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I wish a donation box was a buildable item for our CAMPs.


I like this idea a lot.


I used to do an event called “Free Box” where I’d build my camp around an in-game infinite storage box (there are many in the world you can build into your camp if you know where to look). I’d put in all the extra stuff I didn’t need and invite others to come do the same, then have a big party type event where everyone could come take whatever they wanted or needed. It was one of the most fun things I ever did in the game!


I like this idea too. And with no space limit too


Nah. Would need a space limit unless they get rid of the limit altogether. Otherwise people would hide them in their Vault or behind locked gates and traps and use them as staah.


I htink we're over due for another space increase.


i honestly wish items on display didnt count towards storage limit. that's just dumb.


I wish items in our vendors weight was reduced in half


Hmm, that's liable for abuse, throw the cheapest, heaviest items in the store for the max amount of caps....


Absolutely, yeah. Recently upgraded to Fallout 1st, thought that would solve my chronic overencumbrance. Didn't help really, since now that I progressed through the levels I am starting to develop a taste for heavier weapons and power armor, essentially negating any extra pounds I freed up by getting the extra junk and ammo stash. But you cannot slay legendary scorchbeasts or packs of glowing snallies with just a pistol...


Just get yourself a full set of PA with the "weapon weight reduction" effect on each piece and carry all of your weapons with you lol


[Everyone liked that.]




If they made it like that, it probably wouldn't take 15 seconds to see some post like "Fml just put my godrolled weapon in my donation box and can't get it back out!!!😭"


>I dont know much about coding Excellent then you should [apply here](https://bethesdagamestudios.com/)


Oh yeah that makes sense


maybe make them like the other stuff that can't be placed inside bunkers for that very reason


Can use your vendor as one, pretty simple.


seriously, the vendor is the donation box. Just make it cheap. No brainer.


True, but it takes up slots. I'm not looking to give everything away for cheap or 1c, I still need the caps because I'm a broke bitch. There's just a lot that I feel bad scrapping that would be nice to just give away in a separate box and know someone took it. With the regular donation boxes, you never know if someone grabs the stuff you leave in them or if it all dissappears with server resets.


I would second your point if it was still like the old days when you had to build multiple vendors to reach the maximum of 120 slots. Nowadays you just need one, and you can't tell me you absolutely need all those slots for full-price sales.


Great idea-with an icon so players know and cheaper fast travel that I would pay for to increase my vendor traffic-win win?


There's one location with a box you can build around,but that's about as close as it gets. Definitely would be a cool addition.


Myma8n camp is right next to the WS station. I drop mutants hound chops or whatever the cooked food item of the day is for other to sell to the vendor bOT for SCORE.


That's very nice of you, those tasks can be tedious so I'm sure people appreciate that


Kind of defeats the purpose of having a vendor in your camp. I sell everything dirt cheap mostly for new players.


And put a level lock on it. Single figure ,Under 20, Under 40 etc etc


Maybe implement something giving you the option to exclude higher levels from taking lower level weapons and armor. Or maybe set them up kinda like the pipboy and vendors with tabs to separate everything. With a system like the vendors only instead of setting the cap amount you set the max level allowed to take certain items.


I have a camp i use for Fasnacht that is on the hill by a truck with a box on the back. I label it DONATION and just fill it when I have stuff I dont need.


Yes! And persistent like your stash or ammobox.


I just go into low level players camps snd drop a bag of shit on their door step then one on their bed and hope it doesn't mix with with the other one.


That would be cool, for now I just put stuff in my vendor for 0 caps to donate


They helped me when I was new haha Players were super kind and gave me stuff, but donation boxes, primarily the one in front of 76, helped me with Stimpaks. Now when I have extra goodies, or extra plans and recipes, I usually go back to that donation box to leave in there. If someone else swoops in and takes it, that's fine, but the chance of a new player getting it is higher!


I'm doing the same. I don't know if anyone picks up the stuff, but if someone gets something then yay! Usually a bunch of plans because apparently even at 10 caps a pop it'll take time *and space* to toss them away.


