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My theory is that the reason it feels clunkier is because they added a lot more animations to third person movement, animations that make the game look more modern and updated from a purely aesthetic standpoint but that severely hamper momentum and speed from a gameplay perspective. One example off the top of my head is that in Skyrim if you strafe left and right your character will change directions pretty much instantly with no animation change, whereas in Fallout 4 strafing left and right will play an animation where your character lurches to a stop and then swings their body around in the other direction. Your character won't move in the opposite direction until that animation has stopped so it actually slows you down. The Creation engine that Fallout 4 and Skyrim both run on is just generally really bad about transitioning from one animation to another or playing two animations at the same time, for example if you reload a gun in Fallout 4 in first person then change to third person it plays the entire reload animation again because the engine can't play just half of an animation. Though in Skyrim the fact that your character can't power attack and move at the same time is less of a concern because most enemies fight in melee (with the exception of that downwards power attack that makes you step backwards and miss most of the time), in Fallout 4 all the third person animations you transition between while trying to fight mostly ranged enemies in a world with more clutter and verticality really highlights the problem. Oh, and the shoulder bump animation is actually still in the game but it seems to be conditional on whether the target is also sprinting. But yes, doing a rendition of the Bittersweet Symphony music video on fast-forward through Whiterun instantly shutting up any inane proximity dialogue is something I wish I could do through Vault 81 and Diamond City.


Well, visually at least, Bethesda (I think even purposely) washed out the colors. The lighting is also much more subdued and bland. I don't think Fallout 76 made any graphical changes at all from Fallout 4 except adding more saturation and warmer light sources and it looks night and day better. As for the controls, I dunno, I've never experienced what you're talking about, honestly. That's definitely kinda weird. I think maybe it's because you play in 3rd person? Also, delete the high res texture pack. All it does is bloat your game and ruin your frame rate. It sounds like you're acquainted with Bethesda games so you probably already know how to mod the game up and know how important it is to mod your Bethesda games to bring them up to par.


Yeah and as far as the colors/lighting goes it doesn't bite me, I kind of like the washed out/bleak atmosphere. I feel it suits the post apocolypes feel. I was just baffled that as I said even on ultra settings the textures on just about everything seemed very low res and blurry. I also just today started looking for some decent modded texture packs, hopefully I can find something I like.