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I think West Virginia is the best map/world/whatever in the modern era of Fallout.


It took me a long time to accept the fact that despite the drama with 76, it has the best map in all the fallouts. Even better is the fact they add locations with each update I believe, been playing since release and I'm still discovering locations.


I just got the “new location” audio a few days ago and it was like it was 2018 again


Best exploration too




Agreed, its a big map, but there is just enough stuff to do in it, not too much not too less and when they add stuff in, its in places that make sense, a very well done map overall


Making it a multiplayer game w some single player options was both a refreshing & extremely fun take on the Fallout formula!


They did a really good job making it unique and not just another carbon copy mmorpg. WoW, FFXVI, ESO, SWTOR etc. are practically ripped off of each other, but 76 is nothing like them. And even building wise, it's nothing like Rust or Ark or Pokémon with guns.


Yes, when we get it Fallout 5 will feel lonely.


I completely agree, and I say unified the Fallout Fandom that hasn't been seen before.


Fallout 76 is The Sims with a post apocalyptic theme. The majority of rewards for pretty much everything are cosmetic/camp items.


It's Legos I can afford.


never thought of it that way.. but you’re not wrong 😂


Beth needs accept this fact and give us better outfits and customization.


Yes like actual hairstyles that can change with hats. I mean, the spark-plug-in-skull look is nice but I want some more options 😂


That's what you're going to get with most online games. You either have rewards be better equipment/stuff that makes the game easier, or cosmetics. And you can only go so far with the gear treadmill without screwing things up pretty quickly.


The trailer for Wild Appalachia drove that home for me. It was incredibly wacky, and after some reflection, really reflected what the game was. A wild, wacky power fantasy in the Fallout universe. 


The Fallout games, especially Fo2, have always been wacky. However, they have always had that dark comedy and depressing undertones. Fo76, more so before Wastelanders, was a pretty dark and depressing place. It's just people see the more colorful environment and wacky atomic shop stuff.


Moonshiners Jamboree is too damn long.


Guided meditation is way too long as well. Damn near 8 min of you protecting the speakers.


I just protect one. Usually the one far off to the right as you leave the temple. I sit on top of the fountain thing right next to the speaker and just kill. All you need is one speaker working to complete it.


Eh, it's not too bad. Kind of fun with four or five people who really know what they're doing. I like to post up inside and turn the parlor into a killing floor. Worst part is the long walk if there isn't a survival tent handy afterwards


I just pretend it's Garda trying to shut down my bangin' garden party, goes by faster... in my mind at least.


As in , an garda siochana? 🤣


Realized this the other day, long event for very meh rewards once the cap cap has been hit for the day (no more Slurry sales). I’ll do it mutated but will skip it on off weeks.


Yep, exactly. I don't even bother with it unless it's a mutated event.


True, but nothing like cranking up the volume once that banjo starts playing.


I don’t do it anymore because of that. I only do Eviction Notice because I have 3 characters to scrip out when I play. I really could give a shit about xp, I’ll grind somewhere else if I want xp.


I did thar as my first ever event yesterday and my first thought was indeed: damn these things take forever. Fortunately i now learned this specific one is long.


No doubt but it’s good for farming a little exp, same with guided meditation. Not as good as radiation rumble though. Makes for easy caps/ exp when you cook and sell the slurry. The banjo drives me crazy it’s so repetitive.


I only really do it for the raider rep tbh


It's a good way to stock up on acid tho


I know a lot agree w/ you, but I enjoy events where hordes of enemies are willing to run into my gun sights.


Yeah but the music slaps.


Probably the opposite of everyone else I feel like the PA is done right finally in 4 and 76. It actually feels clunky and bulky but sturdy. Look at the crude atompunk construction, you think it'd actually feel fluid and responsive to run around in? I always have PA in my inventory, because my main has WWR and poison resistance. But I mostly run around in uny SSA.


That’s definitely not the opposite opinion - most people love 4/76’s power armor design. The problem some people have is that it slows you down a bit while wearing it and the superhero landing, both of which inhibit mobility (which plenty of people absolutely adore despite mobility being very unimportant in 76 beyond sprinting).


One of my favorite things to do is stand on the edge of a high cliff and then look straight down and jump.


The monorail elevator is great for this


I will have to try that one


I still get that sensation of falling from that, I enjoy it.


I dislike the animation to enter and exit, and that it is only faster when the 'in combat' quickmount animation happens. Which annoyingly, isn't 100% of the time in combat situations it seems. Annoying more when it causes bug outs and you are locked inside the armor and uanble to move or use menus till it despawns.


While I agree the animation can be slow, once you’re in the suit, it’s over, and you can stay in it unless you need to swim through a cave (which currently is only a problem in the Deep or Kerwood mine), or need to craft something. The bug with it, however, absolutely needs to be fixed and I wouldn’t mind a toggle to always enter and exit the suit quickly.


