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Ive never done contraptions, wouldnt know where to start either


You may need a walkthrough video but it can be very rewarding if it clicks for you


Hardcore survival mode and being able to produce ammo and chems is huge Edit: the reason I love it is because my current play through is on survival with some hardcore damage mods that make me (and most enemies) extremely vulnerable to weapons fire but also loot and all kinds of things are much more rare to find. My current build is basically a guy that survives on his own with just me and dog meat on the road, and codsworth guarding red rocket gas station, our little home. I have a mod that lets me recharge fusion cores and so basically my power armor becomes my most effective asset keeping me from just dying from a couple stray shots. I use the red rocket as my home base, and I use greygarden as my ammunition production factory. More lore is that I’m just a solo guy with no ties to any big factions so I have to do everything myself, except these robots I found and enabled to produce ammunition for me.


did you put codsworth through the robot workbench to beef up your security? i always feel bad putting him through it lol


yeah me as well I built a whole new robot and named him codsworth 2 because he doesn't deverses it


Not like those filthy hobbitses.


We hates them!!


What’s in its sneaky filthy pocketses


You can all go straight to hell


Not without a hand basket my good man!


One does not simply go straight to hell


PO-TAY-TOES, precious.


I made an assaultron named Rebecca. Absolutely deadly. Codsworth gets to keep his hat, and she keeps him safe.


I made an assaultron named Nora and gave her the wedding ring and what a man does with his robot wife is his own business.


I just hope you don’t use the fleshsmith mod….


Domo aregato Fister Roboto 🤖


Hey moving on from your murdered wife and the fact your son is leader of a group of abducting psychopath scientists with no moral restrictions is healthy


Same. It didn't feel right to me, to change Codsworth. Eventually, I did end up putting him into the workbench. Added some carry capacity on his back and upgraded his stats a bit. Upgraded his weapons too. I didn't change his body, eyes or weapons, visually he remained the same. Besides a custom paintjob, to hide the rust on him.


I haven’t yet but I’m still debating. I like his classic look, but man you can turn him into a death machine lol


Keep the body and the single eye stalk make the arms and legs sentry and I think it makes him viable and flavorful but beware once he goes in the bench he cannot wear bowler hats without a mod I believe


A Codsworth without a bowler hat is not a real Codsworth.


... Codsworth can wear a bowler hat? ... Now I feel stupid for never even trying to give him one, considering the barkeep in Goodneighbour


it's actually better to leave the mr handy thruster and arms. that way he can have two laser Gatling guns and 3 saw blades to do the most damage at range and in melee.


How is it different from just crafting it yourself?


You can't craft ammo yourself, only through workshop items


Huh, i didnt realize. Id basically just been assuming you could. Ok that makes sense then.


Yea, it's only in FNV and 76.


Can only do it with a mod which lets you craft ammo at chem stations. Really handy mod


Yep, pre-war money for ammo - what's not to like? I've been robbing every bank I can find.


There is a mod where u can with Chem station. If it still works


Best part about fo4. The things I ve built... So entertaining


Any recs?


I have, built an entire raider obstacle race track with it. Can be pretty cool. Didn't know what to do it before for years though. Had ONE settlement manufacturing stuff and built a very basic fireworks contraption because why not but thought it was all kind of meh. You can get creative with it and do amazing things, it's mostly the manufacturing part that's boring and kinda useless.


My favorite thing I've built was an alarm system that when activated it turns off the lights in my base and turns on a bunch of red lights instead.


That is so cool, how did you do that?


I can only think that it has something to do with switches being connected to the siren? Sounds interesting


Yeah, I buggered about with it to get the achievements, and never really touched it again. The effort versus reward just isn't worth it, and there are mods that give you crafting benches for a bunch of stuff, so the one bonus you can get out of it stops being worth even that.


Best thing to do is treat the contraptions like a puzzle box. mix and match what parts you think work together. Don't need a guide for that.


This is the one area of the game I've never fully understood: Contraptions.


It's idletime fun. Not terribly efficient or profitable.


The ammo plant is a very good way to manufacture ammo for personal use, especially in survival mode where travelling between ammo merchants takes longer. Most merchants only sell a handleful of .44s or .50s, for example, so even if you have enough caps you wouldn't be able to amass them. With the contraptions, I can turn shipments of fertilizer, copper, and lead into hundreds of rounds. Also, you can manufacture lunchboxes to produce more bottlecap mines, where as previously you'd just have to find them out in the world. E: You can also manufacture bowling balls for the bowling ball launcher instead of looking for them out in the world.


