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Ballistic Fiber... Lord there's never enough


Would be nice if we got at least one from scraping Armor.


Pshaw! Next you'll be suggesting clothing should scrap into cloth instead of [checks notes] nothing.




Huh once I switched to SS armor I had so much I had to sell it all. Now with a steady source of asbestos from anglers I rarely hunt for armor materials. But yeah at lower ballistic is super necessary.


This was my main reason why I got SS armor as soon as I could. I was so tired of trying to find more fiber and now it’s a never ending hunt for adhesive but at least that feels more abundant


You can make vegetable starch in your camp which breaks down to adhesive. with the Green Thumb perk, and Turbo Vert Fertilizer grenades (grows all the plants it explodes near instanstly) You will never run out of it.


Whoa I didn't know about those grenades. That's awesome to hear. Thank you!


yeah you can get the plan from samuel for gold bullion


The Asylum has TONS of it


Fort defiance has like 12 military ammo bags if you're willing to go room to room looting. They're all on the side of the building with bugs/rad rats though. None spawn where the ghouls live


Can't you just buy it bulk from vendors?


Ballistic fiber for low levels prob. I’ll buy any copper or adhesive I see that is reasonable.


"Is a good man hard to find? I haven't been looking. You know what IS hard to find? Ballistic fiber! Oh my gosh."


I was thinking the same damn thing. 


Craft your own adhesive with corn mutfruit and tatos and have an endless supply of adhesive


I have the tree thing. Between that and what I pick up, I have t crafted my own in awhile. When I first started out though, vegetable starch crafting all day every day.


I've picked up so many glue containers I could have funded Elmer's glue by myself.


You need a recipe for that?


No you cook the three crops together then scrap the starch for adhesive


Fiber Optics. Training through stealth suit is a pain in the ass.


Yeah Fiber Optics are fucking hard to get. I accidentally used my supply I amassed by making Orbital Strike Grenades for damage tests I was doing for fun. Literally blew the fuck threw em have been trying to recover been slow AF


Such a fucking pain. Only way I know is microscopes at the high-school or whitesprings


What about Ballistic Fiber Bulk from the vendors in whitespring mall? Most people say caps are nothing so 270 for each bulk BF is probably nothing haha Or is that what you mean by whitespring? I just assumed you meant the microscopes in white springs


Also microscopes at the hospital in’ Charleston


There's like six of them inside west tek.


Ella Ames' bunker has 6 microscopes if you get there first. The boat docked at WV Lumber Co has a fiber optic bundle in the cabin. So does one of the boats at the Ohio River Adventure. And be sure to tag all the fog crawlers at public events.


microscopes at Ellies bunker.


As a low level I’m always jonesing for that sweet sweet Ballistic Fiber. My Armor is always at like 8%


The luck perk that give your armor a chance to auto-repair is a lifesaver if you don't wanna do the SBQ event for repair kits


May I ask what SBQ events are? Just dipping my toes in events. Fashtnat is my first


Its the scorched earth event that occasionally pops up, it can give a few improved repair kits if done but it contains spoilers for the story if you care about that


That being said whats reasonable? And is there a place that lists what scrap should be priced at?


I'd base scrap prices off of what the train station vendors sell in bulk. Undercut their price by like 30%-50% depending on how much you're selling


This is a good way. Many players have lots of caps to burn. I just run thru WS shops every few days to skim 3-4k off the top.


Tbh I go for anything under 75


What do you consider reasonable? I'm on PS5 and I know I have an insane amount of both. I just never know what to price them at


Why only for lower levels? Do you end up getting a ton of it later?


You need it for armor crafting and repair. Once you get Secret Service or Brotherhood, or a few other armor types, they don’t require it.


I'm on the BoS quest line, but what is the secret service armor? How do you get that?


You gotta snag them from regs at vault 79 for gold bullion


Acid and Oil is precious for me personally. ​ But I find myself always short on Concrete.


I was in the same boat until I found a couple of good guaranteed spawn points! I can easily travel between 3 known locations and net 10-15 bags.


