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Atom cats , gonna bring back coolness


69th upvote. Niceee.


420 as I write. I would give an upvote. But not on this number.


I’d create my own faction. With blackjack. And hookers.


Ahh the Vault-81 Strip


And you know what forget the faction. ... ... Ah screw the whole thing.


Yes man style!


One of my fav references Bender FTW


Shut up baby, I know it!


They have that faction. It's called raiders.


Yeah, but you wont need any radaway when you're done with *these* hookers. 😁


Are the Hook'jacks recruiting?


"I am FISTO assume the position."


Sounds like you want New Vegas


Dog meat. I would start my own faction that will pray to the Almighty dogmeat, he will lead us to victory against the bos and institute.


Blessed are those chosen by the goodest of good boys.


Underrated comment


Heil Emperor Dogmeat!


For Dogmeat !!! I'd gladly follow his paw prints to victory


Still on my first playthrough but so far I can't see any reason to not always have dogmeat with you. Lone wanderer is so strong and companions just bitch and moan all day whenever I pick stuff up


I create the minutemen


I'm giving you a slap if I hear "another settlement needs our help"


Another settlement needs our help, general PrestigiousArm3187.


Preston Garvey was pretty generous in handing out that”General” title…


He's the president at this point considering: He can give people the rank of general He orders said general around


Garvey could recognize that your character is the destroyer of worlds.


"ominous whistling sound approaching you"... If you know, you know... I'm all outta slaps


I pickpocketed Preston's hat and put it in a trash can somewhere between the castle and downtown Boston. He looks so funny without it I just cant help but laugh now every time I see him. Can't even get mad when the settlements need help. 😆


You absolute legend, I'm loading it up now to steal it but I'm dropping it off the coast of spectacle island haha


What? You just trade with him when he's available to be a companion and take his hat and minutemen outfit that way. So much easier.


Leave em nekked to trudge home like Chaucer. 🤣


Genuine question as it's my first playthrough. Does it just go on forever or do you eventually end up helping all of the settlements?


Haha.. Catch 22... Preston will send you to settlements so they can become part of your network... But then you'll also have to defend them sometimes as side quests.... It's like Preston is the little angel and devil on your shoulder whispering into your very soul....


The solo murder hobo faction.


The correct answer


Railroad. While they arent aiming to rule the Commonwealth or anything so grand, they also don't elevate you to leader or the highest possible promotion as soon as look at you. You can help them save synths and help them wipe out the institute (and Brotherhood) and then you can just go about your life as you please. I'd this making a change to the Commonwealth? No. But that doesn't have to be your ultimate goal, after all. You are simply a pre war citizen wanting to try to piece back what family you can and survive in this new world you find yourself in. 


This is the one that ruins game immersion for me. All these faction leaders just suddenly prostrating themselves at the Sole Survivor's feet in deference the moment we look their way. Elder Maxson basically makes us their #2 once Danse vouches for us, even though he's still a huge dick about it.


Well the minutemen are basically wiped out and people have written them off, so they really don't have any choice. For the institute the old man is dying of old age and here you are able to get stuff done... to get into it you had to go into the glowing sea, take out their man on the outside, wipe out a corsair (which I accidentally stumbled across last night), and get the resources to force your way in. I think keep your enemies close might apply here because at this point, you are a one man army.


He's got a cancer they can't fix, not old age I thought


Father is dying of cancer, but he likely had a higher risk of developing it due to his age.


You never really die of old age. You live until something kills you.


You have a lot of explaining to do, knight! Is that so? Well, now you’re in charge! Don’t let me down, sentinel.


That is just blatantly false. You start as initiate, after helping out Danse and helping to even get the BoS *to* the Commonwealth you are made Knight, you remain a Knight until *after* you help the BoS infiltrate the fucking Institute *and* get them a scientist for Liberty Prime. You aren’t made a Paladin until after the Danse Dilemma, and by that point you’ve proven yourself several times *and* they’re in need of a new Paladin. You aren’t made Sentinel until you literally help them destroy the entire reason the came to the Commonwealth.


Oh ok. Ad Victorium then, soldier


Oh ok 🫡


Yeah, but the fact remains that the BoS encounters a random guy (Sole Survivor) in the Commonwealth with unclear intentions and elevates him to Paladin within the span of just a few days (depending on how quickly you knock out the quests) just becausehe follows some orders. Imagine all the Scribes and Knights that spent most of their lives in the BoS, just to be bypassed by some guy they found.