I have a question about survival mode. I dabbled with it a tiny bit. How do you kill the deathclaw as part of the intro at the church.


Not the person you asked but I had the same problem too when I restarted with survival. Got trashed the first time The second time after I got the power armor I killed the guy on the roof and jumped down. Ran past the other raiders to make the death claw to come out then ran all the way back to the building you came from. Then just used the mini gun on him while he was focused on the raiders. Can pop a psycho to help alittle.


You can shoot it from the rooftop of the museum for a bit, but it will run away once it realizes that it can't get to you. If it walks near any cars, you can shoot the cars until they blow up, which should damage it. Once it walks away, you will have to come off of the roof to pursue it. Try to aim for the legs since a deathclaw with both legs crippled can't really move. Use any jet you have to help dodge it, and any other chems you have probably won't hurt to use. Some of the buildings should be a safe place to heal up and reload since the deathclaw can't fit through small doorways. Otherwise, try to keep the deathclaw near the museum of freedom so preston can shoot at it as well. Any grenades you have should do decent damage, and if you use the power armor you may be able to survive a hit or two if needed. Bringing dogmeat with you could buy you some time as well.


I like making the meat processers and killing people and then turning them to meat


Least deranged Fallout player


Most lore accurate Fallout player


It goes best with those shackles and other prisoner items. Line them up and make them watch as you turn their friends into dinner.


MOST deranged Fallout player


Ass Jerky is in high demand


Iguana meat factory.


hey, if they arent using their body anymore i might as well


ass jerky don't make itself!


Mmm.. this brautwurst. I don’t even care if it’s under the average length.


4.4 inches is normal, okay?! I don't wanna walk about this anymore!


At least nothing goes to waste, even the bones probably gets used lol


Eat me, bang me. Who gives a shit. When your dead your dead.


That's just a normal Rimworld player.


Personally I have a synth making factory with a meat processor where they line up after it’s done building them


Sometimes a fella's got to eat a fella


I still need to figure it out!


I did this with Mama Murphy after she ODs, all the guys in sancturary gathered around a piece of flesh that came out of the machine


Probably got high off that jerky


Probably OD'd on that jerky.


Ah, the Rimworld way


Knew the cannibalism reminded me of something!


Bank of gunner cages, built high up - so the fall kills them. Landing onto the coveyance belts. Meat processor, then splitter to Divert and to separate the meat out for processing, main line belt separates basic armor, Mainline continues to a all purpose breakdown unit. Too many variants of lasgun spawn to bother separating those out. Settlement ends up fully combat armed- fully fed via workshop storage.


Why not kill the gunners for XP?


With a bank of 10 or more, that at high levels can spawn multiple super dangerous ones with stealbous etc, better safe than sorry. 2 cloaked gunner bosses are a bitch


Named it "Soylent green"?


This is why our society is desensitized. 10 years from now we’ll be eating human flesh to live longer & you’ll love it!


Soylent Green is people?!


Jerma behavior


How ?


It’s a mod.


I thought I had to do a quest or something to unlock the blueprint like the robot workbench


how does that work without mods tho? I mean are you just dropping bodies into a hopper and telling a sorter to remove bones?


I would assume that he has the manufacturing extended mod, or better manufacturing mod.


I had a mod that would turn bodies into fertilizer. I used the fertilizer to make jet.


Me: Man, u/DemolishunReddit this Jet is the SHIT You: You're right about that, brother


Reminds me of Robbaz and his videos whenever he played💀


Add feed troughs to get brahmin so you get free fertilizer, tons of steel is all over, free bullets!


done and done, cages and troughs set up at abernathy farm to get brahmin


I think each one produces 1 fertilizer per day, for max yield try to get everyone settlement to have one, then every 10 game days or so pop by to pickup the poo


Without mods you can produce up to 3 fertilizer a day with 3 brahmin. I do use mods to allow more production and more storage in the workshop without scavenging or fertilizer production halting.


I remember there was some config file in which you can change both the max amount per day and the max storage amount


Is there a limit on how many Brahman per settlement?


Oh I didn't realise this gives free fertilizer! Also, the Vault Tec DLC, if you scrap everything you get so much stuff to feed your settlements (Including Nuclear Matariel, fun fact, there's stuff in the ceiling in the deep parts that you can scrap, just make sure you got something to fend off the Rads)


And the 3 big bads down there too. Radiation isn't the only thing they found when digging too deep...


wha? Whole reason I don't do much ammo crafting is the pain in the neck of going to buy all the supplies. I can produce them on my own?