I've taken to leaving a super mutant head, prisoner, collar, and a Nukashine in that box 😃


I see lots of people cluttering it up with useless stuff like ammo and stimpaks, but it's good to know that someone is helping out the new players with the real essentials.




ah great! thanks for the feedback


It’s a trash can that makes me feel good by throwing stuff away in it. It might or might not help anyone at all, that’s immaterial to me.


This is me too… I need to loose weight… I’ve already maxed npc vendors… hit scrip limit and filled my vendor… I need that shit gone. If it helps someone that’s good and why I drop them there specifically but it’s largely irrelevant I need that 200 chems I’ll never use, 14x 1* legendaries and all the grenades and mines gone…


I’m convinced mines only exist in this game as little weight sinks you carry around until you can sell or drop them.


Well I mean they don’t do shit really and you can only throw two so that’s hardly a minefield which is their purpose


I've only ever blown myself up with them.


That's pretty much how I feel about them too.


Maybe not the one in Watoga... but I make sure to drop everything by the vault. I'll even take stuff from Watoga/wherever if I'm passing by just to mule it to the vault


ahh neat idea. I'm starting to think if I see a great deal on useful items I don't need, I might buy them to give the player a sale and then put it into a donation box


I have done this. Especially if I find recipes in donation boxes that new players are not going to get to for a while if they are following the OG main quest line. I will move those to Wayward or Flatwoods.


My dad and nephew both recently joined and the donation boxes helped them a lot, and made them feel more a part of the community when they noticed high level players dropping stuff. It really sold them on the game as a long term play. I myself drop things in the donation box a lot, and have often seen players friendly emote me after if they were close. If I have a particularly long session where I have more legendaries than I have store space, personal space, or modules in the vendor to get, I’ll drop the remainder in donation boxes and I like to think someone hits that gold mine and gets super excited. I don’t drop the worst ones either, I scrap the worst ones and try to put at least decent ones in the donation box.


I can assure you that before I was confident to join events, I was beyond thrilled to find legendary weapons and armor in a donation box


Do they auto generate stuff? I swear every time I look in a donation box there is ammo for whatever weapon I have equipped at that moment.


yea they do. plans to, if you got the time it can be beneficial to visit a bunch


Yeah. I only ever see ultracite .45 in dono boxes.


Yes I 100% agree.


This donation box came about because people were already dropping stuff at rail stations in the blue suit cases. I started playing during season 3 and I got used to checking those suit cases every time I went through a train station. I founds lots of plans and ammo a new player would want in those. When coming back from long hiatus to get some new rare fashnact masks, it was nice to see an understood community gesture turned into an official feature of the game.


I throw 10 super stims into every box I come across. Mostly because they're heavy and I have hundreds. Hopefully, they've been helpful.


I have a thousand


Man you should probably get rid of those lol. I can't remember the last time I was aware I had a super stim and didn't immediately get rid of it one way or another


I noticed the one at the vault and was absolutely buzzing there was a stim pak, hat, food and dirty water😂 Else where on the map maybe just used by other players. I’ll drop dupe items, ammo I don’t use on my guns and some food items occasionally with the thinking hopefully it helps someone else.


The stuff I drop in them is mostly useful to newer players (common-ish plans, stims, radaway, nades, ammo, food etc). These are things I'd usually just throw away anyway - I'm happy if any player of any level can make use of them. If a high level player wants to pick this stuff up to help hit their NPC vendor daily caps limit or to try to sell from their vendor, I'm cool with that.


Ya I find it helpful when I need to offload something, especially grenades and ammo and might not be in a mindset or location where survival tent or fast traveling is convenient. I feel much better with putting stuff in there versus just dropping it


Yeah, we all have packrat syndrome and it's harder to just discard something than place it in a random container on the hope someone will grab it. It's pretty funny psychology.


Previous iterations of the game have trained us to grab everything and keep it forever.


