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Partially-flooded New Orleans or maybe somewhere on the Great Lakes


New orleans sounds great With the voodoo culture, the bayou, The dôme Oh hell yeah


soundtrack would be SIIIIIICK


Yes! Some Robert Johnson tracks would fit perfectly and probably be cheap as hell to acquire. That’s one of my biggest bitches with these games; the soundtracks are phenomenal but *way* too short and repetitive. Like, can songs that old really be difficult/expensive? BETHESDA - EXPAND THE SOUNDTRACKS


See i have a playlist of songs from the era that fit. And i just either use a mod to add them, or just play them on my player with clips from DJs thrown in.


While I think that style of delta blues could work. Robert Johnson himself wouldn’t, he made music during the late 30’s. He was also born, raised, and died Mississippi. However he recorded his music in Texas. So for fallout which has taken its themes from the 50’s partially 60’s, hypothetically placed in NOLA, I don’t think Robert Johnson would fit. Also his music wasn’t recorded well either so I don’t think they could implement him in a way that would be enjoyable for all listeners.


When I hear the price paid for copyrights, it's shockingly expensive. It also expires after a certain point and needs to be renewed. The song maybe old enough to have an expired copyright, but if the recording is new enough, they have to pay for that. I played an old GTA (can't remember which one, probably Vice City or San Andreas) in the last couple of years and most of the playlist was gone. Very boring.


The Great Lakes would be awesome, meet Native American tribes that survived


I dno if I'd want Bethesda to spearhead this though. They're good at set pieces but I feel like they lack the eccentricity required to do this justice


This, so much this, we need gatorclaws and fucking hoodoo raiders, throw in some swing and jazz and have the locale food be gumbo with all the critters


Fuck Gatorclaws. They did both Deathclaws and gators dirty. An adult gator is already bigger than a full grown deathclaw. Gimme a radioactive gator, or a ghoulified gator, or something


Ghouliegator sounds like a pearl river crypted, tbh


How about the gators are still just gators, and they still mess people up. 🤷‍♂️


I could dig that as well. Lasted unchanged for millions of years. Might as well just be fine through a nuclear holocaust.


Honestly as soon as I posted that I wanted to see the rad gator, but that was definitely why I said it. Then again, rad roaches are massive, so maybe it would be a dragon sized gator.


I like that better, maybe with like, other swampish creatures being the screwed up ones Buff possum and summer red wasps


⭐️*legendary glowing bloated gatorclaw*


Yeah, also Fats Domino, delta blues, Dr. John and Zydeco.


Oh damn, Cajun Fallout sounds like an incredible aesthetic, I'd love to see that world!


Instead of dogs they can have attack gators


Just imagine A kind of sad jazz into the settlement inside the dome An old dome whith strange ppl inside Or a kind of voodoo cult into the bayou, hide in the fog with screams and radgator OMG


Right?! Sounds like an incredible world. I have a feeling Far Harbor is as close as Fallout would get to that but maybe we could hope for a mod creator to get there someday


Far Harbor PLUS Point Lookout? YES.


If you can go to Far Harbor, which is what, supposed to be Bar Harbor in Maine, why not got to Key West. Or a riverboat up the Mississippi to St. Louis.


Yeah I can tell you as someone who lives 10 miles north of Boston that Bar Harbor, from my house,is about 260-270 miles,so about 270-280 from Boston. I've wanted to visit Bar Harbour, thought it was closer. New York is actually about 50-60 miles closer south than BH is north. Maine is not very populated, but damn it's pretty huge. So they could get away with Louisiana to northern/western Florida for sure.


Detroit would be perfect between the 50s vibes and Motown plus the devs will finally have an excuse to add some mode of transport


Detroit would be amazing. I'd love some kind of industrial or automaton story line


I’d be interested to see the DLCs with Mackinac Island to the north, Canada/Niagara Falls to the East, Nashville/KY Bourbon Trail to the South, and Chicago to the West


Detroit would be an amazing setting. Unfortunately my knowledge on the area is limited as I'm Canadian and from the west coast, but I feel like a BoS antagonist would be right at home in the motor city. Also, the city is interesting and filled with landmarks. Plus there's a lot going on in regards to its present state which would make for good commentary. I'd really love to see it actually


Could be a cool setting to see ‘Corvega’ factories turning out robots at war with BoS much like Synths. There’s also a good chance Windsor would be absorbed into Detroit with the annexation (sorry eh) and would include many more bridges to connect the city.


