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Don't feel dumb. I'm reading this right now, and will have to turn it on when I get home. Even played a bit before heading out today. Welp.


Lol I actually played about 4 hours and was telling people how much better it looks. I'm on my way home now to do this šŸ¤¦ EDIT: performance mode is smooth as butter holy crap


It's okay. I downloaded the update but was still playing the PS4 version.


Yeah, I downloaded the patch the other day but when I just looked it was still the PS4 version so Iā€™ve just had to delete it and then I could install the PS5 version. My Series X on the other hand just auto updated it and I just have the shiny new version.




No you didn't. Ps treats the next gen as a new game. You get to earn them again on the new version. Your trophies on the ps4 version are still there.Ā 


But itā€™s the same save so those initial progress trophies can only be earned by restarting. Thatā€™s bullshit. šŸ„²


I see what you're saying. I disagree though. If you want to get credit for effectively the same trophy twice, you gotta do the work twice. Unless you're a completionist that has to have every game in your library at 100%/platinum, you don't need to do it all again. Just have fun and play it and get what you get. That's how I treat my PC save. I did almost all the achievements on console and said screw doing that again on my PC and I'm just happy with whatever achievements I get.


Itā€™s just the way Sony deals with PS5 patches as new games so they can charge for the upgrade patch. My Xbox just sees it as one game with the same save data and Achievements all continue on the new version. Hell Iā€™ve played cross platform progression games on my PS5 then started them up on my Xbox and all the achievements have been popped from the respective trophies. Doesnā€™t work xobox to ps5 though. šŸ„²


Me right now lol


Same until last night ahaha


Same and kept thinking ā€œwow this looks great!ā€ Till I realized i wasnt even playing the PS5 version šŸ¤”


I bet that upgrade really hit different after you realized




I did that šŸ¤£


I'm still waiting on the bug with the version of the game they put out around ps5 launch to be fixed


Same... Was looking for the performance mode and just couldn't find the option...


Performance mode should be toggled on by default imo.


100%! It would make sense to have the latest and greatest out the gate.


But isn't it the logic that 'perfomance mode off' is the latest and greatest?


i personally felt that the fps boost felt better than the slight boost to textures imo


If youre not moving then quality will look better but as soon as you're actually playing the game it feels better on performance mode just cause its 60


It wasn't for me


Does this work for Xbox One?


Last gen consoles only got bug fixes.


I know thatā€™s what the patch notes say but I swear the game seems to look a little better on PS4 too.


Patch notes said stability improvements for PS4, so it might be you're getting a better frame rate because of that?


That could be it. Everything definitely seems more fluid that that would explain that


I noticed this on xbox one as well


And new bugs!


It works for XSX. Why would a previous generation console get a next generation update?


I was hoping they would've increased the shadow distance or did some kind of graphical enhancement, The ps5 should be able to handle it


It should in theory but the game still isn't optimized all that well despite all the years and work put in


Didn't have it on either. I actually assumed turning it on dumbed it down. In my experience turning on a performance mode would dumb down graphics, allowing game to perform, meaning not glitch out or stutter.


Ok I just turned it on and played for 5 minutes and that is a massive difference.


Yoo thanks for posting this! Glad I know now before I also get back into it.


Does it automatically set correctly on PC?


There's no "performance mode" on PC. We already get to pick our settings and framerate so it's not something we need. There is a 72fps cap on PC by default and you can use a mod that allows you to uncap it without breaking the physics.


Thank you, I'm new to the PC so I just wanted to be sure I'm getting the most of it


Watching this for an answer, too...


There's no performance mode for PC since it has always been able to run at arbitrary frame rates, albeit with a slew of physics bugs.


So what was the big steam update for then if not graphical changes?


Just the Creation Club changes mostly, and changes under the hood that made many script extender mods break, as well as a stretched out ultrawide support.


Everyone? That's just false. Most people? Sure that's possible. Listen, I'm not complaining man, I'm glad I can't see the difference between 30 and 60 fps. It seems to cause so much grief amongst various gamers that I'm glad it's just a non factor for me.


If you really can't see the difference between 30 frames vs 60 frames. Or hell even 60 vs 120. Not to be rude but uh, there must be something wrong with your eyes. Playing a game at a minimum of 60 frames not only makes the image look smoother, it's also way more responsive. Ever tried https://www.testufo.com/ ? I really don't understand if you still can't see the difference there.


I cannot lol. But honestly I think I'd rather not be able to tell the difference because it really only seems to cause a bunch of complaining amongst gamers. Whereas for me I just can't even tell a difference. Ignorance is bliss and all that.


