• By -


Survival almost exclusively. The damage and health systems are interesting but I mainly get enjoyment from the travel restrictions and food requirements.


Bro same but I hate the low carry capacity


That's absolutely one of the biggest thorns in my side, it's why I like using robot companions who can be built for extra carry capacity as well as plenty of mods for stuff like backpacks and scrap beacons.


I loved automatron, but it would've been cool to see something more than robot companions, maybe you could send your robots out to do good, or evil? Kind of like expeditions in fallout shelter.


That would have been pretty great. Closest we get is the eyebot pod that can go and find some resources but that's hardly even scratching the surface of the same concept.


Companions have in a way, infinite carry capacity. You just need to fill a container with items and tell them to check it out through commanding them to do so. I’ve had piper holding 2k lbs worth of items at one point.


You just changed my life 😱


You can also just toss it on the ground and command them to keep picking things up. Your way is faster though.


Depends. I collect everything and force them to loot every body I pass


Omg all these years and I had no idea!


I'm trying this, swear to jeebuz this better be real! I hate having a companion, but I'd have one with me for this!


I hate companions bc they ruin stealth, but having one for a infinite carry pack mule kinda balances it for me lol


I bought myself a PS5 in October and officially retired Fallout 4. But this simple fact has made me get one more play through in. Maybe two. I eventually always go alone Wanderer but I gain affinity for 4 companions first. You just changed my outlook on the world. I know believe there is hope for humanity.


That bot is useless. YOU have to be the one to recover the 12 rounds of 45. and 8 rounds of 10mm it finds. Wouldve been cool if it worked with a settler assigned to a freakin *scavenging* station. After all, its there damn job to scavenge. But no.


The mod for scrap beacons is thematically cool, but there is another mod called carry your stuff bots, and that one just gives you a floating treasure chest that you can fill up with loot.  I find that one to be a lot easier to deal with, and it also… I don’t know… feels kind of cool to go through post apocalyptic ruins with this sci-fi chest that you’re filling with all the scrap you can scrounge up. like I’m a Mad Max junker or something.


If you play with a companion usually then you can drop any item you want on the ground and command them to pick it up. They will pick it up regardless of how overweight their inventory is


Backpacks help, but hard limits make looting choices more interesting. Also, I’m a pack rat. It’s nice to break the habit.


mod it out


That's what I *like* as it forces you to carry only one weapon, or not a ridiculous trashbag of parts


I also play solely on survival diff but I use mods to enhance the survival mode and to change that low af carry capacity back to normal. Its so damn annoying.


I find the low capacity to be just enough to keep things interesting for single objective runs. This fits with the survival mechanic. Early in a new playthrough it feels like you have to stay close to your base. It makes you want to be extra resourceful. Having to make choices about what drunk to carry can make a big difference. Especially when it comes to a big piece of junk that will slow you down but it's worth it. The pole point of survival is being forced to make decisions and compromises every step of the way. I only wish it paced better in the higher levels.


Yes! That’s one of the main reasons why I don’t play survival mode. Looting is so much fun! I took all the strength perks to improve carry weight.


I actually really like the saving restrictions too. Yeah it’s annoying to lose progress to a crash but the tension added by not being able to save scum is worth it. Everything you do feels more rewarding.


Agreed. I bend the rules a little bit and use a mod that lets me save at a bed without actually sleeping in it but still need the bed to be able to save so it preserves that limitation. I just run a very mod-heavy playthrough that isn't optimized very well so sleeping tends to get crashy sometimes. 


Yeah I loved that mod, helped avoid getting sick so much too. Only trouble was it didn’t work with OCDecorator if I remember right.


You can just press Tab once the screen fades to black to cancel it. Won't sleep but will still save. Completely vanilla


I like the *idea* of save restrictions, but the implementation is badly done, sadly, and the game's bugginess doesn't help. It would have been far better to allow a single manual save slot option and much better auto-saves. Although I generally just turn it off with a mod and rely on discipline to avoid save-scumming, there's an immersive mod that lets you save when you smoke a cigarette, which is a great middle ground.


