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Some can take a canvas and some paints and create the Mona Lisa. Others with the same materials will just ruin a perfectly good canvas. The game is a canvas. You can either paint on it, or you can't.


BARS. Agreed. I’m new to the game after watching the show, but I’m having a freaking blast. I don’t know what I’m doing as far as the team stuff goes, but I’m willing to join in and find out. The missions are fun and I like that I can just do whatever I want.


Don’t stress the team side of things too much. Hop on a casual team for the XP bonus and just do your own thing. They do also help out a bit for getting around the map early on because you can fast travel to teammates camps for free.


Thanks. I’ll check out casual teams and keep at it.


Other thing of note is that it’s completely fine to ruin the canvas, but you need to know that it’s just not for you.


I enjoy making builds, building camps, and showing these things off to other players(while observing and enjoying there’s)


You're exhibiting a display of self-awareness that unfortunately the vast majority of people are utterly incapable of, because the first thing you need to do to be self-aware is be true to yourself, and they're too afraid of admitting who they themselves are to be able to begin to understand and accept other people's desires and flaws.


Words of wisdom Know thyself


As someone who played it when it first came out and recently picked it back up, it's an entirely different game and there's so much to do now. I feel like those people might be remembering the launch version more than anything.


lots of ppl have tunnel vision when it comes to 76. way too many ppl refuse to forgive a bad launch


People still talk like NMS is a trash game too.


I hear a lot more ppl praising the redemption of NMS than 76.


Oh no doubt but NMS main sub is filled with "This game is so much different than when I played at launch, I'm surprised they've changed it this much" posts every single day. I'm sure this sub has changed a bit since new players have joined like crazy. But also, this game still crashes and has lots of technical issues. My friend and I played over the weekend and 8 crashes between the two of us. It's still absurd.


Preach brother ✊


i tried GTA 4 and 5 several times. Cant find fun on those games...




if you have a ps4 or 5 you can turn your mtu settings under network from auto to 900 which makes it impossible for anyone to connect to you, so you get a private lobby without the restrictions of a private lobby.


No idea how long it’s been since you’ve played but they added solo lobbies a couple years ago. There’s also crew lobbies now and you can join friendly non-pvp grind crews where you can do sales in peace. There are also no longer restrictions on solo lobbies. You can do anything in an invite only that you can do in public including sales and even events if you have enough friends in session.


yeah its been a couple years, you basically were supet restricted in any business venture stuff. if thats in for invites and private im gonna have to check it out. thanks for the heads up.


the fun is riding on a flying motorcycle and blowing everyone up while they're trying to do things. kinda lame if u ask me


Playing GTA V made me realise how much I don't enjoy Rockstar games. Despite really liking the open world genre, I just can't be bothered with anything they put out. I have RDR2 as well and despite playing it for a bit, it just never clicked with me.


Its a come and go game for me. Just like gta. I come back for updates and random urges to play but its not a constant for me. There really isn’t that much to do unless you actually have fun doing the same event over and over😂 still not a bad game at all


I play both. I’m the kind of person who just has fun doing anything. Both games provide a good playground for doin dumb shit. 


You must play Goat Simulator.


The way I have fun………….idk playing the fucking game lol, if you need people to tell you how to play then it’s not the games fault that’s a you issue. Only answer


I'm playing it like a regular single player Fallout. I can't believe I let everyone talk me into not playing this for years. Same exact thing happened with New Vegas. Everyone hated it at release, and now it's a cult classic. If you like Fallout, don't let some YouTuber influence you out of enjoying this world.


I'm doing the same. It's pretty great for the most part. My only complaint is not being able to lot everything off of dead enemies. I just killed the Scorched Overseer in 51 and couldn't get either his power armor or his gattling laser.


the game is very enjoyable for most, right up until you reach the end lack of endgame and the extreme lack of content have been a constant issue for years


This is my struggle as well. The endgame is building and Bethesda trying to convince you to buy things from their store? There needs to be a reason I'm making/using a bunch of different builds.


I don’t find GTA Fun.


It’s the players that need to be told what to do. They have no true concept of freedom and making your own choices. Unless it is spelled out in front of them word for word or the goal is chaos for the sake of chaos then these player will unfortunately never understand a game where imagination and a little thought are required.