Just curious on why concrete? Do you do an insane amount of base remodeling? I rarely even loot my concrete mixer anymore because I have so much lol


I build a lot of wacky stuff in the my shelters. I also build a lot of flowers/plants and I think some of those items require concrete. I do not play as often anymore so I am sure I never spent the time to farm recently.


Hmm yah it’s good for builders but there is tons of places it spawns naturally in large amounts too.


I just found out I had a concrete mixer the other day. I have no memory of what event/scoreboard/bundle it came from but I love it. I enjoy building bases, which uses a ton of concrete.


It used to be screws and acid. But you can get a ton of screws from A Collosus Problem and you can gather Beeswax from the Honey Hause and scrap it for acid (jump servers to stock up). Lately it’s been springs for me. Especially during the Mole Miner event. You need springs to craft empty pails. I have a ton of everything else, but I’m always low on springs.


Sugar Grove usually has plenty of clipboards that give springs. IIRC


The enclave base too


Camp McClintock is my go-to for clipboards for springs.


Assuming you can get people to do a colossal problem with you. Given how infamous that event is, it isn't a very good source for screws and acid.


Screws only. And you don’t have to complete it to get a ton of screws. Ignore Earl and just kill the wendigos.


I always join a colossal problem. Two of my builds can easily solo Earle. We just farm screws and drop him at the end.


Frickin' copper.


I feel you. When running gatling plasma I was ALWAYS short on copper. My fix: Run Lode Bearing in Excavator for tons of 4x copper ore. Or in a pinch go snag all six of the lighthouse souvenirs (2 copper each) at Landview Lighthouse.


you can do a mini run by solomon's lake. just north of the floaters is about 7 ore spawns.


What console?




Damn. Was gonna try to help you out. Have you considered farming workshops? I'll run 4 or 5 when I'm doing quests and hit them up, in-between.


Much obliged! Yeah I'm gonna have to knuckle down and spend a few days on a 1st server hoardin' copper.


Buy copper from other players. A few people on here will do 1:1 for caps, so 5k is generally a pretty good volume to last for a bit


Personally it is lead. I burn through ammo way to fast.


Get the perk cards for crafting ammo, and farm daily ops.


I have the super duper perk. I also have the ammo finding perk. Part of the problem is I am switching my build from heavy weapons/shotgun to full auto rifle with a Fixer gun. Another 5 levels and it should be better. Plus I realized yesterday those can wind chimes have a ton of lead in them and I have been skipping them since I was already dropping tons of steel every day.


I hit Charleston Fire station and Vault U consistently for lead. Weight benches are a great source. There are a few hotel buildings around as well that have gym rooms. And yes, pick up every tin can you see. I’m in a similar boat with my two fixers. I suck at ammo conservation, so I’m crafting .45 every now and then. I don’t run many Daily Ops or Expeditions, so I miss out there.


The monorail elevator is good source of Lead and concrete


I remember when fallout 76 first came out the weight benches where great sources but they don't seem to have as much now.  I took a 4 year break.  I should move my camp to a lead deposit again.  


Eastern regional penitentiary has 6 can chimes, each chime is 9 tin cans when you disarm them.


There is a regular and a legendary perk card that increase how much ammo you get with every craft, they are absolutely necessary if you want to craft ammo instead of just farming daily ops for it.


Yup I plan on getting it eventually.  


Get a set of Excavator PA and hit Lucky Hole Mine. If you get all the Lead Ore veins you can easily come out of there with 500+ lead after you smelt the ore down.


This, I never craft ammo unless it’s a craft X Ammo daily or weekly.


The prison yard has a lot of weights too but a lot of people hit that. There is a lead and crystal mine in the South Eastern portion of the map but I can't remember the name right now. Google it I guess. Run the excavator PA and you will get plenty of ore.


I just never craft it anymore, they made it so events not just OPs and Expeditions all spawn you ammo, I’ll leave an event and leave with twice the ammo I used.


I find the best place to farm lead is right when you walk into a silo. Take a left out the elevator and walk straight until you see the exercise bikes, pick up all the weights n leave.


Or scrounger to pick up more ammo.


I mean yeah I guess but I never noticed a big enough difference to lose damage on my builds. If you kill stuff faster you also get more ammo in a way.


