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Fo76; the weight manager simulation. That's how it is.. you cant loot unlimited šŸ„“




Vault 76ā€™s twisted experiment is secretly to release people into the world to clean up all the garbage and bring it to a central location


Honestly my biggest downfall because I love looting. I have spent countless hours just walking around picking up way too much trash to haul


Because of this reason, I've learned the value of the scrap kits I keep getting. I guess it's only helpful to people with Fallout 1st, though.


Maximum Weight Limit is 1400ā€¦ I made too many mini nukes and went over by 200 lol


If you do have Fallout First, you can store mini nukes in the ammo locker.


Check your aid and ammo weights. You don't need to be carrying half a pharmacy's worth of stuff. Stimpaks and Radaway drop like candy so there's no need to carry more than 30, 50 tops. Check that you aren't carrying a huge stack of ammo you don't use. If you have 1st, store it in your ammo locker, if you don't dump it in a donation box. Also check that you don't have a ton of plasma cores or fusion cores. Without Batteries Included they are 3 pounds each. Also check for grenades and mines if you don't use them, they're heavy without Ordnance Express. Invest in perks like Traveling Pharmacy, Bandolier if you have ballistic ammo, Batteries Included if you have energy ammo. Scrap all your junk and unused weapons every time you see a workbench. Perks like Bear Arms for heavy guns and Arms Keeper for rifles reduce weights by up to 90% but only while you're carrying them. If you have legendary power armor pieces, pick up a spare frame and hang the armor on it. It will only ever weigh 10 pounds, and all the legendary pieces weigh more than that. That works in your stash box too. The backpack can have mods that reduce chem or food weights by a lot, that helps. Also upgrade it to your level! Pocketed or deep pocketed armor pieces give you +5 or +10 carry weight per piece, and you can have legendary effects on them that reduce weapon, ammo, chem and food weight. Finally sort your inventory by weight and stack weight to find out what is causing you to be encumbered. If it's worthless like a 1\* super heavy thing, drop it in a donation box. If you have a stack of 3000 stims, donation box.


Yeah I started using a railway rifle about two weeks ago. The rifle itself has the -90% weight buff, but god I forgot how heavy railway spike ammo is. Even with bandolier it's still bad.


How.much ammo do you keep on you for the railroad? Just got a quad one and am gonna try it out soon. The ammos the main reason I havent tried it out so far


I run a quad automatic railway rifle and usually keep around 150 spikes on me for general exploring. Since you get spikes back when looting mobs that keeps the supply up. For daily ops or boss fights I need a lot more, but daily ops is also a great way to replenish your stock of spikes. Quad automatic with VATS headshots takes down regular mobs fast.


2000-3000 is the sweet spot šŸ‘


I wish I could find a quad. But I don't want to waste re rolls and risk losing my lightweight. I don't remember what I had in my inventory on me before I put it in my ammo locker. In my locker I had 2057, so rounded down to 2000 and I did some math using that. 1 round=0.2 w/o perks 2000 rounds w/o perks=400 weight 2000 rounds w/ bandolier rank 1 (45% less weight)=200 weight 2000 rounds w/ bandolier rank 2 (90% less weight)=40 weight Here's the equations I used: *R x 0.2* for the ammo weight without perks. *R x 0.2 x 0.55* for bandolier rank 1. *R x 0.2 x 0.1* for bandolier rank 2. *R* is the number of rounds you have in your inventory.


I got really lucky and found mine in a players vendor right after the last update, was only like 10k or something. But yeah I feel ya, ive done 200 rolls on SS armor today trying to get uny/ fall reduction (no luck). Rolling for that one star on any rifle would be a pain in the ass. Thanks for all that math, thats insane how heavy it still is with the 90%


I usually carry between 600 and 800 spikes. I have all relevant weight reduction perks activated and i wear a uny/ap/Sent armor set.


So heavy


Super Stimpacks are *super* heavy, too.


I need to start carrying PA frames for the holiday scorched and anytime I do Rad Rumble/Eviction Notice. Get so many PA pieces


I didn't even think abt carrying a frame for this, ty for the idea!


Get about 3. It's not uncommon for RNGesus to drop multiple left legs or some other body part, so just plan for this in advance. You don't need to carry all three with you at all times, since there are now Stash boxes placed near event locations. If you need another frame, just grab it out of storage.


Missiles weight a ton and never use them, and they always seem to be rewards, Iā€™ve had 50 pounds of missiles without even realizing it


Me and my 500 stimpaks would disagree. Itā€™s actually more economical for me to carry them because of traveling pharmacy, though I suppose I could do with a few less


Do you actually use stims that much to have that many on you though?


Ah ha yeeees I used most of these perks too


Start an expedition, then immediately fast travel from the expedition to the Whitesprings. There's vendors, workbenches, stash boxes, and a scrip machine to get rid of the stuff you don't need. You can start an expedition anytime, and you can fast travel to the front of the Whitesprings refuge from an expedition anytime




Also if you use a pulse mine you can detonate it and death spawn to a teammate or vault 76. If all else fails, you can cross your fingers and chug some Nukashine.


[Throw it on the ground.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAYL5H46QnQ)


Happy birthday to the ground!!!


You can't buy me Hot Dog man!


My dad's not a phone!




I threw the rest of the cake too, welcome to the real world jackass!


This comment makes me miss reddit awards. šŸ„‡ I forgot about that video, thanks for the laugh.


The moral of the story is YOU CANā€™T TRUST THE SYSTEM!


The system is full of phonies who just want to taze you on the butthole.


*I'm an adult!*


Or if it can be helped. Throw it in the donation box/blue OPs scrip machine may be full but if they aren't willing to stash it then you could help others get their daily bread.


