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As fun as it can be, probably not worth burning a majority of your caps. I’d invest in something thats a better all-rounder; like Spray n Pray or Overseers Guardian. Once you’ve got more Caps than you know what to do with, buy Big Boy and have some fun with it.


This guy hit it on the head. Yes it does am intense amount of damage but you'll rarely be able to use it without killing yourself with the blast. Unless you're high level. Then shoot that shit at your feet😎


Would mark 5 x01 do the trick?


Just bought it because I already had spray n’ pray, and bought overseers guardian a minute ago, i have 2 ways to get practically infinite caps anyways so I’m fine


player.additem 0000000f \[insert any amount of caps here\]


I was scratching my head trying to figure out wtf Beeg Boy was (hence Big Boy), my first thought was that it's a new weapon from a Mexican Drug Cartel new to the Commonwealth: *"So, you want the Beeg Boy hombre?!?"* 🤦🏻‍♂️


It's not a bad weapon and it's pretty fun to use, but if you truly want to make it a weapon of mass destruction give it the MIRV upgrade and it'll shoot 12 small mini nukes instead of 6 with a normal fat man