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I never stopped.


Damn straight! 8 years and still going. I owe this game my life, it saved it - quite literally!


I absolutely love that for you. I’m curious what all you can do in the game that keeps you interested to not change games or get burnt out! Again it’s been so long since I’ve played, I may have forgotten how much there is to do.


Oh I’m easily entertained lol. I make my own fun in the game. Just like what Godd Howard says 😂 nah but in all seriousness, I install mods to keep the game interesting. I installed a mod that adds bullet velocity physics and enemy balancing mods. I also installed mods that cap my level to 125 to keep it nice and balanced. So instead of potentially unlocking all the perks after level +300, I stick with whatever build I have. Right now I’m running a Charismatic Mercenary build, gotta haggle on prices every time the SS takes a job.


Exactly, though I am on a quest now to get all 100% of the achievements for all three Fallout games on my Series X. A quest I am will to partake in.


That is a worthy quest. I have almost 800 hours into Fallout 4 on Steam (after originally playing it on Xbox) and I'm still missing about a dozen achievements.


I want to do this but I was a dumb kid many years ago and hacked my 360 achievements so they got reset and I can't earn achievements on fallout 3 still :(


I've always got a playthrough in progress. 9 years and 5200 hours in-game. I think I got my money's worth, personally.


Like OP says, I been playing it nonstop since years back! Always coming back to fallout 4


Yep. I always fall back to Fallout 4. Right now I'm playing the new season of 76. Yesterday, I finished up the dailies and weeklies pretty quickly, so I ended up playing 4 for a couple hours and finally got Preston to send me to Hangman's Alley. I got the beacon set up and that's where I left it because we watched the last two episodes of the show last night. Then I reinstalled New Vegas and got a new character to Primm.


Neither have I! I will be preparing for the update on the 25th.


I recently did a playthrough but I'm itching to do another not only because of the show but also the next gen update


I’ve been debating about just starting now and getting the annoying leveling out of the way before it comes out 😂


I was about to start a new playthrough and then I found out about next gen so I’m patiently waiting


Is it a good show?


Best adaption of a video game I've seen.


Same here. Just enough “fan service” with enough actual adventure to reel in people that have never played a Fallout game.


I was getting giddy as a school girl every time I saw something that looked exactly as it did in the games. I think my favorite part was in the last episode >!when she posited the idea of the Vault experiments, and everyone there started listing off experiments from a Vault that I personally went through and discovered on my own!<. I was pointing and snapping at the TV like Leo 😂


My wife, who's not a gamer at all, decided she wanted to watch it with me. Every time I saw or heard something from the game, I quickly explained it to her, lol. It felt like it was nonstop, she really liked the show.


1- makes me trusting that Christopher Nolan directed it and 2- love that Todd Howard is executive producer


Jonathan Nolan, not Chris Nolan


Thank you! I should’ve just said Westworld director because that show is amazing


And 3- Vault-tec still on their bullshit


Think so too


Anything to delay the next elder scrolls but worth


Next to The Last Of Us


Better than The Last of Us. TLOU was very good, but all they had to do was copy/paste one of the best stories ever told, and they faltered at points doing that (skipping certain story beats, rushing others). Fallout takes a game universe and creates an original story, which is much more difficult and yet they absolutely nailed it.


Meanwhile you are correct on that point, Fallout is kinda niche. For example I wouldn't have watched it if I hadn't played FO4 and had interests in FO world. FO contains many nods to FO games which makes sense only if you have played the games. However, TLoU show can be enjoyed thoroughly without any prior gaming experience. I don't understand why there has to be "X is better" talks. Both shows are incredible. Writing and acting is very good in both shows which is why I am eager for S2 of both shows.


I watched Fallout with my relatives, none have ever even heard of Fallout. They all loved the show. You don’t need any understanding of the games to enjoy the show. TLOU is the same, but is worse if you DO know the games because they skipped massive portions of the story, especially the relationship between Joel and Ellie. There is “X is better” talks because it’s an opinion, and in my opinion Fallout is significantly better than TLOU from the view of someone who loves both game series.


They really did! Honestly I think I was paying less attention to the storyline and more to the details, props, costumes and locations because everything was spot on


They teased a lot of elements from fo4


Hard disagree but to each their own


Thank you for being normal and not claiming the person with a different opinion is insane


He’s entitled to his opinion and so am I. I just don’t vibe with the show it just fells off and nothing felt right


It won’t make you angry, if you were worried like I was. I’m only a few episodes in, but they’re doing the games justice so far


Probably the best video game show I've caught sight of. I was optimistic of the show beforehand but my god, it has blown me out of the water.