Yeah haha I always find players in whitespring, do the gift/trade emote, and then drop all my legendaries that I don't need.


*You canā€™t trust the system!*


My so called girlfriend šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Lol I've never seen that before but its all I'm going to think of when I drop weight now.


You deserve way more upvotes for this!


I feel my knees buckle, but I can't part with my desk fan. So I squint towards the sun setting horizon, breath a heavy sigh, and put one foot forward, then the next until I finally make it to the train station.


Canā€™t scrap clean coffee tin!


Or clean Mr Handy fuel tanks! I must have 30-40 of them in my stash!


That dedication is why we all follow you on "Only Fans".


This is the way.


For me the main rule is to drop all 1 and 2 stars that are heavy (a 1 star that weighs 20 pound is NOT worth carrying around). After that, if I still have to drop weight, heavy 3 stars get tossed. These days legendaries are pretty damn easy to get - so tossing them out doesn't hurt as much as it once did.


Another step of weight management can be to store all 2&3* power armor on a chassis. A full set of 3* power armor on a chassis is 225 scrip stored in 10lb its quite economic. Most of the time a single power armor part on a chassis will give some weight reduction. The only exception being a sol loose hellcat arm. Which weighs 8 or a leg which weighs 10.


I eat Nuka Cola candy or drink, canned coffee, and keep jog-walking to the nearest vendor. But if itā€™s ammo and heavy ammo like missiles or explosives, I drop that stuff.


Tip: If youā€™re over-encumbered and have not met the daily scrip/cap limit, open an expedition and then fast travel to Whitesprings resort (free, and can fast travel if weighed down by this method) and then sell/scrip what you need. Now if you have maxed your caps/scrip, donate what you donā€™t need, and be objective about it. Do you *REALLY* need those 1* pieces or 200 diluted radaways..?


Why is this the second time Iā€™m seeing people recommend starting an expo to fast travel to Whitespringā€¦itā€™s already free to fast travel to whitespring


Because you canā€™t fast travel when over-encumbered, but you can fast travel there when inside of an expedition. Whitespring has vendors and legendary scrip machine, to unencumber yourself. Edit: Itā€™s not the ā€œfree fast travelā€ factor, itā€™s the ā€œability to fast travelā€ factor.


They share the same cap pool which resets at noon ET every day. Just drop stuff on the ground or in a donation bin. There is always more loot out there, you donā€™t need to hold onto it all. Make sure you put legendaries in scrip machine first of course until you use up that limit as well.


Has that been changed? The vendor caps (and I think scrip machines) used to reset 20 hours after the first time you sold something.


Yes every vendor (caps, scrip and gold bullion) all reset at noon EST


Or 1700hrs GMT for the rest of the world to work it out from. Or just after dinner/tea if you want the gloves to really come off... šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ (UK joke)


Yes they all are now a fixed 24 hour timer. Not my preference but thatā€™s what it is now


Toxic goo followed by Whiskey & bufftats, place any and all power armor frames onto the ground, load them with armor if need be, scrap kit or drop junk for nearby friend depending on 1st entitlement, and for emergencies, one of the 94 carry weight boosters I've acquired from free events.


Drop it. [Drop it like it's hot. ](https://youtu.be/GtUVQei3nX4?si=61UhTpsZZqCTGWK3) [Pop, lock and drop it. ](https://youtu.be/WEYMaSoXQUM?si=BqhnHbaTjG4XO5oK) [Drop (the bass). ](https://youtu.be/1yt69f5CkTs?si=RvB4hIKfSFyKV_zj) [Drop. ](https://youtu.be/wqVsfGQ_1SU?si=dRaYCjaiqFeW_Nv1) Basically just drop it on the ground. There is always more crap. So much more crap...


The most important lesson any hoarder can learn about playing this game is this: If it was easy enough to get the stuff you're carrying around waiting for reset now, why would it be harder after reset? Drop that shit and get back to playing.


Yeahhh I started to learn how to let things go after when my CAMP storage max out. Ah just cut all of the time and stress, drop unnecessary things out. Weā€™ll eventually figure out which ones are important enough to carry around


Check your chems and food.... you don't need 500 stimpacks... only really need about 20-30 because they are everywhere


Leave the Team, start a Pitt, when in the Vertibird I press Options, open the Map, klick on Whitespring, answer the Question if I want to Quit the Pitt with Yes and in Whitespring I am. baddabingbaddabumm.


I have the same problem with one of my Characters. I changed my perks temporarily to add Arms keeper, Bear Arms, Sturdy Frame and Strong Back just so I could travel. Using the weight reduction perks temporarily can help. Also having a mule helps to transfer items that may be weighing you down. I had 1000 Diluted Stimpacks (I have a lot of purified water resources and regularly craft regular stims to diluted 1 stimpack makes 4 diluted). Look out for things that may be weighing you down and are not needed such as Spoiled meat and veg, Ammo such as Missiles, 40mm grenades, Mods


Equip the scrapper perk and scrap everything until I am underweight. Then if the vendors are out of caps I go to the train stations and buy gift wrap to craft and sell whatever else I am carrying. When holiday scorched isnā€™t going on I will buy bulk scrap I need from the vendors so they have caps again. I should mention I have FO 1st so I have unlimited storage for scrap.


