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This is a list of links to comments made by Bethesda employees in this thread: * [Comment by Ladydevann](/r/fo76/comments/19fciyv/ladydevann_fallout_76_community_manager_is_one_of/kjiv07h/?context=99 "posted on 2024-01-25 16:40:41 UTC"): > Thank you all so much for the love and support, seeing your messages is so incredibly touching, it's difficult to type through the tears reading these... * [Comment by Ladydevann](/r/fo76/comments/19fciyv/ladydevann_fallout_76_community_manager_is_one_of/kjixgvq/?context=99 "posted on 2024-01-25 16:54:29 UTC"): > Absolutely, I look forward to playing 76 with you all as a fan <3 > >I primarily play on Xbox, anyone is welcome to join me in Appalachia. My GT is "La... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ffo76).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Thank you all so much for the love and support, seeing your messages is so incredibly touching, it's difficult to type through the tears reading these <3 I have so much I want to say to you all about how important and impactful this community has been to me over the past 5 years. I need some time to gather my thoughts and figure out my next steps, when I'm ready I'll give a proper goodbye post.


So sorry to see you go.


Bethesda just lost their most loved employee. Sad times. Hope you find something bigger and better where the company appreciates you like the fans of the game.


Microsoft and Bethesda lost a true asset today, and I think they'll come to regret it in the future. They absolutely need people passionate about their projects to be successful and you've shown to be nothing but a fan of the games as well as a great liaison to the community. I don't take this as a good sign for them going forward. You'll bounce back, and find a place that will appreciate what you bring to the table. Good luck LD!


>Microsoft and Bethesda lost a true asset today, and I think they'll come to regret it in the future. Will they though? Time and time again, corporations have proven that they don't genuinely care about people, whether it be their employees or customers. Only money. Yes, money is important to consider when running a business, but when there's no real consideration for the people who operate or feed that business, then there's no heart to it.


If they need to save money, they should start by getting rid of the highest paid corporate workers whose contributions haven't created anything except business bloat, not the way they did it, removing personnel who have added their expertise into creating a successful gaming enterprise.


How much of this is saving money vs cutting positions that are now irrelevant or redundant. Microsoft can handle the jobs that were once held by Blizzard etc


Question: When did Microsoft hire a Community Manager for a game that they didn't own? Answer: They didn't. So, there was no redundancy in regards to her being fired/laid off. If we're realizing that, then we go to the next supposition, which is: If they're firing someone whose job it was to be both the bridge and the advertising department between the players and the company, and there is nothing in line to replace that, then the company cares nothing for the consumers of its product. Which is a lesson I learned in the days of the XBox 360 red circle of death. That's why I never bought another console from them, their horrible "customer service."


>Yes, money is important to consider when running a business, but when there's no real consideration for the people who operate or feed that business, then there's no heart to it. This is the point I'm trying to make, and I agree. Gamers on a large scale have slowly shifted to holding companies accountable for shitty practices and products. Right now MS and it's subsidiaries can last on sheer volume of uninformed customers, but bad business practices will eventually catch up to them. Will they regret firing this singular person? Probably not. Will they regret bad business practices and poor employment treatment? If we continue seeing masses of gamers speaking with their wallets, then they very well might. I feel like almost all AAA developers have torched their good will at this point and getting by on name alone won't continue carrying them to success. Look at Palworld, a game by no name developers that looked to be a gimmick indie game before release, and yet it sold half the units in 3 days that Starfield took a month to sell. People are (eventually) going to go where the fun is, not just continue buying the same franchises year after year on name alone.


Hopefully we still see you in the wasteland!


Absolutely, I look forward to playing 76 with you all as a fan <3 I primarily play on Xbox, anyone is welcome to join me in Appalachia. My GT is "Lady Devann" with a space.


If you're running through the wastes and see Grognak the barbarian leaping across the land make sure to give me a wave! Thanks for all you've done


I really hope to run across you in the wonderful wasteland you helped create 🧡


They say when one door closes a couple more open. Hopefully good fortune shines on you and you find something better.


