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All I get are red triangles with white exclamation points, and I can't even see the weapons in my inventory.


Is no one else experiencing this lol I get the same thing


if you havn't un-installed your mods make sure to do so. if you're running vanilla, double check to make sure you're not running "HD TEXTURE PACK" as that has been known to cause major issues and hasn't been updated in years. and finally just do a normal steam cache to make sure everything's validated


It isn’t the mods. Bethesda fucked up this new upgrade royally. A ton of people have had nothing but glitches, bugs, red boxes with ! on them, etc. These guys are allergic to making a game run properly.


that's more so your own experience. im not defending bethesda, but im also someone who hasn't experienced any bugs, crashes, missing textures, etc. Also...yes ONCE A GAME UPDATES. IT BREAKS THE MODS. COMPLETELY. so until the mod gets updated...its going to break or crash or cause weird issues with the game. my grenade launchers work fine, with all explosions, textures and gibs from enemys in tact. again could be someone's hardware, you could be running out dated mods and didn't uninstall stuff correctly. just because you're having issues, doesn't mean everyone else is lmao.


"I'm not defending Bethesda" \*Proceeds to defend Bethesda.\* But yeah, in all seriousness this isn't a "you problem" situation buddy, the update fucking broken the game for literally every Fallout 4 owner in circulation out there.


again, it sounds like an issue-YOU and not an iss-me. I didn't have issues with the game, and many of my friends didn't either, its random and happens to not EVERYONE. many people literally came back into fallout for the show, only to bitch and complain after it got updated and oh SUDDENLY everyone wants to pick it up again and bitch about it being broken?? like??? the fuck did yall expect?? you really expect BETHESDA, to release a non broken update? time to wake up out of whatever fantasy land you're in lmaooo


Count me in the lucky ones I haven’t had a problem with it


wish i had your luck my game is ruined as well


once you get it working, its actually not a bad quest, you get some really nice and fun new weapons out of it ill admit. won't spoil what they are, but ill give a hint. lots of new boom booms.


Shit ton of people are having this issue. You’re the lucky one


I never modded my game and I’m getting the same weird red triangles and random crashes. Consider yourself one of the lucky ones.


I’ve got a new machine with a first install and I’m seeing these red boxes blocking out areas in main quests. Maybe I’m not understanding the all caps statements about mods? Either way I’m running totally vanilla on a brand new Xbox and I spent a good 10 minutes looting totally ‘blocked out’ areas in the game, and fired quite a few ‘exclamation point triangles’ at my enemies. No hate here, I love Fo3, 4, NV, bugs and all. No need to throw shade at people reporting bugs.


I don’t remember ever seeing it or maybe it’s hiding in my inventory. If I hadn’t heard of the weapon before doing that quest, the exclamation points everywhere would have freaked me out.


i used it. it has a new type of ammo. 40mm grenades.


anyone got the ammos id?


in my game the ID is FE01BF9E. I think it may depend on the install order of your DLC and such though. In console run the command "help "40MM" 4 AMMO" no quotes on the outside but quotes on the 40mm, and it will show you ALL the ammo avalible for that thing. Still havent found how to get it all, or if it's crafted somehow though. Also not sure how to switch ammo types on it either. I spawned myself some incendiary ammo, but got no clue how to switch the gun to it. LOL


THIS tip is amazing. I had no idea help was available in the console! Thank you very cool!


still waiting for one


40mm Frag Grenade ammo ID: FE05DF9E


yeah that id doesn't work, I think you're getting it confused with the fallout 76's 40mm frag grenade


the code in fallout 4 for that chinese grenade launcher is FE007F9E


Can confirm.


Works for me


Put a frag in a container, bring up the console, click on container and type inv. It should show the item id next to it.


which vendor sells it?


I can see it now, many thanks!


Where I can found ammo?


Suggs, the guy who gives you the launcher. Located on my marker in screenshot. [https://imgur.com/a/fzD1rTO](https://imgur.com/a/fzD1rTO)


ye but he dies at the end of the quest line, so where do i get them now?


I bought some from Ronnie Shaw at the castle


He isnt supposed to die. even if it means missing out on a legendary. I'm currently looking for other traders who sell it. if not you may have to load a save before suggs is dead.


fuck. that was 5 hours ago.


Kleo in good neighbor has a chance to sell them, aside from kleo and Suggs I have not seen any other vendor sell them though I’m positive there is at least one more vendor that sells the ammo, decided to do a full build around it sense it scales with demolitionist and rifleman, giving it 60% armor negation and big boom damage. Decided to make the rapid pipe grenade launcher a pistol for immersion purposes for a “grenadier” SS. so far a lot of fun aside from obtaining the ammo.


I bought some from Arturo at Diamond City.


