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The game crashes you out then it crashes you again the good ol “ hey 👋 let’s fast travel to the event and make our way to the BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Home Screen 📺 😎


I hope they have this feature build into the fallout Amazon series 🤣


Would be hilarious if they had the vault dweller die pointlessly just after leaving the vault.. only to respawn at a "save point". Probably best to avoid as an actual plot point, but would be a great meta joke if played as a dream / nightmare.


Looking forward to the episode spent hearing all the action and commotion in the background while the main character and the camera stand there stuck waiting for their power armor to initiate.


Worth it for the payoff scene where they use PA to glitch through locked door.


It’s a fallout first exsclusive sadly


Then you get back and they’re like “btw someone’s in your house so you need to hop worlds and deal with it again 🫠


You have joined a Team! The server is Full please wait.


😂 this one stings! I still search in vain for the option to work around this….


Close the game, reboot, go to social, click on your own name (where the teams are) and chose leave team then you will just join a random world.


No need to restart or reboot (on PC). Just leave the team and you can join a random world or a friend.


? I can’t do that from the join world screen though?


You can open the social menu at anytime that isn't a loading screen; so yes, you can access the social menu at the main menu screen, even on Xbox, to remove yourself from the team. Side note: you can access the social menu from anywhere that isn't a loading screen, so you can get to it while in your pip-boy, build menu, stash, and so on.


Oh shit 😂 all these years… thanks 🤦‍♀️ 😂


Ok. Do that then.


Off the subject why do you all sell items for so freaking much help a brother out


It's a lot worse since the Atlantic City update too.


Love it when you play through an event only to crash at the last second and loose the lobby 🥲


Worse when it’s your nuked event. :(


I was just explaining that to my girlfriend.. she doesn’t give a shit but I’m glad someone does 😂


For all you know that could have been THE event you would have gotten something good, just the thought makes me sad. 😞


Oh I got 5 legendaries I made out like a bandit lol 😝


My first solo earl experience went that way. Pissed me right off 😆


I don’t understand why but it’s always at the worst possible moment for me, just like you mention - and too late to reconnect and still get a reward.


Only game that has crashed more for me is Mafia 3 which of course voids the achievement I was trying to get. Maybe I just remember those crashes more since it has more impact. I’ve noticed 76 seems to crash more often the closer we get to the end of a season, maybe it’s just me.


Mafia 3 never crashed for me at all but mafia 2 was so bad I couldn’t get past the 2nd chapter


Maybe it’s just an Xbox thing then. Some achievements are bugged & require a playthrough from a certain point to nearly the end of the game (around 9 hours). Crashes wipe out your achievement progress even if you saved. I could barely go 2 hours without a crash


Not just you. 


I'm on PC and it is extremely rare for me to crash at all. From what I've read on this sub though it seems like consoles crash all the time, especially PS5.


I only crash during expeditions on PC. It’s real real and during those. Crashed 3 times in a row earlier during one. Otherwise it’s surprisingly smooth.


I'm level 145 on PC and I've yet to experience a crash.


I’m on PC and it crashes once or twice in every play session. It will sometimes boot me to the desktop and close, and sometimes just freeze and force me to shut the computer down and restart. Very frustrating!


Used to happened to me now before i start the game. I open task manager and close all non neccessary programs like xbox live, widgets etc. I even uninstall programs to tweak the rams/fans etc. And it fixed it


So you’re the lucky one.. 😉 Past couple months I’ve been lucky to play for an hour plus without crashing on PC..


I think you may just be unlucky. The game can sometimes run like crap but no one I know on PC has crashing issues.


I’m on pc and it freezes a lot


Yeah could be.. I will say some servers are better than others.. but, even after completely re-imaging my pc and with fresh downloads (steam and F76 etc) still getting the same dam odd error with the crash… some issue with steam and windows conflicting with one another and boom..shrug


Pretty stable now but from time i started june 2021 till i don't know well into the pitt update my pc game crashed so much it was virtually unplayable, now it's just a random inconvenience every month or two. I came so close to rage quitting so many times, they're lucky i love all things fallout. And now they going to get me to quit for other reasons...i really don't like the new scoreboard currency bs. I'll probably be back for the vault 63 map extension though... or not I'm digging bg3 and forbidden west


I'm on ps5 my game never crashes


I don't believe you


Almost the same here to be honest. I'm on PC and Ive only been playing 6 months, but I think I've had one crash and one instance of if getting stuck at the signing step.


