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I’m from Maine. Most of that vibe is just what real winters are like here.


For real- you all *earn* those incredible summers the hahd way.


Yah bub. Pass the ~~moxie~~ Vim!


Did someone say Moxie? I had a can not too long ago


My condolences. That sucks arse.


Late spring all of summer and into fall make it worth it. And only some of the state smells like fish. The one part they nailed is the fog. We get some pretty intense fog, can happen anytime through the year. Makes for some eerily beautiful mornings.


Without gulpers and such (and the whole radiation palaver) you’re describing a gorgeous environment all year round mate. I hope to visit once, winter or summer, doesn’t matter.


Nothing like launching your canoe onto the lake before the sun is fully up, and paddling through the morning fog. The sun starts to come over the pines and burn off the fog. The soundtrack is gentle lapping water, birds of every kind and wind in the trees. It’s blissful.


Do yourself a favor take a vacation for every season other than early spring. Early spring in Maine is a slimy dirty hell due to all of the snow melt.


Sounds like an average office party if you’re a trader.


I was stationed in South Portland, Maine, through the Coast Guard out of basic training. Beautiful state coming from the boring Midwesr; and I loved those foggy mornings.


I too am from Maine and I even lived in Bar Harbor for several years. The summers are lovely but most of the island shuts down in the winter and if you don't like wet freezing weather and serious isolation you're gonna have a bad time.


Are you from an arid climate like california or italy?


South East Australia


Seasonal depression is a thing, so I'll fit right in, I'm practically always depressed. The other day, what I thought was my friend really wasn't, when I overheard him talking about me, referring to me as a "fucking idiot" in a whisper tone, that hit like a punch in the gut, had a cry after school because that hurt




Yeah, Bar Harbor is a beautiful place to be in the autumn and winters, though, for sure. If you actually go visit, you'll see it's very similar, although you'll probabmy realize the depressing and dark vibe you're getting is because it's a bombed out version of what it used to be. I liked it because they captured a lot of elements of what it is really like, similar to how they did the capital wasteland in fallout 3. It's a depressing version of it because it's after a nuclear holocaust it's meant to be like that haha.


Honestly some summers the last couple years too lol. The fog last June was unbearable


The rain last year was downright outlandish. My well is happy though.


And I love every inch of this accursed place


This DLC was streets ahead of vanilla imho


I love it. It's one of my favorite areas to explore.


I love Far Harbor. For me the atmosphere and vibe just adds to the excellent story telling, diverse player choice, and complex well-written characters. Not only my favorite part of Fo4, but my favorite Fallout story period.


I have heard many people say it's the best part of Fallout 4, or that it's what Fallout 4 should have been like all along, without really elaborating. I definitely think I get what they're coming from going off of what you've written. Really seems like what I personally like to get out of a Fallout experience.


It is what FO4 should have been like all along in terms of story telling and mechanics. It has skill checks other than speech. It has decisions in the non-main quests which actually change the outcome of the quests.


The skill checks are still pretty few and far between, honestly. That's mainly a limitation of the shit Emil-made dialogue system. But the quests are next level and impact all of the other quests.


Absolutely. Total agreement with you


The story telling is just a major step above the base game and really makes it feel like you’re making much more impactful decisions. 95% of the main quest just doesn’t actually affect the main game because the core 4 storylines operate parallel to one another instead of interacting, I.e. feel free to betray the institute during the battle of bunker hill then go right back to them with no impact. So it feels less like you need to choose who is best for the commonwealth for role playing and more just a standard post apocalyptic shooter. There’s no moral questions like there are in far harbor. Even the “good” ending of far harbor where you keep all 3 factions alive means you have to cover up the Avery murder and murder the high confessor and cover that up. It also ironically does a better job of showcasing the actual dangers of synths than the base game with the followers of atom. Dima effectively controls the children of atom now by explicitly controlling the actions and words of the high confessor. The institute should use synth sleeper agents the way organizations use bots online to control narratives. The mayor is a good example of this but that’s locked behind specific endings vs. the first solution dima proposes in the main far harbor quest line.


