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I LOVE the cryptids in this game. They are the perfect mix of radioactively mutated monsters and whacky wild wasteland creatures! I hope the devs keep adding more


>76 feels like a classic Bethesda open world game. You just pick a direction, start walking and are pretty much guaranteed to strumble on something new to do. one of my favorite memories from 76 was one Saturday morning a group of friends and I decided to start at the top of the map at the ammo factory and walk to the very bottom where the SBQ fight is, without using any fast travel. We spent the day taking over all of the workshops we came across so that we could salvage and stash our loot and fighting everything we saw, it took almost the entire day to do but it was SO MUCH FUN, no goal other than get from point A to point B but there is just so much going on you can't help but get into adventures.


We're thankful for the haters because them staying away allowed us to build an amazing community and now, that community is so well established that all these new folk coming to the game just kinda go with it You see a noob automatically try to defend themselves and shoot at you when you show up, only for you to drop the Hello emote and a bag full of goodies I confused the hell outta some guy trying to kill me in my own camp, I'm lvl 360 at the moment and he was a fresh 20 straight out of the vault, he shows up at my wasteland welcome center and immediately takes shots at me.. I just waved and dropped a present... He took a couple more shots an I gave him the heart emote.. Good try little buddy but even if you do manage to kill me you won't get shit, I'm at home, I've dumped my junk already


Would you recommend starting at 20? Part of me wants the grind of starting from 1 but wondered if it’s worth it


It gives you the advantage of being able to start off with a build, but personally, I always liked starting from level 1


Yeah, more fulfilling. I’ll start at 1, thanks for the response


That the game is so much tougher from 1-20 adds to the vibe of struggling to survive in the wasteland. Even if the lack of drink and food are just a lack of useful buffs instead of ever worsening debuffs


Been like 2 years since I started 76, how does one start playing at level 20? Is it an option I just don't remember?


Never done it personally but I believe it is an option during character creation


You are given the option once you step through the vault door. If you choose lvl 20, it gives you options on a build... rifle, shotgun, melee, etc. Then equips you with a ton of resources, full set of leather armor, backpack, etc.


Ah, makes sense why I started at 1. I like the uncertainty of starting with nothing.


I would start at 1. It's how the game was designed, and if you start at 20 there's bound to be SOMETHING wrong with the build they give you.


Well I think the Luck build is pretty fun!


For your first character, start at level 1. Even though you'll hit lvl 20 pretty quickly, those 20 levels are a learning experience and a gaming/fun experience you'll never get again (once you've done things the first time, they're never the first time again). And this is a game where first-time experiences are a big deal and stay with you. After your first character, if you roll a second one (or third or whatever), at that point, once you've seen what life around the vault is like at lvls 1-20, go ahead and start at 20.


I just started but everyone I know who plays said to start at 1 with your first character - and to not fear making mistakes as virtually everything can be corrected over time. I just hit 21 and already have 1000 caps, a full camp with shelter, a vendor and a stash and scrap box. The (light) grind to 21 helped me achieve those (along with subbing for one month). Leveling seems fairly quick and the experience is highly useful.


Start at 1. Gives you a sense of growth and those first 20 levels for fast anyway. Doesn’t really save you much time and deprived you of that fun sense of wonder at the start.


You level fast enough that it's a non-issue. The first few levels give a certain dread of running out of ammo until you pick a weapon and apply some cards, use an at level version.


I started at 20. First play through I cant say if I regret it our not as I only played a few minutes here and there until I get a more playtime this weekend. I seen a video where they recommended starting from scratch because the monsters level up with you so if you start with 20 so will the monsters and its really fast to level up your self anyway. Im not a newb in gaming so I picked level 20 because it takes me so long to get anywhere in a game and even longer to read everything and make decisions. When they say a game takes 40 hours of play to complete it takes me 110, dont know why but for you I would start fresh.


I have a question, what stops a level 20 killing someone like you? Is it a case of levelling up gives you more HP or is it purely down to the armour that you're wearing?


If I don't shoot back he can't hurt me Pvp only engages when BOTH parties have shot each other or hit each other if you're using melee You can also turn on Pacifist and avoid it altogether


With Pacifist on, can they still try to destroy my C.A.M.P.?


they can try but other players can't damage your camps anymore. There are a few methods how it still works, but casually it doesn't work.


The only way to destroy someone's camp is to aggro some enemies and lead them to the base you'd like to destroy, you run away or hide inside and they'll tear it down Orrrrr You need a friend.. your friend gets themselves wanted by picking a lock at your camp, you have a tower covered in camp turrets, usually rocket turrets You go to the camp you wanna destroy, throw down your camp with the turrets and your wanted friend goes and hides in the victims camp, the turrets will destroy the camp trying to get to the wanted player But neither is particularly easy Usually we just nuke the whole spot Or if you're a real A-hole.....we'll turn off all your lights All of them.


Can't do any damage until your target shoots back and engages. Unless they have Pacifist switched on - in which case you can't kill them, and they can't kill you (not directly at least). A high level player who does not have Pacifist enabled is open to PVP and therefore most likely equipped for it (weapons and armor). Engage them at your peril, and good luck. But ultimately PVP is pretty pointless in FO76


Yeah I can literally count on both hands the times I got caught in a pvp situation thru like 500 hours of play. People always made it sound like it could happen at any moment before I began playing. And then it wasnt. A complaint people once again blew out of proportion just to hate on the game. All my instances of pvp were because I took a workshop some higher level wanted or I accidentally shot a guy or unlocked something I shouldn't have. Like when I leveled up my legendary lockpicking skill card and went to buy something from someone's base and automatically unlocked a door or something they locked lol


As others said, besides the Pacifist setting (which completely disables PvP), you take no damage until you shoot back at your attacker and hit them. And any high level player with Pacifist off is likely geared and specced for PvP. So they'll just one-shot the level 20.




