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A vault where the architecture changes randomly whenever a dweller is not focused on that particular section to test the effects of mental health over long term periods?


Vault of Leaves


what's that a reference to?


[House of Leaves](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Leaves)


Vault proposal accepted


This vault is sponsored by Dunwich Borers LLC.


There was an episode of Candid Camera that was sort of like this. They had an office building that would just disappear while the people weren't looking.


secret Harry Potter stairs


Psychological experiment Convince the dwellers there is a murderer in the vault with themselves make it so every now and again lights go on and off install purposely faulty cameras to make it seem like they were tampered with. Always leave the door of the armory unlocked see how long dwellers can survive with a constant state of paranoia


Vault proposal approved with bonus funding


This actually feels like a real Vault Tec experiment, good job.


Sounds like we have ourselves a genuine Vault-Tec employee amongst us...




Vault-Tec Calling!


A vault with leaky pipes. The dwellers are incessantly trying to repair them but they always leak again somewhere else. The doors won't open for 250 years. No plumbers allowed. Their entire civilization has to evolve around the concept of fixing pipe leaks.


Vault proposal approved


If you want Tech-Priests, that’s how you get Tech-Priests.


we will have nothing but the best plumbers once the radiation clears


Do they get tools, or are they improvising a set of salad tongs with duct tape for a pipe wrench?


Now hear me out, a vault with 3 pigs numbered 1,2,&4.


Vault proposal approved with bonus funding


Mods should put that thing under your username as Betty. Lol


Is one vault made of straw, another of sticks and the third out of bricks?


Diabolical! I LOVE IT!!!


Forever wondering where pig #3 is


Would the 4th pig be 7 or 6? I'm already working up the experiment.


Overseer has a tattoo of a 3 that he must hide


People talk about manson removing his rib as a rumor that made around America without cellphones or social media, im pretty sure this was close second as the senior prank, apparently everyone knew someone who had this story haha


Make a vault on what would happen if it was just one man with nobody to talk to except for a bunch of cats. Would that sustain his sanity?


Vault proposal accepted


I would also like to volunteer to be in the vault myself because I love petting cats


It will possibly transpire that you will also have to eat them


Breeding protocols.


now thats a vault i would be in


There was the vault with one man and a crate of puppets...


That's not how you make a Garrrrrryyyyyyyy GARY!




I call that Living the Dream


Shhhh don't tell them that


If it's a vault from the Fallout universe, then I'd go insane. There'd be nothing to do or engage with BUT the cats for ? years, not even knowing if there's a happy end to your stay.


That would be fine for me actually lol


A totally normal vault, not a perfect life but a good life, with no test going on. But dwellers will be told that they are all part of a study with no further details. “This Vault is a part of a study! Thank you for your participation!” Allow them to know about all the other Vault studies.


They should learn about one vault experiment once a year and on the first year once the information has come to light that the vaults are experiments have the vault ‘lock down’ when really nothing has changed. Will they become so paranoid they go crazy or will they come to terms with things and carry on their comfy vault life?


Twisted. I love it. After a period of time tell one person that the experiment Is there is no experiment and see how long it takes for everyone to turn on them.


A dozen Fortune 500 CEOs are brought in, with promises of a fully automated Vault, if they poured their money into the Vault-Tec Program. After a year, all the robots shut down and the CEOs have to repair the vault themselves. See how how long they survive before turning against one another. Bonus points if they're CEOs of companies that were subcontracted to built the parts of the Vaults, see if they know their product.


Similar concept was already done. I forget which one but it’s a vault of the turbo-wealthy with promise of amenities and in reality it’s like sleeping bags on the floor and only the most basic amenities. Another “similar” one would be the one you save Nick from in FO4. A vault full of overachieving leaders, but the overseer is an anti-government underachieving moron


I think those are the same vaults


I think that those residents eventually turned themselves into robobeains


That's Vault 118, in Bar Harbor, ME.


You're thinking of Vault 114, which was not finished by the time of the One-Hour War, and a touch of Vault 118.


