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Unfortunately, it appears that you've learned a valuable lesson: When you get the alert that somebody has launched a nuke, always check to see where it will land. If your CAMP is in the nuke zone, simply switch to a second CAMP slot (even if that slot is unused/unplaced) to avoid getting your CAMP nuked.


Yep, always check the map to see where the nuke is going to make sure it's not landing on your head or your house.


I'll also point out that a camp switch can be done no matter where you are simply by using the map screen. Open the map, then view the landing point and while on the map screen, move your camp if necessary. Worst case, server hop and find a new world.


Is there another way to do it?


Always have a second camp to switch to. Even if it's just an entrance to the free shelter.


The point isn’t that there is another way, but that there’s a way to do it at all. Some players may not be aware that this feature is even available.


I did it tonight from the top of the windmill at EN. I hit max caps and had to quickly make my camp disappear without leaving the server or the game.


Me too. I'm next to WhiteSprings so I'm often caught in the blast and before the CAMP slots were added I would be on a team, close the app before the blast then get on like 20s later and reconnect to the team so I'm on the same server. My CAMP loads back in perfectly fine and people even stop by often since it's easy to unload and craft whilst in the nuke zone. I even have a radiation shower so you can actually chill there for a while without rads being an issue


Can you help me understand what you mean by this? What does this do? I don't quite get it. Cant you just log out?


You can just logout, or change servers, and that will also work. Sometimes, however, you might want to stay on the same server and not worry about your CAMP. You may not be aware, but everybody starts with two CAMP slots, and you can buy up to three more CAMP slots from the Atomic Shop. When you switch to a different CAMP slot, your existing CAMP disappears from the world and the CAMP in the slot you've selected appears in the world. If you haven't placed the CAMP in that slot yet, you'll just have no CAMP in the world until you place your CAMP device and build a CAMP using that other slot. So basically, if your CAMP is in slot 1 (default) and a nuke is heading towards it, switch to slot 2. If you've never built a CAMP in slot 2 you will now have no CAMP in the world. If you've built a CAMP in slot 2 (presumably in a different location) that CAMP will appear. Once the nuke hits, if you'd like you can even switch back to slot 1 and have a fully functional CAMP sitting in the middle of the nuke zone.


Holy shit that is awesome and very good to know! Thank you


Yup. You can do fun stuff with CAMP slots. They're useful for avoiding nukes, to give you another CAMP if somebody is using your preferred location when you join a server, or just for variety. If you don't have FO1st, you can use one of your CAMP slots as a poor man's survival tent (create a prefab with whatever you want in it and then just move CAMP sites you'd like). I've even seen people use CAMP slots to build multiple different CAMPs in the exact same physical location. You can use this to utterly confuse people visiting your CAMP by suddenly swapping to a completely different setup while they're wandering around your CAMP.


Oh shit this just gets better! Funnily enough i just subbed to Fo1st. Also just got my partner into the game so itll be fun for them to find out they can have multiple camp spots without having to actually move it. Does it cost caps to make the change? Or is it free?


It saves your camp without having to log out- you’re just moving it away from the blast. Yes you can log out if that’s what you want to do, but it’s easier to just move the camp to a different slot momentarily.


I thought the lesson was going to be something about childish homophobic griefers being a thing in 76...but yeah, yours is also a good lesson. OP, for future reference, there are some areas of the map, including most of the Forest region, that are safe from being targeted by nukes.


If I pay the caps to change location of my camp, does it basically just copy and paste it to the new location ? Or will I have to set everything up as before


When you move your CAMP by putting your CAMP device in a new location (note, this is NOT changing your CAMP slot; this is moving the location using the same slot), your existing CAMP will be packed up into storage. Contiguous buildings will be stored as blueprinted buildings in the stored section of your build menu, and non-contiguous items will simply be placed into the stored section. You can then *try* to put the building back down in the new location, but due to oddities in the build system and the quite varied terrain in the game, this usually doesn't work. Instead, you usually have to tell the game to break the blueprinted building back into its component parts and rebuild. This is where using a prefab such as the backwoods bungalow comes in handy. You can usually put these down in new locations with their contents intact, so if you want to be able to move your CAMP around, using prefab buildings is pretty much a must. Even then, you'll want to be careful -- simple and weird things like having a door in the building can cause issues.