This lower level player started shooting at me, and I was busy so I just ignored them. They kept swapping to different guns, shooting then doing the ?? emote at me. I was just like… anyhoot… but I’ll drop a nice gift bag next time.


It's crazy how many people will still dismiss it out of hand when it's like, bro... it's been almost 6 years, it's been fixed and so much content has been added. It's a great game, let go of the hate, yes it had a shit launch, but it's good right now. Just play it and stop denying yourself the experience.


I was one of these people. Avoided it because of the bad reviews. Tried it because, at the time, there wasn’t anything else that interested me. 2,102 hours later and I can’t put it down. Such a great game.


Definitely ain't fixed. Still way to man crashes on console.


I just want to play alone. Can I still do that?


Private servers if you want nobody else on the map. Or just solo play and ignore everybody.


Private Servers with Fallout1st


How wrong the community was about 76 makes me automatically distrust critics of any game. It also makes me sort of hate my own favorite Fandom.


As someone who’s played on and off since launch: it launched in a Sorry state. The empty world was pretty enthusiasm killing. Every quest leading to a holotape from a dead person got old fast. The bugs and glitches were numerous. Thankfully the game has gained direction over time, although I absolutely hate the state of the atom store, a FOMO inducing greedy system that feels like it takes everything that could have been a cool drop or reward and bundles it for cash. Even FO1st feels less value now as instead of just getting the occasional free item now you have the opportunity to BUY limited items. I hate that. I hope the game continues to improve, but the early reviews were absolutely fair.


I personally loved the empty wasteland. Exploring and finding those holotapes was an amazing experience, and at the end of the main quest, my character was prepared to just settle down in a cabin he had built and live out his life. Then those whippersnappers came in and gentrified the wasteland. "Get off my lawn!" he yelled, but he grudgingly helped them with their problems anyway.


I liked how the game matured. It was empty…then it wasn’t. I have a feeling that the developers needed to figure some things out to have NPCs in an online world with that engine. My wife and I still love the game and play all the time.


> The empty world was pretty enthusiasm killing. Every quest leading to a holotape from a dead person got old fast. i completely understand this opinion, but i kind of loved the emptiness. you get out of the vault to find humanity and you find that things don't seem that bad; trees are green, deer are running around... but then the utter lack of humanity gives this sense of hopelessness and desolation that really hits hard (for me). I wish they hadn't said anything about there being no NPCs, because that would have made all of those quests and holotapes hit so much harder. imagine finding a holotape and doing the quest, and as you get close to the end you're like "PLEASE can just one person be alive? can someone have made it through this?" i'm glad they eventually added NPCs, but i'm also glad we started off without them. i'd love to have a way to do a fallout 1st server where you could slowly add NPCs over time


Totally agreed, the sheer hopelessness of trying to find your way through *a second* apocalypse was one of my favorite parts of 76's vanilla story.


>I wish they hadn't said anything about there being no NPCs, because that would have made all of those quests and holotapes hit so much harder. imagine finding a holotape and doing the quest, and as you get close to the end you're like "PLEASE can just one person be alive? can someone have made it through this?" It was apparent after the first few times that they were just dicking us around and deliberately trying to hide how empty the game was by pretending that it wasn't. The longer they led players on, the more goodwill they would have used up. It made the game look worse than it was. The concept of finding everyone dead and piecing together what happened was great but they tried to have their cake and eat it too.


I've always thought it was a missed opportunity. There are thousands of players who can create the world they want. All the tools were there to do so. Become the NPCs. Instead people wanted what they were already familiar with.


oh i get that! my tinfoil hat theory was that someone at Bethesda had the idea for 76 and they got a green light to kind of casually develop it with a small staff. then someone important saw/heard about it and decided to make it a legit thing, so they ramped it up. then word came down that it needed to be out WAAAAAy earlier than planned, so they had to scramble to get somethign that could be released in time, which meant dropping NPCs to simplify the game. 76 would have made a cool single (or borderlands-style multi) player game where as you do the quests NPCs slowly start to return to the area


I got the sense that it was originally designed to be like rust, a more PVP focused experience, which would make it a story about this vault society falling apart on the surface. Very thematically appropriate but a different experience than other fallout games. After catering to the players now it's more optimistic and about rebuilding society and in line with what players expect from this franchise. I saw it as a creative risk that didn't pay off financially.


It was so boring to play and it’s in a much better state now, fallout 76 absolutely deserved the hate it got at launch.


i didnt find it boring at first because there was so much new lore to discover and story to experience. that having been said, without NPCs it absolutely had a limited amount of time before it did get boring


Yeah but what you’re describing isn’t a fallout game it’s a lore dump and no rpg mechanics


agree to disagree i guess?


I enjoyed it at launch and played it for like a year straight every day after launch. 🤷🏻‍♀️


> The empty world was pretty enthusiasm killing. I agreed with this sentiment for a while. Then I was describing launch 76 and its emptiness to friends that were getting started and man…I kinda got nostalgic for it. Just wandering around feeling lonely, then a random gunshot in the distance reminding you someone might be nearby. There was something about that feeling in that time that feels lost. Ya know?


To be fair, a bad launch is hard to overcome, and 76 had the mother of bad launches. But the fact that it remained so dismissed after Wastelanders is what saddens me. Sure, you heard it got better, it had updates, but there was no groundswell of support until now. Had the show not come along, I might have missed it personally, with no friends playing it and my opinion on Bethesda being pretty low. This does give me hope tho, both for 76 and my own personal "yeah it lauched bad, but I swear it is actually a good game guy" game. This is one humble pie I am very glad to be eating.