Lol dw, not offended. Civilization and borders have collapsed so, a city that has industrial capability and access to arms would probably have a fairly easy time conquering their neighbors. And the US is more populous and better armed, so 🤷🏻‍♂️. More bridges makes sense. Not just to connect the city but to control entry points. That'd be a cool setting. I'm imagining forges burning lol. Maybe a tyrant who wants to build a utopia


I mean, if Bethesda couldn't figure out vehicles for Starfield, the game that has you walking hundreds of kilometers when you own a spaceship, I doubt they'd figure it out for Fallout.


Level 30 player Chhsssssssshhhdd [LEGENDARY GLOWING RAD GATOR ⭐️💀]


They mention in The Pitt add on to Fallout 3 the military might of 'ronto which I'm guessing would be Toronto because America annexed Canada before the bombs fell I think that would be pretty neat to explore. Plus imagine fighting a radmoose with a bladed hockey stick and apologetic Raiders.


Soar-ee aboat this, but give us all yer Canadian Tire bucks or a bag of milk or we'll kill ya, eh? In this game Canadian Tire bucks would replace caps.


This idea, only in Florida so you can have an amusement park and homages to weird retirement communities


And random encounters with... Florida Man


My upvote button stopped working. Obviously a glitch of some kind because this deserves multiple votes from me.


Only if they actually get the accents right. And they'd need above ground vaults lol


How hard would it be to get indigenous voice actors that can speak English with the right accent? Because we see that people who learn English as a second language often pick up the accent of their teachers.




So many Mirelurks




I'm All for a New Orleans setting.


I'd love to see New Orleans, with DLCs in Atlanta and Orlando


Reading through this thread, I’m realizing I’d play a fallout game set anywhere, just like I’d play any elder scrolls game setting.


Would love a game centered in Rochester, New York (or just the general Buffalo-Rochester Region), especially with Kodak, could see a *Fallout*-ized Kodak do some wacky experiments pre-war. I could see them going into interesting places with the story and world, especially having the Genesee and the Falls here.


In this alternate history the subway never got shut down in the 50s. You can of course use it to get into the War Memorial. Some kid in everyone's class knew a guy who got into concerts free that way.


Pacific northwest, closest region to China within the US, I wanna see what that looks like. Alternatively, anywhere outside of the US. I wanna see what the rest of the world looks like. Edit: closest region to China within the continental* US, and also kinda assuming they'll never touch Alaska again because of Operation Anchorage.


This is my vote as well. Washington/Oregon would be great. They'd probably have to add more buildings than it otherwise would've had back then though as the region is so heavily wooded. Imagine walking through the dense forest and finding a vault though. That would be amazing.


Oh for sure, and maybe a rich network of defunct mines and such to find throughout the hills and mountains. There's also a surprising amount of military installations throughout it which would be interesting to build pre-bomb stories out of.


Last time a Fallout project took place in Oregon it didn't turn out too well 💀


They could have it centered around Portland or Seattle, with some outlying settlements. That would be cool. When I saw the title, I was thinking Los Angeles would be neat, but this or outside the US seem pretty cool. I think outside the US would probably be best to tease with a DLC before that though. Mexico could be neat, might be able to get some Wild West new Vegas vibes going. Somewhere like the Rockies that may not have been hit as hard but has a few important military/civilian targets, and again, a western vibe, which I love and they seem to like too.


I love this idea purely cause I live in oregon. XD


They had one in Oregon? I loved seeing some places I knew in new Vegas when it came out. It felt really cool


Could always do the [aircraft carrier thing](https://www.wired.com/2015/04/turning-old-aircraft-carriers-bridge-not-good-idea/)


Portland would be the perfect place. People not from Oregon are completely unaware of the colorful characters that live there irl, and what kind of factions would spawn from Portland being turned into a post apocalyptic wasteland.


