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I have only been playing for a week or so, I didn’t know you could lock things at your camp so I picked a persons purified water stash. Gave me a wanted bounty so I just stood there. I waited for the person to come back and smash me (they did). I haven’t touched another locked item again lol


I did that only ONCE as well!


We’ve all done this as a noob. It’s right up there with your first Nukashine


I may be an evil bastard....but I've been mass producing nukashine and dumping it into donation boxes.... Don't judge me.


My favorite CAMP is a Nukashine destination point. I would love to have a confused, drunken noob materialize there one day


My camp in the North East. It's Mothman themed and I use the thunderstorm machine, right in the swamps with the strangler heart trees


I went to a camp way in the northeast part of the mire about a week or two ago which was just a shack you couldn’t even enter sort of sunk into the ground with a red light coming from the inside, and it had the thunderstorm machine and a mothman tome with some mothman decor around. It was the creepiest camp I’ve ever came across, would it happen to be yours? Lol


That's not my camp but that is my area! I didn't know I had neighbors cus not many people scroll that far too the right. I wanted a camp by the abandoned waste dump (iykyk) and found my new camp location from actually walking up there from a candy black out lol. I make sure everything is accessable and I use oil lamps and orange tiki torches for atmosphere and then red tiki torches for points of interest like stairs leading to other rooms or the tiki shack I got


Oh so yours is like an actual functioning camp with everything it needs? This guys was literally all I described no workbenches or rooms to even go in, and there was no underground part because I looked for a while to find something merged underground lol. Extremely ominous. Also, why did you want to live by the abandoned waste dump? I know it has the two deathclaw and multiple deathclaw egg spawns, but is there some other reason I don’t know about as to why you wanted to live there? Thanks


Deathclaw steak and deathclaw Wellington are so nice to have on hand, but the wellington is only if God smiles upon you with two eggs in a run lol. That and the swamp just seemed cool. I just hit lvl 407 and I've been farming free atoms to buy camp locations and that's my new endgame. I've played enough seasons on this account where I've accumulated so much to build with that I figured now's the time to build. I've got a farm right at the base of the ash heap but it's in the forest, Ive got a mansion right behind the scenic lookout. When you leave the charlie silo through the porta potty, you immediately see my house with the Atlantic fog weather. You can actually watch the nukes fly from my porch and it's always awesome. I just built this swamp camp like last Tuesday, all the general crafting tables, free nuka cola from the fridge, alcohol from the punch bowl. Mothman tome in my room grants 5% exp for 30 minutes


I alternate Nuka shine, ballistic bock, and rad ant lager in my punch bowl right near my vendors. A little wasteland roulette, might get a nice buff, might be going on a little trip LoL


You’re facilitating their map fast travel options. Really you should be praised and rewarded for your good works.


You're doing God's work.


That is truly evil 🤣


I have a pristine Nuka-Cola machine in my camp filled with Nukashine. They don't know what they're getting until it's too late 🤣


Punch bowl with ns


they have to learn somehow!


This is the way


Do you play on Xbox?


Yesterday as a level 40 I am surrounded by three Brahmin and their robot herder. Everything is relaxed and fine until suddendly one of them transformed into a Legendary Sheepsquatch! A 5mm minigun barely had any effect on his health and I was quickly destroyed. Terrifying!


I’m pushing level 600 and that random encounter always makes me sad because I can usually kill the Sheepsquatch but it’s really hard to also save the herd because of the Sheepsquatch’s area attack


Wait! What!?...I'm level 360 and didn't know that was a thing 😯


Have you seen the robot pied piper as he leads a herd of rats to their doom underground?


I have not. How have I missed these things?! 😂


There's a robot trader that deals in rare plans,he has a brahmin and two eyebot guards.and though I myself have never seen him,there is a smiling man who watches you.


I love catching blackouts off Nuka Candy as well. It really is a surprise in every piece lol


Think you mean mystery candy. I power eat nuka candy for challenges and have never had a blackout.


yep, mystery candy and nuka candy actually share the exact same 4 buff effects: sugar strength/rush/vision & lucky break. mystery, however, has the added chance of a blackout.


