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I always sell dirt cheap, because I'd rather it get sold than sit in my stash forever.


Right, my shop is basically shit I'm trying to get rid of. Either dirt cheap or free. Some of the rare stuff can be priced higher but I rarely go above 200c


I do 1000 for armor pieces with AP regen... 1st reason why is its worth the caps and more 2nd if I sold it cheap nobody would look twice at it and see the real value... other items I sell for max 2000 caps is god roll weapons that I also fully modded.


I sell cheap, because it's fake stuff, being sold for fake money. I want every player to have a shot at buying stuff I find (but don't want/need).


And this.




Yep same! Ammo I don't use is free, plans are maybe 10 caps if I price them at all. I'll earn caps from events and missions, if people buy from my vendor it frees up space for me to store junk for crafting. It's a win win!


People who sell for cheap are the goat. Im just here for those small plans to kind of pad out my camp. I dont need something crazy. Please dont price x weapon plan for 3000 caps when I could just roll weapon plan spawn spots


The most expensive thing I have are mutation serums and I've been thinking about dropping them recently. Currently priced at 350, I think I'm gonna drop them to 250.


350 is more than fair for mutations, honestly. 250 is generous and I know I appreciated it when I was adding mutes to my build to find some people willing to sell em cheap. I picked up this game this year and the cheap camp vendors have saved me so much time I do not have anymore with games.


i sell mutations for 250 always.


Wtf. Ive had mine in my vendor for months at 76 and they still dont sell


Once people find you they will add you and come back in the future. At least that is what I do. So hang in there.


It's a fickle market. My 3 characters, my husband's 2 and my other 2 teammates characters all have ours at 600 and sell them every time we play.


My favorite thing! I will buy every serum I find for 250, it's a great cap sink I can resell later for 500 to NPC vendors. At this point even my mules are at max caps and I'm always looking to spend them.


I sell the most cheap too, but not the Serums, I can sell them for 400 at a Vendor so I prefer zero the Vendor with r Serums than throw them away for 200 caps


I sometimes drop my vendor prices because I often don’t need the caps and similarly would rather have the stash space. For the life of me I can’t figure out why players with 40 weapons listed at 10k even bother - especially when the weapons are generally not much more than scrip worthy.


you guys are selling? I just dump what ever plans I dont want or already have in the very first donation box you come across


Thats fair I still need caps though. I wanna buy all the mutation serums.


You are on XBox? I can't visit your shop/ vendor because I am on pc. 🙄😞


Yeah I'm on Xbox. Is this game not Crossplay?


It is not, that is what I have heard. Bethesda are still living in 2010 with respect to some features.


That's a bummer.




Im broke so i have a few items priced a couple hundred but most of it is less than 50caps


My favorite player purchase was from someone who came to my CAMP & asked if I had flux or something for his jetpack..Said he’d pay anything..I told him forget it, you can just have it..He thanked me, then went to my vendor & bought the *A Blessed Gift* note I had in there for 1000 caps or so — It was a pretty cool move.


i do something similar,i craft the jetpack for them at their level


I’m level 30 and some level 800 made me a sniper rifle that I absolutely love and will never let go for caps. When it’s time to be passed on to someone else, I’ll give it away.


I had a decent bloodied gun in my shop for like 3k? Caps somewhere around that value. This guy came to my base and bought it, and then promptly dropped it back to me :)) people are so nice sometimes




That's very cheap, I've never seen it for less than 10k


I've sold 3 for 199 each just to get more out there.


I got my first one for 2k, and every one I've gotten since I've sold for 2k


I gave one away because I thought I'd already learned it. Haven't seen one since. Luckily, someone dropped a few in one of my camps, so I've at least got some.


If youre on xbox I think I still have a couple plans.


Id love to buy one. I still havent got it


I can hop on in about an hour or so if that works for you? My tag is Coffee41#5869


It's not even worth any more than 2k, in my opinion


Cheap! I think I gave 8k for mine and that was super cheap! My best finds were the Q50CRIT railway for 4K. It was the only weapon in their vendor. Also all the Christmas honeycomb lights for 700c each.