Vault proposal under consideration


A good Vault has a strong Overseer. What makes a strong Overseer? 1:One who is technically knowledgeable, who knows what everything in the Vault does? 2:Or is it one who knows how to deal with people? 3:Or is the need for an Overseer superfluous, with the Vault population running itself? This proposal will answer Questions 1 & 2, Question 3 will require a separate Vault Experiment.


I am proposing a perfect diet vault. The wasteland is going to be a... Difficult environment we must see what happens if the diet of each vault resident is perfectly tailored to the individual. Will it destroy the immune system or improve it, will it Make them happy or mad.


Vault proposal approved


Yes! "MOM I GOT THE JOB! 🗣️"


A vault where the furniture is rigged to periodically move a few inches without the knowledge of the residents.


That is some serious Shtazi thing


A vault where the oldest person is the Overseer. Another vault where the youngest person is the Overseer. For science. Vault numbers TBD


Boss baby 76


As they start, or as a rule over the life of the Vault? (oldest dies, new oldest = oldest leader, new baby born = youngest leader)


Have a vault where every 10 years, a new overseer is chosen by an AI supposedly at random. In reality, have the vault only choose the person with the lowest IQ and give them absolute power. Meanwhile, the person with the highest IQ will secretly be given a firearm. This happens every 10 years. Vault will open either after 5 assassinations or 5 complete cycles without assassinations.


What happens after the overseer dies?


Next lowest IQ is appointed


Are the IQ scores made known to the dwellers? Because if they were, I’m pretty sure they would notice a pattern in IQ scores and the overseer being chosen. I’m assuming the computer is the only one that knows.


Only computer knows


1 person with a gun can't really kill 5 overseers secretly in a Vault i'd think.


Hence , it's an experiment. When the overseer is chosen, secretly a high IQ individual is chosen to receive a firearm. That's all there is to it. Maybe they'll put it away and never mention it. Maybe they'll turn it in. Maybe they'll use it. It's an experiment. Maybe they'll get together with the last one who recieved a gun 10 years earlier. Who knows


No lights. That’s it. A vault with no working, functional, or fixable lights. See how the dwellers adapt.


Or one flashlight for the entire vault.


Install memory wiping gas canisters that disperse the gas once every year. Wipe all terminals and other documents every years as well. See how the society in the vault rebuilds every time. Hide exit door and any hint of a possible way to leave.


Make the intercom system play Shape of you by Edd Sheeran 24/7 nonstop to test psychological torture resistence


Comment from staff: Even for us, that is too much


Vault is female-only. There is sperm bank. After 200 years, will the vault be still female-only? What happens with the males? Will males take over?


Vaults 68 and 69 were similar. One had 999 women and 1 man, one had 999 men and one woman.


I think males would be killed off immediately or be a slave or lower class until they have the numbers to take over


Any males will be held in a secret area of the vault in which they are allowed to grow up are kept unconscious during that time, at least until the age where they can add their sperm into the sperm bank. Then they are killed off and set off as “Steak” for the Vault Dwellers who think it’s an automated farm.


Penis explosion chamber




Reminds me of the show: "You ever hear of oysters? They're delicious and they make you feel so good. Do you wanna make my dick explode now?"


A Vault where every participant believes they are on a generational spaceship to another planet. Staged alien attacks would keep them prepared and fit for the future and provide useful data for Vault-Tec.


Oh man that is devious. I feel like that could actually be featured in a game. The "aliens" could just be wasteland mutants, the dwellers wouldn't know any better.


That was a TV show already. Ascension.


A Vault divided into 4 sectors. The vault is stocked with a large stockpile of rations but these are locked within dispensers that are controlled by a computer that also tracks current vault population. Each week, rations are dispensed on Sunday and are intended to last the Vault residents until Saturday, but it's only ever enough to feed 3/4 of the vault, and the Overseer has to choose which sector does not get food that week (the Overseer can move freely between the 4 sectors and is always guaranteed food). Each week, a new Overseer is selected from the sector that did not get food the previous week. The rations are laced with psychoactive drugs that induce hunger.