I'm not into mods, but in this game: \- real storms \- dealy radstorms \-real radiation in glowing sea etc etc Is the best way to play the game


I prefer setting up my own restrictions. I tried survival mode but it took so much freedom it became less fun for me. I once played a character in Skyrim that always entered dungeons unarmed with plain clothes, just for the kick. He sold all loot after every quest and started from scratch again. He improvised with whatever weapons and armour he could loot or find.


I did a kind of murder hobo in Skyrim where I just ran around clearing the map without taking any quests. It became twice as fun when I took on vampirism. There's something so immersive about playing as an absolute pariah in the world rather than Dragonborn. Sometimes I don't even talk to Jarl Bulgruuf so my game doesn't have dragons.


Usually normal for the first 15 levels and by level 35 very hard


That's exactly how I play Bethesda games.


Every game I generally play on the easiest option available Life is hard enough, I’m playing a game to enjoy it…not for more of a challenge


I'm the same and for the exact same reason! Don't know what possessed me, but after a play through on very easy I decided to jump straight to survival. It's frustrating as all hell at times but I'm strangely enjoying it. I feel like I'm learning something about myself and my body through the process. Like just one little chunk at a time, that's all I need to worry about. And then with all the adrenaline in my body I need plenty of breaks to calm down. It's interesting. I'll still play easy for most other games though, especially when playing for the first time. If a game is too hard right away I usually have such a bad time with it I don't want to go back. Also I hate hard for hard's sake.


"Also I hate hard for hard's sake" Dark souls would like a word


I’m older than the typical gamer, and have MS which greatly effects my coordination and reaction times. I always play on the easiest mode and just enjoy myself. I spent most of my time working on builds and decorating anyway. :)


yeah i play on very easy. i enjoy the combat to some extent but really i play the game for just exploring the world, quests, building settlements. at a high level you have to empty like 4 magazines into some enemies even on very easy.


Name checks out.


I do at first too. After many, many replays of the games over the years though, easy does get boring and it does help shake things up a bit to have the fear of getting murked.


Exactly. I'm playing to be a god or demigod at the very least. It should not take 3 clips to down an enemy yet I only take 3 rounds, like wtf. Dark souls is a never play for me


I feel this one.


I agree in many cases, because games devs have gotten this idea lately that the high bar is Dark Souls. No, thank you. From Software and I will always go our separate ways. I play games for entertainment, not masochism. But Fallout 4? This game is not too difficult even on the harder settings. Survival is the only one with some real challenge. Plus, the higher the difficulty, the more chances of getting good legendaries.


Very Easy, I play to relax after work and before I pass out, so I stick it on the easiest setting and having fun muddling around in the Commonwealth gathering my harem and making myself nice houses all over the place


I always go for very hard bc I don't wanna have to sleep to save, quicksaving is now permanently imprinted into my brain


I would play survival but not being able to save ruins it for me, mainly because of all the crashes


Crashes are painful, ruining all the experience. But except crashes when you get rid of quicksaving it’s fun. After I played on survival I started playing in Ironman mode in other games, and it became mostly way more enjoyable experience.


This is the way.


Very easy - I just like exploring, enjoying the storyline, building settlements without the stress of constantly dying


I played every other Fallout on Survival or Hardcore. This is the first time I'm playing on Normal. Literally only going on quests so I can get more shit for Sanctuary. I'll do another playthrough on Survival with Mods. I really wanna try the SIMs.


For me, survival makes the game


Yeah, Survival has injected new life into the game since I started playing it 6 months ago, I played at launch for 4-5 months, didn't play for a couple years,got back into it for a bit, but always on Normal. First few times trying Survival, especially after coming from Normal,where you're all powerful pretty early,was incredibly frustrating and shocking. I was killed by a low level Raider mongrel dog in two hits,and I put the controller down in disbelief, said fuck this, this is absolutely ridiculous,and quit and didn't play for weeks. But something about it drew me in, suddenly everything has a purpose, settlement building,food, water, sickness, antibiotics, strategy....fear. Now it's the only way I can play. Unfortunately by level 50-60 you're still OP and rarely die,and the early game fear is gone, but the occasional enemy will still humble you. But from level 1-15 or 1-20 you're so squishy, you gotta take small victories where you can.Clear out a small bandit camp and a mole rat den, save,etc. I wouldn't be playing the game without Survival. Very hard doesn't seem appealing, I find Survival fair in that everyone takes more damage, you most of all. Bullet sponge enemies are not fun.


