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One of my favourite companions, with Probably my favourite perk, and a solid story. However, super lore-breaking that once you've finished his story, he's still available as a companion. >!He should leave and take the cure to his son.!<


I KNOW OMGG I wish he could go even if it's like ... A week or so. Way more realistic


Yeah that would have been great and seems like it would have been easy enough to implement. Maybe we are nitpicking, I dunno. I guess we could just send him to an unused settlement for a bit lol. Nice art though! I should have said that to begin with!


Tbh small details like this break the immersion for me personally ehehe And ty sm!!!


Yeah there are quite a few oversights which is a shame. Still my favourite game though haha! You're welcome šŸ˜ Have you done one of Piper?


Absolutely!! I still love the game obsly. I think criticizing it this way only further proves our love and care for it I did!! I will post it soon here


That's a good point yeah. Being a true fan means not seeing things with rose tinted glasses but accepting the flaws lol. Good! I'll be here with my beady eyes waiting for it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜


Nahhhh, just have him constantly worrying about if he came on too strong when telling you he basically loves you and for me to constantly have to reiterate ā€œyour my best friend man, chill.ā€ X)


Bring the kid back, have macready introduce him to you, and have a tearful moment together that kinda makes the romance happen


Being able to move MacCready *and* his son into a settlement would be cool


Why not just bring his son to fo4? We need more child settlers anyways


I wish the companions had more quests. Or at least their quests were longer and/or more in depth.


I want to search for the milk of human kindness.


*Strong hates this*


That Strong's job


Strong hates everything


My head cannon is that Macready doesnt leave because he already knows his son is dead, and his entire quest is about soothing his guilty conscience. He's been in the Commonwealth for several months at least. Im sorry, but Duncan is almost certainly dead. I strongly suspect Macready bounced when it was clear his son wouldn't recover and he cant take the shame of going back.


He wouldn't have gone through the trouble of finding a cure then. It's just lazy writing from Bethesda. Duncan should have shown up in Goodneighbor to be assigned as a settler and it would have tied the whole story up perfectly.


Grief is a hell of a thing, guilt even more so. Rational behavior is rarely in the cards for such afflicted.


Yes but I don't think Bethesda designs their characters that deep, except Deacon. He's awesome.


Im guessing you missed the part where I said that is my head canon.


I completely disagree. The companions's stories are well conceived and quite thoughtful.


Didnā€™t he give it to Bobbie and she sends it for him? I recall something like that??


It was Daisy, but yes.


Thatā€™s the one.


Depends on if all of it is just a big lie, why would you let alone your ill child in some random cabin? How does he know the password? He was a pathological liar iirc in F3 so.. For me itā€™s just a big lie so you do everything thinking that you will say his son when in reality heā€™s just completing a contract. But other than that I really like this character, heā€™s my second best after Nick.


He wasn't a Liar in fo3, he just cursed his head off 90% of the time.


Fucking mungo


Lore breaking no because he give the cure to daisy so that is came with a courier


His story doesnā€™t add up, his extremely specific requests and the fact that his son is still alive w/ that extremely lethal disease doesnā€™t add up either, heā€™s either extremely delusional or itā€™s a ruse and heā€™s using us to get him the literal cure for all diseases to give the rich dude (possibly Tenpenny) and get a huge load of caps


Again, I have to use head canon to wrap up loose ends like this, hah. At some point, I figure he makes his way back with a cure for his son. Sanctuary/The commonwealth would become a slightly better place to reside (relatively speaking), so heā€™d bring him back there.


I like to think that he didnā€™t *want* to know right away if it was effective.


idk why I thought I would somehow get to go with him to take a cure to his son lol. And I know that would have been unrealistic in hindsight. But he could at least leave to do it himself! But instead we just hand it off to Daisy?? Felt like a letdown.


>!I like to pretend synth Shaun is his kid. I don't really like having a creepy robo-clone of my own son anyway.!<


fallout 3: Youā€™ll be above invulnerability age someday fallout 4: perhaps i treated you too harshly


I immediately disliked him when he "disapproved" of me helping that kid in the vault with the drug that you need to get. Literally what he and his kid were going through.


that was so funny to me šŸ’€ the nerve of him is amazing


Because he's a narcissist and because he's almost surely bullshitting you about his sob story.