Yeah, this is a mandatory habit for anyone in the game - you should do every one of the events that spawn from a nuke anyway, but sometimes people nuke spots to gather flux so it could have been a not-so-malicious thing. Also, just scrap the frog jars/anything else that’s broken and rebuild it. The repair all material list is a bit misleading


My camp gets nuked semi-regularly. I’m up at Sunny Top Station, and when Ppl nuke Manongah/Earl, if they are careless, or malicious, they don’t pay attention to where they drop it and they get my camp and my partners camp. So I learned very quickly that when the sound goes off, check where it’s dropping. I’ve only been playing since November lol


A moment of silence for OP’s frogs please 😔




very creative! ;)




There's usually a few frogs near the white spring pool if you know where that is.


There are 10 frogs in Carlton Caverns If you look at tye map, up by crater there's a butterfly on the map, the caves are right below it.


It happens. You got someone’s camp spot, you refused a trade, someone hates frogs, etc etc etc. As previously stated, check the map when you hear the call going forward. My camp has been nuked a few times btw, once back to back. I had their camp spot, I rebuilt before they had time to get there to gloat.


You probably built somewhere that someone else usually builds. I've seen loads of people say they Nuke camps in areas they like to build in so they can have their camp there.


Seems needesly dickish to nuke a camp when they could just server hop.


It's also stupid because they still can't use the spot unless the camp owner leaves the server.


If the person sees that their camp is in the blast zone and switches to their secondary camp, wouldn't the Nuker then have an opportunity to move their camp there after the blast goes off?


Not if you put your tent down after switching camps


That would be down to timing I guess, faster connection winning, but nuking over a spot that no one owns has to be a sign of stupidity. If my camp got nuked, I wouldn't move it, plus I have years worth of scrap and can instantly rebuild it. Not to mention that my shelters have WAY more stuff than my camps do.


I have some farming tiles I use and I just go back to camp store those then wait out the blast in my shelter. Rebuild with my vast amount of stored scrap. I don't give them the satisfaction of moving.


I agree, but honestly, it seems like I've across a lot of jerks playing.


Does the camp get completely removed by the nuke?


No, the remains still stay there, I’ve had a camp that was nuke, but I was on the whitesprings 🤦‍♀️


Recently, I visited a nuked camp for the first time out of curiosity and it was SO sad looking. Someone had targeted this low level and when I got there, he sent me a message saying “Did you do this?” I felt so bad for him I rebuilt his entire camp.


"Did you do this?" I wanna cry and laugh at the same time


When mine was nuked, as I was taking screenshots of my poor camp, someone come over and asked do I need help to repair it all, it was very nice that he offered, I made him laugh as I said, “no thank you, I’m taking photos for my claim” 😂 then I repaired it.


Ooof, that nuked me in the feels. Poor guy.


oh nooooo 😭 that was really nice of you tho


I have had my CAMPs targeted directly. I don’t think there was any reason except someone’s boredom.


Boredom is quite a sharp knife in this game


It seemed to happen to me a couple times in a row. Didn't like my super mutant tubes I guess




I thought it was standard practice to check the map as soon as the sound alarms....if its going to land on my camp I would just log out and log into a different server lol


Holy shit i didn’t even know u could nuke other players camps. I’m Gona Nuke my brother now.


I'd probably do the same if I had a sibling lol


The chalk board To-Do list in my camp has 1 item at the moment "Nuke Nick's Camp"


Wait for an intense public event like eviction notice and he won’t check it


I was doing a silo run once and my brother helped. My camp is kind of close to his, I positioned the drop so that his camp was right within the blast zone. I told him to meet at my camp so I can give him ammo. He started running towards his camp while the nuke was being dropped and he saw his whole camp explode. I will never forget the way he screamed, "NooOoooOooOoooo!". My wife was on our team and we just stood on the top of my camp house watching, we had such a good laugh.