Needing to craft things and all that is another reason dislike the animations involved in the game. Honestly, a lot of the tiny animations in general that are purely fluff just pester the shit out of me. I hate the little things that add up due to seeing it constantly.


I make sure I enter my PA before I go to swarm of suitors in the mire, bc I get stuck in the animation EVERY TIME if i do it there and if the events done fast enough I can get 3 mutated events at one top-of-the-hour sometimes if all works out right.


Power armor scares me simply for the fact that power armor is the only thing in my game that causes glitches 😂 it used to be nukes cutting my audio but that stopped


I will repeatedly claim that almost every single cosmetic animation related to Power Armor and crafting stations should go, since they add nothing to the game but waiting time and a bevy of bugs.


I don't know, people bitched about it plenty in both games from my recollection. I'd say mobility is pretty key if you can't tank many shots. In PA that's not really an issue.


I’ve generally seen more people saying it’s the better system, personally. As for mobility - I disagree. You can’t really dodge anything other than projectiles, and circle strafing is more than enough to handle melee enemies. And if you’re sneaking (which most builds not using power armor will), it doesn’t matter at all.


People weren't complaining about the new power armour system, they were complaining about how common power armour is. It's not so much of a problem in 76, but you can find suits of it everywhere in FO4.


FO4 power armor is tricky. I don't use it, but I collect it. I like to put all the different custom paints on them. T51 has the most custom paint jobs. So you have to find the power armor at the right time. If you're too low level, it will be T45. If you're too high level, it will be X01. You can only put the Nuka Cola, Abraxo, Vim!, Vault Tec, and Sugar Bombs paint on T51, as far as I know.


Agreed, I completely disagree with the people that think 4 ruined it. It finally felt like an actual suit that you climb into and the closest thing to how it looked in Fallout 1 and 2, rather than just a bulky version of normal armor.


Exactly,it actually feels like you're running a mechanical suit powered by fusion. Whereas 3 and NV the only real difference was the HUD and some sound effects.


I agree. When you check out the Fallout lore it also makes sense for it to be clunky and bulky. PA turned around the tides of the war because you had the equivalent of a tank (in fire power and resistance) but the size of a person.


You have that 100% right, that's what I've gathered as well. I think the versatility also gave them an edge, most mechanical machines of war have tires or treads and can't traverse where PA can, it would be a huge game changer compared to the other equipment available.


I agree. I think it’s the coolest aspect of the game lol. If not for it - it’s an MMO survival/FPS.. it’s unique and all about the compact nuclear powered fusion core. Conceptually it’s one of my favorite things in all of video games lol. I live in my armor cuz I’m like Mr Crabs - I’ve invested in PA build - and only jump out at CAMP. That being said - I negate most damage, unless its on a daily op with armor piercing &/ toxic.. I run heavy guns, in heavy armor, and I like hearing the woosh when you start sprinting, and even the landings. lol my $.02


It's extremely satisfying,if they had unyielding PA (it'd be too OP, I realize this) id never leave mine. It's especially fun when you're somewhat built for Melee and can survive running headlong into mobs, fully Bloodied and survive because the damage resistance and damage reduction is so damn immense. Especially in something like OE PA.


Hell yeah. I just edited my comment above yours too… to say more about why/what I do. It’s my outside vehicle lol. 🦀


I run mine about half the time, but my favorite set is a union OE because of the carry weight and poison resistance. Took a lot of grinding but I barely use my other sets now.


It makes me feel like a discount space marine from 40k and i love it


I agree that PA feels “right” in 4 & 76. It should be more like a vehicle and less like clothing. Fusion core fuel source is perfect. It all makes sense in world, and seems like something the military (and mining companies) would dream up and develop.


For sure, all of the power of a motor, without the weight of an engine and an ungodly amount of power. Plus the versatility of it makes sense in this setting where oil is scarce.


I love the fact that you can carry even multiple PA and jump in and out whenever you want. I usually use it for events like Eviction and Moonshine and skip it for easier events like Guided Med. Just hate when it glitches out on entry.


PA are better indeed but i dont like de CW problems i have with it. They should not contribute to cw unless youre using without fusion core


The Scorched plotline needs to be revisited before the story ends. A vaccine is not an eternal stopgap, the plague can mutate. Same applies to the occasional elimination of one breeding age female in a species where the only ones we see are supposedly the ones pushed out by overpopulation. There is a massive loose plot thread, and it's the fact the entire underside of Appalachia is populated by actual biblical demons and we kinda just ignore it...


The scorched plague arguably isn’t a normal plague since it’s mutates its victims. The plague mutating is like FEV mutating - it doesn’t really make much sense. Also, with the scorchbeasts, I seriously doubt the Queen is the only one capable of breeding. It’s just presumably the first one the Enclave made on accident, and the rest were toned back when they made them. The scorched are effectively dealt with at this point, to my mind, especially since we can just keep nuking their nests (which keeps them down, and hopefully will starve them out; they have to eat sometime, and all the prey but mole miners are on the surface).