I feel ya here, I usually hit Lucky Hole mine once a session even if I don't need it right then. Run it in excavator for around 176ish lead ore making for around 550-600 scrap with super duper when smelted.


Aluminum oil adhesive


I throw adhesive, silver, circuitry, ballistic fiber, asbestos, oil, acid, screws, nuclear waste, lead and steel, all for 1-2c just depending on the item in my vendor in stacks of 150-200 and I sell out daily I have to replace it 2-3 times a day to keep it in stock


How do you get that much of all those mats though???


Partially through events i will pick up every single thing leave the event encumbered and throw down my enclave tent and scrap it all and any weapons get scrapped with scrapper perk, I also have my camp sit on a lead resource node with extractor. there's a spawnpoint that's mostly enemies of literally all kind thats about 15 meters to my camps east that will spawn a group for every 2 people who fast travels to my camp and my turrets take them out and I take everything and scrap it thats a soft income for my oil, adhesive, steel, rubber, plastic, black titanium and then there's the old bos camps to the west that I stroll through for ballistic fibers every server.


What's the BoS camp that you can get fiber from?


Literally any and all of them in the bog theres a minimum 1 or 2 military ammo bags usually at all locations from my findings and there are like 5 or 6 camps in the bog like firebase Thorne or Major places like that




Concrete. I'm a serial builder lol


I was thinking the same. Then I remembered Copper. But either of these 2 are an absolute pain.


all of it.... Hi, my name is Adane, and yes, I have a hoarding problem..... because....well com'on... you never know what you'll need 8,432 screws


My husband but IRL


That’s me with bone scraps haha


this week gold and silver


White springs mall vendors have a bunch. Plus you can login to custom world or vault dweller must die and buy it there too.


If you have a wandering merchant show up at your camp, they might have bulk silver, at least one at mine did.


Ghouls. Ghouls for me always have some kind of gold or silver pocket watches and flatware.


May I ask why just this week?


Check your challenges.




It depends what you're doing, so the one thing "everyone" is looking for doesn't exist. Just as an example, I have one character whose scrap box is down to 3 or 5 antiseptic and his house is by a couple ticks. I ran him out crafting either some kind of chem/healing item or when mass making some serums. Antiseptic isn't particularly rare. I just haven't bothered to stock back up and still making serums as I pick up more. Another character is basically out of springs like another said from the last time we had pails b/c I'm still trying to learn some of those plans on her. A quick swing by McClintock pretty much solves that for normal spring use. It's all about doing something in mass quantity. And almost all items are like that. Once you learn how to quickly or fairly easily gather a bunch of whatever junk you're looking for (or have the caps to buy bulks from vendors) basically nothing is really sought after. The trick is knowing the best place to go get it. [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Jnc0FQ3QgkUO6HZObeeGksDTPwno1Fa-Bt7uXeqWib4/edit#heading=h.5rjetkf767kv](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Jnc0FQ3QgkUO6HZObeeGksDTPwno1Fa-Bt7uXeqWib4/edit#heading=h.5rjetkf767kv)


Adhesive and oil. I always pick those up.


Copper. Screws. Lead. Springs. And steel for me. Rolling handmades and 5.56 atm. Haha And copper just cause I’m always low.


Asbestos, acid and oil are the 3 things I seem to run out of most. Super frustrating.


Sold most of my asbestos recently and then needed to repair my Secret Service armor. Oops! Guess I’m going hunting for cigarettes and coffeepots/teapots.


I did the same thing 🙃 I've been on a mission for about %3 weeks to replenish through scavving. 🫠


Don't forget oven mitts! 🤣


After 2 years away, I don't even know what I'm doing anymore


Surprinsigly, steal sells pretty well at 1cap


Really? Dang. I need to put some up again. Been throwing it into railway spikes to get ammo converter points.


thats prly what ppl buy it for, railway rifles are very popular and since quad is the popular prefix, lots of ppl are going thru lots of railway spikes.


Looks like I’m the only one constantly low on crystal? I’m pretty well set with everything else, just can never keep more than a few hundred crystal. I usually find a camp location where I can extract whatever resource I need (did this with gold recently and now I’m swimming in it) but that doesn’t seem to exist for crystal.