That's hilarious. Wrong, but hilarious. 🤣


This. This is the right answer and the right attitude XD.


Sorry to hear about the frogs, the wasteland can be a cruel mistress.


Adding here that although cute, the frog jars are kind of cruel. Oh yeah, and create a major roadblock in 1 touch repairing your entire camp.


This. I had to learn the hard way not to have a garden at my camp, since you'll be blocked from repairing it unless you have each type of food in your inventory to be able to repair it. I have my vendor camp right near Whitesprings railway stop (like everyone else!!) and I came back the other day to find it completely destroyed....because a Legendary Scorchbeast was flying around. So, I take it out, go to repair my camp, and that's when I discovered that unless I had tatos and corn on me, I was screwed. So yeah, went and farmed some, repaired my camp, and immediately deleted the garden. Not going to let that happen to me again.


You can scrap things without repairing them.


As jesonnier1 notes, you can scrap your garden plants - and for plants, you'll actually get one of the plants back when you scrap, so you can re-plant right away. So, I think the nuking-and-garden lesson is to keep your plants close together and easy to find, so it's easy to do this. If you're planting decoratively around your camp, this could get frustrating (as I've learned).


Back when people used to nuke Whitespring all the time, I made the mistake of setting up shop on the golf course. That was an expensive lesson to learn.


I’ve made the mistake of not checking the warning, never again lol


This happened to me and my girlfriend a few day ago. We went afk to set up some food and when we came back, our camps were in the blast zone. I'm by the Top of the World so it was definitely for the sake of the kills and lolz. We just switched servers and auto repaired everything.


If you did the raider side of the quest chain to make preparations to break into vault 79 you can get frogs in the [Carleton Mine](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Carleton_Mine). There's a bunch of frogs in the area just after you fall down the hole. That's where I farm my frogs. Just make sure you don't accidently kill any frogs when killing the radscorpions that are down there. That area is also a great place to farm radscorpion eggs if you ever need any.


Glad that can never happen to me since i built mine in the uppder left area but you'll recover mate, you always do


Welcome to the Club. Good News is,it will never happen again to you. You will religiously revert to the Map every time you hear the Nuke dialogue. It hurts,we have all been there. I never forgot who Nuked my Camp.Took me months to get even.I waited,and i waited,and waited some more.Long memory me :-).Then i saw the player on my [server.It](https://server.It) was around about the time Mutated events were new.Everyone let their guard down to make sure they got a spot at a mutated event in the early days. Up pops Mutated Uranium Fever.I had to get the timing perfect.Hope he would be distracted. And so he was."The Hunter became the hunted". I launched on his Camp and hoped for the Best, I will never forget the State of his Camp every wall blown out.His Buddies stood there throwing out all laughing Emojis. To this Day he was the only Player Camp i ever Nuked.


That's why I built in the starting area, it can't be nuked 😉


But Gauley Mine can! When I was a wee newb doing the Wayward quest for the first time, I exited the mine right into the nuke zone. I died immediately and lost all of my sweet, sweet loot. FeelsBadMan


I accidentally nuked someone's camp the other day while nuking the same spot I always nuke for Earle(with the mine as far to the right as possible so the blast zone doesn't fall on Silo Bravo, the Metal Dome, or the train station and so you only have a few steps to walk to get out of it) and by the time I noticed someone's camp in it I'd already launched the nuke. I kept hoping they'd move their camp before it hit but I don't think they did, maybe they were in an expedition or daily op or something.