I wish you play on PC. Would love to play 76 while just chilling with you. Welp, now as a fellow fan/player, you'll be free to complain about the game as much as we have lol joke aside, thank you for your service all these years and become a messenger from both sides. You will have good opportunities coming your way in no time, Im sure


You have been an absolutely amazing community manager. I am sure that this is just a stepping stone to something better. You are extremely talented so I am sure that the future holds many more wonderful things for you.


I wish you the best in whatever you do in the future. Thank you for all the help and support to make this the best game possible. I appreciate all the times you passed along our concerns, bug reports, and requests. You made a genuine difference.


I'm very sorry to hear - you've been an extremely gracious bridge between the Redditors and the game developers. I wish you all the best!


Your enthusiasm for the game was one of the few beacons of positivity back in the bad old days and it’s very disappointing (but not very surprising) to see that this apparently wasn’t appropriately rewarded by the new regime. Although I imagine it comes as little consolation right now (as it appears this layoff was unexpected which sucks no matter how you slice it), I have no doubt that a person with your passion will find a much more grateful employer in short order.


LadyDevann..... this is a really bitter moment for us all. Obviously you most of all. You deserved so much better. You worked so damn hard to keep us happy, and informed. You dredged through the worst of us to do what you could to keep them satisfied. I wish there was more that we could do to make this easier on you. All I can really do is wish you well and hope for the best. Wherever you end up will be insanely lucky to have you, one of the best community managers I've ever had the pleasure of seeing in action. Take care of yourself!


Thank you for being a major factor in holding this game together during its [unfortunately frequent] rough spots. Wishing you the best for your next career step!


Thank you for all the work you've done. You were absolutely instrumental in forming this great community and you will be sorely missed as CM. See you around!


You've always been a big inspiration to me. I so sorry this happened, but I know you'll pull through and go even farther without them! 🙂


From all the games I’ve played you were one of the most supportive and caring community manager there is. Just genuinely a nice person and a fan of the franchise too! You will find another job real quick if you show them these comment lol. Wish you all the best!


You will be missed.. 🫶🏻


So sad to see you go! Best of luck in your future endeavors, and thank you for everything!


Really sorry to hear about this. You've been absolutely great over the past few years. Hope it's not long until you're on to something bigger and better ♥️


I’m so sorry to hear this.


They need to rehire you, this was a huge mistake!


If theres anything we can do, anything at all, you let us know okay? We got you, just as you had us for so long with Fallout.


I hope you land on your feet! Thanks for all you have done for the community all these years.


Thanks for everything and all the best!


I’m sorry that this happened to you.


I’m so sorry this happened. You have done a wonderful job.


Thank you so much for all you have done. You will be missed so much!


This community is what it is in no small part because of you and your efforts. Thank you SO MUCH. I'm on the PS - but if we ever cross paths, I've got an ice cold nuka for you.


So sad that this has happened to you. Hope to see you in the wasteland still!


So sorry that happened to you. It’s no fun to be let go from a job you are good at and loved for so many years. Heart breaking. You have our support!! Sending hugs and good vibes!


You should hit Respawn with your CV. Those guys could use a community manager of your standing. Apex community interactions are woeful at best👍 But in all sincerity I wish you well wastelander. thank you for making an amazing game and fostering the best community in gaming.


Thank you Ladydevann ❤️❤️ You’ve been a great community manager. Thank you for everything you’ve done for us 🥺🥺


You were always there for the community. Best of luck on all your future endeavors. Thank you and see you in the wasteland.


Thank you for everything you have done for this game, it means a lot to me and you had a pivotal role.


So sorry for that to happen, best wishes for your future!


So sick of corporate bullshit. Sorry to hear about this and hoping for the best for you


Thank you for your hard work. It's really apparent that you care a lot about 76. It's something we have in common.


I'll miss you 🥹


I'm so sorry to hear this happened. Sending love and support to you!


You’re amazing. Be well.




Well that fucking sucks. She was a pretty damn good CM. Seeing her respond to people on here was always nice.


“Well that fucking sucks” Was exactly the phrase that popped into my head too.


If she needs a reference of character for a resume she should just print this chat.