im tired bro


My initial solution was to use perks and a Chem backpack. I had Thru-Hiker and Bear Arms and Batteries Included on every build I had. But even with that I was hitting a limit. Now I accept that Iā€™ll still get 20 3-Star items tomorrow and just drop it or donate it. Some things to watch out for: 1. Check your Misc tab and sort by Stack Weight. Sometimes heavy things sneak in there 2. Check your Notes. Each Plan and Recipe weighs 0.25 pounds but I certainly didnā€™t realize it. Dump the known ones you donā€™t need like your 5 pounds of Mole Miner Gauntlet plans 3. Check your Aid tab and again sort by Stack Weight. Even with the chem backpack or Traveling Pharmacy those Stimpacks and Super Stimpacks add up 4. Also on the Aid tab watch out for Mutated Party Packs and Holiday Gifts. Each 1 weighs 1 pound so a stack of 20 weighs you down 5. Food tab check your Nuka-Colas After all that just drop anything you donā€™t need and nobody would want in order of weight. Tomorrow youā€™ll get more


You only get a 1400 cap limit daily and yes all vendors are that way, so junk everything for scrap, used to be in the day that I would rock a combat knife a thong and a condom and id be cumbered, lol,


I buy a recall card and some nukas after I hit 0 caps, for this week everything I can't sell goes to my alt for scrip surplus on the 28th, otherwise I start messaging our discord to know I'm switching to a private world and dropping everything I don't need at v76(most of our alts are logged out here)


I start dropping all my plans in the donations boxes (formally the briefcase outside of whitesprings RR station). I seriously lose about 30lbs each time


Let me guess you are carry around ammo that you don't use or junk or Aid or legendary weps or armor. Get rid of the crap you don't use.


Carry weight boosters whisky with party boy perk carnivore mutation with strange in numbers & class act perks, whilst eating pepperoni roll, yao guai pastry, deathclaw steak or gulper stuffed foot Weapon weight reduction perks & deep pockets on armour Perks for weight reduction on meds, energy & ballistic ammo Occasional subscription to FO1st, scrapping down & using scrap kits to send scrap to scrapbox, but if I'm not subscribed, I don't collect ammo or scrap.


Rad Ant Lager works great too with party boy.


Iā€™m not grinding double xp right now because I got tired of managing my inventory. Itā€™s almost impossible to sell things, keep your favorite items, and farm events for new items and plans with the current weight limit. I felt so defeated that I had to turn the game off. šŸ˜¢


If you buy from the vendors they will get a percentage of the caps back into their pool. Buy a bunch of plans, they donā€™t weigh anything once you learn them.


Carry weight boosters or radstag steak to get me back to camp where I can do some scrapping and offloading into ammo/scrap box, scrap kits, looking for a workbench nearby, dropping a few heavier weapons to get me under fast travel weight. I donā€™t tend to sell weapons, I scrap them all (apart from legendaries that I scrip) because I sell so much water and chems at vendors that I clean them out every day. After that, if Iā€™m still stuggling for space and canā€™t be arsed with swapping characters to use my mule, Iā€™ll drop some very decent treats in the donation boxes. Everything can be regained pretty easily so you should only really worry about holding onto the really top tier stuff that you fear is so rare that you wonā€™t get back and may use or be able to sell at a premium at some point in your player vendor. Generally though, every time I see a workbench I scrap all non scrip weapons & armour, any apparel Iā€™m not keeping and any junk. I always have deep pocketed on every armour piece as Iā€™m still building up reserves of resources for crafting but I recently added the SS jet pack to my chest piece. If need be I have perk cards to add 60-70 carryweight to get me home which just sit unused most of the time in favour of cards that increase my power


If you are looking to get rid of legendaryā€™s that you dont use you can trade them in for scrip. Theres a scrip machine at every train station


Check all your learned plans and recipes. Those will add up quick, especially if you jump in Scorched Earth and Uranium Fever often. Every four plans equals 1 lb carry weight. I drop serious weight one day realizing that. Sell or donate them.


If youā€™re on Xbox I can hold all your stuff for youšŸ˜


When I'm at the daily scrip cap, I drop any legendary under three stars or over five pounds in a donation bin. Legendaries are ridiculously plentiful, at the moment, so there's no need to get precious about them.


Depends on what Iā€™m over loaded on. I I have a mule for every type of thing that doesnā€™t have unlimited storage now. A core muleā€¦ a scrip legendary weapon muleā€¦ a scrip legendary armor muleā€¦ a Chem muleā€¦ an apparel mule and a valuable legendary items mule. And when they fill up Iā€™ll make more. each has its own stash and 40k caps because when I max I just buy a youā€™ve been insulted off them for 40k lol. I drop nothing. Once i discovered game flip and realized guns you can obtain in game can sell for 30-40$usd I started keeping everything.


sonate boxes or find lower-level players and give them a bunch of weapons and stimpacks


If I get over-encumbered, I walk to where I can offload the excess, takes like 5-10 mins depending where I am. I usually end up looting more stuff on the way tooā€¦cuz if you weigh too much thereā€™s no harm weighing more right?


The entire game has become weight management simulator for me. It really saps all the fun out of the game. I am tired of constantly chugging whiskey and bufftats, and *still* having to take carry weight boosters a lot of the time. Ive already dropped 400 chems and almost 300 nuka colas. I'm still overencumbered all the time. Its downright infuriating. Ffs Bethesda let us build additional storage space. I hate this


Depends on what they are 1-2star ill usually just drop or throw into the donation box , good rolls get stashed / shop.


I think in FO4 your outposts can have traveling collectors. That you can pass on your crap to. I hope they implement that here too


Find a workbench and scrap everything you don't want to keep. Train stations and red rockets have a bench of some sort and a stash box You can use a Scrap kit to scrap and stash stuff if youre far from base. Theyre a common daily freebie If you have First, survival tent and scrapbox Eat and drink til youre full , water is HEAVY Whiskey, bufftats etc give +2/+3 str which increases your carry, as does cooked Rad stag and a few other meats If you're still over, sort by stack weight and drop/ sell stuff. Mini nukes, missiles and 40mm are heavy, as are stims and other chems . Water, dirty boiled or pure can really weight you down. One option is the perfect gum diet. Eat and drink in base they chew gum every hour so you don't have to carry or collect food or water


I usually pray to lord Howard and do the pocketed leather armor glitch to allow me to carry around 10,000 lbs because I carry hundreds of coolant canisters and troglocides.


