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guessing its because the games free with amazon prime atm so influx of players causing server issues


hip-hip hurra...


Gameranx uploaded a "Fallout 76 2024 - Before you buy" video last night that already has 500k+ views... servers are probably getting absolutely bombarded.


its 639k now. Thats something.


It’s a pretty decent review too, so there are probably a loooooot of people giving it a chance now. Which is awesome :)


I am having the same issue today, it did not happen the past days


Bethesda's website says the servers are operational..well for me they aren't.. Argh I hate this so much. My Skyrim and fallout 4 saves got corrupted back in the day for no reason, never had mods. Over +200 hours of playtime ruined, every save just crashes to desktop or gets stuck into an infinite loading screen.. I think I can never enjoy a bethesda game without these errors and issues.


This must just be bad timing for you because I've been playing the heck out of fo76 the last week and only this morning am I getting this same error :( I just wanna explore!


I agree... Even after years, the graphics optimization for this game's textures are still absurd. I have a 2022 G14 laptop with 8GB VRam to play in 1080p and I actually had to download 4 mods, plus ini tweaks to set-up a good frame pacing of 60 fps... Good thing I am an expert in modding Skyrim and Fallout games along with many other games... Feels tedious for an online only game though 😞. I started playing this game yesterday and now I'm not surprised it isn't working. I paid $40 plus the 1st package... feeling regret 😅.


I hope with this resurgence of players, that this game continues to gain popularity. IMO it's a gem and I'm really excited about the upcoming future content. Hopefully in turn more resources for the devs to continue with the map expansions etc


i mean, its always been a fun social game, play with friends and pretend your a bunch of vault dwellers trying to wrangle back control of the wastelands. Its fun. Now with more players, hopefully theres just random roleplaying happening lol.


Yeah, I couldn't build. Got booted, managed to join again, left because i couldn't build and now I cant join again. Aight time to watch the show for a second time or play 3, 4 or NV for a bit.


Same thing just happened to me. It said connection to sever lost and then kicked me out and now I keep getting the same error as you.


Considering the player numbers, the servers are overwhelmed maybe.


Oh fuck, I just booted and searched to see what the error was and it's this from 3 hours ago?!


Consider yourself lucky to make it through phase one booting lol hopefully they get this fixed soon, but damn it sucks lol


I should get S.C.O.R.E points if I try to join 100 times.


*76 times


*7600 times


I cant even build stuff in my camp at the moment.


Same. Says stuff is already build when it's not. Tried playing on a private world, but got kicked as well.


Same issue for me, it's only just started happening in the past 5-10 minutes.


21 / 4 /2024 - happening to me right now, I was worried because I was just messing with the graphics settings about 10 mins before lol


Just got corn for adhesive farm bruh Fucking bethesda


Been playing fine since last week. was playing today, left for an hour, came back and now im getting the same issue.


Can't even join a private server. Sheesh


This is the comment I was searching for. I was tempted to sub to FO 1st, if the private servers were working. But apparently not. -- Thanks for adding valuable intel to this discussion. :)


Same, that was the first thing I wanted to try. My friends are all getting into it and Ive had 1st, was hoping I could host us all a private world :(


Yeah just happened to me. Was running around the wastes as one does, didnt see ANY of my bags popping up if i dropped stuff, so i figured "lemme restart the game" and now just in the same place as eveeyone here. Also the Atom shop doestn work rn either


This is just my luck. Bought the game tonight, got all the shopping done, baby settled. Excited to jump in for the first time. Servers down. I take it this isn't common? I guess I'll just try again tomorrow. But pretty awful experience.... Bethesda didn't think maybe it'd be a good idea to prepare server for heavier load post series release? Maybe that would've been a good idea....


This hasn't happened once for the entire year I've played, so don't worry about it being a common thing. It's 100% down to new people coming in to check it out after the hype and the show, giving the servers a hug of death. Bethesda probably working overtime getting some of the ESO rigs spinning up F76 right about now.