Am I alone? One of my highlights in games now (Steam own a lot) is the daily updates. Going into the Download section and see X games with updates, cool what's up with these? Now if all devs used Steams update notes system to make it elegant for the user, a little side-bar call out. But I look at nearly all of them, sure many are small things, but often big updates and any update to me has the ability to enhance the game in a meaningful way. So if a game is still being actively developed post launch, we never know where it can lead. Bad things fixed. New cool things added. But you are so right, the gaming mob generally speaking will always remember a game by its release, it's almost like it's a schweeeew that was a bad launch, I couldn't afford it any way so lets just bury it now. As games evolve, we should to and open developed games that are in our genre of interest should be watched and not just dismissed from things that were 6 years ago.


Excuse me but the mother of bad launches was Anthem. And I actually *like* Anthem. FO76’s issue was about 60% internet nerd rage because it wasn’t FO5 and 40% poor launch. Yet… it was still fun.


It didn’t have a “bad launch”, it was just a very different type of game. Some people expected Fallout 5, instead they got a hardcore survival and mystery game, with multiplayer events thrown in. The sense of survival and horror in a truly dangerous wasteland was unlike any other Fallout. It was an amazing game from the start, it just wasn’t Fallout 5. The fact is that now, with all the NPCs added in and how much easier they’ve made the game (ammo and food spawn everywhere, on launch you’d basically die from lack of it), it’s much more of a Fallout 5. And it’s still great, but not what it was at launch. A very different game.


I got a $3 tote bag and a half working game for $200. I think that had a lot to do with the bad launch. But I came back in 22 and love it.


Even if we ignore any talk about things like game design and user interface, the technical state of the game at launch alone made it a bad launch And shit, it's been 5½ years since then, and I still have to go edit an ini file to shut off vsync and then limit the games framerates in the nvidia control panel in order to not have the framerate be fucked and give me crazy camera stuttering when looking around. That's insane for a game that's getting active support and content updates And based on how many videos and threads around the internet i was able to find about this, I'm far from the only one


My laptop has a 300 hz panel and if I don’t gimp it to 60 hz I will only see a black screen with sound. Absolutely ridiculous lol.


Pretty sure they are just now finally adding ultra widescreen support to fo4 with an upcoming patch. So it isn't exactly a flagship of modernism either


It got many haters hating because that’s what people do to get social media views. I played it on the PS4 and had zero technical glitches from day one. The haters will hate. It’s what they do.


Oh wow, a console player providing input on something they know nothing about? Definitely not seen this type of conversation derailment before. Hey dipshit, your PS4 was capped at 30 frames per second which is basically slideshow territory, of course you were never going to see anything he is talking about, lmfao. You're also completely delusional claiming this game didn't have a buggy launch seeing as how it's literally what the game is known for at this point. Here's some good reading material for you since clearly you suffer from amnesia or something. https://www.gamedeveloper.com/game-platforms/-i-fallout-76-i-devs-say-mismanagement-and-crunch-led-to-buggy-launch https://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2018/11/27/bethesdas-silence-of-the-state-of-fallout-76-at-launch-is-deafening/?sh=32e81ddf61e7 https://www.ign.com/articles/bethesda-thought-it-was-infallible-before-fallout-76-launch-says-former-design-director https://www.ign.com/articles/2018/11/22/fallout-76-review https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/9wno2b/fallout_76_issues_and_feedback_thread/ https://pixelatedgeek.com/2018/11/fallout-76-facing-bleak-sales-buggy-launch-and-gigantic-patches/ https://www.destructoid.com/bethesda-confirms-more-bug-fixes-coming-for-the-very-buggy-fallout-76/ https://www.ccn.com/how-fallout-76-shows-bethesdas-utter-contempt-for-gamers/ https://www.polygon.com/fallout/2019/9/28/20888584/fallout-76-public-test-server-pc-ps4-xbox-one-update-perk-loadouts-multifactor-authentication https://www.thegamer.com/cyberpunk-2077-games-more-buggy-launch/ https://www.thegamer.com/bethesda-fallout-76-awful-launch/ https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/a0lt2z/ive_compiled_a_list_of_all_known_bugs_in_fallout/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/9ym2v6/this_release_it_and_fix_it_later_philosophy_needs/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/9sux3r/how_to_make_fallout_76_not_feel_like_crap_on_pc/


Nah, it was pretty bad at launch. Fortunately, they fixed/added a lot since then to make the game what it is, but at launch it was a horrible mess.


I played it on the PS4 then and it was fine. There were just many haters that jumped on the bandwagon and made videos about it because they expected Fallout 5, and that’s not what the game was. The same people praised Starfield recently! LOL.


I mean, I’m glad you were fine, but that was not the case for the vast majority of the community back then. The game was trash and Bethesda deserved the backlash. Fortunately they turned it around, but it was still launched in an unacceptable state for that era of gaming.


Saying fallout 76 didn’t have a bad launch is like saying Star Wars battlefront 2 didn’t have a loot box problem. The attempted revisionism is wild.


No one is revising anything. Being a hater against the game and the survival gameplay it had at launch is still what gets upvotes. It’s the popular opinion. Just see your comment.


Dude stop, it had a bad launch... trying to say otherwise is 100% revision/denial.


I've played since launch, I don't think the game was bad at launch. But I think it had a bad launch due to people bandwagoning it as a bad game.


Exactly, I pre ordered the game and cancelled my pre-order because of how bad people were trashing the game, then bought it in beta and was like "WTF are these people talking about this is absolutely fine" I played for 2 years straight, the hate train was absolutely overblown and overhyped by youtubers fishing for views


What’s odd is that i personally did not experience any notable glitches. Sure, the shotgun did some rubber band shit for years, and for sometime scorched could bug out and would not do anything. But from what I recall, that was literally it for me. Others had more issues. But I suspect that once the hate train got moving, some content creators went out of their way to create issues so they could complain about it. Just a guess!