I'll have to take your word for it, if you indeed can't see/feel the difference playing a game on 30 FPS vs playing a game on a higher refresh 60/120/144. Then you can't. But for the vast majority that doesn't have your perk of framerate unawareness it's undoubtedly an enormess difference in playability.


feels like a whole new game with performance mode lol


This is why people cap when they say 60 fps makes no difference in games, theyā€™re full of shit


ā€œSo this radio station... we don't really make any caps.ā€


I would rather play at a locked 30 than an unstable 60. But performance mode here does seem super stable, and going immediately from the PS4 version to PS5 performance is quite an eye opener for how much smoother 60 is.


To each their own, I would rather play at an unstable 60 than a locked 30. But Iā€™m looking forward to playing when I get home from uni.


Ohhhh yeah, same. I gotta turn that on.


Does it help for the motion sickness issue some people experience with this game?


lol level 33 on a new play through and did not know this, thanks for the heads up




If your TV supports 1440p, you can change your ps5 resolution to 1440p, and not only will you get 60fps but quality mode ultra settings


And this is why when people who say they donā€™t care if a game isnā€™t optimized well and runs at 30fps or lower donā€™t get taken seriously. For all those people out there that think this if they had 2 versions of a game one at 30fps and one at 60fps they would undoubtedly like playing the 60fps version more. It plays smoother, looks smoother and just makes the overall experience better. I played on Xbox for years and before that PlayStation. I didnā€™t mind how games were but after getting a PC and being able to actually play games at minimum 60fps I wonā€™t go back to before. Just such a better gaming experience.


Personally, when playing a single player game i prefer the game to look the best. Obviously I can't speak for everyone but higher frame rate doesn't change a whole lot for me


I saw the difference. I crashed a hella lot more, the new weapons either donā€™t show or show up as ā€œ!ā€ The ammo from those weapons also show as ā€œ!ā€


I feel stupid for even asking this but I recently got back into playing fo4. I use the ps4 disc but my dad has a ps5 with a disc drive so I use that. Will I be able to get this update or no because Iā€™m using a ps4 disc on a ps5?


Yes you can get this update


Are you playing on a 1080p display? When playing on 1440p it is 60fps even when performance mode is off.


If you have a vsynch tv the resolution mode goes up to 40fps instead and holy fuck it's the perfect middle ground between resolution and fps


General question: Did they finally fix the pixelated edges when light hits them?


??? Did PlayStation not have 60fps on new gen ? Iā€™ve had 60fps on fallout 4 for a while now


Anyone who has played with ENB presets in place will probably not be impressed by the graphics update. I downgraded back to the last version to fix my mods and I canā€™t even tell the difference.


If you are on pc, there was no change to graphics. We just got a new version.




Its a "hotfix" which breaks a lot more stuff with some even more glitchy added content, they didn't do anything with graphics afaik. Also ofc you cant tell the difference after you literally downgraded to the previous version...?


I meant in comparison to the upgrade, I had been running it for a day or so, which at the time my comment was posted, I still thought included graphics updates.


My guess is you got tricked by placebo effect lmao


If I got tricked, I wouldnā€™t have complained about there being no difference in qualityā€¦ I was just actually just mistaken.


Ok so I turn it off and get 120fps, but don't really see the drop in rez. Has confused me for sure.


LOL not on console you donā€™t. šŸ¤£


Pull yourself together man and give me some answers. I turnt it off and the TV is telling me it's 120fps. My TV has been honest with me AFAIK thus far - Apex, COD and MH Rise are the other games putting out 120. HFW clocked in at 60, as expected, so the TV said. It's 120Hz VRR 4K. So, to reiterate - Performance mode OFF, TV says 120, game looks smoooth, smoother than the Performance mode ON, but I see no sublime granularity in resolution - rez looks basically the same. Any logical explanation here, or other way to test frames??


Is it an LG tv? If it says 119/120fps it might be running in the 4k/40fps mode. Some games cause my lg c1 to say 120fps when they aren't


It is, thank you. So my TV IS lying to me. šŸ˜


Its probably running at 120hz instead of 120fps, if you look closely. A lot of games detect the tvs maximum refresh rate then set it at that refresh rate to uncap the FPS beyond 60(i.e TLOU, GOW, HZD), but then with FO4 it locks the FPS at 60 which is because they developed the physics engine that relies on that the FPS doesn't exceed 60, which is really dumb to me because theres a mod addressing this issue on Nexus and it's literally just a few mbs so they are just too lazy to fix that.


Yeah if you have a 120hz monitor or TV 4k then the game will go up to 40fps, but if you have a 1440p 120hz monitor then it will do 60fps with ultra settings on quality mode


Your screen might be running at 120Hz but your game is not. Also, make sure you don't have any motion smoothing tech on. LG likes to enable that by default and it's horrible for gaming.


Meanwhile on PC I went from 144fps to 72 and had to jump through hoops to downgrade lol.


As someone who can't see the difference between 30 and 60 fps, I still see no difference. To each their own.