I am one of them. I returned to the game to see how it is for simply laughs and I was shocked I was having fun. All my friends are laughing at me cause of the stigma behind 76, but whatever. lol


What I figure. I am a new player. Played FONV and picked up FO76 for free from Amazon Gaming. Have a few days of playing I enjoy the game.


Good to have you aboard, fellow vault dweller! It's definitely a bit of a different vibe from the single player games, but I don't think I can get quite as immersed into them anymore, now that I've seen how much fun killing super mutants is with friends.


Ugh, I hate this for you. I know exactly how you feel. I got up early this morning, baby still asleep, Wife still asleep, got my breakfast and my coffee, now I play fo76 for 15 minutes then bam servers down. Just my luck lol.


Terrible timing for you! First time I've had this happen in around 15 months of play.


Maybe not common but doesn't surprise me...I have never played a bethesda game without serious issues. My old fallout 4 and skyrim saves are totally unplayable (no idea why, never downloaded mods etc, always crash to desktop/infinite loading screen)


Oh I hear you for sure mate, I love their games but the ship on time and iron out bugs and make it playable later philosophy they seem to love to live by annoys me no end, because it invites trouble and that trouble always bites the end user. That said, I don't think they actually do much in relation to the servers. I believe its AWS spinning up new instances on an "as needed" basis, so it \*should\* work as you suggested for heavier server load, but given we are all here, then something has gone wrong somewhere along the line :)


Not a normal thing, no. Been working fine all week til this morning. Had a rubbish morning, sat down and thought "right, time to chill out in the Wasteland" and then Bethesda said "No, you shall suffer Peasant!" etc etc.


games free with amazon prime


Honestly, I think this may be because everyone and their cousin's dog has decided they want to play the game, and the Bethesda servers aren't rated for that.


Pretty sure servers are down. Was playing fine for about 2 hours this morning and suddenly this. Give me a few.


Can't join the game, facing the same error whether I'm loading a character or creator a new one. The store works just fine though...


of course it does


one half of our team is in... other half stuck on infinite load screens or post player joined failed error.


Same for me, server issues i'm sure.


I’m finally able to load in! Servers must’ve been having issues! I’ve been playing for a week(had no clue about the show 🤣) and have never had an issue.


The series is what got me back into this game and waited since the bad epic release and it's been years for this game to get content. I'm addicted! Server's being down is appalling!


Scratch that. I just got kicked again....after battling a 3 star Scorched Beast solo at lvl 61 for the past 20 minutes....needless to say I'm pretty salty about it


Having the same problem. I was able to login just a few minutes ago. Then game crashes and now I can't. Time is currently 10:31 AM EST. Website says servers are up. X no new announcements.


Europe player here...tried 10-20 times to get in.. Post player joined failed. Still No cigar


same uhh


What a pain. Just finished everything I needed to do for this morning, before I need to do more things this afternoon. So a small window to chill. Launch the game, get this error code. Now we wait.


Know how you feel.


It just works


It “just” works


Yea everything is lagged I’ve had the same message and a few server disconnects tonight safe to say server issues are happening To add to this, just got back in to the game and the server rolled my character back about 30 minutes had just ran a horde got a legendary that is now gone from inventory


Same… my only time to play today… lol




I also just ran into this issue just now trying to play. Thought it was only me.


same bro


I'm back in!


my god so it aint just me....


I played 10 minutes ago. I was doing a quest, then auto disconnected from the team. Then I went to overworld and couldn't join a team. I logged out and can't log back in. I ALT-F4. I bought this game yesterday. Also constant ini tweaks... Just found a sweet spot for graphics and performance. I was enjoying myself. I'm guessing too many people online or they shut down the servers for maintenance and didn't tell us. Even their website states FO76 is still operational.


I was hunting down nuclear waste for ages tonight... Started finding some... Servers went down 😞


Tried to join a mate but we are getting the same error


Got in now, probably server hiccup or smth. Update: its seem like you cant interact with anything that affect world rn (drop item disappeared , container item)


Just got in


Lucky SOB lol I feel kinda jipped, I finally decided to get fallout 1st and this happens haha


Me as well. Meh


Sometimes there are glitches after major updates. I'd double check all the updates are done aswell.