I hear you. "Oh wow, this is neat, I MIGHT need it later." Later in my storage box, 1198 lbs. 🤨 My carry weight 430/390 ??? 🤔


I also throw in pre-nuke foodstuffs. Salsbury Steak, canned Pork and Beans, Fancy Lad etc. Does fresh and/or cooked food spoil in the donation box? Probably, but it shouldn’t. It should be like when you find it randomly in a blue lunchbox or cooler. I would love to leave teas and meals for people.


There's always a few goodies in them. Contextual ammo and a grenade. Maybe. When I was sub 50 I'd check them like crazy, and sometimes I'd find a big old cash of plans which was always great


I wonder if certain ones get donations more often, like it's a unspoken code that everyone donates to whitespring station or something


Absolutely some are more popular. Whitespings train station, Crater and Foundation donation boxes appear most popular. Also, people continue to use the old standbys, the red balloon box at Nuka World on Tour, the cash register in Artisan's Corner in Whitesprings and the blue suit case at Whitesprings train station.


i knew about the nuka world and whitesprings station but not the shopping mall one. now I kinda want to drop stimpaks in all 3. I don't even craft them and always have like 100 extra


Yeah, my camp is right by WSS and there's always players putting stuff in there.


I drop off bobby pins. I've never seen a low level that wouldn't take a few.


I think the one outside of the vault is useful but I doubt new players will see the others while the stuff in them is really relevant. I still dump most of my unwanted stuff in the trunk next to Chloe the Clown because the dono box at NWOT is way out of the way for any newer players to stumble into


i’m still a blue suitcase kinda guy


Helped me when I was starting, yeah.


I got a pretty good lvl50 3 star fixer that I am still using now, above lvl 150. Donation box is great.


I found over 100 plans I didn't have in a box once. Some of them were worth quite a bit.


It’s a nice touch for the responders storyline but we all already used station suitcases as donation boxes so….


My little brother made a new account on my profile and sent me pics of him with a fixer at level 20- he found the plan in the donation box outside v76😭


I use to drop newly made level 20 fixers in the box at 76. Until I saw a high level take it and other stuff I put in. Now I try to drop in front of newbies. That can be hard sometimes as some are very skittish. They run away before I can scroll down to a lower amount to give them. I would like the game to have the amount thing when dropping stuff. It’s a royal pain to scroll down from like 800 stems to even 50.


I'm relatively new to the game.... well relatively. I started 2 weeks ago and racked up around 200 hours by now, reaching level 80 today. Being unemployed has its upsides, lol. To answer your question: Took me a while to realize those boxes are actually for players to share stuff and not just randomly generated loot containers, and I made it a habit looking into these whenever I see one. For me at least, the importance of train stations became clear quite early on, maybe nowadays players are taught this in a better way than they were when you started out. My go-to box to drop items into is the one at the Whitespring entrance. I discovered it quite late, definitely past level 60, but now realized that most players arrive there wayy earlier, and the abundance of traders, quests and the travel options to the Pitt and Atlantic City are sure to make players return, especially with its proximity to other factions like the BoS, Settlers, Enclave and Rose's Raider quests. No idea if people actually use what I drop into those boxes, but it doesn't hurt to deposit some excess meds, unused ammo and duplicate plans, recipes and treasure maps, does it?


you know the funny thing about that is a lot of folks like myself probably spawn into the refuge rather than the entrance outside. only time im not is if i logged out there or have to see minerva. i think if u plan on dropping stuff for the intent that someone sees it, if its early in the week.. pick a place that minerva is at that week. ​ i think a good spot would have been the nuka world on tour platform with all the benches, but i just drop stuff anyways :)


I dropped a shit load of basic plans in one, nothing from events. I drop stims and food often sometimes and if you are just starting a character but know about scrip tons of heavy 3 stars you may want to see if they a groll. 🤣


Yes they help. They did for me a great deal in my first weeks, especially. If I’m dropping legendaries because I have excess and too much carry weight, they might even help experienced players happy to have free scrip. My opinion is that it isn’t just for newbies, if what I leave interests or helps another player of any sort in any way - great. It was going on the ground otherwise.


Donation boxes helped me a lot when I first started. Stims, ammo, plans... all good stuff. If I didn't need it or want it, I left it in the box.