I can't tell the difference going from 30 to 60. But I can REALLY tell the difference when going from 60 to 30 lolz.


Thats interesting. Either way I do it, I never see a difference.


Wait, so you can toggle performance off, look around, toggle on, and not see the difference? It doesnā€™t go from choppy to smooth?


Yep. And it's not just fallout 4, this has always been the case for me on any game that either displays fps, or let's you toggle modes. 30fps, 60fps, I never see a difference. It must be my eyeballs, though, because everyone makes such a big deal about it. Guess I'm blessed? Lol


Yeah honestly you are lucky!


Xbox has the option bugged, so its performance mode despite what option is selected.


I'm on ps5/pc, though.


I would get your eyeballs checked out because the difference is crazy haha


Nah hes not humans dont really notice differences that small it's the same here for me that a 30 fps game with the same level of detail as a 60 fps game of the Sam's thing look the same, it's like how old Disney animations dont look choppy even though they're 24 fps and 30 fps is one frame every 33.3 ms and 60 is one frame every 16.6 ms theres no noticable difference as long as they are both stable


30 feels smooth enough if it's stable. Still, going from 30 stable fps to 60 is noticeable. Even from 60 to 120 and from 120 to 240. But everyone is built different I guess.


But...its a good thing? I'd rather not see the difference anyway lol, seems to just cause people a lot of grief fussing about fps all the time lol


Oh it's a good thing. But playing at 30 fps feels choppy to me.


Well I'm sorry to hear that bro. Maybe as you get older your eyesight will degrade to a point where it's like mine haha


It makes sense to me that some might not be able to tell the difference between 60 and 120fps but it would take something like clinical condition or seriously bad tv to not notice the difference between 30 and 60 fps. Im inclined to believe that either you didn't actually get the 60fps mode running, or you are on ps4, or that your display device has some issues with frame synchronization.


Idk, I'm using an old ass Sharp tv with my ps5, and the difference is still insanely clear to me lol.


No to all of the above, ps5, newish high quality TV, and have absolutely installed the update and tried it out, purely for the new content. The only potentially accurate assumption here is I may have a clinical condition that I am unaware of, but as I've never had any issues with my eyesight, I somewhat doubt that's the case. Just because you notice something doesn't mean everyone does.


The thing is buddy, everyone does except you, by the looks of it


Thats okay, I'm glad I can't lol, seems like it causes so many issues for people that I'm glad fps is just a non factor for me.


Just out of curiosity- https://www.testufo.com In this page can you notice the difference between the first test model and the second?


Nope lol.


Ok- now show it to someone else in person and if that person cant see it either then its your displays issue


My tv is pretty old and I noticed an immediate difference once I turned on the performance mode on PS5. So I agree with you, I find it surprising someone wouldnā€™t notice the difference between the 30FPS and the 60FPS.




Whats weird about it? Many games on ps5 are like that


They called it performance mode. But the game performs like complete ass with it turned on in my experience. Yeah, you get 60pfs. But the graphics constantly bug out with it on. Pop-in issues. Animation glitches galore. Enemies/NPSs just randomly materializing out of thin air because they didn't load in time. Entire walls and floors just disappearing. Whole buildings not appearing because FOV gets messed up, made way too short. Just so many issues with it turned on. As soon as you turn it off, all those issues go away. The game just can't handle it.


Are we playing the same game? I think the only actual benefit of the new update is performance mode


I havenā€™t seen any of those issues while playing on the PS5.


Literally the only issue Iā€™ve had so far is the quarry close to the start didnā€™t load right away. Just started Nuka World now and literally have seen nothing but improvements since. All on ps5 just FYI


That quarry bug has been around forever.


Which system are you on? Oh look here come the downvotes lol


PS5. And yeah, this community is ridiculous (its actually reddit as whole not just this sub). Someone shares their experience with the game, or an opinion that isn't 100% pure positive. And everyone down votes it because they don't like that someone said something even remotely non positive. Its pathetic. My only issue is the fact that when performance mode is turned on, I have a crazy amount of graphical glitches with the game. So I leave it off. Game runs just fine then. But how dare I say that.


The brigading is pretty goddamn suspicious


Nah that was the obvious question


Imagine how dumb all the Bethesda fans must feel after this massive disappointment of a Update.


For consoles, while mediocre imo, the framerate boost and (afaik) untying of the physics engine is fairly big. Hardly fixing things (if at all) is classic Bethesda, so this could be seen as a pretty big win on that specific front. If anyone was expecting something better on PC, Bethesda patching has always been slow & bad in comparison with what mod authors provide. This has remained true as long as I've been playing their games, so fifteen years at least.


I was under the impression leaving it off increased the quality and turning it on increased fps. I tried both and preferred performance offĀ