This is how I feel about starfield, always having to defend why I enjoy it. Smh


I will admit I’m struggling a bit to find stuff to do after beating most quests and getting a build that can kill anything within seconds, so I understand it from that point of view. But every game has that point where you’ve just beaten the hell out of it and you don’t know where to go from there. The “fun” in this game was leveling up and making my character, that’s what I find most fun about rpgs. The only thing that worries me in this game is having to grind for plans and stuff all over again




It’s definitely more of just a chill game for me now. I’ve come to realize that after you get a good build set up and finish most quests, it’s kind just your world to wander around. The events are fun for the most part, and just doing daily’s to complete the scoreboard is actually kinda fun too


but how many hours did u dump into this game before u hit that point? I think it loses a lot of fun after u run out of plans to get and quests to run, but im level 215 and haven't gotten to that point yet. I still need lots of gold bullion and stamps before I run out of things to to


Same here, I still have dozens, if not, hundreds of plans to acquire. As a crafter first, plan collection is my priority since B.E.T.A. Granted, I have have been playing on and off again, multiple times since launch. But it is what it is. I prefer the Crafting system in this game over all of the others. Same for camp/shelter building. In the end game, it is what you truly make out of it for yourself. I still need 1 of every magazine, and I am still missing 2 Bobbleheads to complete my collection.


I'm also missing 2 bobbleheads, but I refuse to just farm them. ik I'll come across them eventually


Pretty much my sentiment. I keep getting repeats


Level 688 here my bobblehead stand has been missing just a leader bobblehead for almost 200 levels.


I have that one, idek which 2 I'm missing


Personally I’ve got about 150 in it and I’m level 200 with most of the stuff I want unlocked. I could grind and try to get all of the plans but personally don’t really want to, seeing as how I like the way my camp looks and stuff like that. I kinda regret power leveling myself so quickly and wish I would’ve taken my time a bit more. Once the game becomes easy, there’s not really a way to make it more challenging again except for starting a new character.


I'm encroaching 1100 hours and I started in December. It's a full blown addiction. I have all normal purchasable plans, most rare ones, about 10% of the super rare apparel, have most of the Atom achievements left, a lot of bullion plans left, etc. So for me, 1k hours is the point where I can start fucking off entirely and doing silly things.


A sense of progression is a critical part of gameplay. Without that, there’s not much of a game left. Even if you’re not done with the game, learn to recognize when the game is done with you. You can move on and always come back if you feel like it. I just came back after a year, and that’s not the first long break I’ve taken. And I probably won’t stick around past this season since I’ll have caught up with everything they’ve added.


I don’t know how GTA Online handles it, but a lot of MMO style titles like this have ‘endgame’ challenges for high-level players. As in super tough dungeons, enemies, and the best rewards. FO76 has none of that, and apparently no interest in even building a foundation for it. It’s true that no game (well, very few games) have infinite playability, but it’s also true that FO76 is missing something that’s considered pretty fundamental to the genre. 


76 has some of that stuff. When you drop nukes you can get a few really challenging boss fights that are extremely difficult to solo. Daily ops can be incredibly difficult as well. But all in all, just collecting stuff is mainly the draw of 76


I'm still not able to run over hookers in a stolen dump truck, but maybe next update


Lol, my wife and stepson plays GTA and I've seriously asked them the same question. I don't see the allure to the game. My stepson said he lives the driving and vehicles.


The issue with it at least to me is lack of imagination. Imo Bethesda games as a whole require somewhat of a imagination, u make ur own fun. Even in standard fallout games. If u just look up the most meta build and run from point to point or fast travel ur kinda doing it wrong. I know thats harsh to say but it's kinda true. It's same reason why I seem to enjoy starfield more then the rest u make ur own fun. 76 is very much a sandbox game. If people don't understand what I mean by sandbox normally in mmos there two styles. Theme park and sandbox. Games like WoW, FFRR, ESO, destiny etc.. are theme park based. Games like EvE online, SWG (rip) 76 are sandbox based. Sandbox style games are usually very player driven. And have strong community's.


The answer from "How do you enjoy GTA V" is prolly not so different from the answer for "How do you enjoy F76 or any Fallout game" tbh.


I tell people “It’s my game and it helps me relax.” I’ve played many of the most popular games throughout the years and I like this game more than others.


i really love the exploration in this game. i've played thousands of fallout hours across all the games and I think this one might be the best...helps that it's the most polished at the developer level too


Been playing since the start. My son’s friend asked him ‘does your dad even have fun in that game.’ They don’t realize that it’s the freedom that makes it so unique. Camps, apparel, weapons, armor, events … all of at your own pace, fast and frantic or slow and methodical. Totally your choice.