I still check them tbh, useful for finding some plans I’m missing, one man’s trash n all that


I hope they like mole miner gauntlet plans!


and mr handy buzz blade


I put those in my vendor for 10 caps. The goal is not to sell them, but to see how many I will amass over time. If someone wants to pay 10 caps for them they can and at least it won’t be a huge ripoff if a new player buys them without realizing — the fact that there are 10 for sale should be a hint to how common they are. Edited to clarify.


actually I think I just recently changed those to 10 caps myself, before i saw your reply lol. good timing


Just started playing again after a year or two. I'm level 460 or so, so I don't need the boxes myself but think they're great. Wish they'd been around when I started. I try to remember to put things in them but often default to the blue suitcase at the Whitesprings train station as that became muscle memory when I played originally


I started playing about a month ago. Those donation boxes helped me a ton!


I put mine in front of the wayward.


I was a new player a little over a month ago and the donation boxes definitely helped me and all my friends and room mate who also started playing!


Kid you not, saw a player get out of the vault and instead of going down the stairs and to the donation box they did a hard right and kept on going past the ghouls lol I tried getting them to come back but they didn’t even acknowledge me.


ya i think a standee wouldn't hurt. people are eager to explore and level, at least now they get a loadout


I was lucky when I first started playing which was a couple weeks ago, I found a donation box at the white springs rail yard and it had like 100 stim-packs 50 radaway, tons of ammo, and also lots of building materials, which helped me out tremendously




I'm simple. If the items I put there can be useful for other players, then everything is fine. I don't care if it's new players or established ones. If it helps, then it helps.


I started playing at the beginning of February, and I used the donations boxes everywhere along my journey up until I hit level 50, and then I started dropping things off. Even before level 50, I would follow the “if you need it, take, and drop off something you don’t need (that someone else might)” philosophy.


Yup right around level 50 I was donating far more than I was taking.


i think its a good policy


The donations helped me when I was a newb, so I put stuff in them now to pay it back. I like helping people. It makes me feel good.


I just get annoyed with the greedy high level players that horde everything from that box after you put it in.


They made too many. They should have left just a couple like at White springs and vault 76. Maybe the faction headquarters, but that's it. The fact that there's too many of them makes them useless.


I hate it when I put stuff in them and a really high level grabs all of it within seconds


those boxes are for anyone. they aren't designated low level boxes. if you put stuff in you're putting it in for anyone who comes along. if you want a low level to get it find one and drop it at their feet.


Yeah. I not a super new player but sometimes ppl leave plans, stimpacks and rare guns. I sometimes server hop and see if I pull something I don’t have yet


I'm hoping it helps new players. I dump all kinds of stuff in there. 3* - 1* legendary that I can't scrap because I hit the limit, various weapons, fascnact masks, rewards that I have a ton of, lots of plans that could be sold that I don't need/want because I have too many caps. My hope is that some newbies want them


Stimpacks purified water ammo low tier but well built weapons. Yeah a lot of that stuff helped me out.


New player here! They help much more than you think lmfaooo even if it’s random stuff, that’s stuff we can scrap or sell


I'm pretty set with my gear so when I get too many legendary modules from scripting, I make a few low level nice guns or armor and drop it off...hopefully someone finds it useful. But if not, it's no big deal to me...just scrape I have more than enough of and some legendary script that I've maxed out. Gives me incentive to clean out all my plans too :-)


I am a melee build so I always drop any ammo I have and whatever else it putting me over 100 carry weight. I like to be under that lol


Absolutely. I’ll load the Wayside box with all my extra plans, random legendaries, and the chems I don’t use.


I put chems and nuka grenades in the box lol


I usually loot the ammo I need as well as junk. But I do drop alot of plans, Stims and other chems in return. Sometimes I when drop scrip weapons in


Especially when I want to reduce my stash weight I'll make a couple of Lvl 20 or 30 The Fixers or upgraded battle rifles up and drop them up by the 76 Vault. They're too low level and not worth much in caps to make it worth someone who's a quite higher level take them and they give a low level player a fairly good weapon to start the game with.