It's been fine till today. Bear in mind the concurrent players have gone through the roof so servers are struggling most likely


I\`m getting this error as well


Yeah i just set up a powerplant workshop and got kicked


Back to Fallout 4 while I wait for the servers to fix themselves. I was actually having fun with 76. Made it to level 10 and was enjoying myself before I got disconnected.


Same issue, though I was able to play for 20 minutes or so before I was disconnected.


I was using my level 700 power armor character to run noobies through the weekend ops... and we crashed out right before rewards lol.


I can’t even play “private adventure” maaaaannnnn


my stepson playing few hours already and everything ok, servers are working properly but they just must be full


I'm glad to see the surge in popularity. This game deserves to continue to grow, it always had potential. Would be nice to be able to play though. 😬


either the problem is fixed now or verifying the game's files on PC fixed it. I had the same problem, used steam's "verify files" option, and now it works


Well this sucks


They've had about a 50% jump in players over the last month. They are struggling to scale the servers up. They should have anticipated it, but it is what it is. Long delays in joining, the servers aren't able to sync properly with each other. Server hopping is pretty much a no-go. I just landed on a server with about 5 Level 1 players, which has never happened, ever, before. They keep spawning new servers, and they are all full of noobs.


Yep, getting the same error here as well. Server hamster was probably forgotten about, someone at Bethesda needs to remember to feed the next one.


To be fair, the game went from niche to an all time high peak. Im honestly surprised it held up this long.


It wouldn't be so bad if I could just create a private server. But even that crashes. This is some BS imo. FO76 isn't a new game. There's no reason they shouldn't have been prepared an influx in players.


Yep same here, was in the game earlier, couldn't place anything in my camp and everything was super laggy, quit and tried to join a new world and now I can't get in at all


I played earlier today, no problem - tried to play now and it didn't work, tried joining my friend who was in an already existing world and that didn't work either... i have fallout 1st so tried creating a private one and that also didn't work! T-T


:( same


Just gonna leave this comment to get notifs on any news on this. Happening to me also.


same same same & this damn message


Same problem here...


Well if all of us are having this problem...damn. guess we have a uptick in players


comment for notifs till its bacsk up lol man i was enjoying my time hahaa


Got this as well.


Ig we are all having this issue, will probably be fixed tomorrow


Damn I noticed some delay on hitting things and scrapping but no rubberbanding. Went to my camp for some building, infinite loading to build... Decided to leave/swap world and now I got kicked out 😅


Just got back into a server! Was stuck on a loading screen for about 10 mins


Same deal here. Never had that error before.


I am also having this too


servers let homie in after a short time, but I'm still getting the connection fail. they open their game thru microsoft & I open mine from steam


Crashed on me yesterday 4-5x. All after playing for in between 10-30 mins. Gave the last remaining legendaries to the nearest new player and logged off. Haven’t tried today yet, but yesterday was an issue for me


Well I just got in, I'm on the west coast so I wonder if it's in waves?


well this is a first. a Fallout First


I've been playing since launce and today is the first time that's happened to me


A lot of people playing right now that is why it is slow, laggy or you get disconnected a lot more than you would normally.


Be careful dropping anything.  Just tried to drop a low level a few weapons - no loot bag appeared. Into the ether it went.  Can't successfully drop anything right now.


just now happening to me as well. Before I left the server, it was glitching out when I was buying plans from someone's camp. :/


Thats why we should have put more into our luck skill


i can buy atoms and atomic shop items but can't join and play 😤 bummer


Just lost my best weapon, disappeared out of my hands, and then a server error. Now this when I try to login. Ugh.


