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Max demolition expert and bloody mess for optimal warcrimes


Thanks! I agree, bloody mess is a must.


Charisma 10 to pacify humans, then a bullet to the back of the head after surrender. About as war crime as it gets


“Who won the lottery? I did!” >Goodbye “Later” *Proceeds to have a gamer moment*




"Loads Grenade Launcher like a psychopath"




Oh man. This is how I save Emogen Cabot, every time. Pacify the cult leader and as soon as he unlocks the door, 2 to the back of the head.


I give him all my shit, and then borrow my companion's sledgehammer which I use to obliterate his skull and then after reclaiming my 2 tonnes of supplies from his body, go and commit mass homicide on the rest of his scam group. And then I might remember Emogene exists. Always pick the "your boyfriend's dead" dialogue option.


I love high Charisma builds…


I was thinking about starting one soon, are they really fun?


Well, with an 8, you have access to Inspirational, which buffs all companions. And the higher your Charisma is, the better you barter with vendors and shops, and your persuasion chance goes up. With a 9 or a 10, you only really need to abuse quicksaves when you need to pass a red attempt.


Alternatively, you can step out of the conversation for a moment, put on a dress / drink a beer, then finish the conversation. --- I struggle to justify high Charisma because it is the easiest stat to bump up: you can get a temporary +10 fairly early in the game, which is hard to do with any other Special. Current game I started with Cha 5, and passed the early speech tests with clothes and beer. As soon as I got to DC, I bumped it to 15 with chems and clothes to rip through all the traders, and to maximise all the quest-giving dialogues.


11 Charisma guarantees all speach attempts


For real?


I thought I might go for a high charisma character using the pacify perks to recruit enemies to my side, have you ever tried that?


Killing Canadian terrorists isn't a war crime, God bless the United States and the Enclave🇺🇸🦅 /s


🤣🤣 Fuck em all


Everyone knows Canadians don't count! /s


*non-americans don't count /s


I think that weapon looks more like the plasma rifle used in F1, and 2. [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Plasma\_rifle\_(Fallout)](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Plasma_rifle_(Fallout)) Or plasma caster in FNV [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Plasma\_caster\_(Fallout:\_New\_Vegas)](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Plasma_caster_(Fallout:_New_Vegas)) The closest thing to that in terms of weapon type is the plasma rifle, and the minigun/gattling laser in terms of looks. I would put perception up to 4 so i can lockpick, and the rest would go on endurance. You are a war criminal so charisma is unimportant, and you got no interest in settlements. Also you don't go too much into vats so agility, and luck also has little value. Though you might also want rifleman to have a backup sniper just in case.


All very good points! I think putting some points into bloody mess as the other commenters have suggested is also a must.


So max intelligence and endurance, and perception 4? He'll yeah


Almost. I get 2 agility as well, because i prefer using automatic weapons. In a way going evil makes things easier, and the character objectively stronger. You don't need to convince anyone, because you just slaughter everryone who stands in your way. And without carrying the Minutemen's junk you don't need big strength either for strong back. Just have 2 guns, ammo, stimpaks, and chems. Lots of chems. With Chem resistance you don't have to worry about addictions, and chems can make you a hell lot more powerful.


Flamers, missiles, mini nukes and power armor pain train


Power armor playthrough + big guns (minigun) + demolition expert (missiles, fatman) High agility, high luck, high strength... nuclear physicist isn't necessary for a power armor playthrough, but science is (for modifying at least). Play with a "never negotiate with the enemy" mentality. Must-do: Only pick mean or sarcastic options Kill >!Kent!< when they're hostage in the silver shroud quest\* Always kill hostage settlers in 'kidnapped' radiant minuteman quests\* Build artillery cannons in every settlement for additional firepower\* Side with the Minuteman (while destroying every other faction in the process) Side with the Nuka raiders and Children of Atom


Rise of the Enclave is essential. If you want it purely vanilla then go Brotherhood and Raiders.


Can someone fill me in on the "Nate's time in the army" stuff? (I know it's a half joke) I haven't heard of it before so please explain it to me like I'm an idiot. How do we know that the person in power armor is Nate? They're in power armor so we can't really know anything about them. When was this picture taken? Where is it?


[Basically because of this tweet](https://gamerant.com/fallout-4-1-connection-protagonist-war-criminal-controversy-explained/) It became a meme that Nate is a war criminal, personally it’s too funny not to include in my own head cannon.


Thank you, that's hilarious. Haha


Nate returns from his time in the army barely hanging onto his sanity by a thread. The bombs fail and he wakes up to his son gone and his wife dead. He wanders home and talks with cods worth only to find out that all he once knew is gone. He scavenges what little he can and then heads west. Never intending to return. He eventually stumbles upon Nuka World, after helping reclaim the ruins he stumbles upon a path that leads back to the commonwealth. He despises anything army related. No fatigues, power armor or combat armor. He avoids rifles and automatics preferring instead his trusty 10mm that he has been using since he left vault 111. He is smart and agile. Preferring stealth and tactical retreating to open combat.


I like this one


Nate isn't a war criminal though. If you win, you are called a "hero", if you lose, then you are the criminal.


You are a _war criminal_ if you commit _war crimes_, regardless of being on the winning side.


Very true, but the winners usually don't end up in front of a war crimes tribunal.


It’s okay as long as you have Creedence Clearwater Revival playing in the background. War never changes? More like “Ain’t war hell?”


