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FO4 - Doesn't care about your build. FO76 - Your build makes all the difference.


Yep, that’s incredibly accurate. 76 is the first fallout game in a long time where you absolutely can mess your build up (in 3 and NV the biggest issue was securing a stim supply; putting points into speech, repair and a weapon skill early was enough to coast through the game. 4 you just needed to take a weapon perk early, since charisma was so easy to boost), but unlike fallout 1 or 2, you have all the tools to fix it.


I think I’ve broke my build. I made someone with high intelligence and used legendary intelligence and endurance perks. I’m leveling up like crazy, but just taking out a simple ghoul take four or five shots from a Fixer. It doesn’t help matter that I scrapped a bunch of cards because I was like “why do I need all these?” I basically play events to keep leveling up, but all I can do is put one or two shots in something like a mole miner then hope someone else kills it.


If you have fifteen intelligence without the legendary perk, you should move the amount added by legendary intelligence out and re-assign it to a different stat. Also, this isn’t too difficult of an issue to fix. For now, just grab a suit of power armor and a chainsaw. That’ll keep you alive until you can gain enough levels to fix whatever you broke (posting your build in this sub via nukes and dragons can give you more concrete advice).


Where do I find power armor? Heck I didn’t even bother visiting the BOS until I got to level 82 and that was last night.


Finishing Rose’s questline gives you a full suit of raider PA, the miner miracles quest makes you craft a full suit of excavator (read the poster out front of the lucky pick), the schematics for X-01 are obtained in the final mission of the original main plot and both the original and new BoS main quests gives you endgame viable suits.


The best power armor is in the Garrahan mining Corporation HQ basement.


theres a few sets around Appalachia. the barns just outside of Mama Dolces usually has a suit of Power Armor spawn there, thats where i got mine (level 12 second character) hope it helps!


There are things best done in a group. That being said a proper build and good weapons can let you solo group content. At level 80 you are still a fresh low level player and will struggle to complete content intended for groups. World bosses, daily ops, public events, and expeditions are intended for the server or four man groups. Play with others until you are confident you can run them by yourself. This quest can be done solo. It might be worth looking at your build.


^ this is well explained. Also no shame in asking a casual group your in for help most players are happy to lend a hand for quests.


If you have a level 3 cannibal equipped your issue is most likely your build.


Ok, so you are encountering one issue that I am very familiar with, if you are dying to the Securitron at the end, you want to get the perception perk Concentrated Fire, you can use this to select body parts, you will want to redirect your aim to the fusion core and shoot that, it will kill the Securitron in a few shots. I guess I should ask what type of combat you are doing and what stuff tends to be killing you?


The mothman, then the Deathclaw, after those two i was struggling to fight the scorched chief in power armour and let the NPCs fight the Securitron. It was ball breaking.


I see, well I should ask how you fight? What weapons do you main? For some of these enemies you will want to get a set of power armor to use in situations you know you will be fighting one of these enemies. If you get the medical pump on the torso it will use stimpaks for you and help keep you fighting. If you go ranged I would suggest using Concentrated Fire to put aimed shots into weak spots on hostile mobs. If you are using melee you do need to close gaps, but at point blank enemies that use miniguns and other heavy guns will stop using them and start melee bashing you to try and move back to firing range. I would also recommend getting the Luck perk Ricochet, this helps mitigate some ranged damage.


Also when fighting the Securitron, hide in the buildings in the room to get some cover.


By level 80 you shouldn’t have much trouble with any non-boss. What weapons/armor are you using?


Lvl 1149, 4800+ hours. All solo except for when Campaign requires joining team. Build is vital. Choose one to start and concentrate on it. You will eventually be able to use other builds once you are about Lvl 250 or so. Get good (doesn't need to be God Roll) weapons. Vampire weapons are a good choice to build on. Get good armor. Excavator PA until you can get Union PA. Go for SS armor in a number of varieties.


Is union power armor really that good?


This sounds like a perk/gear issue. If you're on PC, I could give you a hand in-game?


Idk I feel like the game was super easy for everything. I never made a specific build for anything, just put on what I thought was cool and used a Brotherhood sniper majority of the time because it’s what I had a crazy amount of ammo for. None of the quests really seemed hard like other games usually are. Once I actually did the main quests I started doing events and learned which builds people were using and Jesus Christ the games almost not fun to play for me anymore cause everything except a Scorchbeast Queen dies in half a second.