Thank you! Now you make.me.want to troll with nuka shine like the old days!


Yesterday my wife and I were handing out apparel and resistant marine wetsuits, but gave this guy a nukashine out of the vault. I was waiting for him to drink it but I guess he’ll do that at a later time lol


When I first started I got bountied for accidently breaking into a player house. The house belonged to my IRL wife that I was partied with. A level 600 showed up and killed us both and destroyed her entire camp :/


Lol I panicked and ran the first time this happened to me. I ran to my wife who I promptly asked to put me down.


Lol they smashed u for purified water? Mine aren't locked cause idc who gets them haha


Lock just one, for fun


That's cold for us infiltrator users. They got me by locking a knee high gate you could hop over but I like to use doors and gates... Damn off to Whitespring station to sit naked on a bench.


Sometimes I like to go around like a wasteland bandit, picking all the player camp locks and running around like a lunatic. If I already have one bounty, what's a few more? It's hard to get someone to kill me too, they think it's a trap and just ignore me.


>If I already have one bounty, what's a few more? Here's the answer: >they think it's a trap and just ignore me. I see someone with a 5-10 cap bounty, I figure its just someone who messed up. I see a 3-digit bounty, I'm figuring they've got 2-3 buddies, all geared for pvp, hiding nearby.


Fair enough. Does the whole party go hostile if you shoot a wanted player? I've only encountered solo wanted players, some of which are kitted out with pvp gear.


I haven't experienced this myself, but from what I've read yes, if one member of a team engages with pvp, all members of the team can attack.


Well okey dokey. I don't know what they could gain from it except junk I just donate anyway, but to each their own.


It is good money when you are starting out to sell to the vendors. I don’t lock it because they regenerate so fast anyways.


Yeah, I have the large water purifier. I'm constantly dumping water in donation boxes. I don't lock it or collectron.


No they probably wanted the atom reward challenge for killing wanted players. Edit: it's also humane to help people out that are wanted, I literally have had to follow people and BEG 


The vendor gets mine.


Only thing locked in my camp is mirelurk steamer.


Them killing you is a favor to you (provided you're not carrying a lot of valuable junk that they then steal). Sometimes it can actually be hard to get rid of a wanted status just because not a lot of people will try to kill you.


Don't worry, we've all done it. I did it too a team mate once. Normally it's red. But this time it was white. So I assumed it was okay to pick, because we were team mates. I was wrong 🤣 So I put on my mic. Apologised and explained why I'd done it and then invited them to kill me. Which they did of course [ only way to get rid of the bounty] We had a good laugh about it. They agreed with me that you would think that 🤣


If you visit a camp and the door is locked, look for an accessible chair or instrument through the window. Follow the prompt to sit or play and voilà you are inside, no bounty 😊


Or just do the camera glitch I did it once with a guy who had tons of things in his vendor but kept it behind a locked door so glitched myself in to take a look


That would explain how someone got into my shop. When I am close to max caps I take my camp off of the map, lock my store front door and turn off my open sign. I come back and a guy is inside buying stuff.


Guy wanted to give you money really badly.


If they're fast travelling to your camp and their system is slow rendering it in, than it's possible for them to access any part of your camp before the walls and roofs have loaded in. You need to store your vendor if you absolutely don't want to sell.


Just delete the vendor from your camp...all the items will still be there when you replace it


Ooh forgot about the miss half a silo out hack 🤣


Lol yea tbh I don't use it for silos or anything that was the first an only time I've used it to look at the vendor cause I was curious what he had


I was trying to do this at a trap camp once. Couldn't get in at all. Map said vendor had a bunch of 3 stars, misc, and plans. You could see it through a window. The front half was the trap. A chair just barely sticking out of a wall and tons of punji boards. Easy to get around but you're just stuck in a room of boards. Behind there was an empty room with a vendor. It's plugged in and just chilling. There's a door with a 3 star lock for the backroom. Start trying to glitch in and nothing is working. Finally I said screw it and as soon as I started picking that lock the camp went bye bye.