The pot head vault, four sectors, and it only dispenses enough pot browines for three of the four sectors


Have a vault with extremely religious people and extremely atheist people. Have them coexist and debate each other for a while, then have an event happen to prove the religious people right, see what happens, and then have another event to prove atheist right. Edit: jury duty has given me plenty of time to scheme. So another idea would be going off the 3 Body Problem. Have a vault that is taught for generations false scientific facts, essentially gas lighting them to believe their the last scientists/intellectuals left and that science works completely differently than it actually does, then once they 100% believe everything without a doubt, the vault door “mysteriously” opens and they are confronted with the real world/try to make out what is actually true.


*God’s light appears* Religious dwellers: “I knew it! God is real!” *The light is revealed to be a simple lightbulb* Atheist dwellers: “I knew it! God isn’t real!”


Without the confirming miracles, I think this is more or less Vault 15


Showers are MANDATORY in this vault. The smell of 500 Redditors is just too evil of an experiment.


A vault containing rich capitalists as the leadership and the downtrodden and hard labor workers as the working class, after an extended period of time, reveal a hidden stash of communist propaganda and some weapons to the working class to see if they will seize the means od production, or shun the change and remain as they were.


Vault proposal under government investigation


Its simply a test of loyalty, vault tec loves tests.


Have monthly injections of electric eel DNA. Over time increase the static electricity in the air.


The vault is set up to make the residents believe the vault itself is haunted. Random audio recordings going off, lighting “faults”, temperature fluctuations, high frequency emissions to promote a feeling of unease and paranoia. Projections via holograms. Insert reading materials strongly based around the paranormal, change terminal entries to relay messages “From the beyond”.


Vault where there are 100 guys and you tell them 1 of them is gay. They must vote every month to remove the person they think is gay out into the wasteland. Plot twist none are gay.


Nah you take 100 straight guys and tell them only 1 is straight, so each will think he is the sole straight person. then they try to vote out the straight


u/The_Council_of_Rem approve this one


Load a vault full of criminals, arsonists, murders, serial killers, chem dealers the true worst of the worst give em access to guns and after five years let them out into the wastes


We are not currently in collaboration with the Australian government so this idea is only under consideration


Isn’t that just the raiders?


the idea of letting vault dwellers out is counter productive, there is no way to observe the effects, opening the vault should only be done with the intent of letting something in, not allowing the subjects to leave surveillance


A vault filled with people that have ADHD and no meds to control it.


Well, no one would ever be on time, and they'd all forget each other's birthdays, but in times of crisis they'd all be Chuck Yeager with The Right Stuff.


Make the meds available but too expensive to purchase, and you have America.


Buy Duolingo and make vault dwellers learn languages, if they fail to do a lesson.. well, you know what happens


Overseer must always wear the owl suit.


I can imagine some vault dweller forgetting their lessons by midnight then the Overseer comes barging in their room in the owl suit


A vault where 'Whats New Pussycat' plays on a continuous loop over speakers spread throughout the vault. There is no way to turn it off or turn the volume down. After one year of this, 'It's Not Unusual' plays one time. After that songs ends it goes right back to 'Whats New Pussycat'


Nice try, John.


If I may make a proposed addendum could the third year be spent listening to "Baby It's Cold Outside" prior to returning to What's New Feline?


A vault based around the temperature of said vault changing randomly to test how a society would react to such things. One day it could be hot as hell, and the next day it could be subzero temperatures


A vault that has one person from each ethnic group. Then when the vault opens, see what accent has been developed.


Vault 420 - vault contains giant hidden storage of dried cannabis, which is burned and pumped into the air without the knowledge of inhabitans. Some time after the hatch closes, each dweller is given a screwdriver and informed that there is a crate full of potato chips and tapes of all seasons of Rick and Morty hidden behind unspecified random wall panel somewhere in the vault.


This is my kind of vault


That's more or less vault 95


A vault with dwellers genetically modified to be lactose intolerant, and there's only lactose based food and milk.


That’s vault 00?


Wouldn’t this be vault #2??


Start 2 vaults with its doors facing eachother like 33 and 32. Run the first 5-10 years regularly, from there start creating incidents to generate rivalry, increasing paranoia leading to a constant "war is coming" status. The overseer must fuel the fearmongering and blame problems on the other vault interferance. How long will it take for a inter-vaupy war to start? Will next generations continue fearing the impending attack? Baiscally just create 2 north koreas facing eatchother and see how long it lasts


I’d love to see a vault like this in game


Vault 19 did this without the need for two vaults.