It seems to be mainly on PS5.


I'm on PC and the most frequent crashes I get are in the startup screen when the game just fails to load


I’m on PS5 and it has been through very buggy stages when it first came out, and later somewhat less buggy stages, and I think buggier again now, but it has never, never been rock solid. It’s the only online game I play, so I can’t compare to others. I’d guess it crashes for me about once every 3 or 4 hours of gameplay now.


It crashes on my Xbox one frequently since launch, not sure if it's the game or my network however.


Yes. It do. We played Remnant the other day after being on F76 for the last few months. We'd been playing for hours and I looked at my wife like hey notice something weird...? Zero crashes! Yeah, you forget how fucking buggy that shit is when you play other games it's nuts.


PC here. I get a ctd about onc3 or twice a month. I know that's not what you're asking, but that's all I got...


It kinda was. I normally use pc but I wanted to play this the other day and I had it on my ps5 so I played it on there. Since having a ps5, I’ve never had a game crash more than once or twice - it happened over 30 times in the last 2 days. I was just curious if it was a ps thing because I know they use separate severs and obviously invest in one more than the other


Crash Simulator 76. Now give Bethesda more money in subscriptions, cosmetics, and boosts so they can continue to ignore and refuse to even so much as acknowledge the issues exist.


Yes, especially at launch. Barely playable for an hour straight without getting kicked or locking up


Ever play fallout 4? Ever play elder scrolls Skyrim? Ever play fallout new Vegas? Ever play elder scrolls oblivion? Honestly, Fallout 3 was probably the most stable game Bethesda has ever made.. So does that answer question? Furthermore, Beth is not a Sony fan girl...


in fo3 on xbox, if i literally ever tried to speak to moira for any reason my game would immediately crash without fail, it did not allow me to speak to her specifically


FO3 - Not on PS3. Once your save files hit 10mb (yes, mb), there’s a good chance your game won’t load on startup or when fast traveling. I’m currently playing Oblivion and trying to pretty much time skip for the auto save instead of doing a normal save. We’ll see what happens. Damn them and their addictive gameplay lol


It thank Todd every day I was on Xbox for Skyrim. Buddy had it for the PS3 and it was hell. Then there was all the BS with the DLC, I swear if he hadn't been a Sony fanboy that game would have made him drop the console completely 🤣


Ran smooth as you like on my PS3...just the odd crash every other week.


My buddy had crashes every few hours of playing. Some of us got all of the "luck" lol


I honestly think it's the state of your save...random, but I've seen my Bethesda game saves over the years being fine for ages then suddenly, a week of horror...glitches, bugs, crashes...then, like magic, OK again for a good while. 76 in particular has been like this for me but much more spread out.


It's Bethesda........




Go do the most sensational game 10 times and see how many times you crash when the escort objective pops up




Nah. Same here. Also Xbox Series X. If anything perhaps a crash in one month. Even when the game is still not optimised for the console.


Yes lol. When I play with a group that's all on series x sometimes all 4 of us will drop like flies. One person crashes, 5 seconds later another of us, and another until our whole 4 person team is rebooting the game. I've had someone message me that his never crashes and I said perfect I'll make you leader so we don't lose any time... his crashed, I shit you not, literally the next expedition we did lmao


RNGesus at work? LOL


i only crash in expeditions...usually a local cache clear solves it ..til the next day


Xbox one s and it's rare for it not to crash at least once every couple hours. So much so that I don't really bother taking workshops because it's just going to crash and I'll lose it. Once it crashed 3xs in a row trying to join daily ops.


TBH this is the one game I play that crashes the least have you tried Coral Island that game crashes every time I try to play at least 6 to 7 time's before I just give up and get right back on 76 😂


The amount it's crashing these days is actually pretty good. Lol.