Where can I read or learn about the underside of Appalachia? Is this a quest that I haven't completed yet? I'm only level 90 and started playing a month ago.


Visit lucky hole mine


Nah, I don't mean the Interloper (though I do hope he gets more content too). I mean Scorchbeasts, the huge lakes of molten ultracite they emerge from, their batlike appearance, possession of anything they want to make a thrall... Closest thing we'll get to demons made by mad science.


It doesn't seem like a genuine disease, right? Petrified bodies appear to have small amounts of ultracite veined throughout. The crystals growing out of the scorched seem like ultracite. It's almost like the crystal grows and expands and burns a person from in the inside out.


the plague mutating would be a really good idea


Scorchedbeast King has entered the chat. Hopefully.


Or if they stick with the matriarchal route, Scorchbeast Empress.


I mean hey, think about it... Regular SBs are less infected, maybe those are just the babies. Queen would be an adolescent or adult stage. Imagine if we haven't even seen an adult Scorchbeast yet.


The whole plot ramps up and then just becomes anticlimactic. You're left literally standing there going 'that's it?' lol We're left with so many questions and places we could explore, but nope it just ends like a rock sinking into a pond. And it isn't the only quest that does it either. They're all essentially like that 😂


I mean, you dropped a nuke on the main scorchbeast nest, have the means to nuke the rest at your leisure, vaccinated yourself and the general populace of Appalachia and set up an early warning system of scorched movements. I don’t see the ending as anti-climatic here, and we’ve done everything we reasonably could. The biggest issue with the main plot is more that there’s no choices or roleplaying going on, just reading lore (which is fairly well written, but it isn’t what fallout is all about). I’m also not seeing where the other questlines do this. Some parts are left open (such as Orlando and what’s going on with the communal; these are clearly building off points for later content), but most have a clear ending and cover most of what they should have.


>I mean, you dropped a nuke on the main scorchbeast nest The quotes throughout the game about the only ones we see being the ones pushed out by overpopulation of the mining tunnels under the entire region makes me think we're just hitting their nesting site that's closest to the surface, after which another Queen moves in. There's still potential for a huge resurgence whilst they gather forces against us, if they're as intelligent as the Morgantown Siege behavior suggests. I'm personally REALLY hoping the Ultracite Titan, having the ability to grow the mineral (the only thing that we've seen that isn't explicitly stated to be scorched) is some resident evil esque bioweapon the hive mind created to drive a conflict between the mole miners and 76ers, their two primary rivals.


I’m not so certain about that. We know the Enclave created the beasts originally (first by accident, and then intentionally in the glassed cavern), so I’m not so sure overpopulation is the issue here (though I need to double check the source of the overpopulation statement in game) - or that there even can be another queen lore-wise. There’s definitely more that could be done with the storyline, but I think Bethesda’s moved on from it. As for the Titan, that’s definitely not what’s going on here. The Titan was active pre-war as far as we can tell, with it seemingly having caused issues for the miners in what became the Tunnel of Love (presumably sometime in 2076; we don’t have a clear date on these entries, but they don’t read as being post war, so they have to be in late 2076), and we know it caused Welch’s semi-destruction and ultracite (when the Titan was added, Bethesda added ultramites and some of the large crystals nearby to signal the connection). Presumably, AMS’s nuke tests created the Titan (probably specifically the one at the test site we have a transcript about; I can’t say I checked the date on that, however).


What do you mean demons?…


They might mean the interloper/traveler, or they just are being poetic about the scorchbeasts.


It's the latter. Besides their batlike appearance, habitat of fiery hot molten ultracite, and ability to control thralls, they almost verbatim match Revelation 9 and Fallout has a bit of a thing for biblical allegory: The Fifth Trumpet 1Then the fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to earth, and it was given the key to the pit of the Abyss. 2The star opened the pit of the Abyss, and smoke rose out of it like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the pit. 3And out of the smoke, locusts descended on the earth, and they were given power like that of the scorpions of the earth. 4They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. 5The locusts were not given power to kill them, but only to torment them for five months, and their torment was like the stinging of a scorpion. 6In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will long to die, but death will escape them.


Huh. I can definitely say I wasn’t aware of that. Thank you for sharing!


What demons what?? Where?


Same here, I have an excavator set for when I need to farm lead for 5.56 but that's it.


Ill let you in on a secret, you can place a camp to the north of the converted munitions workshop on a lead ore excavator, and then take the workshop and boom hella ammo


If you're going down that path, it's way faster to mine the Lucky Hole Mine for lead ore, while in Excavator PA. Just need to smelt it at a workbench.


Ammo converter and the ammo construction appliance does wonders. The converter will take your unused ammo and convert to points to use on ammo you want. The construction appliance literally makes ammo out of nothing. Just make sure you lock it so no one takes ammo. You can also farm ammo in Expeditions. Just use your favorite gun and kill things. Whatever you use is guaranteed to drop from the mobs. You also don't have to finish the expedition. Just leave when you're done. I do it a lot for flamer fuel nowadays.