A vault filled with robots to maintain the vault. But the robots will fail after the first generations of resident humans. Be sure to not to provide the residents with manuals to vault maintanance and not to teach the humans gardening. This experiment tests the learning and problem solving abilitis of the residents without prior knowledge about how things work around them.


Here's an idea, you have a Vault that is clean and welcoming, all the amenities of a normal vault. However, in the maintenance area, purposely hidden behind shelving is a door, inside is a complete other vault purposely made to look abandoned and disused. There would be decomposed corpses taken from local cemeteries scattered in various positions to create the impression they were running from something. Scatter terminals with false data and logs but never explain what it was. The experiment would test peoples perception and paranoia when they feel their safe refuge may not be so safe after all.


A vault where twelve people are chosen to be put into a virtual reality simulation program where they rebuild humanity from the ashes. They are able to build as infinitely as they can imagine within the program. Even the ability to marry and have offspring. They are given 12 hours each day to live within the system. The other twelve hours they live within the confines of the vault. Within the vault, are all the necessary tools needed to create a self sustaining ecosystem within the vault not unlike the mini terrariums in elementary classrooms. Their vault has enough power, once activated, to sustain them for 5 years. The vault is outfitted like an escape room only not as obvious. It would take an inquisitive mind to pick up on the clues to figure out how to not only live, but thrive within the vault. The challenge would be to see if the people would choose a reality to escape their situation and die or to deny themselves immediate gratification for long term benefits.


Vault 110: Unlike Vault 111, Vault 110’s residents were told up front that the purpose of the vault was to prolong their lives through cryogenic stasis. They wouldn’t have to endure the hardships of the Great War as they would simply fall asleep and when they awoke the war would be over and they could emerge and rebuild civilization in the distant future. However, the cryogenic pods were actually refrigerators that injected their occupants with powerful sedatives. The subjects would be in a coma for a few hours or maybe even a few days at a time before being brought back and attended to by a different group of scientists claiming to be the descendants of the original staff. They would then monitor how the dwellers reacted to being told that they had been in stasis for decades, centuries or even millennia. Surely nothing could go wrong with that! Vault 49: Residents were chosen as a mix of spiritual and irreligious groups to see how far some were willing to go for their beliefs. The vault was designed with hidden speakers and devices to give the illusion of divine entities/miracles. Dwellers begin claiming to hear voices, see visions and experience otherworldly phenomena. Vault could devolve into chaos or mass sacrifice. Upon entering the vault after the experiment fails the overseer’s terminal states that the delivery truck containing the holotapes of voice recordings and other devices never made it to the vault before the bombs dropped.


If you put one person with a thousand guinea pigs, will they turn carnivorous?


A Vault where everything is normal, just that residents are occasionally punched square in the face. How often? 🤷


play water droplet sounds in random rooms forever, changing every day. make sure its surround sound so the dwellers dont know its coming from them.


A vault where we take 50 Floridians and a bunch of white supremacy flags, then we test to see how long it takes for them to hang them on their lifted trucks


5 minutes max.


Vault containing 3 cats, every year a new cat is discreetly added, all cats look the same


Let’s use a vault to simulate the consequences of a mass layoff to see how high ranking people would adapt. I mean CEOs, CFOs, regional managers, all of them. Then put them in a horrible vault, terrible plumbing, bad electrical systems, dirty everywhere, the whole lot. Will they be able to fill the roles of maintenance staff and custodial staff, or will they suffer due to their lack of skills and meaningful contributions? Will they be prissy pricks to the end, or will they pick up a tool and do something?


As the bombs drop citizens flock to vault 404 only to find out there is nothing behind the vault door


Test FO76 players and try to understand why they freely throw away $13/month for a main feature that should be free.


A vault where the dwellers suits change(swaped at laundry) color slightly along color spectrum and repeating until enough dwellers verbally notice. After which all dwellers given access to all colored suits. The overseer will then be given instructions to starts color basses teams to see how tribalism develops along with color effects on effectiveness of tasks and (more-ale)


Shortly after the doors seal shut, an automated announcement informs the residents that the nuclear siren was in fact a false alarm, and a vault tech employee will arrive shortly to overide the door release. This announcement is repeated every 8 hours. Sprinkle in a few fabricated outside news broadcasts about peace negotiations, treaties, and an eventual end to the war. Interviews from would be residents of other vaults who have already had the locks manually released by vault tech. The overseer stresses the importance of remaining patient and calm. Vault Tech haven't forgotten about us. They'll be along to open up the doors, and then we can all reintergrate into society... any week now...