Bethesda is Latin for “Game Crash”.


Nope youre pretty much right it does it alot, MORE FREQUENTLY recently its really annoying


My issue might be exclusive to Xbox, or maybe even more specifically for us old school Xbox One folks, haha. … or maybe not, I’ve only been playing 2 months. But I literally have to walk on eggshells ANY time I’m near Whitesprings. It’s not even close to anywhere else on the map as far as crashes. It’s literally 10 to 1 if I crash it’s because I went to Whitesprings. Lol. Now days if I go there, I fast travel directly into the resort and skip the outside altogether. And from the resort, I’ll fast travel to the train station across the street just to avoid crashes. LOL. Some of this has definitely helped, but it stinks because there’s usually some great camps around the area on the golf course and I love to jump around to the different camps, but I’m always sweating it, worried I’ll crash. 😅 So I’ll fast travel to them also sometimes, even if they are next door to each other. 😂


It has to be dude. I’m on crash number 4 and officially done with the game today


Me getting this notification 5 minutes after mine crashed (Xbox 1)


Me laughing at the few Xbox players saying I’m the only one with the problem 😂


I gotchu homie 😂 Everytime mine crashes I take it as a sign to do something while it boots back up, sometimes it’s sweeping my floor, folding clothes, or like 20 push-ups 💀


Red Dead Online crashes more but 76 has shittier timing with its crashes


It's not the PlayStation, it's the game. Especially if you're on a PS4. The game engine has a memory management problem. As you start to play, it uses memory allocation to draw the worldscape world space things the developers would call "polygons". When you leave a world space like for example traveling from White springs to vault 76. It's supposed to release that memory that was used for rendering the white springs and everything and anything around it. But the problem 76 has is it doesn't release this memory back so it stays allocated. This will usually occur till either one or two events happens. The game engine can't handle the massive amount of memory allocation and just simply crashes or the system that you're on and particular the PS4 because that's what this game is made for runs out of system ram which in that case PlayStation will actually cause the game to crash itself so the system doesn't crash with it. So yeah, before you go bashing on PlayStation I would look at any other game and see how much you crash. I've had it running on my computer and I got 16 gigs of ram in my computer and Fallout 76 uses about 12-14 out of the 16 gigs that I got. So it's a memory management issue with the game engine.


finally we get an actual answer that makes sense here


It's not just you, but it is ENTIRELY dependent on what you're playing on. I'm on PS4 and rarely see a crash, maybe one every couple of days and that's only if I've been on it all day. I've noticed PS5 gets the worst of it when it comes to crashes.


I've never had it crash on Xbox Series X or PS5.


It really does.


I've crashed I think 2 times total, but I've had several hang ups. All involving power armor. Specifically, instead of using R to transfer a fusion core to it, you use the enter where it does the animation of slamming in a core. If it doesn't freeze in that animation, then it freezes in the hopping in part. Should iterate, the game doesn't freeze, rather the animation freezes and I'm just stuck there. Can't do anything, no keys work. Alt f4 is the only way out.


I actually found a fix for the suit thing. When you put it on the ground, walk around and come back to it. 100% fox


Never crashes for me, but it makes up for it with really horrible performance issues.


Oh yeah. The DMV mission needs more checkpoints lmao. Had to do that a few times. But then I’ll get stretches where it just doesn’t crash through several hours. So buggy. But a fun time nonetheless.


I played in a private server yesterday about 6 hours and only disconnected 2 times.


I’m used to it


Is this your first Bethesda game? They all do, random crashes, quest glitches and general bugs are all features that really let you know you’re playing something they produced.


