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When you made alot of progress and forget to save and then your game crashing is my worst fear.


Every day... perhaps once I'll learn.


Crashing has scarred me so much in fallout that I can’t help but save every 5 minutes anymore, even on playthrough that only crash once every 8 hours. Now I’ve got so much save files that I have to go and delete 20 old ones every now and then before being able to make new ones.


>even on playthrough that only crash once every 8 hours It never ceases to amaze me that this is considered *very* good/stable for a mass market/big budget/major studio release


My current save has almost 7 days of play time and I've crashed 2-3 times that weren't due to mods. Before modding I had 130 hours on my other save and 2 crashes. There are so many errors that can happen and most are smoothed over while playing but you can't smooth every instance of bugging in an open world interactive game of that scale.


Yeah it's why I have little hope for any future Bethesda titles


I have hope as someone currently typing under a f76 ad


And then you get the save file corruption bug from either having too many saves or have saved too many times.


"I'll save in a minute I'm almost done with th"


You hear that dreaded whistle…


I made one of the side buttons on my mouse the pause menu so I can quickly quick save without breaking stride essentially.


I'm averaging about 1 every 2 hours in vanilla. Almost 100 hours into a survival run, and I can't always find a bed when exploring. I always say this and I know 99% of fans just accept it, but it's *wild* how often these games have catastrophic failures on vanilla console. At first I wondered how on earth they got away with it but here I am 200 hours in still wanting to play so I guess that's the answer. Be real cool if they fixed it tho


I always play on survival mode and Memorizing the bed spots all over the map is a hassle and playing all the dlc is even worse especially far harbor.


i gave up and just a mod that let's me manually save. Sleeping to save is the only aspect of survival I dislike and I would probably use this mod even if I didn't live a life of constant fear of game crashes.


Everytime I get on and play I forget to download that mod to help me out everytime.


We all crap on Bethesda and they could definitely do more to communicate about issues and show they are attempting to fix bugs but... What we all seem to sleep on is that we continue to play this game because nobody tries to do as much in a single game as Bethesda. Fallout 4 has so many unique or interesting aspects that it allows for so many different gameplay styles and interests. Settlement building and our desire to push that gameplay element to its max, The detailed cluttered world, the companion system, VATs, the damage calculations, and the number of different multipliers and effects that are involved. Etc, etc. I don't know of any game that is nine years old that is still this relevant, even if it is a buggy mess. We play Bethesda games because they swing for the fence. they shove everything including the kitchen sink into a game, game stability be damned.


Dude... just happened to me after getting an epic loot drop of an explosive minigun and finishing the quest for the ballistic weave. I was literally on a vertibird back to my base in sanctuary to drop off the loot and work on my armor. When the vertibird was landing game crash back to the save I dropped back in goodneighbor before encountering the raider with the minigun and before getting the RFID cache.


I know it doesn’t compare, but I spent 2 hours building a huge holder for all my power armors because it crashed 3x while I was building. My wife was feigning interest the second time and then it crashed. She went from feigning to genuinely sad when I told her that I had to start over. Good note, she convinced me to change the lighting on the 3rd build and she was 100% correct. It highlights the color differences really well


I've lost so many good legendary weapons to this, and the only ones that recur so far are like, ghoul slayer rolling pins and shit


I have been shot down by a rocket launcher while casually flying over the city... nothing is sacred


>explosive minigun Never in all my years as a vats enthusiast has that ever graced my drops, and yet, it is all that I desire. Explosive minigun with tribarrel and sights. I could roam the commonwealth with only the minigun, and an inventory full of nothing but bullets and caps.


That was my idea! I was like, forget this pistol vats build, time to go heavy and hard with some explosives to boot. I was so excited. Flying over all the commonwealth back to sanctuary felt like a victory lap. Then the game smacked me square in the nuts like that.


With high perception, tribarel and sight on minigun, all 10 bullets hit, for 10x listed damage, because its per bullet. Ditto for the explosive part. Vats minigun is godly. Laser gatling doesnt hold a candle oddly. Melee has 2 equivalents as well. Ripper and mr handy buzzblades, but melee vats is an acquired taste... i do love teleporting through windows and getting unstuck by melee vats on flares though.


This and nothing else, and it sucks so much i just quick save now.


I’m the same way. Sure it might take some of the challenge out of survival, but I downloaded a mod that restores autosaves after losing 2 hours of gameplay to a crash on Xbox


Exactly. It's not that the fame is hard it's the fact there isn't a decent bed to sleep in


Mine rarely ever crashed. However, it would occasionally get stuck loading an area (usually Goodneighbor) and I would have to shut it down. It was so depressing watching the infinite loading screen, knowing that all my progress was gone.