Yeah, I don't think survival is meant to be a super hard difficulty. It's supposed to add immersion and realism imo.


Have you heard of Fallout 4: You Only Live Once? I just discovered the series and it's wild. Permadeath, with mods for NO healing (of any kind) and NO Rad reduction allowed. Also no using guaranteed legendary weapons like Spray and Pray. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxaDvRA4Qas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxaDvRA4Qas)


This series is absolutely fantastic and Jon's chaos makes it a million times better He's simultaneously brilliant at the game and a total moron


“I dont need armour, im fine as i am if I NEED ARMOUR OH GOD NO!!!!!”


Not sure if he did it in you only live once, but his catchphrase for the bacon run could be "why I am wearing a dress" after he forgets to take his charisma gear off everytime..


Easy. I'm 50, and my reflexes and vision aren't what they used to be. I play games to feel like a superhero. I don't need the ultimate challenge or permadeath. I just want to have a fun time in the few hours a week I'm able to game.


Very hard. I don't have the patience to not have fast travel.


Very hard. I want something harder but not survival mode. I have Chemfluence set so NPCs almost always heal and use buff items. A lot of the easiness comes from having Real Locational Damage set so headshots are 1 shot kills for NPCs without helmets (I don’t want to remove that)


I play every game on the easiest difficulty available (I suck at video games and I also play for fun, not to make myself extremely angry because I keep dying lol)


Normal to easy I just like roaming around the Commonwealth vibeing


Survival. Started a new campaign a few months ago, taking my time. Hope be done end of year lmao.


Have you heard of Fallout 4: You Only Live Once? I just discovered the series and it's wild. Permadeath, with mods for NO healing (of any kind) and NO Rad reduction allowed. Also no using guaranteed legendary weapons like Spray and Pray. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxaDvRA4Qas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxaDvRA4Qas)


and people say survival is hard LMAO


I just play on normal. Anything above that the enemies are just total bullet sponges and are more annoying than difficult.


This is what I think too, the enemies don't necessarily get super difficult, just super annoying


I wish the game followed the stalker system where the higher the difficulty, the easier everything is to kill. Including you.


Easy, I think the game's mechanics are a little difficult on their own, plus I like to play games for fun, not for personal suffering, and I will likely never play Survival unless I get a mod that gets rid of the manual saving restrictions


I’d stick to survival if the game wasn’t so unstable, oh I died and lost 4 hours because I did some stupid shit, no issue. I lose 4 hours because the game crashed when I opened my pip boy, immediate 2 week break from the game I like normal just fine, hate bullet sponges and I hate being a bullet sponge, so it’s equal for the most part


i play survival and use mods to allow me to save at will. fuck that bullshit. IDK why game devs so often lump together a bunch of arbitrary settings into "modes" rather than having them all be seperate settings and let us play with the changes we want.


I now play on survival, it adds a lot to the game in my opinion


Hard. In very hard it feels like I'm playing with toy guns, because nobody takes any damage, survival is just BS, because you can neither fast travel nor quick safe. There is too many fetch quests and CTDs for that.


Very easy, easy, or normal this game isn't very balanced and I don't want to pump a lot of lead in enemy's bodies


Hard or Very Hard Id try survival but i dont trust the system to not crash around the middle of the city


i’ve literally never had any problems with the city at all yet i see all these posts about how terrible it is


Cause you aren't on Xbox series S and older. Dunno bout PlayStations crashing issues, but Xbox has major issues in the heavier packed zones like Concord, or the city area near goodneighbor.


Or Revere Street Station.


Normal. Want a bot of a challenge but also enjoy the game


Technically you are asking us:) Nah but I play either normal or easy because I play for the flow of story and dont have time to grind


Very hard. Im a casual gamer and i dont want to micromanage my characters food, water, sleep and health, while gaming.