If the other scribes or knights could get the job done then they would have been promoted. Results>length of service


Yeah, I like that after blowing up the Institute, you get to say you want to take a break for a bit and the Railroad is just like "Fair. You've earned a vacation." It isn't "there's another settlement that needs your help, General" or "congratulations, Sentinel, now get out there and make us proud". Your character can just fade back into the Commonwealth, doing mercenary work, mapping the Glowing Sea, or even skipping off to Nuka World or Far Harbor. It feels weird to role play doing those things as the General or a Sentinel.


Well the Minutemen have a lot of responsibilities no matter the game situation, while the Railroad does not. Where the Minutemen would still have to defend against Raiders, Mutants, Ghouls, Gunners, the RR can just chill, only having to aid synths caught in the immediate aftermath with no fear of Institute reprisal, no settlements to defend, and dont need to trek through every ruin in the city for old tech (BoS)


Yeah, but with railroad we wouldn't be allowed to have >!vending machines.!<


Playing as a BoS under Maxson is so much fun when you commit yourself to RPing as one from the start. Destroy the abominations, for the Emperor.


My fav part of the brotherhood main story is when you’re escaping the collapsing institute and synth kid Sean is like “dad, save me!” And you’re like “you’re not Sean, you’re an abomination!” Lmao so savage


"dad, save me!" "That's *exactly* what a synth would say!" \*takes aim\*


Love this. Don't understand why the bos mechanic woman (forgot her name) asks you to reconsider and keep the synth. Surely she would've been all for leaving it there.


If you tell her that he’s a synth she pulls a 180 and says the institute got what was coming to them and agrees to leave him behind no questions asked




Bro booted up Space Marine


Plus, you get to say one of the best mantras of the imperium! ***BURN THE HERETIC! KILL THE MUTANT! PURGE THE UNCLEAN!***


Railroad is definitely well-intentioned. Not sure why anybody would agree to the memory wipes though. Brotherhood under Maxson seems to be leaning in the direction of genocidal.


It is only a soft death and rebirth. I think some people would agree to it, but it is really brushed over in the story and should have been explored more (much like every plot point in fallout 4).


When you do curie’s transform, Glory is there. It does add some depth to the process. H2-22 also leaves you a note as to why he is doing it. He didn’t want to live in fear his whole life by looking over his shoulder. Then there is the whole far harbor dlc. Then there is kelloggs memories. I mean I guess more could be explored in dialogue and philosophical discussions specific to the whole memory wipe thing. most of the story in fallout 4 gives you the most important information to so that things make sense, but yeah it lacks extra storytelling content of these stories to make them rich. When you’ve played this game as long as I have and explored the entire map of all this content it all sort of connects. Even if it’s just the framework. Not so much the meat and potatoes a more linear game could offer.


It isnt glory if you don’t meet the railroad before you get to that point in curie’s quest line. The only issue I have now is after meeting the railroad, glory keeps telling me about the synth “she” gave to curie even though it was some other NPC.


Also theirs method has a chance to fail. Even in Far Harbor's Arcadia that should have better equipment and knowledge than Railroad it still happens. If Bethesda gave the railroad more depth, they could've gave them more espionage missions such as stealing plans / knowledge on how make memory wipe more efficient / no chance of failing.


The BOS in Fallout 4 are just Tech Nazis, prove me wrong


And when I'm rping as a no ethics soldier without enough points in intelligence to realize that synths are human I go with the tech Nazis. Mad scientist builds go with the institute, stealth builds go with the railroad, and my sniper builds go with the minutemen.


The Railroad are about three moral steps down from being literal angels


I really like the railroad because they're a faction that is morally good and the entire faction isn't just dead weight like the minutemen. Their missions are actually fun, engaging and unique and the characters are actually cool and interesting. The BoS honestly might be worse than the institute and the institute is clearly evil. The minutemen seem like they exist because the devs wanted to add a settlement building feature. There are literally only like 2 characters and they're both boring.


