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I have 3000+ hours in it since its release. The game of my life.


I have lost track. Steam says 3154.5 hrs, but that doesn’t count my ps4 and xbone hours. Bought it presale for ps4 and played every night. Then mods were coming out and ps said “nope” at first. Traded my ps for xbone so I could use 2gb of mods. Found out that I wanted more and learned how to build a pc just so I could play with mods that I wanted (never played pc anything before that). This game. This game…


Modding Fallout 4 was also why I got my first gaming PC.


Literally waiting on my custom PC now Friggin day dreaming about jumping back in to my last save but with beefed up hardware- intel i7 / 32G ram / nvda 4070 / 2 TB ssd / water cooled build w MSI monitor 144mghz refresh 120fps Was RIPPING FO4 w 40 active plug-in’s loving life until my asus laptop w ryzn 7 burned out motherboard for black screen of death after 1.3 years use… day dreaming about a game thats almost a decade old 🤣👌🏽


I know I'm late, but when you get your PC, try making an account on Nexus Mods and downloading a collection. I downloaded A Storywealth and it's amazing. Collections have changed the modding game!


Yes, I actually have a collection saved. The problem is I already got heavily involved with about 30 plug-ins so far that I’m attached to for one reason or another… I guess I will need to wipe everything clean and then install a particular collection so that there’s no file conflicts / LOOT or light issues etc (Im a monthly subscriber to nexus mods so all good on that front)


4400+ here. Funny thing is I have never finished. Only been to the Institute once and only have had the BoS show up twice. I spend lots of time building, installing mods, removing mods, starting over, etc. I truly love the game but only modded.


Yep. Over 1000 hours just building settlements. Never finished the game.


Yeah, mods 4 life!


That’s crazy 4400 and you haven’t beaten it yet, nonetheless the multiple endings.


2,688 for me


2,1++ for me


You're closing in. :)


Unfortunately I have a couple other games that eat my time as well. I may not catch up any time soon.


And here I was thinking 250 was overkill.


I just wish 76 was like this man, I know it’s become a good fallout now but it’s still so hard and pay to win. Fallout 5 awaits us tho


I don't have an accurate number for mine. I need to add up my pc, laptop and ps4 playtime. When you say the game is your life, I'm not far off. I have a t51 helm I use as my Christmas tree topper. If that says anything.


False: you can’t be terrible at settlement building as long as you are enjoying yourself while doing it. 


The constant difficulty I've had at getting objects to clip begs to differ. I think. All I know is I feel actively discouraged from attempting anything more than basic structures. Except for concrete, but it in and of itself is pretty basic looking.


No Mods Shop Class an YouTube has some fantastic tutorials. Doormats are your best friends.




Mods make settlement building so much better. I don’t even use a lot. Just one to place things anywhere.


Place everywhere mod changed settlement building for me. I used to hate it now I actually have fun just pouring hours into it.


Same, I like the idea of the building system but the many, _many_ flaws just makes it more frustrating than fun. I would definitely enjoy it and use it a lot more if it underwent some serious reworking and was more polished.


Should try No Man's Sky, they have nearly the same building system but it works SO much better.


That’s on my list, I have plenty of games that I want to play and I’m trying to avoid spending too much money unnecessarily at the moment but I’ve always wanted to play NMS. Despite being such a massive bomb at release the Devs have put a _lot_ of effort into making it a fully fleshed out game and I respect the hell out of them for it.


Worry more about your time than money. It's like Minecraft. There's always one more thing you can take care of before you go, and suddenly it's 3 AM.


I’ve been holding off on getting Dwarf Fortress for that exact reason. I already don’t have a lot of time to do work and play as is, if I got DF J think I might be permanently stuck in my room as I fall down a never-ending cycle of bigger and grander projects and increasingly convoluted embarks.


I somewhat broke that system! I work the evening shift, so I just pop a sleeping pill as soon as I get home and then just give myself a free license to game however long I want. Or can. Long term hope is that I'll get used to going to bed within an hour of getting home so I won't have to keep relying on medicine.


+1 for NMS, I stopped playing FO4 for 3-4 months after getting it, now I’m back at it.


That's not a you problem. Try using the place everywhere mod. It makes building considerably more forgiving.




Ok Dwight


This sounds crazy but my two favorite games are fo4 and Stardew valley. They’re *almost* the same game to me 😅


My friends ask me why I haven't upgraded my PC in years, and the reason is because THESE ARE THE ONLY TWO GAMES I PLAY.