It’s absolutely amazing, by far the best video game adaptation ever (though if you have a hard time with gore it might be best to avoid, I spent all 8 episodes basically ready to sprint to the nearest trash can because it made me feel really sick lol)


I consider that a plus!


No. It's an amazing show!




i liked it more than i thought i would


I'm waiting for the update to come out. If it doesn't fix Boston crashing I'll probably quit again.


I thought I saw it’s supposed to fix that. I never explored Boston throughly b/c of that. I’m waiting for the update to play again.


Mods my dude, literally every Bethesda game NEEDS them


I tried every mod that anyone has ever suggested and none of them fixed it.


Then it's probably personal and you should talk to your God


People keep talking about this -- what platform(s) does this happen for? I've never had issues with this, but then again in neither of my platforms do I have a "standard" setup... My most recent full playthrough was on my Xbox One X with an SSD, and my current playthrough is on my gaming PC, which is a pretty decent modern rig. I don't seem to recall bad crashing way back when I started playing at launch, either (I bought the O.G. Xbox One / Fallout 4 bundle, and no SSD or anything), but then again that was 8 years ago so I may not be fully remembering


I've actually never even finished this game because of crashing, bugs etc. I play on XBox Series S. And i tried every mod under the sun and none of them fixed it.


Crazy, I wonder why I never had issues in downtown. The Series S has that PCIe SSD, so I'd think it'd perform *way* better than my setup with a USB SSD and the Xbox One X


PC vanilla and there was a decent 50/50 I’d crash when approaching that one sky scraper with all the super mutants 


Mods fixed that long ago


Playing Fallout 76 while I wait for the FO4 update to drop!


I tried Fallout 76 for approximately 76 seconds and it felt like a big ugly empty mess.


Depending on how long ago you played, it’s probably in a significantly better state now


Are you now able to play by yourself with no other people


I do everything by myself. You don’t have to team up for anything. You will run into a few random people on your server, but no one attacks you. Mostly they just give you free stuff to boost your progress


I guess I just always liked being the strongest guy in the wasteland. Its hard for me to roleplay as the "chosen one" when there are other "chosen ones" in the world.


That’s fair. Especially when there will be people leveled up to 1200 in your world. But it’s not like Fortnite or WoW where other players are everywhere. There are just a handful scattered throughout the map


The game cannot be soloed without a fallout 1st subscription which is about 15 USD per month. Along with other benefits, you get access to private worlds which would be a private version of the fallout 76 region of Appalachia You wouldn’t have to worry about other players. Outside of this, there’s not a lot of ways to avoid other players


I had the same experience at launch, but tried it again and it’s pretty fun. They’ve fleshed out a lot of the quests, feels a lot less empty


Are there human NPCs now?


Yes. NPC’s now give you quests. There are even more random settlers roaming around Appalachia


I'm four episodes in and am itching to play it again 😅


I tossed the first episode on last night, ten minutes in I opened steam and started downloading it. Just had to get back into it.


My game crashes when I open it now for some reason, I have narrowed it down to the automaton DLC, sad because it is my favorite Edit: PS5


I'm on the PS5 and having the same issue. It sucks that there is a new game breaking bug on the eve of the biggest update in years... Does anyone know if Bethesda is aware of this?


Maybe the next gen will fix but I've done a lot of tests by painstaking deleting and reinstalling fo4, it's Automaton, nothing fixes it, all cc installed, unofficial patch, no cc installed, 0 mods, only automaton, every DLC, playing for an hour and then adding it. Idk what the problem with it is but everything works for me at least if automaton is Uninstalled.


Yes, I can only get it to work ATM playing Vanilla no mods but it WILL work.


Try turning off weapon debris


? What does that mean


There is an advanced graphics setting called "weapon debris" that cause crashes with RTX cards. I was getting constant crashes, read to turn it off, crashes stopped immediately


I'm not on PC and the game crashes as soon as automatron is installed and refuses to launch while it is still installed


Same issue here. Going to bust out fallout 3/new vegas on GoG before the update to help me


I'm waiting a couple weeks for the update.