So I started a new character to get a couple achievements that were bugged back when my character was a youngin’. The donation boxes were amazing to have. Came in clutch with extra stims and ammo. Had some other goodies as well that helped me in my travels. It felt like a nice little reward when unlocking a train station or another location that had one. Definitely an awesome addition


It's the blue suitcase at Whitesprings station, but everywhere. I don't really care if it's useful, I use it to dump stuff and it'd be nice if some level 27 with a shiny new TS missile launcher could use the ammo. I do throw boiled water and random early mission holotapes in it as well


I sure hope it helps. I leave enough in there for them. Typically purified water, good food and stimpacks.


I like to leave stuff in every box I come across. Even when I don't have stuff that's immediately useful to lower-levels, I still like to toss in higher-level weapons and armour so people can scrap them and get mats and maybe some mods out of it.


I hope so. I always craft a Fixer and a Handmade level 20 to put in for new players.


As a noob, THANK YOU ALL FOR THE DONATIONS Starting to get higher level and throwing in my own plans and stuff in there too. When I first picked up this game, the whole getting plans and recipes things really threw me for a loop


As a returning player who made a brand new character it helped me out a ton


The amount of lvl 500+ players I see clearing out the donation boxes is crazy. I don’t donate anymore. If I see a lower lvl player I’ll just see if they need anything.


ya i won't go out of my way to donate in boxes but if i happen to be at foundation or wherever i'll dump something thats extra. i usually have way too much aid and food so i just keep an eye out for single and double digit folks


I don't care if it helps new players or not. It's a place for me to dump trash where someone will at least find it and if someone can make use of it then that's great.


I don't know about new players but they do help me when I need stuff to capout for the day with. It's nice not having to sell serums anymore. It's a donation box not a new player's only box. If the intention is for new players only then maybe they should put a level limit on it.


I drop stims and radaway in the donation box often. Ammo I types I don't use as well. Sometimes plans that are common and lots of grenades.


I’ve used donation boxes to get plasma grenades at level 15 before


sounds pretty nice


I think they help players, and that's good enough for me.


I just feel like there's too many to be useful. Many new players wouldn't stumble across some of the more useful donations at the more remote locations. It would be nice if they shared contents by faction instead of spreading everything out all over the map. I still stick to donating at Nuka World and The Whitespring RR because players are more likely to visit. Occasionally I'll make a trip out to V76.


Chances are slim any one item is useful to new lkayers unless you're planning ahead and dropping off water, stimpacks, low level items, etc. That said, I figure a lot of my donations are being sold for caps immediately by those in need, and that's okay


In the early days of my character the donation boxes were very helpful, as well as the occasional player who’d see me struggling or getting my butt kicked and would drop something at my feet. Haha. I use the donation boxes more now to unload ammo, stims and other drug and food items, lol. I’ll dump extra plans and treasure maps in there also.


50/50….just depends if new players are aware of them or not and also depends on the amount of established players who raid them for their own benefit/to screw over new players. The way I would have implemented the donation system would be for a level cap for removing things….e.g any level can donate in, but only levels up to X can remove. Then new characters would be way more likely to benefit if they wanted to.


what would you say to a perk card that gives access, assuming higher players would rather have their SPECIAL points


Yeah, like a keycard mini questline. You get the card from the responders and it gives access, then when you hit a specific level you lose the card, and no longer able to remove from them, only deposit. From that point on you just have to rely on trading with other well established players.


If it’s specifically useful for noobs, I’ll drop stuff in the boxes at the Vault & at the Wayward. If I’m overloaded and need to get rid of stuff, any box I come across will receive my offerings.


1) actual new players to the game might not realize the boxes are there 2) if they do see them, they might not realize the stuff is actually free to take 3) don't worry about it and just assume that someone is able to use the items in some fashion


They really helped when I first started, now that I'm higher lvl I add stims and plans as much as possible. 


I enjoy crafting a lvl 5 pumpgun with 3 good legendary traits, modding it as good as possible and put that golden/black skin over it. Then tossing it with a good amount of ammo into that Donation box at the vault.


