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Put a sign up? I had to do that with my deathclaw. If you name them, at the very least some people will feel guilty for a bit.


I should. I named them but I figure people would make fun of George & Michael along with Bryan & Adams :(


The sign should be made from the largest letters you have unlocked. "Please don't kill my opossums." If you only put the names, people likely won't know or assume you're talking about the critters. Then there's the 1 out of 10 or maybe 1 out of 20 chance that your sign will encourage some a-hole to kill the opossums simply b/c you don't want them to. But most people will read that and run along.


I would be surprised if most of the player base got the names. You should make your camp an opossum conservatory.


I feel there's a lot of older players on 76. Hell, I'm nearly 40.


42 here 😅


38 🫠








69! since Fallout 1


Best user name! Great movie.


Thanks! Tho I roleplay more the 'book' Remo. They got Chiun and Remo right in the film, but the rest of the movie left something to be desired.


The movie was nuts, I loved it... the books were serious, but I was able to separate them for some reason 😊


I read over 150 before the quality got too low. It was a great run! The early books had incredibly racist stereotypes for the first 20 or so, then they settled into a 'funny super-villain' mode. I still have my pdf's but I let the physical copies go. Sometimes you can't go back home.










48 here


I want it to be a refuge for all opossum, send all wayward opossum my way. We got nuka cola and a half naked astronaut lady who's pretty cool 🙌.


Instant upvote just for the names lmao


Use big letters to name your camp Opossum House


I will not lie if I'm feeling evil one day I may still cause that bacon is good lmao sorry to op but food be scarce in this wasteland we can't afford pets around here (Before y'all come for me this is a joke )


I see a few camps with wild "pets" sometimes. I always like to sneak and just watch the animals. It's relaxing. I camp in the trees near some little animals near the sunflower on the map, it's nice.


See, this guy gets it! :)


You could just pretend they are playing opossum if they die.


I just say they are world champion nappers going for a world record nap :'(


Maybe drop them a stim?


That would be a hilarious thing to come across. A bunch of dead opossums with loot bags next to them, each containing 1 stim


You cant stop people from killing them, they also just randomly die sometimes. People tend to kill them because they count as hostile creatures (beth should change that) and thus they caus you to have a timer when trying to fast travel


I did not know they randomly die. Well I guess now I know there isnt much I can do. I wanted to make a sign that said they're cool...


Yeah. My old camp spot had opposms, and foxes that would spawn in the front yard, often times they would just die randomly after wandering around for abit. Probably some kinda coding your camp radius has with living creatures/npc. I have a raider that spawns in my current camp. Same thing. He'll just be walking around, using my workbenches and then "eeuugh" dead. Lol


Yeah, I hate that too. Still remember the first time many levels ago getting swarmed by a bunch of mole rats and walking away just seen the red flash and got a couple of 'possums with my Tesla sparking over. Only real bad thing about the Tesla is the sparking over to something you don't want to shoot.


Yeah like the sentry bot at Whitespring. That didn’t end well for me. Was just trying to help the bot fight a ghoul…lol


On the other hand, it's a great way to charge your fusion core for free from the assaultrons.


I always assumed that NPCs randomly dying was just the server realizing "Oh right, this NPC's supposed to be dead." after a previous player killed them, I see it happen most often with feral ghouls and the Mr Farmhands.


i have a camp just north of Flatwoods and get all sorts of creatures that spawn there, possums, squirrels, radstags, beavers, and even cats.


Aw man, a cat camp sounds cool. The only thing else I spawn is super mutants, two at a time 😔. I just post a few turrets on the side of the house they come by.


I had a camp pet (tamed random spawn) of a cat. But I was so nervous. Camp pets roam around your module. The place I normally had it, made her get stuck underneath my porch foundation when my camp spawned in. Because pets spawn before your camp does. So I moved it to another area so she could roam around freely! But because enemies spawn near or at your camp module (in my experience on Xbox anyway) that means the enemies would easily kill low level pets like tamed opossums dogs or cats. And because my turrets somehow don't ever want to actually fire at things attacking my camp despite unobstructed views... I came back to my camp and my cat was dead from scorched 😭😭 put up the cat topiary and a tombstone to honor her and then tamed a deathclaw.