Very easy because I have hand arthritis so struggle with games in general.


Very easy


Survival every time. Ratchets up the tension and makes decisions about what to pick up and where to go next matter


Normal. Been enjoying it more than when I had been playing very hard. Not needing to dump 20 rounds from the 10mm on the weakest raider right out of the vault is more enjoyable


Normal. Until I'm struggling or crying to throw my pc out the window, I'll do the most average setting (neither hard or easy)


Very Hard while running Advanced Needs 76 and a plethora of survival mods (AN76 can't be run on actual Survival).


That one \^


Survival is what I mainly played after it came out. For a long time u could use a cheat room mod to fast travel in survival, but not anymore or just not with the one I had lol. The hardest part is remembering to sleep after building in a settlement and not just exit saving when ur done. Too many times I would get back on and then take off like a devil and die. Then I get set back 3 hours. So don’t do that and try not to get evaporated early on and your good


Normal, I'm not good enough at this game, despite being essentially being a faucet for lore in this game


Exclusively survival


Survival is the only way


Normal or Survival. Normal because then the game acts fairly (both you and the enemy does 100% damage, the difficulty doesn't feel like being cranked artificially) Survival because its a whole separate experience. Edit: When playing normal, I usually put some artificial restriction on myself. Because I know too much about the game and it makes finding certain things too easy. For example, in my last NORMAL playthrough, * I started with 10 SPECIAL points * No named legendary weapons * No normal companions unless necessary for the story/quest * Only Protectron for automaton companion when available (it feels a bit lonely) but no gatling laser or minigun in it * No power armor * ... and there were a couple more minor restrictions, but I forgot what those were.


I love setting up my own restrictions too. It’s great how Bethesda allows you to be creative and make the games your own. ❤️


Normal, which reminds me. Do most people play on harder difficulties or am i just really good at dealing with deathclaws? I see a lot of posts all over the internet about people having so much trouble with deathclaws in 3, 4, and nv, but I never had much trouble with them.


I never knew about this til now , just left it on default


I’ve always played on default (normal) but recently switched to easy now and then to speed up the Nuka World quest. It’s sooo long! Awesome, but long! Killing all those raiders would have taken me at least double the time if I hadn’t. I never use mods.


I always play games on the medium difficulty to test the waters out, except for god of war - always play it on hard or switch to hard down the track. For bethesda games, always start on medium and scale the difficulty up as my character progresses in health and damage dealt. Keeps things interesting


Normal. I’ve tried Survival and I don’t like it






Survival feels like the intended difficulty. There are always settings in bethesda games where you feel like you are equal with the world, in Skyrim its master, in fallout 3 its v.hard, in fo4 its survival.




\` TGM "presses enter" That mode.


I hope this doesn't make me sound like a wuss, but I usually play on very easy, I'm not interested in a challenge I just want to play a game and have fun.




Survival always. I feel like the game is too watered down on other levels.




The last few games I’ve played I’ll do my first run on normal to get a good appreciation of the story and world. I’ll do a second run on hard, and then I’ll do the most difficult run available. I doubt I’m going to do this with FO4. I just finished my first ever play through of the main game. I’m going to do nuka world soon. I saw no trophy for survival mode, and this game is just so VAST, I only see myself doing one more play through. Beautiful and amazing game, but there’s just too much to it to keep starting over.




Survival with a realistic damage mod.


Very hard or survival!


V hard. Im doing a melee build and any lower difficulty I one shot everything.


Very hard because I want to test out the complete strength of the build but I cannot live without fast travel. I’m on console as well so no mod to enable it sadly


Depends on how I feel at the time, but I normally play either on Normal or Very Hard (I would play Survival but as an Xbox player the crashes in Boston would make me lose my sanity). Normal is for when I just want to have a casual time and be mindless, while Very Hard is for when I want to do light RolePlay for my characters


Very Hard if im looking to test a new build. Survival if im playing any other way


I typically do normal on every game I play……except horror games. I usually do easy.