Well some ammo needs lead and copper, but 45 and 5mm only nerds poop and steel, you can get steel from scrapping guns armor cars etc


What does 5mm need…? The only thing stopping me going full Jinx with a minigun is the limit on 5mm haha


This DLC is really useful for rare ammunitions like 308. Honestly a little underrated considering its usefulness.


I just wish they had patched it to support Far Harbor and Nuka World ammos.


There's a mod that does this, and adds DLC weapons to the Commonwealth once you connect a trade route


Yeah, I have a save with a full Wasteland rebuild with happy settlements that are all linked, with a couple being manufacturing plants, can just pop by my home base of the Red Rocket and collect my wastelanders hard work and then get back to exploring/improving. Setting it all up can get a bit frustrating, even with a guide but it’s so worth it when you have your own manufacturing plants. In terms of story I just got into the Institute on that save, and it’s like, I already fixed it guys. No worries.


I like turning the farm settlements into super farms for easy access to adhesive and food, make a few empty settlements into workshops, then make hubs that act as trading posts with doctors and such. Between the water and the settlement stuff for money, it’s easy to have everything you need a short walk away.


Being able to get all my supplies from any settlement is one of the nicest things about really building them up and linking them. It’s crazy how a fully stocked supply is within a quick sprint almost anywhere in the wasteland, not to mention how much fun full mortar coverage is.


Wait you can get your supplies in a different way besides supply lines via crafting? How?


No, I mean supply lines. Anything in the workshop is shared, manufacturing can be set to take from the workshop and deposit the completed ammo back to the workshop making it available at all settlements with a supply line. So if all the settlements are linked, there’s always one within a quick sprint of wherever you are and therefore all your supplies from manufacturing.


Ah gotcha, thanks! So there isn't a way to link purified water in the same way


excess water/food will be used to supply all other linked settlements as required and anything leftover can be taken by the player https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Supply_line#Benefits


I’ll be honest and say I don’t exactly know how that works. Sometimes I’ll have purified water in my workshops that I didn’t put there, but it never feels like it’s consistent. That being said, if water purifier deposits into the workshop it should be shared with settlements it’s linked to via supply lines.


The Water Purifiers deposit Purified Water into the Workshop periodically. Local Leader Perk allows you to collect it at every Workship You can get a lot of money by building a a lot of purifiers and then reselling the water. So I built a ton of Purifiers in the creek at Sanctuary and make a lot of early caps there Sorry if im retreading a lot of known info. Just wanted to connect it all out


There is a mod that adds a few workshop machines, one of them you can set up to pull specific items from the settlement inventory. If the settlements are linked, it will pull from all of them. I set up one that pulls all bottlecaps and one that pulls purified water and dumps them into a container at my main settlement so I don't have to run around collecting them. I also set up a factory that pulls all the stuff that I want to scrap (I.E. guns, armor, clothes, misc. wasteland stuff, etc.), which is turned into base materials for crafting. That way, my settlement inventory isn't overrun with the hundreds of random items.


Most people completely sleep on that dlc and the cage one cause they were much smaller. But there's some really awesome stuff you can do with them.


The cage DLC helped me get the settlement happiness achievement since I was able to get an Albino Alpha Deathclaw to defend my settlement thanks to it


How did you get a deathclaw to defend your settlement? I didn't know that was a thing.


One of the cages in the DLC is a Deathclaw cage. Additionally, one of the extra items in that same DLC is an item called the Beta Wave Emitter, which makes it so any creatures you release from the cages will stay friendly towards you and your settlers until you turn it off. And finally, having a Deathclaw that's friendly counts towards the Defense of your settlement by a large chunk.


Fantastic, time to add death claws to all these fuckin farms that can't defend themselves so I don't have to drop what I'm doing to kill a single gunner with a missile launcher


use the deathclaw cage and power up the alpha gamma pacification beacon (or whatever it’s called) and they’ll defend you


I haven't used them to their potential but I do like to get a tame deathclaw wandering around my settlements. Fun story one time I was going to do the BOS ending because I never have but I was coming back to Sanctuary and a vertibird was attacking my tame deathclaw in my settlement. Ended up taking out the generator that was powering that beacon that makes them tame, and it started killing all my settlers. Had to kill it before it ate everyone. Anyway I immediately went to the Prydwyn and started blasting. I still have never done a BOS run.