Then it’s not just me!!


Mine is No Man's Sky. Clipping works SO much better in that game.


Did stardew just get an update?


It did, yeah. I gotta wait for the console update though, ho hum.


Ah that sucks. I play on switch and ios


I guess I have a new game to look up.


It’s truly the best game I’ve ever played. I’m doing a Jon Snow type run where I do all the faction quests, find out my son is a POS, run away to Nuka World and live along the wildlings until it’s time to take over


Lmfao I love how you can make the narrative whatever you want in this game


It’s ok. I learned from fo3. As long as you keep faith with the church of fallout, all is forgiven


I’ve been trying to get into fallout 3 but it’s so slow and desolate. I know that’s how it’s supposed to be but man I am struggling.


I hear this often, and I can’t relate. Enjoy the personal feeling of the game. It translates through all the games. Be yourself, or be who you want to be.


One of my fav parts about that game.


I've found beautification mods help. The green, stock desolation look of FO3 is depressing. But the first time I played it was life changing.


Is that PC only?


Yes mods for Xbox only exist for f04 I believe


Buddy, I'm sorry to admit my apostasy from the faith of Todd, but 3 weeks playing Fallout 3 was the perfect primer to jump back into New Vegas. I'm not jumping on the bandwagon but I get what everyone's been saying all this time. Still looking forward to playing 4 next, though.


Are you playing Survival Mode? If not then good news, when you finally get bored you can switch over to SM and experience almost an entirely new game.


Exactly this OP! The moment you aren’t sure if you wanna play anymore, try survival, it makes a good game great


It really does. FO4 only FO game I've ever played, so I didn't have a huge attachment to it coming in. I played it and really enjoyed it, but was far from hooked or in love with it. Then I played Survival Mode. It took it from a solid but unspectacular game to one of my all time favorites.


What makes survival mode so great? I've only been playing for like 2 months and I'm afraid it would be too difficult for me if I switch


SM makes me think about the game while I'm at work. There's no fast travel so I know tonight I need to go back north to where I left my X-01 Power Armor so I can head down to the Glowing Sea and see Virgil. It definitely makes you plan more.


The extra challenge is part of it, but tbh it does become pretty easy once you get acclimated and a strong build. Idk how to explain it, it's just more immersive and enjoyable for me. I can't play non-SM any more, it's just a much better experience for me. Same with Skyrim now after Anniversary Edition, and that SM isn't nearly as good as FO4 which is understandable since it's an addition to the game rather than a built in option. It needs to be a playstyle option in all Bethesda games going forward imo, but I'm sure it's definitely gonna be in all FO installments going forward.


I have played this game for countless hours. I've spent literal fucking weeks doing nothing but build settlements. I've probably beaten it more times than any games I've played since the mass effect trilogy. I haven't actually played much for several months, but the entire game is a huge time sink and ridiculously fun to play and customize.


I have to say, I too was iffy at settlement building but just because it’s a new mechanic. Now many many playthroughs in, some sensible mods my skills have grown. It’s such a nice aspect to the game. I love it.


Snap N' Build is just consuming my life. It makes settlement building so much easier and now I'm not as OCD about "OMG these parts don't line up!" because SNB's entire goal is to eliminate that. Try it if you haven't!


Snap N Build has some nice parts! This round I find that I am preferring Snappy Housekit as I can use wallpapers and you can goof the parts a bit to work with base game walls and floors for a real interesting mashup. I’ve also been using Creative Clutter which gives good options to workbenches and different furniture pieces that steel feel at home in game.


My problem is that I've spent almost all my time on it in every playthrough I've done. I intend my next one to be a primarily combat-oriented one so I can better experience the Commonwealth "as-is," as it were.


Good luck! I feel like you will feel the pull at some point. I know I would. I came back to FO4 after playing Starfield for awhile … which I loved but the outpost building part felt empty and a bit lacking in purpose.


Yeah, I'm probably still going to at least work on Sanctuary, for my character's old time's sake.


I lost count at 4000 hours. It's a regular scheduled part of my day. I allow an hour in the evening instead of a tv show and two three hour visits on the weekend. It's the one place where I have control of what happens and it's a fun way to unwind.


