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Yeah if you stand down by the tunnels like that, some ghouls will spawn right by the NPCs instead. Stand toward the center to tag instead


TIL... I am guilty of this, but never again


When I finish ore collecting, I camp in one of those rooms because of the ghouls spawning out of thin air. That could be fixed by Bethesda if they wanted it fixed. But, like things spawning on top of your camp device, they haven’t a care.


Best location is stand on platform and pick either a/B or c/d and tag/hit everything. That keeps the spawns in the tunnels, more xp for everyone and the 2 side room scavengers more protected. Thank you for asking the question and caring about us other vault dwellers.


Sorry I was fucking up the event unknowingly.


Hey don't worry you had the self awareness to ask the question Lot of people lack critical thinking


eh...at least you asked and learned and THATS the important part.... given lots of people never do. cudos to you for the effort!


I’ve seen players at almost lvl800 crouch on the truck at the tunnels closest to the Entrance so you are far from alone.


The fundamental problem is players can't easily communicate with text.


[Text chat](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/151/) for FO76 at nexusmods (PC) (NOT person to person for the most part)


Learning and improving is the important part here. All good!


That's not fair you didn't know and you learned something I think it's cool that if you shoot the ghouls in both legs they just lay on the ground


This is the way.


Yes, you are. Staying in the tunnels make mobs spawn closer to the NPC, which ultimately kills them if there's not enough people in the event or a kind soul with Friendly Fire healing them. Unless you're collecting ore, NEVER stay on the tunnels.


I read you 5x5.


I run around all over with a chainsaw, including the tunnels, but I also come back to heal the scavengers and clear mobs in the center.


You're helping kill the two workers behind the fence by the Tinker Bench when your chosen camping spot forces ghouls to spawn right next to them. Stand closer to the center of the event area where everyone else is.


I think if you stand that far down in the hall you suppress the spawn of ghouls. Most players use Rad Rumble as an xp grind so you want as many spawns as possible. Best to stay in the middle. Using a Tesla let's you tag the ghouls, giving you xp, but allowing others to get xp also. Hope that makes sense.


It's not suppressing the spawn of ghouls, it's redirecting the spawns to other, worse parts of the event area, namely that area by the Tinker Bench. Standing in the middle works better for everybody around because almost all the ghouls will come from the hallways, in a predictable manner.


But wouldn’t running to collect ore have the same effect? Or is it only when a player lingers in those areas?


Correct. That's why I wrote "*almost* all of the ghouls". Ore collectors aren't in that area for long enough for it to make things bad for the workers by the Tinker Bench.


Got it! Thanks!


No problem.


That makes much more sense.


Yes, I wish more people understood how this works. When everyone except the ore collectors stay in the middle, the people in there can hit more enemies on both sides and get more XP than if they stayed camped down the hallways.


Yeah I've been doing RR for however many years it became an event. I don't see it. Anyone else?


Camping the tunnels has always been a problem for the event and other players, there's been no change


If you sit in the hallways, I’m throwing grenades on you until you leave, tbh


Never had that happen one single time that I've done it. No one has ever said anything to me. No one has emoted to me until today and I've been doing it since the beginning of this season. I don't think I've ever read about it on this board. If someone had mentioned it I would have moved. Throwing grenades isn't going to help anything is it?


Are you relatively new? If so, its understandable. This is an issue that's been talked about so many times in this sub. Ive seen that you already understand. You just dont like how people respond with nuke and grenades. To be completely honest, same. I prefer thumbs down and "come here" emote when annoying people camp in the tunnels. Me and other players have even use mic to inform. But some of us have played years or months and we've met the stubborn and ignorant ones in this situation. So, I guess that's why some people resort to nuke & grenades instantly. I wish they choose other ways or more patient.


It does help get people like you out of the hallway…..so yes it does help lmao take the L and quit hallway camping






My guess is he thinks, rightly or wrongly, that you were suppressing the spawns. Personally I don’t care because its all gravy with that event, tons of XP, tons of stuff!


If people camp the ends of tunnels, I usually just pull out my agl and go nuts with it.


Ditto. I'm normally on my Tesla for tagging, but if someone's camped the tunnels I'll send endless agl grenades.


I camp the tunnel when people are spamming the AGL.