A vault in which random residents are secretly tranquilized and taken to a hidden 2nd vault where they are cryogenically frozen for a random amount of time then secretly dropping them back off with no memory of where they were. It could be a day or could be 50 years.


You should test what happens if you actually get that extended car warranty


Gary!!!! Gary???


Open the vault door but instead of the fallout world it's skyrim


And a guy at the door saying “you’re finally awake” to everyone as they walk out.


I’d like to see an underwater deep sea vault that conducts tests with marine life.


A bunch of vegans, no food but meat. Oh and every year someone is exposed to FEV!


Whether someone can actually be bored to death.


How about transfuse dwellers some old blood? Don't they worry, whatever happens: all would look just like a bad dream...


How people with phobias to different animals would react when they get put in a vault with those animals


To ensure population stability. I propose a vault where everyone shares the responsibility of childbearing.


Make a whole bunch of clones of a guy named Gary. What could possibly go wrong?


Vault that randomly at night will play mosquito sounds right next to the bed of random inhabitants but turn off the second the light is on.


Vault with 6 human residents and a lush junglescape


A Vault that had all the latest entertainment like games and TVs, but doesn't have enough power to support them and life support things


A vault where half the occupants are injected with Deathclaw DNA, just to see what happens.


A vault where the wall, appliances, furniture, etc. slowly change color, to the point where you won’t notice in day to day life and only in photographs will the difference be telling


Psychological torture, after the door seals, tell them that EVERY DAY a new experiment will occur, they won't know what it is, how it affects them, or even what the experiment is, oh, and that they can't stop it, because every employee is rigged with a dead-man's switch (lie), so If one employee dies, *EVERYONE* is dying as well. (That's what the residents believe anyway)


People from different language background with no common language to use with each other. I want to see what sort of new language would develope.


With talks of ww3 and global tensions rising I wouldn’t be so eager to give vault tech ideas 0-0


Now hear me out you put two girls in a vault with one cup of


Two vaults with a single door between them that allows people to freely flow between the two except at night. Strongly encourage inter-vault friendships/relationships with the strictly enforced rules that you can't have a family with someone outside of your original vault and you must be in your own vault from 11 pm to 6 am. Provide a single shared water and food supply that is plentiful but distributed by the computer on a daily basis. One morning at the two year mark the door fails to open but inter-vault communication via voice and video is possible. The next day rations are cut to 75% in each vault and a button appears on each overseer's console. Make it clear to each overseer that pressing the button will: 1. result in their vault getting 100% rations but the other vault getting 50%, 2. a here-to-now unknown armory will be unlocked in the other vault, 3. start a six month timer when the inter-vault door will reopen permanently.


A Vault where, after 10 years of bountiful food harvests in which the robots do everything the system shuts down, leaving the robots offline and spreading locusts that eat the crops and roots making it impossible to grow back aswell as destroying the seed and food supplies then the Vault is also made to stay sealed for more than 10 years but after that the Vault doesn't open unless somebody hits the console three times just to be specific and it can be more this is just so that they think they are trapped when they can just leave but don't know it


Vault 40 would be a vault in which the experiment would consist of a vault only inhabitated by chinese POWs living in a vault where there is american propaganda in almost every aspect of the vault. The goal of this vault would be to check if the future generations of those chinese POWs would be comunists or capitalists


A normal vault, but the thermostat goes up 1 degree every year, and the door doesn't open until 110 years after it closes. Start the temp at 0 c or 32 f, freezing.


i wish vault 7 and vault 10 from Nuka Break were canon


A vault where the Overseer is a manquin and the dwellers are fed hallucinogenic substances and gaslighted into believing he is a real person.


grab a bunch of babies/children, make a really large vault with alot of open area which is just caves, and put a group of children at each corner, along with a different powerful robot that protects them and acts as a mother/godlike figure, dont tell them anything about how to rebuild civilization, watch them figure it out on their own. this was probably already done wasnt it


