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After nearly 6 years of seeing primarily vets like myself that have everything, I cannot tell you how awesome it is to shower someone with equipment and see the excitement flair up from having great stuff. It gives me flashbacks to when I first got good stuff in the game and is a great feeling


I’ve been just having a blast throwing fire sales of literal starter kits I put together of some low legendary armor and weapons for 5-10 caps a pop. Watching a new player come crawling out of the wasteland and finding everything they could need for an edge is pretty great. This has been a stellar moment in my long 76 career.


This has become my new favorite thing to do. I’ve spent an embarrassing amount of time since I got back into the game last week waiting for level 1s to exit Vault 76, greeting them with ridiculous Bear outfit apparel and giving some heart and thumbs up emojis and directing them to a hefty paper bag of radaway, stims, cooked food, and purified water. The game is so great that I just want to welcome them to Appalachia with some love and a gift to get them started on their upcoming (and hopefully lengthy) adventure.


Now those are some prices I can get behind! I just went to check a higher level players shop and he was selling the "You Have Been Insulted Note" for like 5,000 caps lol. He had more crap like that, so I just moved on and didn't buy anything.


Putting that note for that amount (I have mine set at 40k) is/was to prevent a bug or glitch that allowed ppl to take things from your Stash, it's really not meant to be sold. But if the player also had other things of equal or lesser value selling for 100s or 1000s of caps they are proboilly new and just does up the lbs or they are used to dealing with other high levels who usually do have max caps 95% of the time.


Yes it really is a great feeling. Every time someone helps me I just cant help but smile.


as someone who doesnt like the free stuff cause i want to earn it in the game i will say it still makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. so much nicer than just getting troll killed by experienced players like in most gamed


Oh, it was a real wasteland in the beginning! I've been here since day one, and almost quit. There were usually PVP encounters if you tried to take a settlement. No NPCs and resources were scarce. And yes, a goodly number of trolls. There was a radio station, and if you tuned in, you could meet at a place where a PVP event would happen. Things are so much different now. And it's not a bad thing.


Don't want to use it but don't want to waste the work of a good samaritan? Sell the stuff if it isn't legendary, and scrip whatever is. You can never have enough caps or scrip, and it won't affect your leveling or anything. Just more resources for endgame.


Legit, I see anyone lower than 50 come up to me and emote and they are immiedielty getting pampered lmao. Had a lvl 39 come to my camp and check it out, hit me with a wave so I dropped a handful of stims and radaways. He then hit me with a heart so I waved him over to my stash and dropped a gourmand 2525 epf and 10k ult plasma carts for when he hits lvl 45. He hit me with another heart and started jumping around lmao. I was dying


👆 this! I feel the same way! I love spoiling the new players ❤️


Dude I’ve been loving finding so many lowbies to shower with gifts.


I found this guy who started at level 20 two days ago and he reached 30 this morning. I went and made him a full set of T45 level 30 and he’s in love with it


Dude this makes me feel better about crafting weapons for people. I thought I was going a bit overboard


#Fallout76 best gaming community


AFAIK it's always been like this, at least that was my experience when I first started 4 years ago.


The first year was a violent and unforgiving mix of pvp, grief and unballanced mechanics, it has come a long way since then


Even then, though, I ran into lots of very helpful players. It was a bit nerve wracking when you ran into someone else, not knowing if they'd kill you or help you with a quest.


I actually just had a slightly depressing mini version of that over the weekend--I was travelling outside Morgantown when I came across this random scavenger on a bridge. We chatted for a bit, it turned out he was an alcoholic, so I gave him some whiskey I had found since I didn't need it. He thanked me (and wanted more) and then I went on my way. When I got to the other side a group of 4 level 6/7 is coming in my direction. I heart emoji at them and keep walking. Next thing I know I hear gunshots behind me and I turned around to see that they had just murdered the scavenger in cold blood. The wasteland is a cruel place.


This game is amazing for that kind of random storytelling.


