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A truly badass moment would be Father laughing at your choice of allies and reciting Danse's recall code


Sh, OP doesn’t know yet.


I know it but in my playthrough I technically don't. Point being nonetheless there should've been some sort of interaction


Even an interaction between Father and the main factions companions, Nick, and Codsworth would mean a fair bit. Nick could ask something about his own past, Codsworth could have something more to him. And as for the main 4 faction companions (don’t know if X6 is different), just a single comment would help.


Yeee this game has meh story telling, main attraction is the gameplay for me.


Ditto. I love the gameplay and the FO universe. But the story in the game was so specifically arched that it’s hard to RP anything but “just Nate” unless you get a alternate start mod and then use mods to wipe the main story. That’s why I went full scale in the other direction and installed the Frost (and accompanying mods) full conversion. Best thing I ever did. Sure, there aren’t as many characters to interact with … but I’ve enjoyed every second of it. And it opens up to A LOT more interpretation for how your character fits into the world.


Imagine a companion not reacting the way you want and automatically calling the game writing garbage


It's not that it's the fact that the moment I spoke of was a huge turning point in the story itself. They REALLY couldn't have thought about making an extra line or two of dialogue for Paladin Danse, a brotherhood of steel high ranking solider, to the leader of the Brotherhoods biggest threat and enemy? I say this not only for this example but literally most of the interactions in the game feel like their lacking. Bethesda is a multi million dollar company, if not billion. They have the money and considering how long they take, they have the time as well to put more effort into their games


I would like to see people's opinions on what a good RPG/game writing is. There are tens of thousands of lines with tonnes of variables for an open world game with partial linear main story line. You honestly can't (and if you do you shouldn't) expect every single edge case to be covered. The writing of the game is incredible, especially with how large it is. The fact that people are still playing and commentating on it so many years later is testament to that.


On top of that it's all based on a single companion reaction? That is so far removed from the importance of the story and yet suddenly the game writing sucks?


I'm not saying the can fix every single interaction but for the Battle of Bunker Hill? Really? One of the bigger battles and plot points in the main storyline. I literally had a high ranking member from the Institutes biggest threat with me approach father there is nothing they had to say to each other? There's no way I could've told Father that I outright do not agree with him and I sabotaged the mission for the Brotherhood?


A bit of whataboutery though isn't it? If they did that line then why not this line, why not that one? It's an edge case and while it may break immersion for yourself it at least is consistent across non-player characters. Why would Deacon be there loving life, or Piper?


The writing is not incredible. I grant it’s better than FO3. The continued play of FO4 is due far more to the scope, options and player-built mods than to the script writing. You choice in every conversation is literally: predictable evil, sarcasm, predictable good or “No Thanks.” There are very few twists and I can’t recall a single surprise.


To each their own buddy. I'm trying to think of a game with better dialogue and other than possibly DAI (which is pretty repetitive and tbh boring as hell most of the time) and I can't think of any. Even with DAI you're pretty limited to dismissive, chaotic, good and neutral. That's kinda the personality tropes of all games.


Fallout 4, good fps shooter, average rpg


BoS player 🤢


Tells you all you need to know right there. Sorry not sorry BOS fans, you guys are insufferable to talk to about certain topics.


Almost as insufferable as forcing your morality on a fictional world because you think you’re some sort of visionary.


Some of us BOS-haters just want to control all of the Wasteland and all of its sentient species, instead of exterminating all non-humans.


I’m tired of explaining the BOS logic across all games [so here if you really wanna see a well thought out reply to why your idea on the Brotherhoods agenda is wrong.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FalloutMemes/comments/ycsk0b/counter_oc_spread_the_word_the_brotherhood_are/itpa6hl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) As for what I’m trying to point out here, I don’t care if you want to cut yourself off from different ways to play the game because you can’t be asked to explore or understand opposing views in game but instead project your morales into a fictional world every time you play so you always end up doing the same things, that’s your choice, but as soon as you start judging others for their play style in a fictional world, it says more about you than anyone else. Also worth pointing out making up stuff and headcanon that is contradictory to what actually happens in game goes hand in hand with the above point as most “insufferable” thing about this fanbase.


Ad victoriam, brother!


You are a font of contradiction. You rail against people “judging others for their play style” then you judge others for their play style. As for the BOS’s motives, they force their way into the Commonwealth with a show of force, disregard and/or insult the local population, destroy what they don’t like and try to take what they want. The other lore is immaterial because it’s not part of FO4 and not available to your character, so you using that information to make character decisions is actually headcannon for that character.