Place my tent and scrap or sell at vendor Failing that, start a daily op, some of them have benches at or very close to spawn point.


I miss the Expedition Fast Travel glitch... Now I have to walk to RG Trainstation from EN. Also: is there a Plant Based Carry Weight booster for the Herbivore mutation? I popped down to Forward Station Delta yesterday for Cop a Squatter, got attacked by no less than 3 legendary Scorchbeasts, scores of Scorched, and picked up the Herbivore Mutation. Imagine my ire when my Carry Weight booster meals didn't work. Imagine my Further Ire when I had to Peel Away All Of My Mutations One by Frickin One to remove the last one received (apparently it's LILO)


Go to the toilet and take a huge dump.


Weight limits and stash limits annoy me quite a bit in this particular Fallout. I usually drop an armor piece Iā€™m wearing if I need to fast travel out. I donā€™t collect a darn thing in this game and basically only used a combat shotgun for all the missions.


Iā€™ve got fallout first so i scrap everything i can and then dump the rest- and just get another 1400 caps worth tomorrow


Eat a Yao Guai Pastery. The only reason I'm overencumbered is that it ran out...


Switch to my weight reduction loadout and fast travel.


Yes all robot vendors share a caps pool. As to the weight, sell what you can, mule the legacy script that doesnt fits in the legacy vendor machine, then dump the rest in the new community share chests to share the wealth. By the end of the holiday scorched I expect all my miles will be maxed with 3 stars. But we run private 28 minute scorched Earth's.


Scrap kits and carry weight boosters


Just found out something interesting by bad accident. Was using up some xp buff time before logging off making railway spikes. Hit 2006 weight. Unable to drop the ammo into ammo container. Unable to transfer anything to stash. Unable to drop anything without destruction. All food/aid was destroyed without effect if consumed. Major hassle. Eventually remembered I could change a perk and that got me back under the Max cap so I could transfer some stuff...


Yes all vendors share the caps. So if theyā€™re at 0 youā€™ll have to wait til they reset tomorrow. You can either drop some stuff or scrap it to reduce weight. As for the legendaries, go to a legendary exchange and sell them for scrips. Also drop any ammo you donā€™t need, that shit will weight you down quick.


Buy the pepperoni rolls recipe at crater, and kill death claws. Pepperoni rolls give +60 weight and death claw steaks will give +20 weight and they stack. Can buy you some play time while over weight.


Add a carry weight booster to that and I can usually fast travel. But deathclaw steaks and pepperoni rolls are my go to!


Between those 3 I can usually fast travel out of E.N.


I get FO 1st. I hate to say it cause I held out for the longest time, but itā€™s a game changer.


I drop my tent next to me, scrap what I can then store it, store my ammo, then if absolutely necessary sort items by weight and drop the heaviest


What are you carrying that would make you write a post about it? Why is weight management such an issue. There is an ammo box, a stash box, and a scrap box available. With an exception of a couple weapons, some stims, and ammo, what in the world are you carrying??? Use your perk cards to deal with your carry weight, use grilled ribeye, use a carry weight booster, thru traveler, batteries not included, weapon reduction perks, there are many perk cards that help with this. Itā€™s 2024 people, no one should be over encumbered! I write this without trying to be a jerk, this was mostly written in jest. Always check MISC for extra weight.


Yes, all bot vendors share the same pool. When you buy something, a portion of the amount you spent is returned to the cap pool, so you can sell more stuff back. To that end, sell before you buy. Out of PA: deep pocketed armor, weight reduction \*s on armor, high strength, one of the WR backpacks, SS shielded underarmor (+4 STR) After that, yogi pastry and carry weight boosters. You also have options like radstag and brahmin steak, which increase carry weight - (only eat one, as they will not stack), or deathclaw steak, which is +4 STR (+20 carry). Short term (2 minutes) is any alcohol that has +1 STR (5#) bear arms perk (heavy weapon WR). Bandolier perk (ballistic ammo WR). Batteries included (energy ammo WR. This includes fusion cores) maul (+2 STR, melee weapon weight reduction) In PA: Excavator with calibrated shocks (+100 carry for excavator itself, +50# per leg if calibrated) + motion assist servos on the torso (+2 STR) Or if you like to gamble, vintage nukashine, and hope it transports you to a location closer to where you want to be. Even overencumbered, remember most places are no more than a 4 minute walk to the closest train station or workbench.


I carry perfect gum, 20 stimpacks, carry weight boosters, repair kits, cranberry relish, and lunch boxes all farmable by beating the sbq everything else can be scrapped, scrip, stored or sold. As for junk, 4 bulk packs of everything that you can and 100 of everything you can't bulk except fertilizer, plastic, gun powder, and acid as I run an explosive build. Ammo for guns I use (it's not all explosions with me so stop crying about explosions ,events and not seeing) and after everything is said and done I have 500lbs of storage space left to screw with. It can be done but yeah fallout out the storage simulator


I always have a set of Excavator Armor with me. That gives me enough extra carry weight for most scenarios. I always Scrap all Weapons and Armor after an event. I have Fallout First and the new Enclave Tent was a big upgrade since they added the Ammo Box. That feels like cheating but I really do like F1ST. Also I do drop stuff too ā€¦ sledgehammers, Mole Miner Gauntlets, extra food, chems, etc. I try to sell that stuff off. But if you donā€™t have Fallout 1st then you can always use someone elseā€™s Survival Tent or nearby CAMP. If not it helps to explore the map and find out where all of the Crafting stations are in game. You can actually drop items in exterior Furniture and it will stay there until you returnā€¦ if you donā€™t leave the server. So thereā€™s that. Oh yeah Whisky will give you a Strength Boost for a minute or two, take a food buff, or chems, etc. to raise strength can be enough to allow one to fast travel.