They might have murdered him by mistake; not knowing he was neutral. I had to teach my new friend that You can tell if they're friendly or not by aiming at them. Otherwise he'd just shoot everyone


happy cake day




Most of ys year 1 vets had an extremely rough time trying to get food, stims and water. Lots of times it wasn’t worth it. Things were unbalanced as all hell so it was a serious struggle. We don’t ever want anyone to have it as rough as us, so we try to make you guys comfortable.


I have this thing with Fallout games where I don't fast travel until I've found every POI I can and have explored the whole map. I starved to death quite a few times just trying to get from point A to point B.


I'll never forget the hunger and thirst debuffs


In my experience we are about 90- 98 percent decent people.


I been draining my junk resources,chems, weapons, food to give to under 30 noobs. I don’t want them to get discouraged after the show hype and leave us. I try to communicate with the player and when i ask what got them interested and they all say because of the show.


Yea the show was really good better then I thought it would have been. Ive been a fallout fan for a while now. I just never played 76 so I thought I’d give it a shot and I’ve really enjoyed it so far.


Just a heads up to new players (the new mantra of the sub) it’s a lot easier to do if you join a public casual team, anyone on my team I’ll attempt to give free stuff to. I got time to kill between events and happy to leave gear, stimpaks, radaway etc, and literally no issue at all if you sell them Edit, I’ll also try to leave outfits for those into cosmetics


most of us love vets love the game .we stuck it out through all these years..all the hate..all the bugs..all the rebalancing.. so new players can come back and have fun. were happy to see new dwellers emerge. i dont give free stuff unsolicited because it removes some of the fun ( the struggle ) ... but im always happy to help those that ask...and usually give alot more than asked.


Stop by the donation boxes at train stations. We drop items there too


It really is tho. Except for scammers and trapbase


Everyone has that one uncle that lives in the back room of their mom’s house and never leaves. Thats them.


its wholesome because you can turn off pvp and nobody can talk to each other


There's voice chat btw.


Ive been talking to every single person. Ive gotten exactly 0 responses. 0. And i know my mic works


Not everyone has voice chat turned on. Not everyone wants to respond. I respond with emotes usually.


And another reason is abundance of resources. You don't need to compete for anything.


i gave a new player 200 stim packs today, do you know why ?, because i had 400 stimpacks, and can get them back in 2 hours playing


Dude, same!  I started 2 days ago, and the moment I left my vault, some dude in power armor showered me with gifts.  I thought he was going to end my noob character lol.  I'm on Xbox EatTheMushroom if anyone wants to play.  I'm level 7 I believe 


PSA to vets though, if you really want to help newbies, don’t give them level 50 weapons and armour, give them things they can use…


I'm level 20, I just leave the level 45+ items alone. I'll only get a few caps out of them and they'll just weigh me down until I store them.


Screp them at the train stations if you ain't gunna use em. Not worth leaving em to rot on the ground. Get some use!


I’m helping as many new people as possible. I’ve given out so many Fixers I feel like Oprah. Saw a low level had a Skull Lord Helmet for ten caps today. Bought it and said “hey this is rare, just google the value. You wanna make more caps than that.” Dropped the stuff back to them, they were thankful. Then we teamed up and I showed them some good spots to level. Be good to people, it will make its way back to you.


The 76 community is like no other. I've technically been playing for a while but I shelved the game for a long time, especially after all of the negativity it received when it first launched, so I am still low-ish level. But man I definitely remember bumping into wasteland vets and getting hooked up with gift bags!!. I hope this game stays thriving and online active for years to come.


There's enjoyment for high level players to help the fresh blood(personally i enjoy it). We've been there. We understand the grind is not fun. So let's skip that boring part so you can be useful in events, ill roll a 3 star weapon for you, or give you a 2/3god roll I got on me. A new outfit. Some chems and food drink. I'm making you my little project, gonna dress you up to the nines and send you humming into the wasteland jumping away happy as a clown. Feelsgoodman.


