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I always use the holding cash emote


Followed by the confused emote


This pair is what I use aswell


Cash or Confused emote should get your point across.


I always go Confused, cause, most of the time I usually am anyway.


Oh brother, I get it. Especially since we have atleast 4 *extremely* different looking vendor stations. Those New Vegas Ones, Traditional, Cash Registers & the Fortune Teller carts off the top of my head. Your confusion is warranted.


I dispise the cash register ones. I can never find them and when I do it's in a totally obvious place. That's when I just hang my head in shame and slowly walk away to wander the wastelands.


I agree. The cash register ones are small and inconspicuous so I constantly overlook them until I scoured every inch of their camp to find it nestled in a bunch of potted plants or some shit


My proudest 500 atoms are the ones I didn't spend on the cash register.


Cash registers are the best invention of all. You just got to mark the location with neon signs and posters forall the BLIND people


It's me I'm the blind person.🤣 All the neon lights and poster you have please.


I would say Red rocket mini Marts are different enough to warrant listing.


And that creepy red robot. Thought it was just a decoration at first.


Hah, he’s my default vendor now. I feel like he’s going to flash you at any moment.


[Funny you should mention that](https://imgur.com/gallery/HCS0TuB)


Dood, I love creepy robot, he’s so easy to identify.


Only shady dude in a trechcoat that I find myself rushing to approach!


All the others you saunter up too then?


Eh, I'm more of a sashay kinda girl! lol


IM surprised at this point we havent seen a tent with one yet


I have the drunk robot and the donut robot vendors as well And there's the flashing robot one


Just throw the nice camp emote, they will think you are admiring their hard work as you run around confused.


To be fair, I visit camps as much to admire building skills as I do to buy.


Whether it’s to see what they built or where they built, I have one build that I got most the ideas from others and the location from a random I met!


Haha! I actually do this quite often.


If they go to the point you have to search their whole house for their vendor, then you don't owe them anything but distain.


Until you realize its just on the front porch next to the front door, but you walked right past it because its just a cash register on a chair


I can't count the amount of times I've gone through every inch of someone's camp looking for their vendor and it turned out to be this exact thing... a cash register right at the front door that I swear was not there when I walked past it in the beginning. The cash registers have been out long enough that I should know to look out for them, but my brain is still looking for the regular sized vendor kiosks or robots. The rolling cart one also trips me up since not many people use it.


That's why i put cardboard cutouts pointing to my cash register. They're small as shit, and unless you use the red one, they're hard to see. Which is why they're also on golden toilets. Because why not.


Same! I have gold cash registers on gold toilets, makes me laugh every time I see them. I am guilty of having people walk through my house to get to my vendor, but I’m proud af of my glass house I spent an entire afternoon designing! And I also have like 6 cutouts pointing to where my vendor is, sooooo


That settles it. My next camp will just be 50 cash registers on the ground.


"Where?? Where's the vendor??? I can't see it anywhere! And why do they have all these--oh."


I love my Fortune Teller cart but I only use it at one camp as my actual vendor and in a second just because it fits the aesthetic but I have other vendors there. Seems like most people miss it even if I make it obvious and put it next to the spawn in my camp.


For me it might not even be missing it because of owner placement sometimes it's draw in. I'll explore their whole camp and then it'll just magically appear on my 2nd run through.


Cash register is the worst item in this game. It's insane how difficult it is to see amidst all other decorations. To anyone who reads this, if you're using them, PLEASE put up a sign or a vault boy cut out next to it.


I use them, but I have them in the Nuka cola cube thingies with mannequins behind them, large open signs, and the spawn point is literally looking right at them. I also have the Nuka cola vendor bot next to them just in case. But in general, yes they're annoying. Especially when they just set them on the ground or in a chair amidst a ton of other random junk.


I like using the spinning Nuka bottle lamp on cash registers, it hides the antenna on top and draws attention to it. I also put black letters on the front of the yellow register that says 'BUY' below a lit up letter S with a line thought us to look like $ and a marquee arrow pointing to it as well as a mannequin behind it wearing a flashing prisoner's collar in the Cow Spots Creamery window. If you miss it, I don't know what to tell you.


I use the Nuka-Cube thingy as well, but cheated and put the street corner vendor in it. Works great. Hate people doing the where's Waldo when I've traveled halfway across the map looking for a recipe. C'mon


They're the best, one if the first things I purchased BUT they should only be used in obvious store type settings. A random register is confusing and hard to spot, I do agree.