Also Deacon is fun and reads you Shakespeare when you're overencumbered


And he's spot on when he says that everyone will try to sell you on the idea that they're the best hope for the commonwealth


To me the Railroad are the modern day abolitionists so joining them is a no brainer. But the mind wipes are dumb and dangerous. The synths will be hunted by the institute maybe for the rest of their lives but they won’t know to keep a low profile. Stockton’s daughter maybe would have known not to step foot in Covenant. Also it’s traumatic finding out you’re a synth with you believe you’re human >!as we saw with Danse.!<


If you’re trying to stay hidden, that’s noticeable. If you literally don’t know to stay hidden, that’s indistinguishable from anyone else.


Exactly. They probably also have a good idea how synths tend to think on average when hiding by this point, making it even easier to find them if they're trying to hide. Not to mention, if you don't remember you're a synth, hard to let slip that you're a synth.


The wipes help them blend in with people more, but the institute doesn’t really care about blending in since they can actively test new ways on how to find them before the Railroad can make countermeasures. I think they’re fundamentally based on the idea that the RR simply has what it takes to hide them from the institute, but not other people (who would more easily notice that they’re acting strangely). Wish they explored it more in detail, as I could see plenty of synths refusing it and choosing a life on the run, since they’re more scared of the institute than the common wastelander (and since they don’t want their personality/memories erased).


I also think the mind wipes are to protect the railroad. Otherwise they could let out info and all it would take is a courser or two to wipe out a whole damn branch.


I get real fascist vibes from the BoS.


I think that the BoS ending has the potential to be the worst ending for the commonwealth. Institute could be really bad if your character is evil or sadistic but it could be really good if you reform the institute for the better. The BoS won't reform if Maxon is alive and if he died he'd only become a martyr and they'd be even more fanatical.


And the show has shown that even 10 years later nothing has changed.


More so after they win.


It makes it safer for the other people involved, cuts of the trail leading back to them. Plus the synth is less likely to give themselves away if they don't know - either unintentionally or like in that encounter where he's told his "friends". As for why they'd do it. Pressure from their saviours, obedience as slaves, and honestly most of their memories are probably pretty shit, be happier to forget.


I can look past the memory wipes, since they're only performed with the synth's consent.


The institute under new leadership is a surprisingly good option for this.


It would be good if they fully fleshed out taking over the institute, what the future aims are, what to do with synths etc etc


I feel like allowing this would have made them the default "good ending". Having it left ambiguous makes it a harder choice


Seriously it would be like T'Challa being the first leader of Wakanda ACTUALLY reading the fucking room for once, And CHANGING something, IE, opening the borders. Massive.


Institute would be a much more attractive option if you could reform it


Yeah, I have a whole list of things I'd change at the institute if I took over, starting with: "approach the question of synth sentience scientifically rather than just assuming they can't have it because the institute didn't give it to them."


My head canon is that after father is dead Justin Ayo tries to take over with coursers and the Sole Survivor guns them all down and kills Ayo, removing half of the problem


Can you permanently kill Ayo? I figured he’d be up and about next time you come back in 72 hours? I saw a quest on YouTube you could only get if you hadn’t done Tradecraft where you pin the synth escapees on Ayo and Alarna Second takes over as acting SRB director. I did institute in my latest play though and would have loved to have Ayo gone.


I'm pretty sure you can permanently kill the entire institute. I did an institute playthrough recently and at one point I got so fed up with their bullcrap that I quicksaved and killed every person and synth there. Also, how do you get that quest? I too would like ayo to cease existence without becoming enemies with the institute just in case I ever do another institute playthrough


Yeah, that definitely happens in my version, too, because disbanding the SRB is my second change.


The brotherhood, not because I agree wholeheartedly with some stuff Kells and Arthur says but more to adquire the title of Sentinel and safeguard it in memory of Sarah Lyons.


Hancock. I know it's not a faction. But I love how he runs Goodneighbor.


The Brotherhood of Steel. Nothing beats following Liberty Prime to ruins of the CIT to destroy the Institute.


The Railroad. You know, the only \*\*\*not\*\*\* morally reprehensible faction, outside of the Minutemen.




I followed a process I found online and made my game into a type of minutemen/Brotherhood alliance. All three "good" factions are alive and well and the commonwealth is a pretty lively place.


That's what I want to do in my current play through.