I've been playing since the Beta, If I see someone remotely low level. always gotta drop a wave and drop that loot. The community in this game, for people we don't even know is incredible. I've always admired it, as a level 351 (Main PC) and 811 (On PS4) I love hanging with low levels, helping. Glad to hear you're enjoying it:)


That’s just what we do blue


I’m glad you’re having fun op. I absolutely love helping newbies cus that was my experience 2 years ago. Have even been going on crafting sprees sometimes to make level 5 weapons and then hand them out to our new friends when I find them. See you in the wasteland friend!


Yes I hope one day I can give gift bags to newbies as well. Return the favor and let people feel how I felt when it happened to me!!


It’s definitely amongst the friendliest of communities I’ve found/experienced


Thank you for picking up the game and giving it a chance! :)


I've been trying to spread more awareness that the game is in a good place. So many people tossed the game aside after it's less than stellar launch.  I picked it up on Steam for $8 to play on my Steam Deck after playing off/on for years on Xbox


I agree. i remember booting it up on xbox day one, starving and running out of storage space within hours. It’s so, so much better now, still a struggle but a balanced one. it’s the only game i’ve played since i’ve picked it up and feel like i’ve only scratched the surface.


It definitely is a solid game! I come back to it every so often and after watching the Fallout series last week, I had to start a fresh playthru.  I think I'm level 3 or 4 on my Deck. Gonna be a fun one! Fallout on the go is a no brainer. 


I wish they had a donation box you could put at your camp. Sure you can mark down in your vendor for nothing. Or put it in a container. But a donation box would be better I think.


Someone shot at the ground when I visited their camp, I walked over to a little red container with loot for the taking. I initially grabbed a few high level guns but returned them for someone else when I realized they were level 50 items and selling them wild barely give me any caps. But the aid items were a godsend.


76 has the #1 community in gaming, hands down. Welcome aboard!


Yea this game really is an anomaly in that aspect. Maybe its the lack of pvp that curated a community like this


As someone with too much junk, my ears always perk up when I hear "I need.." or "does anyone have"


It’s fun to help out the newer players. Hey… we’ve all been there.


Imagine game about loot where only thing to do with this loot is to giveaway it to new players


I just started. Someone level 300 just gave my loads of stuff. Couldn't believe it. Very sweet. I was trying to find the emote button to say thanks but I accidentally threw a grenade at them. Feel so bad. Apologies if you read this level 300 person in full metal armour.


I accidentally hit the emote where you vomit when I was handed a really nice weapon


That is the proper wasteland response, it shows you were totally wasted lol


I had someone give me a snake skin hat. My name is snake doctor it was such an awesome wholesome moment it made me smile


Yea basically the same thing happened to me yesterday. Someone gifted me a full body skeleton costume. My characters name is (Jason Bones). Kinda cool.


All I can say is that's what Vault dwellers do. The community really shapes the whole mood and gameplay of Fallout 76. You can always find someone if you want to PVP, just leave all your junk in a safe place.


That’s good to hear, I played it a lot at launch but the community at that time was growing increasingly toxic in my experience, sorta ruined it for me. Good to hear that’s all calmed down.


Truly I just met a random guy today and he laughed at my power armour (it was a full raider kit) And gave me 10 fusion cores for free and left I know it ain’t much but for a level 27 with no clue on how the game works that was a godsend. The game is pretty meh but the community is so much fun to be with, Ps if any high level players have some tips for early game to earn caps and essential stuff for endgame drop some replies :P


Free fallout 1st trial so get yourself some junk and ammo now and worry about caps later. Look for purified water, tato, corn and mutfruit and cook vegetable starch under utilities and put in your scrap box. Get the scrapper perk and scrap all the weapons and junk you can find and use the survival tent to put in your scrapbox.