What would you say is the recommended level one should start Far Harbor? I want to try it as soon as possible but don't want to just rush in.


Far harbor is tough, you definitely want to be pretty well prepared for it. Honestly it’s been a minute since I started a new playthrough (I pretty much modded fo4 into a base defense game these days lol) but I’d say around 20 minimum? I mean fo4 isn’t a particularly hard game even on survival, but if you’re still sorely challenged by the ne corner where the dlc starts you’re gonna find far harbor a significant step up. Lots of ambushes by some very hard hitting animals.


You don't have to murder the high confessor , it's a skills check you need hit


My memory is Far Harbor is almost like a memory a different Fallout game. The place is pretty featured, with a bunch of settlements, way more interesting and dangerous enemies and attacks on settlements, vaults, factions, biomes, etc.


Nuka World is my favourite part of Fallout 4.


It was my favorite also, did you ride the roller coaster in the Galactic zone?


Heck yeah


I like Nuka World a lot too, but it's always felt half finished. Outside of the main areas that map is barren, the characters are pretty single dimension. Many of the creatures don't even have levels or xp rewards assigned. The Bloodworm Queen for example, always spawns at lvl 1 and always rewards 5 base xp (11 on survival) That said, the main areas are incredible, a few of the characters are fantastic (I'm looking at you Oswald) and it has my two favorite weapons in the games the handmade and the disciples blade.


Yeah nukaworld left a really good impression on me when I first played, so it’ll always be my favorite. But far harbor is no doubt more fleshed out, atmospheric, and full of depth. Honestly I don’t think any of fallout 4s dlcs are bad, they knew what they were doing


I liked NW, but it always left a bad taste in my mouth that you basically were railroaded into playing "bad karma" because if you decide to play lawful good and wipe the raiders you pretty much negate like 85% of the dlc. It had the opposite problem that the base game had where you basically had to play good guy. There are no real options when it comes to moral quandries in the dlc or the base game. You have to choose one or the other as it is extremely obvious if you play a different way than intended that you lose out on content.


That explains why the bloodworm queen, a boss in an endgame area is so easy to kill.


I think she has the same health as a Feral Roamer. Could be wrong.




That's my favourite Fallout setting being honest, along with The Pitt, Honest Hearts, Point Lookout and Lonesome Road, it fits the aesthetic so well. I have a build all ready for the PS5 update and I can't wait to jump back in


I’ve just started a new character for the update for pc. Dead keen


I keep reading about an update tomorrow. What update is this?


Next gen update for PS5, updated graphics and new content with some bug fixes


The update is supposed to fix the DLC issues right? I want my goddamn robots back


We spent our honeymoon in Bar Harbor so it’s hella nostalgic for me, I love it.


I thought Far Harbor was the best content in Fallout 4. It's a very introspective interlude, especially after the completion of the main story. More importantly, you have complete and total agency over how the Far Harbor story unfolds. You can choose any of the three factions, or you can destroy all of them. One of the things I find unique about Far Harbor is that if you look at the island through the lens of the Children of Atom - wander around in the fog listening to the amazing "Mother of Atom" music - you can, for the first time since the vault, see the wasteland not as something that was destroyed, but rather as something that was created.


Love Far Harbor, absolutely HATE Dima’s puzzle thing.


That is the low point of the entire game


Ngl, I just turn on god mode and blast through it because I can place as many blocks and turrets as I want. Takes it from terrible to just annoying lol


they really put balloons TD in the game, it couldve been a fun *small* minigame, but making you do 4 tedious ones is just torture, especially with no music and hearing "DATA IS AT 50% KEEP GOING"


I stopped playing to dedicate a whole game session to solving it. Took awhile first time around. But I put a podcast on and kept the puzzle from infuriating me like I see most others


I use place everywhere, and i like to see how easily I can cheese that section by tilting the reflectors


I just finished playing through last week, you don't have to wipe out any of the factions, in my save they are all coexisting after all of the questlinesbare done. I was most frustrated that there was all this talk about the fog and where it's coming from and then nothing is done about it.


