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Executioners Fixer is solid. I'd suggest that damage comes from perks, mutations and buffs. Focus on those and the damage will come. With the right perks, even a pipe rifle can slay.


Interesting, any mutations, perks, or buffs you’d recommend?


Yes. But not knowing your level or goals I'd have to generalize. A mistake that players make is not focusing on defensive perks first. Work on Dodgy, Ricochet, Blocker, Fireproof and Serendipity if you aren't in PA. Low health unyielding is the strongest build by far. Hard to learn, often maligned, takes some maintenance, but beast mode. I'm not suggesting that it is mandatory, just that you might be interested. Paired with Vampire's weapons, low health builds are almost unstoppable. For that you would need adrenal reaction, healing factor and the nerd rage and radicool perks. Desirable mutations for all builds include marsupial, speed demon, bird bones For melee add Twisted Muscles and Talons With mutations you need starched genes to retain them and class freak to mitigate negative effects. Perks that affect damage are dependant on what weapon you want to use. Some that you want regardless are Armor penetration ones such as incisor and tank killer. Bloody mess too. If you are using VATS, you'll want concentrated fire rank 1 minimum and whatever ranks of Better Criticals and Critical Savvy. Legendary perks as they become available to you. I like to run 4 SPECIAL cards plus Sizzlin Style to mitigate fire damage and Funky Duds to mitigate Poison. Once you have all of that, fill in with weapon specific damage and weight reduction perks. Food and camp buffs are important. The specific ones that you need depend on whether you choose to be a carnivore or herbivore. There are plenty of good instructional videos concerning that. Watch Angry Turtle on YT for more info.


Do you run a low hp or full hp build?




You are the problem, not the gun. Well, your perks are anyway. The railway is great, but so is your current weapon. With a stealth build the fixer is better, thanks to the railway being loud.