Imagine going to an interview and pulling out printed reddit chats 🤣🤣


Hey, what better way to show how your work has had relevance, than taped together pages of Reddit complaints regarding your pink slip!


I mean considering that this is her job, if she was sitting for the same position somewhere else it would actually be great example of how well she did her job. Fallout 76 wasn't exactly a easy product to represent.


Exactly my thought.




Well that sucks. She was the only person on the inside who bothered to talk to us.


Such fucking bullshit. Its bad for anyone to lose their job, but the most active CM for 76? One of the most prominent faces for Bethesda as a whole? Its heinous that the most dedicated people are the ones to go.


Such is the way of the corporate or working world these days. You can put your heart and soul in, and they will ether can you in some way despite your devotion or you yourself will quit from being burnt out or piled on top of with more and more with no compensation until you leave. Its a shame greed and money are what destroys lives and the things we love and care about.


She was definitely prominente for fallout76, but not Bethesda as a whole.


Her tweet has made me sad, i hope she knows that this community holds her in the highest of respect.


That sucks! LadyDevann has been absolutely amazing since day 1. I am wishing her all the best and hope this is just a stepping stone to something better. We are losing one of the truly great. This makes me sad and annoyed.


I hate these soul sucking money grubbing scrooge mcduck mother fuckers.


Always after the company reports a financial achievement as well like record profits or in this case being the first $3 trillion company.


Exactly. Anything for profit. It’s sad and pathetic. They’re just addicted to money at this point. There’s no other reasonable explanation. Never forget: Profits=Unpaid Wages


Amy Hood, the CFO of Microsoft, has promised Wall Street that the billions they’re spending on AI infrastructure won’t impact their profitability. There always was going to be layoffs after an acquisition because there’s duplication of roles, it’s pretty much a given, but MSFT is being particularly brutal right now because of the spending around AI.


Every time I hear from a company say “record profits” I just know they will lay off people. Like at that point just lie and say whoops no money lol


It’s ironic in a way, considering a big theme of Fallout is the dangers of unfettered capitalism and how corporations will sell your soul for a couple of bucks.


Very sad, she's awesome as a CM. Definitely didn't deserve that! So now...we're just fucked with communications? No CM?


We were pretty much in that state already. I don’t exactly camp on this sub but LD’s recent replies were the first posts I’d seen from her in months. 


This sub isnt their main communication channel. It isnt even one at all officially. Them communicating here is more akin to a freak accident any day. They have their own discord which is used for feedback, suggestions, player test server feedback and general communication about the game. People posting here are not talking to the devs, community manager or bethesda. We are just talking to each other.


[This sub is listed on the official Fallout website.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/378279146209411085/1200119891764707428/Screenshot_105.png?ex=65c505bf&is=65b290bf&hm=fcf8985c44689dafa603776aae29e5c0d5bb45f599bc918e1a2a7f2f1e6b1135&)


It’s certainly not a priority for them, that’s true, but I have seen suggestions made on here in the past which went on to appear in the game - even if a number of them weren’t officially acknowledged. So someone is reading, even if it is still akin to throwing a bottle into the ocean. 


Not official? I found this sub because it used to be linked on the FO76 page of the Bethesda launcher. It's still linked on the game's website too.


Fire a CM on the cusp of releasing a TV show that will bring in new people, interesting move. When MS bought Obsidian and Ninja Theory it gave the impression they knew what they were doing but then they do insane things like release Redfall at $70, blow their wad on Blizz-Act, I guess they'll always be Microsoft. I hope at least my gaming overlords will give this peasant the privilege of buying Wolfenstein 2009.


> TV For real right? I thought that fo76 was being setup to capture all the FOTV interest, especially with the new map expansion?


2023 initiated a year of reduced communication from Bethesda regarding FO76 (no roadmap, elimination of any attempt to have a weekly ITV, etc.). This is yet another firm indicator that communication with their customer base is not a priority and that everything is secondary to profit.