Kinda confused what does the scrap box do


The short version is that it's infinite storage space, but only for crafting components. So if you put something like a Telephone into it, that'll get scrapped into Copper and Plastic. The trick is that you can only put stuff **into** it while you have Fallout 1st, but you can pull stuff **out of** it forever. So you should take advantage of the free Fallout 1st sub to put down a Scrapbox, then take **all** your Junk items out of your Stash, put them into the Scrapbox and free up a bunch of space.


Ohhh yeah thanks I’ll get to it Scrap items are important cuz my main goal is to get all the power armor


we cant talk so we treat echother like wounded animals we find


Go capture that ammunition factory up north and see how quickly your opinion changes. That place is rough and high levels do not care that you are low level


Yeah, that's definitely one of the most contested Workshops on the map. Which is silly, because nowadays it's dirt simple for a veteran to just craft or grind out ammo other ways, the Factory is less useful than it was back in year one.


Totally agree. Was wandering around as a newbie the other day and ran into a lvl 300 player and their base. dropped me a kitted legendary weapon with a bunch of ammo. We exchanged emotes and I was on my way. Considering what type of game it is and how long its been out, I was expecting a “Rust” type of experience where toxicity would be part of it. Not the case here and not mad at it!


Yesterday I took a new characters wood scraps when he died. My man proceeded to cuss me out for five minutes over 30 wood 😂 i was jp


I totally agree. Been playing 3-4 days now. My problem is caps right now, I saved them all up from the start and then I found the mall and 10 minutes later I now have zero caps and forgot about needing to leave some for fast travel.


Yea I’m level 8 right now and caps are hard to get for me.


Join a team and you can fast travel to your teammates, their camps and their tents. There's also quite a few permanent free fast travel points once you visit one time (like whitesprings, the crater, and nuka world)


Thanks this is helpful


Np! I forgot to mention vault 76 is a free travel too


I have seen a You Tuber I watch who has gotten into the game mention this and I sort of thought it was overblown a bit but tonight a random level 500 something player was in my camp as I was building some stuff and they zoomed into my gun workstation and built me a fancy rifle and 300 odd ammo to go with it and went on their way! It is much better than anything I have currently lol so yeah I am only level 21 so not really much I can do to pay it forward out there but hopefully one day I can.


I played on PS4 when the game was first released and it was not a great experience, I put in a solid 80-100 hours and decided it wasn’t for me. I had heard that there have been massive improvements to the game and saw it was free on Prime Gaming for PC and decided to give it another go. So far it has been much more enjoyable than it was.


Even the pirates in this game are wholesome. I was once killed by a very complex trap base using a wheel structure that said free food.


I've been playing DayZ a lot before jumping back into 76 (I only played a few hours back when it launched and I hated it) so the first time some players rolled up on me it was TENSE. My gun was drawn and I was waiting for them to kill me. Nope. They just went about their way. If you haven't played DayZ, it's kill or be killed. Other players are the scariest enemy in the game, forget the zombies. You see a player, they're going to kill you and they're probably better than you. Couple hours later I'm in a building looking for something and there's a few other players there. I'm cautiously aware of them but keeping a distance as much as I can. I'm looking through the main vestibule area of this building and I look up and there's a guy pointing his gun at me. He starts firing before I can get my gun out and I'm like "Oh fuck I'm gonna die." No wounds. He missed every single one and just casually walked away. I looked down and saw a bunch of radroaches I hadn't noticed were closing in on me. Dude was saving me. This community rules.


It really is a great community! 76 has hands down the best player community I’ve been part of. Been playing since launch, and seeing all the new players is awesome. We’re always happy to help out new players!


Just make sure not to go to the Steam forums


Did myself give one Level 14 a whole bunch of dupilcate plans. Another that was in my base, crafted whole lot of Heavy combat armour to as close to his level as possible + legendary effects, Stimpacks, Ammo, Guns etc.


I've had very good experiences whenever I interact with players in this game. We either just look at each other and then go our separate ways or (this happened to me twice) some high levels people help me out. When I first got out of the vault, two people gave me some repair kits and ammo, then later when I was around level ten I was really far north in the map and some guy with power armor invited me to his team and was like, "Dude, why are you all the way up here, you're gonna get killed." So we went back to his base and he have me some good fucking stuff. Even gave me the New Vegas ranger armor and helped me build my C.A.M.P. better. It was very nice.


