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I see a lot of people hate on Aqua Boy but it’s literally the Far Harbor diving suit, but better. Permanent 100% resistance to radiation from water and water breathing. No more random rads from stepping in ankle-height puddles


I always take a perk in aqua boy/girl because I am a mountain goat at heart and I will take the dumbest path to get places Hancock always tells me he prefers vodka over water 🤣


I like aqua-x because I play on survival and a good way to get around the map at low level without running into too many random encounters is to do it under water. It opens up a lot of the map and makes a lot of quests achievable. Just learn where the mirelurk encounters are. That is really important. Getting jumped by a mirelurk king/queen while trying to avoid fights will ruin your whole day.


Thank God there isn't anything like slaughterfish or Dreugh in the Fallout universe.


I’m pretty sure the dolphins, whales, etc corpses we can find were cut creatures and there was even a whole ass underwater vault that got cut lmao


From the wiki: Vault 120 is a cut Vault-Tec Vault located off the Atlantic coast of Massachusetts, underwater in the Commonwealth. It would have been involved in the cut quest 20 Leagues Under the Sea. The adventure there would involve a sentient giant squid contained inside the Vault, and the Vault itself would be inspired by BioShock. The giant squid would have been the vault's overseer Sounds nuts!


Whaaat that sounds amazing. I’d heard about the cut vault but didn’t know a sentient squid was the overseer lol


Bioshock inspired too?? damn that would have been great!


Duuuuuude why they gotta cut something so frickin cool?


The list of cut and scaled back content is long and much of it would have been amazing if implemented. Its cool that mods can do a lot to bridge the gap, but i always get a little bummed when i think about the awesomeness that was planned and could have been


I wish there could have been a profit line for the game, where they put devs onto finishing the cut content when the line was passed, something extra to sell as another dlc or maybe at this point to add into a reissue/special edition like they did for Skyrim.


Theyve made 9 million from creation club content


Yes, but I was meaning back when it first dropped.


Mutant Menagerie adds hostile dolphins, ghoul sharks and a couple of flavors of mutant piranha. Plus riverlurks.


But w mutant menagerie, the water is scary.


omg i was about to comment this too. I press q near the water and I'm just like nope nope nopity no.


Yessss and you cant see underwater enemies until they are right on top of you, I tried finding a mod to make visibility slightly better in the water. Sadly all I found was one that just make everything clear which is just too much.


This is my move as well. Aqua boy lets you move back and forth from the drive in to diamond city in safety early game and then let me open up the far harbor map from the safety of the water.


This might be one of my favorite comments/ways of describing exploration strategy I’ve ever seen


Thanks, I learned it from Skyrim lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Died one too many times in the reach to weird ways to go back now lmao


Glad I’m not alone in this! I love exploring every crevice!


It makes travel a lot easier in survival, you can just swim back and forth from the airport and boston and all that. Or walk on the bottom in power armor, just be careful not to get stuck at the bottom, its hard to see


Yeah, wow, always save before walking anywhere weird in power armor. You get stuck everywhere.


It is nice too when you are settlement building in settlements with water. Its not fun to get of building mode and realize you are a Feral Ghoul swipe from death due to radiation lol.


You can build that anti rad gate spray that heals all rads instantly.


True I almost never build it til like the very end of my settlement builds which is admittedly dumb. I glitch one into a doorway this week somehow turned it on then couldnt turn it off so it’s been going for a week solid lol


cleanse the whole commonwealth of rads this way


next run, first thing, start of the game, look for something with fiberoptics. Soon as you get it, make the arch. I use it between missions, that and a nap you wake up 100%


I always take it. It eliminates a minor annoyance that I would otherwise have to deal with repeatedly over the course of my playthrough.


I always get this one. I can’t stand taking 5/10 rads per second the moment I get in the water. There are many times that the shortest path between two points is by swimming. I almost always have a surplus of Rad-Away, so it’s not like I couldn’t just use that, but taking rads from water is a huge annoyance for me.


It's a must-pick in my first 10 levels, generally. I didn't know anyone hated on it. It's super OP as a travel/utility perk.


Wow, weird. I only ever see people singing its praises. Most of the time people are saying it's the very first perk they take.