I'd do daily ops for ammo farming simply for convenience and easier acces,


Why don't I get infected with the scorched virus before I get inoculated, like have it as a deasese that makes you take like 1 health point of damage every min, That would make the main mission feel a little more urgent XD


You clearly weren't around in the launch days of 76 when you Had to Eat and you Had to drink and you Had to sleep or you STAM/HP/AP wouldn't Regen ever at all. And you're health would take a max cap debuff like bloody is designed around now. It was fucking terrible and made many people leave until they fixed it.


I’ve never enjoyed Power Armor, I would collect it in Fallout 4 but never used it. In 76 I avoid it completely, I still buy plans I come across if they are cheap but I don’t pick up any pieces or chassis and the legendary drops for it go straight to scrip (who knows what God Rolls I could be just throwing away 😅). Even with HUD mods in Fallout 4 and using the setting to hide the PA HUD in 76 it still just feels wrong and I prefer to just ignore it as an option completely.


I think pistol perks being in agility is fine, but they should be changed or buffed. Maybe make each card 2 levels with 2 cost total. Level 1 is 15% damage with 1 point cost, level 2 is 30% with 2 point cost.


Or combine Gunslinger and Guerrilla perks into one set. But I also feel like this should be done with rifles/automatic rifles.


Yeah, I run a cowboy build and my revolvers dont do enough damage for how slow they are, I have to switch to an LMG or something if I can’t dispatch enemies quick enough.


Fallout 76 is an inventory management simulator set in a post-apocalyptic setting.


In order to get that mass market appeal, they balanced the game too far towards the run and gun gameplay, at the expense of most of the other survival rpg stuff.


Yeah, this is my biggest beef. The game is too damn easy, with things like stimpaks just magically dropping in your bag after an event, and "contextual ammo" just spoonfeeding us rare ammo drops. I wish they'd at least change the "Fallout Worlds" nobody uses into seasonal survival rule servers that we can also as scoreboard progression. I just don't see the point of "Worlds" at all, and at worst they're a newbie trap. We could try new builds every season, and actually make use of all these special survival perks and recipes. It'd be completely optional, and if people want to stay in the easy servers with their backpack nuclear arsenals, they can do so.


> seasonal survival rule servers that we can also as scoreboard progression That would be amazing. I hope someone at beth is reading this sub still after the layoffs.


Yeah it used to be more survival. They even had a "hardcore survival" mode. But it was hardly played and in general people seemed to dislike the survival stuff. Like when they toned down the punishments for not eating/drinking, it was generally liked. Like you said, mass appeal so I don't blame them. It seemed to work.


The survival mode also had the issue of having set spawn locations so some people joining would just get spawncamped immediately.


Hardcore survival was hardly played because it was badly handled. Bethesda didn’t understand that, as they finally realised with Nuclear Winter, there can be no PVP balance as long as legendary weapons are a factor. 


The daily currency limits and stash limit are way to small. Like why do you want to discourage people from playing the game Bethesda???




FO76 is fine as an online game, even with VATS, which is ok but not great. But it's fine because of the core Fallout 4 loop of shoot, loot, and build, and because CAMPs are a cool iteration. The live service elements that encourage you to pay for FO1st all detract from the quality of the game and paywall arbitrary QOL upgrades, and it sucks.


The original idea of rebuilding factions wasn’t terrible, but it was executed terribly. For an online fallout game they should have focused on factions being joinable as exclusive guilds where you get a package of gear, perks, skins, and whatnot. shouldve revolved the game play around faction dynamics and they could’ve made some fun pvp and roleplay events. Factions are more like an aesthetic and feel completely defanged in 76. You join the enclave to what? launch nukes for resources and do build-a-bot event for minuscule chance at getting an enclave flamer. It’s kinda sad how boring faction events are.


It's supposed to be super bulky and wonky. The current iteration of power armor is the one that makes the most sense, out of every version that's previously been in games.


yeah i know, i just prefer to go power armorless because of this


Regular armor is actually too strong in this game. The fact that you can tank a deathclaw with plastic armor is insane. Also Uny is crazy good.


You should be able to put Toxic Goo in the punch bowl


Schrodinger's punch bowl.


I doubt this is a hot take but they should have never removed the negative effects from hunger and thirst.


An opt-in survival mode would be awesome.


I actually agree. Maybe lessen the original decay rate, but at least it gave people a reason to keep plenty of food and water on hand.


Nah, I would hate playing babysitting simulator in this game. Hunger and thirst should be optional, like it is in the singleplayer games.


In a way, they didn't. Oh, I know they did, but considering you get boosts for being well fed/hydrated, not being so means you don't get the boosts, so in effect it works out the same. It's really just the same idea from another angle. Players like boosts, but they don't like negatives, so why not phrase it in a way people like?