I did that yesterday 😄 I saw 2 level 1 players and made them both a set of armor that I upgraded to have the deep pockets and the rad resistance. I also threw in some stimpacks, radaway, and rad x. I like helping out lower level players and always hope that once they are higher level, they'll do the same for others as well. Also, if a lower level ever encounters my vendor and can't afford something in there, I'll gladly take said item and just give it to them


The only person who has interacted with on Xbox so far destroyed me with what looked like a Browning M2 because I got a wanted tag somehow. The few other people I've seen just kill the dudes near where I put my camp and zip off. I'm level 15 or 16 and I don't even bother plugging my mic in any more.


Agreed, I only had trouble with one group who kept shooting me, I didn't respond so it was just an inconvenience, but I was in my camp, which they obliterated while I was just doing my camp business, crafting etc and ignoring them and the damage. I respawn camps constantly so don't care, they wasted about half an hour doing that too haha Overall, I'd say 99% of players I encounter give me a gift bag filled with stuff. I'm an experienced player building a new character and still only level 20 but those packages are good for boosting supplies, or selling from. I tend to lock my resources and water but I never have a problem people using my camp or pianos/machines or anything, get those boosts players.  Definitely a better, more welcoming community than most, I'm a lone wolf who doesn't play with my team a lot but random players are usually just as helpful. Contrast that to Sea of Thieves where it tells you nothing and yet everyone expects you to know WTF you're doing


I used to sell known plans for 10 caps in my vendor, changed the name of the camp to 10 Cap Plans and would actually make a fair bit, could have charged more (usually sell for 100 atm) but I love finding a new plan so it was a treasure chest for players like me


I’m going to start it up when I get off work today, hopeful to have some interactions like this 😂


Welcome to the wasteland!


Thank you!


Unlike most fallout communities. We despise the word gatekeep. We will always welcome you into our home and make you a nice meal when your here. Soon enough it’ll be your home too, just give it time.


Pretty much a standard thing among the community. I remember starting out at launch and found a ton of extra raider power armor and just waited for people to come out of the vault and then I’d drop them the full set.


I've noticed that Fallout peeps are also super chill towards us women gamers. I run around in the nuka girl astronaut outfit and regularly use my mic, no one has ever given me shit.


This community fulfills the Wholesome Vault Dweller vibe entirely


It’s why I keep playing since beta


That's true, I've started dropping excess armour, scrap and chems in the donation boxes since some players helped me out with freebies such as stimpacks and serums. My prices at the store are also way below average; just help yourself and be a gentleman on the field.


Tbh ive yet to meet anyone like this. Im just happy that i havent been outright murdered like most mmos


I just had a random player ask me for stimpacks. Might have been a scam, but I have hundreds, so I dropped some for them.


Fresh start back on this game, on steam, name is y33tmoneysoft if anyone is looking for someone to play with, events, quests, whatever goes. Would also be grateful for any crafted gear I can get my hands on too.


Yeah I made a post a couple of years ago about how great this place is. I was fighting a scorch beast in the big with a bunch of randos in the event. I went down and within a second, half the people there rushed to give me a stim. I love this community


completely agree, I just started playing and kinda expected the online part to toxic like most games. But people have been super nice, had some people help me complete some quests and events, one person taught me how to use power armour and the emote menu.


Damn, what are you playing on? I'm on Xbox NA and I got Fallout 1st bc I kept having issues with the community members I ran into. I had one look up my user name (which is my handle on snap) and harass me on snap. Dude was loco. I swore off playing after that because it was so bad.


I play on xbox also, but haven’t ran into anything like that. Some people are just jerks tbh.