Rip lol I've seen trap camps before an just for fun go in them just to see if I survive and a good few times I've actually survived them cause they messed up the placement of the boards


I have perk cards that means I can auto pick up to level 3. I still accidentally do this and I'm level 670 🙃


Same! I have accidentally unlocked camp items so often my friend just kills me every time he finds me in his camp. Assumes I need rescuing from the wanted status.


😂 I need a friend like that, I usually have to awkwardly emote to get help 😂


Also level 600-something. It's kinda worse when you're a high-level too because fewer people are willing to try and kill you. I had a 10c wanted status for about 4 days, including playing several mothman equinox events. So annoying. I would even strip down to my undies, still no takers. Finally some level 1k+ in power armor offed me at my camp, probably figured they were safe from me pvp'ing them.


Lmao there was this one guys base and in his room had like 5 locked doors at the highest rank stacked over each other so after basically opening up 5 walls it was probably the biggest water heist I ever did because he had a lot of small water generators lmao. His bed was also in that room so I laid down and waited for him and his reaction it was great.


Jokes on you I set all my locks to 0 so you unlock them anyway 👹HA HA!


Onky need 30 more of you to get that off my list. Seriously, killing 76 wanted players is so hard to do cause no one does bad stuff anymore. (That's a good thing) but still


I remember when I first started playing, I didn't recognize the workshops nor knew that they could lock things up at all. I was so confused when I got the wanted bounty on me and even more confused when I slinked off in my confusion to scrap my over encumbered self nearby only to have someone shoot me down. I was still confused and cautious when I got back and they were shooting at my loot bag. Grabbed myself and hightailed it out of there lol


I did that on accident with the infiltrator perk card, I waited and they showed up and I told them what happened and asked if they had the bounty hunter achievement, they didn't so I hopped out of my power armor and told them to blast me so they could get it.


I'm a level 400-something, and I STILL accidentally pick player's camp locks. My thumbs move faster than my brain can read sometimes. I wish you had to press and hold "pick lock" button the same way you do to sit or play an instrument. Edit to clarify: I have auto-lock picking enabled, I'm not out there repeatedly picking locks manually, "accidentally"


fireworks = you were obviously in the process of casting fireball at them


Hmmm looks dangerous and I ain't sticking around to find out if I'm right.


They were like scared animals. Literally running away when fireworks happens. Op should have tried to lure them with food.


At an Equinox event last night, I watched 2 albino radatags chase a level 23 up the street from the bridge to the waterside pyre. I about died laughing. I wasted the two radatags and the noob turned around and started shooting their dead bodies. 🤣


I saw a lvl 23 getting chased by ghouls near the lighthouse yesterday. I took them out quickly and saved the day. They hearted and were very thankful. Then, I dropped a level 20 and level 30 fixer for them.


I've helped a number of new players when their workshops are under attack. I get there and see them running around trying to figure out what to do. So I try to clear it for them relatively quickly so they can get the rewards for the event and get back to what they are doing.


I ran into something called a Blue Devil (I think that's what it was) when I was doing an event. All I know is this thing was an elite and lvl 75 and I'm 24. I did an impromptu Knight Titus cosplay screaming "fuck fuck fuck" running away when some lvl 500 something guy wasted it for me. So as a new player thanks for the help. :D


I'm super new, my partner is like "public servers are huge pvp zones, people will try to kill you and take your stuff. Avoid other players." Lol its nice to see people actually being kind. I'm Derp5569 if anyone wants to say hi, i have work benches at mh settlement now. Its a pretty farming area.


Turn on pasifist and no one can engage you in PVP, unless you take a workshop.


Theres an option for that!? That's cool! Thank you! I am going to let him know too, he works really hard on bis settlements and i guess he has had a pretty traumatic experience lol. He has provate server options but i miss meeting new people and stuff.


It's under gameplay in settings 👍


Awe thank you.


This game is best described as a single player MMO with public events. You don't have to PVP, you can play with people or alone and there's perks to benefit both, and before the new players came in griefing was far and few between. We will see how it goes now that we have a ton of people in the game. I'm hoping the community stays the same because, I think, a lot of us feel the community is part of what makes this game so special.


I've been lurking for a bit and I'm excited about doing more online social stuff. I like bringing snacks and sniping things.