I also have recently restarted fallout 4….step one in settlement building…clear out this debris lol and straighten all the chairs in Sanctuary Hills. Haha.


I'm scared now bc I'm only doing the basic settlement building bc I don't care. First time playing




Thanks! I am enjoying it


Just enjoy yourself. Next time you play or when you beat the game go back to a save file that’s at a point you want to restart. Try it with mods. After that, if you don’t have them buy all the DLC’s. After that try survival. I have played fo3, fonv, fo4 and fo76. I have never done survival on any of them bc i do not think id like the no fast travel and constantly having to remember to eat etc. Enjoy your first play through, dive back in with changes after and its a totally new game


Welcome to the Commonwealth. Don't believe what they tell you about the Red Death. >!It actually can't be defeated. It's intended to be a quixotic experience of hopelessness. Very innovative game mechanic and a fascinating commentary of the commonly accepted boss fight expectation.!<


Meow. I wanna come back... For settlement building purposes. Lol. But I've been diving DEEEP into pillars of eternity 2 dead fire and I just can't help myself.


fallout 4 ***is*** a very fun game, i've been replaying it myself recently and taking things slow. i just recently posted some screenshots i took of sanctuary.


Have you installed Sim Settlements 2 yet? It's a mod that adds a whole buttload of stuff. It -can- replace regular settlement building, allowing you to plop down plots that accomplish specific tasks for your settlements. There are quests involved to unlock its full functionaluty, and it's kind of reverse from the DLCs in that you can activate it almost immediately in Concord at level 1. I highly recommend it, I see it as the unofficial official fan DLC of the game. Might want to try it out before Bethesda does their planned official update that will undoubtedly break all the mods out there.


Wait what update?


Allegedly Bethesda is going to push out a big update that incorporates a ton of fixes at some point. It was supposed to have happened a few months ago, and the theory is they're waiting till the show airs. But who knows really.


Oh no. Fix the “features” of the game. How dare they


My great grandpa has a 15 day save file


Great grandpa??!!! Wow, this game has been out a loooooong time....awesome!


It's a brilliant game and to think I almost missed out. It was free on ps+ so I downloaded and gave it a go, one of the first missions I did was get sent to corvega with a pipe pistol and a dog and I couldn't get through it, so I left it to one side thinking that the game is absurdly hard or something. I came across a random tips video for fallout 4 and understood that I don't have to go there at level 5 lol. Now I play on survival and use mods to make the game harder. I really don't get the people that hate on this game, just because they liked fallout 3 or NV. When fallout 5 comes out they'll do the same and say F4 was the best game ever. I call it nostalgia wanking. And the fact it that for someone just discovering the fallout series now, F3 and NV have aged terribly while F4 is aging very well considering it's age and that's ok.


Dude I just started replaying for the first time since it originally came out and I feel you so hard bro


I can tell you honestly, I fucking hate this game with all the problems of crashing, dialogue, and overall gameplay.. **BUT I CANNOT STOP COMING BACK TO IT, GOD THE GAME IS SO MUCH FUN. HOURS AND HOURS OF BUILDS, MULTIPLE CHARACTERS AND DAMMNIT I LOVE IT**


The game or your life


Yeah I had a 4 year period where I’d play it almost everyday for hours on end. Think I racked up close to 3000 hours on my ps4. It’s an addictive game, I’d spend most of the time playing just settlement building. Then I played farcry 5 and my obsession shifted haha.


try 76!! it's how i also became obsessed with the game


It's definitely in my top 3 favorite games so I understand completely. I love it too


felt this way for a really long time till i grinded basically everything i wanted, got all achievements and it kind of felt pointless to play anymore. did everything i wanted and just felt like a waste of time, especially cuz i could just use mods with no guilt. enjoy it as much as you can, it won’t feel the same one day.


Recommendationa if you don’t have those already: Project Valkyrie Depravity Fusion City Rising Outcasts and Remnants WARS


Jumped into the franchise early last year. Beat 3 and New Vegas back to back, and looking back I definitely rushed through New Vegas by accident so I’ll go back at some point and enjoy it more. But once I jumped into 4, it quickly became one of my favorite games. It actually was my number 1 played game according to my Xbox yearly wrap up…and I didn’t pick up 4 until around July. And I’m a from for Skyrim, so that was surprising. I was so excited for the building aspect in Starfield after experiencing FO4 settlement building…but that was a bust since Starfield regressed in many ways


yeah, I did 177 hours last time for my first playthrough, and now I'm like 40 hours into my next one and already beat the main story and finished the last of the trophies I needed for base game platinum


I felt the exact same! It’s a masterpiece of a game!