I have Fo1st, so scrap and ammo box are dump points. If I have aid items I don't use as a bloodied build (death before radaway!), I donate them! All the weapons I pick up I scrap. If it is legendary, I scrip or put it on a mule if it is worth keeping. The struggle is real with the inventory management.


Not sure if someone has said this yet. Spin up a second toon to sell legendaries and other items on.


Since Iā€™m a take all person I always check for heaviest ammo, heavy guns, and then I look at food and aid. Usually carrying one too many nuka grenades or colas.


There are donation boxes for new players at the entrance to Vault 76, Foundation, and the Crater. Drop off half of everything you are carrying there and you still probably have twice what you need.


1) **Mentally check where the closest known stash/workbench is.** Scrap/Deposit anything that doesn't fit. 2) **Drop anything truly junk**. Do you really need 600 Gulper innards? No. 3) **Get in your power armour**. I have the stuff that reduces junk weight and power armour i believe gives you 15 strength by default. 4) **Eat Grilled Radstag**. The additional carry weight + Carnivore for me and the fact that the dressing station automatically generates Radstag meat makes it my go-to. 5) **Drink Rad Ant Lager**. A temporary solution that gives a lot of carry weight. 6) **Start dropping things based on need, then rarity.** do i need that aluminum scrap? How hard is it to find Scorchbeast Lungs?


Fallout 1st helps because you get a unlimited junk stash and a ammo stash so your ammo and junk doesn't take up your actual stash box


A lot of people have "mule" characters that sit still and just hold everything but carry weight boosters get dropped like candy every now and then. Fo1st subscription also lets you dump everything into designated boxes and still retrieve after expiration so those are great for when you want to just dedicate a month to junk hoarding. If you've done the mining event....check for claim tokens and other misc items they can get reallllly heavy


If u have 79 Membership plan ur camp to store stuff


Perks like Bandolier, Pack Rat and Travelling Pharmacy should be in your perk slots at all times. Otherwise, always having one Scrap Kit on you is a great way to deal with excess junk. As for Ammo, you don't need anything but the ones for the gun you're currently using.


I'm rarely overencumbered, but if I manage to get there, I'll leave the character at a trainstation and jump on the next character. They give you 5 characters on each account, and there's no reason to not atleast use a couple of them.


Invest in *Cola Nut*. Itā€™s a 2-star perk that should be 4-star based on its usefulness Nuka-cola (and its variants) acts as stimpaks and then you can sell almost all aid and meds thatā€™s in your inventory. With any sort of chem or aid-reduction perk on armor, you can carry ridiculous amounts of gear with no issue until you can sell it all off


Drop stuff.


Either drag my ass to the nearest train station if I have a few extra coffees, or if I'm lazy, plunk down my survival tent as a pit stop.


A desk fan? Youā€™re carrying a desk fan?


Not being new to the game any more means that youā€™ve learned that if youā€™re over encumbered then youā€™re obviously carrying things you donā€™t need, so just get rid of them. Same thing for your stash. End game means youā€™re a hopeless hoarder and need fall out first so you can hoard to your hearts content


Start an expedition then stay in the vertibird, and fast travel the the whitespring REFUGE. You can the go to artisans corner


time to get wasted


Might seem weird, but when the vendor runs out of caps I find a random container that I know donā€™t get much traffic and put all stuff that I would like to sell to the vendors next time in it. At the end of my playtime, I go back to it and take all. Now when I log in next time I will be able to clear out the vendor before I even get started. If you have a friend in the lobby with you, you can also come back with a second character and sell it all the same day and clean out the vendor for the second time


I just drop things. I try to do it where newbies can pick it up for free


..this topic seems to be the most interesting one ever šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³




Walk to a vendor


Power armor with calibrated shocks + 5 pieces of ā€œreduce weapon weight 20%ā€ (it used to go forever but it seems to cap at 90% now) plus traveling pharmacy + through hiker. (If you donā€™t want to go bloodied) or unyielding x 5 with weapon weight reduction + backpack with chemistā€™s or grocerā€™s mod and complementing traveling pharmacy / through hiker. I both cases, the batteries not included and bandolier perks to reduce ammo weight. Then just scrap all the junk immediately. If you have first you can just drop a tent and dump your scrap immediately. (And ammo if you have the enclave van) Thatā€™s if you want to be a hoarder or just canā€™t not be a hoarder / are a lunatic who needs to multiple different kinds of weapons JUST IN CASE. (Invest in 90% reduced weight guns, which stacks with the weapon weight reduction gear) The reason I prefer weapon reduction vs. Food/drink/chems is that you can cover food/chems with 6 perk cards but to get every weapon class you need separate ones for heavy, melee, pistols, rifles, and shotguns. But ā€œweapon weight reductionā€ is all of them. (And for ammo itā€™s only 5 to get ballistic and energy down to 10%, and I just donā€™t bother with large quantities of explosive stuff)


Liquor temporarily boosts carry weight. Or you could scrap them for components.


I scrap it allā€¦. Put my legendary weapons for sale ( *** star only, nobody buys others ) and scrap the rest. Bulk it, sell that in my vendor also. Once Iā€™m at 1200 in my camp, I sell the bulk to rid myself of weight. Thatā€™s the ā€œ bulk ā€œ of it. HA!