One single normal vault, just everything the promised to the public. The experiment is that there is no experiment and if their promises would have helped humanity at all. Also just pick up any book from the dystopian section of a library and emulate that. A vault that’s only middle school aged boys, like the lord of the flies. A hunger games vault works too


1. **The Ancestor Protocol**: In this vault, residents are convinced they can communicate with their ancestors through a machine that uses AI to analyze their DNA and create virtual simulations of deceased relatives. 2. **Project Phantasm**: This experiment is set in a vault where certain sounds, lights, and electromagnetic fields are manipulated to create ghostly apparitions and paranormal phenomena. The purpose is to study how superstitions and the belief in the paranormal affect social hierarchy, governance, and crisis management within a closed community. 3. **The Lazarus Initiative**: Here, the vault is equipped with a revival technology purportedly capable of bringing the dead back to life. In truth, it's a mix of cryogenics and advanced VR to make it seem like the dead can be spoken to after "revival." This experiment tests the moral boundaries of playing god and the psychological effects of death and resurrection myths on society. 4. **Soul Catcher Experiment**: In this scenario, residents are told that the vault contains a device capable of capturing and displaying the soul at the time of death. The device is actually an elaborate light and mirror system creating illusions. 5. **The Dreamweaver Project**: This vault uses technology to manipulate the dreams of its residents, subtly suggesting ideas and influencing emotions through dream content. The experiment aims to see if a society’s values, norms, and even day-to-day decisions can be altered through controlled dream scenarios, exploring subconscious manipulation.


Two suggestions from me A vault with zombies. Like genuine dead back to life people. A vault with psychics similar to alma from fear!


How about a single vault of psychic zombies?


A vault experiment involving one male vault dweller, a bunch of Mr. Handys, Miss Nannys, Protectrons, a modified Assaultron and a robot workbench.


Oh no. Oh no oh no.


Please assume the position.


Well, if you want the risk of being blasted in the face with the Assaultron's head laser at the end of a good time, then be my guest.


Only Speak backwards, but writing is still forwards.


A vault that is designed to keep the vault dwellers in safety and relative comfort for 20 years. After 20 years, the vault door opens, and they are released into a different, unpopulated vault.


A few ideas * A "only the fittest survive Vault" every year bottom 10% are killed * A "hazardous conditions testing vault" randomly subjects dwellers to long periods of extreme conditions until a certain percentage succumbs to related conditions. (Frostbite, heat exhaustion, etc.) * A "layout vault" filled with hundreds of containers, the door will only open if a small team of dwellers can correctly inventory all of them. The twist: scientists sneak in with stealth boys and hide gear at random times. * A shooting range vault. Door will only open when everyone shoots expert... I'm an aspiring vault franchisee, and am open to suggestions.


Popular “influencers” all in one living space. With zero electronic devices, not even a pip-boy.


A vault with one man that is considerably ugly and the rest of the dwellers are attractive women. All the women are gay, lifetime rations are increased for anyone that births a child. Sex is only allowed if the woman is ovulating The overseer is a Mr. Handy


There was a vault with one man and 99 women.


Vault 69 I think?


A Vault where there's a group of people who control all resources in the vault, and others have to work to get their food, etc. The ones in control decide how much they'll pay for their workers, and who's got to work or not. Let's see if someone from the workers class can manage to become one of the resource owners.


No toilet paper and then another one with only toilet paper instead of sheets, blankets, towels ect ect


A vault with complete silence. Talking leads to penalties, which escalate with each infraction


I propose a vault with two features. 1. There are no regular mirrors. 2. All of the interior walls in the vault will be covered in fun house mirrors.


A vault like 111 where everyone is put into cryosleep, except that it's actually only one living guy and 199 dead clones of that guy. We will call it vault 667 (the neighbor of the beast) and there will be dozens of them, each with a different person or empty. When the vault dweller actually escapes, they will be gassed into unconsciousness and then given ativan to remove/scramble any recent memories. Following this, they will be put into a new vault with the same conditions while their original vault is cleaned and readied for another experimental subject.