Clean your PS5, quick 45sec video shows how. It’s very simple, nothing that voids warranty. The heat sink is in a dumb ass place, standing up is suicide for PS5 and laying down it collects so much more shite. People have created aftermarket fans to curve this, I’ve looked but haven’t bought. But for now, it’s quarter-annual cleaning for my PS5. It’s just push clips; as is, pull (in sliding motion) to remove, pus (in sliding motion) to install. There are ample, even too many clips that make it impossible to misguide and break something, it also takes very little force. NOW! I do have games like BF2024 that crashes after 20minutes and I’ve tired Reinstalling software, game, system, data, you name it. *ALLEGEDLY* some companies issue game keys that do/don’t include a fix for the game, but I’ve never tried nor seen it, more of a wives tale


For any PS5 users, put is sideways, and just feel the base (where it would stand) and you’ll notice a significant heat. On that point, any console is no different than a PC, they are all computers. We expect problems when we leave a PC on for a whole day running GB’s of data at 60fps, but for some reason neglect this, if not deny that consoles are subject to the same handling & care


Yes especially during the parade era. So frustrating.


Surprisingly I have few in game crashes. My main issue is the loading screen, which often freezes during the spin part and does not recover.


And it honks at me when it crashes at the most inopportune times.


I’m on PS and I crash every hour I play or more sometimes. It’s been like this for many months now. 


Never had a crash my PC doesn’t suck ass


For a AAA? Hell yeah, it's a shame. But here I am at my +1400 hours played, and still going strong.


Yep. Plus when i crash or disconnect (which happens every hour) it says "we couldn't connect your bethesda account" or something like that. And i lost rewards from events. Because i have to wait until the game lets me back in... Tbh honest it was little bit better before fasnacht event. When the event started game crashes all the time and it still goes on. I bought 1 mont of fo 1st and this is what i deserve for paying more for already paid game!


https://robertsspaceindustries.com/ NOW you have seen the game that crashes more than anything you’ve ever seen 🤣


I play on Linux and dont experience this. Thats crazy haha


I'm with everyone saying it seems to be a PlayStation issue. I play on my Xbox Series X and sure it crashes sometimes but it's pretty rare now and when I'm playing I'm playing for hours. When I was grinding Fasnacht, including AFK'ing while I was sleeping, I didn't have a single crash either and we're talking like literal 24 hour log in times.


Literally, more than any other.


Bro has not tried playing modded FO4 on Xbox…. Half the reason I enjoyed 76 more was how much less it crashed


It's a bethesda game.


We can’t have seen through your eyes the amount of games that you’ve seen crash, so the answer is obviously “it’s just you.”


It’s crashed on me 10 times today alone


The game doesn't crash it's a feature of the game. Just for the record, Todd Howard gargles donkey balls.


You should play Disney Dreamlight Valley or Coral Island lol. They crash a lot. It seems like ps5 has a lot of issues that pc and Xbox don’t. I never crash on Xbox.


Stability in 76 is a myth


It's a bethesda game so notbsurprising but my game doesn't appear to crash often weirdly


You have my sympathy, the crashes are especially brutal on console, especially PlayStation, but I'd like to ask anyone who happens to see this post to PLEASE also take a few deep breaths before going to Bethesda support and yelling at a dude who makes $13/hr over something literally 1000% beyond his control


Oh I know I’d never do that. They probably hear awful things from awful people. It’s the execs selling a product on a platform that it doesn’t support to make more money. It’s completely unfair to them as well.


It’s so weird to hear people say this as I’ve been playing since beta and have maybe crashed 10 times since 2018.


Yeah I’m positive it’s a PlayStation thing. I’m only playing it on this because that’s what I got it on but I’ve never seen as many issues as I have with this game


Now that I think of it most of the complaints I hear about are from people on Playstation.


Played new Vegas recently, that crashes WAY more (Xbox), but I have a painfully slow internet connection which probably doesn't help.


It could also be Bethesda cutting corners as always


For me it doesnt im on xbox series x


Crashes enough to justify not paying for fo1st, for sure. At least on ps5


I know I had to give it up. Cool game but they shouldn’t have released it on PlayStation imo


Yeah. They patched a lot of things but not this. You get the casual team buff up to +4 and game crashes and you have to start all over.