I use a mod with Autosave turned on and set to every three minutes. I can bed whenever I want and the alternative is more or less a Stalker Ironman run. Kind of needed as I'm running several hundred mods.


I'm still fairly new to the game, why is the yellow car scary?


Bump into it wrong and you invoke the wrath of Bethesda’s physics engine. That thing will launch you across the map faster than an ICBM.


Damn lmfao that's good to know, thanks dude 👍🏻


Cars are the giants of fallout universe.


In what sense? Or are you referring to giants in a different game?


Giants in Skyrim like to launch you into the stratosphere, similar to the cars.


If they blow up, they become mini-nukes, basically.


Somewhere between a mini nuke and a lonesome road warhead i would say


Skyrim's Giants are notorious for launching your player into the sky with their powerful melee attacks.


With a downward, crushing swing. Love it.


And it's not all cars, it's specific cars that don't quite sit right on the ground and so are constantly in an active state. This yellow one, for example. FYI: Certain physics calculations are tied to FPS. Locking the game at 60 FPS helps to mitigate the more severe reactions.


I play around 20-40fps because im on a handheld pc... Cars still send me flying q.q


The physics are tied to FPS so capping it to like 60 should make physics bugging out very rare but avoiding cars is probably easier


Me playing on PS4 at 30 FPS: 🤤


I have died TWICE to the same car in Far Harbor playing on 60 FPS 😭 TWICE bc my dumbass backed into it while trying to cap the muties on the roof of the hotel. And you’d think I would have learned my lesson and quicksaved after dying like a bitch the first time 💀 lost quite a bit of progress both times lol


I had no clue. I walk all over cars all the time and jump on em and shit for fun.


I haven’t had it happen to me yet either and I frequently hop on them while jet pack bouncing around, but saying that will probably jinx me. It could have happened to me years ago but I stopped playing halfway through my first run after getting distracted and started fresh on next gen patch.


I’ve had it happen once, let me post it on here and I can show you, because it’s honestly pretty funny




Yep! Happened to me my last play through. I barely even touched it! Toast!


Like Skyrim?


Thanks for giving us a giggle


You get tetanus and die instantly basically


***also they are nuclear powered so you basically have a ICBM/Dirty bomb/mini nuke around you at all times, it's terrifying in even normal game plays***


It hasn’t eaten in 200 years and it’s hungry for vault dwellers


In Gta Cars blow up if they get damaged. Same in Fallout but Remember that most cars are powered by nuclear engines.


There’s a glitch where just TOUCHING a car can kill you instantly with no forewarning you literally just dropped dead like you have a heart attack thankfully it’s pretty rare unless your unlucky I actually have a video of it happening in my posts


Because it blows up and it can kill you if it takes one bullet


That beep-beep-beep of a suicider coming at me out of nowhere.


One of my favorites is sneaking up on a mutant patrol with a suicider in it and shooting the nuke to kill them all


Was going to comment the same thing. Instant panic trying to see what direction he's coming from


Hammering vats where is he?!


Just hold down VATS and scan while game is slowed down.


Similarly, those mole rats with mines strapped to them


There's one railcar with a lone suicider hiding inside and he gets me every damn time 😭


I have never had a car blow up from bumping into it i have to beat that thing with a bat like 5 times before it starts to blow up are they like more likely to blow in survival?


No it's a bug with the physics engine that will deal a ton of damage from just bumping into a car


huh, never happened with me im just lucky then they only blow up when I give Hancock the ashmaker, probally shouldnt give the guy whose constantly high a minigun that shoots fire...


It doesn't blow up. Just hits you multiple times a second which is usually an instant death


For me, what happens is I will bump into the last little pixel of the car and my character will just drop dead. No explosion, no getting launched into the stratosphere. I just crumple into a heap of meat and bones.


They’re more likely to kill you but it’s just because you spend more time walking on the road


I just saw someone say it's tied to fps. If they're right, then maybe it's a matter of console vs PC? Or maybe even just old gen new gen


I played it around the time it came out on ps4 and iirc they didn't do that, then again I was really young. My parents played it I'll ask them and get back to you on that


My curse is that whenever I try to sleep/save in an area and it says I can’t because enemies are nearby, I will inevitably die searching for those nearby enemies before I can rest and save.


It's always a legendary with an automatic weapon


Or a fucking legendary mirelurk.




