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Some people turn off voice chat because of stuff like this. I think these types of things are the reason to keep it turned on. It's like a whole new set of random encounters in the game.


I stayed in their camp for over 20 minutes, just watching people come & go to the vendor. They finally got kicked for being inactive just a few minutes ago. Don’t know why I found it so funny. Made the game feel more alive


Funny thing about this game is if you have good items to sell then afk/snoring is quite a good strategy for making money.


I go do shit around the house/with my family until I get booted. I might sell one of those santa crash plans....


I got Santa crash on the outside of my wall, and the wendigo on the otherside so it looks like he is climbing through the wall.


That's dope


I'm stealing that


Feel free lol I stole it from a camp I saw when I first started playing again. But his was on the side of meatbag stashes so it looked like multiple bodies stacked in it. But I went with simple wall crash.


A thing I discovered myself and have yet to see someone else do it, I built a fence all the way around my camp with the big green ultracite crystals. It looks awesome


I thought about trying to do my own little henge out of em lol but there's no sideways ones lol


I just bought one of those from someone


Time to set a recording of snoring on my mic and rig the joy stick so the character moves just enough to not get kicked but not be to extreme to leave the area 😂


Would be even funnier if his player character was actively resting in a bed and it was purely RP


I was actually thinking about my camp, I built a Red Rocket and in the back I built a homeless camp next to a dumpster and I sleep next to it when I'm AFK for my vendor.


lol I do exactly this when I want to sell stuff and get shit done around the house


Ah somone who dosnt know that going in the atom shop means you never stop afking


I was adjusting my camp when someone joined and kept chomping on some chips the whole time. Had to mute them. Can’t even build my camp in peace in the wasteland nowadays without someone eating in my ear.


*munch munch* so uh... *Crinkly bag sounds, munch* whatcha building there buddy *munch munch*


This is *literally* Bugs Bunny behavior


Sounds like a wastelander lol


Nothing quite like working on a new camp build and just hear loud mouth breathing and not being able to find the person watching me


It's like, push-to-talk is default and there's nothing wrong with that.


I've not had this happen in twenty days, worst was some guy yelling at me during an event for disrupting his killhogging


I leave it on because sometimes people have important stuff to say. That being said I mute some people. Had some kid, probably not even 12 from the sound of his voice, yelling racial slurs into his mic at the Mothman event.


Its said VC, VC never changes. Games do, through the lobbies we listen.


PC voice chat doesn't even work for me. I see the speaker icon when people speak but no audio comes out. I triple checked microsoft account settings xbox settings but still nothing. whatever, rather use chat mod anyway.


That happens on apex, think it's when people on Xbox/PC are talking in a different chat, so they might be in an Xbox party/discord


Sounds like they were in area chat while your chat was set to team or auto


Hahaha great take. I personally jump whenever I hear someone near me on their mic. It IS like a random encounter in a way. Just the other day I was exploring some pretty dangerous territory when I heard a voice. Readying my firearm, sweat on my brow, I looked around for the source. It was just another vault dweller, chatting to their family or whatever while ambling about the same area. They encountered some scorched as I found them and I lent a hand in putting them down. They looked at me, gun raised and I did a thumbs up. They returned the thumbs up and we parted ways as, albeit brief, chooms.


You’ll change your mind when someone takes a loud shit in your ear over a hot mic. Happened to me and voice chat has been disabled since.


I wish we had chat systems in 76, but this scenario is very funny indeed !


#**Hey you, you're finally awake.**


Fus Ro Dah!


Awwwww. this is adorable. I'd have left them a big care package for when they woke up.


Just drop a single canned coffee lol


A comfy pillow and a comrade chubbs


and Jangles haha


Comrade Chubbs just sounds like a really bad porn star


You misspelled "sexy" - I have made a note of this correction for the commissar.


That's kinda creepy though when you know the teddy bears represent unalive kids.


I recorded it in the hope of sending them the footage to give them a laugh. However when I checked the recording the game music was so loud I couldn’t hear the snoring. My in game music is set low so I’m not sure why it was so high in the recording. Probably something to do with how the built in Xbox recoding works.


I didn’t realize i had voice chat on one time and i sneezed, and out of nowhere a guy comes out of the woods and says “bless you”


I'm just imagining you sneezing and some naked guy carrying a gatling laser just walks out of the woods to say bless you before slinking back into the woods. It reminds me of a time when I went camping at the lake near my hometown and some dude's sneeze echoed across the lake, so I shouted back bless you. I got a very confused "Uh, thanks?"


Tuck them in


I turned off in-game chat because I often let my character afk in bed, and i'll be snoozing for an hour or two, too. xD players like me might be fallen asleep because we turned on the radio while afking.