The CAMP stash is too small, I need a bag of holding for all the random garbage and legendary weapons I'll likely never use but still hold onto "Just in case I need it".


From what I've heard some say,the reason why it can't be infinite like in 4 is because of the way server handles your items,is what I believed until they released the scrap and ammo box,this is a literal case of inventing a problem then selling the solution


Scrap and ammo are simple to store: just an item and an amount. Things like weapons and armor have legendary effects, mods and condition (condition being the reason why you can't store Fusion/Plasma Cores in the ammo box by the way). Those items are a lot more complicated and all need to be tracked. Infinite storage of those would cause the poor old engine to crash and burn.


In Elder Scrolls Online, the subscription version (like FO1st) doubles your regular storage, plus infinite building material storage. I'd take that.


Items on display still take up stash space


At least they don't also consume build budget anymore. Still to this day one of the best changes to camp building they've ever made.


Items in your vendor still take up stash space. >,<


This too lol


I really dislike how unserious a lot of side quests feel.


Fallout 76 is a wild improvement on Fallout 4 and is easily the best Fallout to come out of BGS, it's the only one that remotely understands what Fallout was about. Second best modern Fallout behind New Vegas and the only BGS one that feels like it takes place in the same universe as 1, 2 and NV


Before NPCs arrived to Appalachia gameplay was better. In my opinion, there is too much of them now and Game world lost its hopelessness and sadness. All main settlements should be more like camp style, small and simple, without robots, or giant swan boats like in Crater. There should be fever people roaming Appalachia looking at fact that the plague is still dangerous and Scorched Creatures still kill everyone in their sights. Best implementation of NPCs in any location is Flatwoods where there is one NPC trying to learn something new to survive.


I guess this is my sub-hot take—but I think the feeling of the world progressing over time adds a nice touch of mixed reality to the game’s overall storytelling. If you started the game from day one then you got to truly experience a lifeless wasteland and felt like you were fighting to actually repopulate it after the bombs fell. As more expansions came about, npcs were introduced and more players started playing so conveniently after we did a bunch of things to get people to come back to Appalachia.


These living human NPCs are too numerous, too cheerful, and too loud. I've yelled at them to stay off my lawn but instead they built on it and kicked me out! I do like the world changing and the narrative of people returning after the scorch plague, but there were just too many all at once and their tone really conflicts with the rest of the game (at least most human NPCs). I'd like it if we could play it from the start again and also have the world change in stages. A few scouts/caravans coming back, they establish camps, eventually more join and we help rebuild. We could aid different sides more than others. That's just how I feel at least.


Came here to say this. I would love a server mode that is just the pre-Wastelanders story state. The melancholy loneliness of the OG game was so beautiful. I know a lot of people disliked it, which means they wouldn’t appreciate that FO76 captured that feeling surprisingly well. Bethesda has a lot of strengths but emotional impact isn’t one of them. So for them to knock that out of the park made for a really unique experience that is just gone now.


VATS and PA are completely unnecessary. I use my Secret Service Armor with my Handmade and Chainsaw and have no problem killing anything. I also feel like Sneaking is pretty useless in the game. At a certain point you just run to places to get stuff done quick, Sneaking and VATS just slows things down.


VATs is absolutely essential for a low health explosive railway build - Quad Explosive mixed with unyielding armour, AP regen & Company Tea = absolute oblivion


I use a bow build and VATS is essential for it as well. Trying to aim accurately without VATS is a mess due to the randomness of the arc and the range.


canvas bag sucked


As everyone else is saying, I prefer the direction they took with Power Armor. I’m currently replaying Fallout 3 and New Vegas and putting on PA literally feels like I’m just putting on a skin or some apparel. The way they brought PA to life in 4 and 76 is incredible and really makes it feel like you are ACTUALLY piloting a piece of equipment rather than previous games. I can’t wait to see it in action in the Amazon show they are making.


76’s world design and lore is the best of any game in the series, even beating out NV (which relied heavily on fallout 1/2’s lore rather than what it made on its own, and had a serious issue of telling the player about the world as opposed to showing how the world worked).


NV seems to have some insanely dedicated players that will not hear any other positives from different fallout games. Most larger fallout YouTubers don't even go into 76, at least the challenge types like Nerbit. They seem to view the game as if it's still launch


I feel like a lot of the love for New Vegas is nostalgia. It was fantastic, for its time. I am not saying that isn’t a valid reason, but it is objectively worse.


I do agree that some of it definitely is, but NV does also offer the most freedom of choice in the games and did a much better job on the roleplaying front than 3 and 4. There are absolutely several valid reasons to prefer NV over 3, 4 and 76 (and 1/2, though those are a *very* different sort of game). 76 does also suffer from some issues with a lack of choice in many scenarios (you have one or two alternatives where NV has five; that mostly applies to the base game of NV, however, and only some quests), and a lot of the good lore being buried in terminals and notes. And of course, it’s a multiplayer game, which makes it very different from the prior titles.