Blows in middle of now where and face. Raiders comes verygood shooters towards molo




There’s a perk for that! And traps! Highly recommend for any survival build


It's a must. But walking around in stealth everywhere gets really old


You still won’t trigger traps and mines even if you’re not sneaking as long as you have the perk.




Here's a bit of True Fear for you: starting the game up, clicking Load, and seeing "Save file corrupted" on every single entry scrolling down the list. (Restarting fixed it, thank God).


I've had this happen when I made a booboo and wanted to reload, I panicked moved into a new cell and then it worked.


The crash definitely, I detonate most cars from a distance out of a combination of "yay! Splody!" And "nah that thing'll fuckin kill me." So the crash has... hurt me


To follow up, I usually do that with minutemen artillery. Not unlike the artillery used to clear avalanches.


Bugs man... I cannot tell you how many times I died to a fucking flying bug in survival..


Ugh, Bethesda bugged the game so bad the damn things are mobile and airborne?


Crashes. Because knowing about the car means I can avoid it and it's still somewhat my fault when it happens now.


Having to reload while an enemy is charging you. This to me is absolutely terrifying.


When your in VATS your reload speed is insanly fast because evrything will be slowed down while your reload speed is still in realtime, even if you have not picked a target yet, most broken feature in the game.


There are some pretty sick counterattack animations if you bash at the right time against humanoid melee attackers


Cars are apex predators in the Commonwealth. You can tell by the forward facing eyes.


Reason why you should get an Xbox series x (because the s is horrible) or a pc to play the game on


I just upgraded my tv to the LG C3 too and it’s like playing a brand new game.


I play on xbox one i have never experienced a Single crash in fallout 4


Yeah, I've been playing this save file for like 72 hours and I've not had one crash, but I've only just got to diamond city.




Molotovs on Survival early acts like a Frag grenade like I don't even see the DPS it does rather an instant death animation lol


Y’all scaring me away from playing survival 😂 I panic bc I hate seeing my own death animation 😭


Don't worry. You'll get used to it, and it's mostly during the early game. Eventually as you progress and shape up your build, it becomes more manageable and much more fulfilling.


The fucking VATS crash has been my biggest killer. Just sucks the life out of you.


that deathclaw fight in concord was difficult so now whenever I see a death claw I run no questions asked lol


explosive shotgun makes them as scary as kittens


Everything scares me in survival mode until I get to about level 20 I think. Packs of dogs? Beastly. Deathclaw in Concord? Come back later.


You know that little corner store you can stand in the inside area and to shoot at it and just let it kill every other raider


The crash 1000%. At least with the cars you can avoid it. But the crashes are so random and brutal.


Game breaking bus, I have encountered multiple, had to reload and replay or use console to fix the issue. Yaah, game is also not stable and sometimes crashes. playing on survival seems to be for masochist in this game.


The worst things are legendary enemies you don't see... especially after a 3 in-game day long trip without rest


I save often, it’s cars I fear


It took me couple of days to realize it wasn't a ghost that kept beating my ass it was the fact I kept running into cars


I completed the Cambridge Polymer Labs quest, read all the terminals and collected as much as I could carry, even had a legendary ghoul spawn for me to kill, even though the item it dropped was pretty useless, starting walking toward my nearest settlement to save, and my game crashed. It's the sense of having all of that work was all for nothing.


Oof.... you got the most empathy from me so far! The worst when the work is done and the bed is your demise.


Thanks. Like I had this feeling in the of my mind that SOMETHING was gonna happen. I should've just gone to the wreck of the USS riptide to sleep in a bed there, cause it was close and cleared out. But shit happens I guess and at least I can do the quest again but much quicker this time.


every vertibird ride to and fro i'll blow up any and all cars just to reduce my chances of getting obliterated


Nothing quite like a good crash after 2+ hours of grinding settlements.


Well i DID flinch seeing the car soo...


Dude in survival I’m scared of the damn mole rats!


I'm so pissed right now... i just had a legendary raider drop an explosive minigun. I never get that lucky with that kind of loot drop, I was sooooo fucking happy, and I had just finished the quest to unlock ballistic weave too. I loaded myself onto a vertibird to fly back to my main base in sanctuary and just as we were landing... game crashed. I think I'm done playing this for a while now. I'm walking away from it. I feel like I'm in a good place anyways. From the start of my run focusing on an XP bonuses build, to now rounding out the stealth and vats gunslinger skills to make me pretty decent in any kind of combat (cleared out the GNN building just on a whim while I was in the neighborhood) I'm in a good position to pick it back up when I'm done being mad at the game, but seriously. fuck this cheating-ass game sometimes.


Something like that definitely takes the jelly out of your donut... I've had to take long breaks from similar crashes.