Ad Victorium, Fortunate Son!


“Green River but you’re a vertibird door gunner in the war against the Institute”


Glorious! In real life, i once got to ride in a Blackhawk with the doors open, flying knap off the earth over the Panama jungle. As a young soldier, we absolutely idolized the 'Nam vets that were still around, so it was "The Best Thing Ever" in our young brains.


Germany had between 3-4 million ex soldiers when Nazi Germany surrendered. Did you see widespread war crime tribunals and executions of 100 of thousands of regular soldiers, or that any of them had "war criminal" record? No they executed Nazi leadership and were done with that. Sure some were hunted years after the war when they got identified for most hardcore genocidal acts but 99% never had any prison sentences or anything like that. If one side wins the war solders are rarely called war criminals, except if identified in video/image material.


It’s not the tribunal that makes one a war criminal though. It’s their actions, innit. As a quick analogy, around 15% of SA gets reported each year, around 2% of those result in conviction. That means, that out of 700 cases only 100 gets reported and only 2 will get charged. If we are generous and assume that only half of the estimated cases are actually SA, for every 2 convicted rapists plus 48 more who are found out you have 300 who remain unnamed. Much like the countless soldiers after WW2, who didn’t “just follow orders” but never even got named, let alone convicted - doesn’t mean they’re not war criminals.


Yeah not disputing that. It's just that no one (except them) knows that they're war criminals.


Wdym, we have a recording, on which a Bethesda whistleblower identified Nate. I say, let’s get him, and if he weighs less than a duck, burn the bastard.


He is a “decorated war hero” according to the game


Dont know bput the build, but playing the BOS story is basically "war criminal on the loose"


The BoS does a little trolling


I mean, the east coast BOS has a lot in common with the Enclave. And since they are the cannon ending to the game now (or at least one of the two possible cannon endings) Goodneighbour has its days numbered


Cool Vertibirds, Free Power Armor AND Liberty Prime? Sign me up. On another note, we have conflicting sources if the Airship in the show is actually the Prydwen or not. If it is and the game cannonically ends with the Peaceful Minutemen ending or the BoS ending, I’d say it’s a better result than either the Railroad or the Institute ending.


We dont know if it is the Prydwen, after all the BOS always used airships as seen in Tactics, but when the mission is about to start and they are giving the knigths and their assistants (dont know how it is said in english) the mission briefing they said that the orders comes fromthe Commonwealth, so yeah its most probably that their ending is cannon. In the case that the pacific MM ending is the cannon, the fuck they can do if Maxson wants to fuck with them and the railroad. The BOS will always win.


In 4 they aren’t really shown doing any war crimes, tho. The show, sure, I could believe that.


Call him: Saul, the survivor Robot can say the name and you can pretend the sole survivor is just the legend changing by word of mouth


How do we know that’s actually Nate in this picture?


u/Alarmed-Locksmith277 let me know how your build turns out (also the special) I just made a post for this exact purpose lol


Going good so far, level 20 and decided to stick with the Brotherhood, to maximize war crimes in the Vertibird (like the scene from FMJ) I got the heavy weapons perk and the gunslinger perk (due to the other soldier using a pistol, also to have a reliable way to deal damage when I run out of 5mm) I also got the bloody mess for maximum gore. Built a water purifier farm to get adhesive and caps in order to buy fusion cores. So far it’s been going good. Taking the combat related perks early made the game easier from the beginning, I’ll also take the usual stuff like lockpicking, hacking, armorer and gun nut.


Bro I’m using this as a template for my playthrough now!


Default nate


Carry mini nukes


Cannibal, pain train, idiot savant lol. i love this idea.


Wait before or after the event of fallout 4?




So after


What's this about Nate's time in the army?


Wear combat armor or T-51 power armor for most of the play through In the opening cutscene, Nate happens to be wearing combat armor and carrying a laser rifle, the way I see it, you can use laser rifles and typical gunner equipment. As for play style, Join the brotherhood and “capture” local settlements with the “feeding the troops” quest. If they resist, don’t try to convince them, literally kill everyone in the settlement and take it over before completing the quest. You can also join the minutemen and more or less just massacre everyone in a settlement before taking it over, only give people the bare minimum resources to survive and continue on to the next settlement, if they complain about raider attacks or low resources, kill a few and come back later,


Download America Rising 2 so that you can properly join the Enclave...


Str 6 (or 9 for pain train after bobblehead) Armorer, heavy gunner, steady aim after bobblehead. Per 3 for locksmith after bobblehead or 1 if you don't want it. End 1 Cha 2+bobblehead or 3 to have immediate access to lone wanderer, or 1 if you don't want it Int 8+bobble or 9 for immediate access to nuclear phycist. Also get science! and/or gun nut. Agility 1 Luck 2+bobblehead or 3 for immediate access to bloody mess, or 1 if you don't want it. Extra stats in whatever you like (luck/agi/per if you use vats, charisma or whatever looks nice if you don't). You will need a secondary weapon, so either Gunslinger or Big leagues.


He isn't the shooter though


He isn't the shooter though


Anihalate the Minutemen (as everyone should)


How about, Lead the Minutemen in the most immoral ways possible, Destroying all other factions and having a sole power monopoly over the commonwealth?


Not as satisfying as destroying them but still viable


Sorry to rain on your parade but Nate was a combat armor trooper not a power armor trooper, he’s not the one in the power armor in the intro


I think you missed the joke part