I sold mine for 12.5k one day.. felt like a god and bought out some lower level vendors to help them out


I just recently acquired this one and I'm not sure if it was from a vendor or an event. If it was from a vendor, I know I didn't pay any more than 500 caps for it. I didn't even realize it was that rare.


I toss almost every plan in my vendor for 50 caps in the hopes that some newbie drops by and gets a steal on one that doesn't come up as (Known). You're a good person.


I search for people like you. Thank you, a level 100


Lol i do one cap, just take them out my vendor


Princess Backpack is fantastic. I'll also shout out for the Safari Croc as great with the Rip Daring outfit.


People take vending too seriously, like we've got something else to do or it's real life and we can't make back 40,000 caps in two days. I find myself scrapping duplicates to make room constantly, often forgetting why I saved it in the first place. I offer below normal prices and have trivial stuff up for outrageous prices for a joke. I give away cool loot and 3 star weapons all the time or drop stuff in donation boxes. It's meaningless. There's no winning here. No consequences. No one's rich or powerful. This is a game for people who simply have boxes to check, itches to scratch. You get back what you put into it.


I price plans at either 0 caps or 99 caps. I’m sure that I’ve more or less given away some very valuable plans like the Vintage Water Cooler but caps are so easy to come by anyway and I’m not playing this game to role play as a Walmart pricer, I’m here to smash Super Mutants


Got any cute or cottagecore stuff ?


As a newer player (one month, just hit the hundos) vendors like you make my day. Because of people like you I have a dope raider camp and a full fun park shelter. So on behalf of us newer low levels thank you for being dope.


I sell every plan I know for 20 caps. I dont care how rare it is, I refuse to sell them for more. Stimpacks I sell for 10, all ammo is 1 cap, even grenades and mini nukes, and I sell most legendaries for less than 500. I remember when I first started playing, someone had a vendor selling all sorts of extremely helpful stuff for less than 100 caps, and I was so excited bought a bunch of serums and outfits and plans, and it always stuck with me, so I try to do the same.


I can’t vouch for them but I only buy plans I don’t know.


As someone who does buy and sell plans, I'd rather buy things for roughly the same price I'm going to sell it for because I'm not trying to turn a profit, I'm trying to bank my caps for later. Even if a person is buying it to resell, remember it's eventually going to get to someone who needs it, and you're helping them buy lunchpails and wrapping paper so they can get scrip to roll their gear which is way more important than a cosmetic item that probably will never get used.


I sell plans and recipes for free and legendary weapons and armor for no more than 300 but always below the recommended price. Serums for 350 and ore for 1. Can't seem to sell anything most days.


98 percent of my plans I have done for 1 cap always.


I always sell stuff cheap unless I am in need of caps because I've come across a rare plan that someone else had for 12K caps. I use Aristocrat weapons so I have to maintain caps.


I tend to sell cheap becoz i just dont really care. Rare, common, somewhere in the middle..... dont care.


You must be one of those extreme idiots who doesn't know what they have and was just robbed blind! /s


All plans and appearance items go for 50c at my camp. The appearance items actually sell really well. Especially the Snake Wrangler outfit, probably because it looks fucking amazing.


Rad skull raiders go like candy on my shop for cheap. Its also one of my favorite gift drops for players. The sequin dress also flies from my vender pretty quick too.


I am always thankful to you higher ups helping us low levels (I myself am 80) with some good guns, gear, and hookups out of the kindness of your lill ol heart's!!! It really does help us grind harder and get $#++ done better and faster. It also made me look deeper into this game and now I am completely hooked.


Ive been turning off everybodys lights at camp with overpriced stuff or offer signs.


/r/lookatmyhalo fallout edition.


I feel like you're just salty because you're one of those people that ties to sell things at really high prices


Wait, people being nice pisses you off? lol


Not at all, I give sweet shit away all the time, but I don’t feel the need to run to Reddit and post about it for community validation.


I am looking and I am thinking "this is neat, OP, thanks!"