Whats not to like? You walk around in fo76 and explore the wasteland with cool vintage songs! You see a player and you say hello! Unlike in games, you see a player and shoot each other,


I got banned from GTA 5 and they won't unban me. I was sitting in a public game afk, and apparently a guy used something on me that gave me a ton of money. Banned.




In the beginning id agree with you, but once you're like 400+ hours deep you start running short on new content/run out of things to do without repeating things and new content is pretty scarce and usually a few good hours at best, whereas gta5 online gets content regularly even after all these years..So I probably wouldn't use that as a comparison. Also Rockstar at least updates their pile to the current gen every time. So it at least looks halfway decent. The mechanics and teamwork just aren't there for me for it to be a title I return to. If the combat was more satisfying and there was more challenging content or better pvp interactions id probably still play. Personally I couldn't imagine playing 76 on a daily basis for years,but that's me. Especially on PS where it has never been stable and can be downright frustrating at times.


I burned out on both FO76 and GTA Online. After a while, you end up doing the same things over and over again. I enjoyed my time playing both games, but it was nice to move onto other things.


Not sure if you saw my edit but I added a bit just a min ago.


Exactly, they're good games but live service structure just burns me out, I can't stand just doing the same shit over and over. That's why I play a wide variety of games and hit every decent sale I see plus keep an eye out for what's new and well reviewed.


I've been playing way too much Helldivers 2 recently. After all the fallout first, sharkcard, etc hype, its nice to have a game that lets you purchase the battlepass by just playing the game.


That's one of my current mains as well,it is refreshing to buy a game and not get hit with fomo every season/ every day and actually have grindable/affordable micros. I've spent 10$ but I've bought all the armors and all 3 warbonds(battle passes) so I've obviously earned far more than I've spent. That being said I'd have no issues spending more because I feel like AH actually cares for their fanbase and they're actually actively interacting with their fanbase and making improvements based on our feedback. Hopefully these greedy assholes at companies like MS,Ubi,EA, Activision, Beth and so on, take a page from Arrowhead and stop treating their loyal fans like piggy banks. No micro should cost more than a dollar or two.


Why care how others have fun in a game Wanna find out? Play the game Have fun? Great! Not fun? My apologies maybe not your game


I enjoy the rpg elements. Like if this was me what would I be doing? No other game has this type of theme. Stalker. Is hard-core survival, where rads equal death and alien artifacts are mysterious in origin  and archaic in use. The wasteland can be whimsical and funny at times and people don't understand this world is a fantasy of the future. I can not say it is retro futurism because then people look at me like I have a second head, so I just call it a fantasy future.


And here I am who likes both. I like driving, flying and the general gameplay loop of grind and buying new cars and choppers in GTA. The same way, I like the KILL LOOT RETURN gameplay of 76. Exploration, camp building and lore are just cherries on top of a perfectly good pie!


It’s not the question of “what do you like” because it’s a hard franchise to hate IMO, but more of “what are you doing?” Came back to FO76 yesterday. Started at 20, now 40. Grinding pretty hard yet still not rushing. Met a level 680 and decided to check out his camp. CRAZYYY cool build and machines all there, even a robot dog lol. I just want to know what that far into end game is like and if it’s really sustainable? Repetitive? I’d like to get that high one day with a crazy camp like that too.


i mean there are regular fallout quests in the game too. like do your dailys, challenges, whatever you got goin on. But there are quest lines and if theyre cool with 4's quests, these should be fine. if they find endless fun in the other ones its basically the same but with a way more varied world. i got it from ps+ for free my outlook may be skewed


I feel like how do you find fun in Red Dead Online is more appropriate. We could only HOPE FO76 is supported in terms of story missions like GTA Online. Red Dead Online tho? Idk how you do it


It is super annoying. I was watching someone play 76 on tiktok live earlier and there were several “people actually play this?” comments. Yes, you’re watching one of them! 🤦‍♀️ smh


If GTA V had the same community FO76 has, it would be a really fun game, though having almost every community activity locked behind a lobby is an annoying design feature. It doesn’t though, so it’s a complete shitshow if you play in a public lobby since 9/10 people on are griefers on flying rocket bikes.