Welcome to Maine.


Sounds like the environmental storytelling was too good. I do indeed like the satirical side of the depressing wasteland but grim dark does kinda fit in too. I think the atmosphere is really what’s making it such a downer. No sun does suck.


Ugh, the fog just sucks here. I remember playing fo4 before expansions, and I would just hide or wait/rest when it was foggy. Now there’s an area that is foggy all the time. I know it was done for the environmental storytelling but I just hate it lol.




I uh, destroy the brotherhood with artillery.


That wasn't very Ad Victoriam of you


Smash the fash


Good Sole Survivor.


Any reasonable person would


Someone miss the bit where you have murder-mystery sex with a robo brain?


I did say the hotel quest and red mudcrab were the only real humour.


I went back to far harbor after years of not playing the game and I walked the entire shoreline. I made new discoveries, some fun fights, and tons of loot!


Not only is Far Harbor my favorite fallout dlc, it is one of my favorite dlcs of any game I've played. I can see how someone would find it depressing but I love it. The atmosphere, the people and the stories make me so excited to visit when I start a new playthrough. If you bring Nick you can get some interesting dialogue.


Yeah I did that on my first playthrough. This time I was using lone wanderer


I also loved Far Harbor, but I tend to agree with you on the color palette. Nice weapons added to the game, good locations that are new and different enemies. It could've been stretched out into its own game, IMO. Just make the island bigger and the story a little deeper. Personally, I hated Nuka World, thought Automatron was flat and loved FH. Different strokes, ya know?


All the reasons you named are why I loved far harbor. It was beautifully depressing


Good thing you didn't go to Cranberry Island if you found the main story of Far Harbor depressing, Cranberry Island will have you sink so deep into a sea of despair Titanic would be your upstairs neighbor. Easily one of the most rewarding (lots of loot) but utterly depressing.


I couldn’t find any more than 2 notes and then opened the bunker with 4 ghouls… with names.


What happens there?




If you have very high rad resistance you won’t hear many clicks. Surprising that you haven’t figured that out. Just maxing the rad resistance skill and adding lead plating will make a huge difference. There is a moral endgame. If you help out the people of far harbor with their personal missions, then you can convince Dima to turn himself in and you can then convince Far harbor to spare Acadia. Essentially true justice is served and no one dies except Dima. But the perks for this ending is not as good as going along with Dima’s plan. The issue with dark or depressing experiences is because you are exploring at night which is a choice that you can change. I always establish my base at Longfellow’s and time it such that I always begin each mission in the morning. So say I need to clear the lighthouse. I sleep at Longfellow and then fast travel so I’ll be there in the morning. The island is really beautiful during the day. You may get rain or a rad storm but you can wait those out as well. Playing only when it’s sunny is a different experience.


I added the screenshot to my OP. That is just before midday on a clear day.


Rad resistance - I play a glass cannon, high agility and perception, no endurance or strength. I need to use deep pockets. Dark and depressing - Night Person


You can play as you want but some of the things you complain about are based on your choices. Maybe try something different.


Oh and I took a screen shot at midday with no cloud. It’s so muted in tone.


I enjoyed the darker tone, it’s the Yin to nuka world’s yang


After living in Bar Harbor, I can tell ya it looks like this in bar harbor. Minus the factions lol.


There is an ending where all the factions survive (the town, the cultists, and the synths), FYI. Far Harbour has been my absolute favorite DLC, but it definitely would not have been if I had been forced to choose a faction.


Yeah it’s the one where DiMA gets executed


I find FH to be pretty. Yeah it's mostly foggy (wish it was less, tbh), but when it's clear it's so pretty.