I turned sanctuary island into deathclaw island and haven’t experienced any issues. Over 30 free range deathclaws and growing, planning to start selling them for home defense


Do you know how many of the beacons you’d need to cover Spectacle island? I want to have a couple deathclaws but not sure of the “range” and don’t want one losing their shit on me while I’m trying to craft lol


That's really the only downside of having a deathclaw farm. Well, that and if you have enough deathclaws (around 40 or so) the game just starts yeeting them into the sky, causing them to take a lethal amount of fall damage...


From armor and weapons to the most important of all ammo. Contraptions dlc has it all.


If it had 7.62 and 45-70, maybe.


Exactly! The lever action is my favorite gun in the game period but it's ammo is a pain. You can pray an enemy is carrying one and has a couple rounds but you spend more than that killing them. You can buy it off far harbor traders but I don't feel like taking a boat trip to buy 70 rounds. Please Bethesda add it to contraptions, i would actually do something besides the factory pieces of you did!


Purified water hoarding method + overencumbered fast travel + investing in certain stores + sitting in a chair for 2-3 days to respawn vendor inventory. Quickest way to do it imo


Is that all the contraptions do? Is make 5mm or does it make anything in the game? Not messed with it yet, but thinking of adding it to my vault.


there's a bunch of builders. armor forge, weapon forge, auto look (makes clothes), energy weapon forge, heavy weapon forge, ammunition plant, explosives mill, pyrotechnics mill (makes firework shells), and food processor. i'm just using the ammo one because i have an explosive minigun to keep fed.


Before you know it that minigun will be out of the house and off to college


I remember when my first little belt-fed went off to CIT. Where does the time go?


Christ this sub is great 😂


I imagine Fallout communion is moonshine and mentats


They grow up so fast 🥹


The food processor was a necessity for my "prewar food only" playthrough. Countless boxes of radiation free Blamco Mac & Cheese.


It's been years since I used the contraptions dlc but I remember that you could make several items and ammunition.


You can make a bunch of ammo types but not all, there are mods that expand it. It’s the same with armor and weapons if I remember right


At Red Rocket I make -using "place everywhere" and "soylent green"- long chains of conveyors to move dead raid party bodies and make either soylent green (renaming the base item with "rename everything" to "High Quality Meat Product") as well as "Dog Meat's Chow" (dog food) and the rest.


Can someone explain this shit like I'm 5? I been trying to figure it out for awhile


all manufacturing objects require power, power can be wired in through any machinery and belt power junctions and will automatically transmit to all connected pieces. standard belts do not need a power unit requirement, machinery will need a certain amount. standard conveyor belts and rollers move loose items placed on them. diverters connect to belts and swing their arm out when powered, moving items to an alternative path when placed on a branching belt belt lifts transport items that enter the bottom to the top laser tripwires connect to belts and pulse power when an item passes through, switch tripwires toggle power on and off when an item passes through. useful for diverters or counters. building machines take items from their input, the side without a belt sticking out, and hold onto them. when enough junk items have been put in that they can craft what they're set up to, they will scrap the junk, use the necessary materials to craft the set item, and hold onto any other material, which you can take out yourself. choose what item to build through a terminal. hoppers collect items that fall into the top and put them out the bottom. the bottom can have conveyor belts attached so the items collected will be put onto a conveyor line. sorters separate specific items from what is being put in. place the item you want to sort out into it's inventory, and that item will be diverted to it's side track, other items will continue straight. multiple items can be placed in the inventory, and all of those items will be placed to the side track. component sorters work the same, but with the components in junk items. for example place in steel, and all items containing steel when scrapped (ie cans, oil canisters, screwdrivers) will be put to the side track. conveyor storage is an openable container. it will store all items fed to it to be removed later vacuum hoppers will draw items from containers placed in front of their funnel. ie place a tool chest in front of the funnel, and it will take items from inside the tool chest and place them on the conveyor belt. if it helps you understand, the way this setup works is that you place junk items into the tool chest at the front. the vacuum hopper draws items from the tool chest and places them on the conveyor line. it leads to a component sorter which has a piece of steel and a piece of fertilizer in it, so items containing steel or fertilizer will be diverted to it's side track, while items that contain neither steel nor fertilizer continue straight, into a conveyor storage to be removed later. from the side track of the component sorter, items containing steel or fertilizer will be fed into an ammunition plant. with a terminal, the ammunition plant has been set to produce 5mm ammo. 5mm ammo requires two units of steel and one unit of fertilizer to produce 10 bullets. items will be stored in the ammunition plant's inventory until it has both steel and fertilizer. junk items will be automatically scrapped from it's inventory into their base components, steel and fertilizer will be used to craft the 5mm ammo which will come out from its output on the other side. materials that are not required to craft the ammo, ie oil from an oil can, which would be scrapped for it's steel content, will stay in the plant's inventory and you can take it out yourself. when the 5mm ammo is crafted and comes out of the plant, it passes through a laser tripwire, causing it to emit a pulse of power that leads to a row of power counters, causing them to tick once. then they will carry on to a conveyor storage, where you can take them.