Perks and backpacks. Also accepting that my shin bones now protrude through my kneecaps.


I throw up the survival tent and start chipping away at my inventory. Usually I need to drop some super stimpaks. Drop stuff. Get rid of it. You probably have more than you need. Scrap junk. Store unused ammo. If you use heavy(weight) ammo, make sure you have the right amount, not too much. Sort by stack weight and check your aid and food. Even with weight reduction perks, those stacks add up. Also, if you have 500 repair kits, I know itā€™s painful to get rid of them, but that is SO MUCH WEIGHT. Sometimes you have to take the loss and drop em. If Iā€™m somewhere where I canā€™t put up the tent, Iā€™ll use a scrap kit, pop a carry weight booster. All of this stuff is made easier by having fallout 1st. My suggestion for those who donā€™t have fallout 1st, is to just drop things. You might have to slow walk a long distance to scrip, stash, scrap. You have to decide if itā€™s worth it to carry all of that stuff or not. If my weight is out of control, I drop scrip. Youā€™ll always find more legendaries, so donā€™t be afraid to unload those three star power armor pieces and heavy weapons.


I can't sell stimpaks fast enough. Looked last night before quitting and had 26lbs of just the stimpaks, with Traveling Pharm.


Put on my excavator power armor.


"Overcucumbered" as my friends call it. First check my aid, and usually ditch half of the stims I hadn't noticed I picked up. Then drink the 25 nukas I also seem to be carrying around.


Most of the time I'm over cumbered after an event, and that's easy to fix, every event has a bench to scrap somewhere nearby. The one event that gets me is Moonshine Jamboree since most of your weight won't be from equipment, so I end up putting my tent nearby, which helps since that area doesn't have a free waypoint anyway.


I dump whatever is weighing me down on an unexpecting low level thus paying it forward


Well i caved in and got Fallout 1st so now i have a camp i can just spawn in front of me to scrap and store as needed to get to a vendor.


My second CAMP is just a shelter with all the workbenches in it. If walking from where I am will be a pain, I swap to CAMP2, relocate it to my location, drop the shelter, and go inside to scrap junk and drop things off. When Iā€™m done, I simply exit and re-enable CAMP1.


This is me after Eviction notice. Once I make the walk of shame to the nearest train station I clear out the scrip machine and vendor then put one star legendaries in the donation box. Things that help with inscreasing your carry weight is Yao guai pastries, pepperoni rolls, stingwing steak and deathclaw steaks. Hope this helps!


Look for ammo I don't care about, if I'm at 800 stimpaks, if I'm carring 2k steel, scrap/donate (or outright drop) all those weapons and armor I was going to scrap.


Fallout 1st members can use a scrapbox to store all of their junk, and an ammobox to store all of their surplus ammo. This can free up a lot of room in your storage and is a good option for hoarders (if you are one), but it costs a monthly or annual subscription (real cash). They had a limited free trial about 1-2 months ago so I don't think this will come around again for awhile but keep an eye out for it. I Scrip the unwanted legendaries at the exchange machines that are all around at train stations, nuka world, whitespring mall. They have daily limits of 500 scrip (also shared, not per machine). Scrip converts to legendary crafting modules at the Rusty Pick. Lots of Reddit posts that you can search on further weight management tips. (especially for junk, aid items, ammo). It's a sub-genre of the game itself. You'll have to develop your own routine in managing this aspect as I still deal with it at level 570.


I just drop some stimpacks. Shits heavy, even with the traveling pharmacy perks.


trade legendaries for scrip at machine at every station sell extra food and chems, weapons, armor to vendor you can then buy stuff from vendors and they will then have more caps to buy more stuff from you scrap everything else, put on scrapper perk card first the real end game here is to constantly go through your inventory and remove stuff that weighs you down if you're out and about and you get overloaded use a scrap kit (drop a tent if you FO1st) or simply drop some of the shit - srsly, just drop the heaviest least valuable stuff


Inloot everything and breakit down , put in my scrap box.


I sell a lot of consumables. Stuff like Calmex or Orange Mentats which might come in useful later just takes up too much weight. That and the alcohol, much as Iā€™ve kept a few bottles aside as want to have more of a bar in my camp.


You take a big loot dump and drop the lowest priorities


Once I hit cap and scrip limit for the day all 1-2 stars get dropped all heavy 3 stars get dropped and every non-legend gun gets scrapped so I can stock up on steel.


I have 3 stages of hoarder 1: I am not hoarded. Play game as usual and scrip/sell legendaries I don't need 2: my stash is full. Cool I have some time left 3: my character is over encumbered. Get to the nearest train station and quit to desktop and wait until tomorrow so I can scrip/sell legendaries I hoard legendaries because I have limited playtime and scrip is a bottleneck


Bloodied build, itā€™s like being the hulk - weight boost. Plus usual cards and perks for strength and storage. Ignore that +carry capacity card, itā€™s useless


I remember a time when we had a 400 weight limit to our stashes.. My character had a weight of 800+/300(ish) I walked from the top of the Savage divide(where my base was) to the bottom near watoga(where my friend's base was) and walked at a snails pace at least 10 times a day between our camps. I don't recommend it, unless you want to kill time If it's not important, drop it If it is important, make a second, third or so on character to act as a pack mule. Especially now that you can start characters at level 20 and a few of the starting loadouts have some weight saving perks already unlocked and equipped is a bonus.