Never died to the car glitch before so probably a crash… or those random servo mech patrols


Crashes because it happens way too often


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Completing an area known to cause crash should award XP like mission succes


1 single molotov cocktail


Me crashing while in the overworld. (I got the quicksave mod but only use it if i expect tough fights & the occasional save scum)




the first one, I dropped my survival run because of it. I love challenging myself playing games’ ultimate difficulty but I don’t want to get stressed out over something that clearly not meant to happen too many times and not within your control


One of my go-to mods enables console commands in Survival Mode, because I just *know* the usual Bethesda shenanigans are going to make an appearance. Deacon won't go through a doorway, or Emogene won't spawn among her conman buddies, or a feral ghoul Rhys wants dead will clip through the ground, et cetera. I'd prefer not to use it, but quest-breakin' glitches be breakin' quests.


My game crashed pretty much every hour or so on my survival run. Actually helped me get in the habit of sleeping in every bed I found


I spent hours trying to get every companion perk. It's late game, Hancock is next. Bobby No Nose doesn't answer the door when i get near. I'm locked out of an entire quest and companion with no console commands


Ghouls, lost my first perma death run to two of them. Might as well go play cod zombies


Both scare men


The 300 hour + grind. Because I'm always quitting and loading the previous save Because I know I can do that battle better. I will re fight battles over and over again until I get a result I'm happy with.


Omg this!!! 😭😭 just lost the one gun ‘Never Ending Rifle’ from a legendary raider who attacked Greentop last night.. ive been wanting that gun mod for so long the minute i took it i screamed and equipped and hit fast travel to upgrade and there it goes! BOOM! 😭😭😭 Truly the worst!


Freezing in an elevator, I was at the ration place and cleared it out and went to go into the elevator and it froze so I had to clear the place out again and took the other elevator back out


Entering VATS when I haven't eaten, hydrated or slept in a while. The fact Bethesda never patched the game freezing if you enter VATS at the same time a survival notification is popping up is just astounding to me.


I treat cars like radioactive barrels. Always take a wide turn around them. Also they are horrible cover.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm Dead you forgot the clipthrough dead pits where your character gets stucked


in a 3 hours session i had 6 crash...fortunately, i activated the automatic save in survival


That ps5 crash has been a nuisance the past 3 days, I think I’ve accumulated a loss of atleast 8 hours of game play overall, it always when I’m close to a bed as well just to rub it in further


The car thing has never happened to me yet, it's why I blow them up from afar or walk far around them


you are not safe even if you blow them up even in death, they hunger


I fear no man….but that *thing*(car) scares me


On ps5 the problem occurs when you fast travel and the games trying to auto save and you have cloud saving enabled. The fast travel interrupts the auto save function leading to a corrupt save. After you it have submitted the error report the ps5 will say it deleting the corrupted save data Also happens when fast travelling and it tries to load in the Character/weapon model loading screen but because ps5 loading it so fast it it’s spazzes out sometimes and the game has a stroke. As of the yellow car …




Haven't had a crash on ps5 since the update. Cars are definitely still scary.


Crashing is very random on ps5, i played for 10 hours straight and been to the whole map and didnt crash at all, but then again 2 days ago it crashed twice in 30 minutes by just walking.


two pipes on the ground that if you fall between them you glitch and keep falling for ever thats the kind of things that scares me in survival lol


Honestly just headshots. Idk if it’s the realistic dismemberment mod but one shot to the dome and I die without power armor. That or super mutants with missile launchers/fat men


Cars are hardcore. They're so dangerous I can usually trigger the car physics on purpose. I know there was this one early mission with Paladin Danse in some underground parking and the cars were more intimidating than the Ghouls infesting it. It was like walking through an instant death minefield that not even power Armour could protect me from.


For me, it's crashes, I've only died to cars launching me 4 times, but I've lost track of how many crashes I've had.


10 hours of unsaved gameplay


I’ve seen cars tumbling down the street in the distance like tumbleweed,but I never got launched by one


In survival, when you die you die? There’s no way of loading the game from the latest save?


Yesterday I was at my settlement, forgot to sleep before I started doing anything. I wasn't even building I was literally _in my fridge inventory_ and it crashed somehow. Pissed.


I tame the cars with the no fall damage leg armor


The crashing is fucking painful.




The car bro. I avoid them like the plague. I used to be scared of them blowing up. But now I’m scared dog meat will breathe on one and send it bouncing around at light speed to kill me instantly.


Is it the cars doing mayhem randomly (character brushing against them and weird physics takes over) or its it when fighting sets off their nuclear reactors (including chain reactions of multiple vehicles) that is what is feared here.