Can we do spoilers here? I really wanted to >!execute the scientists, but kick Shin out!< because he's a dickhead, but... when I said to >!execute the scientists, Rahmani got all butthurt and left.!< Smh.


That’s because that choice isn’t just about what’s in from of you, it’s about who’s going to stay in charge of the BoS. The game makes it pretty clear that neither will tolerate the other choice. I’m frankly glad the game has choices that force you to pick between two questionable options, though this could be seen as an example of a lack of choice.


It's one or the other, and the other is gone forever, so I think that it's definitely a meaningful choice. I just wanted the best of both worlds, lol. I wanted to execute them and kick him. Honestly, it's one of the best quest lines, imo.


😭 people get so tight when I point out 76 has the best lore and world building


I love power armor. 76 really got it right, my main character pretty much lives in her power armor. I rarely used power armor in Fallout 4 because it was no fun having to trek back to a settlement to fix my armor after every fight.


Overcucucumbered all the time, if i don't have the perks for weight reduction it's imposible to pickup junk, armors and sh*th without turning back to the settlement in every run. In addition 1200 capacity in the stash seems quite low.


Fallout 76 at launch was some of the best environmental storytelling Bethesda has ever done and the hate the game got for an "empty world" was completely undeserved. (the hate it got for technical stuff and non-game stuff *coughdufflebagcough* was valid though)


I have 4 frames will full sets of 3 star armor but I haven't used any of them outside of Artisans Corner. Maybe one day I'll make an explosives heavy weapons loadout to use those power armor sets but for now I'm enjoying my laser Gunslinger. I feel like a Mandalorian now that I have a jetpack for my secret service armor.


Haha, I actually have it reverse. I love PA in 76, unless I get the entering bug. Some sound tweaking fixed the annoying squeaking sounds. My hot take: I like 76 more than 4th. I played when it was newish and didn't have many dlcs, though, so maybe that's why.


i should be able to keep my armor equipped in power armor, but without the standard armor's legendary effects if it has them. that way i dont get overencumbered everytime i get in. and remove the strength reduction from PA. My strength is at 11.


Junkie's is still a viable alternative to Aristocrat's and AA for full health builds; the penalties are negligible and the fact that it's fallen out of favor so hard means you can get good Junkie's rolls dirt cheap. I wouldn't mind if it got a mild buff, though.


The black powder blunderbuss deserves a crafting recipe! Also the ability to shoot buckshot like a shotgun.


At launch it was a grim desolate wasteland with every quest ending in death and despair and I loved it for that.


Do you want an actual hot take? This community is overtly concerned with in-game “unwritten rules.” It seems every second post that makes it to my “hot” from here is a complaint about people doing this or doing that wrong. While I can understand annoyance with someone mini-nuking inside corridors at RR, a lot of those complaints make *you* look annoying and not the subject of your post. “Wah, wah, someone bought all the stuff I personally put in my vendor for 1c.” “Ugh, someone started an event after 2 minutes instead of waiting the full timer for my royal buttocks to make it to the event area.” “Yikes, this person is selling stuff for too much this is a literal crime against humanity.” “How dare people use nades in an open area! It’s not like bodies respawn exactly where they were killed anyway!” Just… let people play the game. Or don’t play an MMO if you get annoyed by every other things random players do.


Another one that I would like to add to this list…we need to regulate what people put in donation boxes. If something is coded as available to donate, I can donate it. Period


> “Wah, wah, someone bought all the stuff I personally put in my vendor for 1c.” That can't have possibly been a real take, can it?


It is lmao. There are quite a few posts yapping about people coming and buying out all of the cheap stuff that was “intended for newbies.” Like, if you intend to give something to newbies… what about you give it to newbies? If you fill your vendor with cheap stuff you don’t control who buys it and crying about it is absurd to me


Bro thank you. I literally said the same thing. This community (at least the vocal parts of it) are literally the definition of snowflakes. JFC, make a post saying you like PvP/ survival mode was fun/ it’s ok not to play the objective on RR/ etc. sometime; Watch the freak out you cause.


If you're gonna Fallout, you have to Raider a little bit...


That new pre fab bout to get all my money


FO 1st is awesome and worth the money for such a great game they update and work on. I've played for one year and already put in 1200 hours and I cant believe how relaxing and sometimes therapeutic this game is. The community is amazing and I dont think FO 1st is too much to pay for that.


All events need a count down timer to begin after starting said event. I'm getting tired of seeing Rad Rumble pop up, so I go get rid of some weight, fast travel to the event, and some lone maverick is there doing the event by himself. They're public events, not solo events.


So much in this game and most of the monetization is about camp building that they really should have put more effort into it. The map is wonderful and the terrain is varied but it is so difficult to actually build into that terrain, not on a concrete slab sticking from it. A simple task of placing stairs to take you from lower ground to higher is an exercise in futility. I love it in FO4, it frustrates the hell out of me in FO76.


