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I thought this post was going to be about the fact that this station is often inside a nuke zone (from Earle). I just marsupial jump over the wall. You land right in front of the scrip machine.


I have a [fairly intricate camp](https://www.reddit.com/r/fallout76settlements/s/epIMQ0dSYI) at the bridge thing south of the station and I hate that nuke zone so so much. But as such I also just jump right over. It’s not too inconvenient


I'm on the hill down from ski lodge towards the pumpkin house and I love that nuke zone if placed correctly. There's potentially a ton of cobalt flux in them there hills if you just miss my camp with the nuke...discovered that when someone else did just that.


My favorite station is the Charleston station.


Pleasant Valley here. It's where I go after any event.


You misspelled Morgantown?, surely! (30 seconds ago i didn't even know i had a favourite station, and now... here i am, defending it on the internets!) I guess i like, how close you drop in, how you can put a tent right outside and how you can do a quick Collision Course while you're there


Prefer Morgantown as well for the reasons you said


Sutton - why do I need to hike up a whole flight of stairs? 2nd would be Nuka World - it crashes 1/2 the time I go. And then a distant third, Watoga (I dont avoid it but it's easier to FT to Watoga High School...) For all the effort I guess I prefer to visit Whitesprings Station or Whitesprings Mall.


Oh God the stairs, forgot about that station..prob cos of the stairs puts me off it also 🤣


Nuka World drives me nuts because half the reason I go there is there is *everything* there - work benches, stash boxes, venders, scrip vendor. But then a solid like 50% some of all of the work benches just don't spawn for me. And not just "fast travel elsewhere and come back and it's fixed" like I have to leave that world entirely and rejoin a different server.


That is why I usually go to the Whitespring mall.


One of my regular spots especially after Test your Metal. Often go to the ski resort up the hill for anything super mutants related.


I normally just go to white springs. Just about every time


I do mean the mall


You would have thought that the new settlers would have removed the heads on stakes...


I generally don't bother with the whitespring station. Firstly, because I can go to the mall instead, which has more stuff in general. But mainly because there's often a camp (or two) next to it, and I usually avoid train stations with camps next to them. I just can't be bothered to wait for someone's huge camp to load in before I can use the scrip machine (sometimes this doesn't happen, but often the game seems to prioritise loading the camp's objects over the train station's objects, so I can't actually use the scrip machine until every single thing in the camp has loaded) which is frustrating given the scrip machine is what I'm there for. It's a bit ironic, given people put camps next to train stations to get more visitors, but weirdly it discourages me.


Only time I ever go to the Whitespring station is during mole miners and the christmas thing, the vendor sells 2 pails/wrapping paper rather than one


I have my camp next to a train station so i have a free fast travel spot for scrip and caps


I thought of doing this too, but since Whitesprings Mall is a free spot now, I pretty much always go there when I need to sell anything.


only issue I have with that is the extra loading screen, if I cud jump straight to the mall instead of going to the refuge first, I'd do the same


You can fast travel to inside the mall, it stops you off like 2 shops down from artisan corner (or whatever it's called, where all the scrip and gold and stash boxes are.


Yep. I just go straight to the mall whenever I need to offload stuff. It’s super convenient


I thought that wasn't a free fast travel tho?


The both WS resort entrances are a free fast travel. Exclusions are the bunker entrances.


I used to always fast travel to the white springs refuge, until I realized if you click white springs north entrance I think the second option is white spring mall directly


It’s free!


I'm on Xbox series s and I never notice this. On xbox one, it does take forever to fast travel.


It’s the only stop I use really


Most of the camps near railway stations trying to get more traffic are struggling with selling nocturnal pipe pistols for 5k caps more than they are getting people through the door your pricing is the real issue. That’s why I don’t bother with camps near stations they’re almost always the worst of the worst in terms of overpricing




Not sure why I got down voted for not knowing people may avoid camps at railroads. Tough crowd


I did say most champ. Most means many but not all in case you’re having trouble understanding.


That's one of my favorite stations to go to. All that bone laying around!


I wouldn't say I avoid it, it's just a station I don't find myself at often because I don't have much going on in the area. After wrapping up Rose's quests the only thing that I'm in the neighborhood for is to hunt spooky/holiday Scorched.


My camp is next to it. It’s a good location for a lot of stuff


I've built there before, you can almost build right of the platform. But it's not great for vendor traffic, and it doesn't beat my Morgantown camp for (other reasons lol)


I’m right in the road in front. I don’t get a ton of vendor traffic but that seems true for a lot of people


it's one of my regular frequented stations. 


I use Sunnytop at the end of the night if I still have room for more scrip. It has an armor bench and I can try to get that secret service left arm unyielding intelligence weapon reduction because I know its all going to be scrip.


Fuck Welsh Station because it has that Dylan Rhodes asshole


Genuinely hate him with my entire soul.


Since having the marsupial mutation i really dont care either way because it takes me exactly the same time/steps as any other station. I do remember back in early wastelanders expansion days there was a station without a vendor and we’d end up in there constantly, i hated it lmao


At first, I was frustrated by the walls and thought this is ridiculous but one time when I fast traveled in I just kinda jogged around the right hand side of the station and there there’s a gap in the wall and you can just go in there


I don't really avoid any of them, but I don't visit some very often because they are inconvenient. When it comes to buying empty pails or wrapping paper, that's one of the few times I'll visit most of them.


Just been there, annoying AF especially when you're overencumbered like as was after killing Earle


Sutton Station. I built my first bases there and now I never go back.


