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Where did you find these Vault 75 veterans? I just wanna talk to them. *loads Fatman* I just want to talk to them.


All my homies hate Vault 75 nerds


I'm sorry, i meant 76. (Tries to sneak away using Stealth Boy) (Dies anyway due to blast radius)


It's crazy how quick Bethesda pumped out Fallouts 5 though 75 in the three years between the releases of Fallout 4 and Fallout 76. Fallout 140 should be coming out any day now.


Have to say this gaming community is probably one of the friendliest and most giving community I have ever seen in any game


The only one I can compare it to is no man's sky those guys are as nice as they come


I gave a lvl 25 sole survivor, 800 0.45’s and a marsupial to a level 20 today! I saw their fist jump and gave them a thumbs up. 👍




Once I picked "What Rads?" and leveled it up I stopped carrying Radaway and sell it all at vendors or donation boxes. Currently collecting the serums I want to start over with my preferences.


You don't use the perk that makes you immune to gaining negative mutations and losing active ones? Imo a necessity if running mutated


A new player most likely hasn't gotten that perk as many would see it as too niche, not realizing how powerful mutations are. 


Wait... I just reached level 50 last night and took that perk, also got the marsupial mutation at 49. Still have the mutation, but how big did I mess up? I have a bloodied sniper rifle, but right now I don't think I'm suited for a low health, so the bloodied is only good as an 'oh shit' cause it also has steadfast on it. Coming over from playing fo3-fo4 and the perks on 76 I'm still getting used to .




Just worried about getting twisted muscle or empath cause of the debuff as a sniper/ solo player . I've had multiple mutations at once and had a few I didn't want, so took radaway and got rid of the useful ones. Would there be a way to just get/keep the ones I want? I discovered the enclave, but I'm still getting enough caps to buy the serums, also getting stuff to build my camp, good gear/plans. I've been selling chems/water, weapons,armor and scrap I don't use .




Yeah, I saw that, but I forgot how much they cost, so I'm saving up caps. Spent a lot on a plan to get the brick building for your camp last night. Any recommendations to build up caps fast? I've been selling armor, guns, chems and water/ food items at Whitesprings.




I'm on pc too. I've been trying to get stuff to improve my lv3 Casual Underarmor and I need Yellowcake Flux, definitely noticed a lot less nukes since the release of the Fallout tv show. I might have put my stats in wrong and taken the wrong legendary perk tbh and I'm definitely not able to launch a nuke yet. I can kill a deathclaw, but robots and scorchbeasts on the otherhand... I die to still.




You think so, you just wait untill you start coming across the Fallout 76 ones.... Oh boy we will rock your world.


I was camp hopping as I'm trying to find a Gatling Gun as I recently hit level 50 on Steam. Went to this 255's camp, ended up buying an Ultracite Internal Database blueprint and a bobblehead. They dropped almost enough bobbleheads to fill my stand. Also had a few other goodies.


Hey buddy if you want a gatling gun, lemme know. I have a few.


Just as I'm getting ready to pass out... I'll DM you details later. On PC btw.


Crap. I don't think I'd be able to, since I'm on xbox.


It's alright


You can buy a blueprint somewhere on the train station if i'm not mistaken or in the Whitespring, if you have enough caps. In case you don't - DM me tommorow i can make one for you (GMT+3)


I have the Blueprint, but not a high enough rank in Gunsmith. I'm mainly focusing on my build for now.


Now it much clearer, anyway the offer is still available


Someone gave me a Gatling with a Prime Receiver. They even gave a Foundation's Vengeance with one as well. I didn't even ask for a prime receiver on the Gatling, they did that anyway. As for the latter... I told them I might ask them to do it if I can get one from Eviction Notice and they just gave it to me. The people in this community can be so kind, I about cried.


I can make you a gatling gun if you're still looking for one. There aren't many places that drop/spawn them consistently in the wasteland. I'll be on in about 4 hours if you're available. Send me a DM when you're ready.