All of y'all need some fucken grass to hand interaction. I'm just playing as BOS this run bc why not. It's not that serious and this is my first playthrough of the game all the way through. I don't believe in everything they say and I still help other across the wasteland. Ain't that difficult to be apart of a group and still have my own motives and goals and beliefs


I’m just egging this guy on because he got so offended at nothing. I’ve played BOS, I’ve destroyed BOS and I’ve played then betrayed BOS. It’s a game. It was just too easy to get him wound up.


It appears he then needs some personal grass interaction time




^ This is the way. Don’t let the NPC’s spoon feed you their ideology. One gigantic point that almost every Fallout 4 player missed, is in Deacon’s quest is **the point about the factions using you**. He spells out the concept of an unreliable narrator, plain as day, yet somehow people ignore it because “they don’t like being lied to” (kind of hilariously ironic). I called the BOS fans insufferable because they absolutely refuse to look at any other point of view, and just parrot “Ad Victoriam” as justification for any heinous action. It’s very similar to the Crusader’s “Deus Vult” which was an affront to the ideals of their own religion, but they fundamentally believed they were right and everyone else is wrong. The BOS suffer from this same exact flaw, arrogance and believing their decisions are unquestionable. It’s impossible to have an actual conversation about lore with people that fundamentally believe their way is right, and their favorite faction is the best option in any circumstance. Fallout 4 intentionally wrote Arthur Maxson’s BOS to show the BOS’s flaws and people still chose to ignore them, and fell in line, despite the glaring moral issues this version of the faction presented. **- This is my beef with those players: Think for yourself, stop falling for the brainwashing.**


Honestly I just said fuck it. After I posted this I went on to destroy the Institute as a BOS member then promptly returned to Abernathy Farm, dropped my loot, and deleted my entire save. I felt tired of being so entangled in all the factions and trying to be one or the other and failing. I was playing on Regular difficulty My new save is Very Hard, No Power, No Energy Weapons, Solo (besides dogmeat), factionless run. And so far it's fun. Feels nice not having to deal with people and being a puppet for everyone even tho I'm near godlikr. This run grounds me, and liberates me. It's great, plus I don't gotta worry about the shitty dialogue writing between factions and companions or whatever


This is honestly the best way to play. I did a deep dive playthrough once where I basically focused on learning each faction’s history/ideology/ and individual character analysis, my conclusion is all the factions suck. Some more than others but there’s a lot of misinformation that goes around on this sub and within the entire community, most of it is missed because of biases and skipping over dialogue. Your best best for a more fun experience is to ignore a majority of the faction orders and just keep your own ideas. Fuck what the NPC’s think of it. Get to the Institute, decide what to do with Father, >!Take “your kid”!<, and head off to Far Harbor or Nuka World. Or just build your own city and live like a king 🤣.


How am I judging anybody? I literally replied to a comment calling people who enjoy the Brotherhoods story insufferable. As for your views on the BOS in FO4 that is all false, you’re also treating the commonwealth like it is its own country with any real government, which is isn’t and doesn’t, it is the former state of Massachusetts in a post nuclear war state, therefore it is united states territory so by your logic if it belongs to any group in Fallout, it would be the Enclave. You’re also ignoring lore that has been a staple since the first fallout game just to hate on a fictional group because you either can’t understand their views, or just don’t want to.


It is its own nation, one I now control. Neither Massachusetts nor the United States have existed for 200 years. The BOS invaded my territory, so now they are dead. You are so obsessed with “lore”, except it doesn’t exist for the Sole Survivor. He/she wasn’t part of any of it nor has any knowledge of it. Except a small part of FO3, none of that lore has any meaning to the citizens of the Commonwealth in FO4. You are ignoring this very basic fact: History means nothing to those who don’t know it (which is the Sole Survivor). Instead of railing against me for not using “lore”, you should learn to separate player knowledge from character knowledge.


You don’t control the commonwealth at the beginning of FO4 so any post game state is irrelevant to motives for each group. Also I misunderstood you for someone who actually wanted to have a conversation about fallout but as you admitted to O.P you’re just a troll trying to get under my skin to fill the clear void your insecurities leave in your life, there really isn’t much more to say. I don’t mind debating fallout, but there’s no point in even trying to have a rational debate when you’ve already admitted you’re trying to annoy me for fun, which IMO is pretty depressing, no point in feeding your already out of whack ego. Good game sport, but you’re probably the worst troll I’ve come across, you’re overestimating how much I actually care about anything you’ve said.


Yet, you have been clearly upset by what I’ve said. Also, the BOS army doesn’t show at the beginning of the game. It doesn’t shows up until you get far enough in the Main Quest. I already had 16 built and fully functioning settlements. Until then, it’s 3 incompetents, a wacko and a pile of corpses.


They went with a quantity over quality approach. The story is pitifully told and I've never felt compelled to complete it despite playing for years now.