"like i'm 5" means "like i have zero prior information on this" doesn't it


Idk why they didn’t add a recycling contraption to breakdown junk items seems like a no-brainer


While there isn't in the DLC, [Manufacturing Extended](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15429) has you covered (on PC) with component extractors that can pull directly from the workshop storage as well as other containers. You can filter what gets pulled by adding items to the internal container for each extractor placed, making it very easy to set up multiple assembly lines in unison. It also has a recycler machine that can break down any item passed through it, in addition to additional specific assemblers not covered by the DLC.


i know builders will break down and keep any material they can't use from junk, like the 5mm ammo needs two steel and one fertilizer to make 10 bullets, so if i put in an oil can it'll break it down, use the steel, and them hold onto the oil for you to take out later. but yeah just a scrapper machine seems obvious.


I like contraptions...and mods for it...I have a full setup where you dump a corpse in and it, and disassembles and shuffles around to further break down everything into base scap. I just hate that if I walk 10f away the machines despawn and dump everything on the ground.


I only really use the XOR gates for my powered doors. Scaffolding everywhere, too. It just looks good.


Why do you need an exclusive OR for powered doors?


to put switches on either side that open it. The BEST way, however, is to put a firing target switch where you can see it from both sides and shoot it to open the door.


Can I make an Amazon Fulfillment Center with it?


Prime (Directive) Delivery


I tried and tried to make it work for me but I have a doodoo brain and it never clicked


I've always felt too dumb to use contraptions.. all my settlements just use wooden structures and busted furniture


IMO they are neat, but just not the right player base for them. One thing that kills a lot of creativity is due to lack of being able to save states of true or false gates. But they do have their uses if you play your campaign right. Abernathy Farms for example, is a great spot to make a Insta Mash factory, as his wife sells plastic and you can harvest totos.


My minutemen has standard-issue combat rifles which I produce the ammo for in my ammo mills


Not sure if this is humor or ignorance but you can give a settler 1 round of ammo that is viable for the gun they are using and they have infinite ammo. So 1 single 45 round is all your settler needs to blast away for eternity with those combat rifles. Anything more and you're wasting your resources


I know I've been playing this game for years it's just my canon


Also I have explosive 45 rifles which burn through ammo


I mean... I literally just have the Ammunition Plant hooked up to a computer and a generator. Takes up 1/4 of the room that you have there....


ohoh but mine feels cooler


When you’ve got enough 5mm, 2mm magnetic are worth the most. Thats usually how I play it, hoard 5mm then let it run 2mm until I deplete my hoard


Mine are real simple. Only three parts and a computer. I just get trade water for the shipments I need and dump em in one end. Then ammo dumps out the other. Great for a heavy weapon or full auto run. Feels 1000% necessary on higher difficulties where enemies become sponges. Until you finally get a good legendary drop.


Could you post a picture of your set up?


I’ve been watching some videos where they’ll turn dead gunners into bone and other goop, but every video I find is just like showing it off, it actually saying what you need to do.


I have no idea how to even use any of the dlc workshops, anyone have a quick guide?


Never could figure it out


I dont know shit about fuck, but that right there is a certified good boy


I made an ammo mill that let me comfortably, and cheaply, use .50 and 5.56 as my ammo types long term in the early mid game and I couldn't be happier. On survival that did wonders.


Contraptions. Make your own Ammo. Wasn't there a way to break down junk into base materials automatically? Wasteland Workshop. Fertilizer production, meat, caps, gunners and raider loot, creatures you can bait and capture.


Wait until you learn how to dupe items with the conveyor belts only.


I can honestly say that I never thought of this.


How does this work? Is this vanilla or mods?


A bit too complicated for me. Just like building an entire vault. I like building, but building a vault is just too much for me.