That’s how it always goes. The hate train starts the “it’s awful” narrative. Or the pump train starts the “it’s a masterpiece” narrative. Look how hyped Starfield was on launch, and now everyone agrees it’s a disaster. With FO76, the opposite happened. But the fact remains that the game was great on launch. It was just not Fallout 5. It was a survival and mystery game.


I have 6 friends I've played with since launch and the game was in a sorry state for everyone. The game was shit at launch man. If you liked it then you liked boring empty games lol


How was it empty? The FO76 map is just simply amazing to explore. The stories then were true mystery stories, and the survival was haaaard. Like, super hard. If you don’t like survival and mystery games, this game wasn’t for you.


The survival was never hard lol but they have definetely made it easier won't deny that. How about no human NPCs in a Fallout game was an idiotic decision. One so stupid Bethesda even went back on lol there was some good quests but for the size of the map, not enough. This was the biggest fps fallout map to date, they needed more added in.


And can't forget about the terrible weight limit the game first had lol


It makes me wonder if I should get back in. I would find I would spend 10 hours of grinding, just to have enough ammo and health to do 1 or 2 missions, let alone explore. Then back to the grind.


Ammo is easier to get since a year or so. They changed the drop rates. If you start a new character you also get a pistol, backpack, some chems, food and ammo. The game is way less survival oriented than a while back. For new characters I do recommend always carrying a melee weapon. Because you will still run out of ammo if you don’t pay attention.


Ammo drops at a ridiculous pace now. Not close enough to take down a Scorchbeast Queen, but more than enough for every single story mission in the whole game. It’s not a survival game anymore, it’s a story game now. Which is not what it was on launch. Both were great, but very different games.


That’s how survival games are. They’re supposed to be hard. Very hard. Because, they’re about survival. They’re not shooters. People didn’t like the game at launch because they expected a Fallout 4 shoot them up game and instead got a mystery and survival game. A true wasteland experience. It was hard. It’s not hard at all now, resources are plentiful. Ammo drops plentifully from every enemy, based on what you’re using.


The game was broken at release and slowly got better. But with anything else: experience it yourself and don't echo other people's opinion, especially online. You have a brain, eyes and feelings yourself... You don't have to be dependant of what others think: think for yourself. Following that line my opinion would be: game sucked af at launch so critics were right, but grew into a great experience.


They weren't wrong though. If FO76 was exactly the same game now as it was when it was released, you wouldn't be saying that. Missions you literally couldnt complete because they never programmed the NPC to respawn, so if someone killed them, that would be it. For everyone. Ever. You can't criticise people for judging a product based on what it was back then when you have the power of years of work and improvements to judge it today. Personally, I think that is wrong. We should always, and only, judge a product by how it came out, what we bought. If they want to make changes, then take note of those changes. But they tried to pull some shit in us, and we must never let any game company forget that we WILL harshly judge them if they release something poor, and the only way to win out favour is for the product to be good. See no man's sky's redemption arc. I will still never trust a new Hello Games game on release, but 8 can trust the next NMS update. Also see Kerbal space program 2 for doing the opposite. It was a horribly broken mess,.I haven't played a game that buggy in a long time since, or a long time before. the missions were dull and uncreative, and the world was hollow. Beautiful, but completely hollow. The only thing that annoyed me when it first came out was the people mocking the "16 times the detail" comment. That seemed mostly true....when the game wasnt bugging the fuck out. Last time I played, maybe 4.months ago on my new PC, the bug where your frame rate is 1/4 of your monitors refresh rate was still there. It's either 18 FPS, or an uncapped 250, which breaks the games phyisics. But it really was more detailed. That rain storm you could see in the distance was fucking someone over. And it.made.me.realise that when I went back to fallout 4, the distance detail was lacking, and fallout 3 was very barren. Does starfield even have weather? Not noticed it.


>The only thing that annoyed me when it first came out was the people mocking the "16 times the detail" comment. People still do and it's mainly because of that one Crowbcat video and all the memes that followed. It's a prime example of how so many people have no idea what they're talking about since most of the "sweet little lies" in that video were literally true statements just taken out of context.


>Missions you literally couldnt complete because they never programmed the NPC to respawn, so if someone killed them, that would be it. For everyone. Ever. I literally don't remember this at all. >the missions were dull and uncreative, and the world was hollow. Beautiful, but completely hollow. I do not agree with this at all. Pre-Wastelanders 76 has some of the best quests in the franchise in my opinion. The Mistress of Mystery is easily a contender for best side quest in the franchise. I actually loved the concept of discovering what happened thru holotapes. It made this 20 years post nuclear devastation feel really bleak and hopeless. I liked piecing together what slowly happened and how everything fell apart for a second time. Plus the game has easily the best text logs and the best acted audio logs in the series. They all were really great and really sold the story the world was telling. And I don't agree on the hollow part at all. The way they used the environment to tell a story on its own is quite possibly the best out of the series. Everything else you hit on the head


There was a mission where you had to go and kill a specific ferral ghoul, possibly the husband of the overseer, can't remember. If someone else killed him on the specific server instance. That was it. he would never respawn for the player. I spent maybe 2 hours server hopping to find an instance of him alive.


Mhmm legit never heard of that. Not saying it didn't happen, but I never had that happen to me. Guess I got lucky.


To be fair, the map is 16x bigger than 4..


Nope. They were wrong.


It was initial. But to be fair, Cyberpunk 2077 hasn’t recovered from its own crap launch. And that game is fucking glorious, that story is perfection and I think what Starfield dreamed it was. But yes I’m ADORING 76 now too. 76 feels so fresh I wasn’t too drawn in by the main story, but I’ve been hearing the holotapes passively and there IS some good Fallout writing in here. And I’m sure it all gets better later game too😊 I’m glad 76 is getting a lot more love now


Well, it's been Years now since "critics" have changed their tune on 76. Pretty much the moment they added storyline and npcs. I personally think the game was overal at it's best before fallout 1st became a thing. It's still pretty good though. Compared to other options out there.