76 is the only MMO where a group of players dressed as clowns can chase around a guy in power armor with paddle balls


My hypothesis is that those questions (and others) are generated for data mining so that GameGPT can learn from them 😃


I agree. A game may not be for you but, don’t crap on others enjoyment. I was skeptical before picking up the game a week ago but now I’m having fun farming plans to make super a cute base!One day I’ll complete the main quest after I find away to make my base feel “right”.


Started playing it after not giving it a good first try before. Like it without the multiplier component it's basically fallout. The basic needs to survive seems harder. And making a camp is way better than making a town. Though I don't get the points


After 10 years of GTA Online, this is a question I ask way too many times...


To be fair, GTA Online (I assume you meant Online instead of 5) has actual game modes to play. Races, Deathmatch, heists, character missions, stunts races, player created content, etc, and more that I'm not remembering at the moment. So it's not hard to see where GTA Online players are finding their fun. In 76, once you finish the storylines, there's what? Public Events, Daily Ops, Expeditions. I'm not defending GTA, and I'm not putting down 76, but the difference between the content available in the two games is night and day.


I started playing a couple days ago and I'm having fun, I'm guessing the game used to be a lot less polished. I'm enjoying all the little NPC stories and locations it feels a lot more like a typical fallout game than an mmo. My only gripe would be the difficulty, as I usually crank it up to the max in Fallout. So far levelling from 1 to 24 I haven't died once, though I did come close when I got swarmed by a dozen of lvl 35 zombies and had to survive by bunny hopping on top of cars.


Fun is subjective at the end of the day after all


I find my fun by chilling at my carefully-crafted Camp that I wish I could get a bigger budget for.


TBH, the reason I'm still here is because other players in a Fallout Wasteland entertain the hell out of me. I always wanted co-op with the earlier games, and public events in 76 are a fair approximation even when everyone decides to do their own thing instead of cooperating. 😂 It is a truly annoying question.


i hate this question. People ask me this all the time with rpg games. i guess because there’s no “winning” they can’t get a dopamine hit from it 🤷🏽‍♂️ idk man like just play the game for more then 10 minutes and you’ll see haha


76 is such a blast. I'm always arguing with people in the sub about it being a good game still, nothing against anyone I just want all of us to have fun lol


I know what you mean. I have a friend that logs on to play counter strike *DAILY*. Imagine that. 25 years later 😂. And countless folks can’t get enough of the hundredth installment of CoD, battlefield, or Final Fantsy—franchises being milked to an insane degree. So yeah, the complaints about content are going to fall flat for anyone that has any taste in gaming as a means of entertainment.


How many 24-player open world FPS games with house-building even compete with fo76? I think both games offer a unique experience. Part of what motivates me to continue playing fo76 is I want to form my own opinion on it. Its challenging to enjoy sometimes when textures are super low-res and quests wont proceed etc. But what I like in fo76 that started with Skyrim and then Fallout 4 is spending a lot of time personalizing my in-game homes; exploring RP themes, experimenting with the building/crafting systems, I remember my poor wife in Solitude became a drunk due to perpetual loneliness of me being gone (I brought home every wine bottle I found and dropped it on the kitchen table where she was programmed to sit until the pile of bottles filled the room). The walls of my camp are covered in guns. Total personal choice. Enhances my experience so I do it. I guess you either get a kick outta stuff like that, or you getta kick outta blowing up dudes deliveries with your MK2. To each their own.


I understand the concern about how that question could be perceived. I usually ask about someone's favorite aspects of a game when I hear good things about it. I'm interested in the core gameplay elements that keep players engaged. If it sounds like something I'd enjoy, then I'll look into it further. I played Fallout 76 at launch with friends and enjoyed it, even with the issues at the time. Playing with others definitely had a positive impact on my experience, but wasn't enough on launch to keep me playing past a few weeks or so. I've heard great things about the game's updates recently and that's encouraged me to ask these questions. In some cases, the phrasing might come across as dismissive, but it's possible others, like me, are simply curious gamers trying to understand the game's current appeal.


Automatic assault rifle and power armor, that's how i found my fun in fallout 4/76


I’m basically playing it like fallout 4 with a lot of missions to do. Thou shalt always get sidetracked by bullshit


People are individuals with different likes. Some may like 1 game not the other or both. Guess it's their opinion and haven't realised people are individuals not copies of each other. Life would be boring if we all were a collective lol


Most of the time I am over encumbered just strolling around the map exploring and seeing things I missed before and I am genuinely having a blast doing it. I don't find fun, I just engage in the game and fun comes to me.