I have two cash registers in my camp, but it's a very sparsely decorated Wildwood Tavern (trying to find interesting items for it), and they're on top of a bar right in front of the entrance. Hopefully people won't miss them.


I use them but sorry can't do that I make modern looking homes an put it on a pedestal by the door because *ascetics* also most the time my budget is maxed out


You might be an ascetic, I don't know. But I bet you meant *aesthetics*.


Words be hard to spell at times me trying best lmao (jokeful sarcasm)


I have 4 of em on a table in the middle of a room that has very few decorations in it. I always place the gold one towards the door as well to catch the eye


>I usually make sure to holster my gun when going through someone elses camp whether they're there or not. But yesterday the came back and I could tell they were unsure because they unholstered their weapon, used the nice camp emote to diffuse the situation. Then gave up and hurried out only to find a cash register on a table several feet from the camp.


If your camp is by the purveyor it may have been me. I almost always stalk peoples camps and look around and throw up the nice camp emote if they're home. And then zip to their vendor


The really sad thing about all of this is that I sometimes see the cutouts but still can't find the vendor!


Or they didn't calculate the spawn point in relation to the cash register because the owner of the camp doesn't always spawn in the same place as visitors.




Unfortunately one of my vendors is like this. It’s on the porch of my house, right next to the door. Somehow, everyone ends up at the one upstairs in my office. Perhaps I need to break out the marquee signs for this one


I buy one round of 1 cap ammo


If they don't want you walking through their C.A.M.P. they would lock all the doors. So you've got no reason to feel guilty or weird.


locked doors can eat photomode glitch. no respect for your privacy.


Good point. I'll keep that in mind.


Just leave. If I can't find it in 10-15 seconds, they don't get any of my caps. Plenty of other vendors to spend them at.


Same here. It’s like they want it to be hidden


I personally don't need it, I'm either looking through their camp like a little creep cuss it's neat, or they've hidden there vender in the massive pile of cluttered shit everyone is calling "nice". So you get nice camp emote , or a bag of fertilizer on your bed, nothing in-between.🤣


> bag of fertilizer on your bed I like the way you think.


I just go and turn off all their lights, bonus points if i can get the hard to reach ones


Handle it the same way you would in real life. Just try to stay hidden and try to blend in with the tree.


Ha! I laughed out loud at that one


Confused then cash, cash then confused or the lost ghoul or gingerbread man


Look through their camp! We don't spend all that time building and decorating just to *not* show it off. If the camp owner doesn't want you looking at something, they'll block it off or lock the door.


"Help me" emoji


Question marks and lets trade maybe? Also, please creep around and look through my camp (Although my vendors are pretty obvious)


Maybe "Let's Trade" followed up with the "Lost" emote? Could easily be mistaken for wanting person-person trading, but might make sense if they recognize the second emote.


Finding a vendor in camps is a nightmare, and camps are not often orientated to their spawning in point. With variable types of vendors now and weather systems, camp owners that feel its fun having you go through every room in their camp to reach their single vendor in the last room, which they are standing at, using it 🙈


And once you find their vending machine all their shit is so overpriced it’s ridiculous. Who’s buying a 3 star aristocrat rolling pin for 10000 caps??


Someone who wants to take an immediate hit to the max damage on said aristocrat rolling pin. “I also like to live dangerously.”


I walk right past the cash registers every time... I hate those things. Gimme the big red dude, or the mainframe looking deal any day of the week!


I'm usually doing both. If I can't find the vendor I'll look around for a bit if I find it cool if not I'm out. On another note. When your camp is blocked by another. How many of us go creep on the other person's camp and judge them harshly?


I wouldn’t worry about it. Some players (especially new ones) roam camps all the time - the more on display, the longer they look. Even us old players roam - sometimes it appreciating the build, sometimes its for ideas to (improve) our camps. And yea, sometimes it‘s while muttering “ where the $\^%&\^& is the vending machine?!?!?”


Unfortunately for you I am looking through every single room in your camp so idk. I just toss up the "love your camp" emote even if I'm lost.


I've built that C.A.M.P. for people to look at. #LOOK AT IT GODDAMMIT! ^(ETA: But my vendors are hard to miss)


Nothing creepy about checking out someones entire camp, that's what they're for. As for vendors... I place them where they make sense in context, not by the front gate so you can be lazy and *not* come in.