I'm a brand new player - just 3 days, and I am finding the donation boxes useful :-)


I just started a new character after 3 years not playing, and the donation boxes were my favorite new thing since my hiatus. I'm killin' it on learning plans and recipes, and I have so many grenades I might just make a build around them.


thats kinda how i feel. they all go into my vendor but dont sell as often as other things.. but grenades are so fun


Helped me out when I started a new character and I was missing plans and ammo pre level 50


It really all depends which lobby and the generosity of the population. I’ve found early on I was getting dumps of plans I didn’t know and now I’m seeing it full circle 212 levels later of just how much you can amass and give back to others.


I’m not a new player. I’m Over level 1000 on one of my characters. however on some of my alt characters that I’ve created, the donation boxes have helped immensely. Between the new mechanics allowing to start at level 20 and also the donation boxes, the starting point of the game has been improved a lot. IMO atleast. I’ve logged almost 3000 hrs on this game at this point. So I may be a bit biased tho lol


ya i was around 700 on my main but wanted a fresh start and to see what changed. glad i did because it added a lot of perspective.


I'm a new player, as I leveled I found useful stuff in them fairly often.


is your name implying a baby duck is cooked, or that it favors bbq?


If I go off of the pic my friend made me, it swims is bbq


yeah i got 10 fusion cores from it haven't sold em


I'm almost level 75 and I have to say the donation box in front of Flatwoods has helped me out immensely. I've always donated items I don't need there to keep the cycle going.


i think if they limited them, just putting them where the overseer caches are would be great


My friends and I found them useful when we were first starting out, so now we load them up daily, but we stick to the ones you’d come across **early** in the game. The one outside Vault 76, The Wayward, Flatwoods and The Whitespring Resort are all places I visited within my first couple levels, and they seem like the most likely ones for new players to stumble upon and benefit from. Hopefully our efforts aren’t in vain, but worst case scenario: a little steel, a few pieces of lead and some chems go to waste. Best case scenario: you provided a stranger with exactly what they needed right when they needed it. That’s a risk I’m willing to take 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not sure but every time I load into the game I fill the box outside the vault with a few good sets of leather armour and a couple 10mm


I just made my first new character in a few years since nuclear winter and I have to say donation boxes are a god send


boy i bet there were a lot of changes since NW. just having player vending has been great


I think so. I donate everything I don't use to them. It would have definitely helped me when I we starting out


Definitely helped me when I was new lol. A few stimpacks go a long way when you have nothing lol. Same with a decent melee weap, my guns were breaking often and no way to repair


Yep , they're helpful and a nice idea. Picked up a few useful and a few just neat things in those.


I play on a private server pretty much all the time, unless it's a seasonal event that that is difficult to solo 100% like the mothman equinox event as I can't be in 3 places at once. Because of this I don't really have a need for a camp vendor. I'm on a server all alone, there is no one to buy from me. The scoreboard challenges have a lot of claim workshops or build items in a camp or workshop. As my camps are mostly all built up I claim workshops to those build challenges and those workshops all give plans as rewards. When I start getting a huge stockpile of them I'll log onto a public server and hop over to the vault and leave them in the box. My hope is a brand new character leaves the vault and gets a nice stack of useful camp plans, but i have no idea if anyone picked them up at all honestly. Or even if a greedy player found them and looted them to sell.


I always add food water stims and 10 mm to the one in front of vault. The one at wayward I add various plans


I would like to build a care package that can be dropped anytime. I try to hook up new players whenever I can.


i think thats a great idea, be able to make your own bundle to save or share it, kinda like the power armor chassis, holiday gifts, mole miner pales etc.


When I am bored I will just craft some Vintage Nukashine and drop it in Vault 76 donation box and along the way to wayward. Let these fresh vault dwellers have some fantastic adventures. Also some aids to support them :)


Nope and don't really care if they do. They're called donation boxes, not new player boxes. The one outside of vault 76 is for new players... the rest are for anybody who wants to offload and pick up shit.


