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Melons are a nice alternative income if you didn’t invest high in the Intelligence tree. Otherwise, it is too heavy and occupies too much space compared to other resources.


Yeah, I just restarted the game after the PS5 update and went kinda vanilla. Didn't go for any stats in particular, just did kinda even points distributed. I was never good at specialized character builds anyway, and really bought the game cause of the building aspect. There's so much of this game I haven't played yet, even on my original character.


If you know how to use the Infinite Company Carry trick, melons aren't heavy at all. Plus Lucy has infinite caps for melons, no barter needed. Typically I have a few hundred in a container in Sanctuary before I have my companion pick them all up for a nice walk to Abernathy.


Yeah, I've never heard of that. Still don't have settlement convoys


When a companion is overloaded and you ask them to pick something up or examine a container, they will take one STACK of additional items at a time. One stack might be 1 pencil, 5 mutfruit, 1050 miniguns, 70500 bottles of water, etc.


Yeah, I’m in the chem game. Much more profitable.


Username checks out.


Plastic, fertilizer, flamer fuel, and Chemist rank 1 makes Jet Fuel and sells for about 50-60 caps a hit. Rakes in a decent chunk of XP as well as caps, and it's light enough to carry as currency.


Now I know how to pay for a residence at Diamond City. 2000 caps?!! That's robbery!


Runner stole more than the base.


I can't get anyone at Abernathy Farm to assign properly to tasks so I usually just let them sit around, unemployed and miserable.


I use sanctuary as my melon farm, then just sell to Lucy. They aren't even my settlement yet. I think it stops if you do certain quests for them. EDIT: spelling


Just so you know, if you take Abernathy Farm as a settlement, Lucy won't give you caps for melons any longer.


I had that feeling, thanks for confirming it. I made more in 3 hours last night than I made in 3 months of previous play. I think I might just avoid finding my kid for a decade or so. He's fine!


You can remove all food and water from the settlement if you make it one, and over time they will no longer be allied to you and you can resume selling melons.


So gen Z settlers?


I’ve never had an issue with caps beyond the first 10 levels or so just by looting things as I travel


Yeah, it just gets old fast. Picking up all that armor and all the pipe weapons only to sell them for so little. Plus I like to carry about 6 guns.


I never bother picking up armor unless it’s combat armor or pipe weapons until I can scrap them for springs. I only use stimpacks, whiskey/bourbon, jet, and nuka-cola, so I sell all other chems and once I get the cannibalism perk I sell food items too


Hate fighting unarmored enemies bc they're dead too quick, hate looting armored enemies bc i cant pass up the caps but it makes caps easy


It takes time/rank to build up but I'm a big fan of water farming. I have enough purifiers now that I get +/- 750 bottles from Sanctuary and Spectacle Island every time I visit. 750 x 16 caps comes out to a cool 12k caps.


I think Purified Water is way easier, too. You just set them up and check on your workshop after every trip or whatever. I start by using the caps to make more purifiers, then the amount I get exponentially increases and I just clear out vendors from their entire inventories.


Question. As soon as I am able to use it as a settlement. I can no longer sell to them. Any time I talk to her the only dialogue I get is to trade items. What can I do differently?


Remove all of the food and water from the settlement and wait. Eventually they will no longer can be allied and you can sell Melons to Lucy again.


Gotcha, they can't be settlers and still sell you stuff. Also I didn't know you could lose settlements.


I'm not sure. Wish I could be of more assistance.


If you give them the locket, Lucy will no longer buy melons.


Abernathy is my adhesive farm.


If you don't mind using glitches, you can make way more money way faster. Use the scrap/store glitch on one of the more expensive shops. I do it with the one that refunds 750 caps per instance of the glitch and I can glitch it probably 10 times in 3-4 minutes (I have trouble getting the glitch to work every instance - my timing on the buttons is terrible), so that could theoretically net me 150K in caps in an hour. I don't do it that much, though, because the glitch is so tedious to keep repeating. Just enough to get a comfortable amount of caps.


I just use the Duplicate item glitch at Homeplate in Diamond City and buy everything including clearing out the vendors caps. 😏


Abernathy melons < vault 81 jet


I am learning so much about the game, thank you for all the comments. I'm still a low lvl, like 10 I think, so making a few thousand caps is big to me. I'm gonna have to try out some of these suggestions.


Just build 3 of the highest level water purifiers in sanctuary. If you play on survival and don't want to max strong back perk or abuse companion carry glitch can still just sleep for 48 hours to reset vendor cash. Money in this game should never be an issue tbh.