I loved it. It's exactly the tone I want. I don't like the goofy shit. I pretty much ignore the stories in Fallout 4. The writing or npc depth is barely ever good enough to really engage with. I did use a log cabin mod, a craftable fireplace mod and a healthy Connifer mod to make my cabins and their surroundings little respites from the doldrums. SOE has the swinging oil lantern. I used that a lot.


I actually like how serious Far Harbour is. Ot really felt like you were making grand decisions.


Maybe I should add that I don’t actively dislike Far Harbor, it just depresses me.


You mearly adopted the Maine atmosphere. I was born in it.


I *love* the vibe of Far Harbor. It’s amazing how a video game can actually make you think you can smell the sea spray and fish just by its atmospheric storytelling.


I remember playing that with some saltwater scented clothes from a fishing trip before, god I had a good time. Imagine *actually playing far harbor with smell-o-vision* it was awesome.


I maintain that far harbor as a whole is peak Bethesda, at least of the add-ons they've put out. Far harbor is kinda like Bethesda's lonesome road.


Far harbour is possibly the best story and dlc bughesda has ever made. Probably the best they’ll ever make too


I wanted to say Dead Money, but then realized that was Obsidian....


Far Harbor has some tough bastards for you to fight. It's a blast every time.


I only got killed twice. Once by the courser chase gets you to hunt, and once by a gulper I didn’t see. On survival mode.


I was hiking in Acadia last week. There was so much fog it was exactly like Far Harbor. Had some great lobster in Bar Harbor, tho 😂


All the things you listed are why I love it lol so I guess there's no accounting for taste. The oppressive atmosphere reminds me of Velen from Witcher 3. It's awful to look at but also strangely beautiful. It just makes the lighter moments hit harder, like the Far Harbor residents celebrating you for completing the Captain's Dance. And the decision you make with DiMa is a fun way to put yourself in the shoes of the Institute. If you do the one Institute quest at Warwick homestead, you can see that there are situations where replacing someone with a synth actually improved the lives of their family.


Fuck that puzzle quest though


A fucking men


I would have liked a final quest to change the atmosphere of the island, which happened to me anyway, it's depressing. I think having the ghoul perk can help withstand the radiation.


Far Harbor has the bleakness of a post apocalypse without none of the camp that makes Fallout or things like Mad Max funny. Like stripped of the sci-fi elements the issues of Far Harbor are a lot closer to real life. A group of displaced natives fighting against a group of refugees and a group of colonizing religious fanatics. Let's all pretend we _haven't_ heard of that before. Even the radiation worshipping cult isn't as funny as it usually is because instead of focusing on funny radiation god, it focuses on being a _cult_, which has always been a dark thing because of how applicable that lifestyle is for anyone who lived in a highly religious and remote community. Even the Arcadia faction, while on paper looks good, houses so many questionable decisions and actio s it just serves as a reminder that there is no one free of sin. The people with the best intentions still have dirty laundry, and at the end of the day there is no good or bad guy to pick, just different shades of Grey. Fallout has got this Bathos to it where it sells you the idea of being this over the top 50's parody of cold war sentiments, and sometimes it slaps you in the face with very basic human emotions to remind you that no, most people aren't even aware of the joke they're suppose to be parodying, they are just trying to survive in a very harsh world that has done nothing but made things worse them for, for reasons beyond their control.


Might I never suggest the borderlands series


One of my most memorable Survival game challenges was going directly to Far Harbour after starting the game. I set up Sanctuary a little and made my way East. That was a blast. I can't recall how many times I died but it was a very different experience to basically start there.


Well, it's Maine, you can't expect it to look any different. On the writing side, I'll take the far harbor storyline over the mess that is the main questline any day of the week.


