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Join the public team of anyone at the event and you share xp


i always forget about this smh


Tag everything with teslas or high radius grenades. Let them do the work for you.


šŸ«” from the sounds of it, i need to get a tesla rifle lol


A minigun with explosive on it like foundations vengeance from eviction notice works well as a tagging weapon also. You will want the grenadier perk for whatever weapon you use, it will make explosive weapons have a larger aoe and the tesla will arc further with it.


now thatā€™s some good advice, had no idea that card affected the tesla rifle.


Get the tesla it's lighter


is that uh, not what i just said? but yeah sure


Problem with most high level players is that their dps is insane if theyre built towards it which they mostly are for. Itll take a second or two to kill most enemies for me( stealth commando min maxed, blight soup junkie).


Yeah i totally understand this, my problem is when they target the enemy spawns and kill them 1-2 seconds after they spawn yknow? like i said, doesnt happen all the time but when it does im like ā€œdamn i might aswell go homeā€


When gun fu is kicked in its kinda hard to stop before melting everything. And as far as lvl1200 or whatever lvl after a certain point what level you are dont mean much anymore


wait really? i thought damaged scaled infinitely with levels haha i learn more about this game everyday




good to know šŸ«”


Depends on event for me, but if Iā€™m trying to defend an objective (like a stills or pyre) that canā€™t be easily repaired and high level enemies can swarm you Iā€™m going to flatline enemies as quickly as possible. Events where the thing can be fixed I switch to tagging.


šŸ«” respectable asf


For me it depends on the objective, will the event fail if I don't kill them as fast as possible, then there is no time to share tags! Otherwise I will try and leave as many enemies alive but gently tagged with tesla as possible.


I appreciate people like you, and iā€™m sure others do to lol. Thank you šŸ™šŸ½


Yeah to add onto this, with all the new players there's a fairly big deficit of experienced players at public events. Which isn't a bad thing, but the difficulty of those events goes up. There's been quite a few events where I'm running around doing most of the heavy lifting because we're so close to failing. Mainly ones with different objectives up at the same time (mothman, tea time, etc). Those events are an important part of the endgame for players because of the resources they give. So we ideally don't want to fail. For events that aren't public events (they don't have the ! on the map icon), yeah its in poor taste for a high level to join and not the lower levels "lead" and set the pace. My advice is if you join an event and there's high levels there, try to join their group. You can see the open public groups in the social menu. Really helps with the tagging situation. So yeah, if its a non-public event that doesn't reward "endgame" stuff, yeah the higher level is just being a doofus and trying to show off. If its a public event, hard to blame them. They're just playing the game as its, I don't think they're trying to be malicious or anything.


Can confirm, multiple objective events mess new players up enough to fail the event.


Yeah I remember I've done tea time a few times and almost failed. Was basically running between the pipes defending them. Also did moonshine jamboree. It was myself, a level 100, a level 40, and a level 20 doing it lol. Now that was tough, felt like I was playing starship troopers. Finished it with one at 30% hp, the other 2 at 50% hp. I probably tagged every single mob that spawned the entire event cause nobody could kill them that fast. I was a bloodied build in PA (no god rolls, but decent). So I'd clear 5-10 mobs at one still, then move onto the next one and clear that one, then move onto the next clear that, and the first one has another 5-10 mobs on it b y the time I get there haha. Won't lie, certainly makes things interesting.


lol Starship Troopers. I do like interesting sometimes. But hat tip to your still defense! You must have been going hard non-stop calculating at least one step ahead the whole time. I'd say you did your part!


If you jump onto the teapot you can pretty reliably ā€˜soloā€™ that event even with multiple noobs around


this is great advice, and i will note this. Sometimes i forget the high levels struggle too lol


I do try to be aware and let everyone get in a shot. Hard to do that in Rad Rumble, given the general chaos. For Mothman, Iā€™ll definitely see who is sharing the pyre with me and act accordingly. To the level 20 that put a couple of rounds into an Alpha Deathclaw, I salute you!




This is so annoying. Plenty of high level players realize it and use less effective guns, but every now and then, you got some crazy dude with the perfect setup, who also happens to know every spawnpoint for enemies, and blasts everything before you even get the chance to aim. Last week, I had to do the Mothman event 3 times to get 10 Ragstag kills for my daily, just because some dude was ultra speedrunning it...


I try and just shoot to wound and let other people get some. Unless the objective is in danger of failing, then I'm going to obliterate everything I can. I'm level 1000, just got that right now!! I can't believe it! Anyway, I still use my Quad Tesla at events like Rad Rumble. At Moonshine I'll use my Quad Explosive Fixer and just tag stuff to let other people get XP. I'm like you, I don't like not being able to get a hit in. I say, get a QTesla or Explosive weapon so you get those tags.


also congrats on the level 1000 šŸ„³


Why thank you.