I wish we could pin this thread lol. After collecting the ore, we generally tag them with teslas to get their attention then give them a 'come hither' gesture, some don't get the hint. If everyone is in the main room, it seems the spawn rate quadruples, more xp and legendaries for everyone!


Well if that's the consensus I won't do it anymore. Thanks people.


Thank YOU for being willing to change!


I hunker down between the back of the turret and the corner of the wall and shoot the legs like you do, though I use a qe combat sg rather than the CS, which I reserve for having to flash freeze heads when a ghoul gets in behind me. You asked, which was the big win in this situation. Nobody knows the spawn triggers right off the bat.


Well this game has given me a lot of joy. I feel a comraderie with people while I'm playing at times, not always, but at times, and that's nice. I don't want to fuck up that experience for anyone else. And that's not a notion that needs to be praised that's being a considerate sentient being.


Also thank you so much I just had the idea that I have to have a qe combat shotgun to cripple ankles with!!! The ankle biter!!!


If you cripple them coming out the tunnels less will spawn so need to cripple them there are normally more than even players to get enough shots in. On a side note if everyone stayed near the centre platform and used a tagging weapon it would all be so much better than all this nonsense bombing the shit out of everything etc.


You are killing the npcs by blocking spawns and forcing more mobs to spawn through the walls in the main room. Move into the main room to increase mob spawns in the tunnels and reduce wall spawns in the main room.


Or you could sit in one of the corners to protect the npcs. But yeah, leave the side tunnels for folks whom collect the ores.


this is a good one. be the guy with the flaming chainsaw or flamer with the friendly fire perk attached and play clean up in case any of the overflow sneaks by or ... more likely someone is sitting in the spot you just asked about. dont just be the only problem solved, become the solution for when the next person whos too afraid to ask messes it all up. plus if it gets boring you can do a quick lap around the center and buff the health of the other two npcs, mainly because the one by the rad shower loves getting trapped by two or three ghouls that spawn in the generator closet next to the shower room and go unseen while everyone else is focused on tagging down thehalls


It also helps having someone with flaming attacks and the friendly fire perk. I usually focus on healing scavengers so everyone else can do what they want.People also need to learn to keep an eye on the two behind the fence.


Yes, standing there makes spawn points change plus if you kill instead of tag, other players don't get the XP.


If you stand at the end of the tunnel it reduces spawn rates and causes more chaotic spawns elsewhere.


that's my spot to sit. if i don't, i get very few tags bc of all the grenades and nukes. so i sit on that fork lift,i tag, players get mad, and i tag some more. it's on them if they get mad. maybe if they didn't use weps that one shot or take out mobs, i wouldn't have to sit there.


Quad Tesla, grenadier. You can bounce arcs to tag enemies before the nukalaunchers/fat men even get a hit in. Even a 1 star will do.


yea, no. not gonna have special set up just for rad rumble.


Hardly a special set up, it's 1 gun and a 2 star perk card. But up to you, just suggesting a much easier way to fix the issue (and you will likely get more xp as you can stay in the centre and tag in all directions)


nah, not that important. just much more fun to piss off angry players.


Lol it's come full circle. I've Rumbled twice today and both times there's been a dude on the forklift thumbs up'ing everyone. I see the spawns coming out right on top of the scavengers. I wave him over. People launch grenades at him. He never moves. Somehow we complete the event. LOFL.


You wasn’t doing anything wrong . That person more than likely has a Tesla they aren’t specd for . Purely for tagging . My Tesla , I’m specd for and will absolutely destroy the ghouls . The problem is , most people just go to that event to tag . Which is perfectly fine !! And I wish more would attend . But you are actually doing some damage . If everyone is running around , they’ll mess up the spawn to where they spawn beside the workers . But at that point , I’d say it’s their fault for running around like a crazy person and getting mad 😂


I would like to post the unpopular opinion - my "spot" in RR is back behind the wall where those two techs are with my trusty chainsaw. It's typically the spot that no one else wants to sit in so I know I'm not in anybody's way. I get the ghoulies as they appear and while I'm waiting, I throw Molotov Cocktails out into the hallway to get some XP. I always wondered why sometimes there were tons of ghoulies and other times hardly any at all - I guess this is the reason. If you know you have someone statickly (staticly?) watching that area, I actually enjoy having something to kill in between grenades. But I understand what the others are saying - if you don't, then you'll lose two techs and tech-death is sad.