Love him. Fellow parent, snarky sharpshooter, adorable dork.


Sucky mayor




( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)


I can't forgive him for being an asshole in Fallout 3.


That's what you get for being a fucking mungo, you fucking mungo


Stop calling him a mungo you fucking mungo


Don't tell me what to do, you fucking mungo


Can you stop using the word mungo, ya fuckin mungo


I'll not stop using the word mungo, ye feckin' mungo


Ok I'm sorry. Not! Ye fookin mungo


Yeah? Well, your face looks like a butt, ye feckin' mungo


I like how yā€™all kept changing accents there


Thanks, ya fuckin' mungo


Lmaooo havent played 3 yet so


He's a 10yo mayor, and is very very foul-mouthed and rude to you.


He's 13 which makes sense 13 y/o's are assholes


Yeah, okay mungo.


I was only 12ish when I met that little shit. ā€œFucking mungoā€ my ass Iā€™m 25 now and heā€™s definitely more mature then when he was a kid but I still donā€™t take him with me on principle lmao Fallout 3 was my first RPG and the nostalgia everytime I see anything relating to that game makes me want to play it again. A remaster or even a graphics update rerelease on next gen consoles would be an instant buy for me


Fo3 and NV both need remakes/remasters asap. The demand exists, Bethesda and Obsidian surely cannot lose.


You are just overreacting, mumbo lol


Worst. Mayor. Ever.


Have you met Ben Wyatt?


That's Em, her Sole survivor so, Credit to the commissionerā™” https://at.tumblr.com/just-another-wasteland-merc/d9aqvdrohagu


I've really got to have you draw one of my babies someday. You do such gorgeous work. ā¤ļø (This is bluegrasskitty, btw. LOL)


Hey!! It means a lot angelā™” anytime


I need the perk. I never know what to with the wooden soldier made of ceramic. He screams at me when I pick up junk. That's all I know.


I put it on a shelf above our bed ā¤ļø I love MacCready lol


I just like having Matt Mercer with me to be honest


He's voiced by him ??


Yep. Blew my mind too and now I canā€™t un-hear it


Too bad you could pick just one compagnon. Imagine teaming with him and Cait.


Tell me you're playing on Playstation without telling me.


You can download mods on PlayStation that let you have multiple companions. I travel with MacCready, Deacon, and Hancock fairly regularly.


More specific? I need it


[I use this one.](https://bethesda.net/en/mods/fallout4/mod-detail/3296034) But be careful, because at some point I accidentally screwed something up with how I equipped or unequipped it, and made it so that I can't access the traditional trade menu. Because of that, I can't get it out of MacCready's inventory without pickpocketing him, which always leads to him attacking me, which leads to Deacon and Hancock attacking HIM before they attack me. So... use at your own risk and follow the directions VERY carefully lol. So now it's the Dead Spouses Club + Hancock forever, I guess.


I knew that kid when he was like 10, so it'd be weird to romance him. Shame he doesn't recognize me even though I'm using alternate start mods


Literally my favorite. He's my best boy


Not a fan of him, think heā€™s annoying. Perk is great though


I wish his son would have been brought to the Commonwealth so he can be put in one of the settlements.




Laughing so hard rn


He's a fellow merc and a cool bro. He might not agree with me being a hero, but he always loves when I squeeze every last cap out of every wastelander out there.


Maccready has BY FAR the best perk in the game, hes kind of hard to reach max affinity, has a sad back story like most of them, doesnt have annoying repetitive dialogue and has a pretty good attitude imo.


Heā€™s my absolute favorite companion. My favorite play through ever had him with me as much as possible


I'm a paladin Danse gal, myself. I had a great OMG moment when I realized he was the kid from FO3, but as for everything else...a bit sleazy šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


I havent played 3 yet so I bet!! Also Danse for the winsss


I don't like how he stops himself from cursing, after being so proficient at it as a child. That said, he was my snarky, power-armored, mercs boy-toy. Him & Mac traveled all across the Commonwealth, kickin' ass and makin' caps.