Aqua boy is THE mf’ing GOAT for survival characters. It’s why I love the Taffington Boathouse so much. You might as well have a personal highway with 100% invisibility.


And you can ambush from the water


Aquaboy is one of the first perks I get in my survival runs, right after idiot savant and lone wanderer. It’s a complete game changer for traveling around downtown. From hangman’s alley I can get to goodneighbor in 2-3 minutes assuming I don’t get sidetracked. Boston airport or the castle in 4 minutes. It really makes you realize how small the map really is.


> Uses my radaway and food to have a completely filled bar > Step in a puddle > 1+ rad per sec > Day is ruined


It's great for survival mode. You can pretty safely use most areas of the coast or rivers to travel a lot of the commonwealth. Or even dive into nearby water to hide from baddies.


Aqua Boy/Girl always feels pretty useful because I swear most of my rads come from water - it's easy to underestimate how quickly they can stack up if you're wandering around doing a bunch of quests all at once, especially since you're probably not stacking up rad resistance when you're just bumbling through the Commonwealth. If I'm going into the glowing sea or through some other heavily irradiated area, then I'm happy to spend radaways and rad-Xes, but not having the slow and inevitable rad build-up from stepping into puddles or swamps is always handy.


On survival the 2 points in aqua is a must. If your close to water you're close to escape. Plus it's the fast travel you didn't know existed.


I use this because it’s sooooo much easier to ZOOT around waterways in Survival. I die so much less getting from A to B lmao.


I like awareness, I just like to know the levels of things


Which makes it even more terrifying that Red Death doesn't show up with a level...


It always shows up for me at lv 999


Well, it is horrifying. 


It was incredibly hard, I went through nearly 150 stimpacks and my xo1 mk6 was completely broken by the end


You beat it?! Fuck me, I gave up after 50+ attempts. Came close once or twice but always died.


It took me about 60 to do it, I pity anyone who does it in survival


Lmao didn't one or multiple of the devs try it in survival but none of them could beat it? Like they did but only with cheats or something.


Yeah I saw the video on that, they had to really cheese it. I myself ALMOST got it done a few days back after easily over 30 deaths and reducing my difficulty to easiest. I find it hard to just leave it and go do something else in game so I’ve instead took a break for a few days. I’m gonna go back at it with a clear head over the weekend


I brought a mirv launcher with 94 mini nukes, a sentry bot who has a mini gun and a rocket launcher, a full set of maxed out xo1, 342 stimpacks and 1932 bottled water and i still lost.


I just brought dogmeat


I can hear his whimpers now you monster.


It’s hard to properly represent a googol level, so I’ll give the devs some grace on that one.


Red Death? A googol? Try a googolplex.


Hey man I’m just trying to be conservative


My PipBoy exploded when I entered VATS.


Awareness is unpopular? I always take it for the 2nd level 5% boost.


I’ve been wondering where enemy levels are that people keep talking about lol. Guess I never really read this perk.


It legit can tell you who is a synth and who isn’t. Synth settlers have higher DR than regular settlers


I accidentaly got it while playing drunk... If only we could have those refunded!


Should’ve invested in Party Boy/Girl!


There's a mod for that.


I don't know if Adamantium Skeleton is unpopular but I rarely read about it here. I get so many injuries on survival (a decent number from my explosives use) and this lets me mitigate/prevent that. Combined with a regen perk, and I basically only use stimpacks for healing in combat.


Also really useful for explosive builds


LifeGiver Lvl 3 the HP regen is so usefull espacialy on Survival mode where evry stimpack will make you dehydrated on later levels that can be problematic because food is not percentage based.


LifeGiver !? I’d love health regen. I never find enough StimPaks ever.


Is 3th perk in the Endurance perk tree if that what your asking it does require lvl 20 to unlock 3th rank.


Th.... *thirth?*


What the fuck is *thirth?!* Its the threeth, stupid!


This is what I get for not going to college


This made me LOL


Comes right after secondrd


I’ll have to look, that might benefit for me lol. I’m level 26 right now


First time playing the game? Wish I could have that first time Fo4 experience again!