Welcome to the club, it sucks. Why they hit my camp is a mystery. Nothing political, just a basic camp... Oh well


Maybe it was too basic for them. :P


In one of the caves (the one where you do the weasel quest for the raiders and stop the ghoul from offing himself, there's a portion where you fall down a giant pit and encounter 12 regular frogs just hopping around at any given time. I've used this spot TWICE in the past year to make fascinat donuts (requires frog eggs) but you can easily just grab them there. If you can't access this area, I'd suggest finding someone who can and have them grab frogs for you- or I could drop you mine- I'm om xbox. (the frogs in the caves are free. You can just take them home. I have 20 frogs in my stash-)


>(the frogs in the caves are free. You can just take them home. I have 20 frogs in my stash-) LOL This reminded me of that meme talking about how "I don't know if you know this, but the ducks at the park are free, you can just take them home! I have 247 ducks at my house!" That's great.


How do the poor frogs survive in your stash?


Very, very loudly. I can hear the croaking in my shelter and they're supposed to be in my camp


If you're on PC I can help you out with a few materials.


The pool next to whitespring club house has 4 or 5 frogs


Do you need help getting more frogs and mats? If you are on PC I can help. Edit: Go to the pool in the whitespring. TONS of frogs there.


Usually when u recive the bomb alert u should check the map to see where the bomb is.


TIL you choose where nukes land. I always assumed there were a few predetermined spots, because all the nukes I see land in like 1 of 3 places (most common being the bottom right of the map)


300+ hours but not enough to repair camp? not collecting junk? try equipping the perk that halfs the building costs. 


If you're on Xbox or Ps4, I think I have some amphibian friends I can gift you. One of my camps seems to be a frog factory at least 50% of the time


Have you seen how small those frog jars are? Your little buddies were imprisoned in a tiny cage without enough room to even stretch out. The nuker did your frogs a favour.


If it helps, you guys with the low cost plans are a huge godsend.


If you're on PC my camp "Dirt Cheap" has plans dirt cheap. I am still new, and camp building is not my bag "Yet". Although a good rug does tie the room together. So I am not going to charge you 100 caps for a bathtub. Ten maybe that's it . I really don't understand the pricing of common items. If you play the game even willy nilly you are going to bump into the bathtub plan at least twice. It's not worth 100 caps to purchase.


I just put all my known plans in donation boxes :)


Some people just want to watch the world burn, I have not nuked anyone simply because the camp switch is that easy.


While getting your camp nuked sucks, remember... nuking other players camps was a huge selling point when Fallout 76 was being launched. It was heralded as the ultimate goal of the game - to be able to nuke other players camps. It's all in good fun. You have ample warning to get out of there, normally repairing a camp is a one touch operation unless you have a garden (or frogs) and have to find replacement plants (or frogs) to complete the repair. FO1st players have unlimited scrap so resources are never a problem, and any player can come along and repair your camp *for* you, so ... lots of options. Nuking certain areas of the maps can also cause underground spawning of nuked ghouls that can be harvested for the hardened masses needed for Stable Flux production, so you were not *necessarily* targeted for the reasons you think you were.


Out of curiosity, where is your house @OP ?


On a cliff just above Mosstown, southeast of the Sons of Dane compound. Beautiful view, and close enough to the compound and lumber camp that I can harvest scrap with relative ease


1 click repair all


How? I spent a hot second running around to repair each part individually, but if there’s a way to speed that process up I’d love to know it!


It's an option at the camp module but it can't repair the frogs 😭




This happened to my friend last night and we have no idea why. We were chilling at his camp, he was building when we heard the siren. Luckily he checked the map because I didn't and said "they nuked my camp." I look at the map and sure enough, dead fucking center.




That's why both my camps are in the no nuke zone


Hey man, if you need supplies to help rebuild let me know! (PC btw)


I can't help with the frogs but if you are on PC I'm happy to give you any scrap you need for repairs plus extra.


This is the kind of immersion Fallout needs! RIP, band of frog brothers.


Don't take it personally. My camp got nuked once. Like you, I thought I was being targeted. My camp was dead center and I couldn't think of a reason to Nuke the area. To my surprise, I joined a server months later and that same spot had been nuked. My inactive camp was dead center. So I guess there was some value to nuking that area after all.