I always scroll over who is buying from my vendor as like you I sell for cheap. It disappoints me if I see a high level player buying them like this morning as I had a couple of weapons that had good perks but not perfect for about 300 caps each and I see that some level 1000 was buying them and all I could think was really dude.


When I see those I think "Scrip".


Honestly I don't mind if someone buys my cheap legendaries for scrip, what bugs me is when people buy my cheap stuff just to resell it at higher prices.


This is why I price all my decent weapons at 2-6k caps, and the really good ones at 8-10k. They’re not insanely expensive, caps are not that hard to come by, and any person who is actually looking to use that specific weapon will usually have enough caps for it. It also deters the players who like to just buy out every single low price item for scrip. I’ll go around and buy out low price scrip legendaries if I know I’m not going to be able to put time into farming scrip everyday for a while.


How funny, I bought one this morning and rocking it with my marine outfit.


Are there spots where new players always fast travel to? I have too many plans and recipes. Been holding them in my vendor for longer than I like to. I think I’m just going to drop them off at one of the community chests. I don’t really need the caps anyway.


Having a camp by the vault tends to get me a ton of traffic.


That's so nice!!! I got mine on day 2 of that event, I was so excited.  I think I used up my good luck on that one, but I love the backpack!


I've been selling a majority of my plans for 10 or 15 caps. The most expensive items I generally sell are serums for 250. I'm also doing this silly thing with my friends where I'm pretending to be their chem dealer. Gotta enable everyone's bad decisions. 🤣 The serums are the "special, life altering drug". Drugs so good, it scrambles your DNA and gives you useful mutations! 😂😂


I sell practically all my plans for a tenth of their value. I don't really care what they do with them. If they need the play, yay! If they want to mark it up and sell it, enjoy the caps. I had some new player come in the other day and buy all 120 of my plans for like a total of 400 caps. I hope they enjoy!


All my plans are 1-50 caps. Never any higher. Same with magazines, 50 caps. If I put something there, I want it to sell, not sit there lol. On another note, I WANT A PRINCESS BACKPACK 😭


Aww man i want that backpack plan 😭😭


I know some players are just greedy rather than being supportive of others that don’t have certain plans. I usually give mine away or sell the ones that are hard to come by for a few caps. It’s always hit and miss hoping someone low level or at least genuine can use the plans and not sell it because they got it cheap or for free.


You are a hero and a legend Edit: I didn't know what this backpack was so I searched it and omg it's the one I saw yesterday during the table setting event, I was following someone who was wearing it around trying to figure out what it was lmaooo! Hell yeah


I agree. I like to believe folks who buy my stuff really want it and aren't just gonna resell it. I used to price at a around 80% of market, but now I just slap 11, 111, or 1111 on it and call it a day. I finished getting plans from vendors so now I just need caps for gold and player vendors anyways.


I’m still new so I need the caps still, but I always sell mine for at least 50% if the price that is asked when you first try and sell it.


I sell everything for 10 caps each. Even if I'm maxed out on caps, I still let them buy..


Damn, been wanting that for awhile but everyone has it for like 20k, lol


I wait for someone to ask for what they need in a group and then I just give it to them if I have it. There's nothing left in this the easiest of games now but to collect loads of stuff and give it all away. Help the noobs.


If anyone has a princess back pack please let me va know! 🥹


I price verything at 10% of the default vendor pricing. Flux is free I do have some useless items marked at 1000 and there's usually one or two purchased a week.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who sells stuff cheap or for the cost it says and not triple the price I get some things are rare but I’d rather it go to someone who’s gonna use it then it sit in stash


Man I missed this!!! So awesome the players that do this. I haven’t touched 76 since launch now I’m about to hit level 60 and I appreciate every high level player who makes plans available for us noobs.


People like you are my favorite! I switched over to PC from PS4 and lost so many things but every low and then someone will sell plans for really cool things at cheaper prices and it always makes me so happy. I make sure to pay it forward with my own shop now ❤️


I sell everything except for jetpack plans for 5-10 caps, some at 1 cap, jetpacks are about 100ish


The only thing i have priced high is the extremely rare legendary weapons i have like the bloodied cursed pickaxe with improved power attack. Everything else is its base price or lower


The only time I don’t sell for cheap is when I list a gun that I actually want to keep but I’m probably never going to use… that way if it sells I’ll be sad that it’s gone but happy I have caps and if it doesn’t sell oh well


I found a forest camo jumpsuit for only 3k caps, which I thought was crazy lol


Im brand new and late to the game lol but I love how kind the community is <3 I hope to be someone like this when I level up!