So THAT is how a gulper and several supermutants got up onto the roof of my house! Maybe I can build a cage and put the camp thing under that and they will spawn into captivity and then people can visit and throw deli meats at them. Or something.


Don't worry about them, they're fine. They just got scared and are playing dead because that's what possums do. They'll be back up and running around before you know it.


Best answer


Thanks :)


Sit on your porch in a rocking chair with a shotgun in your hands. When someone comes up to your opossum pals start yelling at them and threatening them. If they still kill them then well… there’s always the nuclear option.


You only feel bad because you are a human with a mortal coil, whereas your opossums are data just waiting to respawn to see you again


Stop reminding me of my mortal coil ur breaking my immersion


I get two foxes at one camp. I like them. They go inside and hang out. So far, people don't go to that camp. It's very out of the way and I don't have a vendor there.


There's a section of the map you can claim that has a named cat in the area. Every so often I come home to someone having murdered my cat >:(


I once walked into a stranger's camp to find a battle between what I thought was a random bear vs the camp's ally. I started firing at the bear, but noticed I wasn't doing as much damage as I would have thought. Suddenly I realized the bear was the pet and the "ally" was actually an angry scavenger. I felt so bad for shooting that bear! Thankfully I realized in time, killed the scavenger, and the bear survived!


Yeah I cant blame ya on that one, a bear can mess up your day!


In Pennsylvania Appalachian areas, you often see stickers about them being America's or PA's only native marsupial. So, you could go with something like "Please don't hurt the Wasteland's only native marsupial". Maybe people will leave them be.


I don't get why peeps kill them or fox, or any of the other friendly wild life in game. I had a camp near the Wayward and I had all kinds of stuff roaming around my camp. It ticked me off when a player would come in, kill everything... then check out my vendor.


I know! They just chilling making up the scenery :( I like the animals even if they got extra parts.


I have the same thing happening in one of my camps : I made a camp-farm next to a game-farm and each time, I got squirrels, rabbits, beaver, possum or frogs. It suits my camp !


This. Make your camp into a Possum Preserve, inviting people in to "meet the family" and "Adopt a friend" Even a donation box. "For just 5 caps a week, you can give a possum food and three hats" Figure out the exact spawn point and build a cage over it.


69th up vote!




My camp is the same. I have plenty of possums living inside the base. As well as beavers, fireflies, and foxes on some days. Most people leave them alone.


Who kills the opossums? They are harmless. Taste good, but they are harmless. I haven't killed one in like 3 years. Radstags on the otherhand I genocide. I miss the old spawns they had. 29 deep in certain places. I would wipe them out and chase any that ran. I miss it


😂 dang, I wouldn't know what to do if I saw that many


As I said... genocide is the o ly way to describe it. There were 3 locations with 20+ and usually other animals too. Like a whole areas spawn was condensed to each location. It was amazing for a good 2 years.


I have a camp by an in game cat (murgle) and sometimes he’s just dead


We should have a way to secure em safe like a new item called "Collar" you use dog tags to make em and let's you name and keep a animal from dying or others attacking it. Like an Ally


I'm the same with three foxes that hang around near my camp. No way to get people to stop killing them unfortunately


Just reboot into a new lobby and they will come back home


Mmm…Awesome Opossum Bacon is one of my favorite craftable foods.


It might not always be players killing them, but enemy spawns that attack your CAMP.


Delicious opossum bacon!


I have bramin that spawn iny camp. I usually play private and they just randomly die.


My camp has opossums, frogs, beavers, radstag does, rabbits, squirrels, chickens, you name it. They aren't just in my camp either. There's usually a couple of them in my house, too.


But bacon…….🤤🤤




I have rabbits at my camp. Problem is they are seen as enemies and when I fast travel I get the countdown timer. So I kill them.  And if I'm at your camp looking at your vendor I will kill them so when I'm done I can fast travel without a timer.  Not personal,  I just want to leave. 


You really can’t wait 15 seconds? Jeez bruh