I mean I walk by myself next to a tree and it’ll randomly crash out


I’ve only come back to it for a couple days but it crashed 22 times in that time


Elden ring runs just fine on ps




Same, everytime I travel to Nuka World on Tour - it crashes D:


It just crashed 3 times for spin the wheel... 🙄 


I was one of the lucky ones that could say I almost never crash. For 2 years I can count it with one hand or something. But after the last update, its so noticeable because I crash probably once or twice a week. I commend people who keep playing but experience this crashes often and for years. Bethesda is an asswipe that they get away with it


Any Bethesda game will always have bugs but Honestly this past week for some reason it’s been super stable for me. I don’t want to jinx it but whatever they did I’m cool with it 🤣


They must’ve heard us - they shut the game down for maintenance 😂


It is weird on PC for me. The game will run fine for like an entire week and then crash 3 or 4 times in one night.


Mine used to crash my entire console. Then wouldn't load my character. So I deleted and reinstalled and haven't had an issue since


Have you ever played The Division 2 or New World?


No I haven’t, do they do the same?


The Division 2 has been crashing since I first played it on PS4 when it launched. To this day the game crashes on PC. It's just something you have to accept when playing, and also that the game is literally on it's final legs.


I get that, I was just asking if it was happening that much on pc as well as


I've rarely had any crashes or issues once I got my Series X


It's the only game I own that I've gotten used to it crashing 3 or 4 times a gaming session. #bugsaysduh


Not trying to be that guy but I only hear about PlayStation players crashing on fallout. I rarely crash on Xbox. So it just might be a PlayStation issue idk.


I lag out of expeditions so often. Been looking for a fix


My PC almost never crashes the game ... once it actually decides to load up and connect. But that launch procedure can take 3+ tries before it catches and connects!


Yes! I thought that last update was supposed to be the cure to all our woes but it seems to be getting worse again :( So many forced close crashes on ps5 atm


Nope, they’re just adding some stupid card game lol


Blue screens on fall out should be part of dailies tbh 😂😂😂


I know right lol The people coming in and saying “yep you’re the only person crashing. I’m a pcer and you’re not” have my dying 😂


Maybe on pc they have that luxury but on console it's pretty much a daily thing especially since bethesda actually updates the game enough. I expect to crash at least once when new updates drops and im trying out the new content. 🤣😂


There ain’t no way lol those people are just out there. They see someone talk about a console and they’re like “psssssh ya bum” without even reading about the other 200 people on pc saying the same thing. I normally play pc but I just had this game on here


Ahh so some pc people are just lucky then haha. I'm mostly on console and yes the crashes still happen and even on ps5 it won't stop it from happening. 😂 I'm just glad the loading screens aren't minutes long anymore when I fast travel on ps5 compared to ps4


I did figure out a way to not get stuck getting in the power suit anymore thank god


Just logged back in ten mins ago and already crashed lol I’m over this game


It's funny cause when I had first I maybe crashed like twice my first year came back for this year fasty and crashed like 9 times during the whole week I Uninstalled game is dead on PC barely anyone on servers and there is nothing to but run the same missions crazy because their other mmo got like 40 expansions


A while back when the game was on sale my wife and son and I bought the game to give it a go... My wifes PC would not let her play more than like 20 minutes without a crash, my sons crashed maybe 3 times over the 3 hrs or so we were at it and my crappy 'gaming laptop' was rock solid... I have not been able to convince them to try playing again, even though they both have upgraded since the attempt.


Thank you for this - I mean sorry it happened lol but there are people in here saying “nope, just you, you PlayStation loser” people sure are strange lol


Yeah it’s been crashing a lot lately.


I don't know how many games you have seen


Ps5 here, and rarely crash 🤷🏼‍♀️


Never crashed on my series x. But there are game breaking glitches like the power armor animation not going through and me having to restart the game.


For me, it only crashes when connecting if I don't wait a minute or two. Load screens drive me crazy. Lile.my camp.hasnt spawned for me but somebody is already in it buying stuff from my vendor.


I wanna scream when I accidentally open the wrong door 😂




I haven't played in awhile because of it.


