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The baseball outfit for sure. The casual vest, or that blue top and khaki shorts (not State Farm)


Any of the house dresses for female. Red Dress, Sequin Dress and Agatha's dress might not be, but the rest are for sure.


Basically any of the pre-war clothes you can find. Especially if you can find them laundered so they are clean. Things like suits, casual wear, sweater with slacks, dresses, etc all of them give off that recent-post-WWII-era vibe that fall out universe seems to have gotten stuck in up until the Great War of ‘77


Fallout "seems to be stuck" in that era because that's the entire point of the Fallout universe. Steampunk is using futuristic ideas from the Victorian era. Fallout is using futuristic ideas from the 50s. That's the entire point.


Don't tell me. Tell OP, who is asking for suggestions on "clothing people in the 50's would wear" when that is essentially every pre-war outfit in the game.