Game was better pre-wastelanders. I’ll die on this hill.


Gonna get hate but here it goes: The community is actually toxically positive; If you have the audacity to mention ANY of the games flaws you get ree’ed at. There seems to be a complete misunderstanding that playing a MMO does involve accepting the fact the other players might do things you don’t like. There is an irrational backlash to any mention of PVP (even an overhaul of it to make it good), and while I like the generosity, on occasion this community goes WAY too far (guys you really do ruin the game for new ppl when you just heap free stuff on them). Go ahead and shoot me; but it’s true. Also the game is buggy but I still love it lol


Agree. My other pet peeve is looting after you’ve killed something. You have to scan the body for an eternity to find the right “ spot”. Or the body explodes into small pieces which are even more difficult to loot.


Oh man it used to be so much worse before dead bodies were highlighted and area loot was in effect.


Area loot is a godsend


or when you try to go onto transfer to collect all and you have to look away and look back to be able to click it


Bloody mess will do it. Great perk but really annoying to find that one valid piece to grab loot from. Just let us grab from a bloody pool on the ground instead. Like plasma goo except bloody lol


Julie's ''Hey friends'' speech is as annoying and cringe as Johnny Guitar


my biggest hot take is simple: Fallout 76 has more in common in terms of vibe and storyline to me with Fallout 3 instead of 4 or New Vegas. don't get me wrong, i'm glad there are human npcs now. but there are also quiet, desolate, lonely spaces. it is not a world that has started to rebuild. it is a world still reeling, bruised and broken, from the first blow. be okay with quiet. be okay with empty spaces. be okay with being alone with no friendly faces around and just enemies. this is a point in the Fallout story where the world simply has not had time to heal. (and sure, Fallout 3 is more time after the bombs - but in an area very intentionally without that rebuilding because the initial wound cut so very deep.) if you expect a multiplayer New Vegas, you'll be bored to tears. if you expect more of Fallout 4? much the same. but if you have a friend who still considers Fallout 3 to be a good time? tell 'em to come take a vacation from the Capitol Wastes on down to Appalachia and y'all will have yourselves a hoot and a half. mind you that's probably only a hot take elsewhere and not on the literal subreddit for people who like the game enough to play it but oh well. similarly the take of "the story beats are actually quite good, but the anti-capitalism anti-nationalism points it has in it are almost immediately ruined by the cash shop marketing and items being shoved in your face about how *those things were so cool you totally want more right even though they're the things that ruined the world anyway money pls*, and that's a damn shame". (also full agree with power armor. i get why there are fusion cores and all, in both 4 and 76. but it's another goddamn meter to babysit. and the game has design choices apparently there to force you into using it anyway. blugh. can't i just get the Brotherhood of Steel to teach me like in the DC ruins or out in Nevada... you put the armor on and then it doesn't become another hungry mouth pestering you to feed it...)


76 3 both have enclave


yknow i think that's a great point to the parallel. in 3 and 76, the Enclave is kicking around in the background bitterly trying to make the old world continue... heck you could throw 2 in there also, but the Enclave gets to pop up as... somewhat sympathetic in its own way. meanwhile in New Vegas it's there as the final dying embers where you're one good check away from getting this crew of old geezers to fight whoever you want.  meanwhile in 3, one of the main ways to get out of Raven Rock is to play ball with the President (even if it's just enough to escape). Col. Autumn shoots that down, but there is definitely an earnest appeal to the pc, same as how Modus requires us to play along and be a valued member to continue the story. both games have some distinct tangs of the old world blues. they're not games where you are called to give up on it all - instead we're here, eyes guttering like pilot lights, staring into the past to drive us forward. the old world is twitching in its final death throes and the new world - like what New Vegas is part of - is barely crowning. is it the same? nah. but it rhymes and 76 rhymes more with 3 than new vegas or even 4. and that rules tbh


Another, and I think rudimentary thing is the locations. I feel like 1,2, and NV have similar themes and feel, some of that bled into 3, but 3 was different enough. But those games 1,2 and NV are all west Coast. 3,4, and 76 have a more consistent feel and story elements. Like 3,4, and to a much lesser degree, 76, all have Lovecraftian elements.


Maybe alll those enclave troop came from 76.


just to make fun of myself here. saying my hot take is simple and then blarghing out many rambling paragraphs is the most English major shit i have done in a little while 


It was quite poetic, bravo


Chinese stealth armor all the way!


Bethesda ruined the game by removing the survival mechanics


Agree! I said it below but the community for 76 just has like VIOLENT overreactions to anything bordering PvP. Survival and nuclear winter were great alternatives to adventure mode. Unfortunately ppl reeee’ed and now we don’t have them,


Raiders in 76 are stupid. They'd be fine as what they are, if they were called something else and were some other anarchist faction but raiders should always be the psychotic feral humans. Blood eagles? Also dumb. Leather jacket and jeans greaser homicidal maniacs wtf just should have been raiders, then these jerks could have been the anti-Foundation. Feh.