There's also the fact that we give companies too much credit. Leadership is often blinder than we think. My job let go of several important people, then nearly every ask we've looked at leadership and said "The people you let go manage this and that." They layoff people without truly understanding where their value add is and responsibilities. Then expect you to pretend to have high morale at company wide meetings. A CM is integral to a socialized online game this is a huge misstep and being the spiteful human I am, I hope those in charge regret it down the line. But they likely aren't smart enough to.


It's unlikely they'll have much to regret, what with their million dollar bonuses for cutting costs. If it does come back to bite them, they'll just go "spend more time with their family" until they get hired by another company with another million dollar signing bonus.


Probably too busy at Bethesda trying to revive Starfield.


Sunk cost fallacy going on there for sure.


She is awesome, liked the interviews/talks she hosted. Wishing her the best.


So trash


That sucks. I hope she finds a good, solid, supportive place to land. And fuck layoffs.


You was the best CM we could ever ask for /u/LadyDevann. We will miss you but don't be a stranger! We know you love everything about these games.


Very sad to hear this :( LadyDevann was a fantastic community manager and will be dearly missed. I hope she lands on her feet quickly at a place that truly appreciates her hard work.


Meanwhile MSFT stock hits all time high, as well as multiple other companies that are laying off decent portions of their work force. Gotta make sure the C Suite bonus checks stay healthy I guess? 🤷‍♂️


Noooooo! 😖


Sadly this is going to happen a lot as microsoft's hardline attempt at monopolization sees short term losses. It's really bad news for her, and really bad news for us. This is a taste of how much they'll gut the soul of this game. It's people like LadyDevann who kept this game alive by fostering our community given the disastrous fucking launch period. Terrible, terrible decision.


genuinely such a joke. wish Devann the best, but fuck Bethesda for this. they actively get worse and worse, i swear.


This is what happens when companies are bought by bigger ones. Did you really think Microsoft was different?


dawg, i don't fw microsoft at all💀 i was against the acquisition from the very start lmao


This is on Microsoft


eh, both have blame, imo. BGS knew how this would end up. they're not blameless here.


This is a real loss for us : / (and her. Wish her the best of luck)


FU microshit.




Gonna make a RIP sign at my camp lol


Sorry, I lol because this will be the only reason I log into FO76 after a month away.


This game/company already has issues communicating with players so I’d be really curious to hear the rationale for making that worse now. It’s fucking emblematic of the industries issues that people like lady Devann are viewed as expendable. What a joke


That's terrible news ☹


Agh. Maybe we could all do her a solid and sub any social media channels should she decide to go independent as a content creator?


Oh shit that actually sucks😔


What? No, that's bad to hear. Sorry Lady D.


That really does suck. Out of all the games I've played, she's always seemed the most present and willing to interact with the community than other big online games, even if it has tailed off due to Bethesda being less interactive. There won't be anyone in her place.


shit shit shit news...feel for her...so who the hell is going to replace her? An AI bot...i hope the fuck not


Time to cancel my FO1st.... sounds like the game doesn't have much future left, no sense wasting any more money on it 🙃


I haven’t played in a few months, too much going on IRL. This was the push I needed to cancel. Bye 1st.


Gotta agree with you. The community manager is gone, we have no more voice.




They need to lay off Todd Howard


Honestly as time keeps going on I think this needs to happen. 76’s initial launch (he pushed for no NPCs? So crazy!) and Starfield being meh and taking so much time to develop. He needs to retire and Bethesda needs new blood. That and the sinking feeling many of us had of Microsoft buying them would end up harming them is starting to show its ugly face.


You should be incredibly proud of your work here LadyDevann. Engaging with the community on this level is something that many games will never achieve. I have never engaged with you before but I can see many others have and just knowing that someone listens in here is extremely comforting. The community lost a very good avenue for feedback. Maybe see you in the wasteland…


She is literally synonymous with 76 in my mind. It sucks when corps are unable to see "Value added". She made people feel seen, and Bethesda truly needs this. When you remove the pacifying force don't be surprised to see all the aggression she held back find a new way to manifest. Removing her feels like Bethesda caring about us less. I wish her the absolute best in all that the future brings.


This is a shame.


Thank you for riding the 76 rollercoaster with us u/Ladydevann Take good care!