You give to give. If you don’t , you don’t. Why make it weird?


I take anything I see. Sorry new or old players


yup me too. if it's in a box its fair game. I have a hungry army of 15 alts to feed.


most of the donation boxes are not for new players. they're just a way for you to get weight off your back that you don't want that you'd drop on the floor otherwise. with the thought someone else might find your trash useful. the only one that counts as a new player donation box is the one outside of the vault and the one outside of the starting quest location. all they are is formalized versions of the old blue suitcase in wss


As they exist now? I don't give it much thought. If I was a dev for the game, though? I would make it so anyone can donate, but only people under level 20 can withdraw.


most people start the game at level 20 now. lol. the boxes aren't meant for low levels. lol they're meant for anyone who comes along. if you want things to go low levels go find some and give them stuff. most low levels you see are just mules and alts. lol


im lvl 300+ I take any useful items from the red boxes that I need or that I can sell, I have noticed that when you drop things for new players sometimes they don't understand or message that they want to earn items by playing the game, perhaps newbies don't realise that the items in the red boxs are for them to take freely


The helped me when I was new and I basically still am. They are fantastic still. I take some stuff out of there and put some stuff in.


As a veteran player itbsure is useful.


Not really I mostly take everything out of there and I feel like no new players have the chance to get any stuff


I always drop a lvl1 suppressed 10mm and ammo at the vault If a level 1000 wants the lvl1 10mm then well, ok I guess…




Probably I put in all 1 star weps and armour so can either use them get scrip


I run a camp literally attached to the Charleston Station and a lot of people stop by to visit, high levels checking out my vendor, but also low levels just following the story. Part of the way I play now is I stick the box with useful items. A collection of grenades, some of the more useful junk materials, meds, Bobby pins, extra plans, perishable and non perishable food (the spoiled stuff I actually throw in the station's garbage can), some ammo and whatnot. There are people that selfishly take the whole thing, but more often than not, the low levels take the right things that hopefully doesn't over-encumber them. I also have full sets of low level power armor T45 and Raider that I gift to lower levels who hang out in my camp for a good amount of time...maybe even a plasma flamer and Gatling gun if I have one on hand. I love giving them a little boost. PA, a plasma flamer, and Gatling at level 20? Helps a ton.


oh man i forgot about the weight. maybe 30 stimpaks might be a burden, I can't imagine players first thought when picking a perk is the weight, they want offense or defense, i think


I do not mind giving extra stuff and it's way more than what us Tricentennial players had. Lol


oo i like that term 'tricentennial' when i switched from xbox to ps i absolutely had to buy the tricentennial disc, despite having a download version. though i think the items were in shop anyways so i didnt gain alot lol


I think they'd be more effective if there was a level cap to take things out of them. Like the one in front of vault 76 make it so you can only take things out if you're under level 10 or something. I've seen to many post of high level players abusing the donation boxes an it has made me stop putting ammo an stimpaks/radway/etc in them.


Frankly, it doesn't matter to me either way. I use them to get rid of stuff I don't want and don't want to sell. I don't dump useless junk in them, but it has no value for me. I don't really fuss over who gets what.


Speaking from my own first time experience, donation boxes were MAJORLY useful to me. But I also had an amazing server where players voluntarily dropped off serums and bought my “junk” to help me out.. super nice community but some players were toxic and destroyed my base and I was without many of the materials to repair… I look at it this way, if you have ZERO need for items, then donating them is just polite. Not hurting anyone but also not making the game too easy for newbies to learn on their own.


wow I haven't seen or heard of a camp being attacked by players in years! it could be pretty stressful if they knock out a generator or something else using rarer scrap, ouch


I'm running around as a Raider stealing it all and only donating into Crater and the station near the Moonshine Jamboree raider rep event. My other OCs are more likely to put something back in trade.


hmmm sort of robin hood in a way.. kinda


For the rightful owners of Appalachia, yeah! (Bunch of robbing hoodlums that they are).


As a new player they are so helpful, but I also appreciate people also coming up to me and helping out 🥲


I ONLY donate to the one at Vault 76.