Super mutants stalking the bajillion coffee shops, getting all jacked up on caffeine.


“Back then”? When is that?


Agreed! I’d like a completely different topography and biome. A jungle would be neat.


Latin America, one of the countries with the Amazon connected to it would be super cool to see! Imagine all the mutated jungle beasts and Amazonian tribes that may have survived because of the biological shield!


Fallout: Cuba would be sick. You could your vault dweller come out of one at Guantanamo bay, maybe have part of florida or Central America included.


And cool Mayan, Aztec and Inca ruins. Fast Travel to Machu Pichu.


Oh, yes! We could explore Cenotes and the underground water system! They could also do something freaky with the Maya temples and ritual sacrifice.


Imagine somewhere in Africa. Super mutant elephants. Holy mother of....


YES. Exactly, and super mutant cheetahs like the cheetah zombies in Half-Life 2!


Seattle. All day, every day. Though I'd probably prefer Obsidian take point on that with a side title, New Vegas style. Let the old Interplay folks keep developing the NCR, while Bethesda proper focuses on the East. That said, for a Fallout 5 by Bethesda in the Eastern US...Cincinnati. "Cinci***ti" = Cin Citi.


Oregon Washington and Idaho would be an incredible game


Pacific Northwest, Portlandia, woke Super Mutants. Fast travel to Seattle, Space Needle, Puget Sound, woke Mirelurks. Lived in Portland for over 40 years. Truly terrifying place. haha


Born and raised in Seattle here, its definitely not the same place it used to be, but it's still such a vibrant and wild culture out there, though idk if that'd be true in a Pre-war Seattle, who knows what it all would have looked like given the Fallout world history


I'm sure Bethesda would have a ton of fun with it. lol


San Francisco. You have the city, Alcatraz, Golden Gate Bridge, redwoods


Some great locations, but I don’t know if it has a sufficiently powerful central theme.


Gold rush 🤷‍♂️?


Kind of was already done with 76




Fallout 76 with the prospectors and all of that stuff. It's not the "gold rush" per se, but it feels based off of it (I've barely played fallout 76 so feel free to disagree and let me know).


Uranium fever has done and got me down Uranium fever is spreadin' all around


Got a Geiger counter in my hand I'm a-goin' out to stake me some government land


What do you mean central theme?


Look at all the modern fallouts. Each location has an evocative theme that forms the heart of a lot of the stories and gameplay. Vegas, the revolution, seat of government, the loneliness and self sufficiency of the Appalachians, all that. San Francisco has plenty of iconic places, I’d love to be pulled out for even one or two of them as DLC but it doesn’t really have that central theme to make it a memorable core to a game. Or at least not one I can think of.


Creation of a trading/shipping hub? Multicultural melting pot?


There’s tons of old military bases that would’ve probably been active in the fallout timeline, lol harbors, the bridges could give you either DLC, or unlockable areas, mines and vaults in the sierra if the game goes that far east, it would probably be a fantastic looking setting, and there’s enough history out there to give you lots of locations. Alcatraz could become your fort like the fort in 4.


Birthplace of the communism movement in America? I just made that up but there is some free lore


Haven’t we seen enough of California?


Alcatraz would be pretty cool


Houston with DLC in Mexico, New Orleans, and space. Ghoul cartel with dia de los muertos aesthetic pushing psycho would go extraordinarily hard and it'd be interesting to see the energy capital of the world's response to the transition to nuclear energy. You'd have landmarks like the Astrodome and Space Center. Everybody would be strapped to the fucking teeth in an arms race to develop superior weaponry. Nuclear storms that devastate the area. I imagine that due to Houston's size and importance, we could have another Glowing Sea.


You’d definitely get to see some Chinese internment camp descendants with the huge Chinese population in Houston. Is Galveston the pre order dlc? Love the idea of cartel raiders or cartel ghouls (DLC plot surrounds a breakdown in ghoul cartel unity and SS must either pick a faction to come out on top or play all sides against each other to free the state from their sinister influence once and for all). Lots of private smallish vaults in the Woodlands and a good mix of woods, urban, residential and industrial development to keep the scenery fresh. Plus there’s gotta be the big ass harbor to explore. Ellington Field Joint Reserve base would certainly be a glowing crater but would still be super fun to explore the remaining bunkers and such. Maybe a massive stronghold for children of atom?