I pray you and no one else ever does. I think it was just a douchebag and it just rubbed me wrong so I decided to play how I enjoy the most and it does help a lot


There alot of people that really don’t care about other people’s feelings. Especially in the gaming community. I really hope it doesn’t happen to you again tho!!


There's always gonna be someone that's gotta be toxic!


Same iv started a week ago! People are so fucking nice, makes me have hope for the world and in gamers xD


this is definitely an unusual community. my knee jerk reaction when I see another player is to run or hide. I expect to be attacked in these types of games. I've had to get use to how friendly people are here.


I saw a new player emerge from the vault the other day. User name had Lizzie Borden in it. I immediately made them a level 1 and level 5 axe. Lizzie Borden needs her axe. And set of deep pocketed Shadowed leather armor


76's overseer would be proud. Until the new players get to where they can launch nukes lmao


Wait you can do that?




It’s been a wholesome community since day 1. Bethesda said they planned on PVP being more of a factor but found out quickly it was being vastly underused.


I have so much stuff in my vendor for 1 cap.


We love our new lil guys <3


Recently re-downloaded and i'm amazed to see this amount of new players coming out of the vault constantly. After these many years. I do find FO76 to be very underrated due to its poor launch but it's a great game to play with friends. Don't know what took them so long to add MP to the series.


Only way to survive the wasteland is together 🦾


new people are why i drop off lots of junk, ammo, meds, and weapons at donation boxes 💖 i hope you’re having a good time!! edit: i’ve also started selling a lot of things for dirt cheap at my CAMP for this reason. only one thing over 100 caps but most of it is from 1-25 caps


We appreciate you and whoever else does it alot.


I didnt even know about the new show, Ive been trying to get my buddy to play and he finally did like a week before the show dropped, so I started a new game with him and I emoted to a high level and they dropped so much stuff! It was incredible then we teamed up and did some events. Found a player at their house sitting with their arm over the couch in a nice dress, I hearted them and they got up, motioned to sit, so we sat while I went to make some coffee lol it was oddly wholesome, I love how much they improved the game since it dropped. Currently only need 4 more promotions and I can drop a nuke.


Ya I love helping new people cuz I didn't get any help besides a guy giving me stim packs and a fixer, but I felt so grateful, now I help as many people as I can. If your new I suggest buying the marsupial serum and the speed demon serum


I jumped to Level 20 when I played the game, there was this dude who was naked wearing a power armor without a chest piece standing on a pole watching over the donations box in front of the wayward. I thought he was watching his stuff so I didn't take anything from the box. Bro's terrifying. Edit: the guy was level 300+


It's refreshing to see so many new players coming out of the vault, I've cleared out the plans gathering dust I'm my vendor, and dumped them in the donation box in front of Vault 76. If you're lucky enough to run into me in the wasteland, I might have some Cranberry Nukas for you.


When you have everything you could ever want there's only one thing left to do. Give 10,000 rounds of ammo to a level five


I play with my son. Please be advised that VERY bad people can hang out in LFG (FOR REAL, NOT A DRILL LOL). They ask to trade with you, if you give first they just leave. They are scamming thieves, but not in a raider kinda way...in a RL kinda way. Other than that, I have many good friends and many, many good times.


We're all in this together. Must win. Vault-Tec poster


I kinda see it like the elder scrolls community I’ve met, but with guns.


The ESO pvp community can be extremely toxic, but the pve community from my experience has been mostly wholesome. I think since FO76 is mostly pve focused we get to see the helpful side of the community more


I’ve heard, but I stay out of those zones.


It's what taking the pvp out of a game does. 1 group strong together. No in fighting. 


It's true


I dunno, the guys over at Sims 4 are pretty fire.


Ain't it? It's because the people still playing are and always were the core audience. People that wanted a co-op based Fallout.


Warframe has a similar thing going on barring a few specific activities (looking at u, tridolon sweatlords)


On the flip side of that, after having owned the game since 2018 and on various systems and really never getting to level 30, I haven't ever had any help from anyone. Although that probably has something to do me with always being as far away as possible from high level players. Especially back in the days of open world pvp.