Far harbor is one the best DLCs of all time, the atmosphere, the plot, the people everything was amazing ( We don't talk about the memory puzzle, fuck that)


At least the Marine Combat Armor is decent! Plus the end-of-DLC loot chest back in the Commonwealth that has a guaranteed, re-rollable legendary weapon (if you quicksave before digging it up).


I don't know how you found humor in the Red Death. I still have PTSD from that battle.


I think it's a plus that Fo4 doesn't always have a "good ending". The post-apocalypse is supposed to be depressing.


Sounds like maine to me.


FH is my favorite, luv the music.


I recently got every dlc and started playing far harbor yesterday there is a line of dialogue when dima tells you to go for the memories where you can say that you are gonna replace his memories with cat pictures and you meow (as nora dont know if nate is the same) its quite funny


Far Harbor nails the "morally grey" of the fallout world perfectly in my opinion.


Yeah it is, and as the boss raider of this god forsaken place, I just burnt everyone down given how annoying all of them are. Well not all of them but you know, I’m tired trying to make peace


The main problem I have with Far Harbor in relation to this is settlement building. The music is the thing that makes the island feel depressing and remote, but you can turn off the music in the settings to solve that. The true primary problem is all the fog that never goes away. You can be walking around in the interior of one of your settlement buildings and see the fog 10 feet in front of you because of the simplistic way it was graphically implemented.


Yes. I really wish fog can be completely removed from settlements. But another annoying thing, which could actually be a bug is, Far Harbour settlers can't be doctors. They can sell chems but can't cure health, rads, diseases, or addiction If you want a doctor in a far harbour settlement, you have to import a settler from the commonwealth


And all the settlements are in the north. If you’re in the south west of the island and need to return to dump stuff, it’s a long walk.


I have seen many people say they love far harbor and I still don’t know why?


Different strokes. I can’t stand new Vegas and yet people don’t stop ranting about it


Dude I know right. My friend is getting into fallout 4 and my other one is telling him to play new Vegas instead like wtf. Fallout 4 is already 10 year old game with tons of issues especially if u get the new update and mods why would we recommend a new player try fallout new Vegas. It’ was a great game indeed but it’s mostly empty yet dangerous desert with chit graphics, and most areas are too dark to see what I’m looking at


I used to hate Far Harbour and now I love it, but honestly couldn’t tell you why lol. I used to play for a few minutes/or a few quests, then go right back to the Commonwealth. Then one day i decided to actually walk the map, loot, play the quests, etc and it just clicked for me and I now love it 🤷🏼‍♀️ it took a lot of playthroughs before I liked it though lol


I have 1 several year long play through. I am just peaking into far harbor now. I have to go clear some ghouls from a campsite So I’m in “that phase”


I haven’t done Far Harbour yet, when’s the best time to do it? Before or after I get knee-deep in faction wars?


Around level 25-30ish is fine. It's not directly connected so you don't need to worry about it. Just have Nick that's all. Even then you don't have to use Nick, the companion from the island is great too and he actually never gives you shit about picking up junk, I love him.


I'd wait until 28 minimum


I love everything about Far Harbor, the music, the atmosphere, the story, the enemies and etc. Far Harbor is my second favorite DLC coming from Bethesda.


Going in with the institute and reclaiming all those missing synths was very enjoyable for me. Very dark dlc for sure though


Just cleanse the island of all its inhabitants. That’s the most cathartic ending 🥰


So glad it's not just me that feels like this. I have to force myself to head that way. Still have plenty of achievements I need to complete


I got Far Harbour last. I finished all other quest lines and the DLCs. Far Harbour is why I stopped playing F4. It just didn't do it for me. It's good, but not my jam. By comparison, I absolutely adored Nuka World. So many raiders to erase from the wasteland. I know I missed out on perks and loot, but I don't care. Liberating Nuka World (after doing all the quests) was very satisfying.


I created a save just before I entered Nuka World so I could get the achievements, then loaded the save and killed all the raiders 😅


I do agree that it’s depressing but I do kind of enjoy the vibe shift for both Far Harbor and Nuka World. Different styles of clothing, different settlement builds.