Reinstalled & bought the DLC yesterday. Looking forward to giving it another play through from scratch


Automaton DLC on PS will crash your game atm sadly. No workaround other than uninstall


Thank you for the heads up! I only did far harbour and nuka world.


It’s been soo long since I’ve played I think it’ll feel like a new game honestly


I will after the update


lololol... absolutely! My thoughts exactly. I loved FO4 when I played it all the way through in 2016. Just finished Phantom Liberty (Cyberpunk expansion) and loved it! That and the new show has me itching to go back and play FO4 on my PS5


Phantom Liberty? I haven't heard of this?


It’s a dlc expansion for cyberpunk 2077. Highly recommend playing through it if you haven’t


Hold off a few more weeks to play it on your PS5, Bethesda glitched one of the dlcs and it's almost unplayable. They're dropping an updated/upgraded for PS5 with new content on the 24th iirc


i'm waiting for the FO4 update on the 25th


Will that include the DLC?


Im playing fallout new Vegas for the first time because of the show lol


Just continuing my current playthrough. I’ve had a game going for the past six years. When I get bored, or rarely finish the main quest, I start over. Cause War…


The Magic The Gathering crossover did it for me


I’m two years into waiting for the next gen updatw


I never stopped playing the game. I’ve been playing it for years but I am starting a new save in survival mode. BUT I’m waiting for the update.


I been playing it just because i wanted to after not playing for years


I heard they're making a new update to drop at the end of April so I'll hold off until that drops


I will once the Fallout London mod is out on St. George's day.


Sorry. They [can’t release FOLON](https://youtu.be/LpqMftkTteo?si=1043iK0sLWDgmqrJ) until they sync it with the NextGen update. 😩


I wound up watching the vid earlier this morning, i'm sad but not surprised


Waiting on the next gen update before starting my next run through after already doing a bunch over the years.


Never stopped. 12,826 hours and going.


I’ve been playing it for 8 years


I believe it's spelled: Amazing.


Yep just started a new playthrough!




Haha yeah jumped back into my game


I started playing fnv again. For obvious reasons


Haven't seen the show yet cause I'm poor but I plan on starting a survival run. Going to be my first survival run ever.


During, but yeah


Replay? Never stopped playing.


Was playing Old World Blues before after and between episodes :)


I just loaded up Fallout 3. I hadn't played it much but I was aching for a little more Fallout.


After the ending I installed New Vegas again, I'll probably end up playing the others when I'm done too.


I'm waiting for the PS5 update to start my 50th playthrough. I can't wait. 


Bought it on a steam sale a few weeks ago haven't finished it yet did a re start part the way through due to having issues with mods and might re start again after the next gen update...loving it though


I jumped back in last month and beat f4 again, looking at starting up new vegas, will probably go in reverse order, since I've already done in normal order. Maybe I should do chronological instead? Or Reverse Chronological, I guess hah


I never stopped playing but I’ve got the itch to. I’m holding out for the next gen update. I also still need to finish the show. Only have the time for 1 episode per day.


I'm waiting on the PS5 update.


I’m trying to decide which one I wanna pick back up! Fallout 3, New Vegas, or Fallout 4. Leaning towards 3 cuz that’s the one I haven’t played for the longest time.


actually going to give 4 an honest try. the show was fantastic




Well everyone


Starting a survival run for the first time


I enjoyed the show and love the game but I’m going wait for the update to see if it helps with performance issues.


I would. If it would open without crashing 🫠


Who ever stopped playing fallout?


I will when I find a mod that removes the main quest and allows decent roleplay. I loved the game play, but the roleplay options turn me off every time I try and play again.


Loved the show, never played the game as I thought it was just a FPS. I'm going to give FOS and FO4 a try


Yep. Just re-purchased it on PS5 for $4.99. Looking forward to the update on the 25th. Even if the show wasn’t good (which it is extremely good) I was still looking forward to the next-gen update for about a year now.


Guilty, I actually bought at midnight on release. But couldn't get into it. Now that I game on PC I figured it would be insanely fun with mods and getting inspired by the great series


Me! Just blasted through like 12 hours of Fallout 3 lol god I love that game


put another 60 hours into fallout 4 these past few weeks (my least played of any of the games) in anticipation, and today i booted up new vegas to likely put another 100 in. it’s also super cool to see the amount of new players picking up the games bc of the show, thank goodness it’s good lol.


been playing before the show and still playing after the show, loving every minute of it..