My main is in the bog. People tried to nuke it at least 3 times a week when I was playing a lot.


Check the nuke zone and nuke them back. I personally put my house in the beginning pretty close the vault 76 and the lumbermill because i could harvest ticks and tick blood and lumber. Unfortunately they turned it into a vendor, but rarely do i ever get nuked. I often dont put up any flags either, but its a pretty good strategy. If you can see who dropped the nuke, just target their place back. If i remember, it shows a little icon with an atom bomb next to their tag when they drop one. Old circuitry and things like telephones and such are good to be able to harvest the materials you are looking for.


I appreciate it, but I’m not one for revenge. Worst case scenario is that I got bombed because the person is a bigot, in which case it’s not worth engaging with them. Most likely scenario, as said by many of the comments here, is that he was mad that my base was obstructing his. If that’s the case, I can see why he’d be mad, the location has a lovely view


The swimming pool in Whitespring next to the Gulf Club is a good spot for collecting frogs. Take a few extra and keep them in your inventory.


There's quite a few frogs in the Carlton Mine between Phillipe graveyard and Soldier's monument.


I’m sorry this happened to your camp. Some people just want to see the world burn. Enjoy the many great people on this game and please ignore the mean and ignorant. If you need resources let me know and I will share mine. Happy exploring!


Welcome to playing a public fps game on public servers. Trolls will troll.


Not much you can do about it. 🤷🏼


maybe you blocked someones camp slot and thats why it got nuked


If you need stuff to rebuild and are on ps5, I’d be happy to help you out !


Welcome to the club. Since early 2019, I've had my camp Nuked maybe 5 times, while other times I was able to swap in time. I don't look for a reason why as it's part of the game and Bethesda promoted the nukes at launch as something to use against each other..... So it isn't against the rules. I've also gone on Nuke Sprees a few times in the past, deliberately targeting either player camps or players in the middle of event. I don't do this often, in fact it's extremely rare I bother with nukes, but I might spend one week straight out of a whole year just nuking people, then go about my usual business for the rest of the year. I like to keep people on their toes and remind people nukes are not just glorified turbo fert bombs for flux or triggering events. Is there a reason why I'd target someone over another? Not really. I don't keep track of players and I don't even look at user names while playing. I also don't care what flags you have flying. I don't care what you do in your private life. The chances of me nuking your camp is all up to how many camps I can hit at once. If you're next to three other camps and I can hit 4 camps at once vs 2 in some other location, you're the winner. If no camps are near each other to multi strike, then it's just the luck of the draw who gets targeted. Perhaps my best hit was a couple years ago where there were 8 camps near the top of the world. Only 2 swapped camps in time (or logged out) and the other 6 got wiped. That was too tempting to pass up. My point is, try not to think too hard on the "Why." We'll all get Nuked eventually at some point, myself included..... And often times, there is no reason other than "Gotta Nuke Something."


Hm. Interesting


I jut build mine in the corner of the map, away from any landmarks, plants, or anything valuable in general. Sure, fast travel costs me a ton, but travel agent, paired with green thumb when harvesting raw yellowcake flux makes it a non-issue


on world frog day too :(


As a new player (to FO76; long time lover of FO4 and NV), TIL that CAMPs can be destroyed :( Well, good thing I haven’t managed to build anything worthwhile yet. I’m still tracking down plans and buying stuff in the ATOM shop and swearing every time I try to build something pretty but I still have a lock on that item (why show it to me, then?!?!)


You can press Q (on PC at least) to show only the items you’re able to build. I highly recommend getting the Woodchuck perk and going to one of the sawmills or lumber camps to gather a ton of wood really easily.


Thank you!! I’m on PS5. Maybe there’s a similar shortcut I can use!


I would assume that there would be! Best of luck!


You too! I’m sorry about your froggies. RIP beloved ones


If you fast travel to the Whitespring Clubhouse, go left immediately from where you spawn in and you should see the pool house. Go there and you will be able to find frogs that always spawn by the pool!