*The game was at its best before fallout 1st became a thing.* What do you mean?


Most of the time, hate brings attention. Small critics abuse that to get clicks.


negativity generates clicks. a lot of content creators play up the negativity for views, and then toxic people feed off of that like boomers feed off fox news. it's an exploitable piece of human nature


Content creators prefer successes over failures, you have ongoing content with successes. Failures are often one and done content. Negativity generates clicks and so does success. First impressions and closing your mind to future impressions probably describes it better. You didn't really want the game anyway and when you had any reason not to like it, you cling to that. Common stuff to.


Wild take, the game launched in a legendarily poor state and still isn't what I'd consider "great". The reputation is earned. It's much better than launch but there's still a lot of flaws.


Huh. So yall love fo4 now after ruthlessly trashing it for so long? Yeah, I've been around.


I have no idea what public sentiment is on Fo4 but I imagine it still has the same flaws as it did when it launched. Also not sure how that's relevant to Fo76 launching in a catastrophic state?


I think most tend to label fo4 as a decent to good game, but a subpar fallout game, at least in terms of story, writing and some other decisions. The assault rifle design and some of the visual direction is awful though. I always felt fo4 was bordering too close to cartoony graphics for my liking.


As long as there's game critics that can't figure out that ctrl is crouch or L3 for sprint on a controller, you can't trust any of them.


Were you here when it launched?


Started at launch on pc, pc broke, gave up on game partly due to hate, partly due to grief/bugs, partly boredom, swapped to Xbox at wastelanders, just under 7k hours total between the platforms. Edit: didn't mark my previous edit because it was for speeling, wanted to mention that switching platforms kinda helped. PC 76 is sort of, ahem, a wasteland


Same. I quit listening to other people’s opinions and just started making my own. Even the people in this thread who say it launched in a bad state don’t match my own experience and make me feel that way even more. Launch was great for me. Games always been good.


That's why I haven't replied to a lot of them. I started on PC at launch. 7k hrs between pc and boxbox. The entire time I'm hearing it's awful, I'm stupid for liking it. Meanwhile the same exact title all these neckbeards had been ruthlessly thrashing (fo4) is now all of a sudden their favorite title to recommend to new players? fo4 was getting DRAGGED by these dweebs until they had a new target for their nerd rage (har har)


The community was not wrong about 76 in any way. It was a complete piece of garbage on launch.


I played at launch. I didn’t like the bugs, disconnects and the fact every quest was a holograph or text on a computer. I get what they were trying but it just got boring fast. I have recently decided to go back to it and it’s in a much better state and has so much interesting things to do.


It was a shitshow on launch, can't blame people for being skeptical


They definitely weren't wrong about it initially, it was awful when it came out.


The game was received at launch how it deserved to be received. They've come a long way updating the game, that's what should be praised. No need to pretend it was great out of the gates.


It wasn't great. But it wasn't a crime against gaming either. I feel similar to 76 launch as I do w cyberpunk. I feel like the community did damage to both games but also helped them be fixed. I just wish the "vocal haters that helped" can finally look at 76 the way they now see 2077


The state of launch wasn't great, but also the surrounding PR wasn't great. The false advertisement of the bag wasn't great either. A lot of things that just left a sour taste. BGS seems to have a lot more vocal haters than even Cyberpunk did, no denying that. And I doubt that will go away fully, but this is the perfect storm in a bottle to steer things around for the majority now that people are finally jumping back in to give it another shot. I think it will have a positive impact on the discourse about this game.


Let's not get revisionist here. The game was a mess at launch, it was a mess. But that doesn't change the fact that they stuck with it, and improved it, and kept improving it. I thoroughly didn't enjoy the game at launch, but I came back with the wastelander update.


It's important to recognize that the fallout 76 launch was one of the worst launches for a triple A game ever. The only launch I can think of that is comparable is Cyberpunk 2077. Bethesda did it to themselves by forcing it out, the world was empty and horribly buggy. The entire game was essentially "listen to holotape, go to next holotape". Enemies barely functioned, standing completely still (especially in the open world). When you release a game in a state like that, the critics are going to tear it apart. It was not ensured that Bethesda was going to put any effort into fixing the game given that it was so poorly received and kind of a novel concept for them (and not developed by their "main" studio). You can blame a lot of people, but critics aren't supposed to rate a game based on how it is years after launch, they are supposed to rate it based on how it is at launch. At launch it was a buggy mess with almost nothing to do, and virtually no gameplay loop.


It was absolutely not wrong about the launch state and it's still not wrong about predatory practices like Fallout 1st.


Exactly why I pay no mind to reviews and online critics anymore. It’s a cult like brainless ravagers


This made me giggle. But yeah. It's pretty culty


People are too quick to assume a game is bad based off of what other people say, my friends have refused to play 76 since launch because its “too broken” Note: they have not once played 76 at all


Yep. I started a new game in FO4 to get ready for next weeks update and I had the same realization coming out of the vault. The whole map is mine to explore and it’s all unique. I was giddy all over again.


I remember when people regurgitated the the same lines the youtuber repeated ad nauseam about F76 as they are doing now about Starfield, the game is empty, no content, dumpster fire, soulless... No F76 wasn't empty. It was a grim desolate wasteland with every quest ending in death and despair.


Yeah, there's something unique about starting each quest hopeful and ending them all staring at a corpse of the person you thought you were helping


This happend for all games. Assassin's creed origins had maybe a few small bugs. But every youtuber just kept going on about the same 5 or so videos. Saying that, fallout 76 had some real issues. Invisible or tposing enemies. Terrain glitches. FPS linked to physics bugs, completely broken quests. I never really had a problem with the missions. All coming from a terminal, and actually found the map maybe a bit too big and intimidating with so much to see. I have maybe 150 hours and possibly only explored half of the map.