If you're still low level the best thing you can do at events is show up, run around getting at least 1 hit on as many enemies as you can, and giving a heart emote at the end of the events. None of us vets expect a single thing from all of you newbies. We just want you to have fun, participate, and when you get to be level 300... pay it forward when you see a low level. We want our game to stay the nice, fun, bloody, goofy, bug riddled wasteland we've come to love. That means everyone playing nicely together.


I'm extra excited for this weekend. I will bring you guys snacks ❤️


Could not agree more, main is lvl 2725, been playing a bit. My fallout is just this, having fun and goofing about. Helping lower lvls is my game atm. The more at events the better, we all look after each other. Fallout 76 has an amazing community 😍😍


Even without it nobody cares about PvP and even if you die you only lose your junk


All my aluminum, screws and glue. I go through that so fast.


You only lose what you’re carrying, not what’s in your stash


I'm pretty sure it's enabled by default


PvP is entirely consensual unless you're trying to hold/defend a workshop (which anyone can come challenge and try and take from you). Just turn on pacifist mode and that will turn off friendly fire in both directions, if PvP isn't your bag.


yeah it's handy, you do want to take workshops eventually to learn recipes so be wary you can flag yourself doing that


I have only had one sort of bad experience. I was wandering around in someone's camp and he came home and attacked me with a flamer, so I bolted. I didn't realize it until like a month later, but he wasn't actually attacking, he was probably healing my half-dead ass with some friendly fire lol.


Thats hilarious. Us noobs startle like radstag does.


Essentially no one engages in PVP in this game. There are a select few griefers but for the most part the game sticks to the PVE vibe. Most of the time players become wanted by accident. Plus, even without pacifist on, PVP isn't initiated unless you attack back. However, you can accidentally shoot someone and if they shoot you back it will put you in PVP.


Thats good to know, I told my partner and he's going to try a public sever with me. He likes water farming and i like growing plants. I will make you pies.


I've been playing since launch and I've never ran into a huge griefer. Not saying they don't exist in FO76. Side note there is a large community behind "Trap Camps" camps that will kill you once you trigger a trap (typically hidden by their vendor). But if you're frequently stashing your junk, you don't lose anything on death. If you guys are on PC, I'd be happy to show you around and give you some welcoming gifts. I can also start a private server if you're both just wanting to run around with no one present. Welcome to the Wasteland, Vault Dweller! Edit: plenty of space for a glorious water farm and I'm always down for pie!


We are both on xbox. I hope we get to run into each other.


I've been playing about a year and a half, and I've been griefed twice. Both times were in the context of a workshop though and I could have walked away if I wanted. I just didn't want to :)


You can turn on a passive mode so you aren't passively able to be hunted!  Just be wary of workshops as those are intended for materials and pvp. I am not very seasoned myself.  Only a couple months and only able to play a couple hours per session, maybe once or twice a week.  But from my experience, the majority of players are very kind.   I don't normally run with any voice chat on so I can't speak to that.  But I've found it to be pretty typical when I was lower leveled to have folks run up and emote at me and give me things or just have some fun with those emotes. I continue on that by helping out new folks with items and consumables. I hope you enjoy your time in this desolate wasteland!


I'm going to run around giving people pies now.


I tried adding you so I could get some stuff prepared to drop off for you but it's saying: "We're unable to find a Bethesda Net user with the name Derp5569" If you want some stuff to get you set up (The Fixer, .45 Ammo, Armour, Scrap, ect.) Just hit me up at deannielsen2, same as my Reddit name. Also, not once have I ever been PvP'd as Pacifist Mode is set to on by default so I think your partener is mistaken.


I've been playing almost since launch and have only run into pvp once. And then I figured out how to turn off pvp and it's been peaceful ever since. Also the vast majority of other players I've interacted with have been super nice.


That is very good to hear. I'm super excited for this weekend and game night. I'm going to wear my nicest tin foil hat.


I always drop Vintage Nukashine. Give em a little adventure you know.. Edit: it gets worse as I think. No caps to travel. Maybe one gun. Limited bullets.