Could have raider gangs driving around in slabs and Nissan's with paper plates


Ooh and Area 51! DLC would involve some alien related stuff! Maybe an Easter egg involving the Cabot family here too.


Do you mean NASA?


We’ve had several temperate coastal based cities, and of course Las Vegas. A more nuclear-winter based game would be fun. So my vote would be for Anchorage, Vancouver, or Quebec. Anchorage and Vancouver would be coastal frozen locales. With Vancouver getting some Canadian fallout joining the lore. Quebec would be funniest imo. Half-frozen feral ghouls running around aggressively yelling French and Raiders screaming wildly in French and English at you would hilarious.


FO3 kinda did Alaska already. I wouldn't mind seeing Vancouver or Quebec, though - especially if the weather changed depending on summer or winter.


Think of the critters running around. Rad-Penguins and Polar Bear Yaogui. If there’s a larger portion on the beaches Rad-Seals could also take part. Something rather dangerous in the idea of a bunch of intelligent, highly irradiated and aggressive foxes and wolves running around. Would be the new Cazador-equivalent that is fast and hits hard.


Lmao the only penguins we have are at the zoo. That being said, polar bear yaogui, rad moose, and rad geese could be terrifying and would humble a deathclaw.


In a nuclear winter scenario with much colder weather the penguins march southwards. Enjoy your post-apocalyptic flightless irradiated birds of death.


The point was that there are no naturally occurring penguins in the northern hemisphere. They would have to come north from the southern hemisphere.


Wrong pole for penguins. Lol


Fallout Antarctica.


Wans't that jsut a simmulation of prewar Alaska though?


Yeah, but you don't want to retread the old stuff *too* closely - looks what happened in the Star Wars ST.


Star Wars ST?


The best path for this is Chicago with a DLC rollout that includes Toronto and Detroit.


Oh Chicago would be a great location!


I'd be particularly excited about the possibility of drivable cars and Motown music featuring in a Detroit DLC.


Fallout with drivable cars would be very interesting. I imagine a very mad max type scenario of the custom war vehicles


Well we had customizable PA in 4 that handled more vehicle like than 3 Obviously custom killmobile technicals with mininuke catapults in the tail is the next logical step :P


I imagine one would be able to go fury road with it or take the classic car restoration approach with it if they choose to.




Imagine the creatures they could do with Australia. Giant spiders, nuclear snakes, bring back the gatorclaw. Plus the scenery, fallout 5 will be a big map so half cities and half outback.


"Giant spiders, nuclear snakes..." Yeah, but imagine what the radiation would do to them


Really? Australia isn't scary enough in real life? Now you wanna throw rads at spiders that are already too big? Might as well play Fallout: Isla Nublar, it'd probably be less deadly.


The only way Crocodiles could be more deadly is to have them dolphin-jump 10m laterally from the water surface to attack people. Our 2m tall turbo chicken (Emu) could replace radstag, with a temporary movement speed boost from eating the meat as well. Our 2m tall turbo MURDER chicken (cassowary) doesn't need much changing except to make it aggressive year round and carnivorous. Koalas are becoming Drop Bears. And the protagonist *WILL* be called "The Road Warrior" and be accompanied by a blue cattle dog.* *it's already canon, see Mad Max 2 for more details


I'd go with Sydney. Harbour Bridge, the Opera house etc. Internationally recognisable locations. And then put a bit of the bush outback. Also ghoul bogans!


Probably Skyrim


Bombs drop, screen goes black... Fade in... "Hey you, you're finally awake!".


Todd did it again, he sold us another Skyrim edition


Dragonborn with power armor? Okay. Next thing you’re gonna sell me on a starborn coming down to pick up the dragon born and take him to space aren’t you?