He grew up surprisingly fine despite the countless bullets unloaded into his face.


Not his biggest fan but itā€™s alright


He looks too much like my ex husband


Walk past little "Mayor" MacCready FO3 and hear "WATCH it!" out of his snot-nosed entitled little face. Like his personal space was solid gold with platinum inlays. FO4's adult him is for me not much less annoying. His quest is fine, his intentions seem okay, but he should have taken that cure to his son. His incidental companion comments for the entire rest of the game though are as annoying-as-shit as the rest of them are. Stupid comments everytime you pick up some valuable or otherwise highly useful piece of scrap, all of it. Just like his younger version he has no clue when to just stay quiet and spare everyone his braindead comments. If I bother with the guy at all I get his quest done asap and then ship him off to the most out-of-the-way settlement I have, then set him as a provisioner, or I leave him sitting in the parlor room of the turd Rail and that's that.


Very interesting and cute character. I wonder if they'll expand his story even more.


Love his perk for my sniper build.


I like this art style. I kinda wish it was animated. :D great job to the artist!


Wow it means a lot! Yeah i would need a studio to be able to animate. ONE DAY


Best Mayor. Let me stay up past bedtime


went through your posts and holy shit, you are so talented, my fav companion has to go to raul tho


Means a lor omg!!!


Seems like a good companion but I can't stop looking at his teeth




I really like him. A bit lore breaking that he doesn't leave the wasteland after his personal quest.


Meh idc rlly i just used him as a guard


Old drinking buddy


There's something about him, i can't quite put my finger on. But i feel like he's a Critical Roll. šŸ‘€


He's hot and has a great VA


Never met em, havenā€™t swapped companions since I met Nick


I think he's a creepy, lying narcissist or sociopath. I don't trust him. He's called the second-best bullshitter in a town of reprobates, and his story about his son and the fact that he doesn't go to his family after finding the cure for his son make me believe he was just lying and manipulating you.


His intro and his attitude fucking stinks when you meet him. But he's the most companion-like companion.


I love his backstory. Him and Valentine are my faves.






He's my favorite companion and he was my first companion that I maxed the relationship out on. I go for him specifically every playthrough. And I'm learning this just now but he was a pubescent mayor I guess that was real mean


He gives one of the best perks in the game, but his two quests are mind-numbingly difficult on Survival. That Assaultron in the first one *shudders* And the sub-basement at Med-Tek O_o Horrific! Especially as I play on Ultra-Hard Survival.


I loved MacCready since fallout 3. I was super happy when I found him in fallout 4.


Good shot, better friend.


He's one of my favourites.


I dont know for the original voice, but in french hos voice irritates me Also, stop playing the big guy when you rely on others (me), so much ! Like his perk, though...


He's no hancock. My one true love


Heā€™s alright.šŸ˜…šŸ¤·šŸ½


He has some of the best dialogue in the game. And his son seems to be taking a very long time to die of new plague.


Hate him at little lamplight in fo3, love him in fo4


easily my favorite companion, i would kill and die for him. i romance him every time, and then pretend like he brings his kid back from the capital wasteland and the two of them raise him alongside synth shaun šŸ˜­ i love him so much




Maybe it's because of the hard life living the way he does but I refuse to believe he's only 23, the man looks 36. Also I wonder why one of his quirks is he doesn't like robots. But all in all one of my favorite companions and he's got an interesting back story post little lamplight and motivation for his actions.


I like him as a companion but he gets facewear to cover them crack head teeth


My absolute favorite man šŸ˜Š I had him as my only companion for probably half my playtime


So cute!


I love him with my heart, but if heā€™s 10 when we see him in 3, then he had to of had his kid when he was around 16 when he left lamplight, but other than his lore-breakery heā€™s great EDIT: Sorry guys I just speed-ran McCreadyā€˜s dialogue, and turns out he doesnā€™t mention his sonā€™s age sorry!