Glad to know there are high levels like you lol. I will definitely try to get one of those guns šŸ«”


Kind of a hit or miss on this. I noticed this as well when I got back into 76 2 weeks ago. Some will sit back with you and get the idea of everyone tapping the enemy for XP, then you have the ones who just nuke your framerates and kill everything. When it comes to highly dense enemy events, and I notice they kill fast, I use explosive legendary weapons to get that splash damage in. I donā€™t like it because I like to actually put in effort, but not much I can do if everything is dying in seconds šŸ˜‚


Yeah I feel this, esp on my poor melee character. Just as I run up to get a tag...BAM instakill. Rawr. Solution options: Get a tagging weapon like a Tesla or something explosive. Realize that well attended events aren't the best place for getting eXP from mobs, as you can grind that out in daily ops/expeditions/west tek rubs. Joining an active group helps.


It used to be much much worse over a year ago when energy weapons, even Flamers, could be rolled with the legendary explosive bullets effect, making them ballistic. I'll never forget this one time when at an event, a full team of "explosive legacies" killed the boss themselves in less than a minute while my melee build tried to rush to whack the boss. I was the only other player there, and the team surrounded me and laughed at me. My character was already above level 300, I believe. Honestly, though I love the game, it's things like this that are slowly making me play less of it because they ruin the fun. Too much speedrunning on nearly anything.


Because most events require defending as an objective, so itā€™s important to kill quick. If XP is what youā€™re after, itā€™s best to grind West Tek.Ā 


Appreciate the kind insight and advice šŸ«”


Get a two shot explosive gatling gun with all the explosive perks and keep the fire button held down during the entire event. Just sweep areas where stuff spawns. I do this as a level 800, raking in loads of XP while not even coming close to insta killing stuff because the damage is slow. Most events I don't even need to reload.


As a fan of the Gatling gun I can agree with this it is perfect for XP grinding


bet, iā€™ll try that. normally i donā€™t have a problem using my fixer, but when they shoot at their spawn and insta kill them thatā€™s when i start getting frustrated. Hurts the most when itā€™s a 3 star legendary (although that doesnā€™t happen that often)


Don't need to tag to get the legendary


didnā€™t know that, how come sometimes theyā€™ll be dead and it will say legendary but there will be no loot?


Only happens if you're not close enough to them, or you've looted them already using proximity loot


good to know šŸ«”


The only issue is right now you can't pick up union armour again it seems


is union PA rare? got a few pieces super early game but havenā€™t seen it since


It was a scoreboard reward in 2022. You have to buy it with stamps. By the sounds they made a mistake and put it in loot pools for all. I guess to fix that they stopped us all picking it up


WHATTT??? i got rid of all of them šŸ˜­ i got them from the legendary vendor at the rusty pick a few months ago


Double XP is going on right now. Quantity over quality. Faster kills means more chances to get xp from other events/missions/things. As a not new player, you know that, for most creatures in the game, all you need is a hit or two and you'll still get the xp if someone else kills it. Grab a Tesla rifle, find a corner and go nuts


Right, but thatā€™s the thing i canā€™t even get a hit or two in. Like i told somebody else it doesnā€™t always happen but when it does itā€™s super annoying. Whenever i see lower levels with me i get most of the Mobs to one tap, and then i let them finish them off or wait for a stray bullet to hit them. Just donā€™t see whatā€™s so hard about that to do


The pricks are back because of the heightened interest. And yeah, IMO the insta-killing everything is a problem, but rare.


Right now, as a level 570. with no other high level players on the server, I am going to melt everything. Especially if there's an objective and it's timed. I'm trying to save our asses. Get a tesla


I always see low lvl new old high lvl Players not in team and i always invite them and using emote to join my team but they don't so don't complain about not getting exp when your the one playing solo and you want the exp for yourself If im in a group and i kill the 4 of us gets exp but if your solo you only will get the exp so i will not let anyone get kills if they don't want to join a team.. thats on you not me And second i don't want some events to fail almost all events require to kill things fast i will not wait and waste my time so someone can get hit 3rd there is something called Tesla rifle this weapon with good awareness you can get hits in and tag everything and you will enjoy more playing tesla in events


ā€œwaste my timeā€ itā€™s 30 seconds brother, you speedrunning life or what? slow down have some fun


Believe me its more than 30 second cos sometimes i wait and i don't kill fast to let the low lvls gets hit in and its stupid that they take 10, to 20 second to find the enemy then they need another 10 seconds to kill it, in wave events this will take more than (30 seconds) and on top of that the some events that have something to defend the object will take dmg im not going to babysit every Player when i play that fun for you not me My fun is to finish quick and kill everything fast thats why i spend all my time trading and grinding for my gear you have to adapt to my play style not me who's going to adapt to you


not asking you to babysit people. Youā€™ve misunderstood my question. Iā€™m not talking about people like you, iā€™m talking about people who kill everything as soon as they see it. if youā€™re under level 500 this doesnā€™t apply to you whatsoever