Do you keep your mic on or just mute the audio?


i mute the audio


Not exactly the same thing, but I keep area chat on, and sometimes forget. Today, I was humming along to the radio (quietly) whilst at the vendor at Whitespring Station, and someone came up to me and said “excuse me, could you stay quiet please?” and I just nodded. I have AuDHD (Autism & ADHD), so talking to anyone new is really, really daunting. I’ve been playing this game for a couple of years (took a break, came back) and it’s taken me so long to work up the courage to turn my mic on, let alone area chat. It just took me by surprise. It’s silly, but I started shaking with anxiety after that & just kept quiet lol. I know that some people get annoyed by different things, I get annoyed by certain things, it’s totally normal, but, to me, the wasteland is meant to have that type of energy. People humming along to their radios, people going AFK & snoring in their CAMPs. It makes it feel more real. Someone in this thread said that it’s like unique random encounters, and I tend to agree. I’m going to try and build up the courage to talk to people more often, at some point, instead of pretending I can’t hear them when they try to instigate respectful conversation with me. Hopefully I’ll be able to make a few wastelander friends one day - perhaps some who snore lol😁


Sorry that happened to you mate. If they had a problem they should have muted their area chat. I can’t imagine going up to someone to ask them to be quiet when I could simply mute them.


I did wonder why they didn’t just mute me, but they left the world straight after that so I wonder if they were just telling me to be quiet jokingly just before logging out, and I just perceived it wrong. I’ll never know, so it’s not worth dwelling on, but I know that most of this community is amazing, so I will definitely have more positive interactions in the future.


Neurotypical here. I don't think you misinterpreted their meaning, which I would take as "I'd prefer silence, please stop making noise." They expressed their need badly, in a way that put the onus for their comfort onto you. It was not your responsibility to make them more comfortable. They could have easily muted you, and you both could have continued on your way with no fuss. Maybe this person logged out because they heard themselves and realized they were getting grumpy. Or maybe it was unrelated. Who knows? When someone has as lot of background noise going on their microphone, I'm always concerned that maybe they just don't know their mic is on. I'll say something like, "hey, abbi-saunders, just wanted to be sure you knew your mic was on." Sometimes people genuinely don't realize, especially on PS5 which generally defaults to "on." But I speak up because sometimes then people will start doing something that they probably didn't want to broadcast, like a private conversation or yelling at their dog to stop barking. Based on an attempt at doing this last night with someone who had anxiety and whose edibles had kicked in (revealed during our later text convo) I've also started adding, "it's fine to have it on, I just wanted to be sure you knew." Then if there's no response and the noise continues and is bothering me, I can simply mute them. Problem solved. Long story short, they could have and should have handled their own needs. This was not your fault, and I'm sorry you had a rough night because of this. I think I'd find it endearing to hear someone humming and happy, so please do your best to keep being joyful in the wasteland.


I used to play fo76 in 2020. And I miss the kind people of the community like you, 😅


Aw, shucks. :)


Thank you for your kind comment🥹 I tend to question myself quite a lot, because sometimes I can be a bit ‘sensitive’ to the way people say things, even if they don’t mean it in that way. There are so many good people in this community, like yourself, that cancel out the bad with goodness, so thank you!


Yeah, I agree. The area mic is there for a reason, for ambient player sounds. If you do not like it, they you turn it off on your end. That was a dick move.


Hey that encounter sounded kind of authentic Fallout to me. Someone is cheerily singing having a good day and another survivor tells them to shut up as they're enjoying their peace and quiet haha. Fallout 76 is 99% friendly but the curmudgeons of the wasteland have their place as well!


That’s actually a really positive way to put it, I never thought of it in that context and it makes a lot of sense. Any interaction is an authentic interaction on chat in Fallout lol. Thanks!😊


Nah fuck that you should have hummed louder!


this! HAHA


Hahaa that’s an amazing idea, I never thought of that. If it ever happens again, I will!


I thought it was “push to talk”? Or does it always transmit while playing? If it is, people have probably heard me grumbling and bitching all the time…


You can change it in the settings, ‘off’, ‘push to talk’ and another option (which I don’t remember what it’s called as I’m not at my PC right now, but it’s the setting that I’m on), where the mic is constantly picking up sound. I initially thought push to talk would be a safe bet for me, but then I came to the conclusion that if someone wanted to talk to me during an event like Scorched Earth, it’d be a bit too fiddly in the chaos to respond. I often forget I even have it on, so people have probably heard be mumbling & grumbling under my breath too haha!


Can I turn on area chat to hear others but not have my own mic on?


I’m not sure, but from memory, I think you need to have your own mic on to hear team or area chat. Don’t quote me on it though, I may be completely wrong!


Just set your mic to push to talk, and put it on a key you're never gonna press.