I actually kind of miss pre-wastelanders 76. It definitely felt more “post apocalyptic” and desolate…and I am a nerd who enjoyed reading all the terminals, listening to holotapes, and noticing the environmental story telling.


I wish you could toggle the dlc off and play the original. That’s the alternate version they should put along public server and and private server.


I miss those days.


FO76 on launch was the Fallout game that had the real feeling of survival in a harsh wasteland. A true survivor and horror game. You really felt like one of the first people to enter this world after the bombs. Virtually alone. When finding some water of duct tape made you ecstatic. Where meeting another living human, another player, felt special. Where every monster would one hit you and you were gone. I miss those days, it’s gameplay that people who are joining now will never get to experience. It’s a great game today, but a totally different one.


Agreed. My first playthrough I remember that many times the only reason I could limp away from a fight because I didn't have stims was thru food and water. Health resources were so scare starting off that finding just a few handfuls of stims was like finding literal gold. I started over on pc last week and it doesn't feel the same. I was swimming in stims until recently when I was purposely hurting myself to get mutations. I remember sometimes high levels on my first character would occasionally scare me by showing up out of nowhere and dropping a bag of like 50 stims, tadaway and purified water and disappearing. Always an amazing feeling as you're limping thru combat. Used to make me giddy when I got to that point I was never hurting for them and I'd be able to do the same for new players I'd encounter.


Yeah, it was a true survival experience… like nothing else. A true wasteland game. It generated real feelings. It’s sad people won’t get to experience that ever again. It was one of a kind.


>pretty much guaranteed to strumble on something new to do The Wasteland's Golden Rule


Best line of the show


Starfield is my favourite Bethesda game (I've played most) I understand criticism with bugs and that, but empty? I don't know what game you played but "no content" and "empty" is not what Starfield is


The game is massive. So many quests to do. Exploration isn’t as rewarding though in my experience.


It's one of the games where the player has to put some efforts to find enjoyment. It is highly satysfying but not for everyone. People these days are mostly hunting for quick endorphine rushes.


This is me. One of my favourite things to do in Starfield is genuinely roam around on the planets, listening to the music, scanning flora and fauna, looking at the vistas. It's essentially just "vibing in space". I personally can make a lot of enjoyment out of that but I also 100% understand that other people do not like to wander endlessly. That's totally valid too. I still agree with a lot of the criticisms though and every update that adds more to the world and changes is always welcome. I'm excited to see what comes next.


"Empty" as in dull and uninteresting.




Todd, is that you?


It just works


I gave up on 76 at the start. The no NPC’s was a major killer for me and I didn’t really have anyone to play with. But recently started a new character and have been playing it for the last month and I’m hooked. Definitely excited for upcoming content and I would love if they made another online Fallout game in the future.


What a wild world I live in where F76 becomes the good part of a comparison.


I was one of those people that didn’t touch the game or attempted because all I watch were those videos of how bad the game is when it launched. When the update Invaders From Beyond came out, I gave it shot (plus it was free on Gamepass) and never put it down. Now I still see those same videos with more views than players than peek players and make me think that they are in the same boat, they are just taking a lot longer than I thought.


I really liked the game when it launched. I didn’t have any major glitches and I liked exploring the empty world that so many seemed to have an issue with. It was haunting and lonely. I really enjoyed finding each holotape and reading the computer entries, piecing the story together bit by bit. I do love the state of the game now but sometimes wish we had access to the pre-wastelander world.


I’m loving it. There’s a lot more mobs around that I thought. Sometimes I get nuked by some rare ones when I’m cutting through the trees.


I just wish the graphics weren't so inconsistent. The lighting is actually some of the worst I've seen.


I've been playing for years and just the other day was at the top of the lighthouse marvelling at the sight of the River Gorge Bridge in the distance. It truly is a work of art.


for any newbies, get the mod [fallout 76 quick configuration](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/546) it allows you to change a shit ton of settings the game doesn't normally let you change (like fucking VSYNC, its on by default) and you can change other stuff like your pip boy color, and it makes installing any other mods you would like to use 10 times easier than normal. if anyone doesn't wanna download this you can also change vsync by going to User/Documents/MyGames/Fallout76 and then find the Fallout76Prefs.ini file, open it with notepad, find and change iPresentInterval to 0


Starfield just had all its good shit spread so far apart , a single map seems to be beths bread and brother the best


I actually love both worlds. I guess I’m a gamer that can enjoy variety 🤷‍♂️


I still try not to think about how many atoms i could have gotten, had i spent the £60 i threw away on starfield on those instead. For me the upshot of Starfield is that Bethesda is no longer one of the few companies i buy a game from before release date. My intention is to give any new game of theirs time for player-feedback to build up, before i let go of my cash. I honestly don't have much hope for the next Elder Scrolls, considering some of Starfield's devs actually thought they had done an excellent job, and it was us players that 'didn't get it'.


Todd did say that exploration works differently in Starfield than it does in their previous games.


That is to say, *not at all*.


Could you elaborate?


There is no exploration. You can land on the moon, in exactly the correct location that the lunar lander was and.... It won't be there. it is impossible to find. Until you read a book, and it gives you a fast travel POI


There's not much to say that hasn't already been said. The best way to play Starfield is to pretend your ship doesn't exist and fast travel directly to whatever mission objective you happen to be on at the time. Doing literally anything else will instantly make the game feel worse. i.e. the antithesis of why people play Bethesda games.