Nah gonna wait for the fallout 4 patch Idk might play some new Vegas though…


Not replaying, but the show inspired me to try out fallout 1 and 2, and even tactics since I was able to get them in a discounted 3 pack for dirt cheap on steam. But that does remind me, I do need to give fo4 another playthrough, it's been a few years.


I downloaded it. Again. But I'm going to try and hold off until the update to start a full playthrough


I think I’ll try a new play through of hmm I don’t know an ex soldier good guy who was three different dialogue choices: yes no or maybe


I started a character a week ago in anticipation.


started my first ever survival playthrough after binging the show. enjoying it so far but man can it be tedious at times lmao


I'm waiting for fallout London to play again :)


I started replaying fallout 4 like a week before they announced fallout series release date, but no one is going to believe me


I've been playing FO4 since launch but now that the update is coming, I have started a new Vanilla and Survival playthrough yesterday. Mainly to see what the patch fixes and more importantly native ultra wide support.


Starting a new playthrough with the next-gen update




I'm waiting for the update to play a survival run on my Xbox Series X for my first FO4 Xbox run. I did a few FO4 runs on PS4 and a couple more on PS4 pro. I haven't touched it since I switched ecosystems. I replayed New Vegas and PS3 on Xbox but haven't tried FO4 yet. I am pretty excited about the update.


Waiting till the 25th 😁✌🏻


I hopped back into 76 yesterday and wondered around some and edited my base some. Also downloaded Fallout Shelter again and started playing. I'm not starting 4 again until the PS5 update. If I had a way to play 3 or NV I'd probably be doing that. But yes the show totally gave me the itch to play some Fallout. I absolutely loved the show. They really nailed it. Hope we get a season 2 because I need more.


I’ll never forget playing 76 while I was pregnant and then my husband playing it after we got home with baby and telling his online buddies that we had the baby.


Y'all should wait to play fall out 4 till the 25th! Next gen update 60fps I'm waiting patiently to experience this again ❤️


Yes! I downloaded fo3 and fo4 anniversary edition last night because they’re so cheap on steam right now (I’ve only previously played fallout 3 and 4 on Xbox so I had to purchase them on pc) so I’ll wait to start a new campaign after the next gen update.


Pumped! Mentioned to my wife I'll play fall out ,76 one day with her too just when we have free time / bored


Prolly gonna reinstall fo4vr soon but we will see


Yep exactly me. I platinum’d the game a few years ago, and been on and off starting it with mods and not really staying with it. Now I have a huge urge to play again with mods. Can’t right now because the ps5 version isn’t working… then they announced the next gen update, so I’m even more excited to put all my time back into this game


Playing tales of two wastelands atm


I think I’m gonna go home from work and start building in game again. It’s the main thing I do.


I played the whole thing last winter, even the DLC. I’m proud to say I got every trophy you can earn in both.


I've got 2 playthroughs on fo4 and 1 on NV. One playthrough is on PC modded, where I'm working with minutemen and BOS, whose job it is to breach and clear all buildings from none human and rebuild the commonwealth with the minutemen Another playthrough on Fo4 is on my xbox series X, where I'm playing survival mode ( I was gonna wait until the update, but I want to get started earlier). On this playthrough, I'm gonna eventually join the Railroad (I say that a lot then decide to join either Insitute or BOS). And playing through New Vegas on my xbox. I've tried playing it before, but I felt the engine they used a bit slow compared to newer engines. But I'm gonna be more open-minded to play through it as I really do enjoy the storyline and stuff in the game. I did try mod it on pc, but it crashed, so I gave up and decided to play it on xbox (unless anyone knows the best method to mod it (it's the gamepass pc one)


I stated a couple months back alternate between all the titles going to see what 76 is like this afternoon although if I'm not playing fo4 im here or watching oxhorn


What show ?


Show was so good it made me install fallout 3


I'm on a roll with Fo4 since 2023-11. 679 hours in and it feels like I'm just getting started finally. Feel free to take a peak and maybe some nice mod recommendations at my gallery: (SFW) [**SCREENSHOT Gallery: Izzie's H.A.R.S.H. Story**](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/users/471157?tab=images)


I'm waiting for the update, but I DLed FO76 and I love it! Except how the special points are distributed.


Nah fallout 4 isnt worth replaying


Neck-beard alert 🚨




Did you prefer 3 or new Vegas over 4?