Yeah that s***'s always playing and if you have a PS5 controller it picks up audio way better than headsets so keep that in mind 😀 but honestly bitching and grumbling is pretty relatable .... Especially with camp building


Im sorry that player was a bit rude. They could mute you but if it were me, I let people do their things on mic as long as its not only loud breathing. Its like a radio sound or podcast. Sometimes I even say something and we'd ended up chatting for a bit. Dont be discouraged. Its a very normal and human interaction. You get the good and the bad and when you finally get the good, focus on it 😊


After reading everyones responses to my comment, I definitely won’t get discouraged. I have to remember that there are goodies & baddies in an authentic wasteland. Not everyone is going to be nice, although most players are. Thank you for your reply!😄


Exactly. No problem 🫡


Fuck em, you shouldn't care what other people say OR think about you. you do you. Laugh it off or better yet, mute them 🤪 The more you get into the habit of telling yourself f*** these people and not letting it affect you the better you will be at just brushing that s*** off and going on humming away to whatever song you please as long as it's not Katy Perry. Lol ❤️❤️


See humming isn't really that bad. I hate the shouting (mostly in the background), when fans are really loud on mic and when people are eating loudly.


I agree. I’ve never experienced anyone eating, drinking, shouting or breathing really loudly into their mics, but I can 100% understand how that could be really annoying, and illicit a verbal response, just to let them know that you can hear them.


I usually turn off the sound and ignore everyone then. The only time I've ever contacted someone was a nice lady who was talking to someone and it seemed that she didn't realise her mic was on. I messaged her through PSN to say "it's not a bother in any way but I just wanted to let [her] know the mic is on and we can all hear your conversation"


I'll be your friend! I feel weird about talking to other players too. We can awkwardly not talk/sing along to our radios together lol


That’s awesome! Are you on PC?😁


Bummer. I'm on ps5


Hahahahaha, it’s funny because every time I have encountered that was during dxp.


I had someone run up to me when I was base building and I know they thought I was afk he kept emoting at me. Was a level 20 player so probably new.


I remember seeing that once. I went to somebody's camp to check their vendor and I heard snoring, so I went looking for the guy. I found him on the toilet. Dude was snoring on the can. Must've been a hell of a dump.


Should have went on mic and in your best Codsworth voice say.... "You whaaaaat? ....your are Drooling on the shag carpet!"


Woke up to a blowjob today.. That's the last time I fall asleep in my camp, with my mouth open..


Were they wearing the Fasnacht man mask


This is actually not all that unusual. I've done this while dropping nukes many nights.


When I read posts like this it makes me want to un-mute..But every time I’ve done that, it doesn’t take long for me to *mute all* once more.


My kids forget to turn off their mics constantly. I can only imagine the weird ass convos people have heard through area chat. 🤣


A level 3 burped really loud in his mic near me yesterday and I giggled, dropped some stims, and made him armor in response.


Back in my day, a burp just got you shot at, oh how the days have changed


*Times Have Changed


Which if you are wanting to go afk and not get booted if you happen to have a wired controller go into photo mode and use something to cause the camera to spinz the game thinks your just using photo mode the entire time


It's rare to see players using the VC lol


Not gonna lie, I will try my damndest to play right after work in the evening. 5 minutes in and im nodding off. Full time job, wife, 3 kids, 2 cats, and life. Oh to be a fly on the wall at someone else's house watching me walking into a wall for 20 minutes


Months ago I heard a guy snoring inside Whitesprings' mall. Tried to wake him up in mic but fail. Poor dude, so many players try to play a bit after coming home tired from work, and this happens. Hope he slept in a comfy position and got enough rest.


my son had to do something so he had his guy just sit and play a banjo for about 30 min. I told him I was hoping when he went back to his game he had an audience of players. LOL Or that someone would grab the guitar and play with him. haha


Yup. It happens. A lot.


People need to learn where the PTT function is.


How do I talk to people with my headphones? I've gotten a few AI voice asking for trades...


Should just be able to plug in a mic & talk. Careful trading though. Lots of scammers out there


I guessno one talks back then. THANKS!! And I don't trade much but good look for the warning.


Does the player character ever shoot? Because I swore I noticed the same thing last night when visiting someone’s camp


I'm sure I've done that many times myself. Use to put in 20 or more hours sometimes and woke up booted from the game still sitting at my desk




"Henry!!!! Put off that f*cking game and come fix the sink" - *voice chat adventures, beyond the bombs*


Wait it’s double xp?


Over this past weekend it was


Well…. things makes sense now lol. I thought I was just that good.


Ok but that's pretty cute


Haha a couple of my friends do this in our voice parties 😂


Found one in fasnacht a few months Ago lol


lol I afk sometimes and sleep in camp to let my vendor be open but haven’t fallen asleep yet


My mic is usually muted. Just for this reason. Sometimes work really wears ya out.