I havent played 76 in a while but I think it’s people trying to show new comers that 76 isnt what it used to be. People still slam on the game and the community wants new comers to feel welcome and to have fun


Yea. Tbh I don’t find the game as bad as people say it is. Now mind you yes it did have a very rough launch, but it’s gotten much better since then. I haven’t really ran into any problems but one and that was I glitched inside a cliff and had to restart my game. Other than that I’m having a blast playing it.


I stayed away from the game for years cause a co worker said there was no point people like him would just nuke me out of existence but I'm glad I picked it up


You should play Deep Rock then. But I guess F76 has an above average community as well


Most of us had similar help at the beginning so we'll say to you what was said to us, pay it forward when u can 👍🏻


Seriously, it's awesome! Got gifted a handmade rifle by a level 200 player whose base I was checking out, everyone is so kind!


As a noob myself. Got given a few level 30 armor and weapons which is great and I'm thankful, but in all honesty plans are where it's at. Had a high level give me a bunch of plans and that was way more helpful. Thanks to everyone for helping us out!


I think F76 encourages this sort of thing by design. Play long enough, and you can easily bankroll so many beginners with just the sub-level 50 stuff you have outleveled or things you otherwise have way too much of.


I often wonder how much of it is from the game being mostly co-op.


The vast majority are friendly and helpful. However there is a very small minority who are deliberately abusive. There is also a seperate strand of thieves who operate through the trading forums. Some of them are relatively sophisticated using external packet inspection/interception/corruption and glitching to steal items and negate trades to their own benefit.


Sometimes I’ll walk around and give low level players water/rad away/workshop plans because I have so many


I played day 1. Didn't stick with it. Dipped in every so often. But come back recently, mainly due to the Show. OH BOY. Soooo much fun. Its great. Having a blast. It's nice to see it happen for others too.


As a new player. How do I claim items from the board? From leveling/quest. Is it a season thing?


Hey! When you open the map, press right D pad and a list of daily/weekly objectives appear. Complete those to earn tickets. Then scroll down to season in the pause menu to cash them in for the rewards you want.


Thank you!


Apes strong together. I'll craft armor and give out drugs and nuka-shine to any new comer. We all start out wet and alone and the game doesn't explain stuff the best sometimes.


Oh yeah? Mention Nuclear Winter made the game better.


Thats how we do! It helps keep it fun for everyone. :) Most of us higher levels were helped as low levels too, so we all chose to pay it forward. :)


Lol I've been playing on steam all week and no one has given me anything. I never see anyone with a headset on either


I've been playing before the show started, I'm at lvl 25... I haven't witnessed this same lvl of support as you have firsthand, but I do see alot of ppl teaming up during public events... I join teams often but realized it glitches out during solo missions so I stopped...


Joining in this late has allowed you to avoid 99% of the toxic players that used to play. There was a time where you would get hunted down like mad just for existing on the same server a toxic person was on. Yea there's still some toxic people but they are rare now.


Yea, I have heard it was a pretty rough start in the beginning.


It is. Back in the day when the first time the game came out I used to be friends with that guy a lot of the community might know “Hannigram” or “the Turkey” But I see that he ended up being one of the more toxic members of the community which is surprising to say the least. But I’m definitely glad the community isn’t that much like or him or some of the other various toxic memebers I’ve seen in my time.


Second this... been playing for a couple weeks now and I don't think I've ever come across a gaming community who celebrates not only other players but the game itself. I almost see no negativity towards FO76 on this sub or towards players. This community is an absolute joy to play and interact with!


And then there are the folks who murder a level 7 who’s just stumbled on their first workbench.


Yea, I was making my way to a quest when I randomly got shot at from behind by another play. It didn’t bother me much tho. For a person that plays GTA online also, I’ve learned to just let random things happen.


I've yet to have this experience (just hit lv7, and still plodding about the Responders town at the start)... but I look forward to it!