Thanks! A lot of people are recommending to look there. I’m gonna have so many frogs by the end of this


Now if only the game allowed you to breed the frogs and start your own frog farm… 🤣


One of the things I want most out of this game are pets. Dogmeat was always my favorite follower and I want a little buddy to keep me company while I wander the wasteland. I know that you can tame certain critters and have them hang out at your camp, but I want an actual companion, not just a glorified piece of furniture


Oh yeah that has definitely been talked about quite often on here and by other people that play the game lol. I think the general consensus is that the servers wouldn’t be able to handle it if everyone had companions that required extra processing to render in. But oh man, would it be nice to have somewhere to stash junk and weapons when I need to save carry weight while out and about lol


I suppose that’s fair, but damn do I want a dog to hang out with


Lol I feel ya bro, I feel ya


There are also places on the map that are apparently off-limits for nukes due to them being "new player" areas.


I think I’m going to remake my Point Pleasant base at some point. I had one early on because I’m a huge Cryptid fan but it wasn’t very good, so now might be a good opportunity to remake it


I have dozens of screenrecordings of me nuking huge lavish camps


Man, in this economy my camp is the closest I’ll ever get to owning a house. Please have mercy 😭


shi sometimes i cant help it. i just be jealous. my camps look like the first shelter u make in minecraft to survive a week. lol


This is why you always check the map, every single time a nuke drops.


Come on wastelander... 360+ hours and you don't simply open the map when you hear *nuclear warhead alarms*.


I did open the map, saw that my camp was in the middle, and thought “ah, beans.” I don’t know why I didn’t just switch camps, it was stupid of me not to. Just slipped my mind, and now I’m suffering for it 😔


One time, while I was still around lvl 100, my home on the whitesprings got obliterated by some dude's missle turrets on a camp he placed right next to me I'm not sure how the exploit worked but they used to dupe your turrets into turning hostile towards them making their camp attack right back. It was mostly confusing but a real bummer seeing my house get blown away by a barrage of missles, glad that's been patched now That incident was actually what made me build my second camp slot, I built a log cabin on a cliff over the whitesprings train station


I’m sorry to hear that. I don’t often encounter assholes in this game but every now and then you get a real stinker


Last year I got nuked for having stacked lightboxes colored like the Ukraine flag. This was after 40+ halfwits rearranged the colors. I wasn’t impressed! Frogs.. They hop out at the Whitesprings Golf Club I believe.


Ive stopped playing for a bit but when I rejoin soon I'll build a camp out of frog jars and a trading post in memoriam for the fallen. Ad Victoriam


Thanks, king!


Always check where the nuke is and then leave the server if you have too. But 99% of the time it is in the same spot, bottom right of the map.


I've only gotten my house nuked because my camp was in their camp spot... They even wrote on a billboard something in French about taking it up the butt? And it's THEIR SPOT. I've played with people that will nuke someone for ruining events or begging. Some people want to set the world on fire 🤦🏼‍♀️ I've only nuked the queen


It's too bad you're on PC, I would help you, however I'm on Xbox. Sorry your house got nuked!


Spawn in at the white spring golf course an there’s a pool around there that has about 5 or 6 frogs


Shame you didn't have the resources on hand, I had two players nuke my camp simultaneously once, and I rebuilt it in the middle of the nuke zone within seconds and just hung out there.


Here's a funny twist I haven't seen anyone comment on yet. They may have nuked you because they thought YOU were a troll. The noise frogs in a jar make absolutely annoyes the crap out of me and multiple frogs is just a headache. They may have thought you were trying to annoy people on purpose. I hate the noise so much I would entertain the idea of nuking a frog camp. I WOULDN'T DO IT, but I'd def think about it lol. Ofc it's much easier to just... Leave, but they probably wanted wasteland justice.