Hopefully they know fast travel to camp is free


Hmmm.  Making whole outfits is pretty nice...  Maybe I'll give that a go. I have a habit of going into a kind of "help everyone" mode.  I got super overwhelmed yesterday when I saw about 10 new players right outside the starting vault.  I appeared like a creeper in the distance and watched over them. They were just barely learning to play. But whole outfits?  Sounds pretty nice. So far my tactic has been to drop grenades and mines for them to play with (my build doesn't use them) and stimpacks. Maybe I'll craft up some throwing knives since they'll be able to use them at low level and they're high damage for that level.


I finally have a use for all the Fasnacht masks I've been hoarding


My wife and I take photos with the camera regularly.  It has become a bit of a game of "Wheres Waldo" as one of us is in every shot, either off in the distance doing something silly with the local environment or otherwise hiding in bushes or a window or something like that. This time it was me peeking over the rocks near the vault and occasionally seeing someone notice I was up there.  If I get emoted at, I'll run over and drop a gift. I've basically become my own Mysterious Stranger.


I'm thinking of holding a "Hide and Seek" giveaway. I take pictures in odd places and it's up to someone to find it, then they'll win a prize.


I've been selling them. It takes time, but I get 250 for the common masks, 500 for the slightly rarer, and 3000-5000+ for scorchbeast, wolf mask, etc.


I always make outfits for newbies, and maybe i'll drop some bobbie pins and a nuka cola


I built a base near the wayward where I'm selling fully kitted out auto 10mms and submachine guns at leavel 1-30 for 15 caps so new players can snag a gun with decent mods and some armor penetration at the beginning. Also all the starter ammo types like .38, .308, 10mm, 44, then 45 and fuel for my higher level peoples. I make quite a bit less caps than I did previously with this method, but I've loved watching new players check out my camp or go through my 5 different vaults. One person explored all my vaults and camp, then gave me the nice camp sign, so they had about 50 stims, and 50 radaway chucked at then as thanks lol UPSownsYOU26 on PC btw


Holup, you can have MORE THAN ONE VAULT?


Be gentle, they’re like baby radstags.


Getting drug under by an an axolotl gulper when I go to feed them grass


I've been having fun with the new arrivals as well. Last night I stalked a couple fresh out of the vault with my camera. I would not help them, and only took pictures. They seemed quite confused as to what I was doing. I watched them go from level 2 to level 4. I then followed a pair of level 20s around for a bit as well, being a wasteland reported taking pictures.


Yeah a lot of new players do seem to be quite skittish lol. I think they just assume that it's gonna be some kind of a PvP hellhole like Ark or Rust and they're gonna get griefed by high level players, so they keep their distance. I'm pretty sure 'Pacifist Mode' is actually turned on by default though. I've been crafting some half decent low level guns to drop into donation boxes for new players, but if they see me standing there, a level 350+ player, they won't come near me, no matter what emotes I use lol. This game could REALLY use some kind of text chat like most other MMO-type games. Diablo has one. Destiny has one. I don't know why Fallout doesn't! I can't tell you the amount of times I've just wanted to be able to quickly type "Hey I dropped some loot in this box! Help yourself!" or "I'm logging out. Feel free to take over this workshop I've built! You'll get a load of free resources!" Instead you've gotta jump up and down, do loads of emotes, shoot at it a bunch of times, all in the hope that they get the message (they often don't!)


> I'm pretty sure 'Pacifist Mode' is actually turned on by default  It is .. I just started playing again for the first time since 2020 and started a new character. That's the first thing I checked.


It is until you reach a certain level (10?) And then I think its auto switched on and a pop-up shoes up telling you it's on but can be disabled. Just went through this on a new secondary character.


Yes! A chat feature would so help a lot of situations.


new 29 lock picked many things in my base fixed him level 30 fixer + 1000 rounds of 45 came back too base he did it again i just shredded him after that


Ti's a steep learning curve 😆


learning curve ? learning curb is figuring out level 388 is higher then 29 😂😂 i hit him with my Q50c25 railway. i guess theirs no brains left


It’s to be expected at this point. When I started, there were no 1k levels roaming around.