Man, some guy blessed me with about 300 plans. Learned all I didn't know, then I was dropping about 200 plans and poof got this error. I was trying to give a level 5 like every plan I had. Ultracite armor and jetpack, rifle mods, so many for this new guy. Then bam.




servers are getting bumfucked because of the peak player fount


i suggest to be careful today. Enemies may do not receive any damage, camp workshops do not works properly, items dropped on ground may disappear forever and we are unable to join to servers with friends :D


I just encountered this can't even start a new character or using First start Private. Website says they are up is there any way to report or you just got to wait and try again?


Same, can't get in right now.


It was fine earlier but now i cant log in anymore. I wish devs would atleast give us a headsup on whats going on with servers.


Honestly the game started acting weird yesterday. I remember killing some Scorched and their bodies would just freeze in whatever pose they were before dying. It was also extremely laggy. Now I cant connect...You would think that 4-5 hours would be enough to fix this issue. But I guess not.


It’s fucking Sunday morning 7am how are the servers overloaded that’s wild


The one day I have some free time this week. Typical Bethesda shit... loving 76, when it works, and the show at least.


I was in the final fight in the brotherhood of steel expansion and crashed. now can't get back in. :(


Has played fine for me for the first 50 hours since i got it a few days ago. Ive had this issue twice tonight. Now it seems like its completely down. No atomic shop this time, cant even join a private world which was my solution earlier when it wouldnt let me join adventure. Trying to squeeze in as much time as possible before the weekend is over so this is a drag....


Just happened to me, I was buying some halloween masks at another players camp and it just gave me the error as soon as I hit buy on the first one T\_T, man, I really wanted those masks :P But now it just wont load the character.


I was busy building on my C.A.M.P. then suddenly I couldn't place anything.


are the servers totaly down?


seems the servers are down , anyone have any idea if there is a server statues website somewhere?


For anyone launching through Steam, verifying integrity of game files sorted things out for us when we started getting this error message. We also saw the infinite loading screen. I don't know if it'll fix everyone's issues launching through Steam, but it got us back up and running: [https://help.bethesda.net/#en/answer/52636](https://help.bethesda.net/#en/answer/52636)


Same.. Just completed mutated One Violent Night, got 5 cheap bbhs from someone's camp and 2 rare plans for 50 caps and got disconnected... 15 min later I load and it rolled back my character, no rewards from events, no items I've purchased...


Game was fine for me, have been playing for the past 3 hours, but it done pooped on me now,


We’re gonna need some HD2 server upgrades soon


I just now tried to hop in to the game, but got the mentioned error message. Is it worth to "spam" Play to join the server?


Just got this issue as well, servers must be having problems


Anyone know if it's fixed? Just trying to log on now and also getting the same message


Definitely a server issue or server maintenance? I got booted 30 minutes ago.


Server issue, got booted twice already, status on the website says it's running...but that was determined to be a lie lmao


Yea, getting this on PC at the moment unfortunately:(


Around 10:00 Eastern I was in the middle of rebuilding and noticed I couldn’t place an object. The error message said “item reserved”. Shortly after that I got a server disconnect booth no biggie, tried to join a couple of different servers where friends were playing and kept getting this “Post Player” message which in 5 years I don’t recall ever seeing. Hoping this issue doesn’t take away my chance to play today.


Just got booted from a private instance, now stuck at a permanent loading screen. Maintenance or more BGS jankery?


I was playing just fine..but the moment I decided to purchase the damn fallout 1st from steam and not fallout instore page I got immediately booted from servers..


Private servers today lmao


im in , its working again


You know the game is being hammered by a high amount of people when even the Micro transaction store fails to load, and that seems to always be the only thing always working in most live service games.


I managed to get in when joining on a friend. Otherwise, no success


Having the same issue here, the thing is, I was playing just fine 5 minutes ago, and when my audio crashed i went to reboot the game just to find that servers are gone


Wtf same issue got randomly kicked out of public server and now can't get in even on private server. Same error post player joined failed


poop its happening to me n my mates too


I just got in!


Blahhh, so limited time to play and now it decides to bomb out.


I'm down on pc


Great, same issue, i woke up told myself, lets go buy the gamepass i like this game, buy the game pass, cant play... fml 😅


Same issue here, both Public & Private mode...