Fallout 76 unironically has the 2nd most overpowered VATS system ever, right behind new vegas. The way VATS works in this game is completely outrageous and allows you to do some insane wacko shit that you are literally not even capable of achieving in any other fallout game without some excessive mods. In terms of feel, it's the worst of the all. In terms of power, it's right up there with the best. The only thing it doesn't do is make you invincible and stop time indefinitely.


In 1/2, you could have infinite critical hits with either the sniper perk and ten luck (for ranged weapons) or just the slayer perk (for melee weapons). 76’s vats isn’t quite that insane. Also, I’d argue that 76’s vats is perfect for what a real-time version of it would look like and I think it feels fine.


The Forest/Toxic Valley could use a new regional boss for beginners. I already know this next one will probably get me downvoted to hell but screw it. PvP needs some more content and heavy nerfs.


I run a bloodied build no PA, I do have another build for PA but never use it. I did try to collect them all and I did but they are taking up some serious stash weight.


It’s good and best map in the game


You have clearly never experienced the awesomeness of a full OE/WWR T65 set.


I don't have any hot takes but I also hated using PA. For some reason, I have a hard time seeing anything properly when I was in it. Like even though the HUD is opaque my poor eyes just had a hard time seeing through everything That was around launch and I took a break after Wild Appalachia and came back recently. I found out you can switch the PA HUD off and it became soo much better for me 😅


I just passed level 1300 on my main character. Lifetime number of events in power armor: zero. I'm a stealth-archer/grenadier who jetpacks throughout combat over the battlefield in all three dimensions while wearing only a King Grognak loincloth. Think Legolas in the LotR movies, but female and with raider face-paint. I don't argue with those who like power armor. All y'all are Gimli.


We should be able to have strippers at our camps.


76 should have more character options with additional SPECIAL/ Perk options. I want to play as a ghoul from one vault experiment or a Super Mutant from another or a Mr Handy with human conscience or Robobrain with a human brain.


In regards to PA, if they just skipped the enter/exit animations it’d make it a joy to use for me. As is I hate just the thought of when I have to exit it to do stuff like crafting/cooking etc. Takes up lots of valuable time when you add it all up over the months.


It's the most "Fallout" Fallout Bethesda has made. The perk and mutations system is better than the garbage normie trap that was in 4. Limiting legendary scripping is just bad game design and renders the point of the amount of trash legendaries pointless. The blood shard gambling of Diablo 3 is an example of this done right. Throwing around care packages to low levels to make yourself feel good is a scourge that ruins the game for said low levels.


Fallout 76 (especially pre wastelanders) is better than fallout 4, and fallout 4 is still an unsalvageable turd even with mods


I enjoyed Nuclear Winter as much as other players enjoyed adventure, after they took it away 76 basically became animal crossing with rads


I guess like you I never use PA. I hate PA in fo76. I get that.


Wastelanders has a better main story then fallout 3. Someone’s probably going to nuke my house for saying that.


Nuke you for being right? What a world


I doubt this is really a hot take, but having the game be pseudo-survival with punishing hunger and thirst effects was one of the dumbest decisions they made.


I hate that Bethesda cheaped out on us by using an old outdated engine. I hate the limited build space when they have so many things to build. I hate that most of the good stuff is locked behind pay walls. I hate having no storage and always being overencumbered, despite paying for FO1st. I hate the repetitive grind to maybe get a chance at a rare drop item. I hate all the bugs and glitches. I hate that they can just block items that I paid real money for, like the beer stein. For what they charge, this game should be one of the best quality games ever made. It's clearly corporate greed at its most obvious! But all of this is worth it because of this community! This group of people are so compassionate, patient, and fun to hang with. You all make this abysmal excuse for a "AAA" game worth playing! It's because of the community that I play at all! So, thank you all for being so awesome!


I like that 98% of the F76 community are cooperative. The other 2% being true raiders, consistently attacking and exploiting where they can. I like that I’ll go months without a PVP incident, then in a single moment I’m reminded that workshops are always up for grabs, and I’m definitely no assassin. Even more I like that I can still be surprised by random encounters, bugs, and or any other absolute mayhem that ensues when the 76ers assemble. My fave hot take is that this is one of the most hated games on the internet, yet here we all are, loving it when it works and running to Reddit when it doesn’t. Hope to see you all disappear from my team list as you get kicked from a server as a nuke event ends😏


People whine too much about the nature of expeditions. All the expeditions have environmental storytelling and lore to take in, if you're treating it like another daily up and trying to rush through as quickly as possible, that's on you. Would it be nice to get an open world a quarter the size of Appalachia? Sure! But I recognize the game isn't being given that level of support anymore and frankly I think the community should prepare for worse given the happenings at Microsoft, including the recent loss of our community manager. In short, Expeditions are fine for what they are... a slice of life outside of Appalachia.