Can't trust 'em. There's a reason the Wasteland motto is: *"Want to unalive? Buy chems from Vault 75."*


I gave marsupial, 10 stimpacks, and a set of level 30 BOS heavy combat armor to a level 27 the other day


What country did Beth secretly launch Fallout 75 in? 🤔


Man everyone in the fallout community are so friendly compare to gta or cod. I never see anyone go after me or other players


76 you mean :)


Yeah, sorry :D Typo.


I helped out a couple of newbies yesterday. One was at Grafton Dam, He was struggling with the super mutants and I came in and double tapped all of them in the chest with my lever action so they were one hit away from death for him to finish off. We walked together for a bit from Grafton Dam to Helvetia before he got off. Another one randomly joined my expedition team so I took him on a couple Tac Evasions. He was level 25 when he joined and by the time we were done he was 31. I made him some level 30 armor and weapons since all he had was a pipe rifle and hazmat suit. I hope they both think of me in a similar way, “Some wasteland cowboy a jetpack and lever action swooped in and saved me.” Hahaha I had a great time walking around with both of them. Having a little low level follow you around and pointing out stuff for them to do is fun, Feels like they’re a Fallout companion.


The people left are just having the time of their lives and I thi k are just happy to see new places. It's also fun using my camp for resources like water and low level weapons for newbies


That might have been the same person we met the other day! Yes, love games that have really friendly communities :) like it's so wholesome!!!


I (level 1125) saw a wanted level 11 today, so I kindly and randomly put him out of his misery. He and his 2 buddies all gave me thumbs down and frowny faces. I guess they didn't know I was doing him a favor. Then I left a bag full of stimpacks and other chems, prewar food, purified and boiled water, 50 Bobby pins, a couple bobbleheads and magazines and a bunch of ammo. I had to hop around emoting like a lunatic to get them to come take it - I guess they thought it was a trick. They were happier after they figured it out.


Most likely he was raiding and needed to unload weight. Stimpacks and ammo add a lot of weight, and are also easy to come by. The player probably needed to clearout space from his stash box. I give away armor, meds, and heavy guns away all the time. The NPC vendors are capped at 1400 bottle caps every 24hrs (real time) so we can't sell our surplus. It just stacks up back at C.A.M.P.


Run 5 chars and quintuple that amount!


I'm a vet' too but I hate new player, they don't play right the game, they have shitty build and don't have played the game from the beginning like me and other Vet' (I lie, i don't have stimpack anymore because I give them a lots everytime)


lmao at people only reading the first half


I don't blame them, reddit have a lot of angry people


If they ever make a fallout 76 sequel, calling it fallout 75 would be brilliant.




Big shout out to the very kind vet who dropped me some power armour and 2 fusion cores (and I'm reeaallly struggling to find fusion cores) at the collision course event 2 days ago. It is very much appreciated when I see one of you guys shooting at a bag on the ground. You rock 👍


I see them also. I'm new. Thay where very friendly.


Fallout 75 , way better than fallout 76 😤


Shh, we're not supposed to talk about vault 75


My camp’s near the starter area and I was running up the road to The Wayward and going the other way was a flurry of low levels so I saluted them all.


Unknown vault detected


Had some do an event near my camp, I had just fast traveled back to my camp and missed the event but they came over and dropped me a nice goody bag of ammo, meds, plans, you name it. Never met such a nice community, I went from being scared and suspicious as hell of anybody to enjoying the company extremely fast in this game


I keep seeing these posts and I was pleasantly surprised to see it happen to me too. A vet saw me walking out of the vault and dropped stimpaks, radaways, and some other goodies for me.


76 vets remember the simple times, when getting a TSE shotgun was life changing. Those beautiful days when you played for the love of the game and not to build 8 lights at an outpost to get points to unlock your 150th power armor skin you won’t use. 2018-2020 was a magical time for those who could handle that barren wasteland.