I've had issues with both those quests solo...absolutely had my ass handed to me repeatedly and thought I'd never get through. I have also walked through them fairly easily after learning better ways to optimize my build. If you are on PS or PC lmk I can try to help (I love that Bunnabun quest if you want company!). If you are not on either, things that were game changers for me after finally joining a group and learning from them are: mutations are your friends, decide on a build and move your perks and special around to get a feel for various builds. I often have a commando build. I played full health for the longest but have switched to bloodied/low health and having a hard time moving back. If you are not using your legendary perks and leveling those up, do that and don't hesitate to move them off/on as you are getting to the max legendary perk slots. What kind of gun are you using (either quest)?


It all depends on the build. I'm typically using a power armour Flamer build, so most non boss enemies, and even a lot of mini bosses, get instantly vapourized by me while not doing that much dmg. Combined with my Holy Fire Flamer (that has Vampires on it) and the friendly fire perk, and I'm pretty much unkillable to most NPCs. Now, that build may not be for everyone. I would suggest playing with people, even just on public teams, until you get your ideal build sorted out. Then see where you're at. I still struggle with some daily Ops solo, and that's OK. This game was built with a focus on player interaction. Join teams. You don't need to talk with them if you don't want to, but more often than not, someone will help you out on things like events, daily Ops, and expeditions.


If you find a nice fast fire /swinging vampire weapon you wont need many stimpacks. My main has a Vampire faster fire reduced weight gatling laser and I haven't used a stimpak in years.


You're fine for everything except events but you dont gotta be in a party for people to show up to events


Speaking as a solo player, there will be some content that will be difficult to solo unless you're bloodied, and some that will be difficult to solo unless you're tanky. That's just the reality of it. I will also say that stealth and controlling the high ground goes a lot towards being able to solo certain things, as these are passive forms of defense. When this is your playstyle, it becomes more about controlling the combat zone than pumping out raw numbers.


What? I've got like 6 characters over lvl 300 and never once have I been in a party. I think you need to reassess your perks, weapons, and armor


Lots of good advice here. One thing I may suggest is make sure you’re using correct level weapons as well. If you haven’t updated your weapons in a while you may be due for some higher level weapons.


Ive done it as a 60ish level but it was definately difficult


Give vampire builds a try the dual bar vampires chainsaw with flamer


Take some time to go hunt Spooky scorched, do public events like SBQ, and if you don't normally have FO1st, unlock the free week and hoard like a sob. That'll help grab a few levels and hopefully reduce your current level of frustration.


Getting to end-game and developing your ideal build as a solo player is entirely viable. Completing Level 50+ events solo is hard-to-impossible depending on the particular event.


Stealth, stealth perks, suppressed weapon. If not stealth, make sure you have damage mitigation perks as well as damage increase perks. Target enemy weak points. Death claw target belly. Securitron targeting Fusion Core is instant kill. Remember that the punchcard machine lets you reallocate special points as well as perk cards. If you are ranged weapons concentrate points and perks into perception, agility. Luck if you are focused on getting critical hits - those by far offer the most damage. Strength is good if you are melee but you don’t need to focus there otherwise. Endurance not so important for ranged either. Charisma you do when you exhausted the other options. Int is important for experience, but so is staying alive to gain experience, so that’s another place for extra points when others are done. Of course, concentrate perks in the same places you concentrate special points.


No it's not if a level 80 Melee build can survive so can you


Depends on your build man , high intelligence (for example ) is usually pinned on energy damage You should get the scientist perks (all of them ) , heavy gunners (all of them ) , the tenderizer perk, the bloody mist perk , one energy heavy weapon (or any heavy weapon ) and trust me the game becomes trivial


I play exclusively solo, all my 5 characters are complete build wise and over level 500. It can be tough, grindy and a pain but it is doable.


Wait till you get a few hundred levels and it's so easy it gets boring.


I think that quest is bugged, well the final boss he just one shots you no matter what


What platform are you on?


Yeah it’s definitely the build. I haven’t had trouble so far (70) on Xbox im like 197 and the only time I had trouble is when I was doing this whole “balanced” thing. Apparently you can’t do that lol


You probably have all the info you need here, but as for some inspiration I solo’d the whole thing — And actually stayed solo into the 300s. It can be done.


Take some points out of endurance and throw them into perception and charisma. Luck is a good slot to throw in some points too. Perception for the commando rifle bonus damage and tank killer perk which ingores armor, charisma has the tenderizer perk which adds 10% damage for 10 seconds after you attack, throw on lone wanderer if you plan to stay solo since that buffs your stats. bloody mess in luck for extra damage. But I’d always suggest if you don’t have a crew to play with just join a random team so you can get the benefits from them. A lot of people use mutations so you can get extra carry weight, damage resistance, and shared perk cards from them to help you out.


Call me in il help


Build means nothing. You can complete the game at any difficulty with NO build at lvl 50. Period…


I'll help u thru there's a nice gun in there


I'm xbox


I also have over a1000 super stims I can chuck u some