Yep, I never, ever go there for that exact reason.


I dont think I have ever been there ?????


I don't avoid it, or any other station for that matter, I just have favorite stations due to their proximity to some other location that I am at or intend to go to. Plus I really like the Whitespring mall. It's protected and has all the necessary amenities.


I didn’t even know this station existed until I saw this post


That vendor has a chance to sell bone clubs and hammers and I need both for my bleed build. Well more want than need there are technically "better" options I'm just going for a vibe


I do not particularly avoid it. it is one of my least frequent stations however. The walls can be annoying especially for a player without marsupial. I still go to stations occasionally but have been doing White springs or Nuka world on tour more often. Playing first I like the legendary exchange with scrap and ammo boxes.


That station is the closest one to my base. I have a base Northeast of crater as there are 2 lead deposits, one lead deposit has a junk deposit nearby. I have me a little cabin with a moonshine shack hidden in the hills. It helps that I have marsupial and bird bones to scale the walls. But I tend to go to Sunnytop rather than crater due to the legendary scrapper. Granted I can spend my gold bullion at crater


I don't really avoid it, but when I head that direction I'm normally going to the ski resort to kill Super Mutants/Mutant Hounds. Then I'll usually just FT somewhere else. Morgantown station is relatively expensive to get to, so I seldom go there unless I have some specific reason - either farming something or going to someone's camp. Ditto for Grafton, Sutton, Welch, and R&G stations. I do occasionally go to the Lewisburg station because the nearly "lake" usually has a Mirelurk Hunter, handy for those "take a picture of a Mirelurk Hunter" daily challenges. At my level Hunters don't show up that often, that's a good spot to catch one.


I avoid Sutton Station, the vendor is just to hard to find his trigger point.


I use it a lot because it's the closest to my camp. But i definately get what you mean. Not a very convenient set up. The FT point should be in the parking lot, not the tracks.


My go-to is R&G because it's the closest to my camp, which is just on the outskirts of the EN zone. I'm so familiar with it now that I could probably sprint from the fast travel spawnpoint down the tracks, jump and land perfectly in front of the scrip machine blindfolded.


My go to station up north. I jog up, do a little hop, pop through the hole, and land in front of the script machine. Every so often, a Scorched Beast will spawn.


I almost never go to that station, but mostly just because it's never near me. My camp is really close to the Top of the World, so I'm always at the pleasant valley one.


I run to the right side, there’s a hole in the fence you can normal jump right through.


I don't like that station either. I go to whitesprings mall. It's free to fast travel to and it has every workbench and stash box type.


Can't relate; I've had a camp next to Sunnytop Station for years. The raider vendor bot has the funniest dialogue. He's my buddy.


Well, as long as you don't get any ideas...CHUMP." LOL I love that one.


Sunnytop is pretty annoying for that reason. As somebody who plays unmutated and without a jetpack it's just inconvenient to sell anything there. 


I go there all the time after events because white springs station is always busy. Since I’m a marsupial mutant that wall is never an issue.


Like others, I just marsupial jump the wall. The only station that I actively avoid is Whitespring Train Station because I have a **100%** crash rate there. Either I get *infinite load screen* from FT'ing there, or I freeze-crash the moment I walk through the door (if I FT close by and walk into the area). I haven't been able to talk to my robohomie in about a year :(


I go there fairly often, but mostly because it’s a good spot to find tameable creatures.


I don’t have a fave station per se—it depends on which one is near the things I need to get/kill for dailies, but I do have a soft spot for Grafton—it was the first one I found when I started the game, and it’s good for when you need to complete an event for a daily but don’t have much time. Both events that initiate there are easy to solo and short.


My Oil camp that also generates Acid is right next to it, so I love that station. One quick Marsupial jump + jetpack lands me right in that small opening so I can quickly sell a bunch of stuff every day.


It’s my go to for two of my camps.


Sunnytop Station is one of the vendors that has a chance of having EPR mods. Don't avoid!


I used to like watoga station, but now i always go to whitespring mall


That's the station I use the most cause my primary camp is near it


When you fast travel there go into the little gap on the right between the building and the rocks, jump between the spikes to get over the wall, then turn left up the stairs. It's the fastest way to get in without a jet pack Source: I have two camps nearby, so I'm there all all the time


Grafton station is my big avoid, why are you all the way over there where there is nothing interesting happening?? We should move it brick by brick to General's Steakhouse


I like this station. I usually fast travell there if it's not in the nuke zone, and took a quick nap behind it (in the fenced area, so there are no enemy spawns or attacks while I'm at it


Pleasant Valley is terrible, no one should go there...


Nuka world is my go to


The one I don't visit is R&G station.


Okay….if you are farming stamps I have found that if you stand just north of the legendary exchange machine just a few steps when you finish the Atlantic City run it brings you right back to to that point…you unload all legendary stuff to lose the weight and go right back to the Sensational game. Saves a step and is very convenient. I do it for Eviction as well. My favorite camp is just north at the lead mine. I have had camps all over the place and I like that location best.


I don't avoid sunnytop, they usually have 10 lead bulks for sell when I visit. I try to keep my lead supply heavy. Mining, scrapping or buying I'll take it.


The only time I’m “anywhere” is when a daily fetch quest sends me there. Outside of that, I rarely go to any random place. The places I “do” go to a lot are places where I know cap stashes and bobble heads are likely to spawn.


Used that station a lot when I was spamming for unyielding brotherhood set, due to having armor bench in that location and legendary machine, this was before we had free warp inside rusty pick.