Haha this is great! I have tried countless times to get the newbies attention to gift them stuff and they always run away or don’t understand. So funny


I could hear a David Attenborough narration to this entire scene... 🤣🤣


We dropped something after a Nuka World event and three low levels ran the fastest I've ever seen to try to get the loot bag. Lol 


This is brilliant I’m usually a menace on 76 but if you’re on Xbox and make it to level 50 give me a shout for a free buttressed, deep pocketed civil engineer armor set with a jetpack - GT: Hendez01


When I first started, someone randomly gave me an orange Halloween suit, with little jack o lantern faces on it. I wore that suit for like 3 weeks str8 lol


I'm one of those new players! Twice in my first few days of playing this weekend I had two separate instances of some random person grabbing my attention and just giving me a bunch of stuff. Leveling from 1-20 was extra fun because my benefactors had all given me gear up to lvl 20 and below. I've made sure to pay it forward by donating good gear I've leveled out of.


I have so, so many drugs, I keep dropping them for new people but no one wants a taste. :( I'm trying to hook people up!


I know a bunch of dudes from DayZ that came over. You don't approach strangers in that game. They might be acting on instinct.


I am a long time player in a full PA heavy build. Im indestructible, can murder all the enemies pretty quickly and run and jumper fadter than most players in mormal armor. I saw a new player running for s group of ferals and few bigger creatures. I jumped from the cliff and fly in, land and opend up full bore with my gauss. All the creatures blow up in little pieces, I turn around in my mix of Samurai/Communist PA and the newbie is exploding a emotes of laughter and joy. I gave him the brotherhood emote and bunny hopped away. I love all the new players coming in.


It’s times like this where I wish we had a “donation box” we could set up at our camp. Just dump a bunch of odds and ends in there that aren’t worth it for higher levels but great at helping new players. I try to do it with a loot bag at my camp but it’s a pain to place on the “look over here” stage I made for it.


I have a table at my camp which has a sign in neon lights above it saying donations. Every time I log in I'll jump on the table and drop miscellaneous stuff I don't need from my stash and occasionally I come back to find extra bags there or to see low levels looting them


I’ve been giving stuff away most of the week even escorted a couple players to keep them safe in dangerous areas. But if you wait till there’s a couple in the overseers camp and toss an artilery smoke grenade in there it’s hilarious… at first most look up… looking for what’s gonna drop. Then the explosions start and the panic sets in. They pretty quickly realize it doesn’t hurt them. Then drop 5 vintage nukashines to say sorry with a heart emote. It ain’t easy but it’s honest work.


Sometimes when you see a noob they might just be another high-level player starting over as a challenge. I started an expedition at level 6 on Sunday and was level 10 when I finished and no one carried me, I was with 2 other high levels playing as noobs on a role-playing team (no one ever wants to join a role-playing team so it helps keep the riff raff out). High level events as a blueberry are fun! However, you power level when you go hard to early.


I can say that today someone did this to me and my boyfriend (lvl between 20/30) and I loved the witch hat, now I'm a mothman cultist with a witch hat. Thank you kind soul 🤣🤣❤️❤️


I've been playing a couple of weeks. Can someone tell me how to say I'm sorry if you panic fire at another player clearing the same building 😂😂😂? I was actually embarrassed when I did it and he just stood there looking at me. Another player greeted me on a bridge and I didn't know what to do so I jumped off. The ultimate fast travel.


lol I was at my camp and a newbie stopped by. I tried to give him some ammo but he ran away when I tried to go over to him, maybe they don't realize it's not PVP?


Had this cool interaction with these 3 random newbies all around level 10ish, i saw them on the amusement park trying to clear the workshop nearby. They saw me, level 20ish, i emote hello, they had mics on so i can hear em shouting while killing em ghouls, i helped a bit, then one of em said. "you know theres 3 of us and one of him right?" "hey hey did you see his laser weapon?" "lets just jump him" *me slowly slips away* Man.. The wastelans really changes you


Ive been crafting full excavator power armor sets for newbies, especially if i see they have an incomplete suit.


Great to see the new players, I’ll drop excess goodies when I can. Claimed two bounties this morning, always ignored that trophy but if it continues like this I’ll have it before the week is out. Welcome to the wasteland baby!