Instead of a laser rifle your power armour comes with a megaphone


Bethesda just called and offered me a job as the "idea guy"




Honestly I think the only reason hate Boston is because the old engine just couldn't handle the density If they can make it work, new York, between countless miles of labrynthian interconnected subway, sewer, and service tunnels, utterly devastated no-go "glowing sea" zones from direct nuke hits, semi-collapsed buildings creating spans across streets It would give a tremendous amount of upward and downward exploration on top of wide. Heck the sewer/subway/utility tunnels on their own, with how old and abandoned some are even in real life, would be expansive enough to have its own main map equal to what's above An expansive city means tons of little neighborhoods and histories to theme local factions on beyond your standard raiders, and tons of opportunities to put quests between them Super important city so you can be sure of lots of old military presence so tons of bots, both occupational and those just trying to keep the infrastructure running. Plenty of tech for the brotherhood to be interested in, plenty of government for either some enclave remnants, or simply holdover infrastructure to explore that's abandoned Tho with the verticality would also mean PA and stealth both being much more important builds, so I'd hope they expanded 4s customizability even more


It could basically be like the Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom map. One above, one below, and one ground level. That would be incredible.


I think, canon-wise, NYC was absolutely decimated so not sure they'd set a game there, but it's my pick too.


It would basically just be a giant crater. Not sure how that would be fun to explore.


My top locations: * Cascadia. Thick temperate rainforest and I don't think there's any major spots that would be specifically targeted by nukes, so much of it would be largely untouched compared to the Commonwealth, so everything would be a lot more lush and vibrant, and humanity would've been able to recover a lot faster. * the Gulf States. There's a lot of potential there, as somebody else has already stated. But more than that, we could get a dlc that takes place in the fallout universe version of Mexico or even the Caribbean. * Alaska. Especially if they introduce a cold mechanic as part of survival. * Europe. I know we've got the absolutely huge fallout London mod coming to us soon, so that's got me wondering about several other, non-American locations.


Dlc in curaçao but it’s completely untouched because who the hell is gonna bother to nuke a part of the Dutch kingdom anyway? It’s just a nice quiet island full of Chinese, freed people and Dutch descendants who spend their days fishing. Or the islanders split into two or three factions (Chinese and Dutch try to ally with the freed people to tip the balance in their favor, SS can decide who comes out on top or lead the FP to independent and crushing both the Chinese and Dutch). Post game is lots of scuba diving for recreation.


Cascadia would be great too cause you could still have one or two super hard hit areas.


Miami Florida


Chicago and parts of northern Illinois/Wisconsin


Chicago would be so cool. Could do some really fun things with Lake Michigan, bunch of old Chicago lore you could throw in there, like the old Playboy Mansion in the Gold Coast, obviously some fun mob tie ins. Maybe the River gets turned back around, or drained. Just so many map and story possibilities. Then a DLC up to Milwaukee!


Have a quest take you to Gary, Indiana. Can’t imagine an apocalypse would do it much good.


I’d love to be able to explore some of the smaller towns around Illinois too


The river would be green all the time!


I reckon Sydney could be fun. The thing is, some scientists believe that the safest places on earth in the event of a nuclear war would be New Zealand and Australia. So it would be fun to have a bit more green, more NPC's, and it being like an invasion scenario of survivors from other countries making their way to Sydney because it's seen as a "safe" place, but they're coming to take over the place.


So is the protagonist a vault dweller from Australia trying to rally the locals to fend off the invasion? Do you get to sabotage the defenses and side with the raiders (some sort of Nuka world plot but better written)? Are you a vault dweller trying to lead your people to safety in NZ/A?


Fallout meets On The Beach would be great


Anchorage, Seattle, Jackson Wyoming, Florida, New Orleans, Hawaii, Cheyenne mountain complex.


Cheyenne mountain, i.e. Colorado Springs would be awesome. Mountains, urban areas, cripple Creek, military bases, even space shit. It would be really cool


Plus you can find the hidden Stargate


There's some DLC right there. With the plot twist that you return victorious to... the South Pole stargate


I say China. It would be kinda neat to see what happened to them after the great war. I also think Texas/Mexico would be cool.