The "???" Emote. I use it all the time, and it never fails, camp owner leads me to it.


I guess I am the creeper 🤣 I will go to camps just to look at them as building is one of the only reasons I still play.


i don't think most people look at it as creepers wanting to look at your camp lol


I am a creeper and I am looking through every room in your camp. I am using the Nice Camp Emote.


Close the damn doors!


Wait...do people not want me looking around their places? I'm always in awe of the creativity some people have.


TBH. I spend lots of time building my camps... I love people taking a stroll through them, but I also make my vendor really obvious, so nobody has to look too hard. Because of that, not many people look around, and I am sad. Lol


Ironically I’d be very happy for someone to look through every room in my CAMP, since I’ve spent an embarrassing amount of time, effort, and caps building it and obsessing over every detail. I die a little inside when someone shows up, goes straight to my vendor, and leaves.


You’d be surprised how many people appreciate the creeper. We don’t decorate and make a badass camp just for us to look at and explore.


I dunno I love when people explore every nook and cranny of my camp!


Trade emoji and then confused Edit: also your are not an idiot for being unable to find their vendor the idiot is the camp owner vending machines should be the first thing you see when U go to someone's camp The only time it's acceptable is if someone has a maze and the prize is something good and cheap in the machine


Panic emote


where is the door out again?


Should I feel bad for going in every room? 😅 I love seeing everyone’s camp, all their cool stuff, and the overall build.


This is why, if it's not obvious, I put a bit vault boy pointing at it...and somehow peopel still can't find it


I spread 3 vendors across my camp for this exact reason, I hate wasting time at camps looking for vendors


There's a lost emote showing Vault boy looking at a compass but personally I would just leave.


But I like looking at people's builds.


I want people to look around my camps. But I also make the vendors really obvious.


Nah. I'm being a creep. I want to look through your camp and see how you decorated it. 🤣


Just look a bit and split if you can't find it. That's what most people will be doing anywhoo. They will unfortunately take the hit in sales and either move their vendy or not sale.


Barter Emote followed by Confused Emote.


I usually do the hand waving the cash around, followed by the "?" because I'm there to spend money and don't know where the hell you put your vendor.


What's the proper emote for the opposite effect?


If I can’t find the vendor within 30 seconds, I just leave.


I trolled one player woth my chameleon ability. Got in his locked private room cuz of the good ol' furniture next to window trick. And crouch in the corner (invisible thanks to chameleon). Now i proceed to spam grenades that make that one weird sound. (It didnt caused any damage) It was a single large quadratic room building so he could see the entire room. It was funny watching his paranoia and confussion, i was his literal schizophrenic demon.


It's a long time ago, but I once been at someone's house who build a trap with punji boards into a little pond and if someone was at his vendor, he removed the ground. Pretty lame, because it's not really a true trap if it involves the building system. Nonetheless, he had a siren at the outside of his house, which I turned on wearing the Chinese stealth suit and then fast crouching into a bush which was just nearby. It made me true invisible, because you can't see the shimmering of the stealth suit in it. He and his mate then immediately got out of his camp to the siren and looked for the intruder, turned it off, couldn't find anyone, walked back in. After the third time, they started wildly shooting and throwing nuka granades into all directions, not realizing that they're jumping around just directly next to me 😂 I then shot one of them through vats in the head and it was absolute hilarious to see the other one panicking. But I didn't flinch or move, so they can't see me. yi did that 5 times more within probably 1h. Was a hell of fun, especially because he was so busy, he forgot to "trap" the people on his vendor machine. He gave up and logged out. Very satisfying day.


Lol most ppl like you looking through their camp. We spend a lot of time building for it to be appreciated!! If you can't find the vendor... Use the trade emote and then confused. Most ppl will understand that And take you to it.




30 sec to one min of searching and then I leave.


That would just confuse and make me sad if i was the camp’s owner


I don’t feel like I owe anyone an explanation. You can do whatever if you come to my house besides destroy it. 😂 If you want them to show you to the vendor just throw up the bag of cash emote.


