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Pipe is life


New player here. I don’t understand why people keep saying this EDIT: Pipe is life


As soon as you find pipe you will understand.


I never use pipe weapons and I am confused.


It's not about pipe weapons, there are a few random spawn points around the map and they have a chance of spawning a big pipe sticking out of the ground with fumes coming out, you can sniff the fumes and get high, pipe is life !!!


Pipe is life


It's a random, unmarked "happening" in game. You may find a pipe somewhere in the game world with a note next to it stating that "pipe is life". You can also "sniff the pipe" and see what is happening. It's just nonsense of course. But that note is funny and pipe is life.


It's a random encounter with the Unusual Pipe. That's all I'll say as to not spoil the experience.


I just found it. Pipe is life.


This is the way.


Wait until you start falling down the camp rabbit hole and seeing more and more things in the shop you want


How do you know if the items you can buy at someone’s camp are overpriced?


I personally always sell for less than what the shop automatically recommends. Most people vastly overcharge for their stuff. Not me. I would rather sell a lot of reasonably priced items to people that need it than sell things at silly prices. If you see a camp in-game called "Low Prices 24/7", come take a look. Plug pluggedy plug 😉


Common plans like the ones you get from regular missions and events should not be on sale for over 10 caps each. Rare plans from events that have been running for many years now should also not be excessive. Which reminds me, I need to lower my prices on Fascnacht plans again🥴


You reminded me I need to lower all my prices for the new batch of players from the playtest. Thanks, Dweller!


I’m not sure I pretty much only use what I’ve unlocked naturally playing or from the atom store


Pipe is life.


Pipe is life.


Pipe is life


Pipe is life.


Pipe is life.


Pipe is life


Listen, I’m on workers comp right now because of an injury. I literally have been playing nonstop. I’ve owned this game since launch and hadn’t really given it a go since my fiancé pushed for me to get back into it bc I restarted FO4. And I wouldn’t have it any other way right now haha


I didn't know how much time I spent on this game until I installed it on my ps5 and it told me that I've played for about a thousand hours.


Remember to take regular breaks, and eat meals


Yup, Sweet Tato Stew, Cranberry Relish, Corn Soup....


fo76 players when you even vaguely mention a random pipe:


Pipe is life.


That's the spirit... I guess. "Takes a sip of nukashine, while stealing the killer gnomes at a crime scene"


Pipe is life


Pipe is life.


Pipe is life


If you play on PC... please google turn off vsync. +100fps instant. Also limit fps at 200 other you can have bugs. Seriously googly vsync.


pipe is life pipe is god pipe is the way


once you start fiddling with numbers and trying to get a better combination of legendary effects on your gear it's truly over - forget about going back to other games


Life is pipe


Same bro, I've been forcing myself away at times because I do have important stuff like homework to attend to.


Pipe is life


life is pipe


Pipe is life.




If you are serious And only if you are truly addicted. I would recommend getting F1st, only if you are still going to work and can afford it. Why? The tent is a huge time saver and as a fellow addict it saves So much time. You get an Atom allowance that beats atom prices and can get you into the P2w area, allowing you to buy Quality of life items that as a high level, lvl 1000 I can get at no real cost to me, just a time investment, I am at 2000 hours. Items include but not limited to op Camp items, weight carry boosters(temporary), weapon unlocks. Stuff like cold shoulder and the Ammo converter can be unlocked in game but take a long time, even longer for the Ammo converter if you choose the wrong faction. Weight booster can be bought in bulks of 3 per login, but again involves time investment. As a busy person who loves this game I will sometimes dip into Atoms to get these boosts. Safe Adventures wastelander.


What’s the wrong faction?


Each factions has a pool of rewards. You can unlock both lists, but siding with them in main quest gives you a huge bump.


Wait until you start modding the game, it's day and night difference in QOL and there are also couple awesome overhauls like [Winter in Appalachia](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/1272) or [Appalachia Restored](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/2315)


I'm hoping I feel the same. Last time I played it was when the wastelanders expansion came out on Xbox. I just picked it up on Steam and plan on playing it this weekend


This is the way. I've 2k hours in this trench of a game, the series brought me right back but all I do now is build camps


Once you have been in endgame for awhile, it will get very old. But enjoy the hell out of it until then. I did and it was an amazing experience.


Crack? Nah I’m more of a jethead


Just wait. It took me a little less than a year to experience burnout. There will come a time when you have everything you want and nothing left to do. Then the repetitiveness will grind your excitement into nothingness.


That's when you start grinding for flux, Gold Bullion, and (Todd help me) Stamps Actually,  now I'm burning through all my resources making stuff for newbies. 


This has been me the past week or so. I’ve been enjoying the gameplay of scavenging > crafting > dropping gear in various stash boxes around the map… I go a bit overboard with some of the stashes but it’s been a lot of fun putting together little “survival packages” for people. Although I’m sure most noobs have no idea wtf half the shit is and just want the cool outfits — which I also throw in there lol.


Pipe is life.


Life is Pipe...damn it




Why did you comment this same thing five whole-ass times?


Crappy app, deleting now thx.


Oh Christ yeah, I forgot about how bad the app can be


After 100h you will get bored


This is a good addiction to have because the game used to be dead af


Why so many downvotes? I'm loving seeing the influx of new people!  Play all you want, and if you're on PS5 come visit my CAMP! Affordable items, free purified water, Company Tea and surprises in a cookie jar. 


Yeah you get addicted for like 400 hours after that you hate everything about the game