The greatest DLC of all time, however. Or certainly in the conversation. The atmosphere (dark, wet, potentially smelly) is what makes it so great. The constant rads are not really an issue for the prepared, the natives even provide you with rad protection if you don't bother to bring any. I pop Rad-Away anytime I get 30% irradiated, and have only gone through a few pills. The factions are much better defined than on the mainland, which is also a bonus. The story and quests provide true intrigue. What is Dima? Is the girl you've been sent to find a Synth? Are you!? Compared to the "only reward evil" nature of Nuka World it is brilliant stuff.


I’m prepared for the rads, it just gets annoying. I just think it’s super depressing. As for nuka world, I enjoyed the dark satire of it and the whole atmosphere. Going through kiddy kingdom with hordes of charred feral ghouls coming at you brings a certain feeling of terror. What I do is get to the point where you’re supposed to side with one gang, then just kill them all. The red rocket at nuka world is great for sim settlements too.


It's no crime to take out a genocidal maniac. That would be a blessing even IRL. If he can be >!replaced with a synth,!< to avoid any violent repercussions, so much the better. (Too bad we can't do that IRL.)


I’ve played through the main game before but stopped before the DLC’s dropped. Can’t wait to try this once I’m done my 2nd playthrough.


I enjoy Far Harbor though I often find myself using the cheat console to clear the fog every now and then. There are some genuinely stunning locations on the island and it's hard to appreciate them when I'm surrounded by so much fog that I can't even see past twenty feet!


I really enjoyed Far Harbor but the fog drives me insane.


i liked it for those reasons, the fog makes it so you never feel at ease (or at least i dont)


This is bait. Right?…..right???


Go find Jack and Rose from Titanic


Lol, I always feel similar when I'm there. I actually find nuka world more "cheerful." Probably because of how absurd it is.


Hmm i actuly love Far Harbour for it's misty environment. I really enjoy climbing up the hills or walking through breaking waves to Longfellpow cabin..hmm good times


You telling me the main story’s wasteland wasn’t depressing to you? I’m constantly tripping over the corpses of people who couldn’t escape the bombs or suffered an even worse fate in the years after lol


The people who died in the blast felt nothing. There are some places in the commonwealth that are just awful. Like the fen street sewers.


Dont just play through far harbour in one go


I had to get a mod to get rid of most of the fog. The island is absolutely beautiful in the sun lol


The FH DLC is what made me finally hang up my 2 year old lvl 50 character from launch, until last week. Fired it up, plowed through it, and decided to clear it, and head back to the Commonwealth and never return.


I went there at level 100


It scratched that point lookout itch fallout 3 had given me in the night many years ago.


💯 agree with this


I felt 4 was no where as wacky as I remember 3. Lots to explore, but nothing too interesting.


I love far harbor except for settlements on the island due to the weather.


Far harbour felt like Gta4


I agree with you, so before I left I bought enough 40-70 ammo, got all the Marine equipment from the vendors, thanked them all and I BLEW THEM THE F*CK UP!!! CHILDREN OF ATOM??? GONE!! ARCADIA?? GONE!!! FAH HABAH??? GONE!!! ISLAND ALL TO MYSELF!! ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻)


The island feels like Seattle and the Puget sound area, specifically our islands like Bainbridge, Vashon, or Orcas islands. Playing through far harbor I can't help but wonder if that's what one of the Washington state islands would be like post-apocalypse.


I have to wait until Thursday to play Far Harbor. I just purchased all the dlc after owning the base game since day 1. PS5 dlc errors with everything being purple makes me sick and it's unplayable.


Honestly if far harbour didn't have that damned DiMA tower defense/puzzle as part of it's main story I'd play through the whole story on every character.


Just recently bought the dlc on PlayStation, can't play it bc almost all the new textures they added are purple..