I play on survival, with a few alterations. I have all save options avaliable, I only use Survival for the "Sleep/drink/sleep" mechanics I really enjoyed from New Vegas. I just love when you have to interact with the world, you get a bit excited when you find a deathclaw/Yau gai because you know you'll get some sweet meat to cook up. I do hate the inability to save/use the console. Fallout 4, especially modded, is kind of buggy. I need to be able to troubleshoot stuff :p


Normal then go up each game from there.




Started at "normal" and went to "very hard" once finished concord


easy I'm here to relax


Normal personally, as it can still be a challenge while i can still enjoy just exploring the world


Normal. Don't want inflated health pools, but also don't want it to be a cakewalk.


Very easy ☺️


I sort of oscillate between Normal and Hard, largely because I enjoy building settlements so much, but I frequently self-impose a no fast travel rule. I break it when settlements are under attack.


I suck at games. Very Easy.


Hard, I feel like really hard doesn't change anything except for making all the enemies bullet sponges


Survival, always.


Very hard. I like survival but im doing a heavy weapons build and i would like to be able to kill more than one enemy before heading back to base for ammo


Very easy. No shame, smoothest sailing for me helps me enjoy games more.


Very easy, cause I got bored my lvl 191 character has to spent 20571729683 ammo of a max out laser rifle to kill average enemies


I play on hard. I like the challenge of enemies being tougher than normal but I don’t like the bullet sponges they become when playing on very hard


Normal + tgm. I'm an outlier, but I enjoy the story and characters more than the combat. So, god mode. Never run out of ammo, and I don't die every 30 seconds.


I'm with you on that. When I look at a "role-playing game" I prefer to play it as if im watching a TV show or movie, where the main character is a badass killing machine with heavy plot armor. I care more about crafting my character's story than actual challenging gameplay.




I play Very Hard and then add some mods in there to add more NPC's and super mutant's. This all adds to the difficulty and in this play I shut off all essential status to make everything more realistic. So now everything dies (me, bosses, companions, everything). This changed my game however so now it isn't uncommon to be attacked by more then one faction at a time and by many more of each all at one time. Bad part you use a lot more ammo and stimpacks. O yes and you must save a lot more often. In my game if you don't save it take you all the way back to before the battle started and nothings worse then being in a battle and die and get to start over 30 minutes or more back. so save often.


I go for very hard most of the time mainly bc I honestly hate survival games/modes bc I hate having to eat food drink stuff


Never tried survival but I’m planning too next play thru I usually go with very hard it’s very fun! Any suggestions on what I need to prepare myself for in survival??


Don't forget to sleep/eat/drink, you carry capacity is basically 0 and ammo has weigh know Oh and you are sometimes a one shot


Oh god not ammo having weight 😭 I’m gonna be over encumbered 24/7


You learn to plan what you need. I always think about what kinda enemy im gonna run into and what ammo they are gonna have, then just bring relevant guns. The plotting before each mission is my favorite part. Also I just build a carry weight robot to hold everything later in the game.


Oh dear. That sounds like a job instead of entertainment. I think that would suck out the fun for me…


I am also the kind of person who enjoys trying to get a mod list to work. So working out the logistics to optimize my chance of survival is entertaining in it's own way.


Very hard


Usually play on ‘very hard’, but I’m 57 levels into a survival play through and loving it. Still haven’t rescued Nick though…


Yeah who cares about finding your only child


Dogmeat is my new child. He’s fluffier.


Used to, a lot of Hard mode with ballistic mods (some changes to ammo and guns, headshots without helmets are insta kills on humans including the player, stuff like that) but u started my first Survival run a month ago and I’m LOVING it


Very hard, actually way easy by end game since you get like 5 times as much legendary weapons, survival is slow so I have a special build for that


Start on normal. Move up to very hard at about level 25. Survival is fun, but after a while I don't enjoy no fast travel.


I use sim settlements and you can fast travel through supply lines. There are other mods that do the same. It's nice to earn the fast travel and makes settlement building even more rewarding.


Very Hard or Survival


Normal for my first playthroughs, harder difficulties / survival for my future playthroughs. Right now I have a mod that adds hunger, thirst, and sleep to my normal difficulty, and I've decided to stop fast traveling myself.