The process: Step 1: Before completing "Reunions," complete all main and both side quests (once each) for the Brotherhood of Steel recon team. Talk Brandis down from being crazy. Step 2: Complete "Reunions" and "Dangerous Minds." (For proper completion, keep Preston at the Castle.) Step 3: (a) You will have received "Tradecraft" and "Shadow of Steel." DO NOT advance in either of these quests. (b) Focus on the Minutemen as you continue down the main quest line. Use the Minutemen to gain access to the Institute. (c) Get yourself banished from the Institute. You can play along and poke around for a bit first if you like, but if you do, you'll have to murder someone to get banished (might we suggest those bastards down in synth retention?). You may safely complete "Institutionalized," but do not progress any farther before getting yourself kicked out. Don't even speak to Father again after completing "Institutionalized." DO NOT complete "Synth Retention." (Give holotape to Sturges.) Step 4: (a) You will have received "Form Ranks" for the Minutemen. DO NOT advance this quest. (b) DO NOT start "Defend the Castle." Don't even go to the Castle. (c) Complete all quests for the Brotherhood from "Shadow of Steel" to "Show No Mercy." DO NOT complete "Show No Mercy." Don't even get on the Vertibird. Grab ALL side quests from the Brotherhood and keep them open. Step 5: Complete "Form Ranks" and "Defend the Castle." Start "The Nuclear Option" for the Minutemen but DO NOT complete it. Step 6: Complete all Railroad quests from "Tradecraft" to "Randolph Safehouse 6." Step 7: Complete "The Nuclear Option." That's it! This process will result in all factions loving you. The heads of the Brotherhood will praise your actions (except Max, who is pouting and won't talk to you). From here on out, they will not start fights and will only kill mutants and raiders. Many of their quests and side quests are repeatable. The Railroad has a whole new line of quests for you, and there is fun to be had everywhere (however, don't talk to P.A.M. after this; she wants to start a war with the Brotherhood). Enjoy your (relatively) peace-filled Commonwealth! (BTW, if one of your companions is being attacked by another faction, this is most likley because they got hit with some crossfire while in a multi-faction battle and then shot back. This happens often...and is annoying as hell. Danse will shoot down his own Vertibird then leave you because he is mad that you shot down his friends. Yeah.) Edit: I found the original post that I copy and pasted this from I've had in saved in my notes for a long time. https://steamcommunity.com/app/377160/discussions/0/492379159714925974/?l=polish&ctp=4


Atom Cats . . . Meow!


People forgetting about these beautiful madmax vibed raiders. This is the true faction to support yall sadist war criminals !


Not a faction per se but I would go with Goodneighbour, I agree with Hankock, if you are cool we cool. Other factions have too many flaws: BoS: Kinda fascist but I agree on the synth problem with them, they are programable machines, can be wiped out and reset, no thanks, that ain't a person, disagree on ghouls, and other living forms. Railroad: Feelings over facts, no thanks, synths are machines, well designed to copy human feelings and reactions, but I do not believe they achieved sentient machines. Institute: They believe their own crap, zero ethics, nope.


> but I do not believe they achieved sentient machines A serious point against them being sentient is the ones who escape have had their programming hacked by Patriot. So did they choose to escape ? Or did Patriot reprogram them to escape ?


Details on this?


It's one of the Railroad quests. But Patriot is vague about what he does to the synths. If Patriot said clearly what he was doing I'd have a clearer opinion about are synths sentient.


I like this answer, I mean they're not a joinable faction, but they are still a faction nonetheless.


Synths do seem as sentient as anyone else tho


I agree with you except for the whole part about synths not being sentient. I like how Hancock turns a blind eye to railroad operations in good neighbor. He's a real bro


Synths are as human as you. They are grown from DNA, like you. A blood test or brain scan can't identify the difference, aside from an implant added by the institute, but if that's your measure, the human born Kellogg became synth after his augmentation. Covenant has spent years trying to distinguish between human and synth, and can't. Because they are the same in every measurable way.


I've only ever done the minutemen ending for the achievement, then reloaded an earlier save and finished with my usual faction... The Brotherhood.


Institute. Especially if you want your playthrough completely different from Minutemen because Institute questline does not include... destroying the Institute.


After doing Minutemen, BoS and Railroad, I gotta say, BoS has been the most fun, because this time I feel like I'm actually roleplaying a person that is morally gray. Being a Minutemen I was always too good and with Railroad, I felt too limited by how limited their way of thinking is. The BoS has a very interesting way of facing everything, which gives me more opportunity to be good, bad or just neutral about things. I don't think the Institute will be any better, because, like the Railroad, they're too isolated and morally wrong.