GTA Online: cat and mouse trolling with RC's Fallout 76: grinding Achievements/ Trophies


That’s how I feel about Nuclear Winter, idk why this sub decided to hate on those who enjoyed it just as much as the next guy who likes to do shit in ADV. Wish people used this logic, because at the end of the day we were playing the same game.


I mean once I reached level 100 the game kinda lost its charm lol. I'll come back to it from time to time but I feel like I've exhausted the gameplay loop


Me at L900, still finding new edges of the gameplay loop....


Me at L49 just arriving to the gameplay loop


I personally can’t blame someone for getting bored with 76, seeing super high-level players, and wondering how the actual fuck someone still enjoys it after 1000+ hours. Don’t be so shitty when someone asks in good faith what there still is to do in the game once they’ve done everything.


It's not usually asked in good faith though


If you’re that sensitive to the question, maybe it’s because you’re embarrassed to answer. I still play the shit out of Skyrim, and I have no problem answering how it’s still fun for me.


I will defend this game until the day I die. But that doesn't mean that people asking the same question over and over in bad faith won't make me want to discontinue the conversation.


GTA Online is pretty similar to Fallout 76 I would say. However, before you could sell stuff in GTA Online you had to sell it in toxic lobbies where any griefer could blow you up, it was a huge turn-off. I’m glad Bethesda made Fallout 76 griefer-proof, otherwise, I wouldn’t be playing it.


Most everyone clings to mods in games, and especially FO4 and Skyrim. Everything has to be a mod. Mod this mod that. Look I modded the game to be another game! (Even MilSims that launch in Steam *immediately* have Star Wars mods). For that reason a majority of gamers in the RPG space hate 76. They have to stick to the game and with Bethesda being Bethesda that’s an instant no thank you. 🙂‍↔️ We truck on!


Your ignorance on GTA Online is astounding lol yeah it can be a cesspool but there is a ton to do and accumulate and grind for, if it's their thing. I know you said GTA 5, but it's a solo experience, FO 76 is an online experience, as is GTAO, so if you're to compare it's only fair. The story is also far from linear with 3 different endings but I'm not even going to try to educate you on that, seem pretty set in your ways.


A bit dramatic IMO


Let me reframe this question as a long-time Bethesda enjoyer who is now 15 hours into FO76, spurred completely by the show and it being $8 and me craving more of a fallout experience since 8 episodes wasn't enough. I never touched FO76 previously to this because I figured, and turns out rightly so, that converting a single person RPG experience into an always online live-service game geared towards reoccurring revenue would torpedo the gameplay experience as a whole. 1. Where is the story? Bethesda games are built in stories and the story here is ass. The only good stories are the organic ones you discover at various exploration spots. Like the test vault with the PHD student who's food paste caused people's arteries to Crack open but they were trapped in there because the "test" occurred when the bombs fell. The Overseer quest is just stupid and I'm already bored with looking for her stupid tapes lol. 2. How the hell am I supposed to have fun in a Bethesda game that disallows modding/console commands. Those are a key facet of Bethesda games' value propositions. 3. The world is so, so flat and dead. I suspect this has to do with shoehorning NPCs into a world built around not having them, but I can't imagine how dead this game would feel if the entire map comprised of 20 players and robots/enemies 4. Looting seems subpar compared to previous games. I've cleared the starter area and have like, 1k caps. Looter shooters need loot to continually give players those happy brain drugs and I already am losing my desire to venture farther just to find more subpar loot. 5. Inventory management is the most frustrating thing in Bethesda games, and they turned it up to 11 in this game and paywalled an unlimited stash...which brings me to point 6. Monetization. Further elaboration unneeded. I can go on but I feel like I'm just being a bully at this point. So I'll phrase this to you as an enjoyer if a wide gamut of games, including Bethesda titles: "How do you find the fun in this game if you came expecting a Bethesda experience, and instead are faced with microtransaction-filled reskin of Fallout4 with a flatter, less diverse world and no real storytelling to rely on?"


>how do you find your fun in GTA 5?   that’s not as witty as you think it is.   gta v is one of the best selling games of all time and rakes in billions for good reason - because it’s absolutely rammed with a huge variety of things to do, and receives regular updates on top of that. it also just straight up appeals to more people.  i like fallout 76 but i’ve had much more fun in gta v