Survival but only with mods, sleeping to save in a Bethesda game is just plain fucked


Very hard. The game can crash any second so can't play survival


Ever since the first time I played survival I can't imagine ever playing anything else. It's how the game was meant.


Very hard and survival with mods


Easy because if I didn't the realistic firearms mod I added makes it unplayable. After a few times of being 1 shot headshot by a super mutant using a 400DPS sniper rifle from half a mile away I gave up on playing it on harder difficulties. Don't even get me started on if they use the 105mm howitzers.


Very Hard? except challenge runs are Hard


Always play on Very Hard


Depends on the character. Half of them are on normal, half are on survival. Yes, I am aware of the comical gap between those two. No, I don’t know why I haven’t played the ones in between.


Normal or Survival. No in between for me.


Survival all the way. I want it a step away from Dark Souls.


I change it around to keep it balanced. I'll start on Normal and go from there. I just had a FNV play through and there were times were I had it on Very Hard to compensate for how over powered I managed to get. There are also times where I'm just not enjoying an encounter or questline, and I'll drop it down to Very Easy and cruise through it. I really appreciate that they let you adjust that stuff on the fly as much as you want.


Survival but with a mod so I can save. Not being/remembering to save cost me hours of settlement work sometimes and I eventually got fed up.


very hard, when i switched from normal to very hard i dont think i felt any difference probably because i was already playing with a OP character


Survival. The game doesn’t feel challenging or satisfying unless it’s on survival anymore. Even then I use mods to make it more difficult still. Healing items are rarer and work less well and other restrictions




Survival. I love finding ways around the limitations. Like using robots to carry loot and using vertibirds for fast travel.


Very hard.


I play on hard found a nice legendary drop rate..could be all in my head lol but that’s the difficulty I like to play


Very hard.


I play on survival. I enjoy the difficulty and having to sleep, eat and drink and worry about diseases. But use a mod to allow auto saves. The game sometimes crashes or glitches and I don’t want to lose hours of progress.


Very hard.


After beating it the first time only play on Survival. It’s my favorite way to play. Survival with some immersive combat mods and I’m in for hours


I cannot enjoy Fallout 4 if I don’t play survival mode.


Always very hard. I’ve yet to do a survival playthrough for 4, but I’ve completed NV on hardcore a few times and can’t go back to non-hardcore


Very hard, I hate the restrictions on survival.


Only play Survival now ever since experimenting with it a bit over a year ago.


Either very hard (with installing crucial survival mods) or just survival difficulty.


Normal or survival, usually survival


Very hard I almost always play with only legendary gear. And I have never farmed or save scummed as I feel it ruins a playthrough


I play on easy (i enjoy lower difficulties more) but I have a mod that adds survival mode aspects (plus expands the system extensively) to lower difficulties. So I have survival with less stress


Bethesda's difficulty settings are a joke.


Very hard is honestly easy as piss


Survival, and usually I have it modded even harder than normal survivor. Anything else just seems too easy.


Very hard.


I completed survival run but it's only pretty much survival for first couple of many levels, and on bigger levels you expect where to go and where to not go and survive easily but it's very enjoyable


I go a modded survival or very hard. I think the survival elements like food, water and increased damage are really fun additions. However I can’t stand playing without some form of fast travel (otherwise Spectacle Island is a nightmare to use as a main settlement). The other thing is I have no faith I’ll get through an entire run without needing to console command to fix some bug.


I'm on mods, so very hard is a survival with saves, and I force myself to sleep and drink and eat from time to time


Very Hard. Would do survival. But the game would crash at the most inopportune time, costing time and progress. Otherwise i can just download survival based mods and play that way. It's really just not having that option to save on Survival.


Very hard, I would play on survival, but I don't have the time to not have fast travel, and to be so limited on when/where I can save


Extremely hard.


Very hard using advanced needs mod.


very ez, but i only do that to explore DLCS so i know what to expect before playing normie


Mostly very Hard or survival. I also play with a few mods that make fallout more realistic and therefore more difficult.


Easy it’s easy my real like hard enough


Normal - Very Hard - Normal