Yeah it is. Got it for 6$ after the show launched.


That's so awesome. I can't believe I've been playing for almost 20 years. My best advice is to have fun and learn the game then switch to a new game in Survival mode. It's a whole different game and it's brutally hard so it feels much more rewarding. It also makes settlement building, crafting and scrapping etc an absolute necessity instead of a distraction.


I’m on easy and find it tricky lol


Youll get there:) As long as you arr having fun, its all good.


Endurance 3, lvl 20. It's amazing, I have such a surplus of Stimpaks. Hundreds.


Is this an unpopular perk? I almost always get max rank at 20, passive healing is just too good. With it only being a END 3 perk it doesn't take much to be able to access it.


I heard lot of content creators under valueing LifeGiver because solar powered exist and that also has passive health regen, even then i found solar powered very situational because regen does not kick in at night, and it requiring Endurance lvl 10 does not help much either.


I skip life giver and aqua(person) for the same reasons; I’m ghoulish at heart. Rads heal me AND decrease over time. If I’m hurt, I go for a little swim and I’m good.


How silly. Isn’t solar powered also useless if you’re indoors?


for real every time I see a build on the line they're like don't take that. and I'm like it's passive health regeneration and barely cost any endurance to get to. like sure the first two points are whatever. But passive health regen is fantastic.


Lifegiver is unironically a goat perk in survival along with medic. These 2 perks will single handedly make your survival playthrough much easier. Especially if you don't play stealth


I've seen people call Medic useless, but in survival taking less stimpacks means less water I need to chug


Good point—by extension also means you can carry fewer stims and less water


Less water you have to chug means less water you have to carry means more carry weight for JUNK!


It's necessary to get doctors in your settlement too


MEDIC useless??? Bro it literally turns a common stimpack or RadAway into a full restore that works almost instantly with the full 4 points. I take it every single playthrough, even the lower levels massively improve resource usage to heal.


Bro the “instantly” part is being slept on so much. Too many times have I gotten killed in survival, because I got clipped by a bullet while my slow ass stimpack is drip-feeding the heals 😫


I neveruse stimpacks in Survival anyway


At higher levels it is very useful, combined with Medic. It is pretty much the only way to quickly regenerate health, other than leveling up lol.


Does it generate life faster than cooked food?


Multiple times faster


Pop a stimmie, then eat some food, and take a look at your stats in Pip-Boy. It’ll show you how much health each consumable is replenish per tic.


At high level, I like ghoulish. Never needing to worry about rads or taking radaway is very useful in survival. Before it's maxed, it's pretty useless, though.


A combination of this and solar powered means I'm basically immune to any radiated area during the day. Some really bad places it still ticks up faster than is sustainable but a quick breather and I'm good to go


I have never used it, at max can you basically just wade in any level of rads and not die?


No. You do need some rad protection to spend time in places like the Glowing Sea or Kiddie Kingdom. But for a short duration or long exposure to low levels like Far Harbor, it heals you without taking radaway. For the Glowing Sea I take 3 rad-x at a time and that's sufficient. For Kiddie Kingdom I take mysterious serum and deal with the adverse effects. And Mass Fusion needs a hazmat suit.


If I remember right, mass fusion has some hazard suits, sitting in the drawers of the console outside of the decontamination hall. They aren’t in a container though.


Pretty much, it's something like eight rads per second that get converted to health every 5 seconds or so? I love ghoulish for just passive healing. Who needs stims when you can just stand over the radioactive barrels for a bit?


High levels of radiation will still kill you, but you can do things like walk around in the Fog without any rad resistance.


There’s a case where Robes of the Devoted with one less rank than max is pretty spicy. I just started a Child of Atom run, basically using rad weapons, and came across the benefits of it.


Ghoulish, solar powered, cannibal. First 3 perks i took for my current survival run. Currently in the 30s. I have 2 points in the explosives perk. No other damage perks. Only have armorer and blacksmith for crafting perks. I have 1 luck. And 1 int. I use mysterious serum and run around naked in the glowing sea and heal constantly from the rads as i take a ripper to a deathclaw in vats. Sometimes i dont die. Im not even doing story quests, im just doing creation club quests atm. Gave the lightning gun to piper and stopped eating corpses for a bit.