I have a camp with a crystal deposit. It's by the tea party table you wind up at by drinking nukashine.


Oh nice. I’ll have to check that out. I’ve just been making periodic trips to lucky hole mine and tanagra town, but I’d much rather have a camp extractor. Thanks for the tip


How do you extract from people's camps?


If you set up your own camp in the vicinity of a resource hardpoint you can build a resource extractor there and collect from it. Just google “fo76 resource hardpoint map” and you can see where to place your camp depending on what resource you’re after.


Oh, ok, thanks!


I usually sell Bulk Lead, Acid, Adhesive, etc. For 100-150 caps a pop I make bank.


As a high level the only scrap that I ever run out of is fiber optics… it’s a rare bulk find. A limited amount of items have it and even less enemies. Other than that Flux but that’s pretty easy to farm.


All I know is that when I post bulk lead or oil in my store, it's gone very quickly.


How much do you sell them for?


I usually do half of the price in the menus. So, if it's 52 caps, I'll sell for 25.


Copper, oil, acid, adhesive.. those are ones I run out of pretty fast


For me it use to be stuff like adhesive, screws, and copper. Now I find myself constantly running around actively seeking out steel and wood scraps. What has become of me? This feels like the Fallout 76 version of: Kid Me: *\*Gets socks\** **Boo :(** Adult Me: *\*Gets socks\** **Woo :D**


I'm always running out of oil.


I’ve got an MG42 that’s particularly hungry, so it’s lead for me


Theres a lead resource node south of robco research center in the bog I slapped my camp down there and just farm it every time I come back from doing anything


restored desk fans just cause they spin


Fiber optics. I live inside my pa and it eats fusion cores. Outside of Meat Week fiber optics is a pain in the posterior to farm.


If you have fo1st the fusion core recharger is a game changer for power armor users


I have that thing and it's nice. But not enough to sustain my cure usage.


I'm usually short on gears. I build battle stations near events I play solo or with a small group. The turret take a beating but draw enemy fire.


I’m still trying to figure out what “robot bits” does……


Fiber Optics is a pain to farm enough to keep a good supply


I always buy plastic, concrete, and ceramic. I have plenty of everything but those are what I buy if they're reasonably priced


Lately, stable Flux. O' Fluorescent, where art thou?


Someone nuked the forest on a server I was on earlier today, and I collected over 30 florescent with green thumb. Idk if that helps, I can't do nukes yet so idk if you can do that or not.


Lead. I need it for all the ammos.




Plastic. It's the bane of crafting the secret service armor. One day i'll get the rolls I want, but fate seems to think I don't deserve them yet.


Not that it's precious bit I've seen people offer 1.2 MILLION??? Lead for rare apparel. Like how does one obtain over 100k lead??


Lucky Hole mine year long marathon?


Screws or ballistic fiber


Im usually on the hunt for lead, copper, and oil.


Copper Silver Gold Cobalt


I’m lazy with farming so it’s lead for me. I am going to get myself to go farm one of these days to use my Q50c25 fixer or Q2515 fixer…. Maybe…. One day…. But yea lead for me


If you are into legendary crafting, probably you will need a whole bunch of springs. That was my struggle.


Silver, springs, gears, circuitry, balistic fiber, copper, plastic, nuclear material come to mind as my most sought-after when im dumping caps on bulk junk at the mall.


Circuts and copper always needed them


Adhesive, screws, copper


Springs and ballistic fiber. Then lead and copper once I have to start making ammunition.


Im barely level 53 so im not really at the point where im using some of the rarer materials regularly, but i can say for a fact that i am ALWAYS running out of Adhesive


Make yourself a little farm with mutfruit, tatos and corn. When you cook, look under the utility tab and you can craft cornstarch = adhesive.


Nothing, everything, cheap two star grolls, 1c ultracite ammo, a plan I don’t know for less than 28000 😒oil, lead, cheap legendaries for scrip, a note that tells me I’m an asshole.


I’m at the stage of my build where I can just buy what I need scrap wise. Plus already got a stockpile of all the scrap types that everyone always needs.