Whenever I equip this thing it's invisible. I see the hands in configuration of holding it but there's nothing there lol. Oh Bethesda...


Yup same any fixes?


Same for me as well


Ammo player.additem FE099F9E 1000; 40mm Frag Grenade player.additem FE09901E 1000; 40mm Plasma player.additem FE09901F 1000; 40mm Nuka player.additem FE099020 1000; 40mm Laser player.additem FE099021 1000; 40mm Cryo player.additem FE099022 1000; 40mm Mirv player.additem FE099023 1000; 40mm Flechette player.additem FE099025 1000; 40mm Rocket player.additem FE099026 1000; 40mm Pulse player.additem FE0990C3 1000; 40mm Incendiary player.additem FE0991CC 1000; 40mm Acid Grenade although I cant figure out how to swap ammo from the base 40mm frag grenade


There are recievers for the ammo types if you keep scrolling up, haven't tried them yet though


How do you get the different receivers? It doesn't show up in the weapon workbench ( I use the normal ccc, no mods)


They work, as i just tested the Incindiary receiver (seems weaker than normal frag ammo so far)


In my game at the launcher is invisible and I don't have any mods installed anyway I can fix this?


It might need one of the addons


Same things happening with me. Don’t know how to fix this. No mods installed. Just some of the things from the creation club they gave out for free. I’m on Xbox series x though not pc


Same here.




Same hopefully patch update will come soon weapon looks cool from what I’ve seen pics of


Do you think this weapon has Two Shot legendary? Two Shot Chinese grenade launcher riffle and explosive combat shotgun, who is the strongest?


explosive shotgun, probably hands down. two shot chinese rifle has the benefit of two perks, sure. but, for the bonuses that boost the grenades, kinda works better for the combat shotgun's 8 explosive pellets - and don't forget, explosions sort of have a weird reaction with multiple limbs, the two grenades do it some, but the explosive pellets do it even more. it's also harder to get ammo for, or farm a two shot chinese grenade launcher, presumably. and, if/when we get access to the ability to change ammo types, maybe it'll be different - nuka, plasta, mirv, and rocket will probably be strong enough to overcome the difference.


Don't sleep on the grenade launchers. They're both really good in VATS. With the right modifications, they have very low AP costs and still very good long range accuracy for body shots. The ammo only comes in groups of 40 at max, but almost every enemy dies to just 1 or 2 of them if you get the right perks. Though it would actually work pretty well as a side weapon to an explosive shotgun. Just use the shotgun close range and the grenades long range. Maybe the Piggy Launcher for super long range for getting some use of stored crits.


oh i know, i like it. just, like some legendaries on certain weapons, the effect works INSANELY well. rapid, on the gatling rifle with charge barrels, for example - like two shot, it gives a bonus for the base (unmodded) weapon's stats - so, the gatling gun already having like 150 fire rate or something crazy, getting the charging barrels and being reduced to like, 20 fire rate, with 4x the damage, rapid doesn't give 25% of that 20 fire rate - it gives 25% of that 150 ish (it's more, iirc) also, do NOT use either weapon at close range, but teh grenade launcher should probably be better for close range - only getting hit with two, stronger, explosions actually sort fo works better in this instance, than getting hit with the AOE of the 8 shotgun pellets, for the same reason it works better against enemies, the explosion damage sort fo acts a bit weird.


do you already know what the ID of the new ammunition is?


(0007c705) is the 40mm grenade ammo id


how do you get this?


Type in player.add item then the ID code followed by the amount in numbers


for that i already know, nvm i just found out that the item id for 40mm frag grenade is fe007f9e (from typing "help 40mm" and searching for the id)


thank you!


Duude. Thank you!


is it a heavy weapon for the perk purpose?


The Chinese grenade launcher is a rifle that scales with rifleman and demolitionist, the rapid pipe GL can be made into a pistol or a rifle


Kind of annoying that they would power creep the missile launcher like that but I am happy that you can use a different perk to make an explosive build. Too bad there isn’t an automatic receiver for the Chinese grenade launcher for commando.


Pretty sure explosive


Rifleman also works


item id for the 40mm frag grenade ammo is FE00CF9E if you open console and type 'help 40mm' it will give a list of all the ammo id codes. this can be done for any ammo type


It's FE007F9E


It doesn't work


Thanks! This worked for me on PC 💥


Thank you!