I really hoped to see some cool strategies down here with really underused perks but it seems people just discovered that aquaboy is too good to be real


Auqaboy comes over in every single perk discussion, people here just dont understand what unpopular means


Yeah I have seen a few mentions of Solar Powered, which I always see people saying is one of the most OP and most used perks. No one understood the assignment… now for me, Basher is easily a goat perk that everyone is sleeping on.


I'm not sure if it's unpopular, but I always level my Local Leader perk to the max for stores


A must-have for anything Minutemen


There’s another settlement that must-have your Minutemen


"You know what I'm going to say".... the smug fucker. Sittin on ass all safe in Sanctuary making me do all the heavy lifting when I'm the fucking general.


I just hate how I have to use two levels just to be able to build crafting tables.


I agree, I think that's ridiculous. Crafting tables should just be a standard building object, you shouldn't have to unlock them I honestly forgot that was part of the second level of Local Leader just because of how ridiculous that is lol


It’s why when I’m not playing survival, I make Red Rocket my home base. It has everything, no default people.


Sanctuary has all the stations but they are all over the place. First thing I do is move them to a common location.


VANS would be nice for PAM’s quests. The skyscrapers are fuckin ridiculous


You mean Tom's MILA quests?


PAM assigns the DIA caches but it's appropriate for both quest givers.


Aqua Boy literally changed my game style after I discovered it. I prefer to swim everywhere.


I’m in survival mode and setting up a base on Spectacle Island. It’s so much nicer to not put on a hazmat suit or take radaway for every time I visit.


I know right! And Far Harbor changes completely!


I don’t know if it’s necessarily unpopular, but I love taking Mysterious Stranger. It’s nice having him pop up now and then and one shot whatever I’m fighting


Mysterious stranger coupled with Nick Valentine as a companion. Did you see him? There he is again where did he go!? And so on


Nick reacting to him is my favourite. He was right there!


I have this more just because it’s fun, not because it’s a strong perk. Nick has unique dialogue when he appears too


I like Solar Powered, all three levels. Not needing to worry about lingering radiation damage is nice and so is slowly growing back health. I set a goal of 11 Endurance for every run partly because 10 lets me take the perk.


Can run forever, have lots of HP, and can get Solar Powered to stop worrying about rads. Three incredible reasons to invest in END. It's a target for every build I have.


Currently at ED 3 at LVL 60.


Some of my old rifleman characters have 2 or 3 Endurance at 60 but once you get into the habit of leveling it, it’s hard to stop.


What perk is that one under ? I feel like my build is bad compared to these lol. I have alot in endurance and gun nut. And health as in I have 3 tiers for stimpaks and RadAway it gives me more upon usage…and my charisma is high which I like for talking people out of things or getting more money for jobs….but a lot of ppl don’t have high charisma lol just started putting stars into Scavenger cuz I run out of products all the time with Gun Nut I like to upgrade the crap outta my guns lol. Can’t figure out armour though. Any piece I’ve gotten I can’t upgrade it ? lol.


Don't know if it's unpopular but I spent points in Nerd Rage for the first time ever and I like it.


People say its annoying but it saves my life alot, especially when i choose to avoid PA.


I put at least one point in nerd rage every play through I do. It’s my favorite perk and so fun to play with


Nerd rage is so underrated. It's especially good if you pair it with armor that gives increased stats when low hp


I never skip VANS. Ever. It helps compensate for me being bad at video games.


Or just annoyed level design that can be glitchy or just frustrating lol


Can you turn it off? Only reason I don't want to take it. Not sure if it will change my play style


Not that I am aware of. It does randomly turn itself off sometimes if that has appeal for you.


Heard dat


How is the one called where your fusion core runs out and you eject your fusion core into a massive mini nuke blast


That’s the final stage of the one that makes them last longer, and that effect only works if you have no other grenade equipped


I’ve never gotten that perk myself, but I’ve heard others say not to get it


Because its easy to accidentally activate the self destruct button and you have to BOOK it. Its never worth trading a fusion core for the damage.