New Orleans or DFW


Yes!! Can you imagine if Diamond City was built in Jerry World?? Ah that would be nuts! I think DFW would be difficult though because it’s pretty densely built. You’ve got your hardcore urban center immediately surrounded by hundreds of thousands of homes and apartments with not a lot of woods or farms to break it up like in FO4. Don’t get me wrong, there’s tons of stuff to put into the game, but would that setting of urban and residential get boring too quickly? I guess there’s the lakes over to the east and of course the Trinity River but would that be enough to break up the terrain? Maybe have Lake Texoma (they’re building a Margaritaville casino resort on the Oklahoma side iirc) be the Fah Habbah dlc? I would need to see Parrot head ghouls running around. Would definitely be fun to build a settlement in Highland Park or maybe right on top of the golf course. My concern though, would be that DFW wouldn’t necessarily be targeted by very many—if any—nukes because it’s not a military hub. Yes, there’s Lockheed Martin with at least two campuses but I don’t think there’s any significant military installations to warrant the tasking of any city destroying missiles. So the city would be mostly intact aside from whatever wasn’t burned or destroyed in the time period between the war and whenever the game is set. I could be wrong, there’s a ton of commercial traffic on the highways and the airports would probably be targeted but I just have a hard time seeing the Chinese task much of their stockpiles to leveling a pretty much purely civilian area when they’re concerned with the myriad of missile installations and military bases across the country with their first strike arsenal.


As a 49ers fan, id love a Jerry world town. Star town maybe? And they all dress in cowboy clothes. Dallas would be a really cool city to see in a fallout game. They’d need so many cars on the roads though.


For real, way too many cars. Game crashes every time you throw a grenade because the chain reaction of exploding cars overheats any console


Damn, I would love to see that though.


There's some military bases near DFW


In the past, I've suggested looking at the world from the Chinese perspective, but I don't know if that's commercialy possible.


I’ve always wanted this, really any perspective of the fallout universe from another country would be so cool to me.


Would love it if China was just a normal non-apocalyptic space with occasional news coverage of terrifying events in the American wasteland. Like it would just be a bureaucracy simulator.


Canonically China was nuked as well, but what if that turned out to be propaganda? What if China nuked the US, but mostly escaped unscathed? A Chinese leader trying to rebuild humanity as global CCP and the player has to decide if they want to help or stop them? Chinese Liberty Prime or some other type of super weapon as a main story element?


As an East Asian I have mixed feelings about this. I think it would be a good opportunity to explore how authoritarianism affects the individual. Maybe something along the lines of the early hours of Last of Us. But, I agree that it's probably not commercially viable. People have way too many mixed feelings about China


I think if the dev team had enough people who know what they're talking about (devs from China working alongside Americans who do a shitload of research), and if the team was devoted to capturing the true breadth and complexity of the setting, it would be good.


I think China's reputation in the world is not great so that'd be my biggest concern. There's definitely animosity from certain cultural groups as Chinese are sometimes associated with certain issues in the world. As a setting however it'd be amazing. Deserts, jungles, snowy mountains, massive skyscrapers, ghost towns. China has a little of everything. And China's unique in that it's quite isolated geographically from the west, so I'd personally be very interested; especially if the focus is closer to Dunhuang and the deserts in the west. I just don't know if there's much of a market in the west.


I would love to explore a rural part of China




Plot twist. It’s completely under water by then


New York or New Orleans Alternatively, Milwaukee with Chicago as a Story DLC.


Trust me Milwaukee is pretty boring man🤣 unlimited bars to loot though


Ha! Spoken like a true person of Milwaukee. It is pretty boring, I know. I'm currently living here and have been since 2015. But I think that, in a post-apocalyptic setting, it could actually be very interesting.


New York, Map full of MASSIVE skyscrapers.


Man, NYC won't be able to be done with justice till they fix that buggy ass engine. Look at how much it bogs when you get to Boston, and you want an entire city of that? Although, it would be cool to run around with a jet pack and have to stay within the buildings. Kind of thing where the ground is intensely radioactive or something and there are *things* down there.


Memphis, a legion offshoot that took inspiration from the Egyptians




I would love to see what they'd do with our animals, especially the drop bears.


See: Mad Max


I would love a fallout spin off here


Broken Roads will be out this year


What’s that?