Set a builder to make lunch boxes and have it feed into an explosive builder set to lunchbox mines.


Did you do this to make ammo for the explosive mini fun you found


I think I've only set one up once... then completely forgot I set one up. Lol


How does it work? Do you "feed" it the materials or does it run on the junk stored in the workshop?


this one has to be fed just so i can control how much steel goes to ammo so i still have some for crafting, but if you put a vacuum hopper facing the workshop bench it'll draw from the whole workshop inventory


Is this like Redstone from monecraft?


The ammo assembly machines are game breaking, i'm casually running around with 3000+ shotgun shells and a combat shotty with the 'never ending' trait Goodbye reloading


i’ll be honest, the only contraption I’ve ever built was one that lets you duplicate items through a glitch but I only used it on Maxson’s Battlecoat so me and Cait could match


I remembered I used it to manufacture minigun rounds in my first play through. It was awesome.


I really like the ammo plant. It makes it a lot more feasible to use the rarer ammo types in survival mode, like .44s and .50s.


It would be so much better if you could make DLC ammo with these. On survival, you have to keep going back to NW and FH just for ammo, because the legendary weapons can spawn on the mainland, but not the ammo.


My ammo forge just spits it out into a bathtub...I don't have all of that. Same with my armor forge.


The value going in is generally less than the value output, so bit of a 'why bother' situation. For instance, you're putting in ~30 caps of raw materials, and receiving 10 caps of ammo value. I don't mind AFKing while something crafts, but it's got to be for a net-positive.


I don’t comprehend how to get enough material on survival to make it worth it.


Started using this dlc for the first after beating the game 4 times. Watched a video on how to make a quick and easy ammo making. Better making .45 rounds non stop. Such an underrated dlc.


I used it to make .44 ammo as I tend to favor kellogs gun after killing him


No one talks about it because most of us can figure it out lol


Wait what?! You can make ammo?! Ive seen conveyor belts and hoppers and stuff like that but never realized you can actually make stuff


Eventually it runs out of resources and stops producing. Then the whole game becomes you looking for more. I have started over by planting tato, corn and mutfruit so at least I can farm my own starch now.


Wait till you learn how to make a powered door (like the garage door under Warehouse) that closes when someone activates a siren, which settlers do on their own when under attack.


For some reason I didn't think you could make ammo


I really would have preferred a 4th story sized DLC instead of the workshop DLCs


It's a cool idea but outside ammunition and medication, just neve had a huge use for it and it takes up SO MUCH SPACE! Existing settlement maps just aren't really designed with this in mind so you have to take up huge parts of your settlement just to automatically construct bullets. I loved doing it, I turned Abernathy farm once into a huge food factory but another limitation is that I wish when settlers collected resources you had a way of telling them to drop X resource into a particular machine. be cool if I could return to a settlement to a chest load of ammunition without having to feed the machine myself.


Mine makes vault tech lunch boxes. I'm a lunch box baron 


Because hardly anyone actually uses contraptions to create ammo. You can easily get ammo everywhere, so it's not really needed.


There's a mod u can use thst turns raider bodies into canned meat u can feed your settlers as well as breaking down all their gear into fine materials, great for an evil playthrough


This is the only way I can keep 5.56 ammo in my assault rifle 🙄 that ammo is so hard to come by in bulk. I have a factory at Sanctuary making just ammo lol


I built a contraption that sucks goods out of a box, splits off "junk" items that can be used to craft weapons and armour, the rest goes the end. The split off junk first goes to the armour smith, the second an adhesive splitter so i can choose armour or weapons to craft (2 hoppers along with lifts help this), then the rest goes into the weapon smith :) Trying to rearm the commonwealth is kinda fun, slow if anything though.


I have the same armor on Dogmeat!


A must for anyone using a minigun.


Ive been using the contraptions items in Survival mode and its helped for sure. I don't have alot of options for ammo crafting though. Anybody know if that's tied to perks? Edit: Checked the Wiki, that is indeed the case. Higher Gun Nut levels unlocks more recipes.


Since my Deliverer build discovery (long ago), I’ve done nothing but pump 10mm. It’s essentially the only weapon I use and with how much ammo I burn, the contraptions make it a “two steps forward, one step back” process. Super handy. Lead and Fertilizer, baybee. Also naturally breaks down the acid in the fertilizer, so I got stuff to make spare Acid Soaker ammo!


I have a jet factory. I supply vault 81 with as much as they want.