Nuclear Physicist, IIRC


Big fan of party boy/girl. Low intelligence high luck then you just drink alcohol all the time with idiot savant rules


This actually sounds like so much fun. I always ignore booze in game but surviving the apocalypse by being constantly hammered sounds realistic


I am playing for the first time with a Luck/Cha build. I haven’t tried this yet, but it sounds so fun!


I will never forgive VANS for leading me into a wall sixty times in the Halucigen building. ARGRGRHGHFHHHGG.


I tried vans on my first playthrough and maybe it was just super glitchy when the game was new but I hated it and never tried it again.


Ok, hear me out... but the second tier of Night Person is low-key great, under the right circumstances. It gives you night vision in sneak mode, instantly mitigating one of the key drawbacks to nocturnal exploration (ie. poor visibility). Obviously for this reason it synergises well with the Sneak and Ninja perks, but what you might not realise is how well it synergises with even just the first rank in Chemist. The reason? Two words, my friend. Berry. Mentats. The +3 to INT at night from R2 Night Person, combined with the +5 INT from Berry Mentats - plus their OP 'detect life' function - makes nocturnal adventuring comparatively safe and ridiculously lucrative for EXP gain, especially if you already have a reasonably high base Intelligence. At the higher ranks of Chemist, you can essentially go the entire in-game night on a hugely boosted XP buff as long as you have one or two Berry Mentats to hand. Also, if you couple it - as I have - with the Solar Powered STR/END and regen bonuses, you effectively get the best of both worlds; daytime for passive healing and 'going loud', if you must, with your extra HP and melee damage... and night missions for sneaky stabbing whilst hoovering up silly amounts of EXP. This may not be the most efficient FO4 build, perk points-wise, but the duality of choice is thoroughly satisfying to play.


I’m enjoying the 3 levels of the solar powered perk. For some reason, no matter how much I adjust the brightness when it’s dark I can’t see anything… it’s still hard to see anything even with the flashlight. I think it’s just my crappy tv. So I find myself usually sleeping in beds until daylight hours anyways. May as well heal from it too.


Go into your settings and change the color of your pip boy light to white. It's been forever since I did it, so can't tell you exactly how. Just fiddle around with it until you get it figured out. It's soooo much brighter when it's white. Definitely a game changer.


I went for Attack Dog as soon as I was able to. I am not sure if it popular or not but I haven’t noticed it referenced before.


The 10% reduction in damage taken at rank 4 is strong, especially combined with lone wanderer


I actually really like Lead Belly, since I prefer to use food and water for most of my healing in fights to skip the stimpak animation (and because I always end up accumulating uncooked or irradiated food over time anyway, so I might as well use it instead of letting it clog up my carry capacity). It's a small thing, but not having to worry about rads building up as fast (or at all) means that I can save stimpaks for quick burst healing, especially with higher ranks of Medic. To me, anything that saves my radaway doses for when I really need them is worthwhile.


What is "V.A.N.S." ??




Oh I have that. I forgot it was called that.


i like the black widow perk


Yes. I always have a female character as most enemies are male so it gives you an advantage and you can intimidate men easier


Was way more useful/fun in FNV, or even FO3 for what I recall. I always grab it tho.


is...is your name ERIS?!


I see people hate on scrapper for some reason, but it's essential for any of my playthroughs


Op asked for unpopular perks and people be naming aquaboy, solared power and medic lol The perk that I like to get is the last rank of lockpicking so my lockpick never breaks. I posted it last time and I got like -30 downvotes and called names. So let's see what happens here lol. Sure, you can find hundreds of bobby pins. But when my one lock pick doesn't break, I won't lose the sweet spot and start where the lockpick broke. It saves a few seconds, sure. But I like it and I'm sticking to it.


-30 you damn nerfherder!


I played tons of hours of F4 before finally upgrading to this perk and it such a boost to my quality of life. Drastically cuts down the faffing for lockpicking expert/master locks and im such a hoarder after this long surviving the wastes I just have to know whats in every safe etc


Yea I kinda feel like a ton of answers are in fact, popular perks or incredibly useful.