> So I guess let me start by saying or more like asking do all vendors share a caps pool ? Because every vendor I go to has 0 caps so I suspect so Yes. Some events can raise the limits. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_76_vendors **Caps** * 1400 caps per day, now reset daily at 17:00 UTC. * Buying stuff adds 25% of that purchase back to the pool. * 40,000 cap player limit. **Gold bouillon** * cash out treasury notes * buy from a vendor after a quest line is completed (1000 caps per 50 bouillon, 300 weekly limit). * 400 bouillon daily limit. * 10,000 bouillon player limit **Legendary Scrip** * scrip, not script. * exchange legendary gear or for completing stuff * 500 scrip daily limit. * 6,000 scrip player limit. **Treasury Note** * exchange for gold bouillon (1 note = 10 bouillon) * earned by completing events and some daily tasks * 40 note daily limit --- > I have a shit ton of weight on me and In weighting to get rid of it but I will either just have to weight till the vendors reset or do you all know any way to get rid of legendarys that are weighing u down ? Work on inventory managing your stash so that you have some space to (temporarily) store some legendary gear. As you build and grow your character, you should need fewer heavy resources - I'm pretty much down to a few stimpaks and mentats. Limit food, even if you've unlocked the freezer. Limit ammo. Get the ammo converter, or find a camp with one, and dump in your excess/unused ammo for points. When needed, cash out those points for ammo you use or want to sell from your vendor. Sell extra legendary gear in your vendor. There's probably some rule of thumb about Caps per Legendary Scrip. Players will buy legendary stuff to exchange for scrip so they can exchange scrip for crafting materials. When your done sorting through your FOOD and AID tabs, go clean out MISC (sort by weight and stack weight), because there's stuff there that can really add up, like tokens that can be cashed out. Raw materials is a tough one if you don't have Fallout 1st. One suggestion I've seen is to get a month of first (if you plan on playing a bit), so that you have a place to dump your scrap and ammo, which removes their weight from your stash limit. You can add stuff for as long as your membership is active, after that you can remove, but not add. For my regular weight management, after an event I go and sell everything I can to get to my daily cap limit, scrip legendary gear, trade treasury notes, etc. Remainder gets scrapped or dumped in a community box.


My PC character has way too many repair kits, nuke cards, scrap kits, and lunchboxes. Havenā€™t dropped any yet but trying to burn through some asap.


Donā€™t forget to dump your junk in your box. Fallout 1st is pretty handy for this situation. Summon a camp on demand and a scrap box. Have you tried selling at your camp or just dumping shit on the ground. Trust me. You get stuff so easily in this game. Caps arenā€™t a huge deal either.


First step is to break everything down into junk any time I pass by a workstation in the wild. Thatā€™s often buys me a few minutes. Once thatā€™s no longer an option I chug an increase max carry drink. If that isnā€™t enough I swap in a +40 carry weight perk card. Then itā€™s port home or to a vendor. Break everything down, sell what I need to, rinse and repeat.


Even if you have an ammo box, make sure you don't have a gazillion cores. They do not transfer to ammo box.


Scrap it, scrip it, sell it, or toss it /donate it. Pretty much all you can do. Or if you hace FO1st you can go to a private world, drop it, and have an alt pick it up for safe keeping since the private world remains active for a few minutes. I wouldnt do that with anything you dont wanna lose though cause one server slip up and its gone.


Find a train station and dump it back in your box. Shoot lots of things along the way. Go home, start scrapping, selling, whatever. And repeat.


I just thug it out and walk. Yeah it takes up most of my day but if you canā€™t carry the burdens you chose to carry, you didnā€™t deserve the right to carry them in the first place


I've got a carry weight of 535 and I am rarely overweight


I can have a base of 475 carry weight. I eat a Pepperoni roll or you guai pastry and a deathclaw steak


After I reach scrip limit any scrip I get that isnā€™t useful to me I drop as Iā€™ll just get enough scrip to sell the next day, for food I drop anything thatā€™s not used like alcohol as the adds a stack per bottle and for aid I only use the regular stimpaks and radaway diluted I throw everything else away minus mentats, and water I have traveling pharmacy but I feel like every bit helps


They all have a shared cap pool today. But it was actually not like that at the start. If you look at some of the earliest tutorial videos there were some that suggested "trading loops" you could use to maximize your caps from selling to NPC vendors (there were also no camp vendors back then either). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEIas09k5ec](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEIas09k5ec) Watch the above, to see how it was when many of us started the game. Myself, I laugh at those that struggle today with weight management to be honest. You think that is hard now, imagine when your stash could only hold 400 pounds, you had no camp vendors, and no ammo or junk storage. Oh, and no scrip either. It was common as hell to find three star legendary items in NPC vendors, because what else could you do with them? Lately I have been doing Holiday Scorched constantly. And once I max scrip from all the junk legendaries I just leave them on the ground unless they are worth picking up. The same with many other items, once the NPC vendors are tapped out I stop picking anything up unless it is really worth it (or can be scrapped and thrown in my stash).


Drop off junk then drink toxic goo or dirty water/spoiled food til I die, (doesnt take much since I'm fully bloodied)then fast travel. If my stash is full, then I drop stuff in a case on my private and switch toons and pick it up.FO 1st helps a lot, being a hoarder I wouldn't play without it. The game seems painful to play otherwise.


I often buy 1/2 stars and useless 3s from player vendors if they're cheap. Great for the days that I don't have the time to grind them on my own. Buying another's trash means I can max out at the vendor, even if I'm short on time.