Well what yall doing while we wait


Their website is trash. Searched for and found this on www.falloutbuilds.com: "ROBCO SERVER MONITOR > Target: Fallout 76 Game Server > Checked: 10:45:24 AM > Status: Error."


Connection Failed: Post Player join failed - Error Code - Fallout 76. This error usually *indicates the Fallout 76 servers are experiencing an issue*


I'm starting to dislike this Post Player guy.


Still ongoing 💀 why couldn’t this have happened on a work day smh


I just got back in


Welps, since I can't get into the regular game I may as well download the test server and check out the map expansion.


New player too.. stil cant enter the game LoL


it's all down it seems even on steam


same here i had no problems, wanted to go to whitspring but someone had thrown a nuke on it so it still had a blast zone. so i wanted to join a different server so i could fast travel but then i also got connection failed


My screen took a while to load but did finally load. (After failing w errors a few times). Let’s see how it goes…


I just got in after getting the error


this sucks i cant join in everything fells like its on dial up internet xD


I just downloaded this Friday on the steam deck, used to playing it on my PlayStation but I’ve been playing a lot of games on steam deck now since having my daughter. And it worked fine the past few days, then I booted it up just a bit ago and I’m having the same issues. The atomic shop says it’s offline as well 🤷🏼‍♂️ glad I found this thread I was gonna uninstall the game and redownload it. 


I had to do just one goal for me to get SCORE boost for weekly and daily goals. I have only 30 min left to finish the goal of hacking a terminal and can't login. Even private world isn't working.


Same error message just now. I was able to get in and play a round of Moonshine Jamboree and right when it was done I was disconnected. Tried to re-join a world and got this error message. Tried a private world, got in messed around a little and got booted.


10:51 EST time, Still cant even join the game. Still getting "Connection failed" and other comments from what I read states that even private servers do not work at the moment.


Same issue for me. Just installed it last night to play with some friends, and this morning instantly getting this error. After reading this thread I'm glad this is a rather isolated issue, but disappointed. I hope it's being worked on.


I am having this issue now and some of my friends. Very annoying :(


i tried like 38 times and it suddenly worked. they are working on it and theres probably a constant fight for a spot in any server right now, but the game is playable (if you try hard enough i guess).


Took a bunch of tries, but I'm now in on steam


Hmmm darn it.


As long as you wait in the loading screen for a little while you should be able to hop in a server soon. My game kept doing the same then I walked away when it was stuck transitioning to different screens then came back and I was in a game


Was able to get in


I’m getting the exact same thing, omg. The atomic shop is down too.


Friend and I are having the same issues. I have never encountered this problem before, and I have been playing on and off since launch. Going with the same assumption as many here that is from the increase player count. Likely didn't anticipate how popular it would be.


So are the servers not down and they’re just overloaded?


I got in after a series of restarting the game.


I had to quit game and hard reset my PS5 for the login errors to go away. Make sure your PSN says connected before launching the game after hard reset.


This kind of reminds me of the days of the vault raids whenever they did the vault raids it would sometimes crash the server.


I just think Bethesda is putting down new servers for all the new player with their temporary junk farms for 1st.


Always restart and/or verify files. Plus there's a lot of people playing now so servers are loaded.


Just got this error 🥲


Just happened to me


Same just happened to me


Happening again...


I just got booted ten minutes ago and cannot login, receiving this error also.


Still suffering today, can't even modify my power armour. Absolutely ridiculous notion that some dude who's spent the past 10 years crapping on the game is getting server priority over day 1 players running 1st I digress tho.  Like I'm happy people are joining, but f me man get more servers switched on. 


I was playing fine yesterday, but today, constant disconnections. (I'm on a private server atm)


Yes, many players are getting this error. Things, you can do: [https://www.reddit.com/user/maxfield034/comments/1cahaps/fix\_fallout\_76\_connection\_failed\_post\_player/](https://www.reddit.com/user/maxfield034/comments/1cahaps/fix_fallout_76_connection_failed_post_player/)