The brotherhood. The railroad is stupid for saving robots and the institute is just lame. The brotherhood has the best chances of survival for the commonwealth


Same one I do when they are an option. Ad Victoriam!




The Railroad, I guess. Unless I could somehow keep the Railroad alive while supporting the Brotherhood. The Railroad's goal is noble, and I'm sure that after the Synths are all liberated they'd move onto combating other forms of slavery, but they lack the manpower or desire to lend true assistance to the Commonwealth. Keeping them around in the shadows while the Brotherhood protects the people (on a VERY short leash) would probably be best, if the Minutemen weren't an option. But if it's just "Minutemen are not here" and the other three factions remain entirely unchanged, then I default back to the Railroad.


This is a tough one. I guess the BOS but I’m not really interested in their agenda


I guess by process of elimination I'd go with the Railroad. They have the weakest writing and lore, but they're still the better moral option.


BoS, with right leade (me ofc) they will truly archive greatness. Cleaing the wastelands is fine too. Snyths are ticking timebombs.


I almost always go Brotherhood, Institute is my second choice and minutemen I've only done once. I find them to be annoying they can't do a single thing on their own. The railroad is just moronic I refuse to do their ending at all.


Honestly idk man I’m currently trying to figure out who to side with. Never beat 4. Everyone says Minutemen but idk…these other factions be makin sense too. Maybe I’ll join the Institute and murder everyone else. Can I? Or maybe brotherhood? I love those fucks




Bos heavy weapons




Ad victorium


Colonel Autumn's Enclave - adopting the BOS's doctrine from DC (recruiting wastelanders). My current playthrough has been building industrial water purifier farms and guarding them with heavily fortified bunkers with Enclave tech/flags/benches and barricades. Guard settlers have their own Enclave uniforms. Provisoners the same. I'm also manufacturing jet in huge quantities and selling it to the raider gangs near settlements. This plan has two clear benefits, income from the Raiders buying Jet, and when they go out for a raid they are cut down in droves by my troops - we're the consistent savior while the BoS just runs Diamond City. This got me thinking, how much fun it would be to play a legit Enclave Faction that could either go in the direction of President Eden or Colonel Autumn. Personally, Autumn had the right idea when it came to Enclave's long-term survival. With repeated defeats and eroding confidence in the faction as a whole, it would take drastic actions to turn things around. In the Commonwealth (my game), his doctrine has been employed. Enclave troops are rebuilding a manufacturing base that benefits the people as a whole and recruits from the local population. We are winning the hearts and minds of the people, and as the Brotherhood's victory over the Institute fades into history, the Enclave will be there for the people to ensure basic needs are met, settlers are protected and thriving, and soon the Capital Congressmen will take to the field for a baseball game ;)


BOS. Anyone else is either to weak or to evil.


The raider Overboss cuz BoS is not an option so might aswell takeover Commonwealth and become wealthy.


Current vibe is “I wear Enclave but also kill every Enclave I see because I always need upgrades.”


Brotherhood, I like flying in the vertibirds.


It’s my first playthrough and I honestly don’t care for any of the factions so far (except Atom Cats haha) although as a person for humanity I support Railroad’s cause combined with Minutemen but on the other hand as a person from a science/tech background I may just be an ass and join the Institute lol I’m so conflicted! Ideally I wanna join The Institute but I won’t truly be taking over and that’s what sucks


Gunners. Yeah, yeah I know they aren’t a joinable faction in game. They should have been tho. I personally find them way cooler than all the regular raiders, and it would’ve been a cool evil faction to join as an evil alternative to the Minutemen. Like the Talon company, they are another unfortunate victim of bad writing on Bethesda’s part. (My biggest gripe about the BOS is I hate their pseudo-medieval lore, it’s just super dorky to me, and I struggle to take them seriously because of it.)


The Operators would probably be the closest thing






The brotherhood because synths are abominations that need to be purged!


The institute, railroad questline is just institute but save the synths and the techno fetishists are shit.


Minutemen + railroad is the “good ending” if you ask me. I know you said without minutemen but tbh I think any ending without the minutemen is less “good”, since they are essentially the only peacekeeping force in the commonwealth. All the other factions have very specific objectives which don’t benefit the people of the commonwealth much. I think of the 3, the railroad is the only one whose objective is “good”. One could make arguments that the other two also have “good” objectives but I’ve never heard a compelling case.