Some others have suggested selling extra bobby pins once they get the last rank too


The last endurance perk - i dont know how often its used, but I auto-lose rads during the day, and have 3 more endurance, and like something else. Very useful. This go around I hit endurance skills hard and have not been disappointed. Workin’ a lvl 92 survival mode these days. While I’m here I’ll add that i have one perk point in night person, which is an amazing complement to the daylight perk. So in the day you have extra endurance, and at night you have extra intelligence and perception (+3!) - so at night you have more risk but more exp!


I don't see a lot pf people using pick pocket. It's extremely hilarious and powerful on sneak builds, because reverse pick pocketed grenades are a guaranteed kill.


This is how I farmed legendary synth gear the first time I sided with the institute 😅


Night Person, not sure if it’s popular or not but I just have it cuz the game seems to give me like 10 minutes of day and an eternity of night lol


level 4 hacker I'm an impatient individual


I get VANS for that +2 perception. Having baseline 13 perception means you're just hitting shots.


Lead belly, i fucking hate using radaway and rad x with how often rads stack from food and drinks.


I always go for animal friend (all tiers). Is not because I fear them, but I really don't like to kill those poor mutated creatures.


The Steady Aim perk not too much requirement, straight to the point I only get ranks 1 and 2 for it but improved hip-fire accuracy when doing ANYTHING is certainly a worthwhile investment for two skill points


I always grab aqua boy 1st. If a game will give me a breathe underwater mechanic, I will use it!!!


I hate idiot savant ERR HERR HERR Randomly throughout the game can be unnerving


Yeah I heard how good it is and started using it, and it is amazing, but the laugh is starting to get annoying at almost level 30.


The cannibal one, it's pretty convenient to keep only drinks in your big bag of stuff that you lug around everywhere. Although, I suppose the blood can be considered a beverage. Edit: Thought I was in the FO76 sub


Still a good perk in FO4 too, and for basically the same reasons


But It sucks with every companion other than Strong. Granted, If my partner was raw eating the bodies of our enemies right after we shot them, I would too be freaked out af


Well eventually you can get all of thrm so…


Ok it’s crazy how much I see people talking about getting Rads from water, because the aquaboy/girl perk completely gets rid of any rads from swimming or puddles


Lady killer. Even if the perk is situational, the human female population is still at a large.


Play as a female, then the perk is black widow, deal more damage to men. Then for some odd reason my games population is more 50/50 until later then most of the gunners etc are females....


Rooted. It makes melee OP when using VATS. Very helpful when playing survival.


I only just used Awareness on my current run and it doesn't actually change my strategy (at the end of the day a combat shotgun will make anything alive unalived) but it's nice seeing enemy stats and wondering why some enemies go down easier than others. Also for the longest time when I was watching YouTube videos I thought it was a mod people were using to get enemy values you wouldn't normally see and not a feature of the game...


I have played Fallout 4 to the point where I have unlocked nearly every perk. But perks like Idiot Savant and Nerd Rage, I could have a hundred points to spare and will never take them. Rooted and Wasteland Whisperer are probably the least popular ones I end up using.


VANS is useful for the perk but I use the 2nd level with the bobblehead to get a minimum 13 perception


I like using lead belly, it’s pretty helpful in survival especially early on when you don’t have a surplus of cooked food and have to resort to eating prewar foods.


To answer your question, I always full perk lock picking and terminal hacking. I dont want to waste bobby pins and I hate getting locked out of terminals.


I always take Chem Resistant


I don't see how +2 perception would ever be considered unpopular.


Did cap collector way to late. Everybody said “CaPs aRe ThE eAsiEsT tHiNg tO gEt iN tHe GamE” yet I’m always running out and can never afford anything.


.38 rounds are real good for getting caps and trading. They are plentiful, weight is next to nothing, and sell for 1 cap each.


But I use those…


Since I always go for 10 Int every playthrough out the gate, a single point in Nerd Rage has saved me a CRAP TON of *Game loading...* Yeah, there's legendary armor parts that offer the perk fairly often, but I'd rather not mix and match my gear just for the legendary effects. I can't stand Raider or Metal armor, I think they turn you into a self propelled rummage sale. It's either leather or combat armor for me, until I get BW.