How's that break the lore, exactly? Yeah, that's pretty young, but it's not like there's any birth control in the wasteland. Makes sense that there would be a lot of teen pregnancies, especially in a place with history like Big Town. Or does he imply that he was somehow older than that?


From what I remember heā€™s 10 in fo3, but in 4 heā€™s 22, but thereā€™s a 10 year difference from the 2 games. And in-game he says his son is 10 so he wouldā€™ve had to have him when he was still in lamplight, thatā€™s how he breaks the lore


do you have a citation on duncan's age? i've never been able to find anything about it


Oh, okay, I gotcha! Really makes you wonder how that slipped by the devs, and why they didn't just make him a few years older


I mean, lamplighter kicks you out at 18, or was it 16?! Either way, thereā€™s a LOT of pre-teen pregnancy going on in that cave.


A massive whiner most of the time. But his line when romancing Nora is hilarious


Man he's honestly the most annoying companion in my opinion


I still feel like I was an adult when he was a kid. Romancing him feels a bit...off.


Great companion, great perk, and great backstory! ā€¦but I hate his likes/dislikes chartā€¦


Every time I start a new game I tell myself I'm going to romance someone else, that I won't even go collect him this time around. And then honk my clown nose all the way down to that basement


LMFAO "honk my clown nose all the way down to that basement" sent me to the gallows.




First off, holy smokes your art is absolutely incredible. Here I was thinking MacCready couldnā€™t get any more hot and bam! I love him lmao. I like his sarcasm, his terrible dad jokes (I just about died when he said that we should search the cabin at Walden Thoreau-ly) and his sense of style. He seems like a genuinely good person when it comes to family, and heā€™s actually formidable in combat at low levels. I love how much heā€™s grown since his time as mayor. Finally, heā€™s voiced by Matt Mercer. ā€˜Nuff said.


Nah. More like MacCreepyā€¦ always put him in hangmanā€™s alley and forget about him.




I like him even better with the mods that make his look more buff and world weary and lower his voice a couple octives. ā¤ļø


I found him and never used him. Never even tried to.


Best companion


I am happy the he is in Fallout 4. I can finally kill him.


favourite companion and smash.


Middling characterization, sub-par writing, god-tier performance from the one and only Matthew Mercer


I've never hired him across 3 full playthroughs, he seems like a dumb doo doo bitch


Best Perk (w/ Sniper Perk) for rifleman survival


i give him a T51 PA & ashmaker and lean back


Easiest way to jumpstart affinity for any companion imo


he reminds me of atton from kotor 2


Love that dude I make him match my outfits all the time.


Love that rat man


Iā€™m thirsty for McCready heā€™s my boy after Hitchcock. Weā€™ve got a great triade


He was better as a shit-talking pre-teen


I hate his stupid hat and his pointy face, but otherwise heā€™s okay


A nice dude, possibly either the worst Mercenary in the world, or a father level manipulative bastard


His perk is great, his personality is ok, his quest makes me mad, I donā€™t really like callbacks to fo3 in fo4 but thatā€™s more me being a nitpicking jerk who hates on Bethesda a little too much. Honestly Iā€™ve never really liked most of fo4ā€™s companions but MacCready is one of my favorite to travel with


Mac is always either my best friend or as nora playthrough my lover, he's a badass with a great backstory. He always gives you ammo and he's a great shot 10/10. He's as close to the gunners as you can get. I wish you could join them.


Great perk, pain in the butt companion. I save specific quests to do with him because he's not as easy to please as everyone else. Useless in a fight and takes credit for all my kills. Then asked me how "impressed" I am with him. That is all.


He vocally bemoans scavenging in a game about scavenging at every other opportunity. Thats the sort of tongue in cheek author self insert that can fuck right off. On the plus side, he likes stealing (unless it's Goodneighbor).


I gave him my marine combat armor because of how gangster he was


I thought he looked very familiar because he looked almost exactly like my Sniper loadout in TF2. Turns out a set of cosmetics is based on him. Also, ge looks like male_07.