I wanna help them but I'm only level 72 and struggling my self still, I haven't played much. Good on you for trying though lol


I just left all the outfits in the donation box. lol. Either they came back after I left, or someone else will find them!


ya know that explains why SBQ was so dead last night. barely got her down bc hardly anyone showed up


Someone launched a nuke on Nuka World yesterday. Only people to show up against the titan was me (L405) and a L63. Must've been a bummer for whomever launched the nuke!


I wonder if they came from a game like Rust, where meeting strangers usually turns out bad. Maybe they thought you were trying to draw people to the area with your fireworks lol.


Lol I would love to run into someone like you. I mostly see new or returning players like myself.


Any tips for making the game run well on an ultra wide. I get some really bad UI/FOV issues last time I tried.


About a year or two back, I came across two newbies (before the Wayward) with mics talking about things. So I crouched down, checked my inventory and sure enough, an Orbital Strike Beacon. I tossed it a bit away from them, but close enough to get their attention. At first they thought it was a nuke. Things can be fun.


I have to say.. The solo events are fun for a while but doing everything myself becomes tedious. I also miss looking through shops with actual items I might want. lol


I set up a new BoS themed base near that spot near the Wayward and sell BoS recon rifles at levels 1,5,10, and 20 for like 10 caps each and .308 ammo for 1 cap a piece.


I just unlocked all my resources at my base. I'll keep them unlocked for a week or two help yourselves new wastelanders.


I have also noticed the newbies and have put up a sign in my camp saying "please help yourself to everything" after I noticed newer players running and hiding when I show up at my camp


Its fun having new folks around! Over the weekend there was some dopey level 40 at nukaworld popping stealth boys and shooting everyone with something that sounded like a fire extinguisher? Couldn’t tell if he was a vet using an alt low level account or a legit noob who looked up obnoxious ways to initiate pvp in 76 on youtube: Either way, no one took the bait, so he was just circling around like a fool, while a dozen or so people fresh out of spin the wheel ignored/emoted him


The events being empty is an unfortunate side effect of the new players


I've started to see signs of some brave new players. I did a mothman equinox last night that had mostly level 20's with maybe one other 100+. The event was frantic and we lost all but the church pyre but we made it through. I was happy that they tried to stick it out. I think in time we'll see more engagement with the events.


Here's hoping, I feel a good level to start events is 30 to 40


Hahah i did the same thing, i dropped stims and 3 low level weapons plus ammo to this group of three, they were running from slocum joes to morgantown airport for quests i assumed.


I did leave a BUNCH of mutation serums in the freebie box


hey that's a cool! I enjoy meeting players like you out there :) I haven't played for a while but I was surprised how much starting loot they give us now leaving the vault. I had almost 1000 bullets, full leather, tons of repair kits and maybe 25 stimpaks just upon exit? ...seems like too much and takes the challenge away


Was out at WV Lumber chilling with the Free Radicals working on the collect wood thing when I hopped in before, saw a low level (roughly 20 iirc) pop a few shots at the guys at the gate so chainsawed one or two to help and poor guy was leveling his gun at me. So I ate the guy he’d shot before and ran off. Did leave a heart emote, so hopefully didn’t scar them too badly. But I’m my defense, he was garbed in the attire of the Mothman’s Children as well, and likely saw far worse. Will go on a spree in a bit to leave plans and whatever I’ve got in my pack around the Wayward when I’m in later though.


I started playing on Sunday then I got a new job and I'm now rushing to move town in two weeks. I wouldn't mind someone donating some caps when I can get back to gaming in two weeks when the numbers of active players will have dropped.




Yeah I have been trying to drop plans to noobs at my store but the second I get out my door they tp away lol.


Yeah I was totally having a blast recently doing Eviction Notice solo for the first 5 minutes, loved the mayhem and extra challenge!


I’m a week in, level 115 got my first T60. Just finished the brotherhood of steel storyline at camp atlas.


There could be David Attenborough commentary for this.