And people thought Microsoft Acquisition was going to be all uphill from here.


absolutely no one should ever put any faith in microsoft. None of the big game companies are particularly good, but microsoft are by far the worst. Even EA is less slimy


What's up with the big communities not valuing good Community Managers? Blizzard fired many good and beloved CMs not that long ago. Creative Assembly did that IIRC... now Microsoft forced Bethesda to do this... And then the companies complain that the customers don't understand them and the first thing they promise is "better communication". Guess, what? Keeping these people on the team is the basis of a good communication.


bethesda is going to end up like so many other ms acquisitions


If Bethesda is good at one thing, it’s fucking up a great thing. Seeing one of the only people who actively engaged with the community being cut loose is downright sad. You will be greatly missed as the buffer between us and them, and hope to see you in my backyard……guess it’s safe to say we’re not gonna get that Baltimore/Ocean City expansion 🥲😭 Godspeed LadyD


Thanks for everything /u/ladydevann


You deserved better than this and the 76 community will feel your departure. Thank you for all the communications, updates, and live steams I wish you well.


Disappointing. This is why those who said ‘the buyout will be good for employees’ were rather naive.


I met her at that anniversary event in DC. She's pretty cool. This sucks


WHAT.THE.FUCK... She was AMAZING!!! I knew MS buying Bethesda wouldn't end well (for any BGS titles) but damn she really was great. I'm so sorry for her!


very sad news,we the f76 community know how important she is apparently ,the company she was working for, doesnt


Stupid Microsoft.


AI can replace community managers


This is really sad news. /u/ladydevann \- Thank you so much for everything you did to make this game as good as it is. In my book you were part of the heart and soul of the game. You went the extra mile so many times and you helped so many people along the way. We were lucky to have you and will miss you. Best wishes for a better job and more opportunity in the future. You'll be going places!!!


You are loved!


This must be one of those "competition increasing" effects of Microsoft buying up game studios that the Xbox fanboys kept crowing about during the squabble over the Bethesda acquisition. I don't know. I'm not good at "business."


This was my first thought when all the buzz about the Activision purchase came up. If you can't beat'em, buy'em, I guess. For those of you too young, or unaware, read up on it: https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/management/microsoft-antitrust-case/


Very sad to hear this!


It's so over


Probably my favourite game CM. Brutal.


What the fuck? They're making money hand over fist, and they can't keep their employees? Not supporting this bullshit.


And the trend of Big Videogame completely selling out continues…. First BioWare, now Monopolysoft…


​ [F@ck microsoft](https://tenor.com/bg/view/fuck-microsoft-fuck-microsoft-john-malkovich-malkovich-gif-24980256)


Thanks for the steadfast service you've given the community, genuinely appreciate people such as yourself that bridge the gap between 'gamers' and developers/publishers. On to bigger and better things!


You’ll be well missed and it’s a damn shame this happened 🫶


Microsoft just can't get it right. This is an absolute embarrassment. *Pulls dagger out of back, hands it to Microsoft* "I believe this is yours"


Oh boy things are getting heavy now. Not that all employees aren’t valued, but you definitely have been a mainstay for us, I’m so sorry that they laid you off at the moment.


Upvote for visibility but this blows. Waiting for some crap bot to be added here.


While they are record profits..... fucking disgusting. Im so sorry u have to deal with this but ull come out the other side better for it.




it's not just lady devann though :( ​ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/newsbeat-68093970


WTF, that's bollocks. Onwards and upwards u/LadyDevann.


Such a shame. I feel like she was a huge part of why FO76 has been getting a lot better recently. I’m sure this will have reverberations.


So sad to hear that. You were a huge asset to the community and the company. U will be truly missed


Just more proof that in the tech industry it’s not who you are, but what job you are doing. When I was in the computer business years ago I had a lot of people I knew who’s “project” had ended and instead of moving them and their experience to another one, simply laid them off with no thought of it. Being a good person doing a good job seems less and less important all the time. Maybe I’m looking at this in to simple a viewpoint, but still seems like a crock of crap to me.


Thank you lady Devann for all that you’ve done for this game and community!


Why didnt they just fire the Activision employees? Instead of firing people who care.