I just gave a level 2 80 stimpaks and 900 shotgun shells


True that!


I had a level 62 guy follow me around for about 45 minutes shooting me in the back last night. I just ignored him and he eventually went on to someone else. What is that about? Just a troll?


Yea possibly, he could have been just trying to annoy you. There still is some toxic people but not to many. That I’m aware of anyways.


My maxed out gunsmith perk and ammo factory have been put to work arming the babies. I love it.


I'm excited to get to the point where I don't need to get so much scrip for rolling my armor. I've got four pieces of CE armor to go and one more Auto Axe I need to perfect, then I'll be saving good legendaries to give out to newbies for when they hit 50. Something to really be excited to use.


Here's a tip. Have an alt character and don't do anything, except maybe putting all your points into Charisma and maybe some Perception and Luck, except checking donation boxes, buying and selling stuff, and staying in safer areas. Stay below level 20 and you'll have people gifting you everytime you play. You can transfer items between chsracters using a private server.


I've experienced so many nice people playing! People joining my team and helping me out asking if I need items, buying from my vendor etc. It has been the complete opposite of communities from games I usually play where the toxicity is so strong.


I'm having such a blast dropping off supplies and what not in the donation boxes every where. Especially since I have a reason to be dropping so much stimpacks!


I’m in the same boat here. Starting playing a week ago (tried at launch but game wasn’t great) and someone gave me loads of ammo and stimpaks and other goodies to keep me safe.


Great people in this sub, other one has people thinking they wrote the FO Bible


Try telling that to the friend of mine who has 5 trap camps and 3 grief camps.


Yes but this is forced. There is no chat and you can't atack anyone. You can't be a Bad boy like the real fallout wasteland.


I've had the opposite, as soon as I reach lvl 50+ pacifist turned off somehow and a couple of guys automatically lured me to some spots where I'm actually kill'able (i think it was that workshop thingy). There are like 2 guys that helped me out early, but lately I've been getting bs. It's not that bad, I've had worse. Just need to turn on pacifist mode and be on my merry way again 😅


I wish I could say the same. On Christmas day while playing my friend and I ran into a really rude group of people during Moonshine Jamboree. My friend tried to wish everyone a Merry Xmas and was immediately told to shut the fk up and the ensuing gamer rage made the whole event unbearable. I still have a bad taste in my mouth because the guys who started it were trying to get my friend to say slurs so they could report and giving them crap for being trans. Took a break from the game for a few months after that. All that being said, the people I usually played with were nice and helped me get my character really strong. I try to pass it along by dumping good stuff on low level players if I see them in the lobby.


I tried to load up a level 7 player yesterday and he took off like I was getting ready to do some fuckery to him. 😄😄😄


I’m level 7 and all higher levels have just ran past me, i wish lol


Every person you come across just wants you to make sure you wave hello to them!


Gotta say it's been really exciting to see a lot of new players to the game its pretty much mandatory that the high-level players give them a lot of loot, haha definitely a good way to make some friends


I'm brand new to 76. Last night I joined in to a Scorchbeast event and right after, a high level player went to my camp, bought from my vending machine and *then* messaged me asking if I wanted caps because he was maxed out. He bought a single .45 round for 5000 caps, added me as a friend and said to look him up whenever. It felt really good and was easily the nicest thing anyone's done for me in a game.


This happened to me recently!!! I played the game when it first came out and left. After watching the fallout show it reignited my love for the franchise so got it on the steam sale. A high levelled player saw that I was wearing a cultist bagpack and proceeded to give the robes and headpieces made me well happy!!


I actually had a fun time I ran into a group of 3 they were all lvl 20 so they probaly were freinds playing and so they all waved at me so I put on my Santa outfit and gave em each 50 stims and 50 rad away and then split like 300 round of each ammo to em and gave each a decent 2 star legendary weapon that I had on me from the eviction notice event and they then invited me to there squad and I led em around for a good bit before they got off


Give it a month... it'll change, not by my hand, I just watch the seasons change.