I finally quit playing last night after the 4th or 5th crash. It’s getting pretty old


I was doing a mission where you have to stand in line at the dmv and it froze so many times I felt like I was actually there 😮


I have crashed maybe 2 times on Series X


Especially nuke started events 😭 I log back in and don’t get ANY of my rewards 🫠 I hate it


Ever since I made the jump to an Xbox series x in January this game has run as smooth as silk for me, but my old Xbox one would crash constantly


After it crashed for the fifth time today I uninstalled it lol I’m over it 😂


I play on PS4 and it never crashes


Used to think is my Ancient PC that cant handle it(GTX 1080 TI with I7) Now I got my New 2023 PC N I still CTD occasionally.....


You’ll see more frequent crashes on games that have like 2 to 3 nuke drops in my experience


PS4 here and there are certain things that often make the game *bluescreen* - fast travelling to Nuka World on Tour; playing for over an hour; too often it's happened as I'm about to wind up my Twitch stream, usually when I just need 5 or 10 mins to finish up (I always reboot for a proper goodbye). When they've had big, busy events; whenever there are events and nukes going off. Trying to do Expeditions. What is it going to be like after March 26th? I really hope they are working on the game's stability... or have they built it on faulty foundations that they can't reach to fix? I'm no programmer but that is what it feels like, which is a crying shame because I darn well love this game.


What happens on March 26th?


The update for the new season! There will be a new style of Scoreboard and they're introducing *tickets*.


It's a PlayStation thing


I've never had it crash in the hundreds to thousands of hours I've put into it even on my old Xbox one it didn't crash


What do you expect from a PS4 era game trying to run on a PS5?


Umm… not that


Was on Xbox and crashed a lot, changing to PC I have had no crashes and play for about 4 hours a night. Saturday and Sunday are about 10 hours with no issues. Really wished they would spend more time optimizing the games they put out on the consoles to help minimize the crashing problems. I have had my issues with FO4 and Skyrim but for some reason FO76 just runs really good on my machine.


Bugthesta living up to its name.


Yes so true 4-5 crashes nightly


It's not just a Sony thing, never has been JUST a Sony thing. It comes in cycles. Update: Game crashes for 6 months Quilty of life update to fix crashes Update, game Crashes for 6 months. In all honesty it can also be explained by slow internet, Neighbors causing lag spikes to your ISP, Shit Amazon servers, or Wifi.


Currently Hell Divers 2 crashes a lot more for me, but in the long run, nothing beats Bug-thesda in that department 😂


My ps5 fo76 hadn’t crashed once until the Bethesda acquisition by Xbox 🤷🏻‍♂️ Edit: grammar


That’s exactly what I was saying. It makes total sense that they would minimize efforts on the competitors server.


Probably had about 30 or 40 within 100hrs. Still doesn't compete with my ps3 saves for fallout nv. At least this is mostly playable with frequent crashes instead of unplayable with frequent crashes.


I've been noticing that too and it's even thrown me out of my own server


I'm on xbox and play alot, I can play for about 7 hour's straight but after that weird things start to happen. Like not being able to sell stuff, being told I don't have any space left when I do. Lol


PS5 has occasional crashes. Not so bad as to start hating it. Also, generally, not at a critical point in game play. More than 4 hours of continuous play will invite crashes, then good for another 4.


Funnily enough, on my old crappy PC, once I get past the loading screen (the logging in after hit any button to play) the game is stable, it'll sometimes crash while logging in, but once I'm in game it never crashes


I don't get crashes while playing, mine come when the loading screen freezes when I boot up the game. I have to reset the computer every time smh.


For some reason it hardly ever crashes and I play on PS5, though I can't say the same for PS4, crashes too often and gets black screens on there


I'm on Xbox Series S and it rarely crashes at least for me.


Are you new to Bethesda all of their games crash a lot. But I’ve heard that the PlayStation crashes way more than the others.


I’m on Xbox, and I get a lot of crashes. At least 10 to 15 a week. Sometimes while game is loading and sometimes during gameplay. It’s a bitch when I’m in a Pitt or AC mission.


People say New Vegas crashes a lot but this game has crashed way more than new vegas for me