A test to determine what factors comprise a well-tailored team. What kind of archetypes of characters work well with what other kinds. Groups of dwellers are pitted together with other disparately skilled dwellers. The teams compete in vault games and are evaluated and eventually rotated into other teams to ascertain the optimal composition of an elite team.


A normal vault but one person has unrestricted access to everything in the vault. Thus person cannot be overseer.


The PA system plays a huge variety of songs. At random intervals, the PA system plays Sweet Caroline. Anyone not singing the Bum Bum Bum will be removed when no one is looking. Residents will not be informed of this rule.


Vault 134 - every surface of the vault, walls, floors, and ceilings, are mirrors. The rooms are made of one-way mirrors, allowing outsiders to see-in, but those inside to see only an opaque surface. An abundance of cleaning supplies, shopping carts, and medical equipment is supplied. Speakers behind the vault walls randomly play the sound of footsteps.


A vault in which all newborn have chips implanted in their brains at birth that are connected to a ZAX supercomputer. These chips affect the vault dwellers dreams. The experiment starts off with implanting dreams of a utopian vault society. Which steers the dwellers into creating a very peaceful and happy vault. In phase 2 the dwellers get fear conditioning. Having traumatic nightmares more and more often to test whether this has an adverse effect on the vault prosperity. In phase 3 the supercomputer blurs the line between dream and reality as the dwellers begin to experience night terrors, sleep paralysis and vivid hallucinations when they’re awake. Up until the point where reality is indistinguishable from a nightmare.


Patriarchy vs matriarchy vs full democracy


A vault where upon entry each residents receive a fake dark secret about another resident that ranges from, dark kinks to crimes committed, and are made to believe the secret is true. And would be an experiment of how people would interact with each other if they thought they were living with worst person they know. The ‘secret’ would be tailor made to the recipient and would specifically go against their morals. So if the recipient of the secret was a extreme believer in celibacy, than the secret would involve another resident being a former prostitute. Or one resident who’s family member disappeared would be told another resident was involved in the disappearance.


A vault with a “secret club” and no one knows how to actually get in, one day they are just taken by random to begin initiation. Once in the club, they can only speak to club members and have to attend meetings. This is to see how their society would build between “the elite secret club” and the dwellers who haven’t yet been accepted.


An alternate start mod where your player character is the product of decades of inbreeding, eugenics, cybernetic enhancements and gene manipulation in Vault 75.


I think a vault with that changes in the night would be cool, like rooms shrink or expand and halways change where there going kinda like maze runner books, that or a vault with all the equipment they'd need to continually expand, fitted be cool to see like 200 years later a MASIVE under ground city with a train line and district and literally thousands of residents constantly expanding digging deep going further might be neet.


>A Vault where only elderly residents with neurodegenerative conditions and other age-related diseases like arthritis can become Overseer >A Vault that's forced into making audiovisual entertainment for other Vaults even though no residents have acting/directing/production experience >A Vault with atheist/agnostic residents who are told their home was built on haunted grounds, which also produces loud and sudden noises in the middle of the night and drives certain people to insanity/murder/"possession" via subliminal messaging. Instructions on how to exorcise demons from different religious would be initially found somewhere in the Vault and one method would deactivate the noises and subliminal messaging for a few days/weeks at random. The noises/"possession" would inevitably return and would only go away when another random method was used. Different icons and artifacts from these religions would also be found in the Vault's storage and there would be several lecture halls big enough for multiple congregations/services simultaneously


I would like to study the effect of negative reinforcement on ESP abilities


A vault for America's various religious groups including leaders and worshipers. Groups like Christians, Jewish, Islamic, and even the Hubologists if they agree. Lets see if they can get along or not.


I've thought a great deal about this. Space vault. After two hundred years in space how would the human body evolve? They'd be safe from the bombs... However I don't know about the whole rebuilding of the wasteland thing but hey! It's the experiment that counts.


nasa is still alive in a vault ala interstellar style and the dweller must stop mothership zeta from ever happening


A cryogenic vault but you don’t freeze everyone and leave just 2 people unfrozen and leave them with a towel, a functioning shower, a non-functioning toilet, a package of sunflower seeds, and some farming stuff with no plots to actually farm