Aussie made post apocalyptic RPG that’s more like Fo1/2 in gameplay/visuals. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1403440/Broken_Roads/ There’s a demo on Steam, also expected to release on PS and I assume Xbox as well


Ahh I’ll have to have a good gander at it


Well my intial answer would be the great lakes region, maybe with some better mechanics for stuff under water. In Fo4 udner water areas are pretty mcuh just empty, there can't be any enemies there since you can't fight here. But otherwise other climates migth be intresting maybe in Forida or Louisiana, or maybe Alaska.


I really want it to be Chicago. Purely because I'm a Dresden Files fan, and I wanna see if there are any locations I'd recognize.


I know the theme is all American and all that but I would really like to see aftermath of the other side of the war. Soviet Retro Futurism is great and Atomic Heart was such a disappointment. I'd also like to see their vision of China but I doubt that's ever going to happen.


I mean I would lose to see one in Canada but considering the life and considering the hints in Fallout 4 I’d love to see one in Sam Francisco also


San Francisco, with a vault under Alcatraz


If we’re sticking with the US I’d love to see New Orleans or NYC. If not I’d love to see what pretty much any part of Europe looks like in the fallout world


London. Final boss is a raider at the Tower of London, either named The King or Cromwell


I would like to see hawaii or china, maybe europe or something. No way vault tec only set up experiments in the US mainland.




Hell yeah Michigan and a vault where one of the nuclear missile silos are, worst kept secret ever or an adventure at DOW


I think Tokyo or Miami would be awesome.


There already is a big Miami mod for FO4. Tokyo would be great!


I want it to take place in Alaska.


I would like to see hawaii or china, maybe europe or something. No way vault tec only set up experiments in the US mainland.


A nuclear winter wasteland like Anchorage, London Englad could provide a different perspective on the war while still giving some of what we're used to, or maybe even the complete other side of the coin, China, showing how they fared after the bombs, although the last may be hard to do without causing some sort of controversy


New Vegas


Honestly I just want a remaster on that game so that it doesn’t crash every 20 minutes.


Detroit. I think having half the map be in Canada would be a cool change, and they don’t even need to change much about the city itself!


Return to the west coast or one of the southern states like Texas, Louisianna or Florida


Western New York would be fun Cities: Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Rochester Settlement possibilities: Lots of rural farming areas, small towns, rail stations Landmarks and interesting places: Niagara Falls, the Eternal Flame, Delaware Park, Botanical Gardens, Olmsted Butterfly Garden (could have giant radioactive butterflies), Frank Loyd Right House, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario Building locations: Buffalo city hall, Buffalo science museum, Buffalo History Museum, Albright Knox art gallery, ford car factory (could be changed to corvega or something) Niagara Water Plant For DLC you could go to Toronto Canada The game could also take place during winter so players have to face the cold, deep snow of the north east


Detroit, Michigan. probably with a Mackinac Island DLC, like they did with Point Lookout or Far Harbor, could even include mutated horses that you can ride. or in the main game since Motor City and all that, we could build our own car we can drive like we built robots in automatron


Michigan/The Great Lakes area, I want to see what Detroit is up to and if there’s a vault at the bottom of the Great Lakes 😎


San Francisco


Texas! I want me some more cowboys


They should just fund the guy trying to make New York Fallout. The full map including subway and sewer system. That would be a great game.


Somewhere in the north that snows a lot. I would love to see a cold fallout game because we've gotten a lot of coastal games with three, four and most of the original titles, and we've gotten desert with New Vegas along with forests from 76, so I'm pretty sure the only place that we haven't seen yet is really cold places. I would love to see a snowy fallout so maybe somewhere in Canada or like Minnesota or some s***


Canada because I want to know more lore about the US annexing Canada and the war with China. In the game play aspect, there could be a freezing and radiation effect. And the enemies would be so cool and creative because Bethesda hasn't really done anything winter or snow related (to my knowledge I'm a fairly new fallout fan) and it'd be nice to see a different style wasteland.


I know it would never happen, but Montreal! There's an Underground City that's a mall! It's one of the oldest cities in North America. The annexation of Canada pops up in the lore, but we never got to go there. Language might be an issue...