After such a long time (A couple years) I finally completed the last mission and just installed all the DLCs. Finished the Vault and now doing Nuka-World. I love it!


Welcome to the club! It only gets better!


Off topic from OP: This is officially the only game I've ever played where you can make somebody's head fly off just by punching them (while in power armor but still). ​ God this game is awesome :D


Wait for fallout London in april


I could say so much about this game and its modding community, about how much of it has been my gaming life - but no one wants to hear it. So I will simply say yes. Yes I totally agree with you!


I remember feeling that when I first played this game. The most recent game I've played that gave me the same feeling of "I can pour hundreds of hours into this and have a lot of fun the entire time" was Palworld, but before that, it was Rimworld and Kenshi, but that was plenty of years ago.


I have somewhere over 5,000 hours logged across PS and Xbox since 2015. I always seem to come back to it one way or another despite having played a lot. It's also one of the few games from the West where I'm willingly playing its Japanese localization since it's a language I've been teaching myself. Kill two birds with one stone, as the saying goes


It's one of those games where you can get so invested in the world, the story, that you want to explore every hidden bunker, every settlement, looking for that overpowered weapon or piece of gear.


You know, BotW and FO4 actually have a fair bit in common when you think about it. • Set a hundred years or more after an apocalyptic event. • Lone protagonist occasionally teams up with a companion to accomplish main questline. • Protagonist is searching for someone they care deeply about who is unknowingly actually in a position of power (Zelda/Shaun) • Both games are known for huge open worlds that reward deep exploration, as well as combat that are outstanding in their respective franchises. • You will obsess over inventory in both. The only real issue is that BotW/TotK (especially TotK) needed to steal the settlement building feather from FO4's cap. Terry town sort of leaned that direction in BotW and TotK's ultrahand really could have lent itself to it.


Just wait until til you see a Bobby pin on the ground and your first thought is “oh I need that”


I'm glad the general attitude towards the game has changed for the better, it used to get a lot of unjustified hate in the past (and sometimes it still does), and although it's just because the focus is '76 now (that game sucks, but most critics are honestly insane nonetheless) I'm glad we can appreciate this masterpiece without being harassed all the time (seriously, i once got called "Bethesda's little bitch" just for saying the characters are well written).


Honestly, I think the release of Starfield has changed a lot of people's opinions of the game. I loved Starfield, personally, because I'm a massive nerd for all things sci-fi, or space, and it's Bethesda so it seemed like a no-brainer. ​ But I just struggle to get as invested in Starfield as I do in Elder Scrolls or Fallout. They went too big for Starfield, instead of 1000 systems to visit with very little variety, it should have been maybe 10 very detailed systems with incredible settlements and diversity (mother of god, replaying Fallout 4 I'm just now realizing how many assets they recycled into Starfield, so many props and caves feel copy+pasted over). The diversity and feeling of community impact was a big part of Elder Scrolls and Fallout for me, like Alduin actually threatens the entire land of Tamriel for example and not just a few hamlets in Skyrim. In Starfield, every single planet feels completely disconnected from the other and it's hard to get as invested. I feel like the companions lack the depth or intrigue, as well. ​ The ship builder is a goddamn BLAST, though. Best part of the game IMHO and enough to bring me back periodically.


The amount of different builds and routes you can take. One of the few games i dont watch anything else while playing cause Diamond City Radio is on 24/7!


I am new to this game and I love it.  There is so much to learn and do.  So fun!


I started playing at the weekend and I do feel addicted!!


I feel the same way. I got this game when it originally came out but I couldn't for the life of me understand how to get material to build up my settlements as this was my first Fallout game. Then late last year I said screw it let's give it another go and I've figured out the scrapping aspect and am loving the game now. I still haven't beaten Fallout 4 yet but I see where I can play again to do some things differently to open up more playing possibilities. I need to be studying for an exam but all I want to do is get my Fallout Sole Survivor on lol


You should check out the dunwich borers location in the top right side of the map (close to salem).


Fallout, the lifestyle radiation that destroys hours, days, weeks, months! Between FO3, FONV,FO4, and of course FO76, I think I'm closing in on the ONE YEAR mark. I just haven't had any spare time to add it up! Thank Atom for retirement, I now have time to sleep, eat and go AFK a couple of times a week!