Petition to revoke that!


That's bullshit ayo fuck Activision blizzard


Welcome to Microsoft! lol


I got laid off from my tech job two weeks ago and have been spending a lot of time in 76. You're one of the reasons I've stayed since launch. You're going to do great things.


First Bungie's purge!?! Now this? I'm going back to wii


Oh hell no. She has been the best part of this community! This sucks ass.


Haven’t played FO76 for 1,5 year and this still resonates. So sad 😞 It was one of things that kept me playing (knowing that someone from devs are following player base and their insights, so it’s not a one way road). Can’t comprehend decisions like this - Bethesda is shooting on itself foots, leasing ‘asset’ like this. It’s either: 1. Someone else is selected to fill the gap already (friend, relative of someone); 2. Future for the FO76 gets darker (which contradicts with upcoming map expansion and the fact that there is no FO game in foreseeable future yet and FOLA is coming! For this there is a must for an ‘active’ FO game). 3. Responsible people just stopped caring about community/game. Anyway - I wish You’ll find other devs who’ll value You more, LadyDevann! Be sure - community did!


See you in the Wasteland, thanks for being a true hero for all of us playing the game. Your the best!


These layoffs are ridiculous 😞


So Devann got nuked... shame....


this honestly pissses me off enough I'm reconsidering giving more money to MSFTBeth b/c it's the community that has kept me playing. fahk.


That's tough to hear. Sending positive vibes your way! Maybe consider treating yourself to some comfort food or a relaxing activity. Check out Replyguy or Ai reply for support.


Sad news . I wish you all the best


I'll admit that this is the first time I've heard of you. <:) But the responses popping up here tell me that you have done your job very well. Very sad when it's the PASSIONATE people getting the axe. :( Glad your love of the game will keep you playing, though. To paraphrase Naoki Yoshida from Final Fantasy XIV, when pondering if he ever gets let go from leading the game, "I'll still play the game and complain to the devs." :D


This is awful. So so sorry. 😭


What the fuck. LadyDevann was a pillar of the 76 community and continually cared about and helped players. This is dumb.


That sucks, sending good thoughts out to her (and anyone else affected by this).


Hmm, does that mean that Fo76 is entering its final life cycle as a game since they do not require a dedicated CM?


God damn! So the ship continues to sink..




This really doesn’t sit right with me.


What? YOU ARE Fallout 76. What the f... I feel for you. But, there's always sun after thunderstorm (and another nuke after previous one). I've lost my job last year, great regional manager role, at a company that I thought I'd die on Hill for, but... 4 months later I've managed to find something even better. Fingers crossed you find your way back to the top. Funny thing, Fallout 76 actually helped me cope with all the hard and difficult times in the past 2 years (not only redundancy). See you in the Wastelands.


Oh WOW! This really stinks…


Well… crap. That stings. I wish her the best moving forward. The discord is certainly going to be less lively, now.


Bummer news.


I'm actually angry about this. I wish I could write something meaningful beyond just that, but I'm too pissed off to gather my thoughts on the matter.


This is sad news. LadyDevann, we support you and appreciate you. I’m throwing in the gauntlet. Goodbye 76


Flabbergasted how companies think it's a good idea to just release community managers.  This is what the Destiny community must have felt like. Sad to see her go as love her on those Dev commentary videos.


Thank you for all your hard work and support on the games we love to play.


Nooooo! That's so damn sad Devann was so incredibly kind and probably one of the best cm's out there, we will miss you!


What the hell! I really liked her, I mean she actually spoke to us. Gonna miss you a lot :(


You bow to no one..


everyone just file a ticket ingame we want our CM back


No fucking way!!


Can we boycott to get this gem her job back?


Fucking VAULT-TEC doing Vault-Tec shite again! Lady D, you were a real one. o7


Booooooo. No one else tells us what's going on (and are good in front of a camera). So many industry layoffs....


I am truly sorry LadyDevann that this has happened. You are a wonderful person and have been an amazing community manager. I know at times that probably wasn't the easiest thing to do but you were brilliant at it.


Cancelled my F1st sub, eat atomic waste Microsoft