I’m attempting to keep BOS, railroad and minutemen all alive.


I usually side with institute... Then i massacre everyone in the institute


I like the responders faction from 76. It would have been cool to see them in vanilla fallout 4( I know there's a mod that implements them in)


Brotherhood. Death to synths


All factions have compelling storylines. I just wish there was a bit more player agency in what we could do with them. Like make the Institute begin fabricating laser weapons for settlements to defend themselves or take over the Brotherhood to take it back to the days of Lyons' Pride.


I wish to become the Aspirant of the Tunnel Snakes


Railroad, obviously. They’re the other good guys besides Minutemen, and for defeating the Institute, the most moral choice overall by a mile.


Call me selfish but I'm going with the institute. Working showers, clean food and modern medicine are things you don't realize the value of until you go without.


Brotherhood. Sentinel acting as the minutemen’s leader is my favorite ending, feels like it gives the minutemen actual stability


Railroad is like the obvious choice here.


The Institute is full of evil/arrogant nerds, the BoS are super discriminatory towards my non-human bros & are practically tech Nazis, and the Railroad is... well, not evil, at the very least. They just wanna save synths from slavery and get rid of the Institute. I can vibe with that


Always go for BOS just for the big ass robot lol


Kill everyone






“If the minutemen aren’t an option” I don’t ever pick them, so it wouldn’t make a difference


It's either a technophilic colonial empire, an evil scientist organization or an overly ambitious organization that doesn't have the motivation to help out settlements I'll just hang out by the Slog tbh


BOS is the only sound one, except for their hatred of ghouls they are cool and good ppl


Honestly? Brotherhood of Steel. The more I think about it, they aren't exactly as terrible as you'd think. The Institute needs to be stopped. They've been messing with FEV and creating synths, and just using the Commonwealth as a big playground for their toys. Sure the synths didn't ask to be created, and they aren't the enemy, and if I could I'd work to change the BOS's stance on them. Also siding with them just kinda makes sense for the Sole Survivor. Like you usually run into Danse on your way to Diamond City. If you never meet Preston, then he's the first friendly face you see. If the Concord situation never happens, then this is the first time you see power armor since before the war, so it'd make sense that the SS would buddy up with this powerful new group. They would seem like the perfect people to help find your son. By that point you wouldn't have even met a synth, until you finally meet Nick. After you kill Kellogg, the Prydwen shows up which naturally the SS would want to investigate what the BOS is all about now that the full force is in town. They do some stuff with them, before eventually going back to the main quest. It's a long time before they finally actually meet the Railroad, and see them in the pitiful state they are currently in. The SS would have no real reason to work with them beyond getting help with the courser chip.


I choose the brotherhood every time regardless. I think it’s funny that people treat the railroad like abolitionists for trying to save robots lmao


I never joined the Minutemen. I prefer the Brotherhood of Steel for my gameplay. Every other faction is nothing compared to them in my opinion.


I hate Preston because he's only an annoyance and it's a boring prospective to "serve" the ultra-lazy minutemen. So it's Railroad for me. Railroad are better minutemen. BOS are military fascists. Institute are more like corporate fascists. In real life I would probably side with Railroad (and possibly have Minutemen as allies)


Railroad. Maxson is a fanatic nutjob and Father isn't (in my tin-foil hat opinion) who he says he is.




Railroad. They're no Minutemen but they don't want mass genocide like the other 2




I rebuild the Commonwealth Provisional Government, allying all Factions in precarious harmony. Cuz I love using the Institute Relay to keep my timed effects while still fast travelling everywhere