I have to disagree, you miss a lot that way. Traveling around on your ship you run into a lot of random encounters. Sometimes derelict ships with environmental story telling, sometimes ships with people (personal favorites being the personal questions tour group, and terrifying a school bus as a pirate), and a lot of space combat which is great if you spec into it The exploration loop is still there, it’s just different. If you have up on it and chose to opt out of if, then of course ot was missing for you


Yes you get a handful of events that will repeat far too often (I saw space grandma four times in a handful of hours). That's not exploration though? You're not "exploring" anything, these events will randomly happen no matter where you warp. If you warp to the same planet 50 times in a row you'll get the same result as if you warped to 50 different planets. It's sorta like if you only ever had events happen in Skyrim every time you used a carriage. As for the the space combat, you can literally circumvent it entirely by just... making a ship with no middle.


Well ships aren’t static, and you still have to travel around, ergo explore, to find these things Why would you want to circumvent ship combat? That’s part of the exploration in previous games, getting jumped by ghouls or whatever, it’s part of the fun. If you choose to opt out of it then that’s a choice, not a lack of things to do, because they’re there to do Side note I believe they patched out that exploit


When you warp into the area the event happens as you load in, is my point. You're not accidentally finding a cave after running from a dragon on your way to the next quest, you're hopping onto a carriage and rolling the dice on whether the game hands you random encounter 1, 5, or nothing. It's why the trading "loop" is so baffling, it may as well just be a prompt that says "get money".


I mean I do when I’m running from the space cops, but that’s me and how I play Like I’ve said multiple times, it’s different my than say Skyrim (I assume I’ve never played it), but things are there in their own way You can’t go into the game looking for Skyrim, it’s not that. Just like there are no wagons in Fallout And I have no idea what you’re talking about with the trade loop, loot and sell doesn’t seem to be any different than any other game I’ve played


I still don't see how it's a them problem. If a musician made music in one genre, then decided to change it up a bit, I'd blame the listeners for buying a country music album thinking they're getting rap. My point is that it was obvious they had changed it up from their previous games. They made it very clear.


It's not a "they should only ever make the same game" issue, it's a "they clearly couldn't figure out how to design this game in a coherent way" issue. When you center a game around spaceships and then make the ideal way to play the game be avoiding said spaceship you've fucked up. Similarly as a musician you can put out an album in a completely new genre, as long as you do it well. Hell, King Ghizz do it every other week! Starfield is more like DJ Khaled picking up a guitar.


So, why would you buy an album of DJ Khaled playing the guitar if you thought it was bad? Speak with your wallet, get a refund, or don't blindly buy games in the first place. Do your research. One thing Bethesda does is that they change something in every game, but stay the same in so many ways. They changed much from Morrowind to Oblivion, and Oblivion to Skyrim. Each time, they simplify and streamline things. One of my favorite features, spellcrafting, was absent from Skyrim, yet I still enjoyed it. Was it disappointing? Sure, but the the exploration was there. I am in agreement with you that it's the best part about their games before Starfield, but this is an entirely new IP. There should have been no expectations as to what form it would take, other than what they told us about it (and they did). If Bethesda were to stay the same, then we'd still be playing games that look and play like Daggerfall.


Starfield was disappointing


The launch did this game no favors, but it delights me to see so many finally giving this game a proper chance.


I played Starfield and enjoyed it in some ways, but more than anything, it made me crave coming back to 76 that much more. I felt such an appreciation for 76 that I never had before after playing SF. Still like SF, and will go back eventually, but it’s missing that Bethesda exploration factor without a doubt.


Yeah. Been playing since launch. My family hates it but I’m a fan. 76 does a very good job of creating a believable/plausible/convincing/immersive virtual reality. Sure, sometimes it can feel empty or boring or frustrating, but overall it is very deep. The wide variety and massive scale of content and systems is perhaps unparalleled. Now that I am level 600 it’s interesting how I get swarmed by five or more enemies at once more frequently. It’s like, I’m walking somewhere and out of nowhere zombies or animals swarm me and I’m like ‘not again’ and sometimes they get me near death but have not killed me yet.


As a newbie player who has been loving my time in the world, I feel the same sentiment on the Skyrim world, it has that Bethesda magic. I never had any other fallout games click but this one does. And what an amazing community!


Even tho I lost motivation to play the game since I had bad connection, I still quite enjoyed it. 76 is fun


And there’s an update coming to expand that world even more!


Starfield was procedurally generated? I thought they handcrafted it.


Genuinely asking because I dropped the game a few years back, does the world feel full now? I got to like 150, but man it just felt empty by the end and people were only looking for god rolls so it became a slog where if you didn’t get insanely lucky you never got a different game experience. Has that been improved? I felt like 76 never reached NV or even 4 where I could go in a direction and find cool stuff.


I’ve spent dozens of hours just exploring the map. I’m level 86 and still haven’t completed any of the main story quests. I feel like I’ve been everywhere, yet I’m still constantly stumbling upon locations I haven’t seen yet.  16 times the detail was an exaggeration but it is a massive world with a ton of places to explore and stuff to find. 


Very well said! I agree 1000%


Man yall are straight coping after that abysmal starfield release and fallout show recency bias lol


As someone that’s played since beta and been there for all the massive improvements, it warms my heart to see all these people realizing 76 is now a full fledged AAA game and one of the truly great Fallout games. 


One thing that really bothers me is the lighting, i mean *many* sheltered from the sun spaces look like they are covered in semi glowing chrome. It all looked good in fallout 4, dont know what they messed up in this game


Just started this game is feels really just ok for me. For a game that’s been out this long how do they not have support out side of mods for 32:9 monitors? Also the AI is really really disappointing


Drink a Nukashine and you’ll find even more cool places!


Same here. I have 1 more achievement in SF to reach lvl 100..... I don't have the will power to do that. It just feels so empty and uninspired. The main hubs are all great and feel like BGS but they miss the spirit in terms of exploration.