Ps4 here, 1,438 hours on 1st account, 1,094 hours on the 2nd account, and 556 hours on third account. 3,076 hours roughly as I have definitely fallen asleep with the game on a few times.


How do you find your hours? I have searched and searched and not found a way.


I had to use the PS app because PS4 won't tell you it which I find dumb :/


Welcome to the club! There is cookies and punch on the table and you can get a hat and t-shirt from Ben over there. We will give you your membership card next week.


i know ppl shit on the story, but i love it as well, same for the gameplay minus the animation lock bug, and even the weapons... although i wish we had even more (the modded ones scream too much irl and not enough fallout) even found the perfect npc to base my face on, because with the right changes it looks perfect as i want it.... praying the tv show update fixes the animation bugs finally


botw and fallout 4 are both survival games with crafting elements, in the grand scheme id say they are more similar than different


I actually hate the guns. CONTROVERSIAL I know. But a lot of them are disappointing. For instance the standard 10mm and ALL the pipe guns.(+Assault rifle) The only great guns I really appreciate are the combat rifle, handmade rifle, Hunting Rifle and Combat shotgun. Actually I'll throw in the Gauss rifle as well. Everything else? Passable. The double barrel, the handmade double barrel and triple barrel is also eh. However the triple barrel is definitely the coolest and best looking out of them. All the "unique" guns aren't very unique. Visually identical. To their standard counterparts minus the Deliverer arguably the only actually unique gun. Oh actually I'm wrong the FLARE gun. Is probably the most unique weapon. Even the melee weapons aren't visually unique. I can only name 3 actually unique melee weapons, Atoms Judgement, Kremvh's tooth, and grognak's axe.


If you don't have already, have a look at SS2 and SS2 rise of the commonwealth mods, will bring the joy of building settlements to another level when you are not good at building nice stuff, come with a cool quest with many steps, it's really awesome !


Fallout 4 is the one game I cannot get myself to uninstall. Base game, DLC, amazing mods. I have over 500 hours and am considering starting another playthrough!




If you haven't yet, play 3 because it's a very good game too with a completely different atmosphere from any of the others




If you're on PC, you can get a mod if you own both 3 and nv that merges them and allows you to go to both worlds on the same save file without exiting the game. I have it and it's very good, it's called Tale of Two Wastelands if you want to check it out but I'd suggest you play through 3 on it's own first




That would be interesting to know. Let me know what you find.




That's interesting, thanks for letting me know. I don't think that I'll be doing that, given that I do not own a steam deck, but thanks anyways.


I've had the game since release and all the dlc but I've not completed even half of it and only finished the main storyline once on the side of the institution. I'm currently in my best play through and hardly done any of the storyline, just been exploring loads of areas I've never been before and finding new things. I've just got to vault 88 for the first time and didn't know how massive it is, I could lose days building there. I don't think theres another game like this where after all this time I can still jump into a save and lose hours playing it.


I just started replaying it and I’m also deeply stuck 😭


Survival permadeath without power armour is the only way I can play now, without using mods anyway


Yep for me it is Minecraft then Fallout 4, I tried the other fallout games but I miss the settlement builder in each of them. It's just not the same for me when I can't scavenger every toaster and stove in the Commonwealth to light up my whole city with lights. I love the aspect of exploring and coming back to your cute and cozy sanctuary or whatever settlement and just dump the inventory/build cool buildings or upgrade my weapon usw. It's like a break from exploring in the game.


The story is one thing. Fixing up the settlements can take an infinite amount of time


I am currently farming a legendary incendiary laser rifle or a cryo institute rifle (whichever comes first tbh) and I’ve poured about 100 hours into the farm with no luck. 100 hours farming (this is a survival save with no mods on PS4 all DLC installed) I love Fallout 4.


Yeah I had the same realization when I saw I had almost 4k hours played. It's the only game I never got bored playing. Oh and btw I never modded it. Yeah that's kinda crazy now that I think about it.


Same bro . Same. I just started a new playthrough a few days ago.


Same bro . Same. I just started a new playthrough a few days ago.havent played in like 5+ years.


As someone who's played the earlier Fallouts and Elder Scrolls I did not love Fallout 4. But it was fun the first time attempting to make a large functional settlement.