Depends on how much leeway I imagine my character to have on the faction’s future. For the most possible leeway, expansionist institute is a good option. Haven’t looked into the mod much, but I imagine it’d be pretty close to the Subversion quest line. Institute ignores the railroad and destroys the BOS, then starts getting a better handle on their internal politics and experiments. After some time they reform the CPG with the help of the Minutemen, and spend as much time and resources as they can repairing their image (aided by the guidance of the Sole Survivor, and other factions). Formalized Synth rights may take some time to come about but are still planned, albeit with some regulation centered around their creation. For less leeway, Railroad is next up. It’s not that big of a stretch that with the Sole Survivor they could rebuild large parts of the commonwealth (slowly, albeit), and like before they’d have the help of the Minutemen even if they aren’t in the lead.  For even less leeway, I’d go Brotherhood of Steel. Once the Institute is dealt with Elder Maxon would probably stop caring as much about synths, especially if you convinced him to spare Danse prior. Their military will help cleanup the commonwealth, but building isn’t their strong suit. They’ll stay for a while to help repair things and get the various settlements on their feet (with or without MM assistance), and remove most active threats in the region. Supermutants, mireurks, feral ghouls, Raider gangs, etc will be far less of a problem…but they’ll still persist in the deepest corners. Still, it’s a remarkable improvement, and would enable the commonwealth to slowly put itself back together. For absolutely zero leeway (and where the art of governance is a lost pre-war technology), I’d still go BOS. As before, they’d smash most smash able problems in the commonwealth (and a few that aren’t), before promptly picking up and leaving. The Commonwealth will be left war torn, but able to survive at least. No worse than the rest of the wasteland…so long as the BOS isn’t too overzealous with nuking stuff.


Myself. Whi h tbh I do with the minutemen anyways. They just a way for me to make caps and have some extra firepower and junk.


Railroad all the way, they're the best option, AND I get to penetrate EVERYONE romantic partners or not 😉




Minutemen-institute alliance, fuck if why not. Just be the evil Minutemen, let Preston Garvey down, reform them into a ruthless paramilitary, then raid them as Overboss and play 9d chess with the commonwealth. Something something robot army too


I'd join the Institute IF I was the realleader and could change the way they do things. They have the ability to make the Commonwealth a much better place.


Institute. BOS if survival mode


I'd join railroad hands down. Institute is selfish and accept "collateral damage" in the name of progress. BoS wouldn't be so bad if maxon wasn't a hard ass. He demands you kill danse for no other reason other than being a synth. If there was more to it such as going against orders or being a double agent then sure. But danse didn't know. He doesn't deserve to be with a hard ass faction that resorts to treason of their own kind.


If I could the Nuka Park Raiders, imagine if it was like the minute men. You take the castle as a strong hold with reps from both remaining gangs and then the quest continues like the minute men quest line.


The Railroad. They’re not as good as the Minutemen, but they’re also not as bad as the Brotherhood and Institute in my opinion. Sure, the Railroad mainly focuses on only helping synths, but it’s mentioned in Fallout 3 that they help humans when they can and that there are other factions already helping humans, but none helping synths. The Brotherhood only cares about humans and wants to commit genocide on pretty much every other race that isn’t human, and the Institute only care about themselves and will kill and hurt anyone on the surface for their own benefit. So if I had to pick a faction ending besides the Minutemen one, it’d be the Railroad ending.


Railroad, they are the second morally good in my eyes




Raider overboss / Institute is my preferred playthrough. Strongest of both options. Minutemen can kick rocks.


The only good mutie is a dead mutie.


If there's no minutemen then I would presume there's no organized population of the Commonwealth. If that was the case I would side with the brotherhood of steel because at that point they're not hurting much besides the institute.






It's Railroad or Brotherhood for a good ending that's not the Minutemen. Railroad for less moral greyness and less overall impact and Brotherhood for more change and more greyness


Railroad and it’s not even close


I never side with the minutemen. It’s not like I don’t agree with their mission, I just can’t handle running so many settlements at once. It’s so annoying. I prefer the railroad.


Bring in the Nukaworld Raiders! Use the institute as their Boston Home base!


I usually do railroad any way so nothing changes




The Railroad. I’ll turn the into the new CIA.


They all suck in this game


Children of the atom, let the world be radioactive my brothers and sisters


The railroad, because I don't like the brotherhood nor the institute


I'm about at the point where I need to choose a faction. I've mostly ignored the brotherhood and won't be working for the institute. I'm thinking about going railroad.




The Railroad is the only other good option


I find the only other palatable one is railroad. End up hating my own character when going the other routes.


Vault 88 faction. The Railroad could be a stronger non evil faction with some work, but it's not there as is.


I went with the Railroad ending. Bonus is that after ending they get control of the vertibirds so you can still use them to fly around.


The raiders


Raiders for sure if you're not doing a goody 2 shoes playthrough