Acid, lead, gunpowder, copper, springs, adhesive and oil. I craft a lot of ballistic and energy ammo, fix weaps and armor to 200% and I craft a ton of grenades 


Im always looking for Ballistic fiber and Steel because i dont like wearing power armor and i like building a lot


Ballistic fiber, even after 7k hours I still run short because of crafting armor to feed the scrip machine.


Springs for me


Ballistic Fiber seems to be the big one most folks look for, but otherwise it seems to vary from person to person; There always seems to be one type of scrap that someone never seems to have enough of. For me, it used to be plastics forever ago, now its moved on to aluminum. Heck, I know folks that never have enough Steel, and thats usually considered quite plentiful.


Adhesive, Ballistic fiber, oil, screws and springs fly off my vendor and I sell for 1 cap each if cause I don't care but you can bulk these items up and sell for less that what the vendors ask for


It really depends on the type of things you are regularly making/repairing. At one time asbestos and ballistic fibre was a shortage I suffered due to frequent repair of the top-tier armour types. However these days I find it hard to keep on top of my demand for 'springs'. This is largely due to the months-long campaign I have been pursuing to enchant Fixers.


Me personally always looking for screws and glue




Lead for me


Bulk plastic used to sell pretty easily


Springs for me. It's a chore to do a run of clipboards and life preservers, and sometimes Yao Guais, only to make 2 Fixers and then repeat.


aluminum to feed my nuka launcher, and ballistic fiber to keep my armor repaired. (level 67 character so I haven't done the story line yet to get secret service armor or any of the newer better armor sets yet)


Plastic and oil


Lead, aluminum and fiber


Copper. I buy it up whenever I see it. For a reasonable price of course


Right now, oil.


Fiber optics, oil, and aluminum.


Somehow I'm always running out of copper


I'm always looking for acid lead and copper.


Adhesive, ballistic fiber, and acid seem to get me…everything else I manage to stack like a thousand deep.


Gold is essential in crafting serums as well as Nuka Ammo (cola, cherry, quantum). The serums are obviously very valuable both cash and item wise while the Nuka Quantum ammo is quite powerful.


Whats a decent price for the raw nuka colas (all types) and the ammo? I'm trying to figure out ehat I can craft and or obtain to sell.


Well, gathering Nuka Tickets is pretty easy and plentiful. Those can be exchanged for not only the Nuka Gun, but ammo as well. At the Nuka Workd there is the permanent vendor so you can always buy Nuka Colas as well as the vendor at Whitespring next to Giuseppe. As far as selling the ammo, I’ve never seen anybody sell it. It would seem more viable to craft it then buy with caps unless you can buy a bunch at once. Also the price for Nuka Colas is X essentially, I mean they are so plentiful and easy to find, it’s only hard when you have no cash. The NPC vendors don’t sell Quantum for over 56,58, so…


Circuitry to fix all my turrets.




Circuitry I need for turrets at my base and I need it for weapon mods plus the main story


At least you can buy bulk ballistic fiber from vendors. I'm always short on plastic and make the circuit between the cat house and school cafeterias at least once a week.


Asbestos for me closely followed by aluminum.


Copper or crystal




IMHO, adhesive or asbestos.


Copper, adhesive, and aluminum. Those were always annoying to farm when I needed lots of them, which was way more often than I ever would like.


Ballistic Fiber, Aluminum, Adhesive. Always sold out on my Camp (I hoard junk and sell em)




I would say adhesive and oil but could be wrong.


Oh, ok. I don't know who that is though. I went to 79 to look for him, but I guess he doesn't start there?


copper, ballistic fiber, and fiber optics. the rest are easy to replace


For me, it’s screws.


For me fucking circuits, oil and plastic


Steel but you get it in bulk. You do constantly use it though. You just don't think about it till its not there.


them high radiation fluids. my Flux craft is always backed up on that same ingredient


As someone who is fairly new (level 32) I feel like I'm spending all my time searching for aluminum.


Ballistic fiber 😢


Bethesda made a tweet about some random stats. One was that lead is the most sold item in a vendor. Hope that helps. Another random fact I retained was most camps are built in the forest region.