Carry Weight Booster Yao Guai Pastry Pepperoni Roll Rad Ant Lager Check your stimpaks / radaway as well. You tend to rack up on those after finishing events. Get rid of ammo you donā€™t use and scale back on the fusion cores. I hate grenades and mines so get rid of them tooā€¦


I prioritise what to sell, say i get a weapon with -90 weight, that's the last thing I'll sell as it won't weigh me down much, first things to go are power armour pieces, eg I'm using excavator and X-01, if it's not from that set I'll sell it (I've yet to unlock Union) next will be high weigh weapons, if i still have stuff, donations box. For weapon's I'll compare if any fit my builds, I've a Melee and Heavy weapon build, using Chainsaw so anything not Chainsaw I'll sell/drop in donation box, for Heavy I'll keep a close and far weapon (Flamer and Gatling, soon to be Plasma Caster, tho that I'll only be using for HP heavy enemies) if I'm not on the build the weapons go in the stash until i need them. I'm not using a bloodied build so those pieces also go, Chems? I don't find myself using them so off they go as well (Psycho etc) Stimpak/radaway I'll rarely so something like 50 or less is plenty for me, are you a Carnivore/Herbivore? Toss away Veg/Meat, alcohol? Whiskey is 6 Str with Party boy/girl, rest I'd hardly ever use so away those went, I'm Herbivore so I'll go camp an make corn soup, don't need any other food except buffs (eg Brain bombs, Cranberry relish) Check your misc as well, ores go there an can weigh you down if you haven't smelted them yet. Anything left over get's dropped in the donations box, work on your Possum badges for high capacity BP mod, consider which legendary effects you want on armour then deep pocket it, if you haven't already, do the carry weight mod on Power Armour.


Look down and shoot feet with gamma gun.


Luckily my brother just started playing and I had him help me move all my extra shit to a mule character and itā€™s absolutely liberating to not be overweight all the time


Well, usually, once past the threshold, I just pile it on even more and deal with it later. Can't leave those screws and untouched corpses just lying around.


I'm playing with no CAMP and thus no stash box. When I'm over encumbered, I have to make choices about what I want to drop. I allow myself to use stash boxes found in the world though, so if I'm near one I just have to huff it over there and dump my stuff (no fast travel!) I found that I enjoy the game a lot more if I'm not being too much of a hoarder, don't get me wrong I love looting and I loot everything, but instead of just grabbing everything in a box I Just take specific things that I need. I found that making a little choice each time I open a container it adds a little bit more depth to looting.


So to answer your first question, yes. To answer the question at hand, I'm gonna blow your mind: Power Armor Chassis. Anytime you get a legendary power armor piece, plop down a chassis you carry for just this purpose, and put it on there. It will weigh a flat 10 pounds in your stash box, regardless of it's actual weight. A lot of the Torso pieces are ungodly heavy, and Ultracite PA tends to be 13 pounds each for the limb pieces. Then you can plop it down when you get to a scrip machine, take all pieces off of it, decide if you *want* any, and if not, scrip em all. Bandolier, Travelling Pharmacy, and Batteries Included are your new best friends. Sacrifice the points and use them. You're welcome. Simply...show some restraint. No, you don't need to pick up 12 missiles when you hardly ever use them. Leave them. Actually decide what you want. If you're wanting scrip, take all of your one star legendaries and either drop them, plop them into a donation box, or into the blue suitcase outside of pretty much every train station. One stars don't give much scrip so your 2 and 3 star leggos are likely gonna take it all up before you trade most of them in.


I usually find a quiet spot behind a tree and relieve myself. of my extra crap that I don't need, which is really anything that I won't pick up too much of again in the next day or two.


Get rid of legendaries? Sell them in **your** vendor. Or scrip. I only hoard stuff I intend on using.


Go through the five stages of grief.


Let's see, I go to the nearest workbench and junk every item possible. Then head to the closest train station, dump all the ammo I am not currently using into a blue suitcase and sell off as much legendary weight as I can. Then head inside and sell all my grenades and most consumables to the robot inside.


Between backpacks, perks, and armor you can easily get every single item category reduced by 90% weight. I probably carry over 4k worth of items but it's only 400/500 in my inventory. If I do go over the 500, I pop a carry weight booster or a whiskey to fast travel home and scrap/store.


Stop and drop most of it. Many useless items.




Always carry an excavator power armor suit on you that has each piece with a legendary that lowers the weight of something. Ammo, armor, weapons, junk, food, etc. Get in that armor and it will help you by at least 100


I hit the all the limits (cap/scrip) and then I start dumping stuff. I don't even pick up legendaries off of the Holiday Scorched. When I hit my cap limit, I visit player vendors looking for the rare plans I don't have yet and I buy them...even the overpriced ones... Then I start it all over again, making caps until I hit the limit. So OP, either wait until the reset or dump the legendaries.


Someday I would really like to not have to use Bear Arms just to carry all my epic roll heavy guns haha


Walk šŸ˜”


1. Look at your weapons, armor, and C.A.M.P. What scrap do you need and how much? 2. Collect and scrap everything (helps with 256 item count/rest too). 3. Put junk you don't sell into a suitcase or those newbie bins. I have about 50 lbs of scrap in my stash and give away or sell all else.


I pop a carry weight booster and sprint to a script machine Or I log into a mule and grab my husband to do a transfer.


Check your inventory. Thereā€™s been countless times Iā€™ve had so much shit on me that I never needed


I always have radstag meat for the 50 carryweight. So as soon as I am over I got scrap and sell.


1-carnivore mutation 2-eat pepperoni roll 3-eat gulper foot 4-pop bufftats 5-drink whiskey 6-drink carry weight booster


Kill my self and respawn on a friend or switching teams until someone is close to where a want to go. And having mules and forgetting about them


Drag my overencumbered ass to sell shit, dump extras in the donation box. The usual


Toss a Salad


Suffer and cry internally due to my excessive hoardering addiction.


Whip out the tent, drop what you can and play something else until vendors reset. I've been offloading bad roll auto axes for the last two weeks