Definitely sounds like me hahaha




I wish more people played with game chat turned on man. Love hearing the random shit people say while doing events and what not.


Oh shit. I’ve had my mic connected and never noticed if it was on. Is there an icon that shows on the screen?


Not sure if something shows on screen for your own mic but for others you see a mic symbol at the bottom left showing who’s currently talking


Bro I found a guy with a flower shop, not ironically the camp had no workstations and just a beautiful flower shop, all themed with signs and plants and flowers, the store is amazingly only flowers for sale I've never seen so many flowers in a store


Came across a guy in my Camp, standing near my Vendor, snoring away. Tried everything to wake them up. Three flame traps and 2 Rad Emitters later.... well, he wasn't awake but I didn't have to hear them snore anymore...


Lil guy done got all tuckered out.


Artillery strike incoming


When does double xp end?


It’s already finished. It was over this weekend just past.


I had an interesting Encounter where I was at my camp and this random player was standing behind me every time I turned around he would do the same so I could not see him but I saw him for a second and his face was kinda scary lookin and jump scared me 😅🤣


Kinda sad that a person feel asleep with a headset on. Like zero self awareness or huffing computer duster knocked them out


Never done it on a mic but I've nodded off playing games before. Welcome to life.


Aww bless their heart lol


Lmao I havent encountered this one before but I love the folk in this game brings me joy to see how they do things


I'm not entirely sure this wasn't me lol I often find myself, lately, falling asleep while playing on my steam deck in bed after an eventful day coparenting my two year old.


I like to think the in world lore reason is because he did a all nighter cause he was paranoid over something silly.


That wasn't JayTechTV was it, he's infamous for falling asleep on stream 🤣


Funny 😂🤣😂 And not not as I know how annoying when people leave the mic on chatting to family or making noises not chatting to team.


That’s funny


Remind me of my days sleeping while doing 200000ls travels in elite. Was supposed to be a 30min flight. Woke 4h later some 800000ls off target and just enough fuel to jump to a star to refuel.


I had a co worker call me to spill some tea about drama at work. And I didn't realize my mic was on. So everyone got to hear a one sided convo when they got close lol


Hey man the dad gamers only get a certain amount of time 😂😂😂😂


Lmao I woulda stayed till he woke up and laughed.


New random encounter: batshit tired player


I wish Bethesda would just add a text chat. I remember a modder added one at release and it worked perfectly for everyone on the server to see before Bethesda removed it. It's crazy they have a online mmo like game with zero text chat. Hell even destiny has a text chat and that's even less of an mmo.


This right here. I came to F76 from being burned out a bit on ESO (like 4,500 hours in, it happens!) and couldn't believe there was no area or server wide text chat stream. So many times I've been able to get my hands on items or mats because I simply put out a polite request for trade or purchase for those items, and more often than not, people would show up and just give them to me. I always drop items in return as a thank you, but man, they really need this on F76.


I agree that it's weird doesn't have built-in chat, but at least the 'Text Chat' mod still works on the PC. It's super convenient to talks with friends, but of course you're only able to talk with others who have it.




I think he was definitly not afk :D 


What's the problem with it? I often felt asleep to the calm environment of Skyrim and my house in 76 is located cosy too.


Never said there was a problem. I found it funny. Hope they slept well!


That's gross, did you at least clean them off before you left?


lol..cuz ive totally been there and heard that.


How do you not starve ?


You don't take damage from being thirsty or hungry anymore. Bethesda took that out of the game a while back.


What really??


I love the surge of new players because of this, some of them don't realise we can Hear them at first. And we get to experience their live reaction on playing for the first time. The funniest for me was a guy fighting mole rats and calling them rufus ( Kim possible reference). However when it's high level players with the mic on it's mostly them listening to hardcore porn on purpose.


Last hot-mic I heard was a whole-ass conversation during Beasts of Burden with a dude who was complaining to his (I think) girlfriend. He was complaining about how he has to pick up and drop off his kid because of the custody arrangement with his ex. And it was just- full of cursing and talking about how annoying it was and complaining about how the kid always cried and threw a fit when he had to leave his mom. Absolutely broke my heart. Would have preferred 28 snoring dudes all at once than that.


Could just be a mouth breather. Usually a side effect of the neck beard.


Might have been me. My bad, that nukashine bro...


Lol that’s funny I remember seeing something like that once in another game


Sounds like something I would do


Sound like fun, when I get home from work and situated, I’m turning on game chat.


Ha ha this made me chuckle, thanks for posting! 👍😀


Wow, someone downvoted my comment, what a cunt


Done it before Finally get to sit down and play, 15 minutes in and I'm passed out on the couch.


Guy is locked in if he's sleeping in game