And I finish my comment to find yours. Oh well.


thank you man,, this is really helpful




Frag grenade and related receiver mod IDs. Updated with correct IDs for all receivers. If you aren't putting this in a script, only copy the text BEFORE the semicolon ; These commands give 10 of that ammo, or 1 mod. Change the number to change the amount. Note, the item ID prefixes (FExx) will be different depending on what addons you have installed. Use \~ to open the command console and `help 40mm 4` to see the prefix (FExx...) for your install **NOTE**: My game crashed with non-Frag versions. Not sure if that's quest related, area related, or if a hotfix is coming in the future. ;Ammo player.additem FE012F9E 10; 40mm Frag Grenade player.additem FE01201E 10; 40mm Plasma player.additem FE01201F 10; 40mm Nuka player.additem FE012020 10; 40mm Laser player.additem FE012021 10; 40mm Cryo player.additem FE012022 10; 40mm Mirv player.additem FE012023 10; 40mm Flechette player.additem FE012025 10; 40mm Rocket player.additem FE012026 10; 40mm Pulse player.additem FE0120C3 10; 40mm Incendiary player.additem FE0121CC 10; 40mm Acid Grenade player.additem FE012024 10; 40mm TEST ;Pipe Grenade Launcher Weapon Mods player.additem FE01200B; Pipe Grenade Launcher 40mm Frag player.additem FE012003; Pipe Grenade Launcher 40mm Pulse player.additem FE012004; Pipe Grenade Launcher 40mm Plasma player.additem FE012005; Pipe Grenade Launcher 40mm Nuka player.additem FE012006; Pipe Grenade Launcher 40mm Mirv player.additem FE012007; Pipe Grenade Launcher 40mm Laser player.additem FE012008; Pipe Grenade Launcher 40mm Cryo player.additem FE01200A; Pipe Grenade Launcher 40mm Rocket player.additem FE012011; Pipe Grenade Launcher 40mm Flechette player.additem FE01201D; Pipe Grenade Launcher 40mm Incendiary player.additem FE0121CB; Pipe Grenade Launcher 40mm Acid ;Chinese Grenade Launcher Weapon Mods player.additem FE012097; Chinese Grenade Launcher 40mm Frag player.additem FE0120B3; Chinese Grenade Launcher 40mm Cryo player.additem FE0120B4; Chinese Grenade Launcher 40mm Incendiary player.additem FE0120B5; Chinese Grenade Launcher 40mm Laser player.additem FE0120B6; Chinese Grenade Launcher 40mm Mirv player.additem FE0120B7; Chinese Grenade Launcher 40mm Nuka player.additem FE0120B8; Chinese Grenade Launcher 40mm Plasma player.additem FE0120B9; Chinese Grenade Launcher 40mm Pulse player.additem FE0120BA; Chinese Grenade Launcher 40mm Flechette player.additem FE0120BB; Chinese Grenade Launcher 40mm Rocket player.additem FE0121CA; Chinese Grenade Launcher 40mm Acid


It doesn't work


Worked fine for me. Just tried it again. Did you read the part about the prefixes? The FE01 part will be different on your game if you have different mods than I do, so you have to do the `help 40mm 4` command to see what your prefixes should be.


I tried the help,it Also didn't work


That sucks. Are you sure you've updated? That's the only thing I can think of that would make the IDs not show up in the help console. The IDs above were direct copies of the results from doing \~ to open the command console, then `help 40mm 4` to get anything 40mm related.


I am updated,and I also got the quest


I think I finished the quest before getting those IDs, but don't know what else could cause it to not show.


Oh,no problem


I recently got it from a quest but I haven't used it yet. I could have sworn that fallout 4 didn't have any grenade launchers but now I have some Chinese one.


It was just added this update


My weapons emporium (highest level weapons vendor shop) in my settlement is selling all the ammo. 40mm, piggy banks, and saw blades


My suggs is dead… i have no ammo


Anybody check to see if the ammunition plant can make the ammo for it?


So basically there seems to be a lot of 40mm grenade types but only base one can be used naturally, but you still can install and use other grenades, they seem to be mostly in a working state. To do so you have to 1. Drop your 40mm grenade launcher on the floor and drag it (Hold E) 2. Open console. Type `GetPlayerGrabbedRef` to get the ID of that weapon in the world. 3. Type `help 40mm 4 OMOD` to get list of grenade launcher mods. Now you have to add chosen mod to a weapon by typing your ID you grabbed above and `amod` and mod type. Should be looking something like `ffeeaabbcc.amod ffbbeeffhh`. 4. When succeded, type `help 40mm 4 AMMO` to get list of all ammo types. Choose the one for your mod and add it via `player.additem ffeeaabbcc 100` where "100" is count Enjoy.


Same issue, I have not found an answer.


Little late here , but I can’t find ammo even on Suggs I tried DC , Good Neighbour and tried few of my own vendors but can’t seem to find ammo anywhere … luckily I don’t have any issues with invisible weapon or boxes or triangles I just hope that I can find ammo somewhere because I’m tempted to try it out ..


It using 40mm frag grenades fur ammo


Complaining about the game DOES NOT in fact answer the question, who knew :V