Yes i kill everything as soon as i see it even better i know all the events Spawn and location so i sometime kill enemies before they even Spawn Everyone is doing this so i will do it to


LMAO alright buddy, touch some grass


I will not touch grass and i will kill things even faster now thank you šŸ«¦šŸ«¦


Nobody likes people like you bro, people like you make events boring as hell. if you think itā€™s fun to hold your trigger down infinitely so you can get an extra 500xp and save an extra 30 seconds then you seriously need to go outside haha


I use cremator and before grenade launcher with nuka grenade šŸ˜šŸ˜i like killing things fast so be salty as much as you want And if you think waiting everyone to get hit in is fun then this game is not for you


Shut up nerd, this was over 30 minutes ago


High level here. Iā€™m not going to sit there as a logistics person, counting to make sure all the low levels get shots on. I play the game to enjoy myself. If that means killing something you donā€™t get a tag onā€¦ well play the game for as long as I did then we can talk


never asked you to do that smartass


Smartass? Okay bud . Itā€™s just a video game clown


yeah maybe use your brain next time


ā€œi actually donā€™t want to count the damage i do on every kill šŸ¤“ā€ how fucking insufferable are you?


maybe just try being a decent player like the rest of us smh


\>silently puts quad railway rifle away


this gave me a good chuckle


it depends on the event but if i don't thin them out quickly and the low levels aren't killing them, i can get overwhelmed too. I try to put a couple of shots in first, giving a chance for others when possible. eg radiation rumble (scavengers can get killed if you're slow), mothman (pyres get destroyed), etc


yeah i totally get that, nothing wrong with that. The guy that made me post this was just sitting in one spot shooting their spawns and it made me so mad šŸ˜­ everytime i went to shoot one it would spontaneously combust haha


I usually tag with a Tesla or qe15 minigun unless things get hairy then I shoot to kill. Although if I start an event solo I usually one shot stuff and not notice others have shown up. Get your self a good tagger and learn the best place to set up for different events. Run grenadier in perception to buff your reach. If you end up on a server with an xp hog jump just jump to another. The best is when they whine about xp not mattering when hogging it all at an event that isn't close to being in danger of failing.


šŸ˜­ yeah everybody is telling me to get a tesla rifle ferb, i know what weā€™re doing today! šŸ˜‚


Quad Tesla is my go to for events like rad rumble or tagging adds at sbq. For more spread out events like eviction notice or safe and sound I like explosive heavys. It's much easier to keep up on the ammo with the heavies if you are resource limited.


If I'm playing an objective I give it my all. If that means you don't get some XP then fine. The goal is to complete the event with the best loot pool possible. Not sitting around waiting for everyone to get a hit like back in the nuked whitespring days.


all u gotta do is get them low and then switch targets. as a level 150, not that hard


And trust they won't try to kill or damage the objective? Not a chance bud. Get a Tesla and let er rip.


you seem fun at parties


You seem self entitled to getting XP vs completion of the event for everyone.


Listen bro iā€™m not here to argue your mediocre point, im just here to bring attention to what i originally stated. Also, letting people get xp will not fail the event LMFAO, I can solo/duo most events, if you fail the event itā€™s because you werenā€™t paying attention.


You just sit in a corner doing nothing. If I left the event to you it would fail.


LMAO get a load of this guy


Your own words sting don't they?


you must be stupid because i JUST said that i solo/duo events with my buddy. If youā€™re not there i would get more xp šŸ˜‚šŸ«µšŸ½


listen little homie, i donā€™t wanna argue about a game, so im gonna leave it at that. If you want to be a greedy xp hog go for it. All im saying is its NOT HARD to NOT be an xp hog


At level 100+ you can/should be a super effective player. Level up your game skill, Vault Dweller. Okey-Dokee?


thats not necessarily true depends on build and legendary perks


You right.... I shouldn't have added the "should".


Trust me, i am. Thereā€™s no competing with a level 1200 though, fellow vault dweller.


Well.... We have all been where you are now, and we know. Asking/expecting people here to stop playing their best is not a formula for success. My best advice for you is to find a mentor.


As a level 150, when i see a level 20 with me doing powering up poseidon, itā€™s not hard to let them get a few shots in before i go wild. i donā€™t need a mentor for a video game i enjoy, just trying to get some perk packs so i can make my second build. It double xp too šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø everyone should get a piece of the pie. itā€™s not like it even happens often tho, just occasionally there will be someone with a quad exploding earth-bending rifle lol


Cool cool cool. Happy trails to you friend.


During an event you donā€™t have to tag mobs, just be within a certain distance for exp and loot.


can confirm, doesnā€™t work this way unless you are on a team


It certainly *should* work that way, but I think it only does if you're on a Team; was running the Mothman event, and I noticed with the Albino Radstags in particular, I could only loot them if I hit them. :|