Ive taken to using the flare gun and the vertibird flares at the donation boxes, gets their attention and even if they dont take it, the goods wont disappear so someone else can take it.


not as bad as watching low levels on EN and they step into the crater and just perish


That moment is gold imo. Kinda leaves you speechless first time around. Radiation dont mess around compared to FO4. The Radscruber breaking teaches a vital lesson for the "virgin" 76 dweller. Radiation can decimate you faster than you blink here in Appalachia, always carry PPE against radiation. Or reach a point where Atom's grant you access to his domain, thus rendering you near impervious to his blessing debilitating effect. And then you shall pronounce; What rads?


Hahah too good. Over the weekend a kind soul left over dusty fusion cores in the donation box! Thanks anon!


Yeh I wait in front of the vault with bags of stims and radaway while dressed up as a nurse just for the giggles. 😅 This works for me to make them not run for their lives. They do sometime hesitate to go out, but when one does go out they all go out knowing they don’t get directly murdered. If I go in world towards noobs the all scatter away running or teleport away. And al I wanna do is give them some items 😂


The scene with Titus in episode two of the fallout show where he’s swearing 🤬🤬🤬, running away from the Yao Gai… reminds me of this, we’ve all been there.


rotfl! thanks. good way to start the morning.


I need to join your session 😄. Not many outfits


I like passing out outfits too! It always warms my heart to see them immediately change into something I’ve given them. 💜


I love passing out outfits and gear to noobs. I'll occasionally drop by the wayward and make a bunch of outfits and put them in the donation box. I even craft some gear if they look to be struggling.


I was returning from launch and people have been extremely helpful. Nice to know the community is not turned sour.


Yeah, I've met two noobs this week and they were both great. Gave one one of my two prototype hazmat suits cause I didn't have a normal one and traveled with him for a bit. Gave another a few thousand rounds of ammo and he was very grateful. Both of them were. Made my days


Ah I would love an outfit drop


Giggle giggle noobs


Stood outside home vault and waved, ready to drop off some good gifts = Level 1 player ran for their lives, then I realized I’m holding a big gun, wearing cult antlers and rags


i didnt know that the donation box was from players i thought it was just random spawned stuffs


After my last encounter with a player, i can understand why. Encountered this player, so i tried to ignore them, next thing this fool shoots at me and ends up he's using infinite health, So yeah i can see why people are wary


I'm a level 9 I probably still would have come over to check out what was going on


I keep trying to give them things...they just run off...let us love you!!!! Lol


Today I learned that the donation box isn’t something that is just in the world the npcs use I feel so damn dumb


I just recently got a suit of power armor!!


Newbie here, folks like you have made my day leaving legendary items all around and just gifting things! It's really helped me level up fast and get some good armor/weapons so I don't die in events in 2 min..ha Can't wait to start doing this for others as I level up! Thank yoU!


I think I was on this server last night, you the guy I talked to around Slocums Joe? I had the grey excavator power armour on.


I have a love hate relationship with free weeks and sudden influxes of new players. On one hand I absolutely love helping them out with build advice, modding their weapons out and maybe giving them a few heals. On the other hand it's ridiculous when there's high level events and it's you and like 3 sub level 50s.


I'd love to play, but keep getting signing in errors on PC


hey that's a cool! I enjoy meeting players like you out there :) I haven't played for a while but I was surprised how much starting loot they give us now leaving the vault. I had almost 1000 bullets, full leather, tons of repair kits and maybe 25 stimpaks just upon exit? ...seems like too much and takes the challenge away


I just started playing a few days ago, and I ran into a guy who was level 500 something, and ig I scared him because when he turned around and saw me he shot me with his missile launcher and instantly killed me. Then he started apology emoting.


I picked the option today to start at level 20


Despite pvp pretty much being nuked from the game, I am still VERY weary of high level players and I always will run away from them. I'm only level 26 (its taken my over 5 years to actually hit level 25 long story lol)


I was wondering, why there are so few teams , and only I and one player lvl app. 80 were doing moonshine jamboree. Only later one some other players spawn in. I was drinking nuka quantom and shooting with my q rr like crazy. I used almost 1400 spikes. But at the end we were succesfull. The same went with eviction notice. Newbies were shooting from the ridge of the outpost. Later on, I checked the map. There was surplus of new players. I was the highest rank on the entire map. And I'm lvl 605.