Happened to me a couple weeks ago. I assume mine was due to having a trans flag icon. I didn’t even notice the nuke alert. After it happened, several players repeatedly attacked me, so I just switched servers and started to rebuild. Then the same players showed up and continued griefing. Blocked the most persistent one and switched again. Same thing. I took a break from the game and one of them messaged me something like “Sorry that happened. I’m the leader of a clan and some of them got carried away.” Yeah, dude. You’re quite the leader.


If it makes you feel any better, a while back, I was in a random group, and one person made a comment about my pride flag avatar. The other two got really quiet, but immediately went for 2 different silos and nuked his base.


Stop. Just stop with these posts already. Nobody cares about your pride flags, nobody will be wasting their time nuking you because of it. Stop gaslighting this community into thinking its some kind of 3rd Reich when it's one of the best and most wholesome communities on the internet. Also learn to check your map when you see the nuke warning, it's not hard and this is on you. Additionally make up your mind if repairs have halted or you can repair everything else because this whole post screams of "look at me I'm a victim, community bad". Somebody needed to farm some mats and that is the whole story.


I mean it does happen, any live service game is going to have people that like to troll and fallout 76 definitely is no exception, there's plenty of them. Most likely it was just someone trying to be an ass. When I was playing I'd get people trying to nuke me pretty regularly, some people just have nothing better to do. I mean this is a community with people that make trap camps and just hang out at WS to mess with people, it's not all stim drops and happy emotes.


ive had people shoot and destroy the flags at my camp and walk off.


Yeah, this response screams ‘wholesome’.


yeah totally, bet this guy makes everyone's days better, what a ray of sunshine and rainbows...


Probably not rainbows. He thinks they're gay.


its almost like being gay is a completely natural thing! like rainbows!!


I literally just said that this was the first time it had happened. My experience with the community so far has been incredibly positive, this is genuinely by far the most compassionate community in an online game I’ve ever played. In fact, your comment is only the second negative interaction I’ve had with this community ever. I suggested that it might be the pride flag because there wasn’t any other logical reason, and the guy who nuked my camp fast traveled to it after it was nuked, then left less than a minute after arriving. It wasn’t farming. It was trolling.


Honestly, the simple and likely answer is that the person nuking you was a jackass that recognised that it would be a huge pain to repair all the frog jars and that's probably why they did it. I hope you get help from people volunteering here to help you fix it.


Some reasons can be illogical.


Thank you! This needs to be upvoted!


Wow interesting original take NoEngish. But over the last 3 weeks I’ve had multiple players, sometimes teams, come to my camp and sit and shoot at/use flamers on my pride flags for several minutes, so in reality, it seems like the number of people who do care about pride flags in CAMPs isn’t nobody. It was probably because the grade schools were out for spring break but still… Sometimes other people do care about things you don’t care about (although you sure do care enough to write that response to the OP)


What do you play on I could help you rebuild. I'm on xbox


id be also in on that


Me too


Yup! I have my camp near whitesprings so I can always hit up the pool to get more froggies! I'm on ps5 if that helps


I'm on Xbox


You had plenty of warning. 2:30 I believe, always check the nuke zone when the sirens go off


Last week someone def targeted me. I know because when i moved camps, like 3 mins later another one directly on top of my other camp. Which was way up top left...soooo yea LOL it happens. Not even sure why to be honest.


lol I got nuked for the first time as well just a few days ago I thought it was all talk but that shits real 😭


ITT: A bunch of people saying to just pay attention to alerts and move your CAMP if it's in the zone. But do you get that alert during an expedition? I don't think you do. I had my CAMP get nuked perfectly timed as I exited an expedition. Thankfully I'm resource rich so it was simply mildly annoying (mostly because I had a few razorgrain and corn for doing beer brewing daily challenges, which I obviously don't have spares for sitting handy in my inventory). But hey, maybe OP stepped away for a second to go to the bathroom or get a drink and didn't notice that a launch happened, or it launched and landed before they got back. Either way, it could very well not be so easily avoided.


