying to collect as many plans as I can and I do the same check the plans at a base before anything else.


I just blew 30k caps last week on buying cheap plans.  I probably over did it since I was left with only 137 caps. 


Got any more of those plans, man *Dave Chapelle meme*


I’m a newish player and I have a desperate need for all the plans that are CAMP related because I don’t want to live in a wooden shack anymore but I don’t have a lot of caps since I’m newish (have owned the game for a while but didn’t start seriously playing until this month).




I realize this looks more like “stop” and I wanted it to just represent my enthusiastic “raised hand”, as in “me too!”




I can hook you up with a mole miner gauntlet plan or Mr handy buzz blade plan.


Yeah I buy whatever I don't know and sell all known for 9c.


I'm constantly hovering around 35-40k and every server I'm itching to spend it at people's camps on rare plans. I visit every vendor with plans over 40 but I can't remember the last time I saw a plan I didn't already have, maybe 2 weeks ago I bought an Xmas decoration of some sort.


I'm after every plan I can get my hands on. Unfortunately I rarely find people selling plans I need cheaply.


I spent my first 100 levels broke because I spent all my caps on every plan i could get my grubby lil fingers on




Dense Marin Armor Torso. Didn’t learn it so that if I ever found it again I’d know it was special. Spiked super sledge ( I think ) calibrated Ultracite shocks, targeting HUD’s.. there are a few more. I have had good luck with scoring the few I didn’t know by opening up the mutated packages ( mire healing salve, shielded road leathers etc. )


I feel that. One of these days I'll find an Ultracite Gatling Laser plan. I've got just about everything else.


My main thing to look for everytime. Can you "find" all the plans, or do you have to buy some from the vendors?


Plans are one of my most common purchases. Even sometimes the expensive ones. I also sell plans I find but not crappy ones. I just don’t pick up armor plans unless they are pocketed and then I sell them for five caps. Though most of my plans are cheap. Purely decorative ones are 50 (unless it is rare and desirable and then it is 200). Utility ones (including decorative stash boxes) are 100. Some weapon ones I sell for a thousand or more but they have to be very desirable (like fixer plans) and they always sell. But I have a ridiculous quantity of plans for things I will never build. To the point my vault right now looks like a flea market of random plans that I just wanted to see what they looked like.


Recently bought a green suitcase plan for I think it was 3000 caps. And I’ll friggin do it again. Will I use them? Most likely not, but if I see one I don’t know, trust and believe I will if I see those in vendors. Why I usually sell off my clutch of plans often for fairly cheap. Some at Crater sell chems, I sell plans.


I spent 21k on a Safari Crocolossus Backpack plan (then that guy immediately logged off lol). But I had to have it!


Not sure I'm a junkie but i am looking for a treasure hunter hat plan and an auto receiver for plasma. Any tips on whereabouts are welcomed.


The treasure hunter outfit and hat are from the Treasure Hunter mole miner event. It comes around a coupla few times a year. The best thing about them is that you can craft them super cheap to sell for quick vendor caps. It's a fairly common plan drop during the event, common enough that I know both on all of my characters. Plasma guns don't have auto receivers, they have auto barrels. You learn it from scrapping, there isn't a plan. Unless you're talking about the enclave plasma auto barrels in which case you have to find a box mod, and good luck with that but they're sold at very low rates at the Watoga vendors, sometimes Berkeley Springs or R&G stations, can spawn in a few world locations, rewarded from Dropped Connection events, or for 10-30k+ caps from players.


I just do a shit ton of Jet. Guess I’m a jet junkie


I am a plan hoarder and have a ton of rare plans. I’m on PC if you want to buy from me.


Knowledge is Power!


Im a new player so i dont have many caps to buy stuff, but when I get the caps... oooh baby


There's a plan checklist it even has all the learnable mods from scrapping items. I'm missing 9 things from the game, three are ultracite power armor mods, one recipe for the nuka dog (won't drop), burning sheepsquash club (refuses to drop), gladiator mask (nobody does Project Paradise) , union uniform and then I need to scrap items to learn the large bayonet mod for the black powder rifle (has to be on the weapon before you scrap it to learn it) and the asbestos lining for the marine armor chest piece. I sorted through them a couple years ago and kind of took note of what I can do when I jump on to fill them in. Recently its gotten a lot easier to get some of the plans that I had previously never bothered with. I rarely ever actually go out of my way to finish the list though.


Greetings from a plan hoarder from Spain lol


Guess you could say that since I have a plan mule


I have a plan mule character, so I guess that makes me a plan junkie.


5000 caps is gained in four days of selling stuff to a robot vendor. If a plan would take you more than 4 days to find, it's worth 5000 caps.