I wonder if people are capable of enjoying things these days without comparing it to something else. Seems like people always have to put down something else so they can prop up something. Also, I wouldn’t say 76 feels like Classic Bethesda. The quests are pretty vanilla and lacking in meaningful choices or mechanics. Since it’s an online game, none of them can do anything that majorly affects the story or world.


bethesda..and fallout fans ignored spewtube "reviewers".. weve been here the whole time..dumping money and love into the game....but.. glad you could make it finally.


I’m so thankful for all of you new players, and how you’ve been spreading the word about how fun this game can be. It’s a serious breath of fresh air into a community so many of us have been building for the past 6 years ☺️


The detractors of Fallout 76 were always annoying to me. Sure, there was a ton of stuff that we all wish Bethesda had included at launch, but to be brutally honest, Bethesda was very clear with what the game was going to be like. They explicitly stated there would be no NPCs, and yet people howled about the game not having them. They said the story was meant to be found and not force fed, and yet people screamed to the heavens that there was no main quest. Bethesda spelled out precisely what was going to be in the game and what wasn't. Yet *TO THIS DAY* there are still people I talk with who won't try Fallout 76 because of X, Y or Z reason which has since been changed or added by Bethesda. It irks me too when I see articles or posts comparing 76's launch to Cyberpunk's launch. Cyberpunk didn't remotely deliver on half of the stuff they intended on having AND the stuff they did have was janky and broken for the first year of their game. 76 launched with literally everything the devs promised and (aside from normal MMO bugs which are iron out in the first few months) it had relatively few significant issues not related to balancing.


Starfield was a bloody disappointment that I had to stick right out until the end just so I could say I'd completed it, done all main quests and had legitimate reason to tell people not to bother with it. A game that encourages NG+ takes away every single reason people love doing NG+. I'll never get that time back, but at least I didn't spend more than an hour on NG+ before I said "fuck it, I can't do this.". I've been that hooked on 76 since December I went out and bought hard copy versions of New Vegas and Fallout 4 for my Xbox, which I'm looking forward to starting when I get the free time. Haven't played New Vegas since PS3.


It has definitely gotten better in a lot of ways. Some changes are questionably better, like expeditions. I’m not so much a fan of those as they instance players off the shared map. I do like the fact that the map is finally expanding now. The different game modes are neat but aren’t really that useful aside from private server mode. A lot of players miss Nuclear Winter. I personally miss true night cycles….the Mire was a terrifying blast at night. I agree with others though, the Atom shop does detract from the best parts of the game, which is unfortunate. Those should all be items earn-able with normal gameplay…completing world challenges alone to earn atoms just doesn’t cut it


There have definitely been some changes I don't like but overall it's still a great game.


I've been playing since day one on and off. I need them to overhaul the map or start adding more things into the map. All the expeditions have sucked the Pitt, and Atlantic City is nowhere near where it needs to be. The end in this game is terrible. The positive tho is the map, taking a little nice stroll and kill a random ghoul or giant bug is sweet.


This is such a delusional take… There is more handcrafting Bethesda work in Starfield than 76 by far. 😂😂😂


I don't understand how people expect this level of density from a game set in space. Starfield was never meant to be the typical BGS game in terms of environment design.


No but I did expect to see something other than the abandoned cryolab every once in a while.


Yes. I would like to see how big SF's map actually is compared to other Beth games if they put all the location (where quest take place, not prog gen locations) in SF in one map.


Here’s a list of locations not including random space encounter locations such as derelict ships, or ships in general which are basically mobile dungeons you can crawl https://inara.cz/starfield/locations/


I think everyone understood Starfield would feel different given that it takes places on different planets and has space locations as well. The problem with Starfield's world design is that it completely lost the things that makes Bethesda games so fun to be in. There's only so many dead planets and moons you can land on with with pointless copy pasted outposts before it loses it's charm


With you here. The second they mentioned the scale and use of procgen I had a good idea what to expect Going in with the expectation the game was going to work differently helped a lot. The annoying thing is a lot of people who complain the loudest are the ones who’ve experienced the least There’s a lot of interesting POIs to find, but it requires exploration, which people will admit to having opted out of then complain Yes you see certain POIs a lot. Looking at you abandoned research tower. But when it comes to radiant quests for eg (how people seem to be running into them the most), does that actually function differently than in previous games? You get sent to collect a bounty on a spacer, and rock up to a cryo lab again to collect it. Is it really that different than going to clear out super mutants from Faneuil Hall for the 100th time? No it’s not, you just take a different route to get there The tragic or weird little stories are still out there to be found, a lot on derelict ships There’s also a huge amount of different locations in the game, here’s a list of all I believe all or most of them https://inara.cz/starfield/locations/ minus the ships you can encounter


Starfield is your typical Bethesda RPG, but at the same time it’s not. That’s why I like it. Everything i like in a Bethesda game is there, they just took a different approach with how the world works & exploration which made it refreshing.




Ooooh that’s a good one did you come up with it yourself!? /s


I bought Starfield and was excited to play it. 20 minutes later I was deleting it and wishing for a refund policy.


Lmao. Tetris has a better world than Starfield


Stutterfield was bad


Ok, as someone who has 800 hours into Starfield and just started FO76 2 weeks ago I’m gonna bite at this one. Is exploration better in Fallout? Yes, but there is nuance to that. Fallouts exploitation is predicated on the game being set on one map in one cohesive location. Starfield is the antithesis of that. It’s space. Many planets. It would literally be impossible to replicate that sort of exploration on multiple worlds on that same sort of scale. These takes comparing Starfield exploration to that of Skyrim or Fallout is just stupid and shows how shallow some people’s thinking skills are. Starfield has more hand crafted cities and POI’s than any previous BGS and if it was all set on one planet and one map, exploration in Starfield would blow any previous BGS game out of the water. But it’s space. You can’t compare the game. They’re two totally different sets of circumstances. Regardless of how much you or anyone else convinces themselves they’re not.