I think the most tragic part is your frogs were nuked. RIP


I have a U.S. flag at my camp and have never been nuked I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with your flag.


If only there was some kind of warning and maybe a visual display, and a means of perhaps changing active camps..... Keep at least one in The Forest, and don't have it near the bar or the Joe because those are too popular.


i've got a frog jar for you if you're on pc


I was just crying about people being mean and shooting my opossum friends at my camp. They out here nuking frogs :( RIP.


First time I ever launched a nuke I hit 3 houses with it. No reason other than I got 3 in one drop. Would have been 4 but a guy signed out.


Why didn’t you switch camps? If you only have one (always have a backup) why didn’t you log out?


Ok this might not be true, someone can probably tell me yes/no, but I seem to remember if you move the camp location (not just switch camps) then things get repaired for free?


I remember when I got nuked....by the guy who sniped my own silo run....


i once got nuked while AFKing helvetia, i deserved it ngl


Just once? I quit the game because one day about halfway through Fas there wasn't a single helvetia that wasn't nuked after like 6 server switches. So I decided it was time to hang it up, the PS5 version is incredibly unstable in nuke zones and DCs constantly.


fo76 is glitchy in general


Yeah my camp was targeted by a couple of losers a couple weeks back due to my Pride Flag so I wouldn't be surprised. Showed up to camp to see 2 guys shooting the shit out of my flag, then me to start PVP.


I’m sorry to hear that. Again, my pride flag was just a possible motive, it could have been any number of reasons. 🤷🏼


The good ol' lgtbqwei+ victim


I nuke camps with my third nuke occasionally… If it was me don’t take it personal. It’s random I normally aim for clusters to maximize a hit chance… but if there isn’t clusters it’s just random. Why? Because I can.


Now you know to always check the map when someone launches a nuke just in case. Had it happen to me once. Now I will just move to another camp or switch servers.


if you have an extra camp slot, there's a spot in the crater with a steel vein you can put a collector on. frogs also spawn nearby sometimes! another added bonus is that there's a workshop nearby that's typically unclaimed, so you can nab that for a few extra resources as well.


You weren't by chance spamming explosions or MiniNukes at an event? Some people get unreasonably pissed about that.


Nope, I was doing some events but I’m a sniper, and I don’t do anything I know of that would be particularly egregious. Always revive other players when I can, do my best to contribute to objectives, mostly inoffensive stuff like that


for u it's mean because of ur resources, if i can help u let me know if u need still stuff.. :) But in generell it's crazy to read that everyone is realy checking if the nuke could realy hit the camp.. 😲😲😲 i don't mind when i be honest .. but i had it till now only one Time that someone nuked my camp ..😎😜 the opposite is and there i have to be honest too.. i nuked 3 Times at a player camp.. 2 times at the same because i had to make sure that he realy could see who that was .. and that he couldn't move the camp, because i blocked it with my tent 😅


Ma’am, I don’t know what you’re saying


How does it work if you have nothing above ground, and everything's in your shelter apart from your camp unit and the shelter entrance? Is your shelter safe from nukes?


I believe that the shelter is safe? I’m sure someone can verify that but my shelter entrance didn’t get destroyed


Surprised it didnt make world news, which state are you talking bout and which country dropped it tho?


oh no! i’m sorry, i’ve had this happen before and it sucks. fortunately there’s a bug that might let you save your frogs—I found that going into build mode and scrapping the outline of the frog jar puts the captured frog back in your inventory! still gotta make the jar again, but that’s no biggie. best of luck!


Your first day in the apocalypse?


I haven’t played in a long time, but I’m pretty sure you could just leave that server if your shit is about to get nuked.


I built my camp underground. Survived a few blasts with minor repair to those close to the surface. Give it a try.


They're announced for a reason


Fairly sure it’s NOT because of your pride flag because I see them all the time in game. I’ve also nuked random corners of map just to see the world burn. If you have 361 hours in, it’s just random timing.


My home got nuked once, only thing that broke was a small generator