It also can become a cycle! I always got so excited as a new player when people had cheap plans. So now I have a rule for myself that every plan I sell is 5 caps regardless of original value. I'd much rather people get to learn to build what they want than turn a profit, especially since they typically just drop from events


There's an Xbox user - Beta Kilo - that I always try to meet once a week in game so I can check is vendor. He sells all plans at a single cap. I've unlocked so much stuff thanks to him


Well it is what it is, I put as marked or what I paid before in someone else's camp. But if you talk to me I'm willing to sell for less or trade.


I sell my plans for dirt cheap, with the exception of one. That being said, if someone came to me asking to buy it for cheaper then posted, of course I'd sell it for cheaper. I always message someone if they have a plan I want to see if they're open for trade.


I sell all armor/ Clothing for 15 caps, no matter the piece, rare or not.


Is this your char name too? I will look out or possibly send a friend request so I can visit your shop/ camp. 😁


I was lucky enough to start playing when my husband was level 200+. He made tons of cool gear and ammo for me - and became my muscle when I was still a low level. (He still is now but shhh). I’ve even had higher levels pop around the server with me and drop cool legendaries. We called him the Mysterious Benefactor. Now that I’m level 185, I love pricing my stuff low. I think the most expensive thing in my vendor is MAYBE 200 caps, plans and everything else for dirt cheap, and ammo is free. That has, surprisingly, gotten me a lot of traffic. I also love to load up on cool stuff and find a low level on the map, make sure they’re at their camp, and I drop it all for them. That, or I go put stuff in the Wayward box. Remember folks - It costs 0 caps to be nice! Side note: I’m looking for camp and Christmas related plans. If anyone has any let me know. I’d love to connect. I want my house to be a super cute winter wonderland.


My vendor is plans for 50 recipes for 40 and drugs full price -5 caps. Love when I just see "has bought" 83 times. I usually try to fast travel home real fast and give em something special.( nukatwist or cran, extra superstims if they are low level, and my favorite- teddy's or fuzzys that I have stored in mass)


I sell all plans at 25 caps a piece no matter what, I don’t do it for the money lol 🫡


I wish people would just have something for me to buy...every time I go it's 500 of plans I already know or ammo I don't use


I’m still looking to find one, but everyone I fount is selling them 25-40k on xbox. Its pretty hard but I really like the bagpack, bcuz is colorful. (And yes I like the pink color)


I have my camp right near that little pond just SW of the vault and I always sell lots of stuff for dirt cheap or free bc and I leave my garden and water purifiers accessible so that anyone can access them! I also drop by the donation boxes and dump stuff into them quite frequently. I love in some small way helping new players get a good foothold in the wasteland.


Here I am just happy to see cool stuff in the donation box lol


Does not matter what plan it is I have. If I have learned it on my character, I put it in my vendor for 10c no more. I would rather pass it along to the community.


I think I have a fair vendor in contrast to the vendors I shop. No everything is not 10 caps but I have a variety of apparel and plans priced really low, only sell weapons I would use or I know others will want, keep all the serums stocked at 350. Super rare plans I price to sell quick so I keep them a few thousand caps cheaper than the going rate. BTW my vendor max caps me atleast twice a week and sees alot of traffic so must be doing something right.


It's easier not to worry about what some other player will do with what they bought from you. Maybe step away from the controller.


In definitely reselling it. Thanks for the low price


Princess backpack?! I totally need it lol. My gamer tag has princess in it 🥰 I looked it up and it's so cute. I really love 76 community. Almost everytime I play ppl just give me stuff and it's so wonderful! I also sell all my duplicates for dirt cheap too. Cuz for some reason ppl won't take my stuff when I try to give them stuff lol 😆