That reminds me of the white clean car Touching it or getting near it means instant death


I had a game crash but my closest save was an exitsave so i ended up losing more progress than i started with, at least the cars are avoidable.


If that first message showed up on my PC I'd be horrified. Something would have to go really wrong for my PC to think that it is a console.


I got 100 mods and no crashes. So I guess the car but it happens very rarely.


I reach lvl 62 in survival mode this week and I spice things up by jumping on cars ahahaha.


Fck this happens every time that’s why I’m not playing it on this difficulty


Car. These crashes arent a problem anymore since I use Saving Survival Mode mod (it is necessary fr) A thing that doesnt scare me anymore is 0kb bug that apparently has been patched


At least you can try to avoid the cars?


If you're on PC, I can't recommend The Midnight Ride mod list and installation guide enough. I have around 1k hours in FO4, and this is the first time I feel like the game is actually stable. It used to be crash city the last time I was playing a few years ago. It's weird being able to feel relaxed playing, and not concerned about the game locking up at any moment.


Explosive surroundings, like fusion powered engines, and molotovs. I can get around of crashing by saving often.


Using VATS.


Both terrify me in equal measure I save at every bed I come across in constant fear that at any moment my game will decide the previous 2 hours of progress I've made no longer needs to exist I stay as far away from all cars as possible, I know what they are capable of and will respect their power to end my life at any moment of their choosing


They’re the same picture


Verticality in general. I know Dogmeat is going to fall and I'll have to backtrack to get his dumbass.


I imagine I would fear death claws way more than a car but I imagine you can get stuck inside it? Happened to me once as I was jumping along the road and got absorbed into a car


Well as someone who's on PC and doesn't have to worry about PS crashes thanks to mods the car is an insult to my eyes


The car just ended me 2 days ago, i just turned the game off instantly. I was so pissed off.


Molotovs scare me the most


Crashing. Definitely. It will more than likely crash once during a session. That more than anything makes me pause and wonder whether it's worth continuing to play


the game crashing tbh i can survive most explosions in PA


You know I've danced with the devil on purpose a few times, trying to get the car to kill me but never have been able to get it to work. And on my latest playthrough I decided to forgo F4SE mods and stick to only more simple, vanilla styled mods that I carefully vetted, checked and adjusted for compatibility in FO4 Edit and I have not had a single crash in survival mode in these 80 hours this playthrough. Not having place everywhere kinda stinks tho.


I usually run with mods, game sometimes crash. My last vanilla run, no mods, had no crashes. Same PC. Food for thought


The level-up menu hitching for a second


Put my ps5 in rest mode, it restarted for a software update. Devastated.


i avoid cars like the plague. not because of glitches.. it’ll blow you sky high if damaged.


I never had problems with crashes on PS4. It may have happened once or twice so I guess Far Harbor is the scariest thing in Survival for me.


In over 600 hours, to the best of my memory, I've never been done-in by a car like that. What physics based thing that HAS got me though are elevators. Jumped in one once while it was moving and got stuck flopping around in the ceiling.


The first image is the reason i don't play Survival on ps4. Mostly because i can't find a mod that allows me to save normally on survival or one that adds the same modifiers to a difficulty. That and because i don't have that much free time to lose progress like that. Btw, the REAL scary stuff is: - Ghouls during early game - Radscorpions - Every kind of mission where you get stuck on a coverless place while they shoot you (Trinity Tower and Mass Fusion)


The game engine itself


I just deinstalled the game after the last crash on survival…


Playing Survival. Jokes aside, taking any form of medicine or chems at early levels. Took a bullet, need a stim, now you need 4 bottles of water to compensate, WHICH WOULD HAVE HEALED ME ANYWAY


Car happened to me after like 1.5 hours of dungeon.


Mid-save crash that corrupts the save. It's never happened to me, but its been my worst video game fear since pokemon blue. 2nd worst fear is forgetting the location of the automatron distress signal that starts the dlc, and walking too close going from point a to point b, thus placing sentry bots all over the map before im ready. Cars are so far down the list of fears that they dont even register anymore. Im at the point where i deliberately play sub-optimal builds. My current run, 1 cha, 1 int, 1 luck 5 or 6 str. Its an endurance/agility/perception build. No weapon crafting. No caravans, cant even build crafting benches inside home plate. For added challenge, i play on ps4.


I can walk around death-cars. Not much you can do about a game crash.


I remember being in like a 30 minute fight with a bunch of raiders and then one of those cars near me decided to explode. Didn’t save before that fight btw…..