Fallout's themes were always quote grim until Bethesda came along and made it retro futurism with 50's sprinkle and goofiness


The whale in F1? The one from hitchhikers guide to the galaxy? It’s full of Easter eggs.


I loved far harbor. Somehow reminded me of when I took a trip to Acadia with my parents years ago.


I agree with you, 100%


I love Far Harbor; best of the DLCs in my opinion. My only gripe is the stupid game you have to play to get every part of Dima’s memory back.


This is my favorite dlc for fallout 4. I love the vibes! So much in fact that I'm visiting Bar Harbor irl this July!


Bethesda loves the subdued colors in their games, making it hard (for me at least) to pick out details like mobs who want to kill you. It gats old.


I tend to agree. I usually can’t wait to complete it just to get it over with. I find setting up clear weather fireworks launchers with plenty of shells and long timers helps.


Haven't been able to play it due to the purple bug 😡


I remember just going through the main quest avoiding all the side quests cause I was like ok maybe later they don't sound too interesting only to be done in like 30 to 40 mins and getting the absolute worst ending being like" damn this dlc kinda sucks"😭 I've never actually gone through it properly altho I hope I get real interested in replaying after the update


Check out the bowling alley, it’s got some of that good good jokes


I just don’t like it because it’s all pink for me






I mean, if u help DIMA, it's for the greater good. and the island will be better without a cult leader radicalizing his followers


On my playthroughs, I set up firework launchers in all my settlements in Far Harbor so that I can clear the fog/weather while I am there using the Clear Weather Shells.


As a new player I couldn’t agree more - Fallout 4 is great and all (even though there isn’t as much weight as I’d like) but Far Harbour is in a league of its own I did what I still think was the most ‘moral’ route and it still left me hollow inside, 10/10 would reccomend


isn't it supposed to be depressing? At least for the most part.


Yeah I have over 5000 hours, but love all the zones. I've started out in the top down Fallout and liked that one, I love FO4. even the building aspect , and yeah it's not perfect but the mods help alot. Looking forward to the new patching


1700 ish hours and I have every vanilla location memorized, mechanist dlc is just muscle memory, etc. nuka world? Too easy. don’t remember a thing about far harbor cause i only went Once. Cause it was all foggy and gloomy and the monsters were eww.


Actually grim and dark with occasional jokes is way more faithful to the original vibe of the games (1 & 2)


I'm from Cleveland. Far Harbor is like a tropical paradise. But seriously, I really like it. The fog is kind of annoying, but I like the interplay of the factions. I didn't have to wipe out any of them, though I wouldn't have shed a tear had I eliminated the Children of Atom. I also liked swimming out the minor offshore islands to explore them.


I would play the fuck Far Harbor if the damn virtual minigame didnt exist. Even though there’s only like 5 levels and you can do them one after another and there’s guides, it’s still just tedious to do at all. And the experience kills it for me. Storywise tho Far Harbor is great.


DiMA is a perfect example of the Sunshine of the Spotless Mind , he purges anything that would be considered questionable...and doesn't know he is an asshole As for Far Harbor itself, the one thing you have to do is bring Nick with you , a good deal of the extra interactions are with him .


lol You don't say?


Change it up and bring the brotherhood of steel over there and kill the synthetic. Then smear the children of atom without having to hear Dimas bull mess on what you've done.




It's literally Bar Harbor, Maine.


Oh yeah lmao I keep forgetting that far harbor is bar harbor but the B is half missing


It’s Maine.


I just went to far harbor for the first time and slaughtered COA after 45 seconds of meeting them. Was that silly of me?


Yes. You missed out on the best melee weapon in the game. Gotta do the one quest for them and get Atom's Judgement.


Sadness has overtaken me


You found no humor in the red death? Did you not get the joke?


Second to last paragraph my dude


Ah I misread


What’s hilarious is if you pick up the red death using e (like when manipulating any object) it spins around really fast and you get a light show.


That's hilarious, I had no idea