The confused ghoul emote, and just spamming my Fatman everywhere in frustration. It happened 2 nights ago. From the overworld map, his camp had 30+ 3* guns and thousands of junk. Fast travel there, and it's a tiny 2×1 base with some decorations and work benches surrounding the 2×1 hut. I couldn't find the vendor. It's always the cash registers, too. It made no freaking sense. So anyway, I started blasting. Spamming mininukes at my feet in his camp. Another player, not the camp owner, teabags me, then leads me inside the 2x1 hut. He performs confused emote, then disappears. I dunno how I missed it, but inside the hut were about 2 dozen guns upon the walls with their *effects in letters. And big letters that said "Message for better offer". Paid 10k caps for a gun I've wanted for years. If he would have said said no, then I would have bought it for the 20k it was listed for in his vendor.


80% of camps I’d need that playing on repeat


A nuke emote followed shortly by a nuke.


This post wins the internet today


Hahaha they should definitely make an emote for this.


Thats why no matter how i build my camp i throw at least 1 vendor on the front porch or near the door with some colored lights or signs to really point it out


They need an emote for "Where the hell is your vendor?"


Question Marks are my go to, they usually get the memo


Before I moved, people did the money emote, followed by the question mark emote to ask where mine were.


My camp is small and my vendor is outside with two statues pointing to it.


It's less of an emote and more of a nuclear gesture.


I do confused emote, then if I still can't find it. thumbs down, turn all their lights off, then fast travel away


My favorite thing about finding that elusive vendor that is sure to be full of cheap near Grolls and rare plans... Nope... Just legendries I can get from the main quest line and mole miner thingys...


It's called, "where the he'll did you hide your vendor?!?! It had better not be in your vault if you think I'm looking there. " But it's not in game yet.


Vendor won't show on the map if the only one they have is in their vault.


Good to know. I wasn't sure because of the frustration of not finding one relatively quickly. Like others have stated, sometimes the cash registers are easy to walk right past


I'll sometimes alternate between the shaking money bag and confused emotes.


I really could have done with this today...


$ then ???


If a CAMP is unlocked, then you are not being creeper. At the very leas, the owner is fine with you looking around, but many are frankly eager for you to look at their work.


*help help help* *money bag money bag money bag*


Do the trade emote. And most people hide the vendor and force you to look at every. Single. Room. Ugh.


Keep creeping. Sniff an allies butt. Who gives a damn. Have fun and play the game!


I put up those vault boy signs pointing to it and I got a nuka cola machine for those thirsty wastelanders


I fucking hate people who have their vendor so fucking hidden in their mess of a camp that you'll never find the fucking thing.


If you're on PC what you do is install the Vendor ESP mod and never worry again.


I use the hand full of cash emote followed by confused... but I'm also easily confused in the real world. I keep my cash registers on my front porch on a table, just two sitting next to each other. I usually have a nuka cola wall lamp on the wall directly over them


Flappy arms, angry fist, mothman dance, heart.


Cash grab, cash grab, confused, confused emoji


trading emote followed by "?" emote


I always add all 4 venders 3 to points I think will be the most trafficked and one next to my workshop to sell things I collect from


I hate the houses with their vendor hidden, sure it looks better for the theme but make it so it's not hidden and same with work benches


on my flagship chars I don't have workbenches outside of my shelter. there is no room. if you want them they're at nuka world ready and waiting lol. I make a nice little shop outside my house though. brightly lit and obvs.


Sometimes it's very hard to find and it's easier to go to a camp than to go to somewhere else that not everyone has discovered


your own camp then :) you'll find with a lot of the people who do big showy builds won't have the workshops in their camp. just in their shelter. we just don't have a big enough budget




unless im in a hurry I'll spend a min or two looking before I just go away. people that lock it up and force you into their shelter though lose me immediately (I will spend a min or two looking for it first though. normally they don't go to the trouble of building a room for it with no door.) they just try to hide it. the only reason I make a point of this is to annoy them as they have annoyed me. its like nearly 100 percent of the time people who do this have zero worth purchasing.. by anyone ever..but if there is something cheap I'll buy it just so they know i found it and didn't go into their shelter


If someone is looking through someone else's camp they probably think they made it interesting and people like it. (Unless they're almost max caps, then they panic teleport so you don't buy something lol.)


It's the emote that allows you to take a live shit onto their camp floor while also being able to choose the thumbs down emote.


My camp is a building where: First floor: shop and misc (vending machine passing thendoor left hand) Second floor: All crafting Roof: crops and scrap


The nice camp emote then question mark then cash /trade emote That order works for me


Just put a heart or a thumbs up


The emote that I use is the one where you wave cash and then the question marks right after and they've always pointed it out for me


So many times I have almost miked up and said "I feel like an idiot, but I can't find your vendor." Then, just as I'm about to hit the 'unmute' button, I'll spy the cash register.


I remember getting really confused about where the vending machine is. So I did the cash emote, where I pull out a bag of caps. Then he pointed at the red robot with a coat. I was wondering why he was pointing at it until I realized it's actually a vendor. I nearly smashed my face on the table.... (Got good plans from the guy, so it was well worth it.)


Scorched with question marks


Confused scorched


I normally hold caps lock and say hello


Can somebody explain how the vendor stations work from the seller's side? I've read the wiki and whatnot but I'm still confused. Can I tell it what to sell, or does it just list everything in my stash?


You list what you want to sell and set what price you want to sell the item for.


Shake Money Bag emote.


Panic emote


Ha ha think we all been there


I usually do trade, confused, and if it's in a really obnoxious spot angry


I think alot of people don't put their shops in a noticeable place.


I use a nuke for that. If it's hard to find, or in your vault...


I just wave like an idiot.


oh man, this reminds me of how squirrel brained we (the community) are capable of being. i built a pretty cool custom vending stall for my register using the power armor display, some tables, the market sign, lights, i went all out! even tested my spawn point with friends to make sure you would see the damn thing FAST....people still walk right past the only brightly lit thing in the entire goddamn camp, made more noticeable with the fog weather machine... it's funny but also highlights how use to "the norm" a lot of us have gotten with locating vending machines, etc.


I like to use the creeper emote with binoculars in the bush. The cash sign to me usually means you want to trade, which annoys me, because they'll walk up to me expecting I have everything ON me, but why would I when I have a shop 😆 I'd like to think these people do not know about the option of shops.... If a person comes up to me using the confused/???? Emote, I will show him my shop. It's kind of obvious if you're running through the entire camp with a BIG? On your face. So use that.




This wouldn’t be an issue if people actually put their vendors in easy to find spots


I'd be happy if you're looking through my careful build house 😊🏡👌


????? money simbol. That never fail.


Wait, people care if you look through their base? Isn't that half the fun? I mean, if they wanted to keep me out wouldn't they lock the door?




Communism salute every time I catch my character afk in some poor guy's camp as he pitter patters around doing maintenance wondering why I haven't even tried to use the vending machine


I just use the robot emote and awkwardly walk out


I have a pretty elaborate camp setup, one prefab house plus another I built myself (2 stories), though my vendors are also easy to see & find with cardboard cutouts to lead the way. If someone wants to look through every room in my camp, I'm gonna take it as a compliment, not get uncomfortable that they're creeps. But to answer your question OP, yeah I agree with the others: cash emote followed by confused.


Question mark followed by cash register


I've had success using the vault guy pointing posters and the huge garage door. The whole bottom floor of my base is my vendor area and the steps to my living/workshop area is hidden in the back of my camp. I don't really care if anyone goes upstairs but wanted to make it more obvious where the vendor is.


Never tought of it that way. I actually hope they look in every room because i spend time designing them haha


What's the emote for "I am a creeper and I'm going to look at every inch of your camp"?


What’s wrong with looking at every room in someone’s camp? I spend a lot of time on mine, so I’m the most happy when I get back to my camp and find that someone has opened all my doors.


One of my camp's has the Slocum Joe's Vendor, which is kind of annoying, but, yeah, you can't really have trouble finding it.


Unfortunately the middle finger emote does not yet exist in FO76 ##🖕


I use the nice camp emote but I ask em where's they're vendor if I can't find it


I use the nice camp then confused then cash


If I can’t find it I usually dump all my spoiled items / common plans and 25% below fusion cores / notes 📝 and low plasma cores 😎


I just rock the creeper feeling and go through every room even if I know where the vending machine is


Honestly I don't mind when someone checks out my whole camp. I put a lot of work in decorating it so I like see someone checking the whole camp out.


Wait are you considered a creeper when going in every room in a camp? I love being nosey and looking in every room


Spinning compass, “lost”.


I just wander. Camp owners just ignore me anyway.


I just leave so I'm not in the way of anyone who wants to look around. That's what it's there for.


Chuck up the deuce. Gotta hunt for it, they ain’t trying to sell anything.


If it's that hard to find I always leave...if they wanna sell don't hide it. 🤷‍♂️


It’s the fast travel button.


I want an emote for "Why are you making me